I ^ A Non-Partisan Family volume xxxi. MAY BEAUTIFY " THE BOONE TRAII (Chamber of Commerce Takes Actioi bo Re|?rd to Planting Flowers am Shrub along Trail. At the Chamber of Commerce ot Saturday night the question wai brought, up about planting ornanien tal trees and shrubbery along th< Boone Trail from Tennessee to th? Wilkes County line. Prof. B. B. Dou gherty said that he had an offei from Mr. W. W. Stringfellow a fcr mer citizen of the county to assisi *v: . i... e.. ? :.u: ..i ui? jiii iiuo MM UUUC \ di a very "low cost. The Chamber man i ifested considerable interest in thii fine idea and asked Prof. Doughertj to write the fact to Mr. Stringfellou and President Gragg agreed to gel in touch with Mr. K. C. Robbins al Lrinville in regard to the trees anc shrubbery for the purpose. Mr W H. Gragg, Professors Dougherty ano Downum were appointed a committee to look after this matter and it was suggested the schools on or neai the Boone Trail and any citizens whe are interested along the high-wa\ who will take up the work of setting out the shrubbery in certain sectior will correspond with the committee in regard to the matter. This is : very fine idea to make the lloon? Trail Highway through the count} beautiful by planting these ornamer tal trees, shrubbery, and hardy flow ers, such as roses, etc. on each sidt of the highway from Tennessee U Wilkes so that the people will Know that they arc in Watauga county bj the beauty that surrounds them as they drive through. Who will help? Write us at one*1. Your* for beauty, i J. M. DOWNUM, Secy B 1 THANKSGIVING DAY FINDS I BOONE FOLK LIBERAI Thanksgiving day in Roonc wai very appropriately observed. Servi ces at the Methodist church at 10 a m. and at the Baptist church in th< evening The banks and some of th< other business houses of the towi were closed for the day. At the ser vices at the Baptist Church a collet . tion was taken for the Thomasvilli orphanage amounting to $256.00 One lover of the cause (we will no ffive his name) gave $100 of tha amount, a.... then brought $5 to th> Democrat for the Grandfather Or ph&nugc On Friday the editor o thus paper took a collection for on mountain orphanage that aniountci to $85.25 which has been sent in And the best part of it was that no a person was asked to contribut who failed. A gentleman residing ii a town not. a thousand miles fror Boone, was in town Monday, and rt ferring to the generosity of the tow remarked: "It is not fitting for a ma to say anything about his home tow 1 Rni->no ninr than the merchants in my town trade It may be that way. FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB On Friday after Thanksgiving th Friday Afternoon Club was deligh fully entertained by Mrs. J. D. Coui cil). The program and the entire a temoon's entertainment were so a ranged as to bring all present in1 the atmosphere of Thanksgiving, unique feature of the program wj a Thanksgiving poem composed 1 Mrs. D. 1"). Dougherty. The article < "The Turkey as the United Stat National Bird on Thanksgiving Da] brought out an interesting piece < history, revealing the fact that tl (turkey gobbler instead of the eag came near appearing on our Nation seal. "The First Thanksgiving" w read by Mrs. J. A. Sproles. A short business session followc A committee was appointed to co fcr with the standing committee the Worth While Club relative to t much needed work on the town cci etery. Mrs. J. F. Hardin, one of the clu most highly esteemed members, 1 ing seriously ill, the club voted express its sympathy by sending ci nations. During the social hour M F, A. Linney assisted the hostess ! serving a delicious salad course. Besides the clifbi members M ^ Lyons of Kentucky and Mrs. Wo ley shared Mrs. Councill's hospit ity. The next meeting of the club v be with Mrs. M. P. Critcher. t v . [.] i Newspaper Published in ai BOONE, THANKSGIVING DAY OBSERVED?OTHER ITEMS OF NEWS j A recent backet ball frame between the young ladies team of the A. T. x S. and the young ladies* team from 1 Elk Park resulted in a sore of 15 to ! 22 in fai'nr of t'hi> Trninir.cr SCohool team. > The public school boys of the town played the Cove Creek public school - and lost to the latter by a score of ? 25 to 9. Boone's regular team play? ed the team from Elizabethton Tenr. - on Thanksgiving night and the score r stood 44 to 29 in favor of Boone. Thanksgiving day was observed in t Boone in a very appropriate manner. 1 religious services being held in the - Methodist and Baptist churches at f the former at 10 a. m. and the latter ' at 7 p. m. Good congregations were .-'t'fent, especially considering the t very rainy day. t Offerings were made at both plal ces for the respective orphans at I the Children's Home and Thomasville I | Orphanage ' i The furnace at the new adminis> I tration building of the Training rj School was fired up on Thanksgiving ? day for the first time to try it out,; ' to see whether it would prove sat: isfactory. and the opinion of those i i in charge was that it stood the test' we'l.?-J. M. I). i NEWS ITEMS FROM PENDLF.Y r t The good people from Bradshaw and Penley served a public dinner J 011 the grounds at the Pcndley school } I house on Thanksgiving Day. At 11 I 1. U -t 1 1 t u liuviv r hmui ?? aiMiM (ivint-ini it ? sermon which was followed by one . by Pastor Beach. Mr. Will Storie then asked for fhe origin of Thanksgiving Day. This was satisfactorily answer-1 ed by Mrs. Lona Cook, teacher from 1 the Bradshaw school. Mrs. Cook had arranged a short program. Five of her little girls and two boys had appropriate recitations,' Little Miss - Evalina Bradshaw carrying off the laurels. Miss Mamie Ccffcy of the s Pendles school with her sweet \yce repeated the 23rd psalm. After this came the dinner. A more bountiful well-cooked dinner would he hard to find. Then just everything good 1 to eat?and in such quantities?beef and pork and chicken cooked in every conceivable way, and overtopping 1 ; all was a huge chicken pie made by Mrs. Millard Coffey. Cake, pies, jelI lies, pi&kles, and honey in unknown ^ w*?e u-nn. : e; derful and all just ate, and ate un-J II til they could eat no more. It was1 good to be there. Such splendid be J", havior- while all chatted and talk-j 1 ed together, not even a loud laugh j was heard. 1 Mr. G. L. Storie who recently mov1 ed his store to Mulberry is movingi n hack. ' n Mr. Dowe Lowe Triplett who has been ill for so long with typhoid n fever is improving fast. n Mr. M. Coffey is building an adn dition to his house. tL' Mr. Milton Coffey has moved to i Aho. Mrs. Wm. Beach has gone to spend Ithe winter with her daughter Mrs. Nelson. Mr. Avery Nelson of Lenoir was a visitor to home folks at Thanksgiv10 ir.g. He thinks of moving back soon. The farmers here are busy shuckv ing corn. Mr. Tom Watson is building a new barn for Misses Mary and Nelia Robr~ bins. 0 Mr. Cloyd Church after gathering A j in his fine crop has gone to Boiic's saw mill to work. ^ I Galax gathering is quit*' an indus>n; try here. The bronze leaves bring 10 cents per thouw*!nd and so it ' | pays to gather them. nf i CORRESPONDENT, he | ii|!the ten commandments of business as 1. Handle the hardest jobs each i Hav Raw on<>a nra n' 2. Do not be afraid of criticism. ?* Criticise yourself often. 3. Be glad and rejoice in the otl (T1" er fellow's success?Study his method 4. Do not be misled by dislikes Acid ruins the finest fabrics. ,e~ 5. Be enthusiastic. It is contag I ious. 6. Do not have the idea that sue cess simply means money-making. *n 7. Be fair and do at least on< decent act every day in the year. 8. Honor the chief?there mus os- be a head to every business. 8. Have confidence in yourself. 10. Harmonize your work. Le rtU Sunshine radiate and penetrate. ?Contributed nd for Boone and Watauga WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CA] 1. C. CREEK MAKES BIG HIT IN JEFFERSON, N. C SPEECH Ira T. Johnson in Ashe Recorder. Delivering what one man pronoun- 1 ced the best speech lie ever heard .s in the Ashe county court house and I ?j what many pronounced the best ed- ? uealional address heard in Ashe since t the days of Aycock, Prof. I. G. Greer | ;i of Boone stirred his audience Sat-! i urday Wo v. 17th and sent his crowd i away thinking. ; t A snow storm came over the moun t tains about dawn and blew away a f large part of the effects of the wide- 1 spread and faithful advertising done c by County Superintendent J. O. God- i c D .? : ? ?:* - ? man. uui m ?|01 me weatner, 1 about fifty school committeemen re- i t spondee! to Supt. Goodman's invita-1 t tion. A sprinkling of teachers and sever.il other citizens completed the ? crowd. The Lost Province band warmed the j crowd while the coal in the stoves I sizzled and the wind howled out- 1 side. Professor Greer showed that * he was cast in heroic mold. He drove v a flivver over from Boone and went 1 to the bat soon after his arrival. c Principal Jones of Jefferson School ' directed the crowd's attention to the importance of service in his devo- h tional exercires. Jim Goodman intro- * duced Mr. Greer. Catching his crowd ^ with humorous stories at which he is an adept, the speaker piled illus- I * t ration on top of facts, added logic | for a sauce and eloquence for a cha- 1 ^ ?r. Speaking directly to the school com * mitteemen, he divided his address in- ! to three parts?first, the requisites ( of a school committeeman,; second, ^ how a committeeman may serve his 1 community; and third how to make * a school system more democratic. The speaker urged moral character in teachers and committeemen. ? He showed how school committeemen can encourage worthy boys and girls, and emphasized their duty to help make their communities clean. , It was in the third part of his ad- j "Kress thai Mr. Greer especially challenged the thought of his hearers. Strongly advocating the county-wide school plan, he moved his audience to applause. "Every dollar of prop-. erty in Ashe county ought to stand behind the education of every boy and girl in the county," he declared. While this plan of making the entire county a special tax district to lengthen the school term to eight ' months in every district will meet with opposition, some honest, and some from the usual crowd who oppose every progressive step, Mr. I Greer's exposition of it produced I thought that will bring fruit. It is a nitv that every school committee man in the county could not have been present. Every voter should have heard the address. By such blows j as Greer struc kSaturday public sentiment is moulded, and an intelligent i public sentiment will demand welfare 1 work, a county demonstration agent ' consolidation of schools wherever practical, and soon, the county-wide school plan. This is as inevitable as that day will follow night. Honest but mistaken opinion politicians who fatten on ignoranc^, false ideas of economy, selfishness, stinginess, al! will hinder. But Jim Goodman says he means j no backward step will be taken in Ashe. Attorney W. B. Austin closed th*. meeting with a brilliant speech that emphasized the duty of school committeemen in solving the problems that confront the county and in raising the standard of school work lr. ithe county. I; s 2 House Will Be 2 ! O !*. _ C e Duiu or jawami Hoquium, Wash.?The lirst house In the world to be built * enftrelv of sawdust goe3 to J Hoquiam. r A mill near there has a process 2 by which sawdust Is molded Into all kinds of building materials, i 2 including planks, beams, boards. [ lath and shingles. 2 The material Is waterproof. 2 sound-proof, grained like natural 2 wood, and can be stained or 2 painted. 2 5 BOX SUPPER There will be a box supper at t Maple Springs new school house at Sands, Saturday night Dec. 15th. the proceeds to go on finishing the school t house. Ladies, married or single, will please come and bring a nice box. I. J. W. BYERS. Teacher. a Men t County, the Leader of N< ROL1NA, THURSDAY DECEMBER TRUCK LOAD OF WATAUGA O PRODUCE TO THOMASV-tLLE Early last week the members o! j .aurel Creek Baptist Church and K oinday School collected a truck load c; ?f apples, potatoes cabbage and oth- tL r good mountain products and sent J w hem to the Thoniasville orphanage . ei is a Thanksgiving offering ofr the R nmates of that great institution. The H oad was valued by the authorities' fc here at $65.00, and the body has! cc he -.>tinction of hauling their load 01 arthcr than any ever delivered there h? >y wagon or truck. The good people j te lid well and their example could so II asjlv he followed by others? r.ot on-t th y to that, but other orphanages in in as.v reacn 01 us, and let us hope te h**i hereafter it will be done. | G t y TEMS FROM THE tl APPALACHIAN SCHOOL There are two Sundays in the ^ nonth when the Methodist tnd Bapist churches do not hold services. | ^ )n the first Sunday the Baptists do lot have services and the Methodists w ?n the second Sundays. On the past ^ Sunday the good Baptist people in urge numbers attended the service ^ it the Methodist church to hear two xcellent sermons- by Rev. Woosley. ^ rhis tine spirit of harmony should prevail everywhere as it does in ioone. The Chamber of Commerce met on v>, Saturday in tHoir usual meeting and j f, ifter n short talk by President ; o jiragg they elected for the next six ai nonths the following officers: W. H. tv iragg, President; Dr. Mc. G. Anders f; /ice President* J. M. Dowr.um, Sec- |c. etary; G. P. Hagaman. Treasurer lvj mo as a board of directors. .1. F. w Ho re. Smith Hagaman. E. N. Hahn ,< 3. P.. Dougherty, and M. P. Critcher p, I 1 Moore, W. (I Hartzog and E. ir: Si. Hahn wore appointed as a com- Lp mittce to have the fence put up around the court house as the com- c< nissioners had furnished the money. e1 ft was agreed tha t President Grugg 7. should write the authorities of Wil- Hj ies County about putting up a sign s. >n the lines between the two coun jj. Lies, and Prof. B. B. Dougherty was ^ Lo consult the authorities of the state >f Tennessee about such a sign on i n the North Carolina-Tennessee line, j 0 jn the Boom Trail Highway. As the! surveyor of the proposed new rail- j road has asked President for any, suggestions from anyone. K. N. Hahn | smith iiagamar. ana M. i*. Cmeherj'' nere appointed as a committee to j d utfer such suggestions as he might . o veant and might seem proper and v helpful.?J. M. Dowiuiri. ; r X FOSCOE NEWS r Mr. Emory Greer of Zionville passed through town the other day wear - *t ing the .same old smile. I *f Mr. W. H. Byrd who has been in | bad health for some time is much j j improved and is able to be out again. j Our school is progressing nicely | c with two of the best teachers in the i county. | , Mr. D. P. Wyke is a hustling mer-j i chant. He has had his Christmas line j in for some time. j j Mr. Charlie Cole and wife have re-j ( turned from a visit to his brother, ( Mr. Preston Cole in Ashe county. Mr. cienry Brinkley went up the , river, thinking he would catch a fat , possum for Thanksgiving, but failed. He rousted a big fat fox and ran him i to Foscoe. The women were all frightened. thinking their children would be molested, but fortunately he bothered none except Mr. Wm. McCain's. Mr. Joe Wagner returned Sunday with his little son Ralph who has been in the hospital at Johnson City. The little boy is much improved. I Mr. Henry Coffey of Blowing Rock ! visits Foscoe quite often. There must: j be some attraction for him. The patients in the hospital at i Shulls ..ills all seem to be improv-j ! ing. TU ,.J" ( ing around Foscoe from Hampton, Tenn. We fear he means some mis: chief. Mr. Gentry from Johnson City is to preach at the new church Saturday night and Sunday. There will be a box supper at the Foscoe School house Friday night December 7th. The proceeds go for the | benefit of the poor. Girls, bring your J boxes, and boys bring a pocket full j of money and have a good time. Ev'j cry body invited. Question: Did King David write all the book of psalms? All who can answer this question answer it in the Democrat. mott; Drthwestern Norch Caroli 6, 1923. FFICERS SEIZE THIRTY FIVE GALLONS OF SHINE" J On Tuesday night one Mr. M. W. ap of Potter Town, in a Packard ir of the model the company ] irning out some fifteen years ago. as apprehended by Prohibition Ag it Ralph Bingham, at or near the iver Bridge on the Boone Trail, is car was searched and the officer i mini iihont l V?it*l\- fivo "*>"' -e 1 >rn whiskey. The prisoner and his itfit were brought on to Boone and i i was given a hearing before Unid States Commissioner John W.. ] odges, and in default of a dlie | 1 tousand dollar bond he was placed i jail, where he still remains. Yes- j < rday morning Policeman W. R. < reen made a thorough search of ] le surroundings where Kay was cap- < ired and found two and one half i | illons more, raising the amount to 1 t 7 1-2 gallons The car is held by i ic officer and the liquor was poured < i the street in front of Commissioner; j odges store. 1 Angus Church was also captured j ith five gallons near Deep Gap. j r. Hodges bound him over to court ; id as he could not fill a $500 bond , i is in jail also. i 'ORTH WHILE CLUB WILL CLOTHE ORPHANS|( The Worth While Club, the memoes of which are ever on the alert n something to do that will entitle j tern to the name under which they ^ re laboring, have agreed to clothe! o of the little girls at the Grand-' ither Orphanage for th?* winter, at ( ast. A list of their needs was sent > the Club by the matron, and good 1 am- clothing, shoes, etc. have a! 1 a.nh*I Williaui- a teacher at! Lmner Elk spent the week end with j tome folks here. Miss Minnie Day spent Thanksgiv-j ng day at her home near Bamboo. I diss Day is one of the town's highly esteemed teachers. Miss Mary Chester the little folks'' ouch loved teacher visited Mrs. A.: VI. Oritcher last Sunday. Miss Lena Hartley aft er spending I he summer in Virginia has return-: ?d to Blowing Bock to spend the winter. Mrs. Annie Hollars after spending; a few months in Greensboro has returned to Blowing Rock where she will visit home folks before joining her husband in Marion, N. C. Mr. Thomas Coffey, Jr. visited home folks here Thanksgiving day. The boys pulled off a big Thanksgiving hunt. They went to catch a bear. We have not learned why they didn't. Mr. Grover Bobbins and familyvisited in Lenoir last Sunday. Herbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee H'.x . Mr. Burgin Gragg of this section while working at a skidder on Boone Fork last Saturday was caught with some logs and badly hurt. Miss Cora Lee Taylor of Tennessee has been visiting friends and relatives here for the past two weeks.