f ADVERTISERS A* a medium through which to ?tll your ware* The Democrat i? unexcelled in country Newsapcrdom. Our *uh*criber* re reader* and Buyer*. VOLUME XXXVI. 3 GRANDJURY ASKS 1 FOR NEW PRISON :.iron V\,.i ? 1 it! j ona rino Them Wei) Kept. Inmates of Co. Home Well Cared for Find Jail inadequate to Needs. r< the Honorable Judge. \V. F. Harding: We. the y.rand jury for the .-print; term *?f court 1925 respectfully sub trit tie follow i up report' We have acted or? all biiis sent be i re u.. made presentments and ex, roined the court house and find thi cords and offices well kept and i7iat a!i necessary supplies have been ^ pplied. except the toilets are mj id condition. Wt examined th- county hohV - ai d inym and find the home to be ;ii j von*! condition except some 1 *aV - or.! th* porch roof for the want of flash- j t r. !;ome paint N needed but v.?- in ?? !stand that aria jri ments have: *-en made for aire !?;. the One;-. v "ummh-sioner.s. The lates. runiberinj: fifteen male- ami fourteen females, s>\ t , wbich juv child;*.*', lietwier t1 :?* a?*e; *' and 7 .-ay iii- > w*-': .. ? ! foi ht rarra - in fail \ > 1 ditto i; and ' he fce pv r?. den. m< tiice farm v. ork m the y ar of i. le t . rtment wt find little itioi" sanitary, hut being heated only ny ai. oil stove and lighted only by i n oil lamp, and being -hut off from ventilation and having no wqter system We find the only way for a t-rttii ii. cither department i ?w hetff *? \ than an ordinary wash basin. Wo recommend that the jail and lot Kuuti which ii stands be sold at ihi. i i.i' >il* tli.. I'.tunl* .-nMtw ii\i> -iih c.s ami ; he proceeds In- ap?j11 the l?u iding ui" a new ami; modern jail, the new iruction Miss; Dil'ian Roil: o. Director of Music gave an inl"resting" pmp'-atn Monday evening. This concert was piven in the auditorium of the school. It consisted ot" several numbers by the entire club soivu solo . ducts, quartets, and by different -ectious of the club, both mate and female. It was indeed an enjoyable program which showed the skill of teacher and pupil, and was great iv enjoyed by those present. At v o'clock on Tuesday morning' 1 l.idpt Harding:, by special invitation delivered an address to the school, and it indeed a very mild way of . ore ::v: . ti . ay thai it. was most -pleud-d and heipfui address. The main teat are of the address was law a*-"* r?'?-rect for law. The Judge stated that n)ii? h of the wrong doinp in our country war caused by m opl; not *1 'nkir-cr. A quoted fr ee Salomon's writing in JEcclosiastes. "Fear <1 a ' Veep hi: commandments, for - .1" whole 'duty of man." Arid h?- ; ? 1 hat all countries had adii i.niy through organized law a? i>:i mpny, even ??f the best peOseem to i hink it is aU right to iah he iav.* if.thcy are not :ipp.-ehen'Jod. iJf impressed the students th th< fart they are in schooi to learn to think, apt! rightly enforced tlw truth that one is truly edi eat i - ?l> wher: he learns to think. President r?. I>. hougheny .who has been . u;k with influenza for the paM -a v?:riti v. i s.- out again ai : h? school. Do school deeply .sympathize- with Miss \\?n? M.irt in the death of he? f oter nn.ii.h -r en the Mi- Mn>*. , member of the senior clt?s> of The Appalachian State Normal School and tin character of this fine young 'lady re* ?*al> much of what lie! footer I mother wa.s. Mrs, Mast wa> still liv! ing when Miss Nora reached Hume. ! and gave Miss Nora the graduating | present which she had secured for ' her Miss Nora is a niece of Mrs. I Mast's husband and both attend school. BOONE. R F. D 1 Mr. Dick Greene and family of Sparta, Mo. are visiting father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. .1 L-- nard no it is. Aunt Ellen Coffey of Mt. Vernon is spending the week with her .i-.tighter Mrs. Roxie Brown Mr. L. B. N'orris and family spent the week end with home folk.-. Mr. ! Joe Morris. Mr. Carl Davis was a \ iter at Mr. Baker's Saturday night Misses Bella Brown and Beulah Greene were visitors at K W Brown 1 Sunday afternoon. All the sick people are Better lr this community. Mr. Lester Bodenhammer made j business trip to Todd Monday, j Mrs. H. H. Morris* fathei and mo ther paid her a nice visit last week . Misses Pearl Cowles and Addi< Coffey of the A. T. S. school wen visitors here Snnda\. p! ' ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH 111 Sunday School at 10 o'clock Sun rt ; day morning:, j Preaching srevice at eleven by He ; S. K Gragg. Also an evening servic i conducted by W. L. Trivett. A cordial welcome Lo attend Sun e day school, church or prayer servic a is extended to every one. The Sunday School work is goin well also the Wednesday evenin; a | pray??r meetings with good atter e*.j dance. 'Ki tract of timber changing hands. ] it* those deals are pulled off this sectio may see a railroad extended cn thr with a connection near Lenoir son: *6 future time perhaps. tttgst WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH CAf RESUME OF ACTiViTI BILLS PASSED 0; (By M. L. Shipman.) ftuh'ich. March 'II.?Attorncv <;???? ? f a Dermis U. Brununit, completed < rc-organization of his nltice (luring tin nasi week. Governor Mcf in issuvd tnree more orders shovnnp that < h' in earnest about economy m gov nnienl, and various other inci-, den's occurred during the week in and about the capital wilding i r.os- i for the season of the year which is ordinarily quiet in official . locks. The appointment b.\ the Attorney Gei. ral of three assistant At D>rn Generals. Frank N"a>n of Kal< gb, 1 . R. Buss of LiUington and W. L. Vaughn. was the outstanding event of the week. Mr Briunmit. it vox gen-. \ reported paid off ? pre-el- rtion ?i dge by appointing Mr. Ve.iighn,: v. ho ts an old friend a i ma .e ei' h At!ornev-G rno-ai. Frank Xa.-h * 1 Charlie Ross were opponents >? . . Cruninut foi J he nominate u in x. ?vmocrat.ic party ias.f one. Xa '? , !wts- was assistant atton. \ '-moral! I dor u the ia.-t tour years, was re-i 1 <:, . ih' v g- i" . ? faI 1:. - - I I- tuniuj ii\ v. iv 11 . :;c ?;,! j i - re ?.-? > in ! -u; ??f BriimmitU is hefiQved *?> be j i I taking fi inls of hl> withdraw.it. fh?- new appointees v.ili in ussig-l one a.- general assistant, ?me. !:> the lie venue 1 '?epartmcnt . .. I .ce the Ifijjr'nvav Commission. The ,i; who fiils the latter po t v\ii place Walt i 1. t'ohoo: of ' ?. !h City. wi -i has been attorney to 'he lot foul > 1 ! .- <'overiie; canie ilirouph with, ht' ? ttUMc order- a? direcio? *f the budget. l-hy.e will require al! reparttneta - t?! cut out embossed at d ex-i p?*i:si ve >tatioiu?\ and u>t' a uniform I I kind of a cheaper ?_?.*. t - alt chas table a;Ui correctional institutions atidi ! tome e pay for what t.lu v are getting! f om flu slate. I1 is the plan that i those who can afford pay fori real nn nt or service, shai! be required to do so. rhe third missive o( Budg< t Director wa? to require that lists of .ill employees atui their a * laries hi filed with the Guvemot so* that the salary ami wage commission may ^ot busy and prune oui tin*! dead timber in the departments end I fix a standard salary scale in line I with work done. After being written up as the ' < oloiH'i House' of the administra-! lion. Martin Gilleu departed from tbe; Executive Mansion, where since the I inauguration of the governor, he had | played a role of adviser to the Executive. The Mid-Westerner was sel ilom seen hut was often referred to; as or.e of the powers behind the thron 1 The other power behind the throne was U. L. Yarser, and he has gone to his reward as a Supreme Court Justice! The bus regulation was common deed during the week by the Corpoia! uon Commission, seventy-five lines I being registered by the body and K. ! O. Self chief clerk of the commission being assigned to the task as head of the regulatory department created | by the bus control law. , Ten projects were let by the state k Highway Commission in various tions of the state, the total cost be, ing approximately two and a quarter millions. Work on these will be start ted shortly. The National Guard of North Car. olina will feel the effects of having an economy Governor and an economy President at tht same time. Mr. . ( oolidge ruled thai they could not J for the present, draw pay fo* the I drilling. Adjutant General Metts ruJI ed that until July first they would j not be paid for drilling because the ! Legislature, spurred on by the canny -i Scotchman in the executive chair did I :>ot provide any funds for their pay. \ After July first the guardsmen will e - - ... . J 1 u... .it . ... . ; gel z;> cents a ur?u uui uuvn tnai. i-1 time they will have to grot along: with e out any pay and must drill for the patriotism of the matter. [r The state revenue ' collections to i- the middle of last week, said Commissioner Doughton. were $317.00C - short of last year. He explained that If the cotton mills had fallen short i? nj their income tax returns due to * n! had year in the industry of VJ27. ie' Attorney General Brummit hand j ed down two rulings during the weel tOLINA. THURSDAY APRIL 2, 19 fsmmrai h- !i HI IlllAJflJIUll | J F LOCAL INTEREST , J*he first was for the departments to lonslree the law prohibiting employer us: stete-owned car? in a sensible manner. Mr. Brummtt declared - set aw> f'jj the use of the cars . ould hi laid down and that those t.h< departments could construe for ; themselves when by their use the , ate Aii being served. The other ru- i I np: aff* cted the collections to bo made by Insurance Commissioner Wade, whom the Legislature deprived of cons.deruhle of his powers. Mr. Brc-mmit said the insurance departnt would no longer collect any monies classed as general revenue of the hh.ia, but would collect certain f<-(.hanged for insurance companies and fire protection which were tor ' ration of the laws which the depart ni; nt enforces. Mr. Wade, however v. ill have to make a daily ac u;r o th State Treasurer. I aestivation of the inside afi 'i- ?f the Tobacco Cooperative As? i; proceeded. but nothing much \va iadt public. It is not expected! ci will he anything for several Weeks and until after the invent ga ing toiKiiiittee ha.- made Us reports.] it i- r.elievi d however that some bad doings ;itc being uncovered b\ th? committ' e. George Ross Pou i. till having tough luck with his prisoner at : in St i . Prison. Two ja*! break> v..n. added rem ally to tin three tha* have a I road\ taken place this year. Two men > aped, this week, one was killed by a guard and the other' ?s at the point of death. Th" governor has appoL .led Hoyi Sink of Lexinton - his nardot at torney. BY MR. GREF.R oprescntaiivc. and promise- is inon complete local twrviec for the next issue.?Til* Publishers.) An net for the construct ion and maintenance of the public roads of Ash and Watauga Counties. introduced by Messrs Bowie, Greer and Senator Urowii. Authorize the commissioner: pi Watauga i aunty to issue cithfi" bonds or notes to the amount of for the purpose of constructing these roads: A public road from a point on the Watauga and Ash ecounty line at or near Gap Creek church where the improved >au from Bowie. * ia Hopkins crossjo.e Watauga County line, to a * !iu at or near A. (?. Millers store c.n the Boone Trail Highway no. t?e said road to he constructed hv H. A. Grecti, I K. l.uther ami AIolJZo Miller. herein designated as special com1 nissioncrs for wis purpose. County | Commissioners of Watauga authorized to deposit $2,00(1 frotn the proj eceds i t the sale of note- or bonds : to said special commission for the purpose outlined. Isaae Church. Thos Miller and .1 W. Green named special 'commissioners to construct the pubic highway from the Watauga coun1 ty line from r? point near Cranberiy Church, mu F.lza Phillip- place up Meadow Creek so as to intersect with 'he Boone Trail near Charlie Wat 'on s place. i -yanu tonimissiciiui's 10 appropriate $4,000 for this purpose. Cost of constructing thi>? connecting link with Ashe county to be adjusted ?>y the authorities of thai county bv the issue of bunds or notes. An act to fix the license taxes for fishing in Watauga County. Unlawful for any person above the ag. of sixteen years to fish with , hook or lino, rod or r? el w iiheut having first paid a license rax of one dollar. Fee for non-residofrus, twe dollais. License fee to be collected by an inspector 01 warden selected by The State Fisheries Commissions and placed to the credit of the county general fund. The Clerk of th? oupt'noi i.ouii may i.\sut- ant receive comjKriisation from the Fish eries Commissioner for his service: in this connection. Reports to b< made at the end of each month. Xec : essary license blanks to be furnishec | by the C'ierk of the Superior Cour and game wardens by the said Fish eries Commissionei. CARD OF THANKS , We want to express our thank i and gratitude for the kindness ant presence of the pev?pie during th death and burial of our dear wif and aunt. 1 J. H. Mast and niece Nora A. Mas xcrul | 25. 5 Cu. aCopy n 4 i* nrnnrrrm nPA i nw Ktsrw is iu : MEMORY OF LOVILL1 Bar of Boone Drafts Rcsoluti-'H^ in I M. mcry of C?pt. E. F. Lovill, Judi-e and Members of Bar Pay Tribute to Deceased Lawyer Notice having been giver iu the L-ourt room on ibt or? dimr -lay. at t * p :n. m resolution \va. appointed, i g of F. A. Lin: "v, John H. i Bing ? and E- S. ('..ifey. Bre : addresses pruning the lif" i and ei .racter of decec.-rd were made j by the following: W i N" 'wland. F. A Linney. J of r. U. Bingham, F. S. ( y, Johnson .1. flay- 7. Iv Bing'. Tohr. E i> Prof. B. B. I- 'icrty. Judge V F Hardim' made i very touching .k. i'-.-db.g with me of the won islanding: chara ristic?- of h: . >i u-.c-d f. ? h motion it v.-.. oi'i' i1 ' .i4( ???.! coinniisfehni.rs ; t requite:! to i;i th.o ni< ; u-r. An Lov .!. ' ' t ?)1'5 i-U' "'! ' J Thi following "huh.: - drafted j read when j ? ..i*1 tinve?c ?i ttr- ino.-nLnnr: oi ti. ;iy ?'u lan-j uar;.' 1'fin Captain l.i ... ! Francis* I ?vi . \ uisttajr-J'shod aiai !ovo?i | Fitizot >f ;he date of North Caro . a i ; < . h\ a h . : u- : T.iblv : : vate i) f< was characterized by -arh use of justice. .' < !; ??.-??;.?< and : . as?:io o. ' h ch .wii'?r piissi.ob w? !(arc < f his| tale, int) county ,:?u! ;-r- people, tha he a test jeji.se . pi fled .??:?! nv->'.h*d. : ho ! -1 i: 'h ie ??$; North < aroltna, and V- h< ieas he led his > ? to hour ??r ip vai ri'i-i alone she i> 'hs ?>f duty and righteousness when peace had collie again, and VVh?Mc:is it ihut har and people <>;' Watauga county he loved so \\i!I and vvoc! and . >i with such distinction should pay its tribute ot' !oVt and c U-i-m .r, Whn; he ?v;is and what fe?? did. Now therefore, be i? RE SO I. V hi? thai the bar ? -" \\;. muira courtly express its .- ,,i the great loss which the county and state suffered by his ntu'sinff, a ltd records- ?t the same time its sen -i ??f p i.uu?' ... ih* '.iv. r of all good that Watauga Copo'y and North Carolina u.i- - of the Superior court' I of Wat a 1 DAIRYING ASSET TO WATAUGA (Xt J Substantial Progress is Being Made by Watauga Farmers Along the | Lir..' jf More nnd Better Dairying and More Cheese Factories. 1 , rdei that they could make Swiss This spring a new factory was built at Sugar Grove to take the pi-<.- of the Cove Creek factorv which wa* the oldest factory in the south The equipment has been movv*d a lid ?.hev are nov making cheese in th- .? a factory. Thcst factories ' #iv a Watauga county*. The mnriag< ? the Beaver Dam factory ?ays '.I. > vii! make more cheese this year W< need more cheese factories and ro? r.- milk producers to supply 1 the demand for Noilh Carolina chees ' Mr K. \\. Clement, one of our iea' ding; dairymen purchased a milking: *. macho . ? few weeks ago. He is well * pleased with it. Says I wouldn't take I $2500 for it if 1 couldn't get another. My cows have all increased ir. ? milk production since I started using - it ami 1 van milk in just one half the - time." Mr. Clement purchased a few 1 head of Ayrshire* last fall which is t his ehoi'. of the dairy breeds, He - says that one of his three year old heifer: is leading his herd in milk ' prodiu o! and will ffive from 900G to I (WOO pounds of milk her first year Hv- will milk about thirty cow? this summer and will start work ir "j his modern dairy barn in the neai & future. e Mr F. C. Wart^has recently com pie ted his dairy barn which is th< X most modern equipped bam in th< i "THIS WEEK" by Brisbane. world's highest salaried editor is a feature we carry, handled hitherto by on* Iv the metropolitan Dailies. Read this column weekly. NUMBER 13 SH1L0 (iREEN GETS FOUR YEARS IN PEN Cil'cr - f M "A .doom PI -ad# Guilty of Se* ond Decree Murder? Jjirvis Grn-np Sentenced to Two Years Ot ier Court Proceedings The cmrM; a. docket ??f the -siring: vnn of Watauga Sup'T 'ir court was ludvd 'i uav afic.-'Oon, when . ;,i scntvJJ v.'er* irrpoj-vd by 5 udgi- VV f 21.1 rd' ng. Fhe ca-c \- *rt tho:-? f Shilo Green anil Jarvis Green and Marian Coffey thv former having plead guilty ->f murder ir. the second degree. : d yeot*.hia J to a term >f foui ; ;_i rti the Gate prison fur '.he shoot; <1 killing of Mont Wei born in SC a> Fork tow -Irp or last Chris*ma- . the latu Green and Coffey foi . affray with .ohn Stole of Ku. io?vns.hi "tr-1 three yea ago > >:r >i >.h 'aih ^.)ted. Coffejt ? oc<| itt* I -a was " ?,. tv i. y.-arr in tsBf* taiv pii.-o.\ rfcv? eivi ket wu iak n up yos " > more j 8i.spo?t'C! - of the v* inn ;i*:ijr cum.'? on tho SttTi doyrabt . f'oy By vs. larceny. 1'J mouths - Liif"-' 5'' - - ' .Yi (iHinni . \ . tion dry !av . Ill,: 1 ...i m nl ul* ot 1 o ' . S. < ' rr-. uhK Alio :n! ' Isaac:, f. and cost .tad port quarterly to the clct ' <5 ' beffi dcdjrr^pr s?;r,.\({ as ! Hallie I-aacs. A I f;r? <. (irj-iK awl hi or dc.riy, . t suspended on payUlvllt Ox > est. J. H. Ea^p. iAitho), l.v?- and I' . : x.d Win Con !i, affray. a. d a N> v. ty as t?> Mrs. Harp, Judgoi st'spend cd oi; payment of cost to othei -h (Vn. \i (t I' .el. Ho. > Ec u . ... II H Day. ?1 . turhing publo worship, judg. ; i <1 ori payment of run. \{ and Herbert -Jones, destroy:.?? !< t r judgment uxptnuievl on pay meet of cost. John Hodges^ larceny, not guilty. < elcmai Payne, dn ring auto ?ntuji a ted, ' v ?i $50 ! coat c. M diary. Vic luting prohibiT:?.r lav. Taxed with tile rests. Hooper Hendrix. a. n w.. Fined 7?i and cosf. l.onny Mas1, larceny, judgment sus ponded oi: p.iynu'iiT of cost. jail bill included. i. A. Stunburv. worthless check not guilty. Bull (iinl.soy, violation of prohibition law, $20 and cost. < arl I'ayne? operation auto without license. } ;n?*?l $."? and oust. Letcher r??agu?-, operating auto \> ithout lii'tiiM*. $.:? and cost i It. Mo??rt', as-ault. frilled $l() and cost. Ed. Williams, practi<-in>? law wiik license, .ludftnieni suspended on payment of cost-. dyde Cnmis. making whiskey, I months in jail and cost. Oscar Clomons and T. N. flarke. violation of prohibition laws. Fined s.*?u each and cost. lack Mel;.ay. larceny. bound out to W. C>. Hartzojr Olcv Osborne. larceny, 12 month? n penitentiary BOONE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 10 a, m. I>. .V P. lT. 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. We had 207 present at Sunday School iast Sunday. Come out to Sunday School next Sunday. We extend a cordial invitation to all to attend our services. Blowing Rock Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching Sat urday night and Sun day. 11 a. in. and 7;30 p. m. \S ? extern! a cordial invitation to all to attenu county and. as good as any in the state? lie h:?- one silo and will build another on*- this summer. His loft wili hold a years supply of legume } hay. Mr. Ward -applies Boone with mill atwi . iiil. Vi 1 jhieese factory. I believe if his customers in Boone would calle and give his barn an inspection, as regards i sanitation, the\ would feel perfectly safe in drinking milk produced on his farm. Dariymen of Watauga county are beginning to see that in order to ; make the most profit they must prop* erlv house and feed their ccws. And i in order to produce milk with the r least amount of labor, and to make the -'w ork more inviting instead of - disagreeable it is necessary to have 5 the proper equipmer t. This is not e necessarily expensive.