4 'elj A Non-Partisan Family Is VOLUME XXXV. ; Jt T a IMews items a From Rt Interesting News Items as Our Correspondents tions of tf Cove Creek * The Cove ("reek High School will open next Monday morning at 900 o'clock Sep! ember 8. The ladies of the Cove Creek Baptist churf h served very tempting lun ohes on Monday of court and realized a right considerable sum for the! church. A great many of our people are j atf?ruling the annual Johnson Coun-: fry Fair at Mountain City, Term this t week. A large number uf exhibits have also been taken and we expeol that some of the prizes will come to Watauga. The revival services conducted by . Rev. Sebastian and the pastor Rev. Eggers at the Pleasant Grove Baptist church resulted in 12 additions to the church and in much spiritual good to the community. Plans are now going rapidly forward for a real community fair at the Cove Creek School some time in October, We hope that the interest will grow and that we may have a fair representative of every phase of our community life. *" More will he ?sid in next week's paper reiiardingr the school, the additions to the faculty and other matter. Meat Camp "\Ve are informed Rev. Vance of ^ Nashville, Tenn. will preach or. Finley Bald on next Sunday. This will be a Rood time to go t? Bald Mountain and see the beautiful scenery. Mr. and Mrs. Willie ProftU vent on a irip to Deep tiap on last Fri-1 day Mr. A. W. Hodgson made a busi-j ness trip to West Jefferson last Sat-; unlay. Mr. L. 1). Miller of ZionviUe spc-nt last Sunday night at Mr. W. .A Prof-1 fit's. Mr. Hiram Harkcdy of Tamarack visited his niece Mrs. Pearl Hodgson 1 Su; day. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson Rev * and Mrv i.. A. Wilson and daughter Jessie spent the week end sr. Ashe. M ss Gertr dc Miller of Zionville spent the week end with her lister Mrs. Kemp Wilson. Our school is like an automobile It has three gear* '.teachers) and Hint' ? >-?.iijclers (grade-) Mr. Sper.ceri Millar >i" Mabel is chauffeur. it is plngalons with the sp iometer r.-e-j istcring high. If the eras vpatro: will feed, the gears not strip and! the cylinders not miss we w cot to our destination safe and on'lime. Rominger Mrs. l.aura McGuire died Aug- 27 1021. Her funeral was conducted by Elders W. S. Rominger and Talmage "Watson in Piney Grove Methodist Church of which she was a faithful member. She leaves a husband, five children and a host of' friends and relatives by whom she will be greatly ^ missed. But if she was a child of God she is far better off than those who mourn for her. Mr. P. F. Horton was in this section recently on business. We are aliMVR triad ta see Mr. Horton as he is one of our good progressive Christian gentlemen some of "the salt of the earth." Sunday School was postponed last Sunday at Zion Hill as the folks wish ed to attend the Fifth Sunday Meeting at Timbered Ridge. Some of the floks met at Windy Gap School house last Friday night to organize for a community fair to be held there some time this fall, Windy Gap and the surrounding districts were requested to put fort! their best efforts to make it a grea' success. M. P. Tritett. Jtrs. Ana Romingei and Miss Ida Tester visited schoo Friday. Mr. John Mast went to Cranocrr; last week on business V Mr. Joe Trivett has done sovn work on the Kellerville road tha was badly needed. Joe knows how t make the mail carrier feel good. D. A. Rominger tran.-act.ed busi ncss with D. M. Ed mi.--ten last Sal 11 mfe Newspaper Published in c 51.50 Per Ynr BOONE, a & i s neportea iral Watauga Reported Each Week in the Several Seeie County Foscoe Mr. Watsoa of Deep Ciap h.'is giv en us a good article of his part, oi our eounty, but he has not drearncc of J oscoe a little village at the fool of the Grandfather Mountain, wit I three good stores, one good churcl house that all denominations preacl in that brings union and fellowshj with everybody. We have one of th< best school houses in the county, wil have a graded school here next year The ra-,road run- through here. 11 you want to go to Boone get on thi train and you will be there in i" minutes, the ;<&me to Linvilie. Vol can go to Mowing Hock in loss lhar one hour. What more could one asfc than here? Watauga Kivcr has al kinds and sizes of fish, grand powei for all kinds of machinery. You car i'u fishing and bathing at the same time, and that would be fine. Ye' we have ai! kinds of birds. The mocking bird wdl all day and tht whipporwili put you to sleep at night Had you thought of that great. Grami father mountain that furnishes sc many fine berries free, and the fin est springs and coldest water in the world? Mr. \Y. H Byrd is planning to build a hotel here in the r.tar fu ture and most all the folks ccuh rent rooms as they all have goot houses If Mr. Watson will come o ver here and see our gardens he wil say we have plenty and to spare. ' don't think there is anything to hir der this place from keeping some ol the summer folks that come everj season. I don't think the Ail Wise left anything out mat would adU our comfort here in Foscoe. SEWING CLU B ENTERTAINED .Mrs J. A. Sproles entertained thi young ladies' sewing club Friday af ternoon, complimentary to her sis ter, Mr*. .1. C. Rivers and Mrs. Marl Butler, of Stafford, Kansas. The house was beautifully decora ted with ferns and potted plants After pleasant hour of converse, tlon and sewing an interesting con test was enjoyed. Delicious refresh incntr- were served late in the af i moon. Those present were Misses NTe!li< Coffey. Mary Council!, Ruth Ben field, Eula Hodges Ruth Rankin Rath Dotson, Margaret Linney, An .ie Blair Anders and Miss Ranki I -of Gastonia, and Mesdames River and Butler, visitors n> the Sprole home. ANOTHER WATAUGA FAIR In addition to ths- other fairs tha ; have been organized in Watauga coui ty there has been one organized a Brooksyie bv the community fair movement. The fair co be held at Brooksid wili be October 29th. The onicers chosen are: Presiden I W N. Howell, vice president L. \\ , Greene; Secretary Miss Lela Moret and committee chairma nas follow ! field crops. W. H. Norris, orchar and garden D. C. Coffey. Poultr j E. F. Moretz; canned goods Miss C< ra Jeff coat, cooking Miss Ida J one, i Program, Mrs. H. L. Lyons, and sev I ing Miss Edna Coffey. Opening Service* at New Baptist Church Next Sunday The opening services in the ne Baptist church at Blowing Hock wi i occur next Sunday. Sunday Scho 10 a m. 11 a. iTi. Sermon by Rev. Walter Gilmfore of Raleigh. 2:30 p. m. Address by Prof. 1. < Greer. 7:45. Sermon by the pastor. ^ . Dinner will be spread on the groui 4 We hope to make this a home comii - day for all former members of tl church as well as the new mcmbei r We extend a cordial invitation 1 all to attend these services. Speci music will be one of the features f the services. F. M. HUGGINS. e| urday. tj Mr. Chas. Gillam is preparing o1 sell refreshments at the Primiti I Baptist Association next Friday a i-j Saturday. Ice cream, lemonade, cs ci: soda water, etc. tfttttg -.J f 13 1 V-/~ liAvi iu; ijuuiac ciiio w ataug WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH C/ 'HEIRS SliREOr MANY BILLIONS | Hopkins Heirs Sent to California are Optimistic. Seventy Citizen* of North Carolina ?ipecl to Pavticir pale i*i Vast Estate. Thoinasville Sept. 1.?"Not millions. but billions,writes an appointed representative of heirs in this and other sections now i: the -lute of California investigating a fortune left nearly forty years ago by two brothers, Mark and Mose Hopkins, [ j who! eft their home and relatives in ' Randolph County in the year 1810 ' seeking other climes . J It would appear that the two boys 1 Mark and Mose, made their fortune 1 almost overnight, possibly in stocks, ; . - ... as ?i is said they owned one fourth of the stock in the Biff Four railway ' the savm in the electric railways of ' San Francisco and other cities in that part and in Texas as well as. the same .r.terest in the Biff Four boat lilies > having: a wealth of 90 millions when 1 they died years ago without heirs 1 in that section of the country. | There are 70 or more heirs, most of them in this part of North Carolina, but some in Georgia in New ler 1 sey, Texas and one in aiifornia, ' named Merci Vansali. The last named > has seen the Hopkins h? me 20 miles out from the city of San Francisco which is saiuiiti a imiimiiUf; I Mi lor. Hopkins, of Randolph county *| worked on this same matter no little about 20 years ago but failed to reach anything tangible at thai t'me hut ; PRESIDi PlBw President Coolidge relating the hist* bucket was presented to Mr. Ford ! w in Vermont, shows left to right: M M Washington Sept. 2, ?One of th ?* outstanding feautres of the vacation trip of President Coolidge who ha " just returned from a two weeks' va cation at his father's farm in Vei rnont. was the visit of Henry Fore Thomas A. Edison and Harvey S Firestone. id On their annual camping trip thes three genuses of ndustry and inver tion called upon the president on a ^ j automobile tour from New Englan *? ! and for several hours discussed wit him various problems and condition The chief topic of conversation was the future prosperity of the cou _ try. The thre camping companioi assured the president that in the 4? opinion the continued improvl?.&* pr< perity of the country depended u in- on the conditions of the farmers. A rieulture must prove profitable f< a Sw /~> ? - ' * ;a vounty. the Leader ot 1 tROUNA, THURSDAY SEPTEMBEI i WATAUGA C0URT~j NOW IN SESSION; j Judge Ben Long of Statesviiit? Pre-' si Ces at Kali Tetra of Superior. Court Which Convened Monday? ' Proceedings up to Last Night. I tValau^ Superior Court convened | last Monday morning, with throng of people from Watauga and adjoin-j ; ing (.(/unties in attendance. Judge! j Long of SU'tcsvilie was on the bench (and delivered r:.- ctistomary charge j to the grand jury covering the different phases of the criminal law.j j laying particular stress o?i the en-j ] forcement of the dry laws. Court! >nene? wim m? cases on the criminal, calendar, t Many cases of a minor nature have been disposeld of by submission and repoi . the only jur\ trial and the j one causing more interest, than any oil! on the criminal docket is state j vs. <-..*eno Militn andCoiias Triplett The\ ii . charged with shooting from! ambtiih one James Triplett. Triplett ' ted by Brown & Bingham I Miller, by Newland, I June y and B'irk. ' while Solicitor llayes is being assis| ted isi the prosecution by Attorney j T. C. Bowie, of Jefferson. The evidence is all in as we close our formsi 'and a battle royal is going on between ' j the attorneys, which we suppose will ! be dosed this (Wednesday* after-1 i noon. We will give proceedings hi j | fui) in our next %e Miss Kuhy, daughter of Mr. and j Mi>. J. S. Winkler, has returned j from a visit of several days to her: sister Mrs. Ernest Moore in Raleigh ;* * The I'aim Beach Post says it akes a wee bit too much to make France, feel sale. thinks thai now the business will I'soon be ended it; favor of the eon-J tendinjr heirs. Que of the heirs from this section is on the ground in the heat of the I conflict and writes in terms of billions and is sure of winnimr. [ ' ~ :.NT IS HOST TO BIG ory of a sap bucket which was the pr by the President. The picture, taken i r. Firestone, the President, Mr. Ford a e| America to continue prosperous they i- said. s "It hink times are getting: better t- and for sound agricultural reasons*' - -aid Mr. Ford. 1,1 Interviewed during his call upon 5.j President Coolidge, Mr. Edison said j "We ll have great prosperity if the ej corn does not get nipped and cropi i- in general are good." n Mr. Firestone declared that th< d farmer was the keystone of A inert h can prosperity. s. ^onaitions in mis country wii \ continue to grow better as long: a: in the farmer is prosperous." he said is He is the barometer by which ir judge conditions. His is the basic in as dustry of the country, and the on* p- upon whicn our prosperity depends. Lg After leaving the President's farn c>r Mr. Ford. Mr. Edison and Mr. Fire Northwestern North Carolii I 4, 1S24. 5 Civ a Copy LIVELY TRADING '"i Pi BOON!. REALTY Roicb'jro Man Beys Lr4> in 3a ;l Bnjm Pa.-de Oth-er Sab- v Reported fronr. the Office of ihf Local Realtor. Ti Has beer. conoid crab; c activity .* real e?ir.W tr?- rs lo and around Boone cior;: the !a:-t iU c-i ks. Among recent sate:- mad-' tl^ugh th. - q of H. \V\ Horton, Jorai dc-aiiue a five room bungalow located m the Perkins Addition, for," Mr. A. L. Harrison to Mr. S S. ' Gvsgg. Mr. Gragg bought it as an ' investment. ? Last week Mr. ffortor. sold three I ' lot- in Daniel Boone Park for Mr. j ' X Davidson, three for Mr. A j E. Hamby and two f the party was abo his friend, Mr Fisher, post1 masfcr at Roeehoi>. Ford played host to 5,000 New England farmers at his Wayside Inn es1 tate at South Sudbury. Mass. With - Mr. Edison and Mr. Firestone he supervised a plowing and agricultuI ral demonstration, and invited the s Farm Bureau Federation to use his . grounds for its annual gathering. On > the same day the Holstein Freisian Association gathered at Mr. FireL, stone's old homestead in Columbiana ? count\. Ohio, for its annual picnic, as the guests of Mr. Firestone Whc II sent his son. Harvey. Jr.. to welcome - tl". in in h..- abser.ee. at ia.?Established in 1888 NUMBER 35. FAIITERMA.T.S. MAKES BIG START Vfc*-* Sinioit'd Ti?n At Same Time Prtvicai Year-?f&bcent Visitors at th*; School.?Other New* From Around the City. 7: Fail term oi the Appalachian . &&00I began on .V^.-t 2(> t';ci m this date the enibUaient if gfcrger thai at this datr last vent or sny previous year. The work has carted cif in --rood shape with '.? >;her ariti ?tuier.t. Quitv a number >i interested visitors hart beer, it he school; Prof. M. L. 'fie main of Winston S : *n made a talk in chaxil; Dr. .? ic-s. eye specialist of Jonon City. Mrs. Jones and their throe it tie u.-!.- all dv: a ca/nplng trip in ta.ne a: ;ne chooi. Re\ Huggin. . pastor of the ftovJH' Bap. -t ehut roJaonai .-?. ? "iceF at top schot! on ti e jast Saturday. A musicii recital at the Valle Cruilissio School a f< w evenir.v- ago > nam' r of tourists from che yes tern part of the state. Several rem Biioae attended the exercise. i he Sunday School . Maicomb Holshousor of lavoma. W i.h. who have beer spending the past week at the home of Mr. H o! she user's mother Mrs. X. C. Greene, at Blowing Rock will !ea*v 0:1 thoir return within the next few days. Mr Holshcuser was in to >90 us yesterday, and his short visit was much e'.oycd. He left Watauga when a nu boy and t.\the din1. ot hard work and close applicsor. * ? busin>-ss has made good. He i- .cw a manufacturing jeweler. The long trip was made from Tacema to Blovng Rock a !." davs without accident or trouble of any kind. He is driving a Chevroiet and has faith to believe th? trusty machine will cake him back just as safely. MRS. C. C. ADAMS DEAD Mrs. C. C. Adams of Silverstone, whose serious illness we have mentioned from time to time, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jessie MeGuire in Boone last Sunday night, after a long and painful ill ixess. iniermem was maae in tne Adams cemetery on Monday. MrsAdams was formerly Mrs. W. W. Presnell jfnd was a real woman in every sense of the word. She was one of the big hearted jovial kind ever wearing a smile and having a kind I word for all with whom she came in | contact. She numbered her friends by her acquaintances all of whom | are sorrow- stricken over her seemingly untimely death. A husband and | two daughters, Mesdames Josie Mcj Guire and John Greer both of Boone, ; survive her, to whom her neighbors and friends extend unstinted sympathy, and to the aged father tand sister who are among the best of our people. Wee-a-day bible school and preach ing services are being held at Mount Zion Lutheran church this week. Services for the children are held each day, 2:15 and preaching services at 1 and at 7:30 p. m. Song service at 7 p. m. Rev. W. A. Lutz of Charlotte . is expected to be present and to as? sist the pastoi Rev. H. \V. J off coat in the services Come! A hearty wel| come to ali.