PACt FOUR lEtie ?Hatauga democrat. R. C. RIVERS, Editor and Owner. Published Every Thursday by THE RIVERS PRINTING CO. Subscribers wishing their addresses changed will please favor us by jiving the OLD as well as the NEW *?tdrcs& SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year $1.50 Sir Months f- .75 Three Months . 40: Payable in Advance. Advertising Rates on Application Cards of Thanks. Resolutions of Respect. Obituaries, etc. are charged for at the regular advertising rates. \ Articles sent for publication without giving the name oi the writer will not under any circumstance be published I Entered at the postoffice at Boone i S. C. as second class mail matter. Thursday November 22, 1923. We feel inclined to rail particular] attention to the appeal sent out in! this issue by the grandfather Orphans' Home at Banner Elk. for the annual Thanksgiving offering. It appears to us mat regardless of d? nominationai aftiliatiots. this call should ring more forcibly it- the ear-; of our people than any other being made. Since the death of Rev. Ef the late Rev. Tlifts, who spent his jjf.. m the service of this section, and wh-se work since his death should be carried on. v ith ever! more enthusiasm than previously. Mr. .J. Al. Gret r successful Lhis year for the second time in capturing the first prize ?ot the betft peck of Irish Cobblers in North Carolina. Last year Mr. Greer did the same thine:- It begins to look as if there is no accident about it. but that Mr. Greer us actually producing. a high quality product. This is what is making the mountain seed potatoes increase in popularity. Since iast Saturday there has been as many as eight and possibly more truck loads of turkeys passed through town on the Boone Trail bound for the markets, and so far as wo know only one shipment has been made by rail so far. Just to -how what the good roads are doing for Watauga. w'htti lias ucvuuii: Oi lav dv>& ian ior uoone: it lorbids thai dogs be j found at large after night within the j town, unless they are accompanied by their owners. Undoubtedly the ordinance has been repealed, as they areaJlowed to roam at will?many of j them?and only this week a citizen i of the town was complaining that aj large dog, belonging to a resident, J was making nightly visits to his home J and h?- is much worried by the dog. | all others, the law should be | enforced or abolished. MEAT CAMP NEWS R. C. Wsnsbarger, Locrd Correspon Dr .1 let . state d J is* from \\ miugton : .. day's work at tbe Winebarevr school Thursday the 1 loth. Based or. local eSfitig-.s the w >rk ! would .! i.i :r;t ' o ">I *? 1. ? no p should . ..." - 'Vice ? this. recount> H^gani; niai reJati . - i re 'k. this ing his :'r>t vi. i: here e.gnt years. We -.vert ail glaci ro see him and! hope he will come again s?on. Mr. A. W. Hodgson who has been one of our successful merchants for the last nine years is r.utting on a big ten days reduction sale. Come and see his many bargains. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wine barger on last Wednesday, a girl. Mr. Ralph Moretz, teacher at .Stony Fork spent, the week end at his home, returning Sunday afternoon. Rev. Sebastian assisted by Rev. Eggers and Crisp are holding a big revival at Meat Camp Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Willett Adams rt rn % fOR OLD AND 70UNG / Tutfc's Liror PlUt act as kindly mf on the delicate female ar inflna old a*e aa apon the ri^orou man. Tutt's Pills Time ami strengthen th? weak Stamadk. \ Bonds. Kidneys. ami Bladder. I . jffV. j I ed Sunday from Charlotte where they had visited the former's brother. * Tis a very good world that we live ?%' To lend, to spend. or to give in; But to beg or to borrow or to tret a; man'?, T?s tbc very worst world that ever) was known.?Lvtrcr.. NEWS FROM BLOWING ROCK Mrs. .Maty E. Hartley died at her home here last Friday morning a* three o'clock. Mrs. Hartley was a most estimable lady and her death is deeply regretted by a large circle of relative> and friends. She leave< . four sons and three daughters to i mourn their 3o riously ili with scarlet fever. Mr. Paul Klutz had the misfortune't of losing i very fine horse last Fri- * da y. t Dr. Alfred Mordccai a welcom t visitor here. We are always glad t<> have tlte talented young physician \ with us Mr. and Mrs Herbert Ingle of 7 if v ....... . . I folks hero last week. The community < . ib e .i entertain ? .-eh ? ?! nous** lb - ;av the 20 They wiil entertain the faculty i - ?f :ue .-c*n?) ... H Coffee :u : cake will be served. W hav?- a new cop on the beat. II.' ha> *] .: ck eye and 't ries a bilbo t ar-i ail can't walk a ' raigh' line hao belter 'scot.' M- Vani erecting a; home site or, Bower Hili. W . Lee Kobbins is building a bun-, irainu on his 8?t on wc.-i avenue. Mr. Paul Klutz ju:-t eomplet it v his :>ark bung..low ?? i iQpdall Hill. Mr- Mary Hartley was laid to j .-l I . Kark f'hurrh Service* ivcn - Rev.' Wh< er. A krg> .-I th? fl ra! tribute* were uut.i\il Mrs. Hart-i by \v;e lo\ed h* ill \\ ] knew he! Her cheerful trie d!y ways won raa \ frii : ds. We symiwti ize with t > children ai.d other relative*. F.L.K NEWS Mr. < Tr i iett and family have iu>t r,.. . : ;nt?? then new dwelling hoi:.-' and quite a nwinorl ? i tkeTII m? nibt vs ?>f the Klk Itaptist < huivh i . i>r 'an; nipht Pray ?:*x" JHvices were conducted by Rev. M L>. Miller. Quite r. number of the parents: visited ;ho Klk School en Friday toj hear the flirts and boys debate the question: "Which is the most help, in the hope. the girl or boy?" This was real interesting to all That were present. ?*5 | Mr. W. M. Carroll and Mr. J. R 1 Hodges have been quite busy cuttinga pipe lir.e to pump water to th? Elk School building which will be more convenient for the school. Mr. J. A. Miller has just returned with His wife from ran Salisbury iiu?pita) and reports her ease very favorable. Mr. A G. Miller, manager of the Deep Gap ("ash Store was -.en at \t r (' Trinli OV c.tnrn ? ...! ! t?n business. Mr. and Mrs. T. Miller f Deep Gup were down last Monday to pay Lheir father a visit. Mr. and Mrs Rev. M. I). Milier Misses .Vr.nie and Rosa Chn-vh of Stony Fork were at the honi. of V M. and Mrs. Greer's on Sunday. Mrs. t Greer being their sister. They were ? down to pay their sister a visit. Mi. H. C. Hodges and his v <.rkrafcn > .a t r quite busy for t - pas* . v\ dayr building ; < r hirost- i a new dwelling. Messrs Gov and Granville Triplett ? t:. pas> Mr. C. C. Triplett'.i . ?. i they wtTv going to the - . * ? h*. I'-.vT'-r Mour _;n to .s a n hue?. They relumed with :t. - dr.n ?oc? . and have .ivin d \ CHILD IN PAIN rttnsto a1 -ilier tor re. .ef. So do ">? yrow: -ups. r . r Mukier. severe -*am iu 5. . . ,.ad bovver . > r i.r.a>, dia:i.'r CHAML'iSLAi 'S 1 COi-IC air' Ol. KRKOEA R - -. Y It ha? never becr. known to Jail; THE WATA1CA some of their friends to tuke diner with 4hem. Quite a number cf people vited tru oi?l Elk Cemetery last Suday. An English airplane ongin?- vdeh ran produce evolutions pe m:nute has or en ordered by 'he 7*xifi.r; government This stunds t ulit*. fendhg slate t*> Ke\kca?t\? Pcnch | London > SPECIAL ORDINANCE All retailors of fresh meats hall pay a privilege tax of $25 per ear Nothing in this ordinance howver -hall prevent farmers or anyone oiling hogs c?i beeves in qu&ntitiesnot [ess than quarters at a time, toone person License tthe tate law. Any person or persons violaing! his ordinance shall be guilty c a j Hi.-M. III .HUM cHIM 'T .IllVtl IIUl CSS ha:i $">.00 and cost for each andev ry offense. This Nov. 12, 1923. EDW. N. HAHN. Mayo 1-22-le THE GREENSEOF A live, progressive, indeperdent dissemination of the world* ne of the day editorially; presntat unbiased, in any conlroverj; in* the state'r. welfare and progress. A rapidly growing circulation reading and thinking public YC paper. After a trial sub*crip: or. without it. Sample copie? on rqu Si* months, daily and Sund?> Six months, daily oniy . . THE GREENSBOl GREENSBORO N< I "Callin The modern hen is a marvel Feed her the right kind of fc Quantity egg product on is n matter of feed. Keep Tuxec >11 the time. !r furnishes tn quantity egg production?in THE TUXEDO I tuxedo 1INE OF FEEDS jcrcjSe yo' Cf-K-n-lia Swee?fc j Dairy Ta.?o j I Tuxedo Chop Tuxedo Hog Ration Tu?e?lo Figeor. Feed Tuxedo Egg Mush Tuxedo Scratch S V Tuxedo Chirk Tuxedo Buttermilk J Starter hntl Growing ! "k uxedo Developer MONUJ See us before buying rr old established concerr anteed first class. Eith our Watauga represent ell at Peoples Bank & C. REINS BR Lenoir, DEMOCRAT VAI.LF. CRUCIS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. 1). F. Nlast NUhwl : Sunday after a month's Visit to the j state of Maryland. Orange, N. J. and } New York City. Mrs. Mary McKoy who accompan' .ed Mr. and Mrs. Mast remained in | Lenoir visiting Mrs. A. W. Dula. Miss Susie Taylor who is teaching i n the Lenoii graded Schools spent | the week-end at home. Mrs. J. K. Perry who has been convalescing at the home of her son i Dr. Perry, following an automobile | accident, is much improved and ex-j pects to return home soon. Mrs. \V. H. Mast is in Charlotte, j with her grandson Karl Kohule where ' .ie is receiving treatment for a fracI tured thigh. i TU. C .11 i "iv snowing anenaea tne v^uarj terly conference at Henson's chape! . | Mrs. Vickie Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mast, Mrs. Lizzie Ba'rd. Mr. and j Mrs. C. D. Taylor. Alice Taylor, J. M. Shuil and Henry Taylor. Mrs. Hamlet* and children of Morganton have been recent visitors of Mrs Paul Spain hour. tO DAILY NEWS daily newspaper with a purpose ws; discussion of vital questions ion of the facts all of them, k-olving the people's rights and indicates the approval of the v IU need this great daily newsvou will wonder how you done rtt. $4.50 f! 3.50 I *0 DAILY NEWS )RTH CAROLINA g Eggs" I bus egg producing machine. >od, and she wili lay eggs. ot a matter of seasons, it is a Ks lo Egg Mash before your hens e :oo?l elements necessary for ju t thr rieht proportions. Ei. x Mash will positively ?q- KB i! egg \icld. SOLi) BY EGGERS & CO. n/v\vip / Tuxedo] EGG MASH I /IENTS lonuments. We are an i and all work is guarer buy direct or thru :ative Mr. A. Y. HowTrust Co., Boone, N. OTHERS N. C. / mi NOVEMBER 22. 192X ? t j German Town Adopts 1 ' New Tuition Fee Plan Coilffhs I llunater. O?rmaoy.-The ?.hpoI 1If V/UUglW oif* ?* "ttlc Wertphollan town of tlmf" 1 ilPflY \fCbt1 C%tlt Oelde. near here, baa bean placed al- IX/cCI/ J VU (JltZ most entirely on a bntterbaHey h.ala making v..u feel nek a. .1 ill. Pupils pay their high school feea hi n. ..?c v..,:r throat ami king* fata and grain, which ?n turn are unl i they -..r- -break par- Uirm up nov brforo thrv cause ? vou more serious trouble. l>r ( ni.dr" by stimulating V^k. of barley a month. themucousmcra- > j m The proceeds thus collected have bnmes to throw gone to assist in buying the school'* off dogging !socr?-- y J, of winter coal supply *Dd to relniburee. tarns. It m?h a v j jpf\ In part, the teachers who gratefully pleasant ?;?>!<. 'J' 'J A receive butter or barley In preference ^uggisis. to the constantly depreciating paper dr. king's kewdi^covexr Ij the universal car mis i* e.ip"e" ?e ? ?" rj , | f VlsMZfQUMig&ar ' $295 I lit t o. B DEIROIT S? ,,j Ford utility, durability, enlarged hood, graceful J[j' andecoiiomyarccrabodied cowl, slanting windshield ?5 to the lull in this new and streamline body are Ford Touring Car. pleasing details that en- j|f jjj hi addition,it is up-ttvthe- h;mce its **le5|> minute in appearance. It With this handsome cx- j|f Jjt is linished in an enduring tenor, it combines every | ?1] black, rich and deep in mechanical feature es9enlustre. A high radiators tial to open car utility. This car can be obtain. d tirou?h lite Ford Weekly Purchase J. B. TAYLOR, Boone N. C. j! I I "i O A R.S - TRUCKS - TRACTORS | A New Jeweiry Store V I have opened up a jewelry store in the building formerly occupied by the Watauga County Bank. My intentions are to give every one an honest deal. 1 am sure, i car; sell the people of Boone and Watauga county Watches and iC, I [pwplrv fV, *? l- ~ 1 ' * ^ j .j n.ciii >..<*11 m--uougni eiseJ where. K I have the very best in watches and rings. Lockets, Lavalliers, Broaches,. Pins,. Cuff M Links, Chairs. Silverware, Toi'et and Manicure jSets and omst everything in the jewelry line in my store. It is the best place to select your WEDDING & BIRTHDAY PRESENTS Every piece of jewelry is guaranteed. I invite you to come and select your presents and promise to give you the best for the money. My line is made up of the very latest designs and styles. I also Repair Watches and Jewelry. Come and look over my line before you buy. ' \ _____ . v. WILL C. WALKER, BOONE, NC |j