NOVEMBER 8. 1923. (The 3SHatauiit? ii?cmocrat. Local Affairs Mrs. John H. Norns is expectpd t?? return to her home this week front Gh.ulotte. Gastonia and Lenoir, wherej she has beer visiting with relatives, for several weeks. Mr. Foley Moretz and family of j Meat Camp will occupy the : e\v building. being erected by Attorney F. , A. Linnev on North Water Street. 1 and now nearly completed. Mr. James H. Councill of Rosrnan with two lady friends. Miss Lula Waldrop of Henderson ville and Miss Jo-! sephine Nichols of Asheville has been on a short visit to his parents Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Councill of Boore. Mr. O. J. Cottrell, one of the city's busy merchants, is erecting a 20 foot } addition to his already large mercantile establishment. The annex will | rerch th? entire length of the building and will ^?e used largely for groceries. 2.50 per yard. H. Neal Blair, Mgr. WANTED AT ONCE ? About ten women to fill cans at kraut factory Good wages. Eary work. H. Neal Blair, Manager. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS WE have millions of early Jersey Wakefield cabbage plants reedy to set. 100 parcel post prepaid .30; 500 parcel post prepaid 1.35; 1000 and over 2.50. Order filled same day received. Richardson Bros. Siler City, N. C. 11 -3-23-3t SALESMAN WANTED?To handle exclusive proposition. Must be reI liable man with about $150 to finance his interest. Will show good returns at once. See H. Raines 302 Merchauts Bank Bldg., Winston-Salem, N. C 1 l-.S-ltc Sheriff Critcher reports good collections on his first round for taxes The board of County Commissioners atid education were in session 1 Monday and much routine business I was transacted. Mrs. Mack Lutcrell, convalescing from a recent operation in a -Johnson City hospital is speeding the week with her husband at the C'litcher Hotel. \rmistice day, being a natioeai hoi iday the depot, tanks and many oth er business houses will close on Saturday the l(;th, as the 11th comes ?>n Sunday. Boone tfnj *A atauga ill we presume, be well represented at I the big celebration at North Wilkestoro on that day. Three trucks, loaded with kraut, from the local factory, left for the Char'otte net i kit eariy in tne week, this oting the first shipment made. The kraut was parked in 7f? nound kits. An export earner is here and the machinery for this part of the 5>iir industry has been installed and is working perfectly. A va t amount of the output will be packed in three pound cans, the most o moment .? 1........ . ?".i be ahen completed, one of the !> j bnil'lin^s in Rock. Mrs. Mary Hartley widow of t late Low is Hartley has a serious ca j of measler and i-" not expected to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ( : turned home Wednesday from CI. . lotte v here they spent a few day i taking in the big -how. Hynuiii *.h* t*.v?*i\? year old soi ; i Mr and Mi Lee Crisp is a tra { i worthy l;ttle nurse. ILs two I ' cousins having niea^lc- he ha a a a --e!f.appointed nii?>e. w hile theii mother Mr>. Pearl Hartley tea in the \:rnue:? : < -ho ?) Byr.em no: and cheers his two sick playnv* while theii mother is away. The box Sapper given last Sa ur day night at the school house cm a succet* in every sense of the w ! After singing "America" Prof. ?. (1 (ireer made a helpful and inter*?. . talk much enjoyed by all present Boxes brought from one to feurteei I dollars. The cake made by Mis-- Boyn ton was cut by Miss Lulu Ward. th< prettiest girl, and eaten by the au d:enee. The cake was sold for $93.01 Total receipts wore $203. Mr. Torn Coffey eat the pickles. Mr. Hill of Charlotte say - the bo: supper was a roaring success am we can all agree with Mr. Hill. ?r v /-? ??r i. < ?- ' ; nesday after visiting his vife ar.i i family here. Mrs. Cordon and he interesting little Son Thorns*.- wil spend the winter in Blowiia Keek | The Cordon home is one o? the mos i beautiful in the city. Barber Hartley is a very *n-k mar | The Community Service t ub wil hold its next meeting at thi Home o Mrs. Reeves on South Main. The?Blo\vingRock Community Clu , is a great success. It is now epin ( Savah Jackson in a Charlotte Ho? pital. The doctors say the patient i cheerful and doing well. Mr. hoy t Earp was sent to Grace H ratal a AI organ ton where ngem is ha been made fur an operate Th Club was responsible for -e cos Mr. Teaster was also give mone . to go to Grace Hospital f ai c>| . oration for appendicitis, the Hosp tal bill to be sent to the C. :aunit Cub Mrs. Cora Hartley ha- turn, from Blackstone where she : :-s bee j I visiting hor egtd mother M Joh | Cox, (oiini rly of Blowing k. , ! left her mother in very feel healtl i r? CARD OF THANK.>Ve v.ish to thank our ? fritnr Iof Boone and Ruthenvoo.i :\?r lY kindness and \vmnathy '?i? tfc j funeral of mother, i KIM HER JOHNSON ar 'hildre I WANTED TO BUY?A fev acre* < ,, i land within two miles or less < Boone. Write R. L. Stinson, Hicl " ory. R. F. D. 3. 11-8-2 LOST Between Boone and Wilke boro Ladies Wrist Watch , Swi: Movement, octagon shape. Lette: ^ "A. R. T." on dial. Finder retui to.Democrat and get reward. 11-8 e e ZgVm m .A DEMOCRAT i ? ' WE ARI in MAN! w IF AJ Gv X. L. Mast, Presiderv L. A Greene, Vive-Pi r ; G. P. Hagainan, Casbi W. D. Farthing: A. ( Austin K. South. Tell I Miss Pearl Hodges, bookkeeper ' ' " ' ' ' ! ' 5 j"''M h;i?n CSf i i i ii i ARF. YOU EDUCATED? ANSWER 14 QUESTIONS \\ ii?. j* is one educated in the <>?- j seiim" of the word V A professor in j ] the i niversity of Chicago is said to .' have told Ins pupils that he should I . consider them truly idrcut< d .vl cm r they could answer affirmatively these I I questions: ; !. Has your children Riven sym- r pathy with all Rood causes and made you espouse them? 2. Has it made you public spirit.? edt 3. Has it made you a brother to the weak ? k 4. Have you learned how to make il friends and keep them? b. Ho you know what it is to be a.:.? 4 -irn \ 6. Can ecu look an honest man or npure woman straight in the eye? I ?. Do you see anything to love i. in a little child? t S. Will a lonely dog follow you I in the street? i. 9. Can you he high-minded and II happy in the meaner drudgeries of f j life? j 10. Do you think washing dishes . b j ami hoeing corn just as compatible ] . with high thinking as piano playing j or golf ? is ll. Are you good for anything ? ; v" ^ uuim'ii - \ a.i vun jusi those medicines thai up-to-dan* doc- c tors prescribe with the good old-time ^ remedy?pine-tar homy. It speedily | ^ checks the cough, soorhes rhe inflammation, restores normal breathing. ; Ci The taste is pleasant, too! All druggists. Pi sure to get rhe g-natnr. DR. BELL'S Pine-Tar Honey [fTtSINSURANCE you -- - - - ' VVAIN1 UtUKUL A. BRYAN, BOONE. i For Sale or Rent 6 room Dwelling house in East Boone. Located on Boone Trail Highway. If interested see or write Mrs. D. F. Brown, | Rutherwood, N. C. 11-1-tfc STRAIGHT SALARY $35 per week and t xpenses with man or woman . to introduce Eureka Producer! Eureka Mi'p, Co., East St Louis. { Mo. 11-1-lnT ?? ?? Re- ^ ^ Eiigraving 1 o. eiry otore. ain Pens, Spectacles, : Jewelry and delivered at the ent. 1R, BOONE, N. C. PAGE FIVE dng cz> RAISE OR VIRTUE *D OUR BUSINESS VD OF MONEY OR VE WISH TO CONEANS IN ITS R1GHION TO THE END. 'ECIAL.IZE IN MAN SO WE WOULD GREATNESS AND v COUNTY" MK E. . N . C . O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN T. I-. Mast and Brother have sold heir interest in the Hodges and Mast rm at Adams, N. to J. C. Hodges, f Adams, N C. The said J. C. Modes will collect all debts due the rm and he will also he responsible or a!i debts this firm now owes. This October 1C. 1923. T L. MAST A- BROTHER ;ovui, :s. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix oi he will ..f it. \V. Barnes. Jr. Deceaad, this is to notify all persons having: laims air a the estate to precut them for payment within 12 .?* l.ue uoir <11 mis nonce - ~< ir the same >v?ll he plead in bar of heh r* tovery. All p? rsoi owing the aid estate will please make immehate sett lenient. This September 20, 1923 iMrs) BESSIE GREENE Executrix. TOVVS FOR SALE " I have several good cows now giv;ng Milk to sell?some to be fresh soon. JOHN E liROWN.. lO-2;V2t W. A. WATSON INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Vumn, North Carolina. See or write him immediately. "EASY PAYMENT PLAN'' 25 REGISTERED ABERDEEN-ANgu Cattle AT AUCTION. Miliards Sales Stables, Bristol. Va. 1 p. in. Thurrday Nov. 15. 1923. 10 bulls. 15 cows and iiuifcrs. For information write A 1*. Buchanan, Glade Springs. Va l0-25-3tp FOR SALE?A FIVF.-PASSENGER Gldsmobile in good condition. To be sold at a big sa.:nfice. See Deputy Sheriff Geo. Hayes, Boone. N. C WANTED in UNLIMITED AMOUNT Home Made Molasses. Hams. Bacon. Shoulders, Eggs. Butter and Beans. W. B. Yoder Co.. WinstonSalem. N. C. 1018-4 Kiddiesxolds Children have very delicate dig -atious, easily , disturbed by too much "dosing." Treat croup and all colds "externally" by applying? V/ICKS ? VapoRub _ OvmrS7 Mrflm* Jarm IW Yaartp