I A. Ncn-Partisan Family Is VOLUME XXXV. News Items a From I\i Interesting News Items as Our Correspondents tions of tl ( Valle Crucis Miss Annie Shull of New York City is spending her vacation with ? her parents. ??tr. and Mrs. J. M. Shull. Mises Lula Taylor and Beatrice Shull have beer, in Hickory for a few days visiting Mrs. C has Menzie . The young ladies expect to leave the latter part of the week for their work in New York. Miss Boyd Caudill has returned from a visit to Washington City. Miss Myrtle Caudill is at home for a few weeks after attending the; summer schools at Chapel Hill arid i North Carolina College for Women at Greensboro. Mr. Don Sbull is spending a while! with home folks after an absence ofj two years. Annie Hartley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hartley and Sclma. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hard Thomas had tonsil operations at the Wa tauga Hospital in Boone this week. A number of visitors are stili in the valley, enjoying the lovely autumn season. T lie homo of Mr. Leo Low ranee, residing near Vailo C rue is with much of l he eontonts was destroyed by fire earl\ Sunday morning. A defective fule is said to have been the causi* of the conflagration. o Silverstone ( <?! nights and a little frost but nothing hurt about Silverstone. The truck started this morning car rying the children to the v .eek High Schooi. Everyone was delighted to see the aeroplane sailin garo una over Silverstone a few days ago. Mi.. Elizabeth Reese, after spending some time at the home of Mr. A. B. Oilier returned to her home on Rich Mountain. We hope she has improved to some extent under the treatment of Dr. Tate. Mr. rloe F!anwry is very poorly * at this writing. Deep Gap A revival meeting has been in progress for several days at Laurel Springs Baptist church. Almost our entire community has attended the service.-. The writer attended four services and heard good sermons, but the church seems to him to >e very coici alto cniiiy. Please pardon our not mentioning that Mr. and Mrs. Judson E. Wagner were visiting in this community a few weeks ago. They came all the way down from Maryland in their car. They were visiting their friends and relatives here. While the meetings wore going on at Laurel Springs church Mr. W. .A Watson's driver left his Ford roadster near the church at a lane beside of the Boone Trail and some passer by must have needed four if coil- mighiy badly us they took the entire set from his car. Mr. W at son offers a reward of $10.00 for any evidence as to who took them that will lead ! > the conviction of the thief who took them. At the same time a motorist came along and won Id not shr i-rmin'h i\ - r;, mnvp the i .1-. J; loiiks ;ik c a new jvligion is needed in this community. On last Friday night a killing frost nipped things in the bud here. The heavy fro-t in the valley was intense and has about ruined everything not matured. It looks like to us we an. so untnaiikful for our great blessing; and that a sign from above shoule remove us to better things along the journey of life. An ice rcream social will be helc as usual at Rocky Point school hous( Saturday evening September the 13 Everybody come out and help in thi: program for the btterinent of oui community. You are needed to mak< our club a success. y> Mr. W. A. Watson has purchaset a small lot of Mr. Russel Trivett am in the future he expects to build up on the same here. We have been very busy this weel and haven't much news to send in but as you have several articles sen 11 Newspaper Published in a $1.50 Per Ye.r BOONE. is Reported iral Watauga Reported Each Week by > in the Several Sec*e County BAMBOO We are having a fine school at Bamboo this year The teachers are Air. Z. Y. Green and wife, .Miss Cora i .Miller and Mr. Tyra Klrod. TWu .rnn.-.i-'ii i>?/i ! bout 110 for the past two months. The Upland Literary Society has been reorganized and isprogressing very nicely. It will give a program next Friday evening. Everybody is ur 1 ged to come. The frost has done a lot of damage around Bamboo. It has damaged the corn along the streams very much Several >f the Bamboo people attended court last week. The little daughter of Mr and Mrs Kdward Hampton has been very sick for several days. Rev. (L W. Sebastian filled his reg | ular appointment at Mount Vernon j last Saturday and Sunday. The Mount Pleasant Sunday School i of Wilkcshoro visited Mount Vernon last Sunday. Rev. Sebastian delivered an interesting sermon. After the sermon a bountiful dinner was spread. In the afternoon some very interesting talk,s were made by the Mt. j Pleasant folks. The singing was most boautifui. The entire evening was en joyed by every one present. We wii! be wry glad to have you conn- again. The Paren?-T,eachors Association held its thin! meeting last Friday eve ning. After the meeting water melons were served. Mr. O. M. Storj has been to Mr ' deii and Granite Falls, N C. visiting i his kinfolks and friends. II*- reports a nice trio. Mr. Oliver West, father of Mrs. Thema Story of Maiden visited his t old friends and relatives in WatauJ g?. The Bamboo school boy went to Mabel last Friday and played a very interesting ball game. The Mabel hoys are exported to conn* next Friday u> play ball. Foscoe The Rev. Kber Gragg preached a fine sermon here Sunday which was j enjoyed by all present. Mr. W. H. Byrd who spent the summer in Blowing Rock is home i again. Mr. L. L. Moody hauled a load of Green beans to Tennessee, and a load of cabbage to Mount Holly recently. j Mr. Dexter Bvrd ami wife att.cnj ded the fair at Mountain City' last 1 week. Mr. Julius Coffey and wife. Mrs. Pink Moore and Mrs. Emeline Estus , all from the Globe, visited here last j week. Carrie Wavers and Miss Virginia j C of icy ..pent, Thursday and Friday in ! Boone. They enjoyed the old soldiers ' reunion. There is only 12 in number seven having passed out in the last '! year, rhey always meet at the Train I ing school as those Dougherty boy* ! always giro them such a good honit there. They arc furnished with rooms and when dinner time come.4 they are marched to the dining roor. where the tables are loaded wish thi | st for them to cat. They se?m st happy 10 m? ei hut sad to pin*, know 'jing thai some of ! hern will pa- it the Great Beyond before they n. -cl again. The Bible said we shouhi re 1 v. rence bK ..go, ana we know then ! must be a great reward in store foi : the Dougherty Brotfters for then* kin< ; noss to ho old veterans, and ali vh< ; attended the reunion. I The annual convention of the Chri * tian church will be held in Foscoe commencing the ISth. Will last til 1 Sunday. Everybody invited. tv fl orvi r J. W. of Salisbury, were welcoiw guests at the Democrat oftice Tue:? day. Rev. Cobb and family are ii j the city and community for the wed I Ho is assisting in the Lutheran ser _j vices for the week. ? in to you Mr. Editor, dig them u , and print them when you have spac t to *pare. ifattH: ----- ^ nci for Boone and \^ataug< WATAUGA COUNTV, NORTH CA [superior court ! adjourned sat. Complete Proceeding* of the Fall Term Sentences Unusually Light Civil Calendar is Again i Continued. Watauga Court adjourned last Sal j urday after having disposed of one I of the heaviest dockets for nv ey j sessions. The civil calendar was again! ; continued, because the urygidinc1 I J udge. Hon. Benj. Long of States ! viMe, wi:- fo?ced to g<? to mother] olaco for a special session and could I not ho present. The complete pro-j 'codings follow. Roosevelt Jones, Herbert Myers Bess Ferguson, Spence Connelly, Will Davenport, and John Powell, all colored. Xot guilty as to Jones. Others j lined $50.00 each and costs. John Powell, carrying concealed, weapon. Guilty Fined $50 and cost. \V. I . Lenoir and W. M. Osborne.' vioiution liquor law. Lenoir fined one penny and half of cost, and Osborne pay a fine of $50 and half the co.-t. M. L. Mofiiit. violation dry laws. I> fondant pleads guilty. Fined $50 and cost. Ernest Hick- carrying concealed weapon. Pleads guilty. Fined $50 and cost. Frank Campbell, forgery. Defendant, a metre boy, pleads guilty. Pln'. ?! under bond for good behavior and taxed with the cost. Rv i<i Thomas, larceny. Pleads guilty. Fined $100.00 and cost and give bond for good behavior. Robert Auton, violation liquor law I <ads guilty. riued $100.00 and filled bond for pjod behavior. Allison I'tague, Aiding prisoner to; I e-vapt'. .Indgriuuit suspended pay-, \ m. nt of cost. Harry M. Fry. violating liquor law*. Pleads guilty. Fined $25.00 ami cost. j lames Brown, violating the iupior [ law. Pleads guilty. Judgment suspen-i led on payment' of cost. James Brown, violating liquor iaw Pieads guiiiy. Fined $50 and cost. Give- Imo d for good behavior. Hugh Hawkins. Violating liquor i laws. Pleads guilty. Judgment sus] pcnded on payment of cost. I). H. Hodges, violating liquor law judgment suspended on payment of i jost. Filled bond for good behavior., \V. P. Lee, violation of liquor law. Pleads guilty. Fined $50 and cost. \Y. 1>. Loxvrancc. Violation of liquor law. Fined $50 and cost. Ira Fcnneli, violation dry law.; Pleads guilty Fined Cat) and costs. [ Spencer Ashley. Liquor case. Fin-y cd $50 and costs. Coy Vly jrs Larceny. Pleads guilty I Judgment suspended on payment of j cost. Bond for good hoha\ ior. Spcncei Teague. larceny. Pleadsi guilty, .fudgment suspended on pay-j ment of cost. Ralph Carrol, violating liquor law.' Pleads guilty. Judgment. suspended; on payn&nt of cost. A. J. Hicks, fails to list dog for! taxes, etc. Pleads guilty. Judgment ; suspended on payment of cost. X. A. Hicks, operating punch! board. Pleads guilty. Fined 5c andi . | cost. ij Bob Clawson, Kale Greer. Walter ; Clavvson. Clifford Xorris and Carl Davis, trespass. Pleads guilty. Judg; j ment suspended on payment of cost. . 1 Geo. Smitherman. carrying con?j ceaied weapon. Pleads guilty. Fined : $50 and cost. Bond for goo dbehav?| ior. j j Everett Story violating liquor law t j pleads grJ-'-v- vinwi aoo ? ???< j Green W Her. secret assault. Guil)| ty. *3!hirtj' month:- ir. state- prison. * ] appeal. ?| Silas Triplett, secret assault, t j guilty. : months in state prison. -! .1. H. Snapp, house bemking and j iar-:-e-iy. Guilty. Is mo rns in state r j urij 1* A hv Ward. A. I). W. guilty. Five y monf.nV* in county jail. Scott Morton ((Cot.) A. D. \\. si not guilty. . 1! METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School at 10 a. m. A school with a glad hand. L Preaching at 11 a. m. No evening ~! service. ! Epworth League at 7 p. m. Wednesday prayer service at 7:30 p. m. The "Social Teachings of Je| sus" is the ubject. Choir practice following. P A welcome is extended to all. e Preaching at Blowing Rock on Sun day evening at 7:30. k 'k Annual Mt?etir.g o( W. M. U. at Blowing Ruck The annual meeting of the \V. M II. of the Three Forks Associatior will lie held with the Blowing Rod Church Sept. 18. Mrs. \V. X. .Jones of Raleigh, Pre? ident of the State \V. M. li. wil he present and will contribute muol to the entire program, also Rev. W K. Wilson pastor of Cow Creel church will deliver, the annual ser non. We cordially invite all the pas tors of the association, all the wo men who are not yet members o1 missionary societies and any oTher: who wish to attend. The program follows: !0 a. m. Devotional?Mrs Wink ier. Blowing Rock. Words of welcome?Mrs. Tom t of fey. Response?Mrs. J. M. Moretv., o ; Boone. Rbll call of churches ami recosmi i County, the Leader of , ROLINA. THURSDAY SEF^EMBE SOI TH'S SOLDIERS" GIVEN GLAD HAND Only Eleven Wearers of the Gray are Entertained l>y the School in Annual Reunion. Other Items from The I raining School. Kvervthing about the .school is settling down to the work of the regular year. With a fine enrollment and accommodations in the new btril dings, this promises to be the best year thus far. ilon. A. <Floyd of Memphis. Ten nessee. for many year.- Editor of the Knoxvi'lle Times, was a distinguished visitor at the school the past week. He was the first boy to enter the university of North Carolina from Watauga County. In his chapel talk Thursday he spoke inspiringly of maintaining the primitive virtues of our fathers. On Thursday and Friday, more than fifty nine years after Appomattox. the Training School enter tPiu ' the old soldiers in their annua! reunion. Yeais ago J hey well nigh fillet! the large dining roomJ l*i * only eleven of these brave men are left. Sevn had died during the past year: Comrades J. W. Hor-J ton. Wiiiiam Notris, Fhiloy Mast, Pai Coffey, !. I. Henson, John Hodges and Abel Wineharger. For ihc.se a m??>i appropriate memorial service was held in the new auditorium on Friday afternoon. Speeches and momof'.tl talks were made h\ President IF l?. Dougherty, Rev. K. M Huggin. ' apt K. J. Xorris. and Messrs Davis, Cook. Swink and (liter. Two things- seemed characteristic of these aged heroes: A feeling that :r theii military service they had don? but an ordinary duty, and the interesting fact that as private citizens thej stand as staunchly for iaw and older and t he thing-* that make foi good citizenship. May they moei foi many years to come! Old winter has been heralded 1?\ two frosty mornings, Friday and Sa1 urday. Quite a little damage was done by the c old Saturday. | lion of visitors and pastors. Superintendent's report. Report of Mission tudy leaderMrs. J. I). Brown. Christian Stewaruship?Mrs. En I <?eh Swift, Arnantha: inspirational address, Mrs. W. X Jones, Raleigh Appointment of Committees. Hymn; closing prayer. Lunch served at the church 1 :M0 p. m. Devotional-?Rttoy Cot troll. Booi e, X. t . Annual sermon?Rev. \\\ E. Wil on. Boone. Report of young peoples secieiie Mrs F. M Hug-ins Sunbeam Demonstration ? Mr: I'rotfit, Blowing: Rock. . M?V \V V Recommendation- for the cumin .x r?Mr.-. I. G. Greer, Boone, i Reports <if the committers, i Collection for associational ex pier i Hymn; closing: praver. __ Beginning October 1, a new ma route will be inaugurated be twee Soonc and North Wiikesboro. Tfc Sugar Grove line has been than; ed to start from Trade and connec ! with the North Wiikesboro route i i Boone, leaving Boone at 11 o'cloc] Another route will leave Blowin stock in the morning and connc< with the Wiikesboro mail and r turn to Blowing Rock on a one hoi Subscribe For You County Paper Northwestern North Caroli .R 11, 1924. 5 Ct.*. aCopy Local Gabba$ Perfect V Last Yearrs Business Fini ing?Chief of the M Giving Organiza ANNUAL PICNIC I AT COVE CREEK September 23 Will Be Gala Day for W atauga b armors Director I. O. Sehaub Will Speak ? Plays, Games and Contests. T! ' annual farmers' picnic that j wa> .darted three year? ago at Silveistoiu and was held In . t year a* Beaver J>um will he held :i i year on the grounds of the Cove ? reek school house Tuesday Septereb -r *J'\ The day will be given ov?r to profit and pica- iv( ar.d a ltfo&te crowd i expected. The principal feature of the fore | neon will be an add re.- delivc-ed by | Mr. !. O. Schaub, Director of \ir i : 1 jtural Extension it. North Carolina. j Mr'. Schaub ha s spent many years corking in North Carolina, but for i the pas- five years has been connected with the United States Depart. nscnt .,f Agriculture. Washington, 1) ;! c. He has recently been brought back j t*? North Carolina to hold a position '|as Director of Extension Work. Mr. Sehaub has been anxious to got into this ection of the State since his ' return and states that he will be here j r on the "JMrd. There will not he as much speech j mnki: g as has been for the past two ' years but the afternoon is to be giv-: ?-n over to plays. games and contests i to lie participated in by the old as j - well as the young. It is expected that' J every person on the grounds who is obi enough or young enough to walk j will take part in the games to he I held upon tb? school grounds. Each family is expected to bring J dinner. The question as to whether| , it shall b? put down together or in small groups has not yet been dec idwl. ; It is hoped that all those whose! [ minds are not open to receive sugj gestions ami consider them fairly and I also those whose faces have forgott-: ten how u -mile and whose feet have forgotten ow to move quickly and . whose si'te.s have forgotten how to . shake will stay away, because they M would pi". J y he uncomfortable at ? I a meeting of this sort Mr. Schaub's; I address w give you something to *hink aboi ' and the games something .1 to laugh about long after you have j gone homRcpait of Grand Jury t" To His Honor, B. P. Long, Judge Presiding - We the Grand Jury respectfully report as follows We have acted or. all bills sent be fore us by the solicitor and have mad | presentment of all violations of the i-l law who h we have knowledge of by reliable ^formation, i. We hav xaniined the court house and find that tw?? of the toilets are in bad cot i tin li and recommend that :be county commissioners employ - sonic one as yunitbv to keep the court u>u.-e in. .nod condition and Iwk af ter the 'c;Ul>. We find a room ad ! joining *he otaSe of Registrar v i s Oeocl- ; ' :;* rciVl!- .? be i>cd for a cm rai -v -v room tor :.]i k:..<!? of .<. ",d pap :. : - and i . . lii - ;>o:n be cleaned oat a- it - dangeron- or; ae. o'ia*. uf i ,vc.-. We i-.avt . '-amined the otBcc- of ; Register of Deeds jnnd find that the ? records .-t orn to be weii k.-pl and in i- j ' ood c< j We havt . xamined the office oi ; Clerk and find thv records neatly j kept and everythinfg so far as \vt ill could sec in good condition. We find n J from the clerk's records that the foi tej iowing guardians have tailed to rer-1 port within the past year as prescript > bed by law to wit: Jas. H. Bingham xt | O. G. Brown, Addio Critcher, Lorn k-1 Cook, C. R. Dotson, Mrs. Lou Greer g Rufus Hockaday, Mary Marshall, J ctj C. Mast. Ocie Mitchell, Sarah Phil e- lips, C. D. Taylor and S. \V. Thomp ir son. We visited and inspected the coin j. ty jail and find that it is well kep i under the existing conditions but w< t d teat re v nite and colred pris na. -Established in 1888 NUMBER 36. e Growers lans for Year ished at Directors' Meetlarketing Division is tion Timely Aid i In. Dii torp of the Cabbage Grow er> .association met Saturday and dis cussed the various phases of the association is detail. Th? > decided to pay 25 < ? *-t more f last year's cab bage, mal ; a rota of 0 cents per hundred. They believe th* future of the business is bright. The expense ?>i gett.h. sto-'.ed. making adjustments ami u few mi take made the price of cabbage . *-' for : ..> past year, ha". since these id in ments and these m stakes ar - ercome the dilectors b.-neve that the price of cabbage vi/ climb each year. Mi George Ft. Moss, chief >>f the Marketing Division ?. as iei town last v.i k and conferred with Mr. J. H. ijetty, whom the marketing division has put ? : :h- road as -a smaii. Mr Itoss :< very mucii pleased with Mr. ilet.ty s report and decided to continue th. work. Mr. Bfetty has already sold all of last year's kraut which i lu ng moved -..nidiy. Mr. ito>> asked Air. Deity to return to the market and sell this year's kraut so that \\ < could ;>i jcc. i on sound basis. In tins substantia' way the .Marketing Division has come to the rescue of this new industry and is giving it h< p that should put ?t on its f?*et and cause it to become a pro Citable industry, not only for the county liu* for tin state. The Director* in their meeting expressed their appreciation for the work thai Mr. ItoEs is doing for tliem and while the pi ice of Cabbage this year was not large the\ S? ;lieve the industry is going to grow. Mr. Betty stated again and again that he had cut this kraut in comparison with all other brands on the market and that he has never found one that is nearly so good. The jobbers are pleased with it and state that next year it will be impossible for us to supply the demand. Mr. Betty has covered the territory within a radius ?>f 125 miles of Boone ami practically every store within that radius will have Watauga kraut for sale this year, not large quantities but enough for the trade io become acquainted. There is sold each year within that radius more than ten times as much kraut a? vas made in Watauga last year. If the local association can get charge of he greater part of that business it wib mean uic building of a large ndustry in this a ction of t.h?- State. The directors di vided in their meet :.g to allow each individual farmer ; to do at ieasi a part of the hauling if he would do so in accordance with . prinicpals < i the- association. 1 It seems that the only trouble ai head of the organisation is the same -nai coniroms ui< scnooi, enurcn, anil every other organization of individuals?that is a lack of cooperation. This is a testing time for our farmers. :Suc<i depends upon wheth jt or not they are willing to submerge their own individuality and become a part of one large enter; pi iSe. oner- have to Ik kepi together as iiieve > only one toilet ii?i both cell. \i find the soie of to.- ceils next to ; the toilet badly rusted and in an ... . .condhicji rh< ja i entirely maii a .i wr? ..n - .i\ a nd we i vkm aiend tnai ilit .'ouniy corantiss build IVe i ud . a*. T.ne prison- ; re fed and i fc.v r v. , ? t.h< ero'.vii?'i: ei.eidi lien that often exist*. \\ inspected *?.?. countily home and find Li ; v.nlcs, ail value, about an equal number of males and females. The home is exceptionally well kept, the inmates well fed and well clothed and the farm in extra pood condition Three of the inmates are children < : school age and we recommend that the county welfare 1 officer take the proper step* to put 1 them in school. We find that the porch roof leaks and is causing the ~ ceiling to rot and immediate steps - should be taken to make the necesssary repairs. There are some rooms 1 that need repairs, as th plaster is I failing off in some places. s II Respectfully submitted. A G. WILSON, Foreman.

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