MARCH 26. >925. ' | LOCAI. XfojajPEMNGS The Boone Trail Cafe wiraaRf-ment entertained .*vt a six o'clock dinner yesterday in honor of the court. Besides the Judge a^d Solicitor the bar was present, together with Mrs. F. A. Lir.ney, Mrs M I'. Critcher, Mrs. L'. S. Coffey, Mis;% LaQuex. The iii>hiiwh.-rv nf Mi nin/?rat of Mty had to decline the manager's kind invitation- The fowl wa- of th<* greatest variety, expertly prepared, and the service of the host. Those so fortunate as to have been present are thoroughly appreciative of Mr. Moody's kindness and have many words of praise for his now and ultra modem establishment. Our friend Mr. E. M. Greer, now 8-1 years old. was in to see us Toesday. He cashed in four subscriptions for r? year each. to three of his sons and one grandson, all residents of the vest. For this courtesy we thank the venerable gentleman ffc seems to be in good health although not entirely recovered from a serums fall he. bad in January, when he slipped from a rock cl lf. falling I I feet on hi.-, bead and sheuioors. The only effect. now feit is a slight stiffness in his neck. Dr. McG. Anders of Gas-tonia and ^ Boone is circulating among friends nere after the close of the school in Gaston ui. Mr. Ilarrell, an employee of the Linville River Koad has broken dirt for tin* erection of a pretty home near the Daniel Boor.e Hotel. Mrs. Clint Thomas was a visitor to her grand parentis Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Baird last week. News from K\She riff K. K. Kggcrs who is taking treatment ir: Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, is more encouraging than previously. His son. Mr. Clyde Kggers, who accomnanied hin:. has returned and is right much encouraged. Letters from i ho sick man this week statu that he i.getting along right well, and it i.nis intention to come hum. within the next few days. Attorney .i. ('. Fletcher, his stenographer. Clerk of the Court Moore and Register of Deeds Crisp, all of Lenoir, were in town a short while Tuesday, returning to their homes going via N. Wilkesboro. Young Donald Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. ('. Green of Blowing Rock by the accidental discharge of a shot gun, inflicted a serious wound in hi* foot last Friday. He was rushed to the Watauga Hospital here, where two toes and a portion <>f the foot v. ere amputated He is improving ni coly and it is believed that the un fortunate accident will not cripple him to ??i: > great extent. Friend R R llodges of Paris. To has returned and will remain hen during ile- suinne iU> i'nends am relatives, ,n Watauga are alwn\ - glac ic? see linn niiiM.'. Prof. I - Wilson ??f the A T. S faculty, who has just compieied . three I d? lti v?- cuui M li i*i a body. Nasin iilc. i i. ni:., iias returnee # and is again ai tin work is In < r " <ion:g ofmier i> lor -mile iile ''madi the tfrade" all right; hui will not get his A. M. degree unti the summer term at the University. The building for the Hosiery Mil is now being put in condition and tin machinery will be installed e:?i!y n Aprii. Messrs II. IC. Deal and Ben Dtigge will. then families, who hav< spot? the winter in Florida, passed *hroagi Sunday on their way home. The} report a wonderful sojourn in thi "land of flowers*' and the long jour fiev there and back was made with out trouble, the roads fine aiul tin weather ideal. Mr. Deal was a calle at the shop Monday. He said man} ?-f the tourists in Florida told hill that on their return they were corn ing back by way of the Boone Trail A number of others engaged boaiv in his home for the summer. The earn enters have driven t h< last nail n the Daniel Boone Hotel and the painter will complete thei work within the next few days. -J stone retaining wail along the strec has been built* ami work on the lawi wili be pushed until completed. Mr. W. H. Gragg continues to buih 1VI sxair IM I I'lH. ? U:M. ilUH III" iri JJIIM1 ing to completion another bungalov in the eastern pari of town. If yoi contemplai? moving to Bool it- se him. COVE CREEK ITEMS v, The school was glad to have Rev Ben F. Smith at the chapel service on Monday, lie was accompanied to Mr. Uriah Farthing. The girls of the Cove Creek schoo played the Boone girls a game o basketball oh Tuesday night. An ev en number of points was scored bt both teams and the game stood a tit when time wa> called. With the basket b ill season ovein le rest is now t?eing turned to base ball Captains and managers of firs and second teams have been eleetcn and the teams organized. The firs game was played Saturday with th< Mabel team, the score Standing 7-1 in favor of the Cove Creek Higl School. Many stude: ' and several of ih? faculty attemh j court on Monday there heir;** r.o school on that da\ It is planned t<> make up the day iv having school on Saturday. Only a month e ma ins of the sehoo year and a very important montl It is. If for any reason a studen loses out the last month, his recor< for the entire year may be serious!: injured. The attendance has beei good except during the las t fe\ weeks it has been lessened on accoun of mumps. Boss?"What is your idea in tell ing me a lie like that?" ^ Office boj?"I'm trying to qualif; as a road salesman for this firm." 1 I WORTH WH1LF. CLUB Friday afternoon March 20. the j ladies of the Woitii While Club en-j joyed an imaginary crip to irclajuS. I Each in?est upon arriving at the home j of Mrs. W. L. Trivett was escorted, 1 by Miss Nell Trivott into the sunj narlor where she "kiss?i\i the Blarney 1 Store." then passed into an adjoin-! ing room where a most interesting;!,; Irish program awaited them. i j With the president ir. charge the following program was enjoyed by' all A reading entitled "Joliv St. Patrick" was given by Mrs. -1 T. (V W right. A recitation "the Birthday of St. Patrick," by Ruby Trivett , Misses Lucy Moretz. Audrey Ali phic.. Marianna and Nolle Trivett i delighted the club with an Irish ran! sical program. They gave several seI lections of the popular Irish songs iha! never grow old. Business interests were now taken ijx Some old business iunes were ? disposed of and some new plans wen iis. uss"d and committees appointed ! to complete same. A request was made for help for | a needy family in the Beaver Bam j section Also tin needs of others in our own coin in unity were to he ii.-j Vestigated and reports made. Each guest ?*; " hiisiasfcically participated in the Green Contset. This contest being a very unique one was somewhat of a puzzle to most of the guests. Miss Lucy Moretz seemed to possess more Irish wit than the rest and won a beautiful fiowc-r basket. Fhe fuu-provoking event of the afternoon was the pig contest. Mrs. 1. M. Morotv was ih< winnc of the pri/?* pig. <?f which die. i very proud.' Dainty refreshments were - ? rv?-? Tin individual cakes with shamrock j designs of frosting made the guests believe they were still in Ireland The next meeting of the club will he at the home of Mrs. John Greer .with Mrs. Greer and Mrs. Iliiggin.| hostesses. FRIDAY AFTERNOON C.T.UB j llespitahlp and charming was Mr' | H. L. Wilson as she entertained the Friday Afternoon Club March 20th at her home on Howard Street. She ushered her guests iirGi rooms appropriately and beaut ifully decorated j : with jonquils and other spring flow-j ? The aften.<011 was pleasantly) 'i oonl in needlework. friendly com radoshiji, and p n?.ie;|>a?i..n in fashioned j>amos. 1" :. w. .. busine nu etipg du ( j* i '.i? which :ho .seerej&p-y gave a most! i "ter imp iepo?: Mrs. Wii-er: u.-h-j . i d into t h i dining room | l where he -1. corn* ion wtite ve;low j ' and white and v.'bere dainty yellow j and while baskets of nutits hold in . dividual place cards for all present.) ? Thyi e l,!i? in - ess .--istcd by her j 'niece. Miss \ rna Xewton and Miss' L I-ouise t'ritcher served a delightful i i ?wo course luncheon: The first being| ^ Manhattan salad, tomato sandwiches voat loaf sandwiches, stuffed cheese; nop pi is and hot coffee. The second j course consisted of yellow and white l r brick ice cream ami cuamei cake) ' ; wit h maple nut s. . . ... . . - 1 . I I he x'Hib gladly welcomed Mrs. l .' O. (Iivr hack again. and >he will ' entertain the club next tinn . ZIONVILLE HAPPENINGS ,'j Money is being made up for the il purpose of re-fencing the enietery 1 If any one would like to help pleast 1 send contribution to Mrs i'. T. \Var-: 1 Mr. Walter Thomas, w ho is lu ei:; k right sick, i.- some better. [ Mrs Lai yd Eli.v. Mrs: K M. Greer, and .Miss Blanche Greer p> a fewdays in Boone last week. Loyd Grogun is home from Mary-i land for a few days. Mr. and Me. 1.. Greer motoredj :o Kb/.al>cthton !;.-i Sunday Their J daughters Mesdames Penn and Grind! 1 staff retiimccl with them *.>d will' i | spend a few days in the village. - Mes.-rs Loyd Eller and Ralph Greer ? j spor t the week end with home folks - ; here. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ragnn and ? mother from Boone ^pent the day in - Zionville Sunday. t Quite a crowd met at the home! I of Mis. Myra Grogain on Sunday' II w here a birthday dinner wa- prepar- j ? i ed in honor of her children, Lloyd 1 Grogan and Mrs. W. M. Brawn. i Mrs Mollie Greer is right sick again. r j Mrs. Jamts Burkett and children . | have been visiting relative.- here. i BOONE BAPTIST CHURCH ij Sunday School 10 a. m. r>' B. .V P. V. *>:30 p. m. t1 Wo had 223 in Sunday School on 1 last Sunday. y* Prayer meeting: Wednesday night' ti at (>:30. v Senior B. V. P. U. gives a program I t at Fifth Sunday Meeting at Willow-j dale next Sunday at 3 p. m. We hope to have a number from - our church to attend the Fifth Sunday meeting at Willowdale next Satyr urday and Sunday. Indications are that we will have great meetings. rHE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?? On account of getting; to Boone iatt la:-! Monday Dr. A. \M Dels is returning Monday March ,*>0. to finish fitting bis patients with glasses. Same place as past 25 year Blackburn's Hotel. WANTED?Residence lot in Boone. for around $200. Desirable location See or write 1-- A. Hen son, Vilas, N. J C. 3-26 3p| SOU SALE?ICEBURG LETTUCE! Plants, 25 cents per hundred or $2 j per thousand. Catawfc i Creamery Co. J Hick'.? y, N. C. I * i FINE STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE NOW Grown if new ground. The oostj plants thai 1 have veer offered the public, by }>arco! post at the follov-' eg prices: Standard Varieties 1>?. Burril, 00 Cts. per H. $4.00 per Mj Senator Dunlap, 00 cents per hundred > 5.00 per M.. Haul .Tones. 00 cents , r hp; dr-'d. $-?.G0 per M., Big1 Wonder i arge - an apple) $1.00 per M; Premier. 00 ? {.- pci hundred, $4.0<?; nor M. Everbearing I'rogressive, $1.00 per 100, $0 perM; World's Champion, $1.50 per 100' \ 4.00 )?er M. Every plant is guaranteed to be good. Address J. L. HARTLEY. Linvillc NC 3-26-3c j \ -n'iith I SAFETY DRUGSTORE Which is headquarters for I BABY NEEDS Kv. rytb.nK f.,r ? 1, y ' .. nua'th nut hajtpiross. (vantle. k \'irplet. I.. ... i . , : ;uii.s iimi Dins j Tmy Tut fatcum and Sonp i n . . 7. I f'urotvct /tfv Stoa ? rale oud Enfant Suppositories, ??c Baby deserves the best. Get the best at BOONE DRUG CO. nUr JVtVtt BOONE -- North Carotins Hall's Catarrh Medicine local and internal, and has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio OXYGEN CARRIERS Millions ot" red-blood cells, oxygen carriers, arc bom in a healthy body every day. The ability of these ceils to cnnch the blood depends upon how veil you are nourished. Scott's Emulsion brings to the body rich vitaminnourishment that is easily j absorbed b7 the blood-making organs to build strength. I Scott's Emulsion nourishes and strengthens wonder- 111/ I fully ?velL ?4e> | .Scott A Bonne. Bloom field. K. J. t* Raw, Sore Throat j Eases Quickly When You Apply Musterole And Musterole won't blister like the j old-fashioned mustard plotter. Just ; spread it on with your finders. It pea i tratec! Pight to the sore spot v.irh a j gentle tingle - tooscoiug congestion j drawing out the pain. Musterole is a clean, white ointment. | made with oil of mustard, cleverl;, cor ingredients. Nothing like Mustcrole for j croupy children. Comes in jars or tubes. | 35 and 65 cents, foil strength for adults: for babes and children under six, ask I for the mild form ? Children's Musj t.erole. Setter than a mustard plaster VERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C dra.w.dula s; I ? <W ? * x I have been licensed by cxarrcratsoi T b> >,<? Sia'p Boards of of j Nor* Can i:nr.. .th x":t-.: T? - . ^ r.?.- a-;d |Tonour<.-.Ml thor.-u^hly com- ! petr-n*. to examire e>es and f:*. ;.:a-vi J to correct defective vision. 2i> year* active experience I o kept -a- t<? 1 *. date b?. d?in,t Feet-Graduate work, at- j k ten-Jir.K lectures ?'.?d '.aking special j l c. irses every year 1 to see better see dula a Have v'.ur eves tnd your ch.iurer.'s try examined by a --r'l known nr. * re- ; S lie bit a inherit;- on and \i-.i THE OLDEST. THE REST t EC TIPPED, i HE .MOST ' il>,- . GRESS1VE E> F.SIGHT SPECJAi I 1ST AND OPTOMETRIST. j SI'ULT.S MILES, Frid'r.y th.. 27*.h { LENOIR Saturday March 23th. and Monday March 20 BOONE, N. O. Monday March 20. t BLOWING ROCK. Tuts. Man h 21. ^ f ani always at Lenoir Personal} P .. ol-rtio, ..?.l I < . ? u.v.... winc^ tii x?ciiv>ir ? it always open with licensed Opto-: ir.cuist i:. charge, the? Dr. 1". M. Duia or myself. ] Two of the best equipped opto? rr.c*:ic oflico in N.eth Carolina also a complete lense grinding depart inert and lepair shop. DAY OLD CHICKS?Reds, Rocks, Wyandott.s, Leghorns, Anconas. A ' hatchery near home. Write for prices. V -it us when in North Wilkesboro. \f \% ilkes Hatchery, J. C. Henry, Prop. 2-12-6p ( ATTENTION BOYS AND GIRLS! j Tf you are contemplating taking a business course we ask you to write " ; us for our catalogue. We teach the following courses: Accountancy-degree, Complete Banking, Secretarial Stenographic, Teachers', Commercial 1 Teacher's, Bank-Bookkeeping Ma- 1 | chine, and Civil Service. We guarantee to place you in a position. Write us for our Guarantee Contract. ? DRAUGHONS BUSINESS COLLEGE Winston-Salem, N. C 3?5-12-19-26 i r L IN Ql T i j < 11 i i hi ii iii i. New: t< New<.( w C! New" New' U: a. & e THOROUGH BKSD flOLSTKINS for j .. (Jo* snd hi J Soon to be! rc.-l\ A. (?. Moretx.. D<-?p Gap. X 0. j -12-19-26 Wanted iVOOL-WOOL -WOOL I will pay you considera jly more money for your 1.1 11 ~ ^ vooi man [ nave seen otered in any paper up to His time. I will make you iberal advance on your vool if so desired. Will sign the contract to take he wool f. o. b. your ship >ing point, and will furlish sacks. Do not get ooled out of your wool. rite me before contrac:ing or selling. It will pay /ou to do so. Write and see. M. F. HOPKINS Elizabethton, Tennessee.' 2-19-6c 6 MONEY TO LOAN ii you are in oa money and i-ive good farmi?!g land ?< offer as! c irity we ajr. a po ;.*ion to com-; >i\ wuji v our \,i ;i pp| c-nt nMis ; j carelu! and cor id craft att~n. If interested see or write SUt\I? grove national, farm .(JAN ASSOCIATION Uu-- I?. Hodjjes. &ccy-Trcas., Boone, N. C. _____ 1 A AN TIl.1 A?you ran make $10 to $70 j weekly in Watauga County selling j \Vh;tm< r's complete guara.nteed line! Home Remedies. Extracts, Toilet Ar-! tir les, etc. Bowles of Alabama made j ?.r>0 in -r> da\> *h" sixth week. You i need team or earl Good? sold credit j or cash. Heal opportunity for work t*r. Write today for fall information The H. (\ Whitmer Co.. Ik pt. A.. Colnmhus Indiana. l-26-3p m& BR sr 4 BAB ALITY At COST he NEV Jot Economical Transportation aiue with its success b; uaiity at low cost, Chevro :r quality than ever befon Chassis?from radiator t uality features of constrc rould expect to find only irs. odies of even greater be (pen models have many a losed models with fine I r?ish in beautiful colors rad enduring Duco that rei istre indefinitely and wi sage. . Chevrc Boone, N. C. PACE Fivw OL!) FIDDLERS CONVENTION Will Be Held ?l BOONE, .N C. at the Court House, Saturday Night, March 28, at 8 o'clock We expect to have the best music ever heard at this place. W P. Blankcnship will be present and furnish some fine music on the hand saw. Everybody come out and enjoy the good music. W P BLANK EN SHIP. Mgr. Admission ? 15 & 25 Cts. FOR ? THOROUGH PR EI c?? . : jn, males and females. for I -i far hitch* if taker within .lays. See W. H. Sims, ah ShuUs Mi. N. < . TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Th:s i t.. notify all pet : >: s concerned. that >?? *??*^aaa4" * 1 mad- Governor for the pardon Love. All oppo?od " -Mid pardon are notified file their protests to the Governor. This 24th day of March J.025 POLLY LOYK. Mother. NOTICE Having qualified a administrator of the estate of .W. Coffey deed 1 will on the 11th day of April 1 !>25 at the -i"' residence of said deeejo ed. sell at public auction the fellow injr article-; of personal property: Ford truck. 2 Wapons. 1 Man? ar.d rake, 1-3 interest in wheat drill. 1 Cider mill, 2 Hoiscs. 1 pair s'njrle harness. 2 plows, 1 pair fioor scales. 3 bed steads, entire nursery stock. Farm tools. 2 stacks hay and many other articles of personal property .? > rous to mention. Terms will he made known on day of sale. This 20th day of Marc h 102a. D. C. COFFEY, Administrator 3-26-2p t LOW M ised on selling let now has grea i o rear axle, new tction that you on higher priced auty and comfort dded refinements "isher Bodies. of the wonderful tains its color and thstands severest >let Co. j

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