I ^ J A Won-Partisar Family T VOLUME XXXV. VR ST RJNG FL"Li.C.'W WRITES ANOTHER GOOD LETTER! To Hay ft iiw rivg ?vmvms?us - t i scrubs f n il - ?;i r'.v- ur? ? ry! ?**:T>ericF .r~>.* f: rwwmh- Its f I..: . ???.>:i towns .* "d country car, ifiord the I luxury. ' or yo.? have ? :fjpi 1 >r1 ihe per hundred. These arc of j course small but well rooted one year old plants. The most important thin? .along: your highways is to plant out , unsightly farm buildings. If you will; look aero ^ the pond as you pass ! Chctola you will note that everything you see is pleasing to the eye and you wouid not know that behind . She trees that 1 planted there is a long row of farm buildings, firsi a large stable, a garage, numbers of! ben houses, a dairy, a small house and a cow barn. Besides hiding- these buildings with evergreens the year round. these trees also ai t as a wind brake in winter and add much to Hit warmth and comfort of your ?tock The most rapid of the ever Wns in growth i: tin white pine. But ! like to mi:-; these with the spruce or tin hemlock for there yo-; cvt jtwo distinct coh> of enl if yt.u will notice around the drive at (*h( I ummI these also a? a barn yp'oufui a no massed in fro: i ->f I 'hem the Ivy. and the pink and the purp'o rhodcMulron. Tins makes a ver\ effect i v. plaining: If you want -? hcdgi to be trimmed there is nothing' n ore beaut ful than tile hemlock pa 31 ted about twenty inches apart.I but von ire throwing away youi time in getting those plants from ?h?woods un!e--?- you use care in digging:: tVr.1. and ir immediately protecting' ' iV< u the wind and >unj. "or b-ilf or m re will die. If you > can gel a ball of earth around each J ?i:ui tie tM: ?> tweh / i urn g . f*?v Ik. 14: -.AOK'.-s- added I a. 2c th'.'-w should oe thousands f | ifieio planted. Tra Am -i;.- o". ik ,...d white ' 6 .? of thebrst. Dorothy Perkins, pink and Silver Moon x. tiitc - 1 v : v?::s .-.p P.-?v , I p. ! Those never fail to give: KC joy ami k piiincss, and there is' nothing I love more than planting | trees and flov era. add get bark turns a hundred fold for my labor Co to it' W W. STRINGFllLLOW \nni-toi.. Ala. MR. WH.^J: READY TO R'tSiGN P05T IN 1914 " 1 The I'r- yn I-.,s puhii..'bed | a !c. t L.'io- r. Gucir.ison ,its' f/unlisaer. from do ^ ph I'. Tumulty ... . - ^ .. W-.. .s row Wilson, stating tha* Mv. Wilson had deterir, to i in 101 i if Congress did not a-cede to his ci: raanK Co iegir-h-,. r, repealing the i'iinama canal tolls. In the ictier Mi. Tumalty v, rites: "A> an '.riierot! ;g - delight on the : ournge of Wood row Wilson in corv : i ?i with i in- co itro> cisy. 1 wisb for the first time to cali attention to the fact that in the most solemn way be made the statement to me that in rase Congress should refuse to epcal Panama tolLs there was nothing left for him to do but resign as President of the United States. The conversation I had with him in the matter took place immediately after the delivery of his message to Congress, 'when it looked as if the tides of ppositior. wciv ir.iiLau? vcvv strongly. . ^ -n discussing the matter of his resf drnalion with me. he said: *4I would not want to Kc President *l ? country that would violate a solemn treaty. In case of failure, ir his matter I shall go before the cour +r* after my resignation Is mdercc '* Newspaper PublissL in a: $1.50 Per Y'.ar B uONE 75 MiL : to:: CON5 riENCi NF XT WEi^K -V v f, v MilTo" | P- v:i : held ta the Baptr.c| ei ' ii;i\ next ok, Mai 1 beg lining at 10 a ia. Rep-j 'pt i . :'1 chur-j tli-s of l ie Three Fork A:--sociaCoijjjs' j and Stony fork Assoc....lion are iri-? vii *'! to attend. !.- nop d that all the preacherF. j doctors and .? number of the youngj people ear. rT/erd. Rev. \. K. Hain-i ?y and other paak r.- will be pre?i:i. Oo not fail to eoire.-. WORTH WHILE CLUE MF.ETS WITH MRS. SMITH The Worth While Club met at the home of Mrs, A. R. Smith Friday February ~'2. The president Mrs. L. L. Bingham presided over the meeting. An unusually long business scssioii .v:i- held. Reports from the various1 co mm lite v.- were head. Committees; ; were annoinbd to work on new bus-; 5 ne-s for the spring and summer. The program for the afrernoon ..it .iw ..< / - ? . - ? Th' following article? werei read * i ' ?:T-r,h and Early Life of Wnshing* . C. (took. ' W a.-hingtoft as a President?Mrs. If. (7 g Rrsfdingr- Mrs. T. I.. Cook. '-loading .Mrs. F M. Lluetrim. Sv \era' a needoles of Washing!ou's i'fo were told b\ different nientborA cor.'ti t or Gcorir Washing4 o>v v a ent' nsinr-tieMly ;Uest > '.rrnctously umvIv-. ; eel i-\ the hostess. Toe program fori tfce ?' * ii'O at'tfv: ]' (Mwar- well appoin-j -"c-i -1 cr:'jc::vcJy z~i:lcd out. AiWi . \ fingors for a while the' !*i .- t ? ;. i : fee oinjrs'arii was u.-' fey. hr??ight i: . .in-' :?tarc h;:r.*h??is on v ieh \v.?s wriUtpi \ The f orest Prir.ieviir1-- a cunte of ; uwi.-. In thE Mrs. Tracy euiu-.U was (he successful .-e.nUssr ' h?came the very enjoyable! riry pvcj-i.-im which consisted of! tre:t v?i - me ... tbe familiar a-.* a3, of George Wasiuiigthn's life:! 'Che fame of Washington Mrs.j Dn\ ;*! . irugc\ "> Marriage?Mr.-.. A. E. South. ^ Letter of Washington to liir- Wife ?Mrs. Wi'.on. WaMiingtonV. Jforn* 1 ife at Mount \*eflion?Mrs. L>. b. Dougherty. Thv hostess suggest .hat u v. ?is not ii:appropriate or. Washington's Lhri.i"j'ia\ to pay triboito to another. of nation'.^ chief v.- jna- nore: o'D^Iy died. Ther. Mr ?> Uan ki i. ?o:> Itraoriv s Nov :'n V ' ' ' i\ur.:ot"o ?:s .-'piet'did efitSjpf-; OU ihtr life of v . . ov.* ' \i: . F. A tinw y icad *i si dcni ('oobdgeV Tribute to Wilsur." ' i'Yii ic te* s as ? d by Mi:. S.' and Mrs. i>. J. OotjpnfcM served] > an exquisite salad course wit "a. e< ee j aud -andv,ichesi The plates we," as beautiful as they were tempting and e?*on Jteve we were not allow t 1 to J forget uho-e birthday we crtjebr.itedj for cheese straw hatchets, and fancy j baskets of --ailed aimomK with dam- j l> place cards which held the pro-: verlv-il hatchet finished the effective i appropriate scheme. Mrs. A. V Bennett and Mrs. J.! L. Winkler were guests of the club. ! The general happiness and good humor which prevailed throughout the afternoon reflected the tact and ability of the hostess, and the Club reluctantly adjourned to meet two we^Ks ni'niii4 wan mrs. ?./ IJ. n;i'uiu. and ask it to say whether America is i to stand before the world as a nation I that violates its contracts as a irtfre i matter of convenience upon a basis of 1 expediency.'* WATAUGA C iUW \ ; F:A ut? ying the ,.%s tea:;. "T. iW. 'i i? * ;. .1 of Coini'v r,< about, the Lh-autif> :Jlg oi h . 13 c. wi\ has !)ccb: uwi.'C . >r onic . .ujti. l > ; ??: ? 'i'lick y. Why not a ' ;? Sunday the! _! !tn. at the Critcher Hotel. The writer and his wife were avnn?y the invited srucsts. ih" . i?-e ent v.crc '.'on pies J L?i miticih 'i?_r' ro'iplcs ; . the prime of i: f". tit* it;^ md \X'rai kinds .enrrfahlrs( and 1 ruifc?. Ai i nine- Kroup? gathered for; 1 ? it tot and dispersed and j foitoed : " 1 ished j no police ami no out failed 10! idti his -hare. V . iiw regular ir mr ts of the hotel |' he;: lily joineil in the pleasure ofC ie ccc*udon. Music was iuterspers'el with con- \ . V i ii. Pad > a'aIa/'It ivim.i fun ofmn ' This s the third dinner that wife ui i have enjoyed this season. The was with Mill* ;ruod friends, Mr. ? Mrs. ( !. S. Coffey, ai d the second v ith our no less esteemed friends. Mr. and Mis. B. Council!. The 'iviied euire\ J.von and Mr- | U 1,. v. ;,or LJ. l>. DOUGHERTY. Srotr.li MilO?.\?*irt 5 j'< :dc iti Florid.'. Ta!Iaiias.-ec, Hi;. Fell. -5.? A corc i:- r here today rendered a . iflpiet c?i suicide i:ve death oij !>:. Tonne; ilo aid:-. do, : ot itis!, inilojinii.-. K4? Jtn 3 . H oiland, who d.ed at nis winter lor.ie near thijilace tod?<> from a pistol shot wound ' in ihi temple. He dad Seen in ex- [ tiemely ill nealtli for several months i arid this, is supposed to have been? the cause 03" his net of sdf-dfiStruc (.ion. He ranic; o th?s place in i - ; 11 - im.hnainvd 1: non\. ?. ar here am- another i!t Edinburgh, living; six' o- the y at "u< place, lie ov. ii several :?>o>.i>aiKl acres v?i lend ? -. 1: !<>-. .../< a.i ;ri. hi.iV. ffli.iv a.'Jes .row riie city. U Scot-and >:. UonahC- was an c\ ujffiKe iaed-oWi-er arid utrrtCO:tuv.st.' Hi v. as art aidci." sportsman. Dunne*j the v orid *v?r V.< worked as a comii^ni iaoovi xi an rinjr'ish aim munitionfactory. iv< ki* ' over from the Worl exploded in the same way but! hfii a power greater than dynamite. This material is not affected by coldi*11 -ad does rot cause the dreadful head ,; ae: e that is vpc: ienced by most pec- j bt pie who work with dynamite. Til' farmt is have b iwi t his mut/.i. i vc ia- and like it so. well that they a are asking me to make another order de 1 will do this ii the farmers will make their wants know* promptly. It will a" yosfc a little s than ten cents per pound, no one person to get more ti< than one thou and or less than fif ly pounds. th This materia! cos*. less Lhpn half ;:vior and has delegates from a J otht r farm organi/.a* ions. Particular- "r vv*< i"thy <>f ote the "Dpciarai-i*?ii l I aim mciples" which lor ! . ci- w.thout ino l ioivntv and xvi to increase hi.- earning power by in- ^ moving !;is sk'll or ii:r:vnsitlg his ea- ta p-icity. A reasonable tariff foe the pro .. ilion of American agriculture. ^ C>. A sharply restriction tmmigrai n> policy r.nd cau-i'u. selective proi-nct 7. Lit-cognition iii '.he ftraii> of ' 1 orts to correct natural economic j ,4'. men.s by statutory w.ea?i.tfs. J 01 . < ,.ar legal establishment of the1'"' of c-?>o rative JmVMig and scHi :(X* 9. Rqcognition and pcrfo in; e oi the dui> of e\\ i;, imhiiu tM i Sy. r cai'ih-.-. : < I ia- K?n- * . &ftiUarion. 10. iir.silig right oi any It! I.e.-.-; Ci i i f 11 ; i. . - v v- ! t ?w . 11 ? ( :i - : vers society. M. .'i-vtv ! ; : i'Xpensoi a/? . restriction .#/ Gov- j ? omental activ vt .- to their ieftiti nu-rie fiTvi!.?;?, 12. No r\K v- favors to any sec! ->i: inilu.-lry, oijv.aj opportunity/* U> aii. he best -ibl. transports .. system, i ^eluding the iv. el? p . j.!ic correlation of ./a ten ays; , :-.ilroad> public highways. I .. r.Vi.v !y c usiv? and 1 construct ?v< vv-.-hitaatTor- and eonacrion n;jf:cy onlbduriR ration \ . National, and p/vstc Inter- , ^ and re outvcIo. h re o.f >ona! liberty ann ;.rop.? . ,y ci0hts ; and rejection of everything uvon.i*? ? of State socialism." ikatern&tism or I v radicalism. SCAMS DOOR TO TUT S TOMB ' j Owing 10 what he characterises &s ' I the discourtesy of the Egyptian public work- departmtjnt, Howard , ( aiter head of the excavation work, * I has closed Tutankhamen's tomb in ' the \ alley of the Kings and abandon - r | ed operations. It is understood the 0 ! crisis was precipitated by the refusal j ?>f the Egyptian government to permit the wives of the excavators to L visit the tomb of the Pharoah. "Tfcuth is the golden season of s foolishness for which the wise would barter all their wisdom, the rich all their wealth', and call it a bargain, A knowing the value of youth." ' ^ the class and the course, revealing! c to us the lives of the mos tprogress-! i Iive people of the Orient, cannot fail | ? to he of unusual interest? i i ? . / > n 1"1 vr >ra!western orth (aroht c. - ; :;24. Cii. uCcpy oij l-xy student of A V. S iJic TUESDAY Vic Msirjie Cox, y i ? : r : ppj.lachia Training School -t < * r.he Watauga Hospital Tiies-i ty aitprr.oun, :.oon stt'ler having been 1. fare. I,ere froiu Vvmte hi.. "n;: h/ai sick for :-ev. ral a i. ... ..fit?J ..ho Cast it was 'lot ought thn* bf*v condition v :s <| Ui A ppend;c;tis >- 'ieved ;o have h r-s of the estimable young iudy v. e e> so unexpectedly called a..ay. Father and mother, Mr. and M> - j, F. ( ox came a few hours oei n }. pir daughter passed avay. aid h - , mains were taken \i '.ma - tb h; iklhootl honr foi ' tern .1 t } NOAH FAR? V'CAb I , Xoak Earp died hrtiruA uddeniyj^ his home nc-ai the (dtp >f the . c-'. Mo ltain, overlook;: :h? town j lieoiu* early yesterday morn-e.g. j '1 s wife, did not ki ow he was sick _ til short tii. before his death, art trouble undoubtedly having u cn the trouble. T! r '-emains wore interred :n >< .; of the r.a'er.U ;u were lhvcii him. chief ahtonn the ?' iad ami m\ ihou^I.ts on what i an nng. v i 2. Po pa! ie L?y watch out oi *rvv?. ore.. sr.?a> and hi idgre? I.. a: v. ays kep n.y ? ar under < feet eoinroi. ? 1 To k.-op the brakes ami steer- ; i# ge&* in trcod workine: order. \ -r v ? stop or slow down i.thout si^naii::** to the driver i>f the :?i behhu . < -.. Never to :ak* a tarn without! iic- ar d warning; to drivers; of other j sr. I X. < at off ar.etb?r : invars of other cars. 1 ?f. X to uii ? out fi? i. i uH? with. nu.?:.::-c. . ' the i i>ail is v 'ear. j i ic. i. py-iier the safety ar.d earn >- : of : . other dhr.? oca.upants ??s . : Never *o *ry 10 save a minwe : two oi c:nie if by so doir.ee i ani ' "sici? _r -h - of a hum;: ? being 12. To obey all the roles of oad as k.:o down by lav; 01 commoni ense. lo. If I do not drive my own oar o renuiro my chauffeur or member f my family to live up to these [ irinciples. 14. To be always careful, vigilant i ourteous and thoughtful?a gentle-; nar. of the highway More than 12,000 motorists are tated to have taken this pledge. Frarklin Sherman, entomologist for lie State Department of Agriculture rants a bid! weevil, [f you can find me in hibernation quarters he would >e glad to hove it with a Jeter de cribmg the place in which you found { I >;} ?i i ck &I W.Qii - ? - tv. a < U IV I " " NUMBER 8. C.WS i''?&?$ FRl'M :V? ^pAL.chi school i'ro; .. Crcv .<>; el" t-hv Appaahiu. I jr > ::;??0 Aw D..!: :ek i.i. ur. > h:..tiv K ; e^ELsseu for d-v . 'out i#? better ;;t tni* . ?ng and hopes to be all right til Another light snow ye; u?ra\ and la-st night, in fact on* might are as .ieailji,"s fo' the neat her at Iooiu each week, "A now Storm" - i not far. though all the nov;3vc '>e. 17 light. Qv.i.r .. large ne?nbci enrolled as ew student: at th< Training School or the spring terra ami some ha/o e-enrollcd woo were he:* during the ail term. The number ?? ?v?w irjrcsl the school mis ever had at lis time of :h? y ar r at any time uririir the regular ; ;-wb. ti: ?* \ this the ^eco* ci large t >rn'ment for nv term, winr vr or . mtv.hr. The- first I 'i r; last sumnu , was 76 and now it is 14. Mi.-. M. V'. Critehev g?tvi? a birthtlav inner to a iiumut 1 o: her friend ust the nature of the entertainment as not been learntd at this -.Tithig lit a mosl sunnireous dinner v as i . d, inchu ing turkey, nhich a so.!i "iijoyed. An r s.-oeiationai ci ..fereticv of the hroe Forks and Stdriy F o k A.-soc/aous has boon called to nu t is none March htn. a;. 10 . ni. Mi-rtig in nSL afternoon vitl. ir< c lurch *i i ii ai the chiri-eh. XLcpretsenlaii,'s are invite d from ali .he churehcev. A. f Hiurnby and ether speakers ill be present.. . rvltes Maggir Cox. a young lady xfceen years oi-.i of Finches AiieIrany county, and a number of the lira year class in the Appalachian raining' School, (lied at the- Boom otpiLal at about four e' lock on uesday afternoon. She had beer, clc fv r ; o:ae days, but it was mr. loughi she was serious, last night I... ... .1... t 1 i the al?i nee of he?- physician Dr. ones. Dr. Perry was sent for and ' . luiciK','' the case very serious aVtd ircu.ah his kindness she was taken t e hos? .. l) : she waft so far one that ik? operation was [a t forrni and l he end was too evident for taJ inept at the hospital for so late p. hour in lite case She \va> taken i the hospital as a convenience hy u- courtesy of Dr. Perry. Mis> Cox a. ar4 o>. c!i : t lady and the school very sad over her death, she e< 8??vd-r-iAv :iis $jgg !%.' nj? : he schi =o( sit'.tv the school .vnI..aided. S?t?- ws the daujrsii: i-. and Mrs. ?. *. Cos: and was a ie- of the At-- hodiftt church s.d Tesaed to the v. r:;?i" a lev. hours T. < nor death thai she v.a.-- ready . go. 11 or lathe-". mother and uncie ana- by teiepvi Hc caii a?id arrived ., scvci al u - befoi hvr do a ... Pi ley vviH take the rcnnhr.s to her i ir.e for burin and ?:peet to ?. sriy Wf'Jnosda.\ ir.ef .ai2r. The seho :i n- vs to . \ . ^ its deepest --y nival hy to her iovad or* s s this iiour >i so deep d I-.-tress. j. M. Down air :ONTRIBUTiOHS FOR THE ARMENIAN ORPHANS W-, . tir,>?? lis , .-s&sr iiirain \L'hw> ;k \*v m\ canity \<5) be called upon :o ccmrrifcutc i-. Oiix . oid fine iasi year oayir.jj about 1?7 per ceni oi the imnsit asked. . n matter cf tfcl* kfnd oot';v?.-s *',p wv, v- re people arc jo i .-tr:s- oi.v ! .? j and own.- arc lvA \- (j v ' c.. 'f his is ;; mo^t !t ; ha,-:< iTfi : ?edeni upon i They ?eok to lis is. a county !* >' i upperi WV? ::c. *ii* -tipoi'it 'ion. I as. Co. ("haivmi.v hck'by appoint c- 'cry pastor and Sfoday Sc.hooi Supcrintei'tier, t ir. the count}, a coramittee to take up this .cork it. his own church or churches and see that cveiy one has a chance to contribute. PI *a> e do this very needful work during fctc month of March. Watch the paper for information from time to time Let us each do our very best work for those dependant upon us. Yours for the work, J. M. Dowmim, County Chm. for Near East Relief Is everything ready for the rush of work this spring? How about the seed, the implements arid the work stock? it's too wet now to plow but a mighty good time to make plants v say extension workers of the State College.