7 f . ' it ADVERTISERS A* A medium through which to sell your v?r??s Th? Democrat is unexcelled in country NtrwisporJom. Our subscribers rr readers and Buyers. hum , i nam A Non-Partisan Family I voillme xxxv. MANY ATTEND tm \ n MPPTiMr ItUrtl* UlEibllilU Siklv D?d~5*to? From Five Stairs 0*thcr n Morjantu^ in Interest of "Set t.- Koitlr Fro.o North to theSoufli Orgsnissticc Perfected A meeting of nat?OfU-'I importance i "id i Morpliton or: l>**ccmlu lt?th. 7 h? purpose W&3- To ill's cas^ pl&m by which the new proposed 3 scenic highway eor.nvc*:njr fche North and &outh ?-ou'd he perfected. Sixty delegate* from fi?e state- wore a in g hied at the Caldwell Hot* al two o'-, <1? clock. The stale- represented wen \ ?rjrh:ia. North C.irvdina, Sou'h ' ?:? oiina. Georgia and Florida. The chief promoter of the meeting v.?.; Mr. fcfu 0 McRae of Wilmington. After lunch the meeting v.-a* called to oi?k: by Mr A. M. Kistier of Morganton. A it . i :..ry organi. aiun was pern a by i rtuvir Hugh McRao chairman And i. C?. Gieer of Bbou< tary. The chairman stored the purpose of the sfceeSirigi Thf propuscd route, lea 'linv o?." . row thv groat orthorr. cities. v,?i> smjl down hrough \v Shenandoah i alley ami tv halcp-. n dci ? am! Hulax. \ a. < .milg on in! to ~ orth v"a*n;'!in .1 will emu? net wW-' ct?; > sitvs of Sp ft :'.M . r , Ducr.t . Nt 'i r l and on : A ? n tor So nth i 'a rol? na v .a Spuria:, 1?u : Frc-m a -v :'I rearh Florid a vui AtSftntn. liu., ; " cently vi?:i?_-i .very town thai will ->c touehed ioy this groai prop ?si*d -oitc. Erew town was represented meeting. From the prom ire made by thv no rcpr^entat-ivc citiifct iM v?K ?- if the road will .-non be : A Ay I his line v he coin plot mi wil .jUestionably be one oi th? v: nU'st dives in America. Fhi> wn ihe "pinion of v? ry n.an v, ho t ik tpo'r At fcfee :??se of the moHuiff a ^ pvtrVi "!*.t arganiy.'Atio'l was perfecteti ay >.-i cling Hugh M i'Car of VV:\rn: v ?V aie'-.l. j M of Mi- .iiA.oi; Iroasiitror. : i . t i Mi sr. i Sea trice ? \>V.V. (} the Xi\v- Herald of jVJo ufclBon Murcvary. The vice proide: and director- wen iceeied from each o ,te Itw purpose of tins organi?; un :> :o rash as fast as possible the umpiet'c.n of the proposed voad. Not Carolina is ready \a do her par. 1 he comities and hiwiis through v h a the road ?>. to can well aft i to ea 1 be nmt in every way po5ciide *e aid si the eons! metier: ? ? thiF m*, to 1 temporarily known as the scenic ro ne between the north nnti South." T .nv?ei\ of westNorth Carolina win :ir\ a copy of he Novembei Bni'ecni of the .State iiepa?' mcs r.i Agr.ci-ii are, "The Mexicrm Bean. Be tie in North * arolina." fhss wi sent fr?. of charge en app :Hio: n the Editor Extension ser>. Ral eigh. THE HOLIDAYS ENJOYED LOCALLY w *> r c:_. - - r : ^ roppinjj 11 i ir;iminn> uirm ?tf Gitl* to ih?? Needy, and Eatin ?cf. Good Things. Characters! Christmas in Boone. Christmas in Boone passed oft" i a very fitting way, the absence : alcoholic taveiages being more r,ot< worthy perhaps than ever be for* Some annoyance was occasioned h the various sizes of fire-erackers u ed by both the big boys an.1 litti especially by the passers by who o vn w *srj i .. fy, vj JW:ay- vta Newspaper Published in ar SI.30 Per Y??- BOONH, A. TS. WILL OPEN ! NEXT MONDAY! j I E?rnr t Work. Growing Friendships Uplifting Associations, Character. i*t?:s of Closing Days B-fore Hof^ tb dteh S'-aion. 1 .School has closed for the holi-daysi :.p I \feill open a;r.i:v on Mo\iiay Jan-i liary 5. The iast week has been i oo?cvvhi*t of u recapitulation of the | ^rm-stcr; earnest work, frroftingj tricn-i-bips. uplifvinp a.-?: iarion ! .t a !iv ??.ter iu.anient. Lhr i1 rr ath letM'S and an couraging vision of; future uscftilness have all claimed, t teat ion. The rh&p periods: wore f draw?t.ir interest. Mrs. Howe, with j her t lass it: education. grave a unique! presentation ot the -lory of the r.aivity Prof. a. <'. Mr . Greer comnaan d?-.i ur t Tit* isia.-m with folk lore and hallat*s la the accompaniment of The j :)i?!cimvo Mi K" isr with her class | ir nh . a; directed our thought to tho ! i. ir t >?f the scai-on with some ef the' I tUI's fine Christmas songs, Rev.i | Mr. Hue^itis tpptaied for cow fuel in ! harm* *;y with the Christmas o. eai s:; and the voting man's quartette 1 made us lavish ith ,an oi the pop-i i i t <1 game of J k? i ill he* een the Crossttora irani and ours on Thur-uay s'n\ :ft? tood none to %de\en v favor ot the visaing tca^t. Tite i mi ic Si juitce department ronum oere:J the pooru. of the ( our.ty F?om*i t'riUi reiresit ment> on Friday. Ctof.; wee. vi- in Morgan ton ??n that, day ; it. iK ,merest of tlu Seemc Highway. Our rmrl pradnates are in demand. The calls lor C achet- alter the hoiidd&jt haw- greatly e; he school** capacity to til! The three 'shit:? tin- cpurse, Misse- l.ain and .Maiguivt Love and Minnie Uairv. all have position.-. Appropriate Christinas exercises were conducted by the Sunday School of r ite Methodic and Baptist churches on last Sunday* M Dowuwro. A GREAT REVIVAL J The Rev. Taylor* now pastor *>" ! the Wataiijra Circuit, closed a aeries of mooting- ai Valie Cruets recently that from reports, are the most wot h rfui v\' i ; . i in the county. From . i.ugivmng there was much interest ialien, the church being: crow| <. ?: o\ .: at almost every u l he < churches joined In j ?: d what thvy could to make the j \al Un great success it culniinuI ted in. The pastor did all the piva! chitig in the meeting that continued . j for more than wo weeks, at the dose i' whi.ii it was found that there had own i.-c conversions; ?men in the , majority) and that the comt. miimty had undergone the grgltest >eligiou- awakening ever known in this section of the state. One of the good member: from that sectiovi told the Democrat that now there is a larger aUc dance al prayer service an Wednesday nights than formerly atr tend'd m regular church services. On Friday before Christmas at the request of the people of the commit8 r.ity Mr Tayloi began services ai g Henson's clmpel which are still ii ** progress, with a likelihood of coniiiu I mg until next week The services an !v..-; attended and the promise foi ^ .mother great harvest for the Mastei ; flattering e. i *j s- FORD CAR PROVES A DELIVERER TO FOWL: fcj ;n ; Something rather unusual bap per as ed Monday while Mr. Hester, loci ie sewing machine agent was drivin Ice ; his flivver along before the count ni home at a lively clip. He noticed large chicken hawk sitting on a iim ist watching some turkeys and chicker ds 1 in the road. Mr. Hawk however mad ry i his nose-dive a trifle late for 1 y- \ came in contact with one of the fei 'es ders on the car and fell dead nei ed his intended quarry From this stoi m- we would surmise that while For< i. have been used for everthing els rs, this is the fir^i ca.^e 01 compentu nc- with ammunition in destruction sts pestiferous "varmints." rse i the j me ! Rov S. E. t.rsec wili conduct t for Advent services Sunday at eleven one clock in the Episcopal church a iy?! Rev. \Y. L Trivett the evening s? cth vice ;*t 7 :' i?. A cordial invitation ? attend the serc.tcs u- extended to i i id tor Boone and Wataug WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH C 3i0O RATS KILLED" BY WATAUGA BOYS Co'intv Agent's Ftat-TrfiJ Contest Ha* Cloird Ruiioeti Hjiuta of Cily Award Cash Fri^<". to Winne?? in Relentless Warfare cn Peat*. 'Die rat tail contc.-t which h.as 'not-n condncted h\ rhc county ajrent thru the -chools closed 0:1 December -o with a total of 2.7 01 reus killed. Thi> contest was made itossiM? by the corporation of a number of people. i?i the first place prices wpig offered by jocal concerns, the school teachers furnished their encourageir.crt and cooperation and the boys aud girls themselves killed the rat >. The first prize was won by i.V-wpy Bingham at Rutherwood, whe sent in GO tails and won a prize c.f $10 in goid given by the Warauga County Bank. Tfto second prize was wen by Ciay Pcnhtdl. Zionvilic. who sent in 101 ' :1s. and won \ prize of $5.00 i ? p.?ld: Frank Wyi.e, Boone, 113 rat tails. s'_ 50 id giild 1 v the Boone Hardware <'om;>at.y, fourth. prize. Roll' Wilson, Trade, Tennessee, 1-10 it r:ii . $1 .*(). Davllso:: Depart meat Store* filth pr?SSB Jo - Tri'picit, i violet, t . Spf ra, taff^. $ OP given by thJ Cash C i .. y T.i. prize. Manfield iitiu i". jBrtp|ct. I ' . ;.t tails. 50c, muffle (.'lot* mj? Com : v There wort only forty t\vu b>ys : : *? *his e but] ;.v cahte near reaching the 000 maik. It .-o.-ms : ive u> cstir-e.ttl ttiai each of these rat killed, tee ui !JarV worth of daniti^< This bfikg true it safi .-ay t.h?: this campaign has done the v.- . ly $2700.00 of gQ(| um either *.>.> itj or else 'noi l ;it. the malt I-? w?y not t>t' sufficient imiiuttancc u? claim their attention and thereby deprived their r.hildrer the fun and their community ol the benefit to he derived from suet campaigns. lie state.- that he exppcii n> try ; over again next year am is going to try harder to get eacl teacher to give their children char.ct Hv says that according to his ide; of the rat population of Watauga v.? should kil' 10,000 rats in pur earn pttigns next year . ) his is a commendable andortak ! ihj? -commendable in those who fui j nished the prizes and in ihe teacher I who encouraged their students am the County Agent who instigated th campaign ami especially con?6|endabi it; the young: fellows who brought ; bout this tremendous slaughter o rats. DUMB DAN SELLS 'KM Producer: "Your comedy is rathfi funny but I'm inclined to think th jokes are too coarse." Scenario Writer: "Well, won't the be screened before the public set them." \ "? T ? T? ?r\ rw*^/inri rt/V**T.',l ' WW L? thSlTUVVS ; FOR TUBERCULOSt Rrpresrntfttiv? of Department of A riculture Seeks to Interest Wata ga in Eradication of Disease W c go Before Board Monday. A Department of Agriculture ei ^ ployee has been in Watauga recent in an effort to have the county i v stitute a campaign against tuberc *a losi? in the cattle. ^ Students of medicine claim to kr.< that tuberculosis may be transmit! Ie from a tubercular cow through h l{? milk to human beings, the disea sometimes failing to manifest its< j until years later. Watauga will be asked r.ext Mr ^ day by those sponsoring this mo> o . ment to cooperate with the state a >n national government for the eradi0? .ion of tuberculosis in the cattle ; cally, sharing with them in the < j pense to a nominal extent. A mm found with the disease would be k ! ? d and the owner paid for the a mal by the government. 0' 1 Considerable interest has b< nt* manifested and It is expected i "r"! at least hoped that (he commission '.;tv grrrc The proposition a., or.pr* ll,\ diced heari.-.g. 1 i C?? myfibfiX SmS i hfif ;a County, the Leader of N AKOLINA, THURSDAY JANUARY 1 BOONE'S FINE NEW ji TOURIST HOTEL Hero with .* Publi?h?r are being! rnu'k' toward interesting capital in this great improvdirent. A trip thrciugh the unfinished Daniel Boone Hotel a few weeks ago,} i proved a revelation to u-. and in <^r-; | dei that the public may be enlighten : wi as to the completeness of this, j tourist hostelry, we offer an expla-j ! nation of liov the company wag or-' j gani/cd and a description of the place! j as it will look when opened May 1. | i he building of brick stands on ; :lu Judge roum-iil property just oust f - . ??urt house, th. property bavg b? n purchased some years ago ! '?i . ' :^'d?-rari< * of ten thousand! doVrsi s. Thi: mora y, mind you. was. j I. . ,T 1 It> ?;f business.' mi-.i A' hi tow ;i .f -s than ift'o thou -ai ?i :- ptil.'.t ii-ti. ^"oi! nitov trr porch< pi the : ')?nutiiiii p?o! of ?rrouiul, \ he hoj&l '?< iinff I'owmitiiv, onanle to :?i.-v4 tin- ru i-it-il i^ywl i:i o7it>.iiV cities. ?-otu -. vc?s ihf idea tlilit Bo.JMr :*?> i Watau; i wuntj, ? ??ulo subsctje. ?i;u.h ivi.iioy to ? ast ;?U ? Wil'.cli fo?i in! ready buysi> und v.ork was bogur.. As tiio hotel grew i.'to shape. tin' tlions of the I?o9^lc In^an to ftTn>p tin- possibilij ties whic h this new development of I iVrevi ihtir town and count'.. Money ; * . jleosemd up ami every man ami Wijj man organ to take- an interest in i t he work of the hotel company. j Today the buildiltK ls niacin? cow? : ti o and the n* e hundred Uiouj sand dollars invested has been rab Jed h\ local men ... . ... V . . i A : .t-hy tnaf WMI make ino leaning i tourist hotels rl' the eoutury turn Mgreer with envy greets the eve of j H'the visitor when he *titers. Op^i) fire | f i.plan - add comfort and cheer to its] 1 j beauty. Ail modern convenience?1 * j lights. tub aii-i shower baths, tele1Jphones steam heat etc, are being iit-j iJ I stalled throughout. Of the 5) roams i:;.", have private baths. Suites ranging! j from two tc. tour room.4 each have "i' ceii arranged to cat" for the wants of the higher class tade. A roof gardor facing the mountain range is P |another feature of this modern ree i suit. Two dining rooms, public ami tl! private, with all silver service, will ad { a ?ii. linctivei ess to the place, unex'* called outside ugcp cities. The spacious kiwhfc hw scery roovon| ience known to ma.; with which to ) facdhit* the preparation of food, j Refrigerator rooms, a laundry, harbor shop, pressing parlor, etc., in the full basement, affords tic. service offered only by metropolitan hotels. * i Everything is modern and the guest who spends a week or stops for the night can easily forget that he is in a country town. The grounds have been laid out by a landscape gardener and the building ? IB. t-il-iixr .rt,--,: th.it 4? ? * - ^ nothing ho Tftglect* tl on the exterior ; that might cast reflection on the inI terior. A swimming pool, tennis court u | and other amusement features are embodied in the plans. The property has been leased to a company which operates a chain oi n tourist hotels throughout the south, I and the rents received on the five t* year contracts have proven very sat^ isfactory as an investment. The manaffomont <*intrant PCS to DUt meil if w charge of the work who understand the business and to furnish all minoi necessities that will offer additiona ^ comfort to the guest, elf has been a stupendous under taking for a small town, but the spir n it these men have manifested in th< ( work wiil surely prove a wonderfu ^ asset to the future of their county ca- -BOB ' HONEYCUTT INJURED io- WHILE HAULING LUMBEI R L. Honeycutt, well known abou 1 the town and tnrougliout the count dl-J met with a most unfortunate acciden r.i- .vt y turday While hauling lumbe on vhe Boo.ne-BIowing Rock road b een broke both hones in one v>f his leg' mri ; few inches above the ar.kie. 1); err- Perry set the limb, and the patier resting as veil as could be e'tpci d. r ? injury considered xerai r ' v ' v vy lorthwestern North CaroJi . 1925. 5 Ct*_ a Copy DYNAMITE RENDS BUSINESS HOUSES Blowing Rock Boys Use Sticks of Pow?i?*r sx Fire Crackers?PosloJfice and Bank Among the Buildings. Damaged?5 Arrests Made. At h. m Christmas morning the ns of Blow ing stock were arous ted from their slumber* by the explosion of dynamite on the streets. l.'p:?n investigation it was found that a number of young men in a Ford touring car were throwing :;ticks of lighted dynamite in such directions as they thought might result; in the most damage to property, The in'" shot was fired in front of the Ceev.'s building, and the ear moved >: up street where practically every ulate glass in the new postc#ftice buil-' ding was demolished, to say nothing ' f shattered and cracked walls and smashed glass of smaller dimensions. Mr. f'raig was perhaps the heaviest lo: . die only to th. fact ihat he had the most gias--, t.? break. The Ban)- and the Ilolshouscr ;.e ? Gre? n stores ?lid not ( .-{ ape the vandals. Kach in turn got the i ffects of the : : t explosive, whieh left ruin in j Th? -i on out to i ti Y . air was seen( us. that -"'n* it least, It was - >'d v . -:.i\ r that the atvihad i> from the i'? i lion? i of the t road crew; working near the towns there being a lot of it inissiiig). Si pieion v a- sEffliciemjy strong agahist five young nun that they r? arrested. Fred Vouiiji, Claude i eajgoe, Howard t):; nlme. O.ear W's and Hal Ward wore arraigned lY j;i --!ivnin;u y ie-ariier ?day af . 1*1.mil. ai d wi'ic bou Ui tourt m the sum of Sl.oou e. . ui the . weptum hi Warn who ' i a; his ? senjn. The bonds were si., > edly fill oil. none of the prisoners have been brought to jail. Tcleph< ?ne me-sages have been loo ute^fo fob us to gain nUifih idea as to the weight of the evidoncp, and it is not known of bourse if tho^tt arc the guilt\ aovs, hut some ones an-. Whoever they are, they are guilty of a rather serious felony, and Will lies' . Ve such pUftUhlltent U: is provider' for in such cases. Duke University is Now a Reality Raleigh. Orcon: er o.? Duke I'nivcrsity ' amended chattn) today when President \V. 1* Few Prof K. I- I* i '.v . rs, both of the iiet.lutiol eph (?. Brow n of thi Hoard ct . rusteos and Rev. \V. A. Sianhutv pastor ?f Eden to 11 Street Method-si ! Church of Raliegh. culled a* the of jfice of he sccretnrj of state aw j ook ou. the additional papers. * * * V "m r - was not a Utile lament thai E'isbop John Carlisle Eilgo conl no ;ve to set* his institution come t* u?h a fruition. The Bishop firs nteioflcd the Dukes greatly in tin Methodist's daring and perhaps n< I one man ever inspired sc. much mu i ' nincenee a.- he did. it is true that, iiI was dead set against football am i the return of the institution to th I game may have changed his attiiud < eccntuady toward it. And then i : may net. Anyway, when men tall .I ai out millions from the Dukes to ed ,j vacation they find it hard to dissc elate Bishop Kilgo. long its presiden and later of its directorate. Sees Moon With Farm Resource Chicago.?The moon ha sagncu' ( turai possibilities which some tim I may help to solve the food problem of the earth, Harold Hotelling c j the food bureau of Leiantl Stan for , university tcday told the con vent: o of the American statistical assoc'u tion. ?: 'From what w e know of the o] , i rat ion of atomic energy," he sai it is perfectly good possibility tin ; time in the future we may be ab to exploit the agricultural rcsourci I 01 the moor_." rl > ! ii direct method r! F.-.-otier: "I am a iaw abiding ai e j peaceful citizen." ;. Judge: "That may be true, but t: r. evidence shows that you knocked t it plaintiff senseless." Prisoner: "Sure judge, that was t o , c\ al go - peace. i I "THIS WEEK" oy ortibAQp, world's highest aUried ed'tor is a fe?tvrc wt( carry, handled hitherto by only the metropolitan Dailies. Read this column weekly. ma. -Established in 1888 NUMBER 52. MONT WELLBORN SHOT AND KILLED Christmas Comes Watauga's Par* of Disaster ILittle is Knows of Killing. Other New* from the Dory Gap Section. Six <"hilo Grtone- was tried at Itock\ I'oint Saturday to answer to a charge of killing: Mont Wellborn. Jr. f Ml. Zion on f "hr'stmas day. Ac??rding l;? the evidence WMlborn cam to Greene's home and they together had been drinking. No one outside of the family was present when Wellborn met hi death, he nee the scarcity of detaH. The defendant, however has stated that Wellborn was striking at and running aft r him with a knife, and that he punched him down with the shot gun and killed him a.i he began rising to the floor. Greene i.- in i>oone jail awaiting further orders r< gardii g a bond. Mr. A. G Mille r- hn> moved into a room ??f lit.- row residence, where he -pent < hn Unas The remandev of the budding w'll he completed a< Rapidly possible. Mi-- Dollie Greene, Saliit and. Ik .y Wellborn vi-itod at the home ioI Alfr ! Christmas ovej King, fcivi'i ; > u was oniei ;> _ Deep Gap on Christi is day it v.: - reported l\ r.i k n idenee to ; i. in . -. i . ia\ oj h f nr. Christmas. Vc .a-. glad I* i ti\<*?i win let v.hi-k en v'i.nsrmik- as well c.. i\\ Lhor day i the year. Mr-. Ida Welch has been .visiiiitg at the home of her fatlrw nr.d mother Mr. at I'd Mi K. I .-tuber. She spent the holidays here. We r.. :ii?nrrat that Mr. Clydi Win<'harder had written a 1 mk-!> article ?>:; the changes of time Mr. Wtnoharg r, if you wii! send me v.mr ! would like to give you some ifo mac ion along the writing art, for I believe you h?v< real talent along this line. Wo also noted a striking wrifceup from the cpriespcintloiU al 1'oscoe. Vou said some hip: things when you about th? tfoughcriy Brother# and the school which thej have built up m Boone. As to our will power in regard to oilv work, we can only say that wo are doing the best '-ve can. We have heard a iepo.it of fighting and shooting over in the "(Y.ves of Wilkes** by two young men. it seems ::hat whiskey is still flowing over there enough to make every man brutal eraxy in tyve or three counties. It does look like this liquor strong hoic could be broken up. if it takes the militia of the Mate to round then: I ? . -i. ... v.. i i :;{> I Fit.' Miia iiU! Mi.r.nn v/o^v ??. hard and the judge should he stem I in passing sentences. "| Whiskey and l?:ooushed dominate 1 , this section and how long this will o o tiie Lord only knows, if something is not done to clean it up. 1 ; A few moonshiners over there arc ' ' ruining the life blood of two or three ' counties. : FIND DEAD BODY ii OF AGED CITIZEN t Pfte" Auton, Living N-?ar Boone, k 1 Found in a Horribly Mangled Con* d it ion Rrsp?ctcd Citizen Interi ment Monday. tj Mr. Peter Auton, an aged citizen who lived alone ir. his humble home within three miles of Boone, was found dead in his vard Saturday, and R from appearances life had been extinct for some time, and the body z was thoroughly frozen. ? Some bogs about the place had atIS tacked the dead, and practically all f the flesh from his face, neck and d j chest had been torn away?in fact he was mutilated beyond recognition. He was not seen alive after Wednesday evening, when some girls >- went to his home to buy some ap[d pies. He closed his door and went If with them to the bam to get the J fruit. They paid him 25 cents and es that was the only money found on his person. He was undoubtedly stricken i down on his return, death probably j having been sudden . '"Pete", as he was familiarly ld known, was about 80 years old and ' the county never had a more honest upright citizen than he. Honest i to a cent, possessing a lot of native ability, he was respected by all. The remains were interred in the Winkler burying ground Monday.