r ac.f; two OTHERS VISIT WATAUGA M*. Editor: On Saturday September '22 the wr ter had the pleasure of accompany:n Mr and Mr?. John B. Cheek and D W. C. Jcffcoat ci Burlington. N < on a dashing trip fr-.ni the parsonas at Moan: Pleasai.-, by way of Boor Vilas, V a:le Crucis Shulls Mills Fo, coe and over the mountain to Iloiy Consmunion Church where II. W. Je coat and daughter Miss Cora wei hoiding services. Tfci.- was the first visit of thos spier (i d Burlington people to the naount.'uris and they greatly erjoye the charging scenes as they appcare at J disapeareii at almost every croc of the road. On one side a hit: cor field -pread out in the distance an on the everything. ill mystery i< in ever\ bud and biossoR and leaf and tree, in every n?|" ar.i hill and vale a:. ! mountain, in ever; spring aid rivulet and river. Th< rustle of his wiair t nevt rv zephyr its might - in every tcmpt-st. il? dwells ir. thr davk paviliior.s ??f ? ven storm cloud. The I Shining is II - mescngt r and * he th". d His voice." What shall we think of thi fool ishlitr > much ihoul" If the I'oct' . could have visited Blow i-.e R i taken a p- from the summits of Elk Km and the Grand father 'her he returned to IJ.irlinjrtoxi. : ? .nps he wnuid nave ft-!: .v me what lih- :r?- Queen of Sh- 'i,; when she visited Solomon. **Howbe.it I belie red not ?v words : I and mine ey?s had seen it; ar.?1 1 - hold the half was not told me." -v! Kings 10:74 Dr. XrrTcott I>. C. PI;. C. Palmer Syrtem Ch ru^rac* or. Is t -< : . of Rev H. '.V. JeiTc??at f :he Wau .tu Lutheran Pastorate, and a h _ toned itr gentier/mr.. Mr. and Mrs. Chf ek are very optonrstie regarding: the poksaVv.it'- s of olv mountain see : -; ; nv> art' Z. T. WATSON. Brot. . 'if, X. i". Subscribe Fot Your Count\ Paper. 50 GOOD CIGARETTES ioc r~h iffiw genuine "Bull" DURHAM Am ~/***- V^l TOBACCO kaaars-isnr^r- v*+** " ?~ *' ??? ?- ' ? ROMtNGER NEWS ITEMS W. S. Komingcr filled his appoint raent at Piney Grove last Sunday. J" -Tohn Mast made a trip to Crar1" berry }?\>1 week. je Fred Rowinger attended the fair t?> at Mountain City. ^ Mr. J. R. Phillips was in the vieiniiv or? business las* week ff .c> Mr. Dewev Roming' r visited the school ia-t Friday evening. e Our school gets bet; r every week "Tb*r Bumble bee'* is stiagerj R. R. Trivet*., trav- r g salesman was in this section last week selling our merchants shoes and groceries n ^ Mr. I>. A. Roming- t is contemplate ^ ing putting in a rtoi..r. Everybody! t !f vit d to c?::k that ^ i i i do ritrh-. J 1 Master Fred Komiicer has decid-j ed |o go *o schon! and has attended j \ regularly foi thi ?a>t k. A '.vis. d - Fr* i. E-? ry srho* ' boy ir Watauga com L? ty -ht.uUi re-ad Fred A Oids* ariiete 1 in last ..irk- issue. It worth the price of the paper i" a whole year . BV.p., to see morp from his pen. Farmers kave begun cutting up their corn ::i this vie:, ty. Most of s the corn iter" is la'? with -Tack Frost 1 show nir up. They are ;Hs< preparing L> to make sorghum. i Mis; S isk Hasrauian has purvba.-i I a - < ! of chairs ?uj hair maker Mr. -Joe dair.'-r; she has also traded > j j for a ue heifer* jvdridge Trivet: also planning on some kit L,. . h?m furniture. j The " Bumble B< t " has sonu- won de.i'ul vfeSncs about M. P. Triv.-tt. | Ir i rro'iir b's ihac his legs jr.d arms - i aiv -o long that la can -rand with j oi.e' faot on home base and reach, - i'r-t base with the othei culling, "Im f; prt-B rhifc scribe has visited our school, very frequently ami 1 am certainly ": pi eased with the teachers. Thev are! ^ a ir? I'd \v*tL It seems that, ' they nave their students interested ~ in mo;?' practical things than any of s ;r.,- - heois 1 ev? r visit* d. i!nr-; rah fi t Komintfer schcol! PATRONS OF BOONE SCHOOL WILL PLEASE. TAKE NOTICE St*v that year children leave home J at such time that they will not reach 1 school uriier than s :20 and i y one o'clock. AT | c.uiidr- . v, no gu home for lunch have :.C :i *-niiss-t of their teach gl.ut r.o teachei * ill give these children permission to -tu; at home aitt i !, i hoc days. No . [has tie right to keep their ehii-i'vr. at ii ne &;*er lunch to work. A. absent children must brine a w.tten o'xc v.?c* sig ned hv parent or guardian ;<{ must - mad* s/.;I-factory t ilea* ucvc. \: y deviation from '.n-ve rule? 'a ibe rigidly dealt with r.td w-'i: ...so riour-ly handicap the . r mo: :: f any child- Co-operate ' i> a 1 hek? make the work p:ea \V. J. ROWE, IK. Principal P.oone Public Sc | FOR SAi .P?On? {cod winter inuk cow or will trade for beef -*ock. Set J. S. Stanbury, Boc.ne, N. C. .Subscribe hor Your County Paper rrararra Kvery Mea^| E Have a packet in your E pocket for ever-ready am E refreshment. E Aids digestion. ? Allays thirst. Soothes the throat ? For Quality, Flavor and ? THE WA7 AU< COVE CREEK FAIR WILL BE * BIG EVENT (Continued From Pace One > uiittee and one of the teachers, there will be talks by County Superintendent Hagaraan. Prof. B B. T)ou( gherty. I G. Greer. John B. Steele. : A. G. Hendren, County Agent . m i Wilkes and others. i The afternoon will be given er i to races games and a ball gam? A* j nigbt the Wren a play in four a : s ! will bo given in the auditorium. T/5 is a very populat play and give* j mise of great success here. An ; mission fee of J5c adults and lc?. children will be charged, the pro to go towards buying school sup: and equipment. The fe.ll program follows: 8:00-10:30 Arranging of exhi'i l0:".?M2-0? Judging 10:30-12:00 Speaking iti schoo ! ditorium by B. B. Dougherty, ^ llagaman. John Steele. 1 G. Gree A | G. Hcndron. County Agent of Wi 12:00-1:00 Dinner. 1:00-3:00 Display of exhibits j the 'public. 2:00-3:00 Games and races 3:00-5:0(1 Ball game. - '>0 l'ia\ "The Wren." 1'eopk living near the school j urged to bring in their exhibits V. ! -day afternoon so as to avoid a rush on Thursday morning. REPORT <>T i ll THE PEOPLES B/ .it !' M>ne. in tin State cf North 1 | t*2 . II i-l-S | r.s and Diseounts I Demand Loans < '- erdrafts secured $500; unseen AH other stocks, bonds and mortg Bunking Mouse: Furniture and > All other real estate owned . . Cash in vault and net amounts d. and trust companies Dash It-, uis h? Id over 2 1 hours . TOTAL LI. < apitul Stock paid in S it ; US ! Unrf Undivided Pre:its less current exrBits Payable federal Reserve Bank . Deposits subject to check, individi . Time certificates of deposit, due in Cashier's checks Outstanding . . Time certificate^ of depo it due e Savings Deposits TOTAI STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ? . I. Avery Howell, Cashier c swear 'hat the above statement ;s tr belief. t. Corr< .Subscribed and sworn to 1 efoie rue ti UUSSKLL D. H Ni tarv Public (>iv commission expires j c-^7^ ^ for ?,cor. '.a.: ! i /ii i-^ SUPERIOR MODEL S59< We are glacl to annoui ces on Chevrolet Car; date. TOURIN ROADS' COUPE Other Chevrolet prock these prices can you a Chevrolet? Ask numbf who now own them, w cars. Remember you h; to pay. The Boon WALTER JOh / ;a democrat Tbe ofScen if the Fan Association j are an follows: J. S. 34cBride, President: A. D. Wilson Vice President ;i j Scott Swift, Secretary. S. F. Hortonl | Chairman entertainment committee:! The directors. D. F. Horton, Field jcorps; W. Y. Perry, orchard and garden; J. B. Horton. livestock; Don J. Horton, Poultry; Miss Grace Sherwood, sewing; Mrs. Hattie Johnson! relics: Mrs. I?. C. Mast, pantry; Jno.' Duggei. mechanical; Mrs. J. S. Mc; Bridi k:lchcn; Mrs. Will Moody floral: M Winnie Thornburg, decorations; Walter E. Wilson, games; F. T Hill, hail game; Miss Ruth Rhodes music. Again let us invite you t o coop-j erate with ??- in making this the best ommunity fair Watauga County has iever had. S. F. HORTON, Chm. Entertainment Com. I A iiood Tbvtig - DON'T MISS IT. Bend your nsroe and addrew plainly written together with 5 cents (and this Moines, Iowa, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain's t ough Remedy for coughs, colds, cr?up, bronchial, '"ilu" and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for stomach troubles, indigestion, gassy pain* that crowd . the heart, biliousness and constipation; Chanilnrlaiu's Salve, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds,' piles, and skin allections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cecta. Don't mis* iL : CONDITION OF cNK & TRUST CO. hna, at the clo^c- of business Sept. 14 [ 'URCES 117,011.75 j 1,50 0.00 : $<>87.34 1.187.341 1.500.00 i tuires 2,712.57 J 2.034.55! m banks, bankets 11,028.51 705.00 $1 OS.57b.72 : ' 2ti.(Min.O0 ' 3)000 .OH' un .Si*.20S.76 - than io days 7.050.00 - S30.79 ;,f t :. i O.-.y.. 43.794.85 , 5,990.44 $16^,579.72 unty of Watauga 'J-25-23 f the above named hank do solemnly ue t.. the best of ny knowledge and A VERY Y. HuWKLL, Cashier . ct-Attest: K C. HI VERS, M. 1*. CRITCHER, Directors, lis ii iliiv i f Sept. 1923. PDC.I - j TOURING CAR i ).00 * ice the following pri3, effective after this " 1 IG CAR $590 TER 585 788 icts in proportion. At i fford to be without a ;rs of our best citizens 'hat they think of the ave one year in which e Garage 1NSOW Mgr. 1 I SEPTEMBER 27. 192V MONEY TALKS | WHAT DOES YOUR MONEY SAY? ''GOODBYE FOREVER" OR "WATCH ME GROW" YOU CAN TEACH IT TO SAY EITHER DEPOSIT iT WITH US AND WE WILL I MAKE IT TALK FOR YOU. YOU 1 WILL BE PLEASED ! The Peoples Bank& TrustCompany BOONE, N. C. I?r"rzr^aoi'T inapaDi11 is:rrr.j?'lirmB' o:>L^In.;,.. rr.^TiV. :: iiiiacani^Dcz^^i^gr^r.'^r'^^La^aaaBCiJus1 -j S "Slimy Taste" | \ "When I fed ,t ' -;t csfipated, ttt bilious, I take a good das. a |. , j Hjl two of B lack-Dr^ ' it sets me straight," wntes Mr. George B. HI Ell Haislep, ol R. F. D. ^mbia. S. C. "it cleanses the liver and I feel a a1 ] Ir all right, and have not any other medicine a* 1 do not see the need |S; ol It. I am a guard a State Reformatory, and have been tor three | or more years. When heard ot oc BLACK-DRAUGHT ( Liver Medicine and the good medicine H was, 1 had been having a tired treting when B2 HQ i'd gel up in the inoming. ! would be stiff and acre, and had a s'imy, ?3 H bad taste ia my mouth, but didn't think so much of it till I begin to teel fit Jj stupid and didn't tcel like eating?then I knew I needed medicine. It IK ? was then I began Black-Draught, and i felt all made over, ready tor any QB ij kind ot work, ready to eat and sleep. So, lor any return of this trouble, 53; If 1 take Bla. k-Draught, and tor 25 years it has been my medicine, and I B ? wwiw i Oc wiuiour n at all. My work is constant. 1 am on my teet a III | tot. I am out ot doors, and fresh air and Black-Draught are ill the Hi I r 'ocs i t.ced. i recommend it to others for 1 know it is good." H; Sold Everywhere, u ?w oi iac=c=LL.-z=?=. ?c ^ cmaaD cr1^2 atf' ? ? ' -i I From now on II Royal cords ?that's settled R)YAL CORDS have settled things this year Ma iKjjB with their three new added Hj iL-c & /Sjma f advantages?the three U.S. ry ijjjm Jfj discoveries?Sprayed Rub- M IJjjM 0vA ber ? Web Cord and the W ^7'S a yBR Flat-Band Method of cord Ul JJJHI VH ?Royals had more to give W f a S IS and gave it. Made in all yl ill sices from 30x3'/2 inch up. Q . '? | 11 uniiccj btat?^res Where to buy USTires^^J^y Trade Mark J. B. TAYLOR Boone, N. C. J. H. VAN CANNON, - - Banner. Elk, N. C. I