PAGE FOUR &\yn y by THE RIVERS PRINTING CO. Subscribers wishing (heir address ? m?i term haw been there a t'U ehiju , bark and other hOUfemrs, and they display an in; that vil! snor ovt.- destructive, foj souvenir hunters hwve destroyed many a priceless landmark. How-aver il is better for souvenir hunters to do spoil it, than to leave it to the anta bugr, and other insect? t<> destioj . Out in Bnoncshoro, Ky., is an ol< tree that would be priceless were \ preserved, lor the groat hunter afte his chase was finished, took >ut hi hunting knife and carved he follow ittg on the trunk: "DAM. BOO? ( U LED A BAR VP HUS TREE." Could anyone stand under tha tree and not be thrilled? No. and i is cv with the old stump across vh creek, for there surely Daniel Boon did some wonderful things for .hi rugged unbroken countiy, and th proper appreciation should be show by preserving this historical Jan spark. V * * OPENING ANOTHER XING TU' TOMB (Bj G. A Miher ) Many, many years ago in the yer beginning of time, t-h'e Great Arch teci selected from the good thing ol creation a few of the very besl ami putting tSteffi together in om place, built around them .. magrd ficent wall, sealing their. t?;r ? favored age of the world. Ages of rime went by during which the iir entions of man rangec from the stone hatchet to the coaling cannon, in this period of time Xerxes crosed the Hellespont, Cae ssv the Rubicon, and the Armada th< English Channel, yet the .vail of th< Great Architect wss am .1. Th< treasure remained hidden to the civ il\7.ed world. By and by, D.-tniei Boone in ohas ing ?he deer westward, saw towari the setting sun a wail of standout strong and rugged, yet beautiful i; its azure "hue. He accepted tne dial lenge of defiance burled by this gian of nature and determined to see w hs lay beyond. Vv ith groat elYort h made his way to the summit an there before him beheld an expans of splendor, the like of which n white man ever saw before in th western world. Here indeed was tre sure. Freedom, natural scenery riva ing that of the A'.pinfc region in hea ty, and an unlimited quantity c health-giving ozone, were some < the things which abounded. Boone was followed by others c his type who brought their familit ? .. i tv. ?u ana maae names m ww unoM, ^ ?,u wealth. Here they and their postei ity, shut off from the rest of t'h world, enjoyed in simplicity tk treat of nature by themselves for long time. However, occasionally person from beyond the barrier won] make his way into this reahn of na ural inches, v.ho stricken by its sul tie charm, would take to the outsit world volumes of praise. So at the present time we fir T1 J people in numbers coming to enjoy ! j the inexhaustible wealth provided by , 11 the Great Architect- As the existence j Jot these treasures is just now be-1 J coming generally known it can be truly said that a very important dis-; eovery of intrinsic value has beer -1 made. * j ? 4 THE WALDENSl.'iXS (By R. A. Spainhour.) Aoout thirty years ago there liv) ed in the Alps of northern Italy a > sect of people who wen- Protestants. ) One day a harbinger fame to them ss they tilled the rape* <1 mountain-! ous soil for their scanty living and told them that the Pope had decreed j that they be punished unless they re-1 pudiatc their religion and accept the Catholic religion, t They decided they would not con-j i form to the orders of tne Catholic I " Pope, but that they would emigrate, to America insured. When they ar-j e rived in America they cause to North I Carolina and bought a tract of land - located in Burke county, approxima-j tely nine miles east of Marganton. - They built up a village and called ir Valdese. Since the land they >euled on was very poor Lhey had to carry on in tensive farming as they were com- j Alp.- were so rocky and r igged. Their most important crop is the} , I grape crop. They take the grapes ancj manufacture a verv tine grade of grace juice. They bury a great deal 1 of their grape juice in the ground, whe:e it will keep indefinitely. The Waldensians. realizing that they could not build a town without r industrial expansion, began to build j factories. Valdese new contains two I I ho iery mills, an embroidery factory i a macaroni factory, and a shoe com- t pany. The shoe company was incer-! porated a little over a year ago. It^ manufactures a very :ir grade of ' * f shoes. Valdcse also contains a large bak-! . j ery and a new stone -?in> i building1 whieii cost about thirty thousand dol- 1 I ' lars. It en it also boast of t weekly i newspaper. It gives one a suHtt feeling of] nridc to visit the v:';lag? and sec how earnest the italiar- ire in the j performance of their du:l> tasks and! also in their religious services. t here have never been more than three or four who have been Indicted. These were indicted for misdemeanors only. They were ali exhont crated by the court. The people are unostentatious and are law-abiding citizens. ANOTHER El ECTRICAL WONDER *1 tl All electrically operated bricklayrj ;j:g machine that lay* 1200 bricks an sl hour against aOO a day for the aver-1 - i age human bricklayer is the late t C I application of electricity to industry i:: England. t Mounted 0:1 rails laid around what I t is to be the outride walls of ;< e ding a traveling boun is set up. Ate vachctl to the boom is the motor tank y, and the brick lav rig mechanism drivor. by a tlireo Horn power motor. j w When in operation die lay ire wheel j rj rotates. taking two tuicks fvinr. thej j carrier and places them 01: moft&rj ! already spread by another wheei. Atj T: *end of 'he wail this machine} I changes direction and proc^ d* as j before until the machine ha-- laid ope-; y J course oi brick entirely ar;u.-the! [ house. The boom is then raised thai .s | height of this course and starts oh.j ry: -?nolle. 1 "ri\ around the building.] ^ | Three men are required to operate | . i ; his bricklayer, which is said to do ! the work of 20 masons. ' 1 } | Winston Pcop'? Would Asai*t This j j ' Section in Definite Ways. The following "letter has been sent ; ont to different ones in this town. "1 and needs no explanation. We wish to convey to the citizens; of your community our deep appre-j I ciatlon of all the members of our Get Acq ; iuted Tour, t >1 the j fine reception given us by the citiJ /ens of your community and others ' DAVIDSON'S JULY CLEARANCE 1 SALE IS NOW ON. SEE PAGE 2. t ? C. C. Hacker, M. L>. (Offices over Post Oh*ce ) Elizahethton - - - Tenneuee. e! _ | Practice limited to diseases of a | Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat u Diseases of these organs treat'f ed by the latest approved methoris. Errors of refraction scientifically corrected. Tonsils and adenoids removed only when 1S necessary 2-l-6mp is ..ii fpTiiFHiliriijill W RYE SPECIAL.!ST 8 see: better d iSOr SEE0U1A t- 17 Year's Experfcoce ( The Best Equipment Obtainabl?. i "Glasses Fitted Exclusively . le i I MARTli BLOCK, LENOIR, H. U ft a ** ii frorti lit LA. It's All IU?hL I d 9 mrx. watch ?j>r.iui ko*. dates. * 1 'W'J* ,m IE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?? * all along the routeIt is an inspiration to us to se< the progress your county is raakin; in good roads, good schools imp rev ed home? and farms, and the genera air of progress along all lines. Ii there is an undeveloped resouro in your county which should ho give: publicity locking toward its develop meat, if those interested in the sarr will advise the Winston-Salem Rea Estate Byatd. we will be glad to d what we can to put the owner in touch with capital to develop sarn. as our citizens desire to assist yor community and citizens in a defin ite way if possible. Very truly yours, Winston Salem Real Estate boar' I BANKERS CAN HELP While the bulk of the money tha the farmer borrows necessarily come from ihe large reservoirs of we&li controlled by the city banks, th country banks are in more intimat! touch with the farmers and are in position to do things for him that n city bank can do. In a small publi cation called the Rural Market, a editor of the Rankers' Magazine dt dares that these country banks ar doing more than their share in pro moting: wrier raemoas oi.prouuctio in their respective communities. H notes a few of the activities of som of the progressive country bank which believe that by helping thei communities they will also be heio ing themselves: Financing the importation and dis tributior. of pure-bud cattle. Promoting and encouraging loca fairs and exhibitions. Developing the interest of boy: and girls in better farming by 01 gani/.ing pig, sheep, calf, poultry ant garden clubs. Encouraging the keeping of som live stock tin every farm and pro moling greater crop divresification. Promoting local dairying by keep ing da?i y records, financing loca creameries, establishing cow-testing associations, teaching better fccdinv nii t nods. I'rging and financing ihe const n. Lion of siios. Arranging for regular banker-far rr.v r conferences to discuss. muLlia problems. One dank by financing the inipor .'tiou and seeding rw yw-* 'ERY THURSDAY?BOONC, N. C and amounted to $120,000. The in-jvHI i! creased quantity of feed made it pes j ft z sihle to winter some 60.0U0 addition- il - si sheep in the valley. And the banks. nre told. ar*?il rot losing, as a result of this sort of |fl p ?c;.viiv; one Panic ut Pennsylvania H as a result of two years' community '8 - agricultural development increased I 3 e its deposits 48 per cent.?The Liter-IS 1 ary Digest. Sale of Old Paper# Recall# Romantic g Gretna Green Days SHU London. July t>.?Something of the romance of Gretna Greer, the little . Scottish village that for more than 10(1 years was the haven for couples who for one "reason or apotber, could t not be married in England, was brought to light recently in a London , auction room where the original mar. riage certificates of nearly 1,200 run ( away couples, extending over the period 1825-1854, were sold for $1,' 100. ! Amonp the most romantic of the n marriages the certificate of which was among those sold, was that of Prince Carlo Borbone, young brother of King Ferdinand II of the Two n Sicilies, to Penelope Carolyn Smith, , of Waterford Ireland, in 1836. The I ouple first lived in Naples and were 1 married there, but later, upon visiting he bridgrcont's sister, the Queen Regent of Spain, found themselves c.-tracized, and were again married it Madrid. When they arrived in En! gland they were advised to go thru 1 another ceremotiv at Gretna Green * i , . . . ., , .ma nnutiy, to placate cue nosuuty 01 .'English society, they were married .! for the fourth time at St. George's, I j Hanover Square, London. i Do you take your county paper? WRfGLEYS *AJter every meal / \ A pleasant ^ f'\/A | and agreeable ri=: J-r -fflM i aweet ?b4 *j|^ J and digestion. I ~ Makes the Q al" Transportation I FOR THIS MOUN- | SECTION | loads of Chevrolet cars j [ to satisfied owners in II the demand is great. >lacing orders for these iy, for deliveries can be rith reasonable prompt1 sevrolet owner what he t me Garage * JUL.Y 10. 1924. ? . 7 LOST To Our Sight Are Our Departed Loved One# but the Mountain C:tv Marble C&monnr run lurnish vou a mark for their lui renting place in either marble ur granite at reasonable prices. Nothing but first class material used and first class workmanship in the finish. Be sure to get their prices be- flj fore you buy ft C. C. CRESS, Agent Boone, N. C. Sto^artiSix In the homes?on thestreets ?in stores and offices everybody is talking about the new Buick Six?the Six that sets a new standard of quality and price. Throngs of people are streaming into Buick salesrooms to see it. t See it for Yourself t ^ j hen better autos are built BuicW Will Ruilrl TKern F. M. RICHARDS, Banner Elk, N. C. H. CRAGG, Boone, N. C. Ch??. E. GREEN. BeWsville, N. C, P Save Money DID YOU KNOW YOU WERE BURNING UP MONEY EVERY DAY BY NOT USING AN OIL STOVE? Let us show you that it costs from one third i. L_K 1 uuc jmn less 10 operate an oil stove than it does to operate a coal or wood stove. "THE LORAIPf" i is conceded to be the best on the market at * any price * They are equipped with a giant burner interchangeable to any one of the wick containers, dos not burn any more oil and will . _ ? . 1 - * give you iwo to tnree times as much sis the ! regular burner. Come in and let us demonstrate this stove to you. We can prove our statements as to saving by those who know. _ ; 4 Dont forget we carry a complete line of tv hardware and come and get what you need. BOONE HARDWARE COMPANY ? *