NOVEMBER ZZ, 19M. arhz iLsaatauuu i^rmocrat. 1 Local Affairs Young "Bill" LoviB of Greensboro i returned home yesterday after a few j days visit to homefolks in Boone. i Mr. Baxter Linney, student at Trin- j ity College, was an over-Sunday visitor at his home in Boone. ( Mr. S. L. Jenkins has sold his prop- f erty west of Boone to its former owner Mr Pink Hodges, but we have not learned where he intends moving. We are not offering inducements < of any kind for new subscribers but , our list is growing beautifully. Boys t it is worth the price. If you are not , on our books enlist now. * Mr. W. S. Milier of Shulis Mills N has been for some days, and is still, 1 measuring and grading lumber on the yards of Mr. John Lineback in , Hoone. j Mr. \V. S. Christian, who for some f time has be%n operating a tin shop i on the second floor of the S. C. Eg- v Iters building, has opened a shop on v his own property adjoining the At- h kins garage. i. Work on the pretty bungalow of Mr. L. T. Tatum, adjoining the Dr. 1 L. It. Bingham property, is moving along, and with a little more pretty T weather it will be ready for occu- A paney. a The handsome new home of Mr. Joseph Davidson on the heights ot the J Daniel Boone Park addition, is nearing completion, and the family will be occupying it in the very near fu- i / lure. h r Mrs. K. A. I.Jnney had as her guests Monday night her sistci Mr.% Payne of Taylorsville, and he r broth- 1 er Mr. June Mat he son and wife of a Greensboro. They returned home on 1 Tuesday afternoon. ' t; Dr. J. W. Jones has been in Baiti- j h more for several days attending some j ,i kind of medical meeting, but we are! not informed as to its name. He z will spend some time in Washington v before returning. \ Sorry to hear that Mr. Richard Wag ner of Stony Fork was right serious- \> k? hurl Snl:;rd.*tv r. limh fri>m ;i falling tree striking him and bruising f him considerably, lie is however, im- i jirovinjr f Mr. Ben H. Goss, formerly a stu- 'J dent at the A. T. S., now in the v lumber business at Jefferson, was a r visitor in Boone for a short while ' Monday morning. His many friend> k were glad to see him. this being"* his ;J first visit here for some years. Mrs. T. B. Foster of Fresno, Ohio who has been visiting with relatives 1 and friends in th? Rich Mountain sec- s tion was a caller at this office on -s *londay and left a subscription to the 1 Democrat. She will leave or. her re- t turn home Saturday. 1 v Friend Sam Atkins, or.e of the local garage men, has had a budding ^ aiaaia vf !?tc. He thoroughly remodeled his residence on Green Height * and gave it a neat coat of paint. He also built :i considerable annex to his garage building which had become ^ crowded, lor the storage of ca-.-,. Mr. and Mrs. D. Finley Mast, of j Valle Crucis, after a month's visit to Washington, Darlington, Md., Or- ^ ange, N. J., and New York, stopped , for a couple of days last week with Mr. Mast's niece. Mrs. A. W. Dula. J in Lenoir, going home Sunday.NewsTopic. ' Mrs. J. T. Hendrix who has spent t some time with her husband at Roa- < noke, *Va., he being a salesman for 1 the American Tobacco Co., with head y quarters in that city, has returaei and I will remain at the home of her par- i ents, Mb. anil Mrs. L. L. Critcher, t through the holidays. On Tuesday evening Mrs. J. M. Moretz gave a birthday dinner in honor of h< i daughter. Miss Lucy. ^ most sumptuous and delicious meal} was served, which a present greatly j ' enjoyed. The age of the good young j - " .3 .. .... ... K,.r : I ~~ lady \va< not iii.^-usm-h :vhu.;n.. -ui., she is still youn,r, not far from "sweet sixteen/'?J. M. D. On Thursday last Dr. J. L. Lyon j of Van Lear, Ky. arrived at the home j of Mr. ti. J. Councill. He was aceom-; panied by his daughter Miss Beatrice Lyon, who was here two years ago, for the winter. The doctor has returned to his home leaving his daughter for a protracted sojourn in our mountain town. Mr. E. F. Hartzog, of Idlewild, in Ashe County was a visitor to his son Mr. W. Gj Hartzog in Boone, over Sunday. Mr. Hartzog was for a long while a residen tof Boone and his friends here are always glad to see hini back. He was an appreciated caller at this office before leaving for his home on Monday. Rev. H. G. Hardin, pastor of the Tryon Street Methodist Church, at Charlotte,, also Mrs. S. S. McNinch of Charlotte were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Councill. On Sunday by invitation of :iur pastor Mr. Woosley, Mr. Hardin illed his pulpit at the 11 o'clock services. Prof. W. L Winkler. Vice-prcsdent of the Blue Ridge Farmers' Association has owing to the rush of ivork, taken charge of the office for 1 while, at least. He will be assisted jy Miss Grace Sherrill, stenographer "or county agent Steele, who has been loing efficient work in the office for several months. Mr. and Mrs. W. C- Riddick of \zalea, N. C. were week end visitors it the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. 'ortev. Mr. Coffey and Mr. Riddick j vere room mates at Wake Forest luring their college days, and their r.eoling again must nave been an ev... r e 'ri.. in. ui I'l'iiuiui' pit'?>ure iui uvin. tin' isitors left for their home Monday loon. At a meeting of the town alderneh Monday night the contract for inching the widening of the street rom the entrance to the Daniel loone Park to the Baptist Church. ;as awarded Mr. Albert Watson, who irith six good teams and wheelers, will ofin the work in the next few days. Ir. Watson will be occupying his new mme in Boone in the very near fuure. Mr. A. E. South received a phonei >ies?agc yesterday that hffc sister Irs. I?. T. Prannock of Hickory had ; severe stroke of paralysis Tuesday i < ight and was not expected to live ' i hrough the da>. He and his brother .uther and MiV. S. C. Eggtrs left I or her home yesterday afternoon, he many friends of this lady in herj orae courtj of Watauga will be sor- ' y to hear of her very serious illness. I Rev. Dean Crisp, of I.enoir son of , he late Rev. John Crisp, is spending few days with relatives and friends , n Watauga. Mr. Crisp is well adanccd in years but is still doing acive ministerial work. He is enjoying is stay here very much. He will reurn to his home the last of the week Rev. E. M. and Mrs. Gragg of Eliabcthtcn. Tenn., were visitors last ,-eek at the home of their son, Mr. \\ R. Gragg of Boone. Contractor W. G. Hartzog is hav :?g the excavation made tor a lance ieven-room house on Green Heights or l>r. .1 M. Hodges of Cranberry. .Tie building will be on the site of he old Green store house, and will io modern throughout. The structure fill be of brick and wood and when ompleted will he one of the best n town. The doctor has had a "han:crtn' io come back to Boone for long time, and we are giad he has eventually made up his mind. Miss Theodosia Watson, one of the : eacbeis who has made the public chool at Stony Fork such a signal access this year, has taken a posiion in the Cove Creek High School, aking charge of her new work last Tuesday. The people of Stony Forkfere loth to give her up; the people >f Cove Creek are to be congratulaed upon securing her services. Her ister Miss Fhv.ii V>clsoit v???! ic the work on Stony Fork, bur we lave not learned who her assistants fill be. Mr. J. D. Louizeaux of Plainfield, J. arrived at the home of 1. Gragg yesterday afternoon and vill remain here until next Monday. Jr. Gragg received an order from him j or 150 choice dressed turkeys, which | vill be ready for him when he leaves, j hey to he distributed among his mill! iperatives, free of charge, for their j Thanksgiving dinners. This only goes' o show the big heart of this splenlid gentleman who is well known in Watauga. Plans are already being nade for a lecture front the brilliant frenchman before he N-avcs town. lie s a splendid talker and never fails o interest you no matter what his. ;ubject is. THANKSGIVING DAY ( By Dr. W. R. Sutler.) By proclam?.t ion the is Thanks-I giving day, Lt should be all the year around: As long as on earth we stay. (The longer 1 stay on this high pil-< grimage, The more I see and feel cf Him every way; Fie sends th esunshine and the rain Food and raiment while we stay, We should be thankful every day. Perhaps there was double rejoicing in my mother's home On one Thanksgiving day; The writer of this poem was born In that home to bless her and stay To love and obey her while on she lived ? To follow her Christian footsteps while in her peaceful gTave. BAMBOO NEWS The box supper at Bamboo Saturdaiy night was quite a success. The proceeds amounted to $105. The contest cake baked by Mrs. Maud Cook was cut by Mr. Camie Critcher. The Bamboo school boys have organized a basket ball team, which they THE WATAUGA are enjoying very much. Dr. U. Holden spent a day recently at Bamboo School doing dental work. Also Saturday for the Elk School Children. Some very good hogs are being butchered in the community. Mr. Lester Martin has recently moved t.o Caldwell. Rev. Watts is conducting a revival j at Three Forks this week. DOE KIDGE ITEMS Charlie the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hardy has been right sick with sore throat but is now able to go bach to school. Mrs. A. M. Brown who has been | suffering with asthma is reported to j be improving M iss Ward is teaching every day; in the week in order to close herj school before it gets too cold for the! little tots to go, as her pupils are mostly little fellows. Messrs Breece sjid Larry Lane went to hunt for the panther which is reported ,to have been seen and heard in the Rich Mountain. Breech says he failed to find the panther but that he saw a track the like of which he had never before seen. Mr. Walter Culler is building a I nice bungalow for Mr. Wilby Brown j at the J. W. McGhee place just beyond Howard's Creek Church. The road from Mr. \V. H. Hardin* up Howard's Creek seems to be growing nicely. ROMINGER ITEMS Messrs L. D. Tester and Dewey Reminder are filling their new storehouse with goods this week. Mr. H. W. Presnell has moved t<> his place on Beech Creek this week. He lakes with him another of our bright school boys. Mr. A. L Presnell made a busine: trip to Banner Elk recently. Most all of the farmers here have their corn in the cribs. John Mast is still husking. Mr. Nathan Presnell who has been j rnnfinod tn his hod with tvnhoid fection on business recently. Our teacher, Mr. Hagaman, has had some repair work done on our :>chool house. He is always doing the "right thing" where he teaches. Mr. Walter Harmon from Tennessee visited his friends and rela tives here last week. BAMBOO NEWS (Too late for last week) Sunday there was quite a crowc* attended Sunday School at Mount Vernon. They decided on having a Christmas tree. Glad to see Mr. Ira Critchei able to be out again. Dick Yannoy has been iil Jor^he past few days. The Bamboo school boys have or?n? i.A^I a Knolrot Kr.l! tl"l m ic very much enjoyed. Messrs Dewey, Gwyn, Fritz and j lister Miss Norn Annas of V adkin | Valley visited at G. F. Criteher's on Sunday. Dr. Miller spent last Friday at the bamboo school doing denial wokr Mr. Haganian also visited the school. The school isprogrcssing nicely with a good attendance and the children are interested in making progress in I their work. Miss Mande Bradshaw of Blowing Rock after spending a few days with' relatives has returned home. Mr. Lester Martin and family have! me^cd to Caldwell Saturday November 17th is set for. tin commencement of the revival ser-1 vices to ht held at Three Forks Rev. j Watts wil: conduct the- sen. >. There will be a box -per at Bairiiiao school house Sat v.: y night N:)vti). kt 17th. Proceeds v.". go to .Mr. Jeff Hampton who rece liy lost his hoi: and contents by re. Everybody, both young and old. are invited to come, and help make it a success. MT. PLEASANT NEWS ITEMS The Mt. Pleasant congregation is working up "the Temple of Praise" an excellent vpageant to be given on I Thanksgiving~~3ay at the Lutheran Church. The public is invited. Rev. N. D. Yount spent several days last week visiting her sister Mrs J. F. Moretz and friends h community. He returned to Shelby Friday. Dr. G. H. JefFcoat and Mr. Marshall Whitesell of Burlington, made a short visit last week at the hom* of Rev. Jeff coat. Saturday morning the lap of moth er earth was filled with snew. Xhis is the third snow fall for this section. Nothwitstanding the snow on Friday night and the winds of Sunday the installation service at "Mt. Pleas DEMOCRAT BANK you CA ] i N. L. Mast, Presi L. A. Greene. Vi\ G. P. Ilagaman, C W. D. Farthing, . Austin E. South. ' Miss Pearl Hodg* Bookkeeper gg?J| ant was largely attended. l>r. J. Morgdn, president of the Luther: Synod was present and had charj of the service. He also preached tl sermon at both the morning and a tornoon services. Mrs. John S. Norris has been for several days. Her condition r mains unchanged. The community was saddened b cause of the death of one of her ol est citizens, Mrs. Flanip Claw son < last Friday. Interment was Sunday Mr. Oal Xorris and son Fred \v Monday for a trip to Conover. Th will probably return the last of tl week. They were accompanied by W Jackson. On Monday morning Rev. H. \ JeffcOat together with Mr. P. P. M retz ana family left for Conovt \1- nm.iv , ing. They will be greatly missed our community. Miss Louie Moretz and Mr. Thom Moretz of Boone were in atteudan upon the services at Mount Pleasa Sunday. COVE CREEK NEWS ITEMS The protracted 'meeting cdndu ted by Rev. W. R. Davis of Wise, V resulted in great good. Five we added to the church by baptism ai two by letter. At a conference of ti church on Saturday Rev. Davis w elected as pastor. Another teacher has been add to the faculty of the Cove Cre High School. Miss Theodosia Wats< This brings the teaching force to t number of ten. On Wednesday of last week Co Creek met Sutherland in a bask hall game on the loca' cou**t. T game was interesting throughout a | i , "a Wqd?i . n ? V J | pairing Done at Walker's J 1 also repair Fov Rings and all Kinds All work repair* earliest possible mc Mail your wor ki WILL C. WALI for All N GET ?UT YOUR HAND to EVER ?AND PUSH IT TO THE LI TY TO DO ANYTHING USI so. too, wn get all we e-Pres. employ al ashier verier ments. keei TeLer !S, ting you in and progre; ? WATAUCA 1*0 BAr boon I., result? il in a score of 22-18 in favor in of the Cove Creek team. A return je game is to be played at Sutherland be moxl Tue-day : ,f-1 The science equipment has arrived and the high school is now prepared ill to do laboratory work in Biology and e- General Science. This will add a great deal to the school. The library * e- has also been increased?a new Inter- \ d- national Encyclopedia, consisting of Mi twenty four volumes having been adtied and a number of other books of f ft .standard literature have been order ty ed. he The literary societies are progress m ing nicely. The meetings are held on Wednesday afternoons. 1 V. The regular Quarterly Conference o- was held with the church at Hcnson , ?r, Chapel on Saturday and Sunday, the dv Rev. M. E. Williams presiding, in Messrs Greer Glenn and Jamies ' Mast, who are at the University, were , as week-end visitors with home folks and 1 ce friends. nt Mr. J. B. Morton hought a flock of 150 turkeys on Monday, delivering them in Boone. ?? Mrs. Hamlette, returned missinary ? from China made an interesting talk IF IC* at the Baptist Church on Sunday. a* Rev. W. E. Wilson preached at V ^ Cove Creek on Saturday and Sunday * He will hold a Thanksgiving service on Thanksgiving day. as I S1 ^ Lime and humus are again prov-j ing a good combination in improv-j ing crop yields. An Iredell farmer ^ has just found that it pays with corn. 1 Tom Tarheel says: The farmers' vc >i" this state have caught the spirit ^ of the new North Carolina. Hence- ~ e forth they will be torch bearers in ni! he pageant of progress. nMHHHHHH ??? ? * Ti t i ? i * ** >- ''-4 11 ftf jjjf Enarravinff I 3 o o ewelry Store. mtain Pens, Spectacles, of Jewelry ? ;d and delivered at the >ment. to tER, BOONE, N. C. ' < PACE FIVE Y USEFUL TOOL MIT OF ITS ABILLFUL FOR YOU. "H BANKING. CAN GIVE YOU. L OUR DEPART5 US BUSY BOOSYOUR WELFARE ss. COUNTY iK K . N . C . *!v - BBSM \ *1 W !* Z,1"' y . "'--j V V ' % Constant hactcmg makes the cough < worse C TOP . w witrv Dr. Bell's PineT;:r :! :u.y or ir r.v.v become ^rora:. Nothing quick). loosens ynlcgTTi.sooT- iMtr. for.',i. . : :oi!?iu:ij; l\Lidc -a the v rr s uc the best <: vior>\> v: :be cmhmed with the p.vvl , o -. :htrind-h ' ?rinetr-.i h '' ?I s pte oiiiR, uv ! Kev- Dr 'v'i'. on nr. i tot toe whole h.milv. Ah Jnty triors, Pe sure r.? r., tnr genuine. R. BELL'S Piv.c ~T(ir Honev "ITS INSURANCE you /ANT SEE GEORGE . BRYAN, BOONE. RAYED?I NOW HAVE IN MY possession a good looking bay horse, taker up on the commons in Boone. Owner will please call and get him as the feed bill is growing each day. Hurry* W. R. Greene, Town Marshal. 22-11 >R SALE?Purebred O. I. C. pigs. $5 each. Finley P. Hodges. Sanus N. C H-22-3 -iOKOUGHBRED DUROC JERSEY piffor sr. r, S w^eks old. Orion ?e; > Ki"i? ?*nct endc-r strain. E. B. i ?: jt!:. r* o ;d. N. C 11-15-2 tOS i PROCf CA BBAGE PLANTS WT. ' ave millions, of early Jersey Wal 5 rid ral bage plants rrrdy to t. IOC parcel post prepaid .30; 500 parcel post prepaid 1.35; 1000 and over 2.50. Order filled same day received. Richardson Bros. Siler City, N. C. 11-8-23-31 JEAD COLDS Melt a little Vicks in a spoon and inhale the medicated vapors. Apply frequently up the nostrils. Always use freely just before going to bed. \/ICK? V VAPOr?UB O-TlTMiUimmJmV-d IWrfr. Subscribe For Your bounty Paper. ! - " . tfl