? ADVERTISERS As a medium through which to ie!i your wares The Democrat t i? unexcelled in country Nwjaperdom. Our subscriber? am readers sod Buyers. ? VOLUME XXXVI. S POTATOES SHOULD BE DIPPED ! IU r?KT VtKY BEST RESULTS' Walaupa is a potato county but if wo are going to take full advantage ?f that fact we must grow potatoes that arc clean and free from disease, j Jf your potatoes are scabby and rough or affected with black leg or rhizactonia 1 little potatoes) the best thing that yon can do is to dip them before you plant them according to the fol-I mowing directions, and then plant in ground that has not beer, in pota-j toes for the past two years. Cull out all seed showing signs of wab, rot or other imperfection. Place 28 gallons o fwator in a wooden barrel. Do not use metal container. Dissolve 1 ounces Corrosive *'ublimat< in 2 gallons warm water, and add to the 28 gallons. Dip potatoes in sack or basket, allowing them t bushels dissolve I tiunce corrosive sublimate in warm water and add to your solution as the strength will have been weakened! by acting on the potatoes. Afteidip-J Dine ?mi more "> bnshol*;. .idfl nnn-l ther ourK'c of Corrosive Sublimate, first dissolving in warm water, and j son on intil 20 bushels have been I dipped. hen pour ? it your solution! and .-tart over as in the beginning, i Do i?i?t fail to follow thest directions) losely. T?i materia i- d. ad:\ j>oi son. L>o i not run any risk of children or live shirk diinknu it.. Do. - net affect the bands. Potatoes once dipped are unfit for eating. In c tilting p da'.oes be son that ?, aeh piece has at least one e>< and weighs :n least 2 ounces, 8 pieces weighing one pound. It ;> belief to have the pici e> largo: than smaller. Day off the row?. Distribute the fertilizer in the row after which run * be same row the second time with ?hov?-I plow in order to mix the fertilizer v.ith the soil and distribute it along the row. Plant your potatoes 12 to 15 inches apart, one piece to the hill. Cover ?wo to three inches deep. JOHN H. STKhl.K. Countv Agent. i COVE CREEK ITEMS # * rhv Cove Creek High School nine defeated the Mabel team in an interesting game of baseball on Friday afternoon. The score was close throughout, the final points being? l) to V Tbi- i- the second jjanv with MahelT the firsi being won by Cove V*r? ?'k b\ ;; scoi't r>I 7 to 0. La*4 Wednesday murrdng at 'J:d0l Ibc rhool and community had thi* pWa-uif of hearing Judge W. F. llai j dir.g deliver oi <- ?>f his characteristic and helpful talks. It was a great] speechv sjx?k?'i from the standpoint > *>f ;? iawyci. and niging his hearers I to abide bv the laws ?il" the state and i J toru'ly. On Su>ui?;> last a great crown o! lelntives and friends met at the home i>f Mt and Mrs. Knoch Swift at Antarth.i in honor of heir birthday An. account of the day elsewhere in this isstle. Mr. Walter i>. Bingham has gone to V\ inslor.-Saleni to try oi.i as jateher on the Wmston-Sah o: baseball team. Mrs. 1>. F Wortori and son .s. F. Morton spent the week enu iri Lenoir visiting Mr. and Mrs A. R. Bartow. Mcsdames S McBride. \V. Y. jf'erry and Mrs. Nan Johnson attended the annual state meeting of the Woman's Missionary Union in Win y. 5loi?-Salem last week. They report a < most helpful and interesting meeting. The pie supper given on Saturday r/ight for the benefit of the Methodist church resulted in something over $51. the proceeds from the .sale of pies and cakes. Mrs. Gordon (i. Hodge- has been til for several days She is improving now we are glad to say Mi. Frank Payne who has been in Detroit for several months has re iun>ea nomc lor ine summer. BOONE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. B. V. P. U. 0:30 p. m. Wc extend a cordial invitation to nil to attend our services. Attention is called to the meeting now in progress at the Methodist Church. Let the Baptists of the towi: pray for this meeting- and join in to help bring a revival to Boone. Wc need a revival. Boone needs a revival. Our concerted prayers and effort: will avail much at this time. We hac 2*15 in Sunday School last Sunday Let us ali be out next Sunday foi Sunday School and church worship. Easter >ervicc Sunday morning Appropriate music. Subject "Resur reaction." *'Our modern school .-ystem mug be piling more and more work upoi the pupils. 1 notice many of th< poor children are too tired to wall to or from school and have to us< dad's auto. f * -\>7f 1.50 Par Year BOONE. \ MOVIES AT DAIRY MEETINGS 1 HFI n WPFfcT f?F AODII nTU 1 We will hold a series of dairy meetings during the week of April loth. Mr. H. McCain, U. S. Dairy Bureau, Washington. I). C. and Mr. F. R. Farnham, Assistant, Dairy Extension. Raleigh, N\ C. will he the j main speakers and will talk on Dairy Development in Watauga County, \ which is a broad and very important i subject. , The S. Dairy Bureau will furnish three reels of pictures entitled: "Milk and Honey" "Swiss Cheese" "A Tale of Two Bulls" We ae sure that these meetings will he instructive and also entertaining to both old and young. Plan to attend and see a picture of the future ofi Watauga. Meeting's will be hold at the follow ' trig places: ' Si!verstone school house, Monday April 13, 7 :.*5(i p. m. Cove Creek High School, Tueday April 1 1, 7 '0 p. m. Heaver Dam school house, Weilnw lay April 1 "?, 7:30 p. ro. Riltherwbod school h'M; v, Thursday April 1(5, 7:30 p. ni. Hackett. school house. Friday the i 1 7. 7;30 p m. | 1 11 L. WILSON JOHN B STEELE. j I I.KLAND HIGH CLOSES VERY SUCCESSFUL TERM The KIk)and High School of Todd came to a close Saturday March 28th after olio of the most successful terms 11! its history. Because of adverse circumstances, the program rendered differed somewhat from the usual commencement program. It began with a soul touching hymn "My Redeemer" sang by the high school. Then of course there was music, music so beautiful that as one person expresjed it. "it would draw th?* heart out ??f your body.** After t.hisj the play "Yimmie Vonso'vs Yob" was very successfully presented. This playis accurately described in these words A play fuil of mystery and thrills, A beautiful dramatic effect was p-o duced by the singing of "Snow Diar 'i between the second and third actsj while the hero and heroine stood facing each other :;i opposite sides of the stage Judging by the reports of spectators the acting .Jin not appear 1 o he t hat of spectators. One middle-; aged man wbo hail traveled much and '.'i-ii many i?f the things of the woridj said, "It : the best play 1 have over' si't'ii," whih- others voiced the same] opinion. Aii said it wa.- so splendidly j produced thai they could not help hilt believe it to he real . The program was ended by sing j ing "Good Bye" a heart touching | song. I wish to take the space her. to say | a few" words about the man who has taught his successful school and who 'has trained tho actors who produced; t h" play spoken of. Mr. Brooks has wo- rh 1 f long respect ind honor of the high school pupils by r is manly actions and disregard of seif 1 heard one of his pupils say "He is the biggest little man 1 ever saw." 1. for one, learned more this past year than ever before In the same length of ' time; if the others did not it was not the fault of their instruction, for he is the best school teacher I hav-c wr gone to school to - Expressions from 9th class rep-: resented by Binn Scott. Hazel Ab-i dier. Ted Davis. i BEECH CREEK LOCALS Messrs I. S. A.vers and D. M. I-ogan, electricians of Boone, installed W. S. Hai man's electric power plant last week, which is giving good satisfaction. He is well pleased with the work and suggests that everyone in need of work of this kind should call on them George Harroo nrotnroed from j Florida last week. *1 Sunday school at Kdlenilie isi I progressing nicely with a large at-j tendance. , Mrs. Willie Adams and daughterj 4 Willis of Tennessee were viry Representative Greer which were pu b I ished last w eek: An act authorizing the county commissioners of Watauga County to appoint township road supervisors for said county. Commissioners may dispense with the county road supervisor and in lieu thereof appoint township super risers who shall serve at such com- : pensatio: and for such term :ts said hoard of county commissioners maj ih i rmine. and who shall perform (he road work under the direction of the county commissioners and make report io the same as the board may, hi rett. An act relative? to the Office of trea?\A.'? <"* Th" county commijsf'ofeers ar* auan- -*ai*i'.-h l!.? '>:??? ;' of Treasurer, name ihe ireu t r and fix hi- p< i ial election to be hcid. ordered | b> the commissioners of Watauga) County for the purpose of allowing j the voters to pass upon the question. | ! To incorporate the Daniel Boone high! School in Watauga County. Flic Daftioi Boone High School is' incorporated. Non-stock corporation I forrowi by T. C. Bowk', West Jefferson; R. L. Doughtou. Washington ?>.: l\; C. Wright, Hunting Creek; B. B. Dougherty, Boone; A. H. Elicr Winston-Salem; W. M. Hants. Winston Salem, J. II. Rich, Winston-Sa-; lem; T. B. Finley, Wilkesboro; Thur ntond Chatham, Winston-Salem; Dan' Beard, New York City; David Abor-; crombie. New York City; II. D May-J er. Chapel Hill; and Sanford Martini Winston-Sait-m, for the purpose of j operating a consolidated high school' during the school period of eight to nine months each year, and to conduct during the summer months a school for scouts and scout masters' training and of recreation methods etc. Corporation empowered to purchase lease and otherwise acquire hold, mortgage, convey and otherwise dispose of all kinds of property, both real and personal, deficiencies of the United States, and generally to perform ail acts which may be deemed necessary for the proper ar.d successful prosecution of the objects and purposes for which the corporation is created. To have no capital stock. Period of existence ninety-nine years; New members admitted on the majority vote of the incorporators. Relative to the fees of the Clerk or the Superior Court of Watauga County. In addition to the fees now allowed by law said official may have six dollars per day for clerk hire during each term of the Superior court and the sum of $25 for making the bar dockets for each terra of the court. To regulate the compensation of th~ Sheriff of Watauga County. Act of 1923 fixing the salary of the sheriff repealed. In lieu thereof the following is inserted: 'The sheriff of Watauga County shall receive a commission of 3 Vz per cent of all taxes collected by'his ?>rhce, and in addition thereto shall be entitled to the fees for his services as sheriffs are allowed by law." An act to r.uthorixe the board of coir I missioners to rcanei the lands o> Watauga for taxation purposes. At their regular meeting in 192f f may order a revaluation or re asses ment of ail lands in Watauga count}, for purposes of taxation for the yeai 1925 if in their discretion, such : necessary for the equal distribution i.f t hn Kiiriionc af" \ at i>tn CimU >...i uation to continue until the next regular assessment under the genera laws of the state. To make horixonla reduction not to exceed twenty fiv< per cent of the present assessed valu< To amend the charter of Bonne. Wa j tai.ga county. Mayor may receive a salary nof j exceeding $150 per year; member j of the board of aldermen $25 each ROL1NA. THURSDAY APRIL 9, ! LOCAL INTEREST CENT LEGISLATURE said officials to fix their salarie annually not to exceed the afoi said amount: An to change the name of the Appalachian Training School and to outline its power, and duties Nam'- changed to Appalachian State Normal school. W. N? wland T. H. Coffey, J. M. Bernhardt, T. ( . Bowie, E. S. Coffey and C. \ Henkit* named as trustees. OrganizaCon to be perfected at annual meeting- to be held in Boone by the election of :i chairman, . ie chairman, etc. and appoint necessary committees from the membership of the Board. Special meetings may be held from time to time. Said board of trn>. < lie upfjrov-d by the State Sup r intdtnier.t of Public Instruction and the Insurance ? omihissineor of North Carolina The Board ha!' elect the president of the institution and fix hi s?r?la?y and tenure of otlice. eh et other otlhers and teachers, on the i ^C.onrmeridatioi! of the president and fix their duties and salaries. Rules and regulations t pbe ,m hramony with those existing at other State educational institutions. To establish the dividing line b?*tween the counties of Watauga and Cald well Proposed boundary line outlined in detail beginning, at the top of White Hock Mountain and winding up with the lands of Kverett Pitts n Watauga County, S. B. Howard of Morgan ton dt signaled as special comivh-sh e er for the purposes ot making the survey provided for in me act. Lint \ ) be fixed at the earliest dat? possible. and report filed with the board of commissioners *>f the two countu* and with the Historical Coir.roissiot of the State. SxpetisJo of the survey to be borne by the county of Watnu ga. but lands lying jointly in the t\v? v v.unti?.s shall be aj.wysed according iy. under the general laws rcgulat ing the assessment and collection ??j taxes. GOVERNOR PROCLAIMS LEGION ENDOWMENT PERIOl Throughout this great land nf our ! the shad gw of the Aorid"s grimt-> i raged y still darken- the laes .? many widows, orphans and disahV. heroes; and even after In lapse o five year-, a I?>* of ove a hundred a week to the Ion:.. ?in* ?? of defem eler- w dow- and fn-lples orphans. There ar also thousand who lie helpless today in the i ots o s?mc hospital with the spectre u death < lose at hand, and whose las j hours are made almost unberable l? the thought of a family of little one is perfected ai all the preliminary work done so \ s may successfully conclude the cai , paigrn on April 19th. 1925. 5 Ct. .Copy STATE KISH COMMISSIONERS VISIT THE LOCAL HATCHERY M >ee it in our ; -sue of last week: An act to fix the license taxes for fishing in Watauga County. I'nia.vful for any person above the npe- . f sixteen years to fi.-h with hook ' line, rod or ret I without ha\ing first paid a iiccuse t.i\ <>f one doilar. Fee for non-residdi.ts two dollars. License fee to In coljgctfp by an pecto? or warden selected by the State Fish, es 1 'cnimissioncr i >'(i to thi i e- he coun-j t y g .. funo ! he Clerk of the ~ '" i Colin m-i\ e license and receive - i?r\ iua i:se blank - to be furnished by the i !? rk of the Superior C uirt ar.fl gain, wardens by the .-aid Fisheries C ommisstoner. We were glad to bar Mr. Dixon. .-,?y that i. was in the province of the State Commission to close any bream i or streams in the county i r a period ..of two years or more, at their discretion. which the Dem i .: is anxij ious to . ? done. The stock in our : reams ?s already badly depleted and ! r : e. ...? 'I .tiinxs 4 lit' ICY. I?;n, Willi lilOSe l?? DP 'added, an protected closely f warmth ar.d uvar ill be thankfully received. W. arc a king the good Us dies of : lu- .-oitnty each ami ov?-**v, , on< of i . i ey will please hunt # up the . .. men that may '?>. too ,j small o, or. % partly worn and send j- them in l Mi .! M. Morctr, either r by mail er otherwise ami he will f take chare and store ii away in a ? room special!\ provided for it. We .. truly hop* that these good ladies will f not delay ! at attend to this at once. ,i They car. 'bus save roaiiy an orphan ;l from role . :u doubtless from death. v The erph ... and the State Depart*s men! of the Near East are depending | on us. and we most earnesly hope e; that we -r i not disappoi nt them n J. M. DOWXUM. ?'o. Ohm c i\ r FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB I Mrs. i. Greer ae!ighrfuliy en? j tertained r.? members of the club i and a rr.:sttf>.r el guests Friday af" teruoon a In-* lovely home on Blow's ing Rock : ireei Potted plants and cut flowe wen arranged artistically n in the rooms in which the guests r*s!-* sembled, forming a pretty color m ls I Gf of yc w and green s I After >-wing and engaging in >* pleasant ' ?.versation for quit. a ** while, th* hisie?s passed a contest v the 4iis> of which proved quite *- cleve* ard interesting. Mrs. Me D. h Little won the prize, a beautiful pot 's ted tulip. The club was giad to welcome Mr. Little who ha- just re turned from spending the wintei y j months, in Florida. ki Mrs. Greer was assisted by Mrs >f I Ed Coffey and Miss Sue Spaiuh jui Jin serving the following courses: As'k | paragus saiad. sandwiches ;*nd coffe followed by pineapple frappe, cocoa 'k nut macaroons and green and yellow ^hi mints n dainty mint cups. I Guest.- of the club were Mesdarr?e: a-j.I. L. Winkler. Dean Bingham. Rus h- J'sel Hodges Mdton Greer. Misses Ca in i rie Coffey and Sue Spainhour. to The no t meeting of the club wii tis be with Mrs. Mc. I). Little the 24tl to of April. o- Giver, under my hand and the sea id of the state at the capitoi, in the cit; at of Raleigh, th's 3rd day of April, ii d the year of our lord one thousand ve nine hur.d rod and twenty-five, n- A. W. McLEAN. Governor of North Carolir., "THIS WEEK" by Brii-ban . world's highest 5al?rie (1 move it. Let's make a clean r- weep and have a pretty clean for th< opening of oru fine new hotel. Ev? ;ybouy is cordially invited to help make our town clean and sightly Don't forget the dace, next Monday and Tucsiiav. Y UV? i \ N MAUN. Mayw. HOSIERY MILL STARTED OPERATION TUESDAY On Tuesday morning our newest enterpri ' Booia Hosiery Mills, began \vorl: The operators in the main are untrvened but regardless of that a sat i*fa lory start wi made. Always hei: - art x ana <> oe any new enterpri :< ..ur good town .? were on hand, ami through the court* y of the mar,ae :aent. received the first pair tif *oy ur ,.fj r. , M.yVemr. File eapti' ty of the null 1" a ?! wi*. I; th p ?. n:nning a* fa . tinic, it v mean in for our city. It is cert:.in,\ a good .pening f? r girls and v . -v. n who desire to voik for when they become expert the;' weekly pay -hecks will amount to snug sums. LOCAL MERCHANT MAKES VOLUNTARY ASSIGNMENT Last week Mr 1 Hill Farthing, who ha- been operating a rather extensive dr\ good store in Boone made a voluntary tvsignroent for the benefit of hi* creditors. Mr. C II. Garland of ShuUs Mills being namci as receive! The liabilities are something more 1 ban $d0,000. while the asserts arc approximated (without invoice! at from $fcOOO to $10,000 The voluntary closing of his doors and the new* of his assignment, came as a very great surprise to our people as Farthing wa considered by many a af - merchant. He and his family left for Lenoir th" day after the assign mom vo iniormauon yet as t?> wnat they intend to do. SUTHERLAND HIGH SCHOOL EXERCISES The com me c ement exercises at i Sutherland High School. Ashe couni'y. North Carolina. v. ill he on April I 14th and 15th. The intermediate ox .vrci.-es are Tuesday ver.ing April 1 1 land on the 15th. Hon lr:*. T. John toii will deliver th- literary address at 1 1 a. m. and in the afternoon Prof 0. H. Price, principal of the Jefferi.r school will also address the school .and citizens. A reading and declamation contest will he held on the 15th. One contest eovnirg the forenoon j and the other in the afternoon. Yes, there will he dipiic! served on the ' ground Come enjoy i good program | and stay for the night exercises of ? he same day .i get your dessert. A farce comedy. "The Dutch DeIteciive" in three acv will be given ! bv the dramatic ciub of the school, t In this you will see something new on the stage?two -scaped lunatics and a Dutch deti ctive trying to take {them back to the asylum. DIF.S IN WASHINGTON j j Mrs. Mary Gilhy has received new? j of the death of her son Harvey Havnp I ton. which occurred at Walla Walla. | Washington April 2. Remains will he | sent to Boone this week. , j ITF.MS FROM ROUTE 2 The farmers 111 this section are very busy at thi> writing* Mr. Willie Flaw son w as a caller at Mr. B. J. Davis' Sunday. Mr. Stanley Cole bought a Ford " car at Boone Monday. Sony to hear ;that S. Tug man , | lost a fine saddle horse last week. Mr. G. V. Jackson visited his. cou ! sin Mr. J. \V. Jackson last Sunday. Miss Blanche Miller visited Miss 5 Telia Davis on Riddles Fork la>t Sun - day night. RUTHERWOOD NEWS ] . i Mr. Fred Mikeal and Mr. Raleigh Greer are building Mr .George Bradley a nice store house at Perkinsville 1 1 near the town of Boone, y Mrs. Rudolph Moretz is spending n ; a few days with home folks this week ,, Her lathe) is in very bad health. Mr. Fred Carrol and C. H. Bowles ; vith their families went tt? Baldwin a | Md. a few weeks ago.