Boone's Firs! A Non-Partisan Family VOLUME xxxiv RESOLUTIONS Resolutions Adopted By The Parent Teachers' Association and Chamber of Commerce of Boone, N. C., In Joint Session August 14th, 1923 WHEREAS, the present public u..t?~ A:. .. .-ivuvv/l ll"U. U >11 UViri>L- IV. . i>, a.* every patron know*. entirely inadequate to the present needs of the school. The school has outgrown the room; children are crowded to suffo% cation in at least two of the rooms; sufficient ventilation is impossible, and the roof is leaking badly, it is further almost impossible to heat the building in winter sufficiently to give any sort of comfort to the children. These conditions, taken as a whole, have grown to be well night intolerable. AND WHEREAS, pending appropriation for the erection of a building on the site purchased from Mr. J. F. Hardin, the legislature of North Carolina passed an act providing a fund to be used as a practice or observation school by the Appalachian Training School. This general plan was endorsed by the Board of Education of Watauga County, and the school committee of this district was instructed to co-operate with the authorities of the Training School ijjj procuring jgflroi ds. nlatti nc buildings, fii d workii.g put d? t?i:- in ger< ral for the erection of the i AND WHEREAS, we a:- ivA-ir.ied "> that no i!? fmit? acti< . la- yet oecn take in the premises,therefore n: it resolved, thai wo, Pari- i eaehevs Association, the Chaiv.bc of Commerce, and the pa:: on.- ?.f Eooue public school, in mass meeting assembled, do hereby request and iifge the school committee ut this district to inimediately confer with the authorities ?;f the Training School and ft'id what steps are contemplated, v.i'.a: grounds can bo. procurred, and ont h: axill; to co-operation with the Training: School in pmeurring adequate and suitable grounds and such other things as are necessary to insure a speedy carrying out of the purpose and spirit of the law. And if from any cause suitable grounds, adequate to th* needs of the growing population of the district cannot be had either from failure to obtain enough land or tc agree on price of same, then the suit school committee are a.-ked to g? before the Hoard of Education ant -l . t. 4 -{* ?V- - ?,,,,, ni-AV'^o UWKUIU Ui v,,~> - . . L\ J-- - - -- suitable building for the children of -I? i. ? . , . l}_ l(.V UIMJlll *?:" li.C ?u? . AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. O. Roten, of Iowa, a na tive of Watauga county, will preacJ at the Baptist church next Sunday a 11 a. m. The church recently voted to ex tend the use of the building to ai Evangelist for ai: evangelistic meet ing. It is understood that this meet ing will begin Sunday night. Thi meeting is not under the auspices o the Baptist Church. Next Sunday the letter to the As sociation will be read to the churcl It is hoped that ail members of th church may be present tor this sex vice. Sunday School at 10 a. m.; B. \ P. Us. at 7 p. m.i Prayer meeting a Thursday 8 p. m. You are invited to attend these sei vices. F. M. Huggins, Pastor. IN THE INTEREST OF CHURCI GOING Sunday hours 2 For Sleep For church < morning & evening) At one'? own disposal i Baptist Church. Usual hours?Usual services. ^ F. M. HUGGINS, Pasto ROAD OPEN The Democrat is giad to annoum that the road from Boone to Biovrn Rock (project 17> is again open ai will remain so possibly until the ia of the month. It seems that its elc ing was absolutely unavoidable, cn a count of the heavy construction wo going on, but it has been a very gre > drawback to Boone this summer. T visitors to Blowing Rock who ha \ beer, so anxious co come to our to\ now have the opportunity, and the of our town and county who ha business over the road can be : | comodated. t Trade Wee Newspaper Published in at BOONE, SCHOOL AND TOWN NEWS On Saturday afternoon Messrs. Carl Beach ami Frank McGhee. both I of B ?one, had a narrow escape whf : j they ran over a higl embankment near Banners Elk and almost com; pletely wrecked their automobile, bur.! : only slightly injured the two young | men. Memorial services in honor of Prc. sid2lit Harding were held on Friday , afternoon in the Methodist Church in Boone the town ;tnd the Appalachian Training School students united in the service in such a manner as to ' make it one of the best services held j here recently. The County Sunday School Con vention for Watauga County was held at the Methodist Church in Valle Cruris on Saturday and Sunday, i August 11 and 12, and was well attended a large part of the county being represented by delegates from eight of the twelve townships. The commission for establishing a t Fish Hatchery spent several days the j past week looking over a number of places near Boone with the view of I locating the proposed enterprise. A i decision will be reached some time inter as to where the hatchery will heated. The commission went from to Mairiot}. Quite a number of iutvi'v-ting exvrJ cises were given at the chape! "? | Training School the past week wh ? | the students greatly etijo\oc! ; Preside ul Mjughcity went to Joi 1 v 'ty, Tenna or husi; ----- thc i first df the vt-, k, I n f. T. l> K:. kin v ? :.i Salis i Levy on Monday to visit his mother] who is sink. Prof. Liov.iium lcturit^ from a two weeks' vatetlon spent at h:> home 11; Lenoir. The Masonic Picr.ic Hehl in b ?om on Saturday 11 was very Jary i\ al tended and a goodly sum was realized for the Oxford Orphanage The ' speaker f?*r the occasion \v . 5*3:11 Governor Alfred Taylor, of f see, who delivered a groat address.j I Also on Saturday night Mr. Taylor; delivered his noted lecture "Up Salt) River" to a very large and appreci-! ative audience. All who heard Mr ? Taylor were greatly pleased as well as being informed by his great effort. J. M. DOWNUM. ' . ' Rev. H. W. Jeffcoat has accepted 5 the work in the Watauga pastorate I and is now at work in the - ftvld lie aiiu hi? fuiiillv ^lv t in the new parsonage at Mt. Pleasant, having moved last Wednesday and Thursday. Many people of the community and I parish assembled at the parsonage on " | Wednesday afternoon to welcome 1 and to extend greetings to the pas1 tor and his family. ^Nothing spoKe louaer man tne collection of supplies for the pantry that 1 were left in the kitchen. Supper was also prepared. The paster and his family wish to ^ express their grateful appreciation ; for these kindnesses and the many other expressions of thoughtfulness on the part of the good people oi the u parish. MT. PLEASANT NEWS ITEMS t Uncle John Moretz and his wife. Aunt Mary, attended services on last r_ Sunday at Holy Trinity Lutheran church on Gap Creek and visited at the home of Mr. Virgil Moretz. Rev. Jeffcoat preached at Holy I Trinity Lutheran church on last SunI day. This was his first sermon at | this place. :4 Mr. Tom Moretz visited relamea in 8 ; this section last Sunday. "> ; Mr Hftmn Blafkhurn with a .4 group of men is grading the road from Mt. Pleasant Lutheran church down the big hill. This length of r. road was in bad condition. W e hope the Toad authorities will at an early date put gravel or. the road from the Boone Trail to the county line, and re i put it in shape to be traveled at al! iKj times. id Misses Winnie and Virginia Moret: st attended services at. Holy Trinity s- j Gap Creek, on last Sunday. Master Wilbur Jeff coat is spend rk | ing several weeks with his granufath at er. he; Miss Cora Jeff coat ^nd Miss Win ve! rue Moretz left Tuesday for States vn j ville, where they will attend tne an ?se nual convention of the Woman's Mis ve sionary Society of the X. C. Luth ?c- eian Synod. They .will probably re turn Saturday. , : " - ... ' . . k August 20 to 25. Com Ski id for Boone and Watauga County, the Leader ot N< WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY AUGUST 16, * ! : MERCHANTS OF CITY EXPECT j LARGE CROWDS TRADE WEEK I CI ()] The following business men of Boone H?ve joined together in a very earnest effort to have a six days special sales period, at it' each of their stores or other places of business. By careful read- '' ing of the special ad vertisements carrsed by these merchants in -J this issu you will find that all are making suitable price conceitE ions for this period. The trade- week idea has spread far and wide, but as this is the first attempt on the part of the business men of d tbis town it is to be expected that crowds will throng to Watauga's metropolis during the week of August 20-27 to enjoy some J g time with us and at the same time get into a closer business rela, ... i tl itionskip with our people. Come and get acquainted, cspcially ^ with these who are offering you special inducements. ... j v I e Watauga Furniture and Lumber Co. Davidson Department Stores T. Hill Farthing S. C. Eggers & Company G. C. Wilcox Boone Garage Boone Drug Company Cash Grocery Store Boone Clothing Store Greene & Bingham Quails Hardware Store D. J. Cott"el! | Eoone Hardware Company , A LETTER FROM T. L BL AL.OCK ! ! ih yi-t .n datk j *u it. Pray with me that t!u >o may J Dear Fneeds: 1 H>mebtn Become enlisted and that i ? ....... r a? ..... ? ? * ? ?^.vf ? ?.*! -?v? u?..iv in hiihiiiu u;' in vjou mav u.iii it is ? joy to ho with my o:*re?:; -iw u? missionaries. j ?i f< : a short whi o. I shall bo h? : Xevci in the history of Mission during rttost of the month of August, vovk was the need of wholly surrend- c Then. 1 shall bo busy visiting associa- red missionaries so great as now. 1 tions and churches which have re- n spite of the disturbed condition in quested me to be with them. :hina the doors are open wide for the v Good news comes from our work- true missionary. The Earnest I ers on the field, but the bandits are reacher who talks the story in love rife in their section. Pray that G*?d .annot but have converts there now. may help them from all harm. "Therefore, said he unto them the I trust you are taking the Fore iarvest truly is great but the labor-) runner which wili Keep you inform. few; pray ye therefore the about the work generally. We shali Lord of ihe harvest, that He would | be glad of any suggestion of criticism *end forth laborers into His harvest." | of the paper, for we want to make it (Luke 1U:2). These words of Jesus | the best possible and we are printing ire to you and to me. .Brother what I it for God's glory and His alone. It are we doing about it? Jesus said lis yours as well as ours, so may we ;,rny for laborers, are we doing it? request that you pray for it and l'his if the only way to get them, i speak out about it and lend your God forgive us for our half hearted- j help whenever you can. r.ess in this while our fellow men go I Never was there a time wfcer. on without the Gospel, there were so many uninlisted I hope to see you somoetime and Churches among Baptist. As I havt somewhere while at home. God bless so often said the saddest Cnapter in you and yours. Baptist Missionary history is that on Yours in His service those churches who are doing little t?. q? ^ B LA LOCK. .?? i ^ wh ,Sw!t5MBH| REV. NORMAN H. CAMP NpteuTi h in this town on; last Safrnr- . iy v.well attended, despite the . r j icc * heavy showers kept va> j rowd- away during the oaGJei part .Jffri I tht ?y?Howcv. r a lev w jto- IK , pfore -\'i hour for tr.? beginning of . le feivities, the clouds broke away. _u;t, !id nv: titudes gathered about to r;.?? car address by Ex-Govcmor A. If" Taylor of Tennessee, who for eXpi le pu-c sixty years has bees a mem- out er of the oldest Masonic lodge in ' U?e last Tennessee. His address was a : ery fitting and timely one and was fjai elivrred in that characteristic man- j s?Liji er that has endeared the Taylors: to 7, v lie hearts of all Temiesseeans, and , w;, out he mors in general. St?v< The dinner was the sort tha' only vmifl he good ladies of Watauga can pro v,;iv uce. and all those that hungered |Jirf ere fed abundantly. aioi At night Governor Tayl >r >J !- s;la d hi- famous lecture "Uj Sail plXt liver" ' o a ir? ;i ; :?pm i? udience. Special ir,:;-.- .a- funds!.' d Miss Mc<" a:.; lay'- class of tbc i ra School ta*A the iieopie werelHA ; go v.'Va j; the day's activities en finished. : fttf iota! us;t ipt - nnv inter Pre n!-.r? than f'iSO-OO which* Cm . \i' '.nu? ttut.sf.r.oii.v" ohli.?;at n> j pic a-. > mot wi! ?? ;o th<- Oxford fast, t \MP NIMROD TRIPLJF.TT Th meinbv - > of Camp Nniwod ' t;fj? i . *t ."so. 1-7:5 called u> meet in Uu?i. ;.t the Boofif sch. ol building 1>n.,n| u Ti . r.-da\ .mil Fridaj > ;n. ?. lt. . J0_: ai 10 oY -c\ a :? t.. * ail i?- ordri by t'apt. F. ranks. 2: ReL;gioU$5 txeiciso hy Chat . -j lhi. Sni. Athi?e>> nt olc?>i? !v? Pre* lx, . P- Rankin. 4th. Roil call. | moi 5th. Appoint committee on Mem* jy?c< rials. S{HI t?th. \\ idow- of tin departed omrades united to meet with the ? a Community Fair to ne | l>! hold in October. After talks bv Mr. { tu ia: Steele. S. F. Horton and others, the following officers wcrt elected: J. S. McBr:de, President. A. L>. Wilson, Vice-President. j . Scott Sv ft* See-Treas. D. F. Horton. Pres. Field Crop Com. V?". Y. Perry, Pres. Orchard and (larder. Committee. J. B. Horton, President Live Stock 1 Coifamittee. Mrs. -h S. McBride. President of the Pantry Committee. Mrs. I?. C. Mast, President of the Ct " Cooking Committee. Miss Grace Sherwood, President of ' the Sewing i oramittee. iohn Puggar. President of the Mechanics Committee. Members of above committees to bo appointed by their respective Preiidents The entire Cove Creek section is invited to come in and help make- this Fair a success. Another meeting 5.- called for Monday, August 13th. 7:30 p- m. at the school house. are wanted to help complete the organization and lay plans for the; *N ? ivork. Ia" r. prj ^uii o >> ir a , oec- _ i efl THE STATE FAIR i | COl 1 Of 1 (By Dear. C. B. Williams in Charge of Coacty Farm and Individual'sai Crop Exhibits) This year, the State Fair, which! will be i. d during the week begin-, nir.g Oct..her 15, is offering very! liberal pi miums for county, com-1 qnuruty. ndrvidual crop and orop,Ct" product- xh : its. Th? occasion will] afford a rare opportunity for those P5 interested in the advancement of the) n; state to set forth the agricultural rc- Vi. sources of the different comities. w To those who send excellent exhibit carrying valuable lessons in profitable farming an unu.-uai opportunity :f will be offered to win premiums, g our Friends it .--Lst^biished in 1888 NUMBER 32 A NEAR CONFLAGRATION t " ' O .1 .. : - uwa> *rvr?JJW?V alarm of fire ;va- heralded ugh !> ' :. . and vi-hir - -tort v thv logger oar'. >f the poptlawis assembled at the O K. bar-h op -t;:- :-?* the B?-,??;* Drue C*>my'* -tore. and but for rim*'.;. ac .' - hard :<> -a\. what the re-. I?i 'i-.w- beer The fire Oirigi.'?i i,i tr?; pressing ioom which ad the barber .-hop tr,e gas tank Iviirg, and spreading tiro throujjhand adjoining rooms But by the of fire extinguishers, which, forat*?!y. v e close at hand, the ne> were soon extinguished. But considerable damage done. ri.aeLir ir rhe pressing room quitv badly damaged. as were era! .-nits of clothes: the v- ir dows e crushed, while the barhei shop - possibly the heaviest looser. The re plate glass mirrors extending rig on- - de of the room, were ttercd while the chairs and other lire.- were cuite badly hart. The - is i -str iv-ated ot from $1,000 to >00. RDING MEMORIAL SERVICE il ! to : ]>' mioation ef the M<'.e Vit^; and the Governor oi North a v-.?od 4 i' ' ? f or.v pt<* clos'-i ihctr < business o;t Friday and aiibioiv.i the V'nion n.ov;ai Service a, t .. A*e hcdist i a >1 o s s i - hloy K. > ' . tfi-y. Pr--: i>. l>ouy< ; iy, paid i rati;1 trtbfe ??* Che m-mory of the s Prcaioent, touching tii&ti fc*a ex r traut-. bisi>c;r:%aBeroW& j?riv:.;nvi of -t v dtjri ' v"? l::vt' extiv*. ' ' -f any p!a>--v nr. ;? I y ke\ 1 M, Kuggir.f and tie rt'ey of th?. President's oute hymn.- \\a> iW-i 1 ii a -i i;r?rre?i\e way bj Aiis.- (!lnra I'auiay. closing with lh? "Star ir.gled Banner" foKuwed l?y prayand concluded hj Kcv. W. A. nbury. ying from $."oc.00 downwards. V> something near ninety per cent the income of farmers of the ie is from the growth of crops, ditly or indirectly, if a display of agricultural resources ? f the *.V I.T iw ut. iiiMUi., frUmvi^ >i;U WvU interested in farming of the dif out sections ?.f the State should to it. if their counties are to be operiy represented, that the bat \m thrr <*?>iint i?*c * . wi t/% il... .rnfp ir in October. It will nay vol. and ur community to do fro. If a!! will artily join the 1"2; fa'r will md out as ib?. greatest e*p?!rt pi r into ruing wcrth-ivlule exhibits to the ir will be in the interest of the blic good. No county or oon.uiuy can ill afford not to have a good hilit of the best products of its soil the state fair this fail. More than S4.5l>? is being offered rth Carolina farmer- for county, mmunity. farm and individual crop hibits. Bring some of the very best of the >acco, cotton, e?m. clover, soyfins, cowpvas, hay and other crops u may be producing, have - good d profitable time, and secure cash zes that will be well worth your :ort. Indications are that the fair going to be a big one. Everybody onected with the fair is bending his forts as never before to have it rpass all previous records. WHAT COULD POOR DAD ANSWER I ..." ; _ V.":-ays here the book. "A mar. known by the mpany h?. keeps.*' "Well. if a trod man keeps comtr.y vith a i? ad man, is the good an bad because he keeps company ith the bad roan, or keeps company ith the good man "Whv-er-of coarse?Hark! Isn't ?at your mother calling for you to o to bed?'*