AUGUST 7. 1924Watauga democrat. i 1 Local Affairs j Town and County I ? Miss Nannie Rivers opened school at Do e Ridge School house Monday morning. The fall term of Watauga Superior Court will convene on Monday Sept. l, with Judge l?ong ir: charge. Mr. and Mrs. T M. Norris of Brown wood were visitors at Mr. I. S. Greene's Monday. Miss Una Corpening of Lenoir, returned s home on Tuesday after spending a week as the guesA of Miss Margaret Halm. Dr. R. B. Killian of Lincolnton, spent the week end en his valuable New River farm and in looking over some other properties in Watauga. Mr. Zach Liunev, son of Dr. Linne v of Charlotte is spending a few days at the home of his uncle Mr. F. A. Linney. i Rev. \\ illiam Walker, Methodist minister of Mount Airy visited at the home of our townsman Mr. Will C. Walker last week. The remaining fragment of the old Civ?l War veterans will hold their annual reunion at the Training School Sept. 4 and o. Program for the two days will be published later. Mi^s Velnia Rivers who has been spending a few day in Washington City, the guest of Mrs. J. CI. Pulliam, writes that the weather is intensely hot there. She will return the latter part of the week. Mr. Bill Lovili who lecently returned from an auto trip to Canada w;.. i * >> .1.. *1.1(1 Mr .>...1 Mrs. James Brawk-y, of Greensboro is at home in Boone for th?? remainder of his summer vacation. Mrs. C. C. Adams of Silvcrslone who has been wry ill at the home of her daughter Mrs. Josie McGuire, :fi Boone is. we are sorry s. learn, very much worse as w< close our forms Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Greene of Ohio ai? \ siting relatives in North Carolina. We are j viad to have them back again. Mr. Greene says the improvements in Watauga since." he went away are almost unbeiicvabi'-. Mr. H. 1. Hardin i> going over his hotel property and g?.\ ing it a thorough overhauling throughout. Tli? entire building is being given a m w metal roof, the chimneys and flues thoroughly repaired, and much work is being done on the interior. Rev. Walter A. Star.bury and family of Italigh are here for a short vacation and rest for the hard worked pastor. They are occupying the residence of Mr. Cloy Winkler iust below the home of Mr Stanbury's parents. Mr. and Airs, lliil Colt re!! of ilrosfi g nax, Va. wove week end visitors it relatives m Boone Mr. Coiioll v are glad \t: know contemplate coot ing t? Boone t<> locate, bu' vu- m not in fanned as in what line of bus iness he expect: to enter. .Mr. Allen, holclist, of M.-untnii City, Tenn., was a visitor her- Sue day and Monday Fie is much please* with Oi.r no v. hot--: and wry ious to either n asi- or rent v.he prop erty. rhere are a < umber ot mhor: mterestrd alone: thv same line. Mr. Lee Kensor. and family oi Vl?> rida, pH>-ed thror_h on ih.'ir retain Tuesday alter u few day;- visit i< the haunt- oi Mr. Henson's i?oyhoo< on Cove Creek aiul Beaver Dan Ho is a .son ot* the late Jordan Hen sen of Cove Crook Misses Pearl Keltor. and Haz< Hicks of Bristol. Tonn are sp? ndin. a few* days this week w ith their frier. Miss Anna Lee Trivett. This boin their first trip to the mountains the ^ seem to be enjoying the climate an I KMSPF'S 1 m ?t Si w m m m m ^ Having decided t 8 ture home I wish to I all painting I have d guarantee to "not pe chalk off for a peri< date of painting. QU all times and if any < ters, or chalks off i have it repainted. "Nuf Sce "KNAPP, scenery very much. Mr. R. E. Johnson of Gastonia, j joined his family here yesterday fore j noon and today i? moving them to his home on North Water Street recently purchased from F. A. Linney. He will return to his home tomorrow hut later expects to locate per ma- j nently here. Mr. W. E- Shipley of Wallace, Vs.! is in Watauga for a few days plying I his old trade of cattle-buying. No I man ever proved a better buyer to our people ar.d we take it Ed will pay the best price possible, the lowprevailing figures considered. Fat cattle are beginning to move I from Watauga now, but the prices are unusually low. Mr. E. L. Holler, one of our shippers, told the democrat Monday that the prevailing price was 3 1-2 to 4 cents gross. This ! lends very little encouragement to rattle raisers. I Mr. Clyde Miller, formerly of Wa| tauga, but. for a number of years ! past a soldier in the U. S. Army, 18 i months in France, has returned to j his headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio, after a short visit to relatives in the county. He war- at the home of his J aunt, Mrs. M. B. Blackburn in Boone | for a few hours Saturday evening. Dr. T. M. Hodges and son Bynum j vert; in town Sunday. The doctor's] pretty residence on Greene Heights] is nearly completed and it is his ;r.-' tention to occupy ?t early in Sep-! tcmber. He left via auto for Raleigh Tuesday morning to attend the st?e-j rial session of the legislature which] convenes today, lie is Avery's representative in the general assembly. The Sunday School institute of the] Methodist church Tuesday was attended by a large band of church] workers, and a very interesting study] was promoted by the Sunday School Superintendent of western North! Carolina conference. The ladie <>f the Woman's Mist-iOTtary Society a delicious dinner to the workei as-; sembled. Mr. Henry Claw soil army er with his wife and three inten ;>ig i h.:dren i- spending his annual va! chtibti ..! \ he home his M i>. Jacob Clawsor. at Ruth< .Mr. ? lav.sor, has been >aaii?>,ied n f T.nrk cm. S. C. for the pa.-a i'??ur year.-, lit' creed in tin army for a period of 20 years, two of which were spent in France. Ho and his family wore in town Tuesday some shopping an I renewing old acquaintances. Wo are asked to announce that there will be an entertainment given i at Rocky Point school building on Saturday evening August b. Prof. Greer of the Training School will be present and give an address. Ice eivam and pies will be sold the proit ed.. to be used for the school. Everyone is cordially invited to come and especially the people of this and surrounding communities are urged to come out and enjoy the evening ! together. The Demoeiat was honored yesterday 8 he moon by most pica an: call from Editor Don Daws of the 'i ? v v . -.i'.rket of Moravian Falls with his wife and three daughters, Misses i helm a. Rose and The} 1 were accompanied by tie Rev Avthui Taiutadge Ahem. a promI incut divine of Ashvwlle, his wife - and daughti'i Miss Anna Mae. Theii - visit was gi .-ally . . ted t>y the s Democrat force. Dr. Edgar Moore has opened u| "j the offices over tin Drug Co. II for the general practice of dentistry L> j Hi- will give a free chn.e for ehil i. di on under six year; of age oven - Wednesday afternoon. will in elude fillings, eytiactions and pre ?i pby]ax is. Dr. Moore h a recent grad ? j .i?lc of the University of Marylam d J and v> son of Mr. .1. B Moore o ; Caldw ell county. An X-Kay will b v | installed in the offices of the doeto d j v- l.hin a thort tune. BUARANTEE ? make Boone my fuannounce the fact that one or may do holds a si, crack or blister, or >d of three years from A V ITV 5_ .i ftL.i i i is my mono at ab cracks, peels or blist costs you nothing to f CedcT ?O THE PAINTER" THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E Mr. J. Roby Kag&man one of Watauga*? former citizens, is spending a short while with relatives and friends in Watauga, after an absence odC more than 20 years, during which time he has resided in the state of Washington. Mr. Hagaman although he has rounded out his three score and ten years is looking well, enjoying the best of health, and we are glad to know has succeeeded well since he left his native county. His many friends here are glad to see him again after his long absence. Mr. David Wagner of Roanoke, Va. who is visiting her brother and other relatives and friends in Watauga was a caller at this office on Monday, j Mr Wagner left his home at Vallel Crucis 31 years ago, worked his way J up to locomotive engineer on the Norfolk & Western Railway. a|M worked i nth atacticpaynod 8228 worked in that capacity for a nurn-! ber of years. However in 1010 he | met with an accident on his engine | which cantt' near costing him his1 life. He eventually recovered but has! never since taken up active work on I the road, but still maintains his city home with his family. He is simply! astounded at the progress his home county has made during his long ah-, sence, ina is irann in s&yirg that , Western Carolina is the bcsi cour.-j 111 \ In- has ever seen. THREE FORKS ASSOCIATION The Three Forks Baptist Association will convene with Pleasant Grove I Church on Tu -^day August i'2. Not*the change of time. We 11 ust that members of the standing committees will all be present with their reports. May we not have \tr> preacher of the association i?i > sentV SMITH HACAMAW Moderator. waNtTds. Ad- r this heading are charged for at the rate of otic cettt per wjrd i I jr each ins; rtinn. Double size type double price. Minimum charge 23 cents, i'ay in advance required from otb rs than those who cs/ry regular accounts with ..s, j FOR 3ALE?TWO H ARLE Y DA V iS rantec<3 t? b?- in good running oudit'-m. Will make price.-- right if you are intosit'd. See or write E. ih Lincback, Shulls Mills. X. C. lip ] The annual catalog of the Appa| iachian Training School shows that IiUUH itud'inU wore taught t>? righ , ' ron. A.I,if . Can taiiga DciiMh rat. 1? . ! > it SALb. A in: niua.,i'?!vi ;.l,-, ; one third aei southwest of thw j 3. *!ofl? v 1? :, 1 . ? ;,t. 1 c.. ..., I Ifoom ami ilhnving llock pike For j parte u'Ui- el' C. <( ress. *-7rf . WANTED- Mur. with ai;U mobile to I r?-preseiii the Winston Salem Journal ( m Ashe, Watauga and Avery eounities. Permanent position and good pay to right party. For particulars c rr \a?... ...... Ti.,. w*., I tiuijra Democrat, Uoono, X. ('. : | r i b'OIi THK NK\r THuKE W KKKS "j \\o v.i haw for :?t our >taf bios at Blowing Book i ^uotl as| .-tii'tmunl ?;? border and iniri'.-s, a tew. splendid sadd horses a ?d some dra ft I tcaoi^. Term. Citsh. cr??od note or iVn-vij;-: ?*?*. Hii'k-'l ?'ra.u I v? Stock | Co; 7-*U-2.p Hay fever No "cure"?but welcome relief from night distress may be had by applying Vicfcs at bedtime? 1 also by inheling vapors at ^ frequent intervals. VvapoRUB ^ Over 37 Million Jart Used Yearly jHalPg-' ~w"d. > mecllei vid your s\stem oi " D? caused by Catarrh Sold by 'lrng?i*Ts fcr 40 yetMS F. J. CHEN?\ &. CO., Toledo. OhSc iii2 ^ u.421 omach Trouble a;?^ BP jf j doses. I certainly got re- g< rs J lief. It did me lots of good. ?jp ir; "When I go to town, I ^ 'a look first to see how near jjj? l-|out of Black-Draught we ti?1 s. | are, and then get more. Sp g; We are a good way froin j?| o. the doctor ar.d keep our gg home remedies and the aa t- main one is Black- S? se Draught." j. In hundred* of thousands of BP .f homes, housekeepers keep g? ,t Black-Draught on the shelf, - bandy for use when noedeu, an a? y a household remedy to relieve j|S| te eonstir*-ion, biliousness, indl- ^ T gestion, and many other simple BP I j ailments. "A dose in time ||n '\J saves nice." A dowi of BlackI Drauirht, costs onlv one cent. fflP ly It may save you a big bill for g3p medicine later on. Keep it on , your ahelf. Buy it at your W 3? store. |?j ku Get a package today. ag draught"! able Liver Medicine 1 I 1 ? WAtUl L'jU'H* SO* ! Fall Sr j NOW IS THE TIM. HOUSES ANI OLD j i We sel1 everything y-r our line BRICK, LIME, SAND, PL A SI ROOF# i SIDING, CEILING FLOORING, Cj SHEET RC ? WAL i t i ! I COMPLETE LI? ! 1 HAF If you will get our terial it will mean a s I Call on us, we apf I ' v WATAUGA FUR? by W. R. Gragg = PACE FIVE ural it you most desire. ?ires. iving the foundation, n to save. is, the sooner some of HAGAMAN, B. B. ROUGHER\COVlNTr NK [ E . N C . j. it. rres(Wooa. iviafia^er tSicwing Rock Business June i to October 1. ! T F. SEEHORN LI NOIK AND BLOWING ROCK Live Stock and Vehicles, Tyson <& Jones, Henderson, High Point and Conover Buggies A!! Vehicles Made in North Carolina Agent for the Old Reliable Wedge Spoke J. 1. Nissen Wagons I C 26-Smc . . . * Lino """ I E TO ViXl.D NEW > TO REPAIR ONES v\ need fo he job as includes j PER, !G, Sh TING, FRAMING VSING, )CK, L BOARD. WINDOWS, DOORS ad vIE OF 3U1LDERS tDWARE prices and see our maale. >reciate your trade. ilTURE & LBR. CO. , General Manager. -