A Non-Partisan Family Is VOLUME XXXIV FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB ENJOYS WATCH PARTY The fr riday afternoon club enjoyed a most delightful evening at the Critche- Hotel on Monday evening1 the 31st. 1? met there with Us guest* ?the husbands?to keep watch over the out-going of the old and the incoming ?.f the New Year. , The hotel reception room was beau tifully decorated and many old time games were played. An interesting contest that tested the participants' knowledge of the State's geography Ai resulted in the prises being awarded A to Mrs R .1. Council'. Mr. E. S. Coffey. Mr. ColTey* and Mr. South tied, but the "short straw" fell to Mr. South and their rivalry was easily adjusted. Refreshments were served at lU:dOi and -vi thoroughly enjoyed that all] were wide-awake when the old ? year ] ticked its last minute. Just as the old year went out a j number of the old time songs were sung by all. and w hen "Home Sweet Home'* wa- rendered the Now Years time had passed mure rapidly- than any seemed to realize, so stealthily , had pleasure stolen attention. The club and its guests iiulebt- i od t Mr. and Mrs. Crbohei for the i most delightful evcnin? of the old j year. HONOR ROLL OK THE COVL CREEK HIGH SCHOOL First tirade: Joseph Banner, Bob , Biiighnm. Jobr.sie Brinkley. Fred j Greene, Benjamin Morton, David Mori \ 4cn. Carrie Isaacs. Stanford Brown,\ N. . Nell N?.riis, Wihna Stout. G:.; ? rt^Yj-lket S ennui Gnuic. Yelnia Brown^Odi,| ' Hi-:: os Dense! Stokes. Marvin Deal, 1 ( 1 ,'.se iohri m\v Howard Simpson, Jr., ( 31 ace Floteh.'r, Ruth Sherwood. I.eni Wilson, Ftaenor Hodges. Glenn SherWOO ' Third Grade: Scott Bingham, Lester Fletcher, Blanche Lewis, S#sic Banner, James MeBride. Fourth Grade: Finley Bingham. Ri- 1 \ )a Fletcher. Odl Glenn. pr* Necs. I Fifth Grade: Dean MoBrido, Katlv ryn Hortori, Oscar Broxvn, Ada Ban- i ncr. I . S xih Grade: Blanche Banner, Perl, Henson, Myrtle Matheson, Hal Duggc.. Earlo I ;mc> Iva Dean Wilson, Hazel Hicks, Bonnie MA* Bride, Doughton Oreene, Effto Isaacs. Ninth Grade: Blanche Mast. Eleventh Grade: 0: i lto.o Mast. I 9h! B s sH ^ Pt-rhti Attend a lice Record First Orad Fra.icis Mast Josephi' Mast. Co Croud Grade, {\irsoli Mast, l!ensel Stokes. Third Grade: Mar\ Lizzie Banne*. Blanche Lewis, Henry Clay tleii-en, Gladys Mast Fourth Grade: James Banner, Ora Isaacs. Cecil Glenn, Smith Mast. Fifth Grade: Ada Banner. Ruia! jtfast. Sixth Grade: Blanche Banner. Earl' f Isaacs. EtTic Isaacs. Pearl Henson, Iva Dean W it son. Seventh Grade: Annie Tot Brinkley, Lucy Glenn, Ruby Mast, Loy Campbell. Cora Isaacs. Bonnie Mast. Eighth Grade: Ophia Bingham. Maxie Mae Greene. Clay Mast, Phyllis Bingham. Ralph Greene, Alice Mast. John Henry Brinkley. Knima Isaacs. Edith Mast, Thomas Elliott, P >onie Jean Lewis, -John Sherwood, Ted Glenn, Wiley Le.-: . iva I ce fester, jArr.es Tester, Effie Winebarger. , v V nth tirade \P*?m Adams, Tneo| dorr Ri.l'in->r.. Paul Bingham Fivjest Wilson. Blanche >I.? Tenth Grade: Y aught Mast. M Eleventh iract-: fcdnr Hru>K:. y, Jennie Ma.-t, Winnie Combs. Thelma Pen v. COVE CREEK NEWS ITEMS Writt.-n S&ne of the 27th Tr' school clcMrd for fbe holidays on Thursday. A short program was given by the children of the grammar grades on Thursday afternoon followed by a Christmas tree The spring session will open on Wednesday January 2nd. Most of the teachers have gone to their homes for the holidays. Misses Rhodes and Thornburg to Lincoln Co. Mr. Hill to Newberry S. C.. Misses McMillan and Reeves to Alleghany, ?ud Mr. W. E. Wilson to his home in Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mast left on Thursday for Maryland where they will make their home. The protracted meeting conducted by the pastor Rev. Ed Hodges at the Willowdale Baptist Church resulted in 22 additions to the church. I e life Jewspaper Published in aj BOONE, Put* Plate of Open Bible on Engine Greensboro, Dec. 2N. ? Many strange and unique gifts have been presented at Christmas time since the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Christ Child in the manger In Bethlehem. 11*2" years ago. But David J. (Fant.| the well-known engineer on the South : ern railway, who is widely known as the "engineer evangelist," and who j has visited Greensboro in this capacity several times, having conducted a 1 week's revival here under the auspices of the Salvation Army recently, made a presentat ion the past Christmas that never has been duplicated in the nearly 2,000 years and proba Uiv never will be. Beneath the headlight of Engineer Font's favorite locomotive which is No. 14.12a, is engraved a metal piate showing a copy of the Holy Bible opened. Engraved thereon are the words: "Thy word i.- truth" and a few inches belowed is inscribed "John 17:17." Tin full verse referred to is Sanctify them through thy truth; Thy Word is truth." They are the words of Jesus praying to his fath i t? preserve his apostles. Mi. Kant lias heir. ir. the service of the Southern years, most of that ; uio ha\g been in charge of a lo motive. Engine No. 11,125 pullsj lrains W. .'50 and .111 between Green T villc. S C. and Atlanta, (la The air. the devoted engineer and the locomotive leave Greenville at 12^0 n. m . pulling the Piedmont l/imitevi to Atlanta anil retort- at tlu head ?f No. ?v which reaches t?reen.vii??ibotrt 6 t?. w. "The fhnw supremo joys in ihi 1 a-oild to me." Pave Kant is quoted saying, 'are running an engine, sup* j porting :i missionary in the foreign j field, and preaching the word '.fj iiod." He frequently obtains leaves M absence from his run it; order to] I'Otiduct services and revivals, DOE RIDGE BREVITIES Christmas passed awav very quit tlyly around this place. Mr. Hard Greene had a oandy-puili?K for the young folks at rtis hoW* Christmas Eve night. They ail enjoyed themselves to the limit. Mr. Brooce Lane who lias been in Ohio tcr the past three weeks lookrg for a home in that slate arrived i at the home of his father Mr. K. G.I Lane yesterday. Breece seems to btlievt there is no place tike home. Rev. Kdmon Greene of Hadgcs Gap; C-ited the home of Mi \V. K. Ciil*\m| Hodges presented to Mr. Huhi-rl Hardy a I'Ooth pick which he ma.-'.e while in prison <r t)amp Chase Ohio in time of the war between the UtU >. On Christinas day Mr. R. G. Lane bile rid tup,* came to seme ice in the road. He thought it best to get off his horse and lead down the ice. His. horse, becoming frightened, threw him down, and dragged him some distance. Mr. l.ane suffered a good many bruises. Married one day last week Mr. Finley Brown to Miss Florence Vannoy. Finley is one of our hustling voting men. His bride is a fine county school teacher. Hemth. son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hardy, while splitting wood with a double-bladed axe, cut his head pretty badly. SAYS FOXES ARE NO LONGER PROTECTED BY LAW i to -t.v i to the people of Watauga County that at thi- iast session of .he Ge.< A- -v-mhiy I re ue.V'cd the law protecting the loXis in Wat.iujra County. You have a light ;o ki.i tte a; y l.rni tn\ way you v. h:i\ to. Go to it. i Siimed > BLAIXU COFFEY ! . At a e< : forer.co of the Cove Creek . Baptist ? : arch on last Saturday the , F?-verend W. E. Wilson was elected i parxor. The people of this entire section i were grieved to hear of the death of Mr. A. M. Mast who died at his home iit Rufus Caldwell county on Friday. Misses Blanche Horton of the A. T. S. and Messrs Greer Glenn and I James Mast of the University are at : home for the holidays. A powerhouse is now being 1 nill 3 hv Mr John H M??t to replace the one destroyed by fire several weeks ; ago. He hopes to have the plant ir j operation by the first of Februrarj D??rid Mast is home from the Un I iversity. On Friday night Mr Rowe of Jon son City, Tenn. gave a humorous Jec tore at the school. ad for Boone and Watauj WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH < BLOWING HOCK NEWS ITEMS 11 a pin New Year to everybody ^ One of the most charming holidaj entertainment* was given by the stu dents of the Graded School. Each grade won special applause. There ha* been in the past week some big: real estate deals here. Mr C. S Privette our hustling merchant has bought out Lentv. Brothers & Co, and will erect a large brick building where the old frame building was destroyed by fire. Mr. W. L. Alexander has jusj, closed a deal for the beautiful Holt property, better known as the Stringfeliow estate. Our very popular teacher Mrs. Pearl Hartley entertained a number of her friends at a charming Christmas dinner. Lots of fcood eats and a ?ood time for everybody. Mr. and Mrs. Tipton Greene were hosts at a lovely dinner party given at their home on Walker Heights. The guests present were: Annie Lee Crisp, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crisp, Miss Ella Crisp. Mr. Wade Hartley, Mrs. Mrs. Cecil Criteher presented her husband with a fine ten pound boxDec. 2b. IDs name .> (' c:! Hay. Cecil Sr. wants to know who can beat that for u Christmas p v-cat. The old Blue Back -i>? .. match at the graded school "last Thursday night was well attended and a lively interest shown, it made the old folks feel young again, so In r< s hoping we xviil have another spelling match soon Thomas Coffey. Jr. college student spoi l the holidays with home folks. Miss Annie Green high school student. spent the holidays with her pa vnt- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Green. V: Annie Lex Crisp., a teachei in ti<? Hudson iiigil School. spent the week end with her p.iK-nt:. Mr. and Mr.v Lee i visp. Miss Dorothy Suddenh \><ited he* home folks during the holidays. Miss Inez Howell and M Ernie Green were married on Saturday the 22n<J at Jefferson, X. G. the officiating minister Rev. Stone. They spent Christmas with the bride's father and v h?' M? and Mrs. John Howell of Riverside. The bride is an attractive young woman with a large circle of frfends. Mr. Green is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Green oi Brown wood and enjoys the confidence and esteem of his many acquaintance;. lie is at present employed l?y the surveying .row of the Lost Pro vir.ee Railroad. The bride will spend scir.e time in Blowing Rock witl her ;;i?nt. Mrs. A. M. Critchcr. i'aui ami oilo.- L.~cy o! Wilkesht.ro visited friends lure du r: ng t he ho)iday>. Mr, Wayne EHer visited Miss Lit liar. Johnson during the holidays. Miss Ella Crisp has taken charge of her sister's school in Hudson foi a few w eeks. Miss Dorothy Hayes a college stu dent spent a few days with her par i*nts during the holidays. MILK SICKNESS IS SAID TO BE DUE TO SNAKE ROO Cincinnati, Dec. 31.?The scieno of living things had its day loua .-.i etie convention of the America] Association for the advancement o Science. /. oolosisis. botanists and entomo! ?l" ;> took up discussion of plan and animal life. Or. i 'wiijlit Marsb, physicioiogis if i)-x United Siatc.- department vj agriculture toh; botanists of the via ..ni-jy of the cause of an age-ol <1im ase, milk sickm * hich cited wait ar.a ammrjs alike. A srr.a wee kacov o as wii.te snake root has t>ee responsible for the- malady which iw prevailed k the central states iV ainrost a century. and which ucctfh t ing to historical records was respoi xv for the death <>l Abraham Lu coin's-, mother. Cattle become affec cd \>y the disease through eating tl Weed, experiments have shown ai supposedly transmit the same to ms through their rnilk. ( v/ir. .I'jmiiirft fr.%m ifwL* r.f raillfs contrary to general belief is almo five times as great as that done I i myriads of insects which obtain su tenance from plant life, according Dr. R. L. Webber of the North I) kota agricultural college. Over a p s riod of 14 years deficiency in mo ? ture caused 12.1 per cent of the cn i losses, while only 2.5 per cent w 7 attributed to insects. While d - weather of itself is the direct cau for heavy losses it also inercas . the damage done by insects and c . ma tic conditions too, have their < feet upon the work of the insects. ga County, the Leader of N .AKULinA, IHURSDAY JANUARY 3 Most Powerful Gun in the World Hsi Been Developed .by the USA r Army ordnance experts have de\> oped whit they believe to be the > heaviest and most powerful pun of j its type in the world. , t ;1 The new weapon is of the 14-inch.: t | SO ealibre type and is a poet-war t . i development. It is capable of hurling] tan armor-piercing projectile of 1560 J ti : pounds for a distance of 23 miles and | 4 an be mounted on wheeled carris- ( gi's and drawn along railroad tracks, j ? An eleetricAl apparatus is provided ! to lower the gun into position for ? passage through railroad tunnels and j elevating it to firing position. The; t total weight of gun and carriage fsj c 700,000 pounds. One feature* of the- monster weapon j ( is its ability t<? fire either from its t carriage upon the tracks or when roll I c ? ! on concrete emplacement. For this I t purpose wheeled supports arc pro-1 1 vided which can be removed within c ?0 minutes. v Because of the groat weight of the gun. war departmer; officials believe t that some railroad bridges may not be sufficiently strong to carry it aeross. and department officials have v ??* ::cd communication with railroad f j con'panics in an effort to have stron- ?i Igfer bridges buixt in the future. o SUGAR LOAF ITEMS Mis.- Alice Barnes wh.o h... dropsy p is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Faraco Moretx of the; r ivicr. Mountain section with their lit i ; v- daughter visited ihe home of Mr. r : and Mrs. James ?'ornell Saturday and i Sunday. ic ; >t:\ John f>a?ncs. Jr.. is building! q j an addition to his iv-Ulence. t Air. and Mr> Tratj b oiler return-. ( ed home .Sunday irom a week-end vi- v sit a ih?- home of Mr. and Mrs. Wab v tor (/tiller. \Th? people in this section are very i busy with their C hristmas shopping and a nice time is cxpected-vvith ail. Miss Elizabeth Uce.se is a very sick t lady, but we hope for her recover} \ -non. w Ji Mr. G. W. Winkler visited the home ' v of Mr. K. S. Jones Sunday 0 Mrs. khoda Winklet went with her r son Grady to the last day of his school . Wednesday at Chestnut Grove, She states that they had a nice entertain- s meat and that the children were all i pleased with their guest. 1' The new road up Howard's Creek 1! is progressing nice!}. Rev. L. C. Wll- i - is the : i?reman. The people of * ' I litis section are giving tree iutiut > "j or. it and anyone wishing to help in j any \w_\ will be appreciated, by <d! ior this i> going: ro be one of the most uUeivsting road.- for tourists. Rev. \V. A. Pennell will preach at ? 1 Camp Nelson the 3rd Sunday in Jan. at II o'clock. Everybody is cordially invited. RmNK fork: kkws Christmas is now over but not so * soon tc be forgotten tor 1 think thisi f has been one of the most pleasant Christmas seasons for the most of the 1 people that we have had for many) * years. " We had a nice Christmas tree for 1 the Sunday School at the Baptist Church on Christmas evening. Wej had a nice crowd and everyone seexr.' ?t'd to enjoj iwto the fullest extent. On Christmas day the community myt at Mr. and Mrs. Finlcy Grngg's rnc children ar.<f jv'.aiives sent them their Golden Wedding anniversary dinner. The table was leaded wifh all iutub id sf? - d ' We had w.j interesting talk by Hon. I> X. ( ?-:'Vv ioilowed hv h - so* Bluim ColT. \\ v' cur x*--pre-t i.tnt vc from Watauga to! >f U:e l.ege r*. ure. . Mr. and Mr.-. Grar received many : beautiful presents. | We were proud to have with as I Mrs. it. C. Ho'lifiold who helped to: serve dinner when Mr. and Mrs. Gratr* 1U _ ^ ^ i i ^ ^ ^ # | " V"- "I,r" " - - ' XX u *" I 131 iheir golden wedding fifty years la'lcr ' We certainly feel that we are blessed to still hare such a splendid cou>s ; pie as ?o living in our community. ,5'" They have lived lives that would be '? good examples to the lising generaa~ | tion. Rev. Wesley Ashley filled Rev. Als"! mos Hampton's regular appointment at the Baptist church and preached; ^ two most interesting sermons to a! T- large congregation. He left an ap* 544 pointment for the fifth Saturday* and Suaday. We certainly are glad to have the brother with us. The Sunday School at this place is progressing nicely with Brother Gwyn MDttcr; orthwestern Nprth Caioli I, 1924. FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB I The Christmas meeting of the l'riafternoon Club was held with! IIr.s.*l). D. |oughcrty. i The spacious living room was beau ? ifully decorated with holly nd other; < rvergreens with brhiant Christmas 1 in one come) of the room. The following program wan spJen-il, Sidly carried out: Christma* Songs.il 'Christmas" A Reading Mr?.. M. P. i ] "rileher; "The Gift of the Magi" by s diss Annie Staribury; Solo ''Kncwcst 1 thou the Land from Mignon" Miss! 1 ^nnie Dougherty. The hostess assisted by her daugh- < er Mrs. O. L. Brown served a deli- < ious salad course. ' t Following this a miniature Santa{i .'litus was ushered in who in charae- i eristic Santa Claus style, approach- t d the Christmas tree and delivered I o each guest a stocking filled with i uscious nuts and sweets. The jolly >ld fellow then presented each one ? fith a dainty personal gift. \ Mrs. O. L. Brown will entertain i i he club at its next meeting. 1 One of the most interesting social! vents of the year, enjoyable and j feasant, was the watch night party it the Critchcr Ilotei. The members | if the Friday afternoon Club enter- \ ained their husbands .and a few othi friends. I To re, throughout the evening, in * leasant conversation, youthful games \ ?.d plays, piano solos, ami eommu- ? it v singing, the finest of good tons adesllip prevailed Staid men. mat- i ons and maidens, leaders in affairs. )i hrew aside responsibility and en gag f <1 in entertamment and pleasure t no?t delightful. The formal game of f he occasion was ;? contest in North! i V.roiina geography, prizes being a- i .aided for the highest scores. The f : *' ' - * - - iuni. [? wvrv. i'jr UH' men, ii'tornvy S. ('offoy; for the women. Mrs.| i hot Council). I As l he old your "wrapping the dra-j err of his eoucli about him. turned 0 pleasant dreams." and the New I ear. eager-eyed, hopeful, opportun-\ Ly-laden. came tripping in. the guests I \rere enjoying an abundant spread J >? good eats. May many such abound events brighten the pathways ' 1 f alt concerned 5 The spirit and import of the occaion could be gathered by characterstic remarks heard in the halls, am-1 >;.? the departing; guests. Said a lady known for her hospital i\ and wide circle of friends: "My Year & Resolution is thai 1 shall <r.-.re ot friends during the rear," j *M g> of this \:bid arc worth oiiv." remarked \ rofsional man . which a busine? mar. i-wplied: "In-1 ice*i they are iYopjg who mingle in hi way will not be found in an5 sadness." nnF Rinr.i- npw; Mrs. Luther Hardy went to Boone shopping on Saturday. Mr. Hfn Cuiler of Silvorstone vis-1 ited his brother Mr. Walter Culler! Saturday night returning Sunday. Mr. Olen Brown got his leg cut right badly one day ]as$ week. The j Doctor was called at or.ee. Three | Stitches were required to sew up the wound. Mr. vance Culler of Boone came home o . .\>wt Years day for a vi-u. Messrs Carson and Salmo . Tate visited at the home of their grandparents Saturday and Sunday Nineteen and twenty four has brought \u? some bad weather. T.t bear ?s to conquer our fate,?; Thomas Campi vih ' o-Tey as our Superintendent. Wei have had a largo attend., tee. Mr. Roby Gragg is busy hauling d under his large contract for'; Mr. Alexander at Blowin gRpck. Our public school of Whiting district is progressing nicely with our. newly married teacher Mrs. Mildred Collins. Mr. Lincoln Siros is visiting rela-1 nves ana irienas at'ims place. Miss Annie Sims from the A. T. S. with home folks for the holidays. We are sorry to state that Mr. A. j H. Dula is in had health. Mr. D. W. "Church is busy hauling; , produce to the southern markets with i | his new Chevrolet truck. Mr. Ilill Wrirrht accompanied by! Mr. W. H. Grader and wife went to: !-Newla.jd on Friday of la * week on | i ?? swt'fP*"* nip. Mrs. Beulah Coleman is spending , a pan of the week with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Coffey spent ; Christmas with her parents. at ? ' "NV ^ na. ?Established in 1888 NUMBER 52 ROOF Oh CANOPY OVER K.NG TUT 15 REMOVED Luxor, Egypt, Dee 28.?The roof if the canopy over the sarcophagus af King Tutankhamen ha? finally bee dismantled after about one week's a ork. The task was most difficult owing o the shrinkage of the wood hud Howard Carter, the head of the expeditior had to summon the assistance of a native carpenter before he L-ou'ui pry fret the last wide and e;tvy segment. This section, like the others, is icvorctea witft the protective device yf Hawk? with outspread wings,? here are six hawks in all?incised 11 gold on the black, probably bitulimited, bar kgrouiid. The three secions now repose in the anr.i-eham>er of the tomb and th. re they will emain for the present owing to the >eeming impossibility of getting them ?ut through the narrow entrance vithout cutting away the steps. It s understood the roof of the shrine uUl'ered some little damage i' the jrocess of dismantling. 1 .arge numbers of tourists \ i ' e?i. Ii Valley of Tombs this morning, u.d Mr. <'arter had to refuse many equests for admission to TutanklanienV mausoleum. I.uxor Kgypt. Dec. 1.?The rack f catafalique supporting a linen pall \ high st.nul- lirtwc 'i f.rvi I ?::?i of Ti.iukhanvjn'f shrikes and : < is :n |jivrc>> ni bedismantled s unitjut! in the history ??f Egyptotory. U can l?? coruparod only to the ranic work of a house with the strut ?> curry the roof running lengthwise rum one end to the other and bent at >aeh end to fit into copper hoops njorteei in the wood work 01 the root and back supports. The eatafaiitiue re. ts on carved cet at cither end, it? seconds joind with copper hoops still tied up vith strings, as left by the underakers troyalty thirty centuries ago. It is painted reddish gold and black n broad alternate stripes, Unfortulately the paint, particularly the >Jaek bitumen, is coming off wholesale and Howard Carter, directing he excavation, told the correspotile at today, while seated on the scaffolding erected above the second of he shrines, swathing the catafaliquo n surgical bandages, that he was seiously exercised over the prospect >f getting it down without considerible damage. The oppressive atmosphere in that 'Jhe excavators have to work renders die employment u* vthe familiar preservative of ancient wood work of all sorts, altogether impracticable. as the process of applying Che which must be don< .it a r.iph temperature, would render the air of the tomb unbreathakie. WATAUGA HOSPITAL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Dr. H. JL Perry has purchased the i quipment, rented the Watauga Hos pita!, and that ranch-needed institution will be opened again. The Doctoi has arrived and opened offices in the building?bis family to come a little later. The people werv sorry to see Dr. Anders leave and they welcome in his stead Dr.* Perry. Do one and the people at large will welcome to our midst the splendid physician and his good family. CHURCHES ! TVDOT3HLHXIA At the Baptist f hurr i Sunday School 10 a. 111. Prayer meeting and chdir practice \\ edlie > day 7 p. in. N\ \t Sued;; \ : r.t pastor pleaches at Blowing Rock. TIIM ti*-. >/> f.. i.i-. if*K? < i IT.O s 2nd. 3rd an J 4 th ^ur..iav< tack, month and Blowing Rock ?<n the 1st. ( ordial invitation to aii to attend. Church Directory Watauga Pastorate Holy Communion?Saturday 2 p. m.. Light Brigade 3 p. m. Woman's Missionary Society. Sunday 9:45 Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship and Holy Communion. I Mu Pleasant Friday 3:30 p. m. Light Brigade. Sunday 10 a. n?. Sunday School. 2:30? Luther League, II. ^ C. Moretz, Supt. Christmas day 11 a. m. Christmas Exercise. Mt. Zion 10 a. m. Sunday School | Wm. Wineharger. Supt. 11 a. ra. Lu11her League. v. Grace?Boone?Sunday School 10 I i. nu J. M. Moretz. Supt.

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