PAGE FOUR &lje ?Hataujja democrat, j ft. C. R5VERS. Editor and Owner. Published Every TbumHav by THE RIVERS PRINTING CO. Subscribers wishing their address-1 changed sill please favor us by giving the OLI> is v. el; as the NSW *riare?i. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One War $1.50 Six Month* To Three Months 40 Payable ir. Advance. AdTcrtuing Rat? oo Application Cnrd> of Thanks. Resolution* of Respect. Obituaries, etc. are charged for at the 'regular advertising rates. Article.- sent for publication without giving the name of the writer will not under any ircum>:anee be published. Entered at trie postothce at Boone N. C. as second riass mail matter. Thursday November 13. 1924 i Mr. M. L , nam of W : i ton-j baieirt, >' 1 ' :>. V tor .Mndt-rr. Woodmen of America, who re- i centU had organized a strong: ramp in Room. was : " yesterday, audi last iiejrh* put ny a f <*e movie -howl at the Dixie Theater which was thor-! oughly mij- ycd. Mr. Trcmain who is emhus a.: :h: part of he -tate. r?. marker. : or a recent trip through WaUi a, Ashe and Alloc; >a*i\ . he nor ?iaj. cattle, hog1 poultry a: ; . .her things edible, for may .and bea t, than he had ever see:- in h .-aun number of counties uj the Stat". I'm! no has visited them nil, save :?-ur. rh would be good ir.f. foi c ; ad commit ion er ir - . .. ?vho told a representative ;'jdy Of W.r.augans that then was not. enough .1 in the Lostj Provinces n : t -limatioh of tin* abdominal capacity of Winston folks. and the dist; -sun: need of a highway o mini.csi oner for this .I stric". a- well as the diver.vty of opinion ting tweon se)f-c entered aid id r... ded mem I < - ot, the human r..o\ t*ONKlDF.N?'K RETURNS X r.\v a long strung Ipul and bust-j jiess rev i yal \\ iU go ovei with a wallop AH *e ostomists, except profess-! ....... ...i. . i ij " _ 1 Jim.II in->Mi:i. I - IIU llif on ma.^UT and hold times, arc i. thai the: country is ready for ; boom. S .uneven believe the booi:, w.ii develop into a sensation, but even th< most conservative thinkers an agreed that tne door of goame Americans and realize that no matter what party wins an election in this country, nothing can stop the growth and prosperity ?. f Am erica. The- belief that good times are here* however, is based more than] sentiment. omforfc i- ft md iu the) fact :ha. th.-re is a better balancej between che prices of merchandise; and agricultural income. Next, em-j ployinent shows improvement. Wages bavt taker, any drop to speak of Then to. it is pointed -at. the railroad. are in a better financial condition than they have been in some year-.. But best of ah there is &j restive desire for expansion and at--j tivity on the pare of the people and' money ha> never been - < plentiful, j wnn'i mean.-; i>Uf-iness> expansion needj no! wait the loosening ap 01 capital. [ Subscribe For o u r County Paper mmim *AJtzr every meal / X pleasant awl agreeable ri=^?J-j?-^nJ sweet and a! W4f=p 1'/SI I-a-s-t-t-n-g .si J \ : {! benefit as! ? j^JI _lJ>H TH1 \i:m. Week] aa"cor- ! aillf a?-" * " V\ 4 hi z-Jkm ./A-., .. / Arthur : bane ?8' i r- -w*r*ri m m - ?j?i i ? , -A'DER JQE, CHIMPANZEE. I 7E THE EI CATOS. "-:s of t: children. r *Vf EATERS Ri/LB. . :iged all^ewl jja :;i? >t ut* a triVt < .etwv spiv.njK f' 'aucasian rrif.t' <-' known a : .'of exalt r.r Ills keei?er. " .il, entered 11 t?? cl?m ii. ,1'V. for J? -liMSge, iwuid; his knotty bl k around and knooked tho feee seioss with f:;v, went out t! -n (I?)or .*tinl walked in the [ \r lie stopped t" ex'-hange - with 'is friend. John Hht- - eighty threeyear-old pork e: Soon he was or; his way ' the cage. l/earn that when ,v\nj admire a T - lighter vmi r oulv h tw?ir Jt: ifntion of a e).i. ; lazee. and a w -so imitation * a gorilla that could beat any t-.v.:ity prizefighters In forty aeconus. Learn also frorn J< the chimpanzee. that free.!- leponds not or how liard con HIT. but hovr well you can TTI'.VK. Joe. the chimpanzee rose. fc.eckod down bis keeper. and walked ut of the cage, but he didn't ka v what to DO next. "There's the rub." An "educator" of Minnesota is accused of purlshlnc h yn in a high ach.??L !y causing H to sit in &zi "electric chair." a using severe trams. In New York State. another ,4adtscator" >f the same gorilla type CvMifess.'d that he '11. ' eaten a lifctl? negro girl with rather hose. It might cure tbe riiiin with the rubber hose to lei him spend half an hour in a idosed room with Wills, the negn tighter the latter alno e*jDip\?eeiu>i-: >?:j> ? erfntendonts, of yoi plos work and others who can are. urged to attend. Rev. \V. 11. Bradshww of Hickory p4ak at :h< jouferenee Pastors and superintendents arc urged t-.? announce this meeting m' their churches next Sunday. R hope to have every church in the Three Forks and the Stony Fork a? eiatipa ivpre.-t nted. Tins meeti'ij? !.- >>f vital importance to our Baptist .vork, and \w hope many of our member? will ai-opJ?r in lluropa. ought to &:<: a 1 few dollars for building the caralfc ffl tha* hla country needs. One canal " would unite the Lakes and the Mi* 2 aiaaippl Valley with the Gulf and the Pacific via Panama. Another i canal for ships unite tlw Lake country with the Atlantic. "Every nig American city a ?eaportT should be our inert tv. Witbin twenty-four hours, a girl of fourteen, scolded by her father shot herself to death. An eighteenyear-old boy, beaten by his father, killed himself by turning on the g&i strange that man. said to descend from the "'higher apes" os aotne animal like them, should treat his owe children with a brutality yi winch m> gorilla, orangi visited upon the father. All J.?v' . whose S" killc the Fr boy is dead, killed ' scire 1 disgrace. Ti ; sho.M .itisfj ; e bloodthirsty that delm ruled "some body hanged." That miforcu: rfe t. the?: died \ thousand deatliV to ;it ?ne for his hideous crime. Have you notic??d how little in -, eecm to think about tin ir souls while the* art* dive. and how much they think al out what will happen to their 1mnlit^s after they are dc.i' A corpse left behind is no more irr? portant than a pair of wormv ; shoes thrown aside. Yet men power, from the Pharaoh that built the first pyramid to millionaire Oone with his concrete grave, have worried about their bodies. The jnestinn interesting to one thinking of death should lai. "Where do 1 go from here?" not "Who is going to steal my body?" George Bernard Shaw, sdf-ai>pointed Vice-Regent of Omnipotence, thinks little of meat eaters. He's wrong. He says: "Armies fed on barley have conquered half the world." Perhaps so. but men that eat meat RUE THE ENTIRE WORLD. Don't forgo! that. I *SBH i &&!' f T7* "m * 1 ror Mercn The merchants who do th^ big* will be the merchants who start space to toil shoppers ah->ut the priced merchandise in their store Newspaper readers agree thai most interesting ad and it is the tention. We arc equipped to fu Itions for every line of business. Just a word over the phone a proofs of cuts layouts and copy play, catalog, bills, cards or posti ing now. THE WATAUG 15>00 CIRC wreiv 0t- ' A BANK ACCOUNT will do more to systemize your business than any other dozen of things. It will prevent mistakes promote economy and prove an incalculable' Doint to the business man; ! Bank of Blowing Rock BUwias Rock, N. C V THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. liicle My neie-'ibor drives a iimon ?ii>e, an' fusses with his liver,? he finds it mighty hard to keep in t rim He mebbe doesn't realise that, in my little flivver?I wouldn't think of swap pin* lots with him. Of course, he's got his velvet an' his fancy rubber tires, which he figger? that h* couldn't live without,?hut I enjoy the trimmin's that u healthy yap requires, and 1 never have been pestered with the gout. Though me and him is human, we have fillers got along?cat' loved each other ? same us neighbors will. . His life's the soul of dividends, while mho 's the soul of song?but. .ve di:T : some on how to climb the hill. I reckon he is satisfied r.-sett in' hi his hank, enjoyin' little twinges of the k'out.? -vhilo 1 h: v:> come to realize, I've got j the Lord to tbn~ k fer the many j : bines I'm r urrl to do without! I I \ / >' u. BS '? i m Si? "frSrH *>V/V'F;""' \ ?AplO AN a C?Oi;s vVOP t> puzzled Aftkr OO^NO /VORf TO BUS ! OP HOMES THAN BUG annoying and weakening scourge, simply before retiring; take one t eon poor, .'ul of Dr. King's New T -every and hold It In your throat 15 or JO seconds hot ore swallowing. People who have been unabl- to r^st on nec.mnt of continual coughing hav.j often goiter, their full 8 or 3 hours' sleep by this simple method. Pr. King's Is excellent, too, for children's spasmodic croup, bronchitJ*. laryngitis. bronchial asthma and hoarseness. < >n . ale at all good drugs its. \ ik for NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION g Having qualified as administrator I 'ho estate - V Ware. ? do- B ceased. this is to notify ail persons having claims against aid estate of } deceased to present them for payment * wi; hin twelve months of 1ho date of* this notice or the same will he plead j in bar of their recovery. All persons } indebted to said estate will please j make immediate payment. This October 10, 1924. J M L. Warn Admins- rator f_ Let's Put IUi Now that the electio good times and generi the country. Let's concentrate on ty and see to it that the State of North Carolin progress than Wataug. The way to succeed ronize your county mi your slogan trade at h eoufity. By so doing v and reduce our tax rat* Remember you can you need in Boone an mate price. We are headquarter Hardware, Roofing, F Iron, Cement, etc. Come in and tell us V BOONE HAR "The Frien ^ This Wonderful Ne\ OLDSMC k ^~^'g | |-i? f I ^ ! I Yes?only $ cl?Scd C'1-' " w;y ramous six< f.o.b.Lmuiug G1N?_a j finish?fitti: surpassed b for only $ And you a the G. M. i liberal and ment plan < See this re! day! You v a closed cai and sold at A .G. MILLEF YUM/ ?M?MBMP?Iff K NOVEMBER 13, 1924. 1 3ABY5C0LDS " I C3n often be "nipped in the bud" without dosing by rubbing Vicks over the ihioat and chest and also applying a little up the little one's nostrils. VICKS W VapoRub Oper 17 Million Jar 9 UbcJ Yrarljr cv H#, I IQVtWJ 4 isinessFirst n is over let us expect il prosperity all over i building up our coun;re is no county in the a that makes mors a. is to cooperate. Patsrchants and make ome and support your re increase our wealth ^ buy almost anything d at a fair and legitis for everything in encing, Nails, Rod your needs. our friends, DWAR E 00. P 1065! Think of it?a citli a Fisher body?a rylinder L-HEAD ENlew rich sarin Duco rigs and appointments y few Sedans?all this 1065, f. o. b. factory. in. buy this coach on C. plan ? the most I dignified time payivf.-r devised! -narkabie Coach?toill hardly believe that .. j2_ _ ^ 5U 1I11C utn UC L?uut a price so low. i, Local Agent.. N. C. I ^?Lo7~r.f