July 10. 1925 ^Natiorii Turning I?eft Turnir MA'S NiGHTMARE? Aft y ' !$tiTTG** *__L ?uttc>I r': -r ~~pgCr" ? t>,cnri.er j jj^l 1 ^yy j ' ' .T ' T .' - ^ * Tim Week By Arthur Bri>b?n? TiUASSlC ROCKS. LUTHER, CALVIN, BRYAN. SAFETY IN THE AIR. KOI TO WORRY. The Reverend Dr. Siraton wonts the law against teaching evolution introduced into New York Suite. His earnestness may puzzle ether Fundamentalists when he says he can prove the evolutionists are w rong, because "Triassic rock" antedates by million of years the time of man's ern.ution as described by Dairy "a. If the work! only six thousand years old, sow can there be rocks millions of years old? In their desire to discredit Darwin, the good Fundamentalist should not forget his own "facts and figures." , Deeply religious men often males * mistakes in science. Mr. Watson Davis mentions two instances. Martin I.uther condemned savagely "an astrologer who strove to show that the world revolves, not the heavens or the firmament, the sun arid the moon. This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy." 8ut today not Galileo is the fool. Call-in, quoting the psalm which says "the world also is established that it cannot be moved," added, i.l-rt vx '111 I'/inf ii if rx rvl ooo tUn ? < thority of Copernicus above that of the Holy Spirit?" Ami the pood John Wesley ti .itliriit the new ideas in astronoiny showed a trend toward infill :ity. Those were three pood TTote .ants: they all worried about Galileo, as Bryan now wor about Darwin. But religion has survive*! their worry. rs hying dangerous? If the pilot uses common cn=e, it is less dangerous than crossing a crowded street. The right to make home brew is still defended by those who haven't tried it. The engine that" knocks is losing power. The man who knocks has !itt tie to lose. J.l Automobile Driving ig Right Pass Me :er Canning Peaches All Day obi. rA&\K*m HELPffcS T' Tn I * "r.nrlhs pilots j from * i- ave flown 1,82"?>;, i: o: . - . 0.3 separate flights. Only THREE have been killed, I although pilots have turned endless somersault.- and committed much other foolishness ir. the air. ' Sixty years hence cautious old ladies will refuse to ride in automobiles or earth trains. They wili aay, "At my age they are too dangerous. I only fly, and at a safe height." This "humorous" paragraph in published: A county editor, having worked hard for thirty years, retired with $50,000 capital. He explained as follows: I attribute my ability to retire with $50,000 to the fact that i worked very hard sr.d saved every cent,?-and to the death ot an uncle who left me $19,999.30." Ten thousand country editors could testify that there is more truth than humor in that anecdote. The most useful, underpaid and earnest body of men in the nation are the editors of country newspapers. The pathetic fact is that they would he highly prosperous men if business anil advertisers realized the truth that the country newspaper, in proportion to its circulation, IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE COUNTRY. An increase in the price of rubber drives manufacturers to plan for smaller tires. Some man of intelligence will find a way to nubstitute steel springs for rubber and produce a tire better than a rubber tiro. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manee, who have nine children, gave a TNQ rfw frtW fVince ivKiIcImvi 11 r..i their offspring-. One hundred ami one | cam# to the party. If everybody did aa well, if the millions in China raised their gigantic families, lor instance, and if plagues and floods stopped killing them, how soon would the earth be overpeopled ? That is the thing NOT to worry about. "The Lord arranges it so that the tree shall not grow into the heavens." And He has undoubtedly arranged it so that the earth "Vhall i.nt breed more people than it can support. As the world grows older and its people know more, fewer children are BORN; more of them LIVE. The poker fi nd who once opened pots now has a wife who jilays bridge while he opens cans. We see advertised a feminine garment that claims "p rfeil control of ail lines and cure Let - get a few for our pitchers. THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT? Ttals >o J / \ J w Stop I? Danger'' By ^ 6 CHA,MN 1 r>i'rc '\k^7,^^\ tc^MMM sis* .i??. K '? I [u ^ ^? 1 _tf y? by?vkUncle .fofoftijgL A right smart hand at chawin' is mj friend Ben Lerabee,? lie sen has chawed incessant, sence the fall of slaty three.. We nicknamed him "Tobacker Ben"?he raises it, ye know?an' they say he swallers half the juice, but I hardly i Dock soz?if Ben should masticate a single scruple more, he'd flop his wings an' soar awuy to some eternal shore. ... Ami, while the sober thinker may concede that Dock is right, Ren's wife declares he takes a twist to bed with him at night! It's cur'us how a habit forms, an' hitches onto men,?controls 'cm sole and body, like to backer's dene to Ben ...And still? we're bound to recognize the wheat among the tares?you'll scarcely find a better man around here anywheres! 1 reckon that the most of up with failin's of our o.vn, had better regaiate ourselves, afore we cast a stone. ~tr ooesnt"make my Niece mad -tbcau- her a flapped, SOT IT DO^TD cau. He*, m eiSrtT A.H Phillip K. Knapp. aecued of n der. is supposed to he hiding in 1 speaking:, that seems to he the luj al place. The n% . -ajre man thinks th^ w.>, would be ? 1 ir.c place if every! ugreed with him. EVERY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C STUDY OF BIRDS Af OBJECT OF TRIP Prof. H. H. Nininger to Go From 5. Dakota to Mexico. Tr ? '*i. Kan. A staclj ot bird life .'i, South l?nki- I\in:Diwr will make The trip UflilT !.;??* aus}'i<-"s ot lite .National J ' Qrnil ?so :?*ty. ami it ir? expected to result tn the ne?st important keep well , . . . ti m mifif *?t Binpr, tiiftt tne ^ birds oar. be studied In advance of ' the migratory period for too Aim .-i? an {' ' het; SpP'O'S, ^ Crossing the KIo Grande, the party will ci'n'Jnue south. gathering data on ^ ^ the species both rare and common to ^ Mexico While there, the migratory !" blnis of the northland. whbli will have sought wlnte' quarters, will be Clesely observed. ? From the City of Mexico. Professor NInliiger wfl' move northward, iravel !ng along the western coast of Mexico ^ ' nnd the Cnited States until the Ca- ,a nudian border is reached. Colleges and universities along the a route In both countries have nsKed Pre lessor Xinlnjrer Tor his disclosures. ant REAL "SKY PILOT" Fo Rev. Henry Hussiuun. pastor or' a fcJl Catholic church in St. I-ouls, Mo., has g become, at sixty years of axe, an air (ju plane pilot. "I went out to the flying I field In 11122 Just to pee what it wan vvt Ilk.'." he sava. "I took one look and ?\u decided I wanted to ride. Since thai mi day I have been ?m artlent aviator." a:> ? ah' Rears Son on $12 Week; ? " Learns Mate Is Wealthy New York. Alleging, while Strug- ati gihig on an allowance of $12 a week, els that she discovered her bush end, head of two producing export corporations, of had grown rich and wits maintaining \vi another woman In lavish circum- r<>' stances. Mrs. Helen A. McKee of ri? Waverly avenue. I-.vnchburg. I. I., gn brought suit for divorce against Ren- im ard A. McKee of Brooklyn. gn Mrs. McKee, before Supreme Court ar Justice May, naked $l.(i?0 n month its alimony and $2,000 counsel fee. The oa couple have a grown son. Harold. Mrs Sc McKee obtained a separation eight years ago. As her husband seemed In straitened circumstances, only $12 ?n a week alimony was allowed. El Recently, Mrs. McKee said she pt found her husband was president of he the R. A. McK.ee corporation end the n, McKee, Fulton. Parte! corporation, 01 both of 2?1 Broatlwuv. ,.nd that his in* th come was $T>0.000 a year. Mrs. M? Kee aliened her husband*! Brooklyn home la one of the ahow e3 places of the neighborhood and has ai an Italian garden on the roof and a n, private bar in the basement, together with a billiard and ballroom. St OOCXXXXXXXXXOOOOCXDOCOOOOOC jj 5 Tousfh Steak a Myth? 5 n 8 Tests So Indicate 8 0 Washington.'?Meat eaters who g ^ Q have gained the impression thai X x some of trie beef put before them 0 Q Is more suitable for the mnnn q I x factnre of antomobHe tires than V p it Is for human consumption ap- p X parently have been misled by x p their own temperaments. Q ? 0 They were disillusioned by bu- X P reau of standards experts who p * B quested by the Department of S X Agriculture to determine Just X * s5 how rough beef ran be so stand- Q v X ards might bo fixed on the basis X t v of resistance to mastication. Q t X Using raacb.nes designed for A a v measuring resistance of libers to O a X various stresses, the experts X fc x found even the toughest piece of 0 a Q meat supplied hv the depart- X t 0 inent too delicate to have any 0 fc Q valuable indication of strength X 0 sufficient for use except as a ta U O ble decoration With this much X 0 established. If. I... Whittmore, x O head of the bureau's mechanical Q * 0 section, safb that the task of P ' 0 fixing standard toughness for Q X oeef would be continued with 0 * O more delicate machinery than Q * X has hitherto been utilized. X ? m ONCE WORLD S GREATEST TEA PORT adc Hard Hit When Japan Grabbed Formosa. eliiD/^on.?w- ii : i, <'tie of ports -i1 which :lie presence ?*f r ships has? been requested v> pn?lect ignesv, has * in r Mstory !::<* American Revo up . "It was Aruoj. then v.<>rld's premier *?. ; >rt, thai the in 17T'i wb; u _ js'ltue tubs later in :he 'Boston Party/ \ iuoy was one of the earliest Chlc Ities to have ronrr.utT? with the ?\ The Portupipse established r.ed 1 trade worth millions of dollars lually has beeu lost to Amoy. 'Amoy Is still a big city, however, h u population of about 1.10,000. d nothing can take from It the di?L'tiou of having one of the best bar's on the Pact tie T.ike Hongkong. town is situated on an island? toy island, which bar, 3 ctncunifere of 35 miles The nearest penu)h ol the mainland is three miies ay. The anus of the island and ' mainland JnCuse a large bay. use mountainous shores and islets ko this body of water one of the turesque spots of the Chinese coast, tside Amoy Island a string of Isids. stretching north and soath, ins an excellent natural breakwater ilch adds to the value of Ainoy's at. deep harbor. *The native city of Amoy has two ris; the old and new cities, divided h tow riMiL'e of hilis tnimml lir olii ttleroeote. The site of boti; is itf the strep slope of a larger hill ilch rises to barren, bowlder capjH?d niiiilts behind the town. The streets i? narrow, steep affairs In which no hides hut sedan chairs can he used, en the grandiloquently named *Ohuchow Highway' is little more than footpath over which an occasional hkey picks his way. "Amoy Is popularly accorded a ?r!d*3 record, hut it is not one to he juted about by proud citizens Many ivelers who have seen the nnspeakk tilth and studied Utie ladescrihle odors of certain oriental centers. H-u that in dirtiness twtd insanitary aditions Amoj is the Abub. I ten Adiu of cities. Because of this Miu on Amoy is frequently visited h7 olera and plague. "There is h great gulf In the matter conditions?and half o mile of aalt iter--between Amov and its foreign it lenient. TMa Is on Ko-long-su. a tall island which ilea between Aittoy d the mainland. With its consumes and residences built among shady lives, v - schools, hospitals., churches d hotels, and above all with its san mm: s.m'hs ?vr3ici u iiin-c. mi:, ui ic sis, is. known as The Paradise uf rath China.' Open Door for Emigrant*. "An., > i great gateway for coolie nigriii - n. especially iti Singapore aud *st iraiu-s. About 75,000 natives erairk Ainoy each year, and only a nail . i of tlds nuiiibi--r returns, early o>vn family in Amoy has one iu< . ? ambers abroad, and. s!nc< ie decline of the port's trade, eeo jmic '-. ^ter is stayed off largely r the remit lances sent home by tfcest tputr; i' s. This tribute-* to Anioj noQi :s to more than $12.\>G0,0G0 an tially "Th largest and deepest draft veis Is It fhe world car. be ao?'??minoy counterfeiters, and iu most i tances swoop down on the ofTeiide before they hare had a chance to ino [et their homemade money. Imprisoned by Bees Ix>ofsvttle. Ky.?The family of M bias Poschinger werce*. estimated to have numbered 0 K50 The bees, vagrants from a nee >y wood took possession of th? Poer nger front porch. Bverj attempt be besieged family to gain treodc wmm promptly blocked by the Inaeci PACE SEVEN W M. V MEETING i 7*e locating ou duuy the c.? j : tVoiif,.' ' - Mi.-Mr.ary LWith .?;< Ki'.j. . i/.r. cfyureh ui | * hutiinwrinti $y aud | m. v - ..;:t S pee rsdcnt I*??aj N . - on Jjf.'c? d 0 . . ynd J M v. '.ViLion acuxt >- : <- . iaiy. ; ' ;'ne tfjM< nr-el. of vlie was j vi.c;?u*?-..s:n*K- - ov tn | tK- imivr ?er.t deicurau . i r.rot.- * \ VK-ni:. of iht? union. lij'S. ; !>. r. i'l ,.>f? and rn. Vv. Wi'isowt. Mr-, ftt).-- Edna vJurvy by their eri ?i . ouo.d " . the : ffii?si<<:> cause added much * > th^e j ... | I". - 1 ' ' '. ; """" j of ;*B5T lloby E&g*-rs. F. M ,jins !.. C. W&ls-oii added [jriiis u! L. C. Wilson v .i- muck a;?< j preciat Mr- . f>. Stukenhrok sported the 'ate mt c'Jvig of the "v\ . M !J. ir: a .laiifr iritwwjstiTig that irony of our \v?ar,e i resolved to attend next year's i;< annual sermon we:- delivered by Rev. Ftukenbrok. M -- Mary Warren of Raleigh tho State S< retary of the W. M. U. ga* : ?..< ?' r a wonderful message on Christian (lifts." :xv r bsariy loved Superirit,< ridept . Mrs. ' i l*. Hagamart having died u . ntr i.h? year, a very impressive me.--'.ice conducted bj Mrs. F. M. Hug',:ins and participated in by many * he wonr . paid fitting tri i >ut?* : tier life of devotion to the ,ry cause. Mr. > -.ley Harris. ;-ut master for ! .(Uthcrn states talked to the ! ladio- c.i; the subject. **Hou we help I oursclv-. s when we help foreign missions." for the ensuing year wore I elected :i- follows: S.U;m utemient. Mrs. I. G. Cteei Assistant Superintdndent Mrs. I4'. ; M. HutSeei toy Mrs. W. \V. Wils -n. You "or Peoples I - adei Mrs. a. M. I lodge Men.l.. -s of the executive tern mitre, are 1> h^ughorty, Mrs. D : P. II . Mis. MAggk Wilson ,\lr>. Le? Swift, Mrs. \\ V Farthing and Mrs. .Annie Coffey. N"e\4 y.-ar the union o ill meet with the i:*ty at Bcave; Dam. BOX SUPPER There will he a ia<>\ supper at Rutlicrwood Saturday night August X. Public Cordiaiiy invii- d. TEACHERS. $100,000 TOWN OF BOONE NORTH CAROLINA WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM BONDS Sealed bids addressed to the undersigned will be received by the Board of Aidermen be numbered from one i?? one bun: itcd (1 to lot" i-orVf numbers incluive. to be ir. denominations c*f $1000 each to be due and payable in numerical order $2,099 July I, I92S :<> i957 iriclus and $5,000 July l. 958 to 190 ; rrlusivs*. Said bondill bear snt< i at the rate of six cent UJ p< r cent 1 per annum. pay :l?ie semi-annual'> or. January ? and :i> 1st t>i eat I year, ntere t acfuron said bonds will be evidenced i i \ coupon - the to attached lriatuv> sx or. the svv.-ral baie> when -tfcch interest mai$res. The said bonds and unpens will he payable at the Har < r Natior,:\: Bank in rb< City and Stale of N. v. York, Each bidde: must present with hi 1 a certified crack upon an incur! . a U?i .. 'i".... . . I - - t any U - i esuitir.u ?rom the failure of the balder to comply \vi11> he terms of his bid. The riyhl is renewed to reject any 0 i all bid.y Mo hid foj less hai; par and acte c.rued interest wit] be considered, i- a. v. howell. Clerk 'd T n\'il of Boee.t , X. 7-30 ir r o, ... iv Many I s:n^ie U/uay rails'.' she ' > wbiifc 10 no m.n . ' h msel*. . . ry ;? VACATION Be surt to tafce the blue jar aiong for sunburn, bites, stints, bruises, sores, cut s. lame muscles, poison ivy, hay fever or fty mm-ner colds. : Vicks ? W VapoRub Over 17 Million J are UncJ Yearly