PAGE FOUR WATAUGA COUNTY NEEDS FOREST PROTECTIO The ! 4th ct U S. lOil), show* that Watauga co nitty has a land area of 193,920 acres c:t which 109.7Sa are in forests, tarro woodlands oi om.iripioved iarrr? lands. In other words, >o per ? ? ' * j{ the c dimly either growing toeis or nothing and will probably cont ue to Jo so fez another fifty v r-. tor th_- farmers no".' have nt-tnly '; much lan.l clear?] a> * hey can I and almost j.a ma land s > f l old fields ao being turned out. Mach of .he oli per i-ent '-vi| a ' He in 2V1is: nothing for '.fe rd is too -meg er ro? ky :j Unm. ' c pa a v.. ry 'are.- part of the . fth of tho men ly ha- come > 10 faro .- either tbroyph the a ' inter or thro'.ijrb the i'mD:t?yrr.i : : . the t.iubt v >vrations affc-ocb. vVsth protectum this i.r:du>try \ nado pc-rmaiiert wiii'v.Hf ;t- . ^nbutier. to the wealth of the . iy. Lumber Pre: . .* >*; -lOiti^'J .aerfi. of protect* u 'p<! vi'd brini; in .> \ l-.uv. ret in of between two and f?.or fcsmire 1 :-oid i?>i ar< to the land owner.- and a ill in fflfeiou fuTiiish an equal amount of iaWr to t be p-oplo : the county. L- a' industry that ' s $600.Cf?.(? per year to the wealth of the county worth protertii igV Taxes:--At pre- * 44 per r.-, of uyri cultural !ai 1 1 town property is paying: pertain- two thirds ot !?? total t;?xe> *" county. Tftis is due to the fav' j^at 'no farfceied art a has beer, cut and named and griaily rni-jo d in va>. f if this forested area is piotected ire youiig growth . h increase its value .and not cniy yield a profit to tK* and owners, \.w the land will pay its part of the county tax tit .v . . ,J that, prelet i d for. >i land doubles in value every ten years because of the forest growth >n it.? Pi- t"cting tie "land will mear spreading tie- ax-, over the whole .- antry rather than to! trating ii 4k *^e agr. i.ral land and the resuff veil} be a lower tax rate. Future timber -The State * X. Carolina is cutting its timber about four tunos as fas: as it is being replaced by young growth and it is estimated that within 15 years we will have to get our timber front some other place and thou havo to pay thv freight. Freight on timber: The pcopli of the United stares pay annually thi sum of $2o0,000,00 in freight o timber became it is not grown wher it is used. Watauga county has nc yet contributed t<> this bill, but ur less the young forest growth is pre t'*cted ;t will soon be necessary t ship lumber into the country. Recreation.?Watauga county < now spending money on good road and on other means to attract th tourist with the hop* that they wi come and add wealth to rhe count* This will probably be the case fo the <mnt> i-s blessed hy ;; cJimat in the summer thar is not *:xceUe< by any county in the tato ami iha ; , .... .. ... .. - .... ?.-? L .1-1 ?uiin; 1-: ; UOV ue t iV'Hg a 'ar^o annua iron tourists. But the tea <: when they will find the tr. that the; want *.r\d forest protect ??i brings al tl-'-se things as far a- the outdoor ii . oire^rned Most people go to M?; Milcholl only once for the big fires that follow the luir.1 .-iing operation: in that region make the area a iir< If" ruits, berrie sections of Wal I We have a ? Fruit Jars, Caps a nice line of a \ f Farmers f - t scar unpleasant r?> the eve. I Forest fires rur v u-np sites a:;d :? r'> hunting .. :;shing. All of ' -? things th? vouD' mast have * ' tourists are to : - - fe of per. manent attractions. The Fore-try P ' hie State > nartznent of Cod.-* a- r. and Oe velopmer.t is entrusted *W the state and Fed. ral funds for forest protection and is willing: t;> be v* such couna. may desire the by giv : :hv counties the state money. However, the couvuy must fist show that' it is *rT : hi proteer;* j its forests befir rhe state can help. Ally anpropr: ' that a counLv may make wili la ow. oy an equal amour.: of stare mor- v in addition i he state will supers ' e work in , h< county and fuvi. - osters, lit?"ttr,re. and such toe'* - available Is will procure. .'he rjtaiuzaT on cooperating c? >:-ts of a .nty fores* \ h .vh;> has direct ivervision of tb; w rk In the county. Under him a DM net Forest Warden in each towui is. eh posts notices ne people about the for and does cv- ythirig that he to prevent fires. In ease of a (has authority 1 < :nmon men hv-p rVit it and h also investi ev y fin and brings proseC;' ,m, where the warrants. .or Tic. l) - r\ct \\ : are a nurr. <?. Deputies wh- -as crew ir case of a f . . These men are --altered about rv. miles apart ;i:h the districts . are usually eeery fire belc makes any headway. This means a low cost of ppre^sion and but hr damage the forests. ! .a-t year we vver ible to take | : any no v. counties. uise of lim- \ i state funds but arc- now Inj position to heip four more coun - in this section. \W ruga county | wed* the work as mas any coun v ir. the district ami at the same! lime it is a constant r.n-nace to the :ulj<>iniug eoopera1.*: c counties of Wilkes, Caldwell an J A.very. Tbe ..ripest fire in W-'kc: county this spring came from Warauga and a most of tin trouble in Av> cry was caused by Watauga fires crossing the line. | $1*00 ia the minimum amount with which we will be able to consider ^j thai a county is desirous ?>f coopcraWORTH TV a e t 40 acres near Boone in Ashe coi per acre including all improvemei Nice big lot near the State Norm ing Rock voad. $425 v/ill buy it. 2 nice lota, several -white pines, \? 1 for both. 22 acr^s iand, including 5 acres .. quantity of tan bark. Creek through ' j 120 acres best grass land, lays w-t acre. C . jj 15 acrck, facing Boone ! vd, wei t I 280 acres of land For fruit . edge of Wilke* on foothill: Blue 1 tood reed, timber and worth double t ^! mu*? be sold. ; A nice 6 room house, fruit, garde . miles fjom Boone, and the 22 acre* you $2200.00 with easy terms. s | Boone is going tc be the metropol and a good investment is worth a lif, 5L * H. W. HORTON SAVE :s and vegetables are very p tauga County this year. 'EAT WHAT YOU CAN AND CAN THE REST" jood stock of pint, quart ; i and Rings at the right pric luminum Preserving K.ettl< Yours to serve, Hardware & Su rHE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E V -?: . tion. If Watauga Ai)l make this ur I nropriatior wc w II give an equal amount and endeavor to organize fore the fall fires begin. FRED B MERRILL. District Forest'1. Lenoir, C. AN APOLOGY Owing to shut downs ia ihc electric service this week, caused by the unprecedented dry weathe> of the sumnjer, many of our mo.t ' important news items, correspor dence, etc. had to be omitted thi* week. There fore we have to give j our readers *'the rag" in what-v- J er shape we can this time, and as it is are forced to come out a ; day late. Your kind indulgence i? t solicited. MINISTERS WILL MEET The Watauga Ministerial As.-uc.i-1 tion will meet Monday morning at in:00 in the ladies parlor of tht Methodist church. All ministers of the county are invited. CA J ' - 1 1 -J1L 1 * Bella Daddy dortt ^ forget my Wrigeys Slip a pmckkdc h? vy,^ your pocket when ho iosSfcjL' Give the yemnj^trw Hr ' 5 thi* wholesome. Imfr Iwtin^ sweet - for Use It yourself after irwokintf or when work dra^s. It's a jyj! <jrc*thttle freshener/ -IE PRICE x nty. Good house. A pick up at $50 n1*. ai School. 50 feet frontage on Blowr ide front, Daniel Boone Park ?iS0 creek bottom; 75,000 feet timber, a i t, on graded road. $75 per acre. sll, western part of county. $20 00 per tern part of town $175 And general farming, located in the f Ridge, small cottage, good orchard, he price asked. Make an offer It n, timber ,on graded road about two with all improvements will only cost lis of Northwestern North Carolina e time of labor. Think it over. Boone, N. C. ilenHful in most ^ and half gallon H e. We also have Hi :s, etc. ipply Go. I I ERV THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. WONDERS M Down mr. Bo'.'tu1. X. C.) i Oh. the wonders of the valley ! a pleasant place to be, | With its Hot t - and Us tries And the sparkling of the rills And the spreading of the meadows, fill with joy th? full heart thrills. : Oh. th on wed of th< mountains ! it's a g.orious p:ace to see And to note t! idcrJr.g scene And t . tiold its riches rare Spread ng out * richest beauty As a pleasing garden fair. Oh, the werulvi - of the landscape, ' l**s a p' i"u! place to roam With its vc r changing forms And its irresistent lure Lea?i;ri' an in i?':*;idinir As to higher ways so pure Oh. th; wonders < heaven l-'s a great and heaviteous dome, Filled with mi'lio-is suns and orbs Lighting un the distant way Holding all *he dd&n regions A- .? ujt. but secret day Patronize your home industry, bo; Boone Knitt hese at Davidson's Dept Store. /' f BOONE KNITT n he first lot of Boone Hose, knit hose is for sale at Davidson's Tiv hose are knitt of good lisle yarn re enforced heel, toe and foot. The; would be cheap at 25c but Davidsoi is offering them o pair only 98c. KODAK F1NISHIM I am now prepared to give you 2 hour service on all Kulak Develop ! ing and Printing. The most mod rn methods coi tfiod v. :th my 1-u.g < \p rionce ena bles me to serve you promptly an efficiently along this lint-. Money wi not buy better work. Mail orders ar especially solicited. J. M. BAWGUS BOONE - NORTH OARC NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE By virtu** of the power of sale cor i rained in a certain mortgage dce< executed to Allen Greene by T I Jones or. the 29th day of Octobei | 1924, to secure the surn of $562.5 r.r.d default having been mode in th payment of said amount. 1 ill, o the 3rd day of August, 1925, at th court house door of Watauga count at 1 :G0 o'clock P. M. sell to the higl est bidder for cash the following des cnbed real estate, to-wit: BEGINNING on a locust stake o the bank of the road, Fred Greene' line, a south course to the creek; the a West ?*ourse with the me&nders_o the branch to B. B. Greene's stable then a Northeast course to a stake o the bank of the public road; then a East course with the public road t th*- beginning. S. D. GREENE, * a i* . ^ .lU'lll-IIMiaLU 11 CVllC.! Ull'fH NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ???nNORTH CAROUNA, Wutauga County, Having qualified as administrate of Frank South, deceased, - air' c f V.: tauga county, North Carolina, this i to notify a'i persons having claim against the estate of said deceased t present them to the undersigned a Tamarack, N. C on or before Jul; 2nd, I92t?, or this notice will h plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es late will please make immediate pay ment. This '.he 2nd day of July, lo2a NANNIE SQUTH. Admr. of Frank South, dee'd Brown & Bingham, Attys. 26-H-] NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SAI.E . . By virtue of the power of sale cot taincd in a certain mortgage deei | executed to W. F. Moody by E. M | Cornett, dated the 23rd day of Oc | toher 11)20, to secure the sum o 3774.SO, being the purchase raone; on lands hereinafter described ant default having been made in the pay ment of said sum, I will on the thirt day of August, 1925. sell to the high } est bidder for cash at the court houst I door in lioone township, Wataugi County, between the hours of 10 a m and 2 p. m. the following deserib ed tract of land, being the same trac of land conveyed to E. M. Cornet containing 21 acres and 70 rods bj deed dated the 23rd day of Octobei 1920, by W. P. Moody and wife M E. Moody and A.P. Moody and wilt Meda Moody to which deed and th? registration thereof reference i3 beri by made for a more complete descrip tion of same. This the 3rd day of July 1925. F. C. WARD Trustee of A. P. Moody and W. P Moody. I NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY By virtue of a deed of assignment iv : *.< the undersigned by \\. P. M viv and wife and A. P. Moody }' and wife. 1 viii oil Saturday August, ja 1. 1;*25. at the residence of A. P. j ,f >juud.y in Boone township Watauga' I ir.ty, North Carolina, sell to ther.bidder for cash the following ^ i a nicies of personal property to wit: | : red cow f ;e years old: one < t*\ rolet coupe automobile; one ' wing machine and rake; one grist one wagon, two horses; one harrow, one hill side plow; feed cutter, one grain drill; and , , farming tools. !"*r. : rms of sale on amounts un(icr 510 cash on day of sale, mere :ir. ><o on vu days time with note . | proved security. : > -rd day of .July 1925. F. C. WARD, Trustee of A P. Moody and W. P. Moody. it >Af.?K?18 acres of land, six l.oti.-e and good harn and other* i.ngs, a good orchard, near the Y \ \'T mill, handy to the store. S ! write M. S. Bumgarn r. Sands " r.\ 23-30 % ; ! -'AI.E?18^2 acres unimproved 1, miles from Gastonia, N. C. e y level, suitable for general j trucking or small dairy with 1 -'ream. $85 per acre, good y - write owner, C. L. Bel), West n < 'lonia, N. C. 23-30 NOTICE V just completed, with six ms a id bath, water and lights, I h . ix lots, above the court house ii Boone, for sale. Will sell all lots 1 ? -.* t or-- - 1 r . rr .?M'i IUI iuuaiuu n?ei. lcrmaif 4 F. A. LINNEY iL H ? J " " Anything Tc in Our We can supply ? Brick, Lime, I e Rock, Wall Boa n * Ceiling, Siding, [. dows, Doors, Bi ware, and aim you need for th n or to repair the We handle good ial and Solicit y Yrmi'? .! - I I l I ; WATAUGA FURN1T ? by W. R. Gragg, G y ; 0 i WM C i \eacy. Wind Colic and Diarrhea; a * therefrom, and, by regulating the l>t assimilation of IfVxxi, girting health To avoid imitations. alwayl look for the sip Alttolutely Harmless - No Oj[jialcs Phys t / July 30. 1925. ^ NOTICE The Board of county < remissionrs on the first Monday in August their regular meeting will receive ids for the construction of the new til building. The right i- reserved to 'ject any or all bids. is. C. EGGERS, Chairman. i ? Puretest Zince Sterate .\ writcrpniMf I'"V/derJ which i> unsurpassed for infant's u%e. Made of finest materials-. Pureiest Boric Acid A safe mild antiseptic which may ho freely used as a healing dusting1 ixv-vfVr and eye solution. 25c per can % BOONE DRUG CO. vzo 3^S2SS s*ant day Line? ' you with Sand, Sheet * rd, Flooring, Casing", Win aiders Hardost anything e new house old one. ! solid materour orders, to serve, URE & LBR. CO. eneral Manager, ?? ?, uldren tyfor Ml j l MOTHER:- FlefcX. deer's Castoria is cspecially prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flaltfflaying Feverishness arising oniach and liowds, aids the y and natural sleep. nature of iciaas everywhere recommend it. '

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