July oil!$ Machine Shops ai Make < ?.p Automobiles, Not Pari? C ufni^to Blame for Bobbed Kau. bafetjr Razor Eliminated the W hi?her. Chemical Advance Brought Hair Coloring Women's fashions?a n d men's too, for that matter? are created in machine shops and chemical laboratories. This is the contention ofj Jeanne Ruere, beauty special- | ist, who during the last few years "has transferred hor activities from Paris to New York. Being Parisian, Mlie~ Ituere apparently should know what she is talking about, for all that it heretofore has been the general i Is ?* f I' . n*nr!r.e .%f' " * i ihe .Tench capi i \k.\; r ernmple," j Miie iiuere rec nt'v t. a rt p- ** , --at. : ive of the press, "is tc i y no! i ire.- t of* a new j j \ f iu::Vt. Philosophy has' \rr t- .? ! any urcat part in theji . -to :;y lif:? < 4" wr. Nov, as ri;:\ have change-i the for-j * nes of nations, but lav had j tfcle e(T ct upon the way women I >-e tin ir cloth So it car.aot but appear that . nvenience and necessity have far e to do with it. That Ls the neral reason piven for* the cropng up of cropped hair. But ick of the reason?which most rtainly is sound?is the fact j at certain new inventions in the * ?r!d nave made convenience ai ore vital matter. Bobbed hair, I for Instance, has come in at about e same rate as ha? the low iced., generally available autoobile. Riding- in automobiles, as very one knows, is destructive of iy coiffure at all elaborately or tificially arrungeo. ^Thc wind mply wastes ail the time that is been spent. So this happen: people found that they would . ,.iher ride in automobiles than t ride; and so they must find means of fixing the hair attrac ly, yet in a style which would '.stand the breezes "Thst> what I mean by sayir LOGGING ENGINE DERAILED An ung'ne on the Rich Mountain : logging road being operated by the ^ Whiting Lumber Company at Shulls Mills, broke through a bridge near the corporate limits of the ctiy last Thursday afternoon and turned com* pletely over into a swamp. It weighing, 50 tons uttd wrecking equipment being meagre, the matter of getting the thing hack 0:1 the track proved quite an undertaking. On Sunday a crew of men, a log loadet from the mountain and an extra engine was on the job and with heavy blocks and tackle, op. rated by extra engine assisted the great lifting power of the log loader, the massive stent structure was hoisted to an opright position and from this onto the tracks. The workmen estimate that the engine is damaged to the extent of $2,000.00. Jt went into the shop- Monday. None of the ct*c\v were injured in the wreck. PLENTY OF L AUGHTER . .You will get plenty of laughter out ' of Davidson's Ncwj, but remember Davidson's Mid Season Clearance Sale is no ioke. It is an unusual ev fci?t to do you good. r Davidson's mid season CUsrsace i Sale begins W<*dnerday August tho' 5th. and will last tor 15 days. A BANK ACCOUNT 111 . . win ao more ro systemize your business than any other dozen of things. I It will prevent mistakes promote economy and prove an incalculable point to the business mar Bank of Blowing Rock Bloviaf Rotk, M . C. i . ' MMHMMUMMMMWMHINHMNMnHHHMMi net Laboratories Changes in Stv ^.ixt r ^ r*3* HMEC tASh \QH AO if UlKN&r, that factions come from the nu-! i :kir.e shops, the chemical labom lories, rather tH?r from the sfllflh T the couturier.- and coiffeurs o. I . Pari i." The -arne th'nj*, ace"*,,*'n7* t?? j M'ie, Ru< re, ha- taken place in j' inen's styles. A notable instance j is the now nearly obsolete w\ C.:r grandfathers. said j Lhf; V- . yjiti;-.Vand hers,I too, for i at me. tier wore th<: [ hirsute ' 'age chiefly hecau-* j -ha* ' r, w/ h an op. n razor an.': that no>v i- considered,' reap now is c- idered *.> , too h_ . for laur..: ' *, v..-. t* much an ordoa'. A. r .. ? i- t riutui and the facial tlcra t their courts va:hcr than i !: ' . - ' to the unguarded r: nor. The in-;1 vc tion of the safely razor and special soaps for softening the beard naturally removed the hazards to masculine pulchritude? and with the removal ci the hazards came the removal of the beard. A present development of fashion, ?bte directly tw scientific research, is the rapidly crow in-: number of women with gjp&y hair 11 who aro colonnK it- It is only re-' cenlly, withir. th > iast three or ] four years. Mile. Ruerc points j out, that serious scientific alien- [ tion has been brought to bear | upon the rather neglected subject! of coloring human hair. "Women a few years ago?in ! a c--v " 'f 1|^ I Ton niA & > >uri*n hixon tr. - ai W IlLJ AM f THE PICTURE WE / 1N< TON "RIDERS OF TF Wednesday and Admission 15 and 35 r? Want i What have you 1 dwellings in C ed for $l! A P. O. North CI THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT EV ? les for Women. CAN YOU r IT BEFORE TontGHTP ?T AOUgi^Jfy ralUz, ?UwWa r gray or ghastly. Anhorf space of fifteen or twenty minutes; anil so cunningly is trx3 preparation co: ipoundd thai its eff'-'s arc quite indiscernible as ..hi':!. ' " r, not only has science achVved a natural coloring hut a one. Hack in the bustle eia, '.air ?lyes?containing a substence entitled paraphenylone diamine? were about as safe to bring in proximity to the scalp as the open razor was to the throat. Chen i ts have eliminated this ingredient and with it the chief grounds for many women's prejudice against coloring their hair.*' "The coming of bobbed hair, the going of the untamed whisker ami the almost universal custom of coloring hair?all these .are the product of the work of the engineer or the chemist. The dressmaker, the hairdresser and other such folk as commonly are supposed to be the originators of styles are really but carrying out the orders of necessities?new necessities brought about new deal and chemical invenu yfn DiRA OF IMC. 1-UIU'Ut 1AG~~~-~~ Ox. SPtqtAU. 1 * * ? a x r T"? nrn^ t \r r a in VLL. MAVL t5LtJ\ W/\l ! ^ FOR \ MIX in IE PURPLE SAGE" i TKurs. Aug. 12-13 PASTIME THEATE A Trade? :o trade for 2 modern Charlotte now rent 15 per month: ddress Box 37 jarlotte, N. C. ERY THURSDAY -BOONE. N. C. FOX HUNTING ^ I Mr. VtTtnr: 5vcr si net* the days of Mint rod i who was a "mighty hunter before | tie Lord*' and the time that Samson wd firebrands to three hundred fox tails. by many fox hunting has been considered one of the threat est sports. It current cnowiedge in Wafeuga j County that Messrs Harrison Baker | A. ?. Cook and Boone Coffey are the i RrtJKesl fox chasers in this mountain ? sv.". mi. but unk-v- they come up tb: fal with ;? renewed determination to wa the flag of victory over tb-.- j i head- i 1 all competitor.-;, John )!< No.! of Puclear. Wilkes County w j carry off the laurels. Mr. McNeil has a p tck of eight fox hounds which he values at $190 each and in o?tb-r t-> ill: race w r:?-never ? o:n-. he recently ordered tvvN'd f"\c> | four, u-.uaisiana, lor which he paid the ! sum ?;? $108. As a further token of Mr. McNeilV deturmination to play i iru .iacri ut'mpsvy in very iux inc| ing cutest thi> fail. he goes to \\ Wilktsbori- and purchases beef to feed the twelve red foxes which he H recently turned out in the it" jntain. When purchasing beef for his foxes he buys pills for his dogs in order j ^ to keep their systems in good run- yv ning order. Ju.-t before Christmas the versatile ' pen of Mr. Henry Lewis of Kentucky ?< will be needed to describe the enchanting melody of McNeil's bellowing hounds in the mountains of c' Wilkes Z. T. WATSON. 1 | S MRS. DORA THOMAS DEAD y Mrs. Dora Thomas, wife of Mr. Don Thomas of Trade, Tenn. R. F. , *v D. died at her home last Sunday eve- a ! iiiiiij. after an illness extending over a | a period of six months. Interment in f the Thomas grave yard Tuesday afternoon. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. M. R. Wilson, and was :? sp'en did Christian lady. Mr Butler Thorn- I as. brother 111 law of deceased of M Boone, attended the funeral. S BOONE KNiTT TThc first lot of Boone Hoie, knitt I note u tor sale at l.'avidsori s. Ihr 1 hose are knitt ot good lisle vsrrt re- ^ . enforced heel, toe and foot. They would be cheap at 23c but Davidson is offering them 6 pair only 98c. Patronize your home industry, buy Boone Knitt hose at Davidson's Dept. Store. PRTALFRED' wrDULri " RYE SPKCI AI.IST O SEE BETTER iHT sie duu 17 t ear s bxpenaticc { The Best Equipment Obtainable. N I Glasses Fitted Exclusively f j I MARTIN BLOCK, LENOIR, N. U fa If fOttfOt Kfrom UU-A. It's All Right I f 9 * WATCH PA PAR VX)K. UATiiS ^-^11 i OSS 1 The real charm of ton Hi ! leaving the main-travelled and exploring the thou "and Pjj! ing side-paths. These dirt trails lead to spots of rat unvisited by the throni better camp-sites may b< finer fishing and lovelier In a Ford car, you can enjoy I *3 Runabout Coup* - On open cu FuU-etze ba SEE ANY AUTHORIZE] Touring Car f i *290 F. O. B. Dttroir j 111 ???ltt? page thrue STANDARD" _ GASOLINE JL Laughs, stt T-?4111 ; r ji ?.1),^ * The Charlotte Observer carrying more high class features in connection with receiving le latest news from the ASSOCIATED PRESS, the CONSOLIATED PRESS, anj the NORTH AMERICAN NEWSPAPER .LLIANCE, than any other newspaper published in the Caronas. If you are not a reader of Care1., -i biggest and foicmost ewspaper. there must be a r6aton !f the Observer knew the rea on, no doubt you would be a reader. If you are rot. a subscriber am! wi:r ily fill in and clip the uupon below and .-.end to the Circa ;ition Department. The BSERVER will .-tnu you free -amp . = of the NEW <'BERVER. o*- better -tiil, fill in and ma the coupon with a mall omittance a?"i he OBSERVER will pin you a .subscriber, 'ou don't have i< pay for a year at ow- time. A sdiortbr period ill be appreciated and perhaps mitfht be more convenient for ou at this time Send your reroiUano tor any amount you ish. dy all mean don": overlook '.n the coupon filled in nd let us send you -ample cock*.- a;.d us why you are not reader of the OBSERVER SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL 1 mo. n-?-. 6 rnos. 1 yea; lailv and S . iav - - - ? "> - * 1 *' ally without Sunday C:.~? 1.75 r?c, 7.ii;i uiulay o!i:y 40 1.00 1.75 3.50 he Charlotte Observer, imitation Department, hariotte. N?-rth Caroiina. I Gentlemen: Enclosed find $ for ...... months ubsctiptior. to the Observer. Sor.U copies to My reason for Not reading the OBSERVER is i a me Address 91 lie Beaten Path tg lies In of exploration and discovery. It Is : ighwavs the one satisfactory means of travel isoiallur- for these narrow roads?light?yet roads and so powerful that it will bring you e beauty through ? easy to handle?sturdy g?where and economical. scenery wi" c;>rry the whole family and the saving in cost often p^ys for the I lie mi in cuiiic >;ttuiu?u. - - $260 Tudor Sedan - $SSO - - 520 Fordor Sedan - 660 r* i)?onountabl? rim* iind starter are $1(5 rxtia. IJnoo ciree $25 extra. All pricms f. e. b Detroit. D FORD DEALER OR M AIL THIS COUPON Plr-a-vt tell me how I can secure a Ford Car on ea?y payment*; j Name - AfiirMi Cily Mai. thi. coupon to -J