A No:-Partisan i'amiiy VOLUV. XXXV WEARY LEADER SLEPT PE AtlFllLLY AS DEATH CAME Woodrow Wilton dies Sunday When Heart Became too Weak to Function. More i mperially for the benefit of roany of oar readers who do not get the metropolitan dailies and who have had as yet very little information as to the recent, national calamity, we publish a part of one of the Associated Press Dispatches as to the pass ing of Mr. Wilson: Washington Feb. 3.?Former President Woocirow Wilson died at 11 o'clock this morning. The end was peaceful. Life ebbed away wtuie he slept. ?. tired man has closed his eyes 42nd "sustained and southed by a?i unfaltering trust" passed to the great hereafter "like one who wraps the drapery of his couch around hirn and lies down to pleasant dreams." Last Friday the grim reaper forced his way into the house after waiting on the door step for more than four years. Saturday he had advanced to the landing on the stair case, and stood counting off the ticks of the great clock. Saturday night he knock e<J on the chamber door. A faithful physician and loyal wife stood with their hacks against it. At nine he rattled the knob and called to the peaceful prostrate figuiv on the bed ?a great bed. long and wide, a replica t?f the bed on which Abraham ' Linen>1 slept while in the White Hon . wifha golden American Kagle and a tiny silk American flag just aver the head board. The watchers knew the battle was lost. At the portal *?l the door, now optMHi. ua nvRro sci vain hovered. On the bed sitting beside her 1 \\* *>,?...! sustained with ail! the fortitude and composure of ? woman facing a crisis, was Mrs. Wilson, holding: between her hands the wane, withered hand that .h?d proved . he pen mightier than tin* sword. Near the foot of the bed was his eldest daughter Margaret, resigned to the inevliable. Close by, tears welling from his eyes and coursing down hi? cheek. wa. Dr. (I jay son, taking the measure of hi.- fluttering pulse weaker and fainter with each effort. Death advanced nd beckoned for the las; time. The tired worn mar drev. a !o. breath, there was u fiut> t?r txf ib. . I .n. an almost nr.per ccptiMc i. of tin- nostrils. Wood row W ilson's soul had drifted OUl on the great i;rk tide . n;U 1*1 ns around all the world. Out through a ciu >tih?-d in Liu Sabbai morning's reverential ealn his nana was being s{ oken from : hundred pin pits. In the Central Pr byte ra n church where he f:uthfu!i\ went to worship while the flesh was able a ohoked-up congregation .-unt "The Son of Mod goes forth to war' "How firm a foundation" and "On ward i nristiaii soldiers" favorit* hymns in which he loved to lift h? voice in u happier better day. Ovei a great land that had acclaimed bin chief and in land.? across :ht se: ivlw-i-i- he had been bailed as ?i froi of peace, prayers were rising fo the repose of his sou J. l,n the street before the squan brick house v.-here he has lived wit I his meitiories hi> hopes and his grets v.-;. .hioilier see ..e, There wa 4 i. gati. riv.g of peopk there. It vva iiot a ci i^claing ?hzvu g cciin to ; mecv ; in pilgrimage to attest thei faith :ii the ideals ; personiiieti U we.- <i gretip of mei and wbmo kneei;:;*? on the pavement ih silei prayer. Small strips oi paper hear; ing ti.?- inscription' "Peace on eart good wit! .o'.vara men ' held in the: hands, flattered in the chil wind th:i twirled op the debris* and iittel lei there v w;chars engaged in the so! .. : .. . r '- . .i.. .t, -?i. world might know. "Mr: Wiison is attaining the peac that passeth all understanding'' sai their leader, while the throng san to their knees and remained in s lence for a minute. Then a sickl sun broke through a cloudy bank. . little native warbler, a pilgrim vei taring north in search of early su and spring, stopped for a momei and from his twig aioft uttered happy note. Almost at that moment Mr. Wrlso was passing on. Immediately the great governmei over which he presided for eight ye began taking steps to give marks < its respect. President Coolidge heai )$ Mfe Newspaper Published 11 a?io $1.50 Per Year 'E. W T? JURY LIST FOR SPRING TERM OF ,\ WAiATUGA SUPERIOR COURT ? Following is the list of jurors' I drawn for the spring term of Wa^ .t iv;i Sujx" '?' court i 'Mi will he v. i presided O' vr i y Judge \\ebi>: i !. v First Week th< W. X. Howell, Joe C. Phillips, Sam six I Dogger. K. K. Vines. Chas Phillip. tacthro Wilson, R. W. Triplet!. J. IV ?)e Storie. James H. Bingham, B. F. Hodges, \V. L Winkler. Grady Brad- f,a lev, ('. M. Shore, C'hariey Moody, P. rue G. Carroll, 'I. M Wheeler. X. (\ ci) tVrown, J. A. Pendiey, D. W. Cook,' K. C. Eggers, A. 1). Wilson, Am- tm hrose Brown, W. H. Michael, W. M , South, Jason Moretx, Will Brown, T. C. Miller, Linville Aldridere. W. H. Mastv John Fox, Wm. L. Ward, if M. A. Ward, John C. Smith, John B. t.0, > liaird. D. M. Shook, Charlie Town- ,r; I send. Second Week W. A. Austin. D. S Shore, J. R. Eggers, George Wilson, G. C. Ward Walter Hampton, Jas. S. Thomas, O. G. Winebarger, R. H. Clawsor, Hard Hodges, L. M. Morctz, M. E. Townseiut, W. C. Calaway, Alphus Triplett, W. L Greene, W. H. Miller* E | G. Greer, A. A. Greene. I Hungry for News of Carolina Friend* 1 , Sa | Miss !?t ttic Stephenson, for some ^1 time connected with the A. T. S. it? i<!ie\ving her subscription to the Hem ocrat says' "1 am teaching in th? J foothills of the Xorth Georgia mountains. 1 still lung for real mountain'- ' but can t get too far away from i home on account of im aged parents r'1 ; 1 am or.ly 25 miles fn m Atlanta J wbtiv i make my home. 1 am hungry j foi news of my Carolina friends and ' former pupils in the mountains " j ' I t-KI LL I ri.A?a I UK BOLL WEEVIL FIGH I ' I italeigh, Fob. 5.?The series of boll weevil meetings held in north- 3C eastern North Carolina is but the op i ening gun in the fight to be made on the boll weevil this year, slate ex , tension workers of the State < ??iirge j and Department, The workers in the , Vl'' division of Agronomy and the l>ivis-lra ion of Entomology have lately prepar' an . ed a definite program giving in eon | ?-'f densed form the best methods of the ta' hull weevil fighting and this is now I being printed fo?* wide distribution . over the cotton growing area. Only I y? the recommendations embraced in the foldi i will tu presented by the ag- br that t eoiifu. ion of methods v.ill not nt" >i given whuh may e:;u>-. tie* grow- if i vr t ? feel ihtit none of them are ioi- os j reel. This folder may be had on appli- t ^ , cation to the extension division of the . sti to college. Kaleigh, X. C. es >o METHODIST CHURCH ha Sunday School at lu a. m. John ;?t' lb Steele, Superintendent th? ,.The church school is one of the great e-t moral forces in : he world, he Join some school Sunday. wl Epworth League 6:1b p m. t..v Study of League work h::? leatur- 0f | ed for the last two Sundays. Don't M|, m>.-< t 'i ruMiVvnitt n. vl I... ! j Blowing Rock Methodist <"hu?vh. j Sv.ndav School id a. rn. f trover Rob- fa " | bins, Siipt. j Pleaching at eicveii a. m. and at it i sfevcii ??. m .? r? ! .} J j hour communities of Miuhiii conifty I S ?aed to yr*> x one t ar each ' ... ll j of early Irish potatoes. They will buy 1 iVrthi't > cooperate e)y. piam harvest{ ; " | and ship at the ;amc time. Six other j ino^ i .ie. are now organizing on ?s | this has . and two withers will pro, (du.ee cc tit'ed seed for eastern growj ers next year. ; p the word of Mr. W ilson'u death while \ , in chnivh with Mr. Coolidge. Irn.ne(Patelv .1 the conclusion of the scr- v i vice he drove to the Wilson home J ! and left cards. Later he sent his sec- i p e I I ret ary to offer any aid whatever. j. i Flags on government buildings and t \ on government property everywhere | lowered to half mast. The news went ]^ to army posts everywhere and to the | ships at sea. A thirty day period ofj \ official mourning was ordered as the J government had done for Colonel j ]Roosevelt and other former Presi-. a dents. f j Congress arranged to adjourn to,n morrow, executive departments were _ ordered closed on the day of the & it funeral, social activities at the White rs House coming within the period of1 r of the mourning were ordered abandon:d ed. tS . ' "Wffln iff' iii firng ?oi Boone and Wataug t. iL I 'f*- A rr.I 1M- NZ r.- r> * * > . i. r? i . ING TO BE HELD IN INTERi>T OF KiNDF. GARTEN WORK A movement i.- on foot to esta) I: kiiu!< tvan.ee work in connection th the Boone School, and the folvintr letter has h'-en sent out to J ore who have children and who! oukJ l?e interested in this im|>or-| it >1 op: ar Friends: A number of the citizens of Boone vc been discussing the establish-; nt. of a kindergarten class for the J ildren between the ages of *, aud years, the school to begin not ia than the first of May. if you arej .ercsted please meet us at the Cvit-j er Hotel parlor on Saturday eve- J ig Feb. bth. at seven-thirty. Even j you are not interested at this time? W am how and let us talk the itter over. \ cry truly yours, SMITH HAGAMAN \V. H. GKAGG U\ 1). FARTHING 'i P. HAGAMAX W. J. ROWE BOX SUPPER SUCCESS The box supper at /he Whiting! jtboi house .vas quite a success or. j lurdaj night for uo i u ge crov. d.l i* were expecting some Foscoe and ! awing' Rock foik- but on account the roads being so hd tht y didn't uture out. Anyway the;, were several hoxo"! if cake bakni for the prettiest gill cut,. Among the crowd they pick-i out Miss (leorpia <'<n'Te\ and Miss! rginui lK-ia. bettor known as U. \ . ila. Mivs Georgia * offey being ah-, 1 most all the way through on thej tes, and at the end. lint as Mr. was ahov;i t<? Jos'- hi< tern-1 i they decided t-? let the t\\?> girls ; the cake. ME CLA>MS AS "FIRSTS" BY HE SOUTH?ONLY A FEW OF THEM The Democrat is in receipt of a ry interesting letter from Miss CoA. Hams, Book Review Editor. | <i daughter of Co. Wade Harris! the Charlotte Observer. We arc King the liberty of publishing ;. lir.es from Miss Harri;' letter: "Among tlu interesting articles in ur u eckl y I saw some 'Firsts' but occurred to me that we should' ir.g the 'first's' closer home, It u rare to use ih" enclosed infor-i ttion you may do so. ;viy autiiorbiVUss Mildred Rutherford who ed the 'Srup Book' issued month!;, it hens, 1 D "1 eojcy youi nuptv iwnv nsci\, peeially since 1 know -so many i pi;- in that section of the cnuny. 1 never mi ss reading it. You ve ;? great paper, and people should vei miss an opportunity expressing eir appreciation. Miss Harris adds that wi are "the >i people in Boone that live anymore or. the face of the earth" and presses anxiety as to the progress the road work between this place id II!owing Rock. \\ e ai'e Kl?.l to able to add the new 'firsts' which e more interesting beca.se of the ct that they are "closer home": The first literary society in the . S.- -Charleston, S. C. (now in exraicS) F-rs; to nave wind mills?Virginia First to make ??"ink?Virginia. The first endowed college?Henri i. va. Tho reapi> g machine - Cyi us Mci n.iek, Va. Firr.i, to introduce Irish not at octh Ctia. First :o ^iani indigo?Flizaberh ucas. S. C. First cotter plant roerfiSoned in . S. (seed came stuffed in dolls) at 1 . Mi . 1722. The G.tiling gun?Richard Catling ; C. First water works in America ? altimore, Md. First to make steel pens. 1S16? laryland. First to make straw hats?-Mary md. First floating mine?Thos. Weldor a. First national observatory? Marv *nd. First to have a botanical gard r.? 'hos. Walter, S. C. First street cars run by electricity ?Baltimore, Md. or Montgomery ila. The threshing machine?Cbristo her Hoxie, Mo.,-"1800. The sewing machine?Francis Ro >ert Goulding, Ga. 184 t. a County, the Leader oi uwuha, i AY < \R ASulE rCUiSl Y WfiLdb I*. AVE A FARM AGEN The f&rtn-/* of Ashe cc-enty h i" f.;r some onths Brer n coiTCs;' Jerice with district age'w -int Vv Goodman of Asheviile, urging: 2m he assist them in procuiiig ; count agent fo'* Ashe Mr. Goodman had appointment to meet the county com missioners of Ashe on the first Mon day in February but finding that h v.ould be unable to keep the appoint ment phoned County Agent John t Steele to meet the Ashe citizens i hi* -lead. Mr. Steele wcrt to JctFei sob and met the good citizens o i hat county and was successful j getting an appropriation of seven teen hundred dollars for the carry ing on of that work. The work v*ii start there the first of July. Th man for the job has not been cho sen yet. WILL HAVE LIVE-ATUAMr A till l /" l VrtHlf AIV?I Raleigh, Feb. 5. ? Extension wort (i> of the State Departntent an College are now perfecting: their pia lor the state wide live-at-home cam Pttign to be put on again this ycal Tne campaign will begin by meeting being ht hi at the various communit reenters and school house:- on l-cir.-d ary 22, Washing m's birthday. A I that time blanks will be distribute pointing out ten things thai, tar be J farmers should do to make the fan self-supporting th:s year. Last yeai several thousand farmers signed I bos j blank- and lived up to their oblig. ilium. ."*> a c ous ajlience. -ay Ute ! ncullur&I authorities. Xortii Cnrolin j was more nearly If-supporting duj ! Sag tha?i at any previous tinu It i felt that the need to live a I home v ill be more imperative in I'd2 i thai; in 192"?. K specially is ibis Lru in tin cot to ngruwing districts io j the boll weevil did comparatively li: I tie damage in 102d. According to D . ?- a? .1. ... .v . .. u Ull'll IVII^rir IIH l.lll III.4V .l"?t II | so fortunate in 11)24 and those wh fttt ?ol:cd upon as icnuvia iii thei communities should by example an precept show Lh? vital importance t all farmers adopting a live-at-honi program. Those who sign the blanks are n quired to no only ten simple thing but these ten things it i> believe mean much to the continued prospei ity of North Carolina. As outline l?v the college workers these thrc ihoig* are: To raise coin and ha ! enough I'm l!)2-~>. t?? rai? enoii-.r v tlie family. to have a sprill land fall garden, to have milk ah i utter, to keep at least 30 hens, t nprove he orclainxj. to work foi ric am! hj :> :iin soil improving cm :? enr* 1 the children iii c!uh wot his ? r. to add ~a>nie home c< ivi ; itienet for the money made in l'.?j : r:ci c. make the farmstead mm homelike by the addition of -hn.il l i-rv and other plantings. Those who carry out stven of tV above sugg-tstio?i3 will be given *i official certificate ?-t honor in 1-325 HERE'S A BOOST! f ram Stutesville Daily. 'P..ii.: . liUIMIIi; t< 1 ?VU l "r.1 " i boosting and boa&ipfifj tile best thii ! :n the uay of State pru^TC^ thi> p : ner has noted for quit" a spell ?s '] I fact thai : whole trainiend of mm potatoes?" n.o cars? ".a.- so , >>it front !?<>? iit .1 fi-v * i * v.? a pro f o-iribui ion it? eastern Not h ( arc lit , . -4 South Carolina. Gd it ho idea r:? ; hi- isn't an or.r.-.uiry shipment \ :sh pm'ttoe- ? : food; thai is ; omMoti thai it alert i-e srteu [The intern, ding and iva exeitii j tjuM about ;i Mint instead hi. Sing c i (' : !> potatoes fnno Man | V evracrai and New Y< rk - . a j -lave done for years no years, pot a j .powers in this and Other slaves w Ihuy seed grown in \Yau.tq*a and ot or mourtain comities. If the steel business may be agi I utilized as a barometer next ye I ought to be a better business ye . i i noo -i i , ivaiuuiti^, ID I.IM" iji J of current business must expend ov 'lone billion dollars in new cquipnu and trackacre and even this expc diture will not provide for five yei hence. This ii<tlion is now support]per vast horde of public servants holdi political jobs. If a program of yn lie ownership of industries could - successfully carried out, it would < ate an enormous tdditiona! numl - of jobs for taxpayers to suppc Public property pays no taxes. Northwestern North Caro Y 7. 1924. Ct?. ?Cop 1 .V1LE3 LOVE. SLAYER Of OWN 1 CHILD, 13 AGAIN IN TOIL! On T il-.-'li y tvca.up She iff Cnt crt v rc . :vcd a telojrraivi from Mr ? ^izemot'e, Sheriff <?f Wyommf.- ( our. f j ty. V. Virginia, .-tat'ng; that h< > J was reasonable sure that he ha< n j in i i\ Miles Love, alia: Mitei ! j I'reSnol '* Love is wanted t?? Y.V.tuu i- <ra for the murder of his o\\.. chile cj and it will be remembered that be es j capeu Ndin the jail .a Itooi > ft*j*; ? hi <_;! ? came to trial. There a re n ] ward of $250 offered for hi.- a:\res : and delivery to the sheriff of Wa | tauga County and ;t is earnestly ho n ; ped that there is no mistake in th< ' I identity of the man held. The sher - j iff u ired to bring him on to Boom 11 and he in expected today. This is om c of th- most atrocious crimes tha ?- ever blotted the pages of a docke' in Watauga County and the peoph at large- will he glad to learn tha: the accused man is again in captiv "K A NtW CHURCH FOR VALLi <1 CRUC1S n! i-1 Rev. James P. Burke. !'r - t i r.; chargt of the work <ii* the Episcopa >i ehureh m Watauga County has ap y .?oii,led a Ways one Vital - Conmt'.Ci i ? to make plans for the erection of i t new church at Valle Cruris to co d | not ! - than fiRx-on thou - ioi di>i J lars. Tin- campaign lV.r funds begai ' r i y rirsi aOYt v,ITT last he i ICa ?it season. An attractive ho -k 1 i i ha been printed and will be wid ' ; t-ly d rihuted. The bulletin set a j forth the need ami the rlan of pro P*] ccdur". The now church wili he envied o: d I the ' -.II opp?> 'te the present recto 1 iy, near the Bishop Ives Cottage am ? Aurhrmit\ Hall The School has giv " ; . tie site arid tin trustees of th< ! di'.re-' ef \\--stern North t iroliiu ; nave tpproi,Hated sd'OO to the pro * i- ft l! Valle Cruris has long needed a nov 1' : i t Mch thai would ' < ia keeping wit! d the excellent builciingrs of the schoo d j and meet the ncn dr of a growing con l' J gregation. Such a church as is propu j red will seat three hundred peonh " and the basement will provide f?# : ample Sunds.v Scr.uid ?*ooms. d _ !- MILESTONES IN WILSON S LIFI .1 -e i Wood row Wilson's life .a- mark yiecJ hy the.-, milestones:l;j Born at Sta inton. Va. Dec. uS. "u g| (Jraflnatci .* Prior on Uni ?-isi' d! i> . ,o Selc.t-o .-.ideal of PriiU'* !i I'vn V ! i Vt?2 afler !11 ' 11 yr I* ..< ; ssoi. *k KVi'i'.ii 'Vorh.? of Xi".\ .kr.-f A . '..I - : io. 19U. l? ' Nominated for president i:: l)en: e erratic ua'.i-- al vunvcMiiion ftaithner hily 2. : Elected Pivddent Nov. \, l'Jlii. ie * ua.:\ini ; .. March I i. 11* I "?. tn i!"rk'v: ii president Nov. 7. !l.Ul A.ked Congress to declare wai .? ' .any April 2. 1917. Sailed for Prance Dec l!MS * head of the American peace commi: j uon. Signed i iv-aty of VersaiiJes Jur r 28. 1 :i 1 v j Carried fight whh Senate ov? r tf 1 i<>Hjgt:e of nations lo count rv >cpie "i! r i nervous breakdown net nr.? T... ,. . ,, 'vicmt;. i\i.n-N. .-.i-:. :'to. x'' orj lll{ r W Jt!i Prtt3iSgls ill t? 74 xy*Ac #! Oct. l '-liJ. w; ... .. .? ... liom Pr.snU-; .'V wan ' ; 192!. M &S .Va48?.?o>i ! . !>. fS24 - 1 ""'I The Charlotte Chamber of ('or * inert pi.-.to put .1- eriti'v v-r.7 ,e' .ration. ' :i:nd the agricultuff&l a *ei we.cevr.i'.it of .Mecklenburg ooua ;;; ^ A pk??; kss army airpiam- has mat uccessful flights of more titdti ! miles v. ith only an automobile <:o l*n trol devivu steering it. Cxpeiiwer ar show it to he possible to shoot bor ar laden p:anes without pilots, at t iru gets either on or off the grou er with surprising accuracy. nt ?n- PLAY AY BAILEY CAMP *rs The students of the- Bailey Cm School are giving a play entitl "Single Life" at the school house Saturday night Feb. 9t'n. The nai ag I of the play tells you its fun from t .lb-1 ho rirr.injr to end Everybody coi be |and enjoy the play and uoo l titos ere j Admission 15 and 25 cents. The p t>er| coeds will ?o for the benefit of 1 >rt. school. VIRGINIA DULA, Teach l >lina. -Established! in 1888 y .UMBER 5. iliil-EMSfROiilTHE i RAINING SCHOOL Items of General Interest From the A. T. S. and Town as Handed in 1 by our Regular Correspondent. Mr. I H. Grupan of the Public I ! Mhool -vteihods Co. was at the A. T. - S. much <?f the pa.-: I week in the intercut of hi.- company. It wu- a >'forward looking move l on the Kiwanis cla!> of "he pood -i < iiy of Xv .ih YVilkesburo when it - planned in a recent meeting to put ?i forth stronp effoi} t" make the -1 Boone Trail Highway a part of the ' I route froip Florida and eastern Xorth i ; Carolina t- Xoitfcwcst and West ' through Tennessee and Kentucky into t Ohio. Illinois and the west. The prois posed route from this northwest secl tion to Florida would he Irom !<?"> to - 200 miles .shorter . and ail of these places with all our o\.<i state should be greatly in earnest in pushing the - proposed route. The sudden death r.f Mr. Andy Orcc r. of Zionvilie on Friday riforo1 ;nv. was a groat shock to his many ^ i friends in th?* county. He was out j t ; edir.ir his beep when the end came (In. death Exposed to have been caustd 1> uij&jjftlexy .?; heart faiiuriCk | ;i was one of tin {good citizens of j the county :mm will 1h greatly missed. Miss Fiou'tay of th*- Staio Libra1 } ry Commission was -it the Training M hool ot? Saturday uiul remained nv VT, till in I :u.' interest of th< "j school liblSffy. Sht- i> oik* of the ox| ports in library classification. On Kri-.ia\ the first and years played the Seniot hoy. at bus; k- ' hall and heat the killer by a small Jj score. On Saturday the senior gdls i outplayed the Junior irn is b\ a score ' ef 62 *" % M iss .Murrra ret Re Mi lie of Tonne 1 hi- v.hc. is visiting Miss Richardson, one of the Directors of Music at the Ti airing School has been entertain1 i.ig the young* iadies ai tin ir hall with * some *?f her beautiful instrumental music. She is an expert on the piano, violin and the saxophone. On Sundav* she played a number of most beautiful and appropriate selection* on the 1 -axanhone at Sunday School and at preaching at the MetHbdist church. t"J Th?- entire community was sorry j.to learn that Mrs* R. C. Rivers had . j the in'hi tort unc of breaking one of nor j lower limbs on Friday morning. Mrs. j? Rivers i: one of the host women in . the county or anywhere, and hei ma ri> friends here sincerely sympathise ,_| with her in her misfortune and oar.Vnesth -vish for her a speedy re<*o\I Prof. Chappel Wilson of the Nor! n?ui department oi th?* Training 2. S-hooi spent Sunday in I - -i: i r, as .. i :. many {i icKil - : hink ft* some ini 'cresting business. And his mends wish him \\ oil. Air. r.axici Llnney who is a stu: dent at Trinity College, spent his va n j ration bctwe^ti ituBins at hi.- home in i Boone. !I?- friends are glad to see ls h?ih. Mr. A. K. Moon. who is also at ; Triui y spent several days in Boone, j to the pleasure of his many friends. The entire community is greatly i saddened by the news of the death of , . l?x-Preside;'. WooeLrpw Wilson. When m I or where will hi - like be found. As sonte remarked, he is easily the evenlt. >( man the v. >? ! prodtteeu <n hundred years, i* has eve) produced K be equal \r, w hi .w'Tiirs. To what man ir. all ,;i "< ? 'hfis ibe v. oriel'said .jjfJS sub-tar.; ? "We approv your and .v u eoiirse; go forward. j v:,. VI. Id ' v.- y-J'i' . 5 v: xms is pi. tical y \\ : . the'world said to u rri. Ail iQmope sv.d th, wur; i acp. v v 'J hi- iv. but the A.?<1 s^ciajffid press >a.y. "his n.vii t oi.riv i;\ rejected it." it*' v.as man of 1 wonderfully high ideals, and has often said him.-, i tit hi is- \vas v.iilieir de to die for these ideals, . hi.h he in h) v.bity did. failing m 1:> campaigns n- for the League of Nations, which he its ami many believe should now he in ab fud force in our own country. It is ir- a case of self-sacrifice for his cause, tid The Associated Press again says: "lis proper place in history cannot be assigned to him until his contem| poraries are likewise assigned to v j wp I their r.iches." eci j A. M. DOWN I'M. on 1 me | ;hej Dr. P. C. Jurney of Turnersburg, me Iredell county, visited Ids sick sistic ter, Mrs. It. C. Rivers Saturday afro tei ??>r. and night, having made the :he 100 miles across the mountains in four hours. The Doctor returned to er. his home Sunday morning. 1

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