A Non-Partisan Family I volume xxxv. News hems i\ From Ri Interesting News Items a; Our Correspondent! tions of t] ? Valle Crucis Summer visitors from the lowlands of many states are enjoying our sunt rner climate and other attractions which this section has to offer. Mr. Brown a retired missionary from India hut now from Birmingham, Alabama, is spending a while at Mrs. T. H Taylor's. Miss .Mary Hunter of Henderson a former teacher of the Mission School is spending the summer at Mrs. C. D. Tavlor's Mrs. ( has Menzies and .son of Hickory arc visiting at Mrs. T. H. Taylors. Mrs. Mary Thomas has returned from Mountain City whore she spent a week end with her daughter Mrs. Job' Dyer. The hoy scout trope of this place entertained the party of twenty five Boy Scouts from Li'lington, X. (\ who were camping here, at the Mission school on Tuesday night. ( n Friday night of this week the boy scouts will have an ice cream supper on the lawn at O.e Methodist Church. A tea room has I opened in the Ives Cottage no. he Mission School and is being successfully manag?-.i by Mrs. Sarah Draughn and Mis v Ola Tester. The Community Club has recently had dressing rooms built by the swimming pool near Mr. J. M. Shulls also the club has put up some road signs, which will be helpful to 'he traveling pu * Mrj. ( iu ,i ^ \f 1 a *i?; Te ^.isitec - hoi*.- of her^rcb * C W. * V ntly. ? r Bruoksiae Mr. 'Vance ('. Howell son of \V. X H ov I'll is now attending one of th*. high* v universities of learning in New York t ity. Vance has been climbing thv iadde< of knowledge for severa year- and seen.- !o have hi- idea Stationed at the ton. * Mrs. G. H. McGlatnery a splcndit Chi ian wife ami mother died u her home last Sunday the 1 -ch ?i July, and buried on . ue following me regular trips to Abingdon Ya. which finally resulted in the pur chase of a $7,000 farm within tb incorporate limits of that splendi town. Of course Mr. Tatum will no move from Brookside. The pu terms was made for his youngest daughte Mrs. C. I>. Watson. Mr. R. L. Seat/, of Sands, N. C who is representing the Stark Nur scry Co. has been visiting this, sec tion. Mr. Seatz is a widower and ma be looking out for something whic he may consider as sweet as h " golden delicious apples" which h says are sure good. Z. T. Watson has purchased a For truck and say? that he hopes to gt back f) ?m market this year in lira to be at ihe election, as he misse t it u i- wagon w, tra: ed >:: ow .rear, or the moto; bv which it vas prOpe'led News ha . . t h- i Todd that M Hunts, ChaiYiv.a:. oL* he State H:g way t. s ot nas -.v-aed to fi: i-h up X I;s' !* * had.y needed, : let us hope, trust and pray. Mr. C. M. Siackbi rn i. now buii ing a splendid barn, and in the ne; future will erect a modern dwellii on bis farm at Brookside. The Democratic County Conve tion is to be congratulated for noi in a ting Mr W. X. Howell for coun commissioner. That is the way to business?put out a man with e perience and business tact sufficie to hoid down the job. There is politics in the office of county coi missioner, but a place where sor good sound judgment can be use and where equal power is given ea member of the board. "Ordered to date 11,600 pounds retch seed,'* is the way county age W. H. Barton reports on the w Richmond County farmers are p paring for more fertile laiuis. )t H)a Newspaper Published in an $1.50 Per Yc*r BOONE, V is Reported ! iral Watauga , i Reported Each Week by 5 in the Several Seche County Foscoe i, Miss Aiona McCain came down from Blowing Rock Sunday. She brought a beautiful Indian girl with: her. Miss Emma and Minnie Coffey accompanied her back to Blowing Rock; " | They report a jolly time on their! f 1 trip. I ( 6i of our Sunday School took the, morning train for our picnic at Lin! ?,-.i t? i > uiv nuti t|uuv a ivrt tuuv (ii uhin ; ^ A c reached Linville for Sunday' j School and heard a fine sermon by] , I the Presbyterian preacher, then we 1 1 retired to the krove for dinner. We viewed the city and returned to the . I evening train. AH seemed to enjoy ' he day fine. Mr. Kd Ramsey the mail carrier' and Mr. Fred Coffey of Banner Elk v i.Mted Foscoe Sunday. Mr. J. . Brinkiey's brother Pan is i i i on a vacation here for a few weeks from Princeton, W. Ya. He is the proprietor of a hotel there. Mr. Hamlet, wife and two little girls of West Virginia visited their aunt Mrs. McCain last week. Mr. Ed. Bobbins of Blowing Rock will preach in Foscoe next Sunday.? , Come out and hear him. We were pleased to have ourj friends Mr. t?. G. Stephens and Mr. Noah Church of Meat Camp with us! . on our picnic to Linville. . 1 Deep Gap * w 1 The survey :j.r etc-1 n. al work around Deep Opp and at tt.iv . . i ; n& tf..'* direction of Bowie and it seems that the railload people mean business. We can only live in hopes for future developments ald"g this line and what will he the outcome of the ' . nMi'o.-t *it writ m or vv.? jh\' . i hut v. * do hope that in the course j of time to see a railroad track roun t j die.-J- the curve-.- of Deep Gap with a mighty locomotive hauling: freight to . line- which might make up the ii'icmerco oi* this undeveloped section of the country. The short iitie railroad of the Deep Gap Tie and Lumber Co., Inc. at this j ' .vriting have failed to reach their goal on account 01 steel railing which Lj they expected of being in. that was delayed in shipment. They will complete their extension | just as soon as it arrives. Mrs. Amelia Luther has bee.: very , much indisposed and at this writing 1 '* is a very sick lady, out we hope she j will improve in health ere long. Mr. Darwin Smith of this place ^ has the local agency for Ford cars i . and trucks and if you wish to pur-! chase a Lizzie or truck he will he ; glad to talk the matter over with ^ j you and arrange terms to suit you. ^ The local school at Rocky Point ^ opened last week on Monday. Tfv A | teachi&Es are the Watson sisters that taygnt in the Cot e Creek High school ts ' . near Migar Grove. The attendance has hear, very good 1 i?nt >\f find lots of children "i - nool ;ge s-1 ill cut of School, This .. deft , . ^ il : aUU -v . ? Ol a hat compulsory education lav must enforced : y the parent? whool '! committees and the pe'oplc . 1 -hey SO ; . " . do not fall in line the sooner ir.at il i is enforced the better it \vi i be for concerned. >np Let's filt the school room full of bright children and give them an edn_ ucation. Your own child may he a ^ link in the future development of whe nation, so send them in and give ^ them a chance. Remember that Abe x Lincoln never had a chance that youi child has, yet his memory will never no die as long as a page of history rerji mains. ne Crops are looking fine in this secj tion jgpj we believe a very good crof yield will be the result if we have a good balanced season until fall comei The banner year in wool produc ?f tion in North Carolina was in 192i nt when the state produced 1,980,00( aY pounds. In 1922 the production wai ic- : . wi'u pounas, reports \. w. i-ewi: , .?. -. v k markc .ii.jf specialist. i d ior Boone and Watauga VATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAI SPKCIAL SESSION < CALLED AUG. 7'" i iVil} Consider Report of Water Trau- i .spnrtatinn Commission Freight Kates are Too High. Raleigh July 17.?Governor Mor-' i-on issued the prwelamat' ?i i > the i ivneral assembly today calling the pecial session to be convened Thursday August 7. at 11 o'clock. The formal call sets forth two easons for the sessions, the necessity for correcting the error in the; ict creating a sinking fund for the tate bonds and the advisability of' undertaking immediate steps t? low-' _*r freight rates through the inau-j juration of a water commerce development program as recommended >y the ship and water tran-portaioti commission. Other business mor- : ting attention may also he transac'.(! in accordance with the legislature's constitutional prerogative. Although sticking to lii^ previous-j y announced determination to ask t for ? referendum on the report oil the ship commission, the governor, in the proclamation expresses himself a follows: "It is of supreme interest to the weuare 01 tne --tale mat uoeKing and terminal facilities dial! he prov 'I'd at a number of ut.r town, and nties situated on navigable waters, and that in the event private parties cannot be induced to do o, that the -tale shall lease or huy and operate lines ef ships for the transportation i?f commerce* in order that the only ' ompetition recognized by law for railroad transportation wil ho available l? the people of the state.*' The' governor proposes i.o go before the special session with a strong appeal for the construction of terminal facilities, the creation of a permanent port body and for apt.r->p?i:t1h.'* * y out the reccm i-o . > ship commission, , ! -:.g * lativi machinery i nking he set v.n and thai* k *na;;er of making i operatic. * 'v. r.ed to the voterit* the next general election. He will also recommend joint action by th? state and federal government in cutting the projected canal from Morehead City to the t ape Fear River. The proclamation follows: "To the 11.?< - ruble, the General Assembly ol North Carolina: "Relieving that an extraordinary occasion tor special session 01 uu* general assembly, such as is referred to in article ill *.?t" section 1* of the constitution of our state, has arisen, and exists as hereinafter set forth! and mv own belief being strengthened hy the council of the state duly: given me in a resolution adopted by] the council at a meeting on the loth J day of June 1024 "Xov therefore 1. Cameron Morrison, governor of North Carolina do hereby issue this proclamation calling your honorable body to meet in extraordinary session on Thursday August 7. at 11 o'clock a. m., ! in the stale capitol at Raleigh, and i I respectfully request that the senj ators and members of the house of i representatives assemble in their reI spec live halls on the day and hour j mentioned, for the purpose of meor; ing the emergencies which have arlj sen >y reason of the fact. "That the proposed amendment to j the corof the state relate. . I ;o the state'.- jmkins? fund might j construed tu prevent tiv. placing of (any part of tin- ?evenue dei'cv. i from the tax on h>" We >;-tt i to v.ch a serious extent as make-- it j i\?r the general as.-.-?i\ih 10 consi kr a correction thereto be ; fore it if submitted to the vote oi the people lor adoption. "And for the further reason: "That the freight rates now beinj: paid by the people of this state ai\ unjustly high arid that the carrier: of freight in a rate re adjustment proceeding pending before the inter state Commerce Commission an asking for increases which wouli place a further burden upon th? people of the state aggregating ap * proximately ten millions of dollar 1 annually: "And, whereas, the state shi] and water transportation commissive gi appointed at the last regular sessioi j of the general assembly after proton 5 ged consideration of the matter liav recommended that the state devcT.v j certain conveniences to encourag /"? - - i bounty, the Leauer ot r ecb.g can the harmony of the blends e appreciated. It is freely predicted that when complete the theater will he one of the finest hi wester.; North Carolina. The management - spa; ing nothing that would add ?ts attractiveness, and expect t p v. lie best shows procurable. water transportation from and ' > the -tate, and under certain cii-cuinstances, establish a line oi eoa>twist freight carrying ships and have ex pressed the opinion that through thi means alone can the state be protected and lower freight rates obtained * And whereas it is absoFliteiy uec essary to protect the credit of th< >iate that the amendment to the con tilution relating to the sinking fun< -nar. utl so cnaiiiron as :o maive 1 clear that certain portions of Uv I fund derived front the au ton;obi I rid g&soiine tax may be placed in : -inking fund for the redemption o , the I.end- a- we are now mhi? t?a could not do if the consriiti&on wer amended as propose#' 'And >y1..t - of uprenu* in est U \v .1 ?n of this stat v hi.; docking i: 1 i rrmiha.1 fnctfit r.e - bo pro i . for a Htaqb- i o e'er -twi a..d / - SrtlUted .?! i:av gable voters, r?d ma; In -he ever pi"vr.te parties eant-.cc b. in.' i<*d t do ?o! d at tee stsii 1 lex Sixteenth day of July in the ye; :1 of our Lord. One Thousand. Nil .j Hundred and Twenty Four, and I the one hundred and forty nin I year of our American independent ' AMFKON MOKRISOX" _* GoVOlT.U vortliwestern iNorth L^iroliT 24. 5 Ctt. aCopy Inother pest i hits watauga Mexican Bean Beetle Destructive in Co' Creek and V'allc Cruets and Spreading Over the County Wat t ga count.-, thoug; fro-* from the weevil ai?d the pink worm 1 and ch< other cotton ]>este. but we i have '?;?r troubles nevertheless. Today v. are informed by tin* co'mty I agent. !?.hn B. Steele that tht A-.ox . ican bean beetle lias struck the eoutity and is rapidly demolishing' the t bears. The county agent has this to s " i y: .t the new visitor: "The bean 1 ectte in its first stage looks ver> v much ko the potato bug. except it is iig: yellow and ; covered with ; a *stiek? r.-' giving ita fuzzy appearance. Th< -egs are depo ited on the un-i .der side of the leave- where the young ?'Oil hatch and begin feedit g. The aduit beetle light yellow withjt a hard -hell, very hum 1; resonibi ng | , the p itn beetle the smaller r. size, i From or to two mont'.u- are required for a < generation . : * h* i-ommon bean and i> often found | a beggar weeds and Spanish nee-|t iles. Sometimes it doe?, damage to peas, leans and cio'.ers. It always feed on the under side- of the leal. : never eating through. mi it > im p> : to poison this insect. b\ pia ei'.g ue poison i dust, out in;> poison is n?us i ;hv bwm plain- when applied i it; jtiieu nt quantity to exterminate < I.ho "file. The* wn-i'ju.- stale "xpei| imenl stations in working with this pCst tin > ,* found that the calcium. ars??i a and .sulphur gives the best refftlts. This may he applied at the , irate of one ounce ol* the poison to three gallons of the \va,or when us- , ed as a spray, or one pound of the poison and one pound of sulphur to , | three po. nds of nydraced lime, t.hen used as a dust. There - none of this calcium arsenate in Si- county at this present time, but vrrn! mail orders have been plan and think they will arrive in a i\av days. In spraying or dusting for the bean weevil can must be taken to get the poison ' otioni of the leaves. The bhva ! . :;?>?.;;i.e must cie di ' reefed :.11. ia ibt up. and from both s:ci .-I lot- row if you are to master is ition. I; wotu?* a's j he \v i.. p.ek then; oJV by hand I when ti.. ii peai as .1 is realty ! the seron. v op lhac does the greatest S damage. his n, v. visitor seems to have . j come to > and it is wise foi e\. j-my far' . -.? examine their beans -1 eloseiv t. -c?- if he has yet put in ..} i*io app . . nee in their garden. You i will rei - his%work by the veilJ like appeal met of the leaves. If it > S is presi-r: th - battle should beg:! . j before in- beans are entirel> ' i I ished. i' - > not present you had; ; better l? : \"ur gun and am munition e ready, aaaso it is oniy a matter of e time u . ; hey wiil coa-r tins en'h tree sec? a*;.. ai:d from that time you ? will not only have to plant and i uit .\ate > - a1..- but you \vi?I nave e o figh; them if you have any LaN> INC, COMPLETEt> FOR I ND ?- SCHOOL COIv V?N TIOiS J'Kj Prog unb- are out and ?>!?hs :.e o j Ai ' rrj r.clrt . -l? lisor/:-. chape: Melh-'disv v.| .... . \ \ C. It L> evpec> led ihu the convention closing Sunday night, y Offices in charge of plans unci pro bO j gram iY-r the convention h.v.ve anly > nouncci that the program ha- been n-iprepar- ; v. ih thv idea of having 4*a i convention for the discus-ion of rT;oe-; ticai problems.'* The plan i.s to make iej it possible for workers of all depart ?d j ments -f the Sunday School to rele I ceive practical suggestions concern ar; injr their specific work, no During the convention there wil in be question ami discussion period th when those present .vi'.i be given a* re. opportunity to present their Sun-da; S-hiM- p>>htexns for discussion am r" . ?f .... esitons m Sunday Sc-hoo i iii ia.?Established in 1888 NUMBER 29 )R.PETER HAYES DIES SUDDENLY econd Term of Summer School Has Fifty More Student* than Ever B. fore?Other News. >1 B> : io Farth ru* and Miss of visited friends in { .one * h 5>aoys from Curr'ttick county spent ome time ii Boone a few days since, ['hev w a tour :'firoujrh the vestern i if4 .?f the j-tato. A ha- ... hot*' "en Boone ind the hoy scouts from LilHngtOit, vho v.vi; mpinjj in tIm- "onnty reulteci i! .ore of ' ? 7 ir favor >f the B boys. Or Fr.iiay evenir.# of h- Me*It - v ' church tra two -hurt days in 1 court house which atractod o ic a crowd, arid all prt-*r.t fireatl;. enjoyed thi.- local talent H Fiornta. ' 'Not a Mar. -he louse, X'wintr for tue Ikahei Ali ; ; frit 'ids as l>! Pete Kays ?'i Thi y of the past \v- > Y.. Dr. lay- w;i tcustuined to spend some i??H fl immcr visitinp- fnend- in hi.- cow t. ilis home was in Kiir.aK't.lito! I - i" -mm", hut he had many irieiui- :*. . relatives in this county. :!e was t . a suddenly !; of Thur-iay mor ii and died wit his: ; oout Jirce hour from the ' im< In was aken sick. He was buried at Dove reek. the funeral service heinu held n I'uv.' ' reek Baptist Church, Prof. ID i>. Dougherty and othri's sp ?k- in ippreciat.mi, of this good man. Dr. Hayes wa. one of those men .xhoiu \er> one was always glad to see. Hi sec.nu d t?y: he a friend of every ono.-^Sf- Was alwavs a welcome \isi ..?! at thi* Training School. The- second term of the summ&T school at t. Tra.. ing School opened th?' past week with a considerably i-ri used number, there being about fifty more thai1, the school has ever had before at this time. The number ii; attendance ha> increased very rapidly within the past year or two. For tin year ending dune ."?(). Urdl there were 1185, Counting only those in ili* 'n,gh rchoe and the Norma!, not considering those * the n.odei and ir. the county schools. GIRLS MAM! VANJ EXPERIENCES ON HIKING TRIP On :? recent Saturday a party composed l" the f< o ng girls from the A. T. S ieft l)<>oiie at 7 i> m on a rather extended jikmg nip through part sof three -'ates. Misses Jessie Steele, Knur.it Ste< k . Sailie Outlaw 1. ' a Readfer:.. D '.in- Stephens, Bes sie Bradsher. dame Bradsher. The ladies h . no particular objective in view other than that of getting out it: the open and seeing n * of the si:: ounding country. They spent the first night in Zion: i)ic, X. C.. o Sanghy night they | had reached 1\ ; ?a>c;?s, Va; Monday light was spent *" Chilhowie. Va., the irip having been made through . Mountain Cit>. Tenn. and Glade Springs. Va. Tin.- hibu.tr ;v.>.vo . v war -ar.dwich-i '-tiwcen \.tr. us of ri.k> the young ladioi p:uUod tp. They were :: i:. - rt curs from n;g">i !?> r-rtsure xei - ? , ; isf.- -.i.lt i. s ?j pi,''. ' U hy Ui ' ,'J.i ;t*f?5rSe"?;'/iCiiPrAba. tfurt ors, u.TO:. -. ntt >*.1 wer.. V ord iit-r.-. t:av .. 'mAW hc'.p< d i th.- lea "bert zlov.it* Out of tin. - imic-.s ?raveicd 20 < ; : hesc iv cstf.o 'i he gay yoCTg party Vi-t^aBcd to Be one Tutsj day at 0:20 v?. Sa:e? on the Henderson curb market now a mo u : to oyer - $400 each week. About ; ; y larmers are selljing regular's* there now. ; 1 work. The convention is inter denotional and worker - from ail Sunday Schools of all evangelical denominations are invited to participate in the work. The Watauga County Sunday School i Association under whose direction the ' j convention is being held is one ofthe " seventy six county Sunday School i \ Associations now organized in the . state in connection with tire work o? i the North < trolina Sunday School ' Association.