A Nor; Partisan Family ; VOLi-'MF. XXXV. WITH THE LOCAL y i !i in ot ivo DK RASKIN S ADDRESS GIVES METHODIST LADIES IMPETUS i? The ??. inhere of l hi Worn en V Mn? ?ier?ary ^o??iety who did not hear "J Dr. Rankin's talks about India as a culmination of the recent books studied, "ftuilding with India" mis.-fd a great opportunity. The speaker portrayed in a very vivid manner the handicaps ai'd disabilities of the people ?f India. Beginning with the * JPr time vhen Abraham was called out ^ of the Ur of Chaldecs, citing some of Paul's Missionary journey**, and t foroiKC down to the present day of "* the missionaries in India, told of the v, calS of a struggling world for the Gospel of Christ. W e feel that Dr. lCankhi. through his address, has giv% en the women of the Methodist Chinch a great impetus for future; work. MPTHODIST CHURCH Sunday School at 10 a. m. J. B.. Steele, Sup*. Preach ins: at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. | bvt the pastor Rev. M. B. Wooslcy. | Bpworth Be ague 0 :1 a. Pravei service Wednesday at 71 * p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. V/eslcy Bibre CUki Attends Social. The Young Men's Wesley Bible Class of the Methodist'church attend e*\ a business meeting: and social last Thursday night in the basement of the ""ports of work and 7 pl.ifis for future activities of the clans were hear*! v itli interest. Another feature of the evening was th?- refreshment; -i rvcd by the social committee. AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. in. \\ R. Graink. Superintendent. Pn.'Achutg by pastor a*. II u. *n. and 7 ?>. m Senior. Int and Juiuqi B. Y. P. U's, at (' p. to. Prayer meeting and choir practice Wwln da\ 7 p. ?n. Renewed interest is being taken in thi adult Sunday .School class for men *i hey have divided into reds iind I dues and are contesting to see which side can win in the number of at tendance. This is good but. there is a deeper motive. We want to see the men ? ' I5?k?!ic lined up for the Sunday School. If the parents canit ^ 4 to Sunday School there would ho m: to Sunday School next Sunday The Baptist? want to get those for whoit they responsible. It" you choost the v. J;>v?di: t church ?r any of nu others, by nil means go there -:u?r, y, so mew hope. You cannot afford U stay oat. ,, F. M. HUGGINS, Pasto Church Directory?Watauga Luther an Pastorate Mi. Pleasant. Thursday evening? business and social meeting Luthe League Friday, light brigade at narsonag "2 p. m. Sunday?Sunday School at 9:15 Morning worship 11 % m ; Luthe League 3 p m. Mt. Zion?Sunday School 10 a. ?v Luther League 11:15. Holy Communion---Sunday Scho 10 a. rn. Grace- Boone- --Snmbu School 1 ; ^| a. n;. Luihi i League p. n\. TH2? FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLU On Kcbraiiiy v i irict ly a ? terncnvi < ! : m?*f whh Mr K ' fJreeno. In spits-- of ike snow ur \ CO id i! tl it C u i . - :? '' 1'Tlt. The bon.se ^ ; - decorated w ML profusion of red hs aftr ti ? ! - givt ti i?> each. The followed a time of brain rack! eg o we were asked c make a Valentin After a few minutes each read h verse and they were then voted e It was hard to decide who was t poet, but finally the prise, a love heart-shaped embroidered apron \v yiven to Miss Beatrice Lyon. After a delightful salad cour followed by cream and cake, t . ; guests reluctantly took their lea The visitors present were Mrs? and Miss Lvon. jSl r / Tarheel farmers will tie their w better this year. A number have pi, ned to order co-ooeratively the paj twine u*ed on fleeces. Newspaper Published in a: $1.50 Per Yr? BOONE. NEWS ITEMS FROM THE APPALACHIAN SC^l.pOL Mr. May of -Johnson City was at j tfee Ap^bchian Training School I m ' past week to .supply some fuiSire > For the new building Another culd v.a^e or two has I'i.mi cituing a shiver through Boone and the county the past week. A snow tojrm lasting about four days came, followed by one clear day, then on Sunday came about the severest wind that has come at all. It was a regular gale the entire day. All there nave passed however and at this writing the weather is clear ilnci only modcr-j atelv cold. 't he new administration building: ( at the Training School is nov. nearly l ready for the furniture and it is ex pceted that this will he put in very -0011. The contractors will soon have the gymnasium enclosed. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. South on Friday n it?ht gave to a number of their ! friends a "housew arming" to celebrate tht mmnlotion of 1 heir new home. Your correspondent was not I one of the fortunate quests, but is I informed that the gathering was a j success. After a number of games 1 of various kinds and general enjoyj mcnt refrvshments were served and I wen greatly enjoyed b\ ail. The j friends departed with a kind feeling i i'oi the pleasant ocasion. 1. M. Downum. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PAYS TRIBUTE TO WILSON Washington Feb. 10- Tribute ?>dsn ivas paid to the memory of Wood I r??\v Wilson in the Central Presbyj teriati <hurch here, where he had ; worshipped in ho' vigorous days. President and Mrs. < oolidge and. | many high government officials wc-r< j present t<> h?*ar the Rev. Dr. dame I H. Taylor deliver a sermon "A great Man ha.- Fallen," and to lister. > those hymns the dead president iov?'d. They - at near Mr. Wilson s flag draped pew, which is to he in mourn ing for 30 days. Intimate glimpses into the life ot the war President were given by lir. | Taylor. ! u.?. tho nn'.v n( c*rP5?t_ ness by his devotion and loyalty to J the vision of peace"* he said "but! this great sacrifice will not be in1 vain. The {generations that are t<?j come will rise up and call him bles-l sed. "We can ?ay of him in ail due reverence that God sent a man into th worid, a man of great spirit and 1 1 . h i a * of great intellectual :i idealism, n man who was a seer an?l a prophet of ? ace, to be a leader of hi.- neopie and a friend to the world, wndse . me t V?"oedr?r.v Wilson." > Pouching on the religion . l the 1 former president. Dr. Taylor *aid he went, to church to worship, not merely to observe a custom, "b ii ^ find comfort ;id strength for his spiritual " iife." "He v, as m every sense of the word a Christian gentleman." the pa.-tor ! continued. "He was an elder in the Pre. ' > i ian church and recognized tfta lothee as one of dignity and of honor He was very devotional and reverential in his w orship, and - in 1 o.l lo or.joy greatly taking part i1 the ringing of he hymns" " One sMdier hoy sent him a khakit tojiid copy of he Mew T'estamcd -uch a.s the doaghbuys carried iati .he tv-nrhc- with them, asking Pin* to ics. i v iwry day. He kept *.iiis j lavement.. cover fcilanr to read &h< j. K!- wmnd .*. ? i:t. and ?t> mat .. it. r how ha-d fit oa.l .s orked tiunr* | the da\ or how iate the hoar a J night. ho read U?q tem?? kept i ; ;. vitn h? boys. "IJ 11 if.. I }?' ; :oi! cf ih - V ? : \vhi j> out city was crowded :.ir.d 0? churches ia.tuyond their vapnc 1 j it> . he insi/tfed that his pew -i:?- aI be divkscd with the soldier ?h> . s mi ret. otten privates and non-coomiQsst <> ?ie *f; ofljcers were seated next to th? con f mauder in ch\ef of the army an . nav v." ?n. ; The hymns thai Mr. Wilson love I and which were intoned to day : the memorial service were: "How Firm a Foundation." "Da T r\. : 4U. wr,.,? it urpj,,, - is uyillg n? tuv yy anu ?>v | of God Goes Forth to War. ' '^e All of the service was broadca ve" ; bj radio. ' I ~ " ~ Tom Tarheel says that he and fc | neighbors are going to pay cash i ool their fertilizers this year. They foui an- a difference of about seven dolla per per ton between the cash and tir price on some fertilizers. 4 K.: for Boone and Wataug WATAUGA COUN.V. NORTH C? . . :r eyes ready to gaze upon noted tut Lexor, Egypt rVh. 11.?Out . the i*?iwb of Tutankhamen t^dfiv many -ijiris shot* that the ureal" mome: t ; lis as ha'nd when the lid of he oha-! rustoh's huge sauastoiae coffin will be i raised and us heretofore inviolate secret disclosed. Howard Carters native foremen were carrying down the Coils of rope for use with the differential pulleys with which ih'. lid ' * he hoisted* while during th? morn-' i?S * great flat packing case arrived I containing a <hcct of tout glass, cut exactly to the measuremon? of the! ercophagus. When the lid is raised the glass will be laid over the cotlm j enabling visitor- to ga^e upon the j contents of the casket and at the i ame time sheltering the body of the pharaoh from possible damage. Within the tomb Mr. Carter and his associates spent the morning shifting the roof of the fourth casket which is suspended from slings closet above the sarcophagus, to the ante- j chamber where it was packed up a'"' I stacked with the roof sections o" the other shrines which are awaiting removal. The inside of this roof which i. unlike the roof of the other shrines ;s barrel shaped, it is beautifully decorated with a figure of a king and th ocustonuny line of five hawks with outspread wing: v as found on the inside of the roofs of the other casket s A NOBLE SOUL A Tribute to Ex-President Wilson . "l I 'inniL \lmtrm. I Inu'l-llIM My {.noughts iniv, fly afar. ! see a noble mart Lying <o ^' *>!*! and still. Not moving in the van As in the fornier days 11;! bravely bore his part ! erve the world his best With true and faithful hsaiL Idea is of highest mold Possessed his noble soul To see a better day. As on the years may roii. When peace shall fill all lands. * Ego world a brotherhood, Reaching with brother's hands Each serving other's good. When comes another one Whose word the world will hear. ! Whose fame shall further reach | In history ringing clear! 1 Who passed more confident 1'hat thought for which he stood ; Would spread to serve the world j TTo nations* highest good. | 10 liicc liiror i?v dv.vtl".. ! Such spirits cannot rli. ! Who live for others weal Can all death's throes defy, i Thy noble thoughts shall live When smaller pass away. J .\p.d bri% to nations far _\ fairer, brighter day. Crafty Money Getting Plan Brings Quick Reward in Rorni How U? get money without workinj for it round original expression h Rome recently. Some men in that cit' . j r.re ingenious, and not behind oper a tors in other countries in rhinkiii; ! up ways to get lire quickly and safel : from someone else's own pocket, int., their own. : A handome plate glass window j a fine shop i shattered by a stoni j ' he proprietor rashes out and i iiid 1 man; hand-- pointing to a smaii l>oj | cowering and afraid, and evident! guilty. Hi grabs the ?< \ a..a verd i his anger, lurid Roman vfu?\l> an ^ cuffs. "} A we'd dressed - > h nia . onssia li . A oy reprices . iv.- store -.pc. i ne/m l oi*f unote boy put:; up a pat hoik- ia j and arouses the interest of t'. ' j wealthy stranger, who out o.t tl ; at:*.ess of his he: ic, finally offe1 "j I : -i pay the su re ki tiu-r for the dar . j age, which has bccfi es^iro.:", . 1 1 .'.:l Or. !!.. -i, f off ;i 1000 live I.. ( "r?>m the top of a thick rod, tr.c/ 4" to the owne/ of the amp. and ge BOO lire in change-. The erow?3 mei j the boy away, the wealtj stranger calls a cab, and ?n the tir the store keeper learns that the X0> lire note is counterfeit. iy >r* The locomotive not only has t ^ right of way, but can prove it., out of the many attempts no an has uccecded in derailing one. tis Many communities are now po or ing orders for fertilizing materi id Buying in quantity for cash is rs suiting in money being saved j ne those taking part, report extensi workers of the State College. WfSfj <1 Mt' a County, th Leader of * ROLtNA. "i HUKSDAY ' lie.'.SI MR Wi-JGEEY SAYS: J bvlievt- itr Tiewspjijior advertising. I spend about a miitibb dollars, a year for newspaper space to tell the world about the gooJs ! have to sell. Nearly everybody reads the papers arid they are tie most effective medium to reach the buying public quick ly and often. INROAD MADE ON FEW REMAINING DEER On Monday last some boys out hunting got two deer started not l'ar from Boone. lion. F. A. Linney ha; some fine hounds which were out that day, and after the animals were running, started the dogs after t.hem. One ot them was chased to Ruthcrwood, where it was shot, dressed, and even some of the venison was hi ought to Boone it is said. The only deer extant in this county now are a few that escaped from the Cone park sonic y? ars ago, and all true spoilsmen ha' e been especially interested in protecting them. Last winter one was seen within a , quarter of a mile of the main busii tiess section of this town, and in addition to very strict law- that have been on the statute honks foi years passed, additional severe pen| alties have been named as the lot of j the violator. Indeed it is better to | Set into a considerable mix-up with j a two-legged animal than i.o bother the iitth soiiii-tanie doer that arc ari- attempting to get the:r" livelihood from r.mong Watauga's sunny hills. It is pretty generally known who the perpetrators of this crime arc add .\ep- are being taken to bring them to the full measure of justice. Xo n?.r: in.di would attempt to kill gam;? out of season, more especially a doe, and it is hoped that hoe 'would-be:' may be caught without any unnecessary delay. To add te th misdemeanor, the do.- woum have scam given birth to two fawns. California climate bad on the mercury San Francisco.?California boast? about its climate, ami California has lots of climate to boast about, accord lag to the United States weather bu I'eau here, which says California ha? greater assortment of climate thai any other state and more contrasts The following official weather re I ports prove that California can de light an Eskimo or soothe a savag< darkest Africa. f Th* hvttcst t in; .. . r W> - l > : - .1 1.1 .. 1 r. 1.1 iv wui-.x ... Valley. June 10, i'.'i when the me ri.ry roso to \'\: degrees it: the shad' llodie. in Mono ton:!i>. hoi?i ih California record for tho -nlu-r c.\ 1 rente with .'id degrees he:ow .? j.. While many parts of the st&i i?ay nwer seen snow, Aiplno county Ha a fall of 7.1 foot in the wintei o 6 190.6-07 * Del Norte county registered 153.5 1 inches of rainfall in a single year. Lake county had 7 I.."S i inches fa In a single mouth. " In San Bernardino county it one rained 16.71 inches in a single da l> j in the same county Lk< -re is a sect'io ; where not a drop of rain has fuilt n i for ir.ofv than two years. Poird Reyes, on the California st "" roast, has ihe coolest summer in J " inerica \v:lh a iV.oan t emperat urn < * "? y degree.-. i : sonw . o:-v.or. of Cakioruiu h i v/ tw gteat ir.<*u:ii.:.in?. frost can I :.-uv,d every ntr.vth in the year, pi r >?* v*. i frost and < vt-remes oi ?-? i . > ?*? ??v ... -i Vv$...tan:e>> kVv i.ui-c-tcd we oMb?? 5 car. 10 ->*?.- tiiinc!:- '. I:.:-.tlr.e of r.Vtv nv ' j . ;ua -J.e <2;imues .?< Ifce 11 ; *ni i-near.- for ilwe&v- bv?h-'g it . . . . r:r us 1*a.< ...... mner 1 rv; warm: month; has a wu - :l I ._a tempgr&iurc of deja;: < . > tJ" .in* coldest month, January sho-vs | atan of -ID degrees. Because S I rrancisco is never too hot and ru"1. !'e too cold, mamif an turers and oil L*1 j employers of labor say the San I v: t cisco bay district is the most eftiett working place known. "e In twenty years there has been 01 a~ 28 thunderstorms in San Francis do Since 3 871 snow has fallen here 01 times. It was never deep and n< er lasted long. Most of the snow v up merely a passing fall of hut a 1 rt]s minutes' duration. re for Give your farm a name and r on ister it according to law, say ext, sion workers of the state college v ViortI .western North Caroli; ( 14. 1924. 5 Cti. iCcpy i " J. W HORTCN. PROMINENT 1 WATaUCA Ci tTZ?W. DEAD J i' t * death of *'i . .-urnes \\ . Hoi : ^ . b i?cri(rr^l at h - bjt$ne ( f?v( i eek Tuesday rdgftt afu r a few rla.i s rittness with p.ici/rnoma \Ya- ; tauga loses oik oi her l?cst it 4seas. 1 He v. as !>orri and reared ;n thus |cou2>tv and bad attained the :7b yturfc. He has eve** been bioad in ' his views, and progressive in ail the ? rhinos that 'uokod to tife betternu w 1 101 his beloved county. Mi. Horton was a soldier ir? ' Confederate army and had been for ! many yt ars chairman of the Pension . Board of the county, and was still j I holding this position at the time of his death. He was one of the charter 1 members of Snow Lodge A. F. & A. M.. having dindted from Watauga j 1 Lodge 1173, when Snov\ Lodge was J eonstituted. lie was an authority 011 I Masonry, having been considered one | j of trie brightest and best posted Ma- | 9U!..> Hi Lilt-: C'lUlllV. tit" WcliS LIlMriC'. I 1 Grand Master for a number of years! just nrior to his death. Mrs. Hurt.on and six children . ur j vjve. Interment was made yjbstei^ j day afternoon at 1 o'clock. the M a | sonic fraternity having charge of the | funeral. Snow and Watauga Lodge i partimputing. ir: th< der.ih of Mr. Korion Watauga county at large is griev"*!. as !tu mi.;-, hud more real friend.- than did he. W. J. BRYAN CONGRATULATES GOVERNOR MORRISON ON OUSTING OF "MONKEY BOOK" ! William Jennings Bryan joined tin | army ;! contributors to Governor j Morrison's "monkey book'- oorre.xI poncenee by sending vongratillations j for {)\> action of the executive in j oiv-ting two hio'mgN hooks from the : j high school text bonk lis; that dealt villi evolution ;ii a manner <h- . s ihI cd as 'rabid'. M?\ Bryan's letter written from Miami. V'a was not made public hut ; ;i predicted that the Governors of; ! cthei stales would follow the North Carolina ejcycutive in Innriii t wnat Bryan rails the "monkey hook.-." Since the action of the governor, 1 letters have flooded in upon him congratulating or denouncing hi in for throwing out the two hooks. Commenting oil some of the letters of 1 i!eniiiu*iatit.ii tin governor said that l?.. .11.1 n?i ni'nnrtui. onl.-ruii*' iuta controversy with any one over the evcluskirw of 11\? '.<wk or. biology from the high i ' h.y board of e?;j a< ihi. r.u. 'i. 1 i.' i :) of tin- tie: 1 .? inkons 1 ! 'i*. v v.. i\; trom :h high now.-. 0 ! t v. : <i i:- K: ciard .? adherej 1 t o lh?- > vented \V?j1 ?j f no: as toj tl ? : ? ' t-Mui. In North Carokn.. I o arj l? e re odious freedom nas :tl e ways bee. gi< and has kept church '! and >tate f iiiic throughout historj * Tin so high lnov intelleetpftis jg&rgv uy witl religious iiitokraniw because 1 in a >taie where we have not a)?^A\-d 1 iv ijrious reaching io be a part of o.tir sclijgn! life \v 'do not v.ai.t the 1 ' ? >' Urn.-. t..?(.Vlii',r :?|th?- a 11 i .it creation contained ip ,;i (loil i.- a myrii. 11 "if \\ i >~huuic! e\er deesdo to te:ieb n religion in our scuouls I am satisfied ihc P'o'oi'Uoo v.ciuUi insist on the Holy B. " he oddv<l. ui .iiv .1 ::r, J that ihe teachiiie: of tiie - u'ljeet iUiit ";ter i?? 1 ox m (ieil book: In | iii a to'."-st > ooow? " O RM. iRiiANIZE VAT'tUCA PC;-! AMERICAN I-KOION ;-i|> | v>V T< i*? _ . *'v." ' lit ' Mr. - >} of ' ?< ,ii>; r v ? !*>"! V. ;u.4i ? .. r!\-v?. i. :i \ lXt>)W vr. Saturday I. K? ics.-.-i ttit hoys in ^*ettir;? :*v. he j J oi*r?*aV/i>:;fl#t.?p. of iht iov tl po;S\. hi j footed. ujg ( xp!?viv. ye-., ont top hoj i iv't .it-aunt. > pi iv*~re-t U> tilt -1 na:i i". and vvi 1 jltw o the ii>; id aJis of Veteran's I os.ii Bureau? a | h w>'\ earnestly thai W ! :ho o\ ?11 . :.:.v in !. ti.' ii <?- -i eh mass* or lor this and ail Qtisens <> ier the ce;i:.y are rcquestt d ro c.-iv, in- who are in?'-'rested in the welfare o nr | the boys. Ladies are most especiali invited as there will he something o interest to Ihem. iCO j ^ v "Honor farmers*" in North Carol t;%~ na will continue the prosperity c the state this year An honor farme ow will feed himself and l is Lvestoc with crops grown at home, -.viil hav n orchard, improve his soils, put h eg- child re r: in club work and add son ,en- hon e conveniences, say Esterase worl ers of the State College. * .8 1111 p mm hi'i it i II. . I. TOU.L ... .1. .11. na.?Lstabltshed in 1888 1 NUMBER 8. WILES LOVE AGAIN CONFINED i;v B<X ME I AIL. Monday n ^ht Mi of Low. alias \;profniSg again reposed ill The Boone jail, hsuing ?M<* -11 ~ '-L-cape Lhertfr*m :i ftw days after his ari\-t la-'- S'-;-* in'. ' or. rr urge of ^? Liif murdC! of one of his children, i; hud Leon given a preliminary bearing be l ore his escape and reman Id to iai! without the privilege ol ball. U- e. ; . b^otight hi-if from Wyoming County, West Virginia by Dep-.'y -heiifi' George llayes and the I own roa i .-hall, Mr. Roby Greene. There has been a reward out for Love lor some time, and the sheriff in West Virginia who had effected his capture had a copy of the Watauga Ik inociat in his Docket, con laming the notice of reward. .Mrs. Love, wife of the criminal was with !: r hu: hand where he was captured and where he was working in a logging camp. It is reported he sold their household furnishings for he necessary money to buy his v.ife a return ticket to this alaci I According to an informant ?>f the Democrat Mr?. Lee has for many years liven in mortal fear of her husband, especially at such times as he would see fii. to get drunk and bring h>- friend* to her house with bim fiii their carousals. It is even further reliably reported thai she bad been for. d to go through all th?- dangers incident i.? liquor making and Ins ispoiti ig syhilt 11? was in safety. It is said that Mrs. Love has been hear-1 to -ay that should she have told anything on. Miles at the preliminary hearing last fall, she wapiti fcaVt now 5iter with her imir der? d child. fu: it seems that when on-aged his only ium i. kill. Those rcvitst intimaun associated him. h:s mar Ju-ouai'Uaeees have also b en hushed by the vio* letter el hi. temper. l\ is however hoped that those who know the truths as i-.i his character* and the abuses hur.erio heaped upon his family, will prepare to talk at the next session of .Watauga Superior Court ne xt month, for Miles is unquestionably in safe quarters now, and no furtbe? fears are to ho <sntertained as to the results of his murderous designs. HUMANE SOCIETY URGES U S. TO KiLL OFF 15,000 CAYUSES Seait.ii*, \Ynsh.?The King county Humane Society has started a campaign to persuade the Unit.d States igovernment to >:: > 55,000 cyauses j < ?>. the Yakima Indian vsm \ j tng other side of Che Cascade mountains from hen and northward from the v ui.i??>bm River. From a few coils turned out by ,hv Indian*- ;base horses nave irradutt'iy multiplied," said Charles M. larrcr, e.\ic secretary of the society. "The range > fenced with wire for the most part, and bunches of The ponies have got into the lanes between the fences and have been run down by au*. emobiles. Because th?-v raid rancfc&s, angry ran oners shoo: them. The vvoonded struggle of:* '??'fore '!;?-> ^ but often before they do so crows, Magpies. and coyj otes pounce upon iafem." . Mr. Farrcr explained that if the , poi .? w> i < awaj with the gaeminent eoititc n.r.t the i^g-j for Sj^/ing stv* V producing an in iomo i?i si*- ^? Jjuii^utl-d...iar .< a11- | | no it!y i'ot '-d-aa wse-ds of the /. a-ov.'fanient : rcscr.*avto:.>. 1 \ ' a ru :. 1 ?* V :;. ear* ago ,; to; kii* the ea-va^- and ?r.vke e.hicki-n ;::.o iVrid1 v : of :v. i.'ii thru ?? ... . ' < - .. . . - - . . .., ,.;r^' I fvi-aUSO The : (S.itiiV.i'vM a ;?3> ' 5 Bf-.TUKN !rr,V.M n.ORi;>A -?girt' ' *\ Messrs 1M.: i? -k'lcrch. KiajEton. -i LyttSjk '-".(WaA; B:.;gfcam have rc-'vUriK-d fee':* hoVncs n Boono fry 2 Vv - ' ft ? alter a tr:p .' lo nays ro vuriou;? points ir> ;he .-lain of Florida. The ? hoys mad* the entire trip by 'auto. e having coil)pi* if camping equipment *' -l ' - -?. .. . W-. \ GO.I J_ II:* IT V. J.wt IMV mus*, \ pan. ana doubtless enjoyed the trip f to iho tli 1U The return trip from j the vicinity of Orlando to Boone was made in four days. >f Tom Tarheel stiys Abe Growler nev r er would take much stock in cooperate i tive marketing until he attended a <1 meeting where dinner was served on is I the grounds and a payment made to 10 j the members. Abe couldn't resist an m j appeal to the stomach and pocket ! book at the same time. i : 1 kJjKHMJ 3

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