I m A Non-Partisan Family I volume xxxv. News Items a From ll\ Interesting News Items a? Our Correspondent! tions of tl Deep Gap '^ The pie and ice cream supper hold at Rocky Point school last Saturday evening was a grand success. The teachers of the school are very progressive in their work and are putting things on the move here. They are to be commended in their work and we hope the people will cooperate right along with them during the whole term. Their next social will be held on the 23rd day of August in the evening. Every girl artd woman in the whole community should bring a pie as everybody there will want to eat your pie, as there never seems to be enough to go around. The proceeds will go to the benefit of the echool. Mr. and Mrs. \\. (\ Greene of Coshocton, Ohio have been visiting their many friends here for several day- We are always glad to have them here and hope they will come again. They will return to their home in a few days. The prohibition agnt Mr. Ralph Bhigham seems to be on his job * down this way. That is the stuff, Ralph and when you get the Red Eye business gone for good in this section lots of fellows will change then occupation along the Boone Trail just over on the Wilkes side. t'lean them up. Get the chief offenders ' Mr. A. G. Miller is doing quite a big business trading and selling: autotnubilcs If you need a car see him at once as he will sell or trade every M?f. ROCKY POINT The Community meeting at the school house Saturday afternoon and evening was well attedned and greatly enjoyed. 1 Hiring tin- afternoon many m enle of t he community came out to enjoy the ice cream and discuss matters of community interest. In the evening a number of visitors came also and a large crowd was present 4 to hear the address oi the evening delivered by Professor Greer oft he Training jSfejbuuii Prof. Greer was at his best, which is saying much, and his forceful address was thorougrdy appreciated by his audience. Trie people of this community were so much pleased with the success of this first community meeting of the season that they decided to make them a regular institution. Saturday August 23 was appointed for the next meeting and or. that ndate. during both afteroon and evening there will be some entertainment feature either as an address or lecture or some good music. Next week's Democrat will carry the announcements. N After this the meetings will probably be held regularly every two weeks. The principal objects of these meetings is the promotion of community co-operation, and the discussion of community problems with the very definite aim of solving these problems. Both patrons and pupils show 0 an unusually good spirit of coopera tion toward the school and community affairs and no one doubts bul that through this cooperation w< shall be able to make our school anc community one among the best. A number of our peolpe attendee the preaching services at Stony Fori during last week. The Rev. Mr. Franklin, principa of the Rutherwood school preachet a strong sermon to a large congrega rion at Laurel Springs last Sunday. Among the visitors at Rocky Poin Saturday evening were Sheriff Crit cher, Mr. Albert Watson and Mt Rufus Greene of Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Broyhill an: chUdre n of Lenoir were visitors a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alber Hnmntnn Xnnriav. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Watson and ohil dren and Mr. and Mrs. John Hodge of Boone visited in the communit Miss Tneodosia Watson, principa of the school was called home Sunda Von account of the serious illness her sister. The primary teacher Mir Fawn Watson with the assistance o Miss Dollie Greene will carry on th school work during her absence. ) c lite Newspaper Published in ar *1.50 Per Year BOONE, is Reported iral Watauga i Reporter! Each Week by i in the Several Secbe County Valle Crucis Rev. N. Collin Hughes, head master of St- Nicholas School, Raleigh, is a guest at the Mission School. Dr. Hughes preached at the Episcopal church Sunday morning to a large congregation. With Dr. Hughes art. his daughters Miss Carrie V and Elizabeth Hughes, Additional guests a?, the Mission School this sveek are: Mr. and ?drs. I. M. Hopper, Miss Clvd?* White, Mr G. H. Geitncr of Hickory, Miss Katharine Sirdsall of East Orange, N. J. Mr. John Harrell of Huntersville N. ; ('.Miss Mary Matthews, Master Broc | and Miss Trotter Matthews of Charlotte, Miss Ervin, Miss Polly Elliot i of Fayetteville, X. C- Mr. and Mrs. ! Lewis M Poag, Lewis At. Poagg Jr. Miss Rees and Miss Durham of Lin; coin ton. j The following gentlemen from Alt | Airy arc camping here: Messrs C. (.'. liale, Ward B. Hines, J. W. Prath cr. L. L. Williams and A!r. C. II. Young of Greensboro. Dr. Sharp of Statesvilie and family are camping here. ??ir. am Mrs. M. M. Sample of' Charlotte are guests at Air. T. H. Taylor's. Air. and Mrs. K. C. Menzies of Ilic ory spent the week end at Mrs.^D. F. Mast's. Airs. Love and Miss Sadie! Alenzies were with them. Mr. and Mrs. Cioyd S. GoodramJ j and their two daughters Marion and j tmiiy arc spending a while here. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Goodrum, Miss; Urace Goodrum Miss Helen Gocdruiu j Air. Earl Goodrum Jr. Mr. and Mrsf T. E. Lottery, and Thos. L- Lottery' Jr., Miss Louise Thompson, Mr. und Airs. ('. M. Stiles, Misses Cynthia, j Annie, Sue Porter Stiles, Mr. and | Mrs. Hormah, Mrs. O S. Brown Mr. ' and Airs. S. A. Thompson. Elizabeth ; Thompson and Jennie Thompson of i Davidson college are tamping here I for a short t ime. Meat Camp Rev, Williams ol" ElkiaVd filled his regular appainiment at the new j I church here on last Sunday. Going { ! from it to the Hopewell church he 1 I began a revival Sunday night which ! we suppose will continue throughout I the week and probably longer. Rev. Woosiev of Boone will assist him. j Mrs. Bettie Greene who has been sick for the last nineteen mcntiis is unusually ill at this writing. We are hoping she will soon recover. Mrs. Emeline Moretz of Hopkins X. C. visited relatives here la.>r week. J Glad to see her. Mr. A. W. Hodgson went on a business trip to Boone Monday. Aliss Edna Moretz returned home I last week after having attended a j ; ten days Sunday .School normal at j Hickory. Bee-tree hunting is growing ir.teres , ting in this section, there having been three trees found recently. Surely r this is the land of milk and honey. Mrs. Rhodd Winebarger of Mast visits her daughter Mrs. N. l\. Mo. rctz. I Mr. Ronda Davis of near Todd ' r, II attended services here Sunday. The corn crop in this community I is not looking as good as usual. To subscribe for your county paper shows that you have an interest I every citizen should have. INSTALLATION SERVICES Rev. W. A. Deaton, 1>. D. will be C formally installed as pastor of old Mount Pleasant Lutheran congrega" tion Sunday August 24. Rev. J. L. Morgan D. D. President of the N. C. Synod will preach the ' installation sermon at 11 o'clock a. 1. Rev. H. W. Jeffcoat pastor of the Watauga Mission, will deliver the s charge to the congregation at 2 ^ clock p. m. 1 Dinner on the grounds and every^ body cordially invited. s There will be a box super at Laui rel Springs sciiool house Saturday e night Aug. 16th. The liblic is cordially invited. ifmtc id for Boone and Watau) WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH C A GREAT EDUCATOR SPEAKS OP> \ CLEAN LIFE (By W. A Watson.) On tft. *Jth Inst- Prof. I. G. Greei from the Appalachian Training School of Boone delivered a r tnar kahle address at Rocky Point on tht subject of a clean life and 'Soaimu nity Spirit.** Prof. Greer said in part: "Thai there are two classes of people ii every community, one who tried t< make people believe tney were guoc by outward appearancejwhile in hear ami >uuI lucii' utCuS were or.lv J shadow to deceive the people an< pass by with a codeof near right, i mild way of getting by with a dark spotted life. He- pictured the other class a- be ing clean and pure all the way thru He emphasized a clean life in grea detail with powerfi stress wheh we full of timely logic and filled ii with true life stories taken from thi past history to clear his statement: with force and effect. He .aid that the community shouh defend itself and not pull itself dowi He illustrated this point by taking ...v, oiui Ui. x ui. i.inivii tin- iuik er of Bob and Aif with the colore* boys Sambo and ethers. He said tha Col. Taylor had an old fogy idea tha if his boys went in .swimming in tin dark nights of August that thr*j Mould become sick, weak and pale >o Col. Taylor made a strict orde that his boys stay out of the rive; during the period of the dark night ;ii August, but the two Taylor sons Bob and Alf with Sambo and others om fine day could not resist th< i emulation to go in swimming, s< they went up the river and unde cover waded right ii and while the; were enjoying the time of their live Col. Taylor came up and caught then ? ol. Taylor asked them to corne ou upon the bank to receive their pun ishment with lash in hand, but th boys were, a little slow about com ing out. Then it was Coi. Taylo who said "Boy< if you will not com out t?.e> T will wade into you." - .it wj*s thep that the boy.-, Bob arc Alt' with the colored beys made fo the batik to have their punis'nmen meted out to them. Col. Tayloi lined them all up i a low beginning on the bank an a row on the bank and beginning with Bob, Aif, Sambo and the tw others ( Tav r said; 4<Bob yo are 12 years old, 1 will give yo ?2 lashes. Aif >on are 1:2 yours ol I wili give you 1(? lashes and Samb when I am through with yon thus other two col >red boys v.;ii nev< want to ? <? in swimming while the live." Bui before ( oh Taylor ^tarred . the head of the row. Sair.hii aske Co!. Taylor if he could speak a wor before he began h?s punishment. Tli Col. consented and Sambo sab. "Ma^sa Taylor 1 do net want you t stripe the pretty white backs of Be and A If, so you can give roe * in punishment and when you are throu you can also give me Bobs and Ah 12 and 10 lashes as my back is hat and black and the lasnes will n< show " Prof. Greer told the above stoi very pathetic and used it as an illu tration of how each community shou go to each others defense in time < need instead ol pulling the eomnn nity down by tongue clatter and rui ing the fallen pell-mell or. to destru tion. He also asked ihc community ; largo to stand behind the school ar j lend them their co-operation and su I port all the way through, as no be ! tor teachers could be found in W tauga county than those who a teaching at Rocky Point. Prof. Greer's address will nev be forgotten by his attentive a dience and we believe he has etrev flowers here that will blossom ai bear fruit if the people will on join in the movement for "A Clea I Life and a Better Community." At the close of Prof. Greer's a dress Miss Tbeodosia Watsrtn o: of our teachers responded after t Professor had delivered his addrc and thanked the speaker in bebs of the school and community. She added a few words of t trials that came before the paths teachers and asked for full and u stinted co-operation. She stated th "duty called for the best there w in her, and that if the people wou only giv efce r support in her lif< work that all would be well." The audience was then dismiss and ice cream was served, and eve one went away helped inspired a full of good cheer. ga County, the Leader oi AROLINA, THURSDAY AUGUST ; MRS. W. CEAX PEACE ENTE! TAINS Written for our iast issue. r In the year of our L'-rd. one aho r' sand nine hundred and twenty foi . in the month of July on tike thirt, . first day, Mrs. W. Leek Peace e1 . tertnir.ed in room twenty seven the new Administration Building. I) I ring the afternoon quite a few gues - called Helping Mrs. Peace recei' ), were Misses lone Perkins. Jessie Qu ; ry, Sailile Jane Smyer, Edith Fat Hand Messrs Ralph I). Arrowood ai ?i .lames ?4oore. i Among those who called were Pr i' fessors Johnson, Rankin, B. L. Smi . Williams; Miss Bradsber, Shavi | Horner end others. The nature of this entertain me . was unique. Barring Mr. Moore tho > 1 :t cci ct i r* rr u .? /, ,.j - f ir. 'y 11 ,6 nvic 9iuaciiu> ?u nil's. rt'Ui s I who had come to help her clean i the windows, so that the beaming ra; _? of the san might enter uninterru s tea by such impediments hs plaste I dirt, and paint thai had heretofo 1 obscured the vision of those desirii ,, to g33"- upon Howard? Knob and tl rjHich Mountain for inspiration. An -Jed with suitable materials and v;i i the aid of Eon Ami and a good pc t tion of elbow grease after about tv t hours they had t.h< windows shinin i Now Mrs. Peace is constantly havii ,* to t urn the chairs around tow rat ,! the front o f the room because tl r I members of the classes have jus c 1 found out that Howard's Knob es s be seen from the class room window Since the northwest corner on ti lower floor presents such a charmii q ' appearance wc- hope that the id r> will spread over the entire buiidii r until it becomes famous for its i y dieting a sp-r t of sanitation, s At the conclusion of the cloansii ii program Mrs. Peace -owed accent t: ble refreshments consisting of Go? Grape, Coca-Cola. bananas arid \\ ri e ley's chewing gum. After the tn? -J enjoyable refit shm.ias bad been m r1 taken of. a delightful iRijpromj-i u p e gram was given lea hy the hoste: j Mi-.- Peace very effectively recit ii "ill -ry Had e Little Lamb" iin thr indistinct manners; first she recit ,tjas an old fashioned miss, second | the modern elocutionist, third as t a! timid iitflc- school r!. This last i u I convulsed her audience with hi up i tor. A fi t i much persuasion and < a ! iolirgr on the pari of Mrs. Peace i ul J.her members of the window briga u performed. Miss Furr >iv?g "Amen deleaving out every other word. JV 0 Arrow >ud in a most charming a comical manner sang tht roli of r Engiisb class To the tunc of "C y l Black doe." Misses Perk ; . Sraj | and Query and Mr. Moore asked soi :t ! -cry clever conundrums and ridd Jj and told Irish and other jokes, d About five o'clock the par. y : ic journcd. Every one present had 1 tTv pleasant time and consider- M o j Peace a most gracious ho.-res? ; K FORMER WATAUGAN WRITE f-- FROM TEXAS J; A! 1 am truly glad to get your pa} ! from my old home state. It gives y j great pleasure to read of the h; s-jpenings in the country around Id j dear old boyhood home, where i >f! gentle winds sweep over the beai u- ful mountain tops of the Carol: sh hills. I shall never forget the g< c- old friends of long ago. Some ol1 best men and women that ever ii* a: j to take their places as good stat id men, while many of them have g?. p- on to wait for the coming of < t- Lord. 1 still have many friends a- ing there I would love to see and rc so some relatives. 1 left Watai June 1881. Have been to see my er home once since I left. When 1 ea u- to Texas it was thinly settled, bul m now has a population of over fi .J ...m: - * * " ' * iu muuon. iviy graiuiiatner no J pea iy drive the Indians from the east an Oklahoma. They crosed Ked Ri i at the horse shoe bend. That is wh d- they liad their last hard fight, ne said the Indians were treated wn he because this was their country ; :ss they served the white men fries t!f when they landed here. Then t! were driven from their hunt he grounds. By our great govemm of some of them have become gi n-! men of our states. That is the n at blood with the white people, as L. TRIPLETT ild McCoy, Texas. ?'s May these occasions occur m c<* times during the term of our scl ry is our only wish and desire for nd betterment of the school and community at large. i tttu%tv : Northwestern Nnrth Pavo! 14, 1924. 5 Cfcs. nCopy | Fhe loanagemect of the Democrat i would again apologize for the size | of the publication thl* week. This is : caused b> the absence of electric power practically all the time except lv . at night for a short while. Under y~ present conditions we are doing as much as is physically possible. Many articles were crowded out this week, l,~ hut wil! appear later. The publishing " | of this small newspaper is temporary, and we will be bacfc to the stane" j dard size as soon as is physically r? I possible. id | THE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION of th It was the pleasure of two of the t, Democrat force to be present at the Association at Silverstone on Tuesnt day but unfortunately got there too se late for the opening services. The it crowd isi attendance was very large se and the good ladies of the great Cove ys Creek section had vied with each oth p- er in preparing food for the big occa >r. sion for the great, throng was fed? re not. a -ingle one turned away hunig gry and there was an ahundnce ieiat he after all had been satisfied. By the n- way th e substantial section is one th of the best in the county and is poo>r pled with choice citizenship. Many ro of our most progressive farmers are g. there arid now their beautiful farms lg are growing splendid rr..|i;. of coral Is while the Irish Cobbler seed potato] ic crop and the cabbage was possibly t i never finer. One farmo> there told t in | the Democrat last week that he ex-| 's. j ported to have at least IbOO bushels I ho of "d potatoes for i he Boa! hern i fig i markets. The oat and bay crop ail, ea j ,p Cove Creek is very abundant, j to j Tk. s indeed a < :igr< -sion. W t had] n-i s-tavt-d out to tell of the grer Bap! ti.-t gathering, and abruptly switched! fig on to farming. We have not heard a- whom ii wii! meet next year hie if od v. e had a vote it would be east in fag v. : ej Silvers", one as no locality tst| could handle it more nicely. UUC ? l'l"Tl T- - itiiw. LI 1 1 1?I- til Th~ members of the Friday Af*'d kernoor. Club were enterlained last ee week by Mrs. McD. Little ed The guests wen- received on the as front porch where punch was served he with Mrs. Turner Hendrix pvesidiftg set at the punch howl. Mrs. O. L. Rarrh d**f then led the quests into the re a ception hall whole they were most he cordially greeted by the hostess. The dev first nuitdn r >f the clc erly arranged <-aj program consisted of two piano solos H'*"1 by Mrs. \. K. South. This was fol>:d; lowed by one >f living Bachelor's aaj "Ghost S:> o icio-n by Mi-> AnaiiJ hd St.anbury her usual eU ? rt ai:ting "'er , manner. ae "j'he : e feature ?f .!. . afteries noon was Rk solo work by Mr. Jas. H. Alooi; accompanied by Mrs. Wits*d : . y at tile piano. Mr .Moore who k*'- is teacher of voice at the A. T. S. ha:> stud A. for several years in Wash ington City, His selections were most enthusiast-ally received and formed nr. apprciv. ate ending: for the varied S and entertaining program. Refreshments consisting of block cream a. .1 cake followed by bon bons 3er were served. me The cub will meet next week with ap- Mrs. Trti v t or.ncill. my ihe Progranr* Fifth Sunday Meeting? itj_ Stony Fork Association to be helc ina with Laurel Fork Beginning Sat >od Aug. 30 1924. the 1- De.otional by Rev. W. L?. Ast vd i ley. es-j 2. Sermon by Rev. W. M. Fran >ne corn. )urj 3. Organization liv-i 4. The duty that we owe to th? al-i mission cause discussed by Uev.s igaj Francum, Ashley nd Wheeler old' 3. Ha--e we discharged our dut? me I toward the mission cause hrough th< . i "7 "VII !i..'n Pftmnnion' 7 T Crftoim 3ur( J- Amos Hampton, and N. L. Har toi rison. to' Adloiim until 8 p. m. ver| Sern-.or. by Rev. G. W. Sebastian ere | Sunday Sunday School 10 a. m. He| 11- A sermon by Rev. B. F. Wil inglcox. Subject Missions. *nd Adjourn for dinner, dly 1 :S0 p. m. How we tnay interes bey the young people in the Sur.da ing School. Prof. B. B. Dougherty, L. 1 ent El rod Miss Minnie Day and Mis eat Ethel Day in behalf of the wi ext men's work. J. AMOS HAMPTON B. F. WILCOX T. C. HODGES Cominittet any ".ooi Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Critcher an the Mr and Mrs H. V,'. Horton sper the; the past week end on a motor tri I through the Asheville section. at ina.?Lstablishec] in 1888 NUMBER 32. ' REV. BURNZ NOW NEAR EAST RELIEF DIRECTOR Rev. Edgar S Bum?., recently apppointed. state director of Near East Relief work in North Carolina has assumed charge of the work at the headquarters at Charlotte. J. B. ivey State Chairman cf this organization has just announced. C. W Hopper, regional director* *epresenting the naConai of came with Rev. Burnz to Charlotte to confer with J. B. Ivey and other members of the s:tate committee. Beginning ugust 12 Rev. Burnz ; will begin .. tour of the state hohli ing conferences with the county chair met! and state committeemen. Rev. Burnz is a graduate of the Virginia The-.logical seminary of Alexandria. \ a. Since graduation he ! has had a unique and interesting ea! reer. He ; ruiered great service by I his splendid reform work in the pris| ons of New York State Later he ; joined th?, evangelistic staff of the | National B. i? Institute of New York ' City. During the World War he was . director of camp activities of the I Brotherhood of St. Andrew in the cantonments at New Poit News. Va. j In 1918 h< v, as on the national staff | oi the Na' i- .-.vule Campaign for the I Protectant EpNvopal eltureh. for the aa ! y<*nrs ite\. has j > _n a niw.ter of vim Protes'unt Ep! incopa di? -. < of South ve. tern Virginia a-id duldng this period he was j alw? county chairman of Near East I .-.iff and made such a conspicuous j record Chat h* \va sough? to ltil the i late dirt'Civii vaca"? y in North ChiI olinn. Because of the uvg* nt request I from nat nai head*;uaii; . regional hcadqnaiie! > and -state 'oninutiefcmeti, Revs H.irn/ hay. been loaned to Near Eii.-t Relief by the Rc\. Robert v Jet;. l? I>. Bishop of that dioeise. Mr. iv?\v ; "V < ;,re indeed fortunate in securing on; so exceptionally we! qualified to Ih our state [director. Rev. Uurnz pas: record as :? business xecutivc, field secretary, "igaii'/.i-r arui minister < ;' ?he Gospel b .. been excellent indeed. He is a 11.a. of pleasing and -i'ong personality and a wortfcv leader of this noble cause of the little orphan children -?f the Near East." PICNIC AT SWANNANOA FARM The annual fanner* picnic at the .Swannanoa Tost Farm will be held fhi'rsday August :'l. A program that wil be of much interest to the farmers of Western North Carolina has been put on. One thing that will he f it crest to iiai ,v will be to see he control ?>i scab and the results t ?f nitrate of mhIi on the State Exn rimental orchards. Those who ha\e met the bean bectb will be glad :*i see the v ork that is l.eiutr lone bv Mr. Crawford, then on the state farm. There will also be the fertilize' and seed te.-*.- results shown. This >ear'an int. il's-iing program has been airaripvb for the women for the first time. All in ail, this ' . i .v.Jlk. .?. i. . v. in prouamy iue urceimg . that ha? been ho id at the Swannanoa ; Test Farm. Don't forget the party that expects to leave here on Tuesday I'd, i and meet with the Iredell count ar.! ty at Morgan! oi.. During the '. er[ noon of that day we will go o\ the . State Hospital farm and go to Ashe| vilie. Wednesday will be spent on the . 1 Biltniore estau, then the Swanna noa picnic Thursday. I should be glad . to know of a;.' those that are going so that we can ; range to go together. ^ JOHN ft STEELE, County Agt. WORTH WHILE CLUB i The Worth While Club was deiiJ ghtfully entertained by Mrs. W. G. J Hartzog at her home on Blowing Rock _ road on Friday afternoon. The home was artistically decorated with swreet peas. The devotional exercises was conducted by Mrs. Bennett. A special prayer was offered for Mrs. Wright _ a member of the club who was in the local hospital. Miss Shull, a gradute of the Statesville school of Music ren t dered several numbers which the club v. members and visitors enjoyed. Mrs. : Kent of the Home Economics Dept. 3 of the Summer School made a very J interesting talk on canning. The hostess bad prepared a con I test in which the blanks were to be : filled with names of club members Mrs. Brown ?as the winner in the > contest. Mrs. Hartzog assisted by her small daughter served refreshments consist (1! irig of lemonade, sandwiches and cake it The club adjorned to meet next p with Mest'.r mes Carl Winkler and Zcb Farthing. 1

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