1 ADVERTISERS As a medium through which * fc?* tell your wares The Democrat is unexcelled in country Ncvsapcrdom. Our subscribers are readers and Buyers. VOLUME XXXVI. Inaugural Finds Five New Faces in Cabinet Tfcrftc Ch*ngf? Came from Teapot Pome Resignation of Hughe* and Wallace* Death the Other*. Washington. March 4.?in the usua"' glow, careful arid deliberate way thai the ration has corne to know Calvin Coolulge, during the last 1.5] mor-ths. changes have been made un-j til nev when he takes oath of. office by his own election, the President has a cabinet, one half of which is new from the*which came to him from the Harding administration. Five of the; n cabinet members are new as the administration gets under way. \ The new members of the Presidents' official family are Kellogg, Warren, i Wilbur. Jardine and Work. In rc.-ditv tbc-re have been six new faces, but Har-an Fiske .Stone, passed on from the Attorney Generalship to the Supreme coijrt bench to be replaced by Warren of Michigan. Changes in the cabinet have been nnhnr: H and each new .-election iviv been nwced by circumstances. New hees Sue and Alice Taylor #pent the week end at home. Charming: in every detail was the reception given by Mrs. T. H. Taylor on last Wednesday night, honeying her son Mr. Thomas Taylor, and his bride, rice Miss Emma Mast The hall and living room were artistically decorated with jonquils and evergreen sprays. The guests were ii n nl nnrl tki. liwinrr mnm and iter. jell A? tu ui im. ?i ? nip, iuuiu onu uobered into the dining room, which was attractive in decorations of sprays, smilax, ferns and roses. An elegant buffet supper was served by Misses Alice Tayior, Anne Moretx, and Ruth Moore, of 1-enoir. to about forty assembled guests. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Finley Mast delightfully entertained Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and a number of other invited guests. SHE DOES "Before I'd paint up and smirl at the good looking men in our of lice,, I'd rather stay home forever." % says the old fashioned flapper. Nov read the heading again. $1.50 Per Year BOONE. McLean Acts to Defea! Clark Road Measure Measure Seekjng to Locali/e High way Work Put on the Shelf. Day S.nv-tl for Preaeflt Rond Builders. Raleigh. March 3.?Governor MoLean's powerful influences with the 1025 general assembly was again emphasized in the senate this morning when the hill to increase the membership of the state* highway commission was returned to the senate committee on roads upon motion i f Senator Oscar Clark of Bladen, one of the introducers of the bill. The agreement which brought the motion from the Bladen member was reached at a conference prior to the morning's senate session between Go vernor McLean and twenty-four sen ators who wore avowed supportersof the proposal to ?ivc each highway district three commissioners; MrMcLean told the senators that enactment, of the bill would embarass him and he requested they abandon their fight. Had the bill reached <1 vote in the senate it would undoubtedly have passed Th?- sponsors were claiming easy sailing in hte house. Once back in committee however, the measure would be allowed to rest with the consent of its introducers. Friends of the highway commission feel that Governor McLean's notion probably saved the pie-eat organization from be-ng "u scrapped.'1 Knacimert of the measure certainly would have brought the resignation of Chairman Frank Page, and several of the district commissioners. H would have localized highway construction beyond a doubt, although the supporters claimed that it would 4 democratize the commission" and thereby add greater popular support to run dtuilding. The support of many prominent in public life was claimed for the measure by its sponsors. One senator made the assertion that O. Max Gardner. Democratic State Chal, ."!* John C. Dawson and United States Senator Simmons had given their approval ol* the bill. ASSOCiATiONAL RALLIES Associational Rallies will be held for the Three Forks Association at Gove Greek Thursday March 12. and for the Stony Fork Association at Mt. Vernon church Friday March 19 At each place the meeting will begin at 10 a. m. and continue to M p. m Dinner w <1 i>? served on the greumtl at both places by the ioca! churches. Among the speakers at these meet ngs will be Rev. and Mrs. K. D. tt'.u kenbrok and Revs. W. L. Griggs, and L Shiun. There will be other local , speakers. Ali pastors, deacons* director? Sur day School, \V. M. U., D- V. P. U , ? in kers and leaders are invited tc attend. Every church in the respective associations are asked to sent at least four delegates. The announcement that the Tallj for the Three Forks Association was to be held in Boone was a mistake It is to be at Cove Creek instead. Let pastors and Superintendent: take it up wit htheir churches nexi Sunday and appoint four of theii number lo attend. We are expectin| great meetings at Cove Creek ant Mt. Vernon. We invite all to attend F. M. HtfGGlNS SMALL! NG-TR1VETT * Of local interest is the announce ment following, which has recentl; been made: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Trivett announce the marriage of their daughter Reta Mae to Mr. W.lbur C. Smalling on Saturday February twer.ty-firs nineteen hundred and twenty-five Pincy Flats, Tennessee AIN'T IT THE TRUTH? Mrs. Friendly: "And do you war ' your little son to follow in his fi t her's footsteps? " Mrs. Truthful: "Heavens no. If h uocs he will fetch up every day : some bootiefrger's door." LAZY LARRY AGAIN Zeke; "Say Larry, I'd like to tak : vou in with me on the promotio - of this land." Larry: "Nope, thanks. Two th'.rc f of promotion is motion and it's m for me." in$a WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH CAE AT in TI/r?T^T/-r X. r V,' U K VV n,tLS\ L, I OF LEGISLA (By ML I? Shipman.) Raieigh, March 2.?Recommending changes n departments which j would drastically re-organize affairs j < at the capfiol, strikirig fear deep in | the hearts of state employees and in j general sounding a note of determir.-1 ed opposition to waste in government j s ; and employment of more than the. ac-j I I tunl number of workers needed to j ' keep the state's affairs operating, t V Governor McLean appeared before j c the General Assembly on Friday. J n This was easily the outstanding event j I of a week crowded with nrnttiM-s t legislative significance. j c During the week the measure ere- 1 t athsg an executive budget system! t w.-> passed; the state-wide Austral- r an ballot system was defeated by I 1 parliamentary tactics led by Tobe; s i iiir-r of Wilson and seconded by j t Lis\ii \t of Durham and Turlington; of lvedeii who n?ad? the motion to y ; table; th-. revenue bill was submitted j v j and given approval of the House I r jvMt- yir.g tv. oivi.- millions in revenue: c th*- salaries of all state employees t I wort published as required by the t resolution ??f Senator Humphrey: a . i to c rcate a pardon board to take c the function of clemency from i lie governor was introduced, a mca- I sure was favorably reported to in- r the size of the state highway I i- iv.mi.-sioiy; the measure to inves-ii freight rates and water trans-ji' jitivi.-t! ion wen? over till this week, a , t'fic measure to abolish the statewide r : primary war- t as a special order i e for Tuesday night: the. lull was pass-; s od to Construct a $600,000 toil bridge i j over the Chowan river and a biii was ? . pa-sed to ailow New Hanover county L ! I.rv build !i c-1 -2RO.OOO hrirff;' <*nn. * j nect Wilmington with the State high; v J way from Wilmington to Asheville, j a i. i ;"hr.rii)[t"; resolution expressing \ confidence in W. N Everett, Secre- c i tary of* state. ! i i It was a busy week for the legis- 't . iators, featu r?rd by two sessions in i ; each house every day and capped i with the speech of Governor Me- < Lean, in brief the governor recom- : mended that the revenue collecting ! agencies *.>f the stale, the Insurance 1 Department, and the. Secretary of > State's department, ami authorities supervising bus lines he shorn of the \ powers and that ail revenue be coi- , ' lected by the department of revenue ' This will transfer the auto license ( department to the Revenue depan mcr.i. He further recommended the , , creation of a sairy commission to ! investigate the work being done by each employee of the State, to fix: 1 the salary of each employee com-i. mensurate with the work accomplish- j ed and to recommend where employ j res might be dropped. The merging of the revenue collecting agencies the Governor argues also would re-! suit in decreasing duplication of work with the result and dropping of many employees at a great saving. He further argued for a system of turn ^ intr .virnr mnritMC pcill'M'twl Hailv C to the treasurer and to have the treasurer as the only officer of the r * j state with a hank account. This, he said would make available to the C Treasurer ail funds of the state and '.vouId prevent short term financing to a large extent, the interest being saved. The Australian ballot bill went to y defeat 56 to 55 in the house when it was tabled. Connor of Wilson stood out in the forefront of those willing to deny a man's right to vote secretly when he made the motion to reconsider the vote by which the bill was tabied, and brought about the i motion by Everett of Durham, to table the Connor motion, seconded by Connor and the clincher w as put to} the bill preventing its further cor.-; siderafcion this session. The bill had been brought up when an unfavorable j report was refused, and a minority! report accepted, i- v,;n .... ?. 1UK IW?VHUC will vaiiY l"t> wflA. M IIC , . dules estimated to raise twelve mil , IC lions was considered and approved lt by the House. It is now in the Se-; I nate. The appropriation bill provides J S for spending fourteen millions yearly so either the revenue must be ra:s| ed or the appropriations cut. : Publication of all state salari -j paid aroused a great deal of com-1 j& mint and was referred to by Cover-j jt, nor McLean in his message It showed | a number of highly paid persons, in I tOLINA, THURSDAY MARCH S. RESUME TIVE EVENTS OF LOCAL INTEREST By Senator Bro*n?An act to change the name oC the Appalachian Training School and to outline its organization powers and duties. owie cases the salaries bemar far a>ove the average paid for similar vork ir> private business. The pardon ?oard bill was introduced on request >f Governor McLean and probably he tpproveit The Executive will be reieved of clemency duties. The hill o increase th? size of the highway lomrnission frura 1) to 2? was objoccd to by Frank Page, chairman of he commission, but was favorably eported. It is a special order for Fitesday morning and Mr Page has tated that he will probably not ooitinue ?n office if it passes. It is his belief that the back-door ?o!.it - from hack heme, want to :et in or. the "politicking" of the oah.s and he ays this will ruin the iganitfatto c Sentiment here appears 0 ha strongly with the chairman and he measure probably will be lost. The general assembly expressed on fide me in the personal and official utility of Secretary of State W N. Sw.reti b> the passage of a joint ^solution during the evening* seasons of the two branches Friday, the Score la ry has been subjected to crilcisrn <>!'? account of the number of rutomobilos reported as having been turchased by his department and beause of what is considered by some is an excessive salary paid the maniger of the automobile bureau. The solution, introdrsced in the Senate >y Senate Harris and Mendenhall, msfted that body without a dissenting ote and was sent to the house by 1 special messenger. Similar action cav, taken by the house and the res fetation was ordered enrolled for ratficntiop. It follows: "Whereas there rave been curtain attacks directly uado and others by insinuation and nuenda. affectinir the official con iuct ?t" the Hon. \V. \ Kverett, the Secretary of State. Now therefore, >c it resolved by the Senate, the thus? of Representatives concurring hut this general assembly expresses t- full confidence? in the high integv 'y. character and official conduct of Ke said W. X. Kvcett, Secretary of Siate ?n the performance ot all his afKcxat duties. In a -necrn! message on Friday. ommunicated by messenger. Governor McLean requested the General Assembly to enact proper legislation ; ? provide for the appointment of a commission ot* twelve persons, who would serve without pay, to make in extensive study of the State school system. The Governor called attention to the fact that during 'he past Ax years investments for educational purposes have been unusually heavy and the cost should be kept within the ability of the taxpayer to pay. The commission would study costs, needs and ministration of the State schools, the message points oat. with a view to eliminating "overlapping efforts and expense. A bill in accord with the governor's recommendation is in the making. The House committee on agriculture put itself on record Friday afternoon in favor of letting the rales of the co-operative selling associa tions stand. The meeting was by all odds the largest experienced by any legislative committee at this sessrior of the general assembly. The Braswell bill sought to permit member* of cooperative selling associations tc withdraw by filing notice, but tht committee "sat upon" the proposa by a vote of 23 to 11 and a big crowe of farmers went home disappointed Ko accounting, some of them wen saying, for the action of a legislative committee, anyhow. With only one week remaining o: the sixty day limitation, during whicl it may complete its work, the genera aaavnuij KN fAjJt'iifU lu un recent practice of holding day ant night sessions. The working member are care worn, weary and homesick Those who spend their time in happy-go-lucky -ort pf way and fol low the "leaders at voting time ar rot taking very seriously the const.an daily grind of legislative matter; Sixty days will have expired 011 Sat urday night of th present week bu the middle of the week followin 1925. 5 Cu. HCC| Boone Will Get the Hosiery Mill i 50 f'o.'i-n Pair*, of Hose Will 1 Turned Out Daily in Plant to I Started Early Next Mouth. Mr. S. Grove owner of a kmttir plant. ;?t Hickory, was in Boone agai ast week, and plans wore perfect* for moving the equipment to Boor. Messrs Grove, W. 1! Grajgg and V M. Cook owning the stock which w: , supplemented by an additional ar ou.ot., donated by the citizens ef tl , lewi: at large to defray the expend of move c machinery, installing i etc. The officers are: \V. H. Grag j President; C. S. Grove, Vice-Pre | and W M. Cook, jSgc-Tteas. Mi. Grove has ?>* - n in the hostei business ior the past 30 years ar is confident that Boone an ide location for a plant of this kind. There will be 32 machines with capacity of 150 doz< >! pairs of fit guage ;r2:s hosiery, made in hoi silk arVl cotton, per day. This indu try w ive employment te at lea 32 girl- or women, when the pla. | is going at capacity, and those ui, | ing employment, should write M j Coot :u once, as u is -he identic 1 ?( ti (;mpan> ' ? hem', I craUot I :y i next momli. The < eqairi i meat - are good moral character ar wilimp s tti work. "i i; "T;pany ha rented the S r and fl? r of the S. <\ Eggcrs s-toi building and have ?ptio . wi the ei .; > property- with a \iew to buyir t if this trade i closed, a dytii ami finishing plant will be put in. THE PRESIDENT FIND PLEASURE IN OFFIC Wash ngtbn, March 2. l'vmidoi Cooiidgo. roon than any IY> del i since Taft, appeals to bo rea'.'.. e .joying hi- job. (' .uiindicting the popinm mprc ?ion that running the government a "killing'' work. Mr. Coolidge. < . i. -- ' - - * ' . itv t;vt t.i run inauguration is eig fiouiid.s heavier than whon hi* took :> -ice at itv can of President liar .ng's death and ha:- scrupulously a ; plied a mixture of pleasure and wo "> tin end that his burdens are beii tns*ed off with dispatch and wi no apparent, ill effects upon himsc The fact is that the President !ik his job and hence takes daily men ores to prevent its exacting routi: from becomii g irksome. He perm neither his work nor his recreate to interfj&v with the other. No better indtcaiion of this is he found than his decision to establi a sir in m* r White House, first at 1 j home of his father at Plymouth, \ ! and svrobnd at the -tftnmer home I his friend. Frank il. Stearns Swam pse oil, Massachusetts, Sevei weeks will be spent at these two pi ces this iiiumer, according to t . present plans. Lnlike :h late President Wils who established himself ir. the sui mer of i-* 11> in a cold and isolat retreat at Long i3ranch, X. J., whi Mr Wilson grew to thoroughly d like befor? his vacation was ov Mr. Coolidge is going to make I summer home 'with the folks"?1 | parents and ins friends. There ' can do just what he wishes, wh ' he wishi and with whom he wish< apart trout toe motley crowds of ci I i ious. THL LOST BATALL2CN May 1 urge every member of t . j American Log", on a ltd a)) ex-scrvi i men in Watauga County to see tl 5 ! great production. To see it will ren . | our memories of the great war a bring; about closer ties of com rat j ship. Through the courtesy of t [management of the Pastime Theal ^; half the proceeds will go to the ht #; efit of the local post of the A me j! can Legion. Again let rne urge evt j ex-service man to be present and advertise the picture among yt ^ friends. S F. HORTON, Com man* may f;r.d the solorl^stiTmr the j f j The State wide primary meast II will corce up this week but if pre j 1 dent followed, the politicians \ B j choke it off- The North Carol jj League of women V oters is agai _ the Nea) report biil and this orga zation may have better luck in a- fieht to retain the primary than tl i did with the Falls Australian Bal e! Bili in thi House last week. The big financial measures are . to be enacted These out of the "v I will be a signal for the exodus members which will not be ea: 1 checked. The going is likely to g gin on next Monday. ! "THIS WEEK" t i?y Briabxuv, world'i k^heit salnvied i-ditcr is a feature we carry, handled hitherto by only the metropolitan Dailies. Read this roiunts weekly. ?y NUMBER NINE Meeting Bd. E ducation Is! is Largely Attended >ts School Committeemen. of. County >c Meet With Board in Interest of the School Consolidation Pimm ^ A meeting ? f the Board of Eduin cat'-un and tr: school committeemen ?d of the county had b?ken widely adver et * cd for Monday. Notwithstanding V. the cold snow;. day that it was, the is court house vva-, paektu with rep ren vntative citizens from every comie munity m the county. Every man was eg anxious to know what this '"County it, Wide Consolidation" scheme means E, to him and his school, and rightly s; so. Two representatives of the State ry Board of Education, Professors Howid ard and Ed mist en, wer present, al j Prof. Howard spoke with reference to t ho hen??fii, nrwn rvr... a schools, aft'r first making :t clear tejihat the state has absolutely nothing Lh. to do with consolidation except it: s. I an advisory < opacity. Tref. Edrmsteii st presented the n?:*n of consolidation it as proposed v> r the- entire county 1: and discussed the same at length, r.. r??? plat) presented provider for in ten consohdated school of from is seve i u v, ..eh< uh, leove ing -a' . aoz 11. tnostiv ore-leaid ehfr Si i?' hey are now This piaa. : dopieO. could r?c c- worked ou ads and other re thing., m ik I'o. siit . Irt ftti't i am ii- told hy zb- county CTiRtendt-ni. ig jvich of - '-i:ld doU' tUss iKvcr he ig S uli\ ear i.e.-; out. j As the lav in no v. the Board of ; Education cannot maki any change ! in any district, ncithi ? < an they legE ally erect a school btpiriiog until some nt county-wide plan is adopt* d. After nl one is adopted then the Board can n- make ->uch changes as may be eieemed wise .ifrer hearing the citizens a- who would bts affected by such a is change. 'H The question of added costs in the ht building and in transporting the chi! f- divn ?s the part that ?s creating ar.xeiy s,mong our people, p The v ounly .v'jjwrintfiiilciit tdb ik us that he is sure the Board of Ed >g ucation is net going to do .my rash th or foolish act in this, connection if- The question of the adoption of es the plan wili be taken up again the is* first Monday in April. lie its MclXAN PLANS TO on NAME THE ROAD BOARD Rstleiss-h. Mureh A.?Governor Mr Lear. stated tonight he expected w> |%L. make appointment.. to the state high 7t. >va.v commission before the end of the week. The terms- of Chairman at I'age and four of the membei-s will raj . xpire on April 1 The executive alia. so said he would probably appoint p MR I. L. COFFEY DEAD ew ad Mr. L. L. Coffey, an aged citize* le- of Shuils Mills died after a lingei;he ing iiiness on the 11th of February Ler. and was buried on the 12. Dece&?;n id was the father of Commissioner ;ri- O. L. Coffey, was well knowr. thrown out this secttioii, and highly esteemto . ed. He was 02 years old. >ur A CORRECTION ioT I>ast week a statement was made in this paper to the effect that the Associations) Conference was to b* ^j held in Boone Thursday March 12, when it should have been Cove Creek ma list [ :ni- Tom Tarheel says that it docs look the like folks are going to tempt the boll ley | weevil too far this year by planting Hot too much cotton and not enough food and feed crops. yct! yay of I BLONDF. BESS OPINES si!y; "He who hesitates gets black and be-! blue imprints of an automobile bumj per on his?shins.