j sag ca fSB A Non-Partisan I'fimily 1 ? VOLUME XXXV. VALLE CRUCIS The .quarterly conference of thi M- E. Church met on October 7tl and 8tii with Hev. Mr. Williams pre riding. The Womcns Missionary Society was delightfully entertained by Mrs T. H. Taylor on Vvecneslay ^ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mast have been visiting relatives in Winston Salem and Statesville. Misses Emma and Daisy Mast spent the week end with tliei r parents or Cove Creek. Misses Alice and Sue Taylor \ver< on a week end house party witl Mrs. I. T. Johnson in Jefferson. M ses Woodward and Anne Mo retz, Messrs Andy Greer and Howart Mast motored to the Grandfathe: Mountain Sunday. Mrs. C. D. Taylor and Mrs. H. B Perry spent the day in Boone Sundaj Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Burke are vis iting in Yanceyville, N. C. Mr. Tom Taylor spent the weel end in Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tester visito< their son James at-Christ School, Ar den, N. C. Misses Walton and Wheeler, mem bers of the Mission School faculty spent the week end in Morganton. The youn g people of Ya'.le Cruci entertained the Cove Creek Higi School faculty at a weinie roast 01 4 Wednesday evening. Miss Anne Morct* entertained <1e iightfully at a bridge and Mah Jong; party Tuesday evening. Dainty Chi nese refreshments were served. A number of the people of Vail Cruris are looking forward to goin; to the races in Charlotte next week MEAT CAMP Making 'lasses seems to be the or der of the day just now. The evap orator at this uiace is working fu blast ami the folks in this comznunit will he sure to have lots of Masse and buckwheat cakes. Rev. T. G. Williams filled his res ttiar and last appointment at the Mt thodist church on last Sunday. Ths in unless he is sent back to this chare and we surely hope he will he, fc he has made his way into the hearl of the people and made many friend On last Friday mor ling at !> a. r the death angel again visited tl: home of Mr. John Greene, and ca ried away his wife, Mrs. Sarah Grot It hud only been one week since, tl dentn of their son Lon. Again it wi the dread disease, milk poison. Ot hearts go out in sympathy to the n reared husband and children. Mr. and Mrs Carl Winkler i Bcor.e visited last Sunday at Mrs. i G. Wmeharger'>. Mrs^. Winkler's si ter. Mr. J-. IV. Byers and family we visitors at the home of Mr. J. Protik on Sunday afternoon. Quite a lot of peopit from tt place attended the burial of M Greene at Zionville on last. Sunday. Mr. A. W. Hodgson is off to As .-ounty again looking after busint interests. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Proffit are t proud parents of a fine boy arriv on the 12th. The three teachers of our sch< opent the week end at their horr if on Cove Creek, Mr. Miller, Mis.' Beach and Sherwood. , COVE CREEK Flans for the community fair the Cove Creek High School on r.< Saturday are complete and the in rations are that it will be a succ in every way. The program of 1 day-appears elsewhere in this issu S. F. Korton attended the West* District Teachers' Meeting in As ville on Friday and Saturday, reports a very enthusiastic and h< ful meeting and expresses the h< that a great many teacher^ from V tauga will take advantage of a s ilar meeting to be held- in Wjnst Salem Oct. 24-26. Cove Creek crossed bats with 1 bel in a second game on Friday. " game was played on the local groi and resulted in a score of 7-6 in vor of Mabel. Mr. J. S. McBride continues v low from his recent operations, x friends earnestly hope a change the better and return to health. The Wilson {mothers have just ished the painting of the new sc] building. It present sa greatly proved appearance. ) C life Newspaper Published in a ?I.SO for Y?t BOONE, Six Cheese Factories Enter at Forsyth Fair Watauga cheese factories took the first, second and third prizes at the Forsyth County Fair. Winston -Sa?iem. This proves that we have good i quality of milk and Rood makers ir. j Watauga. W. L. Clcveuger, Dairy Expert of I Raleigh, who judged the cheese gave . the following scores: i RrneWf T.'?,.L- W'-i '? -? vi n i ivi ?? aiaugrt j Counly, 93.5. Cove Creek factory, Watauga Go. 93.0. Beaver Dam Factory, Watauga County, 92.5. Haywood Factory, Haywood county 92.0. Democrat, factory, Buncombe county, 90.0. Horse Shoe Factory, Henderson County, 88.0. Let's keep in mind the last scoring of this year which will be held at Asheville on November 11th. Brushy Fork factories have orders for two swiss cheese. These orders will he filled as soon as the cheese are old enough. DEEP GAP The Rocky Point Community Social Club will hold a grand meeting or? October 25 in order to raise some funds to advertise the famous Deep Gap section of eastern Watauga. A grand music concert, prize contest tc 1 decide who is the most popular lad) of the community and a gold bracelet wrist watch will he given to the one who receives the most votes fron her gentlemen friends. ' t Refreshments will be sold to ever) " one at a nominal price and every do lar received will do double d"ly U ' put famous Deep Gap on the map 3? the "gateway that leads to Watauga' We cordially invite every one to meet us there on this date as it will mear so much for us and our section. Wt shall look lor you there, as this pro " mises to be the biggest event of tht I whole year as a get-together move men! to unite the whole and surroitu * ding country in ties of friendly fel > lowship that will never die. Boost! " j The waiter in all of his life nevei "! saw as many ears in the Deep Ga; M section as he saw here last Sunday ?|The road wa.- so full of them thej r: could hardly pass. People from th< s different counties were in the num ber and as travel was so heavy i few minor accidents happened to i e: few of the cars along the road bu no one was injured only a little da II i m.ige done to the cars in the crash ejups. H Every one for miles around floel r- to the Deep Gap on Sundays to whil f" :;way the time as this is shch an ideu place, and is truly nature's play i ground to pleasure seeker. * ; We are glad to state that severt s"jnew business enterprises are nnde I way here and a quick lunch and sei f: vice station will be built right in th Deep Gap at no distant day. Mr. A A Greene now getting his build is ing material up to start this projet of business just as fast as he cai Others are going to build residence le so just keep your eye on this plau 5S Its growing, growing, right along. Mr. A. G. Miller has started to r< ie build his home on the very spot whta Mis was burned down some time pas Mr. Miller will be the find v?ne i 01 this section to use bark in a hom Willie 11 is a new mini; to nio-1 . es us we hope it will prove very sat' factory n.? it will be in keeping wii the times as others ioad others r doubt will follow. Let s see. at The writer and Mr. ami Mrs. i xt L. Wilcox paid Stony Fork a vif ii- last Sunday and visited a short whi iss at the home of Mr. W. E. Green he "Uncle Elbert" certainly is a mi >. abreast of the times and just, as so< rn as we arrived began to talk tree le- on the subjects of civic pride, reii lie , ion, Dolitics and science. He is oi lp- of the best posted men we know pe his- section, and it is always a plei 'a- ure to me to meet him. Part of t m crowd also visited the koine of -1 in- son Mr. Bynum Greene for. a she whillr, but the writer was afcse la- there . 'he Mr. B. T. Taylor has an orcha nd that is a thing of beauty at this s< fa- son of the year. His big prize beat apples are smiling at every one w no rcoc tliot mav TKoti lrwtlr CO ; His licious and tempting that one aimi for ; The Country Gentleman campai 'in- now being engaged in by the Ct ool; Creek stodents has resulted inim ound S100 subscriptions which v mean $ A B A| HEIN1E~^AND ^ tl fr ' J'CON^^LL ! -v z ' " ' ;|, "coz^Tdouan"^ v .! The baseball scandal following t attempted bribery of (Ieinie Sane: s Phillie infielder, and for which r: Giants Jimmy O'Connell and Cosy > j Dolan were banished from organ- v lied baseball, is expected to fur I man more nreworics now that the | world series games are ended. t J : 1 i \ wants to step and do a little tress- rl ^ J parsing:, but there is no need for this \ t as our friend Bob is so generous that | . this part is not necessary. Bob is Uv-j t . ing at home and his wonderful or-1 % chards of fruit are a. little gold mine t k to him i* we can judge by outside ape pearanees ;( We are not afraid to exchange opinions with aijy section of our I county but from now on wc are nev- 1 il er going to bla/.e a trail of glory by 1 r putting lUicp Gap above any other - favored section in our county by try- ' e I ing flirting v. tih others who try to j? L. j pull our section down and strive t.01 |_ raise objections. and jealousy is not): t our heart's desire 01 aim. We are wor-j j king from the inside material and! ;s i the glory thereof will spread as sun-{ j shine on the hills and sparkling dew 1 after night. We think this policy wiil ?_ I prove a safeguard as we want to be e in full fellowship with the whole cour. t. ty which is the most favored section j In in Western North Carolina, e" . The new railroad line here is puii-j jfiing freights out right along. This' a- shows how badly we need a na staingrr train also. If a standard hue was 10 here going to another main line it would be '.he most [laying road we F. can think of. How long we will have nt to wait for this is a conjecture. But !e iome day we hope to see our dreams e. realized and the county blossom as m a rose, as one puts it. ill Several years ago a young man. iy Mr. Lee Greene, bid this section fareg well and left a trail that led as far ne fens Alaska and to Europe but settled ill down in California to make his home. 13- Recently the sad news reached this he section that he had died On investing gation it seems that he had made good >rt and had a good amount of this worls lit goods and quite a few good investments. His people are looking after rd this and we wili be glad to state more ?a- when we get first hand information ity on this subject. ho * WHOA, NAPOLEON Dst; Amateur Detective: "I'm going to ! capture those train robbers," ^ Friend: What! With that little poo>ve'dle. You can't catch train robbers ar-1 with him." Amateur Detective: "Sh-h-b?not so loud. He,thinks he's a great Dane" it Sfcei County, the Leader of N 5LINA, THURSDAY OCTOBER 16 lews from the Appalachian School President B. B. Dougherty of the j ppalachian Training School was sick i r a few days during the week* but. | out again. The first basket bab game for the j ason and the first in the new gym- j isium was played Friday night be- ] reen the Training School team and j at from M;nneapolis, which resuld in a score of 12 to 17 in favor] the school home team. The result j ows the good work of those doing e training and also of the referee, ofessors Rankin and Wilson arid r. A. K. Moore. On Saturday a t the chapel boar rs. Flowe's class in history 9. His-! ry for primary grades, gav& a most , ?tructive and entertaining program ustrating by cut and painted figes the work of Columbus in discoving America from his going to the ing and Queen of Spain to his disivery of America and his return to jam. This showed most excellent ork ojt the part of both teacher and udent ir. class. The county tcachms' Association et at the court house in their regar monthly meeting.* Saturday with largec rowd in attendance. An in-, resting program hud been schedul1 and a number of good and helpful tlks were mode by various teachers t the county, showing that live and ! rogressive work is being done by j ic teachers in the county t hough the ounty Superintendent Prof. Smith j agaman has been sick for some time ^ illustrates how well he has done is work in the organization of his < inchers. THE WATAUGA TEACHERS' MEETING as heid in the court house in the )wn ot Boone October 11, there beig 106 teachers present. Superintendent Smith Hagaman ot being able to be present Prof, V. J. Howe acted as chairman. Devotional exercises were ccnduc ed by Rev. lluggins which were in-| tructive and interesting. Opening Exercises in Public School i iras discussed by Professor Martin of Slowing Rock in a very able address, j Mental and Moral Atmosphere of he School Room was discussed by. >rof. Wilson of the Appalachian I draining School from a psychological riew point. Prof. Millard Morris gave some ineresling points on the Power of Sugr-. jestior and Cooperation between t he J each or and pupil. Prof. Tugman made a logical and ensible speech on how to Reach Parente who are not. Interested in school Miss Theodocia Watson made an uterestiftg speech on How to Best Use the Recess Period. Teaching the Morals Through the Subjects of the Public school Curriculum was discussed by the writer. Prof. \V. Y. Perry made a ringing speech in favor of the consolidation of schools. A vote w 1* taken on the query: "Does Watauga County need a Welfare Officer?" The vote was unanimous in favor of a welfare officer. On motion the meeting was adjourned . W. J. ROWE. Chairman W M. FRANCUM, Secretary. Progftm of Cove Creek Community Fair October 18, 1924 Friday 1 :l>0-5:00 p. rn. entering of exhibits. Saturday 8:00-9:00 Entering of exhibits 9:00-11:00. Judging exhibits. 11:00-12:30 program school auditorium. Devotional?Rev. M. Huggjns. Song?"America" Announcements? J. S. McBride, Chairman, S. F. Horton, Chairman Entertainment Committee. Address?L. S. Spurling, Attorney ! of Lenoir. Talks, R. C. Crowell, County Ag| ent of Ashe, John B. Steele, Coun i ty agent of Watauga i 12:80-1:30. Dinner on grounds anc inspection of exhibits. | 1:30-2:30 Potato races and othei games. 2:30-5:10. Ball game, A. T. S. Vs Cove Creek. HE LOSES Hubby ?"X refuse to join tha I dancing club. You know good am ' well I'm on my feet all day long." Wife: "That's no excuse?yo' never dance on youi fegj anyhow." tuo?r< orthwestern North Carolin I, 1924. 5 Ctc. aCopy Flying Atlantic ? 5# ' h' Capt. H. Flamming, Chief Pilot of th now U. S. Dirigible ZB-3 in its flight across the Atlantic ocean t to df'iver it hero from Germany _ p 1'ht l)i(i Ze|>|M?lin /iv-Ji landed id Lakcliursl. N. .1. yesterdiiy Imving made lite trip from ( ermauy with Iter :?1 possen- t, ijers in SI hours. PARENT-TEACHERS MET u M Tin- Parent-Teachers Association ^ had a most interesting meeting on j, Friday October 10. A very appropriate program sug-; y gertive of the season was given by ^ the children of the third grade. Their ^ first number was a play entitled "the ^ Months" followed by recitation of th r poem of the months. Rub> Trivett ( ^ gave "Octuber's 1reasorex" with Win.1 ton Rankin at salute at the last when ! . all the children came back stiil in costume and bearing bright colored I leaves to sing an autumn song. Much interest was shown in regis-1 tering of atendanct by grade. The | | picture which has been donated by the; Association to be given the grade hav j ing the largest attendance of parents! or interested friends, was won hv the' first grade. At ths two previous meet: ings the picture was won by tin third j and seenth grades respectively. The [ picture is kept on the wall of thej winning grade until the following! meeting. \t the end of the term this) picture v.ill be given the grade win-* ning i'k the targest number of times. After the regular business program I was carried out, Dr. Rankin of the i Training School made a very interesting two minute talk to the parents and teacher* encouraging their com-1 .:ig together to discuss the problems of the children who go from our homes to the school. These meetings are held monthly and last only one hour. Let's show enough interest in our children to attend every meeting for the remainder of the term. OFF TO CONFERENCE Rev. M. B. Woosley, popular pasI tor of the Boone and Biowing Rock | Methodist cnurches, Rev. J. M. Dowj nun; of the Appalachian Training ! School and Mr. John S. Stanbury, with perhaps others from these cburj ches arc attending the- annual conferj ence in Greensboro this week. The I hudir**i for this work amounted ro i something over $3,000 this year, evi try cent of which was paid in full i and the minister took with him a clean sheet to the big gathering. This is net so much for a rich congrega, tion but for one like ours it is quite . | a sum. and the members are to be j congratulated upon payingo f? in full ; what to some seemed almost impossible. Mr. Woosiey has been on this . work only one year but as be has com . full up to the expectations of all, he will beyond qnention be returned as I he suits the people, and the people suit him. r CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere | gratitude for all the kindness and service of friends during the illness t death and burial of our beloved wife i and mother. May God's richest blessings rest u 1 on each. L. S. Pennell & Children. i a.-Established in 1888 NUMBER 41 'leas McGhinis Once Again in the Lime Light Pleas MeGhimiis, whose name has come familiar with ail Wataugans i acount of his whiskey activities is again come to the front in his treer, this time the offense being le shooting of an officer of the law. n last Friday his son Thussel whs "rested on a charge of house breakig by Deputy Sheriff Coie of Cove reek. As the officer was taking the >ung man to get his bond filled his lther_ W'avlavfii tllP rnnd Mini load of shot, into the back and neck i Mr. Cole which resulted in the boy taking his escape. Fortunately Cole as not seriously hurt arid is now bie to be out again. McGhims was mtenced to three years imprisonicnt at the Call term Watauga Court hut through the intervention f his lawyer was parolled during ood behavior by Governor Morrison org since . it is said, he again bean plying his old trade and by order t the governor a warrant was issued >nte time ago for his arrest, but ad never been served when this near ragedy occurred. If arrested he will avc no further trial but will at once eg in the service of his sentence. The fall of this man who was once law abiding thrifty citizen, is to e deplored, but it seems he is so L*t in his ways that nothing but imrisonment or death will check him. FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB Mrs. O. 1. Brown delightfully eniM'tained tin. Friday Afternoon Club I hei hone, in Justice Hall on Oct. . The chairs were hospitably a mined in a half circle around an open ire in the dining rooms, while au umn flowers made lovely and suitaie decorations. rhe guests expected a mus'c&l pro ram at Mrs- Brown's, but 110 one Deseed what a lovely surprise she iad in store for thlm unti! she ush!vd in live of the taiented young m il of the school w he graciously iresented the following program: Violin "Behove Me if All PhoRe Endearing Young Charms**? Ulen Laxton. Vocal Solo: "One Fleeting Hour*' -Jeeter Ramsey. L)uet:?Allen Laxton and Jeter ELamsey. Reading?Reid Wallace. Quartet?Ramsey, Laxton. Triplet, in?i Neion. lieding?Reid Wallace. Duet?Ramsey and La.flor. After the program each member drew a capsule which contained the name of .some other club member whose name is t obe kept secret until C hristmas time when the "Opening" will be accompanied by a gift placed on the club Christmas tree. This caused a delightful thrill of mystery as we were u.-he red to our places about the tables beautifully decorated with purple autumn flowers. Mrs. Brow;:, assisted by Mrs. D. L>. Dougherty served a delicious salad course and coffee followed by grape juice cake and mints. Mrs. Abetiiethy and Miss Bee Lyons were guests of the dub. The Club adjourned to meet Oct. 31st at the home of Mrs. R. S. Coffey. 3oon