J PAGE FOUR LOCAL. fyuPPEISONGq .Mi. J. E. Winkler and son Walter were business visitors in Boone on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mrs. A. F. Whitesides of Gastonia was a week end visitor at the home of Mrs. J. M. Moretz. Mrs. Street, wife of Manager Street of the Daniel Boone, was taken to Statesvillc last week for treatment at I.ong's Sanatorium. A refreshing shower last night served to lay the dust for the day and prospects are very good for more rain this afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Dula of Lenoir, were in town today en route to i the Cove Creek section whore the Doctor has some annoinfawpn^g 0 Mr. Ralph Moretz, Clate Mo ret/. and Miss Lessie Moretz left for Berea College, Berea, Ky., Wednesday morning. Mrs. R. O. Amos and daughter of i Roanoke, who are spending some j time with relatives at Foscoe, were callers at the Democrat office Mon clay. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hodges who has been constantly ii! since his birth 1G months ago, died last Friday. The little body was laid to rest at Piney Adventist Church hint- 1 urday. Dr. J. C. Farthing of Butler, Tenn was in town the first of the week He has new equipment bought for his dental parlors here and hopes to loiate permanently in Boone in the ; near future. i Mrs. J. T. Hendrix of Bluefield | W. Va. is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Criteher in Boone. She was accompanied j by her husband who has returned to his work. Mrr. John A. Sproies went to States ..Ml. I~..a T.M . a. ? vine i??t mummy to unuer^o ireai- i ment at the Davis Hospital. She was accompanied by her father I>r. W. K. Butler, and will likely remain for i a week. ^ ^ w. ? ?* ~. J M. Pearson, formerly of Blowing Rock, now of Lenoir, was in town the first of the week. He says he now has valuable holdings in Lenoir and j expects to go into business there in j the near future. Mr. Greer Glenn who has completed his course at the University ! of North Carolina, is here for a fewdays, before going to Johnston county N. C. where he has been elected principa of a consolidated school with 400 attendants. Miss Fawn Watson, principal of the consolidated school at Deep Gap was in town Monday and told the I Democrat that the school was temporarily closed on account of an ( epidemic of scarlet fever that was raging in the Stony Fork section. Young Grant Hodges, son of Mr and Mrs. J. W. Hodges is at home' again and in school after four month j stay in Miami, Fia. Grant is a hiss-) tier. He reports failing to work only) one day during that time, and only left there where he aid r.o take up I his school work here. The Carolina Grocery Store, according to the President of the Com^ party, Mr. Turner, who was here this week, will not open for it few weeks. The building is completed and is a beauty. Mr. Milton Greer has been named as manager and wj\\ be on the job at the opening. J Prof. A. R. Smith of the faculty of the State Normal in Boone left this forenoon for Chapel Hill, where ! ho will take a post-graduate course for the next year. His family accom- ; panied him, and their home in Daniel Boone Park will be occupied dur- j ing their absence by Prof. Kent and j family. Mr. Bill Banner of Sugar Grove one of the veteran and efficient R. F. D. carriers in the county who has been at the Western Hospital for] treatment for some time has return ed, hale and hearty, his mental de-1 rangement being: now a thing: of the j past. Banner is one of our best citizens and we are glad to see him ' back. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morctz of, Hickory were week er * guests at the ! home of Mr. J. M. Moretz in Boone. While here Mr. Moretz and his brother. J. M. Moretz placed an option on the Wade Kogeis farm just outside the corporate limits of the town. The survey is being made today and it is s generally understood that the trade will be closed at once. The property will be highly developed before being placed on the market as city property. The consideration is something more than $16,000. Misses Lucy Morel* and Euia Hodges left for Ra'.eigh Monday where they enter Meredith College for the present term. Both of the young ladies are graduates of the A. S. N. They were accompanied as far a.North Wilkesboro by a Miss Hopkins cousin of Miss Hodges, her brother Grant, and Vide Caudill. Mr John S. Williams of Blowing Rock. who has been suffering with pellegra for some time was taken to Statesville last Friday for treatment and an operation when he gains sufficient strength. He has been.getling on right well of late but his , physician and family thought it best for him to go to a sanitorium for a while. He was accompanied by his wife. Mrs. .Tames Whitehead and daughters, after spending more than seven weeks exploring the west rethrned Monday and report a most enjoyable outing. No event marred their ?nmpiete pleasure during the trip. The terminus of their trip was Victoria, B. C. The Democrat has the prom- j ise of two of the ladies of som? da-! ta gathered on the trip which will* evidently be of interest to our read-^ ers. Last Monday night young William Winkler, son of Mr. G. C. Winkle; of Boone and Milton Coffey of the Blowing Rock section were found in j the possession of some whiskey*, by. Officer Ralph Bingham. They were arrested and given a preliminary hear 1 ing before J. W. Bryan, J. P. who j bound them to court in a bond of $200 each. William "lit a rag" on j Monday for parts unknown ar.d his | bondsman wonders ''where he is at." i Coffey is here awaiting trial. Miss Pearl, daughter of the late [ F. H. Wyke, died at the home of her ; brother Mr. P. C. Wyke in Boone!) Tuesday and interment was made in | the Hines grave yard thi.; forenoon, j | Pearl made her home for many years ; with Miss Mattie Toppings, and had only been with her brother a few , months. She had been in very poor j health for some time, and was given every attention hut the disease , Oiihnri'tjli.cic', Mil irntli'n too f:ii :?d : " " """ 1 I vancod for medical ski'.!. She was 15,1 years of age. The oh! Masonic Hall, about the I only i?ne of the old landmarks left, j is now* being torn away by W. H. |! McGhec to make room for his new residence. The building was erected in 1871, according to Mr. W. L. Bryan, the late Rev. ,J. \V. Hall put ting up the frame, which is hand j mortised and pinned throughout, j Then the building was completed by j Messrs J. W. Farthing and Jacob j Woodring, both of whom have long since passed to their rewards. The Rev. Halt was also j*iven the contract J to "joint" the shingles for the building, for which he was paid five dollars. The money was raised by subscription and lodge dues. Mr. Bryan says the construction of the house, unpretentious as it was. was a mam- j| moth undertaking in those days. MISS LiNNEY ENTERTAINS SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Miss Margaret Linney charmingly entertained the members of her Sun- ; > day School class at her homo Tuos- 11 day afternoon. Tables were prepared for games of hearts and a place ' for each guest was marked by a gen- ; erous basket of delicious candies {j made by the hostess' own versatile j j hand. 1 The little ladies enjoyed their . frames, followed by sports or. the lawn, a story by Miss Anr.ie Stanbury and a proper climax was reached , when the hostess sorted delightful; ice cream and cakes. The joy of this festive occasion i! was tinged w ith a hit of sadness for I children couid not forget that their I teacher is leaving for college next'! week, and they know that they shall j I miss the gentle hand that has led them in their Sunday School work j j every since they left the primary de- |: partment. They must needs feel the : | loss of a teacher as faithful and elti- : cient and of a friend whose life ha-I been an inspiration and guide. The ! members of the class of Miss Linney and who enjoyed her hospitality are: Misses Masio Jean Jones, Edith An- ' tiers, Elizabeth Hahn, Gertrude Per-j ry, Mary Francis Linr.ey, Ella Weaver, Ruth Farthing" and Maude and Liia Clay. FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN FOR MRS. SMITH Circle No. 3 oi the Woipans* Missionary Society of the Boone Baptist church gave a farewell party in honor of Mrs. A. R. Smith who leaves soon for C.-hapel Hill, at the Commercial Hotel. The Boonerettcs were present with string music. An ice course was served which ali present enjoyed immensely. THL WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVl The F??tol in the C?r t< j t; Charlotte Observer. The finding- of a pistol tucked away f< in the left side pocket of the Fori! automobile in which \V. W. Ormond c< r-at when he was shot and killed by w W. B. Cole is a circumstance that yi doubtless will play a part in the trial c: of the Rockingham manufacturer, v. Certainly the defense may be expect- j w "d to make all possible use of the fact i hat a deadly weapon was carried in j v.* the car a fact which usually suggests! tl that one is "looking for trouble." pi Two days following the homicide a h< dispatch sent out from Rockingham f? | sp 1 H : ? I 0PF s ft 1 k A more fitting title coul E-j sents are manifold n? ? savings afforded, as wel ^ early in the season. 1 UNUSOAL 1 OPPORTUNITIES An Invitation a| Every woman desire?* above zi all ?Ise to be attractively, sty ? lishly attirc-d. Certainly she is ^ deeply interested in knowing y what is new and fashionable ^ 3 for autumn -arid for this reaa| son we are. sure she will appre * ? ciate this Invitation to view our | FIRST FASHION ARRIVALS FOR FALL ^ Our Fashion and Dress Acces2 sory Sections already arc ^ sparkling with beautiful mcr2 chandise?so new and differ3 cut that the ink scarcely is , * **- ... - * -? ? ? * t mv ui me lean iug magazines thai first told \ of their inception. Dominating styles, fascinating * ?yes irresistible in their beauty. Such a wealth of materials ll ?such vivid. characterful colorings, such style in nova- u tiona as to surprise and delight you. it's a joy just to view them*? {| and to slip into one of these big softj, luxurious coats, so c richly lined with silk, is positively a thrill. And Drosses! Words couldn't possibly do them justice. And so different from those of past seasons. s" DRESS TR1MM1N P? gj have not been as attract 5 many many seasons, ar g; chic effect given a die the classy medallions ? braids we are showing 6 ables the lady who cai ?1, to stand in the same rat her sister with the New ? gown on. % Novelty medallions frc % each up to $2 each. E ? from 1 Oc yard to $2.95 in a great variety of bea ^ ly blended colorings. h All Silk Pongee, 12 momie weight 69c Yd. d? Natural color in a smooth nice qi1 | Exclusive Style Does Necessarily Mean | HIGH PRICES No irtdecd.. Not at Spainhour-Sydnor Dry jg Company. Vou will find hero only the fash jf? arc- approved. To bo admitted to th IS assemblage, a era rim: i must be ?tyled?must be well above the ,J? quality, workmansh'p and finish. j? And still this store's methods o !g and our idea of pricing: things a ? possible for the sak?- of volume jE? means noticeably lower prices t ?5 will find elsewhere. Come in and inspect the new thi g have just arrived. ? topic of comment down there even yet, more than two weeks after the tragic Sunday afternoon, Eveiy bit. of information that could have any bearing1 on the ease one way or the other was a matter of much discussion, once it came to the knowledge of the people in the streets or the stores and offices. Why was the discovery of the pistol never talked so that any newspaper man, of the several who -pent much time trying to get information bearing on the homicide might chronicle the circumstance? What motive could one have for concealing the facts? Was it regarded as an ir? ident of no particular interest or 7^. y?: TP Try Try 335 jsrjij "5^e7g :RY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C^ _ - ? > the daily papers of the state, cor.lined this unqualified statement: "No weapon of any description was >und on Ormonri or his car. The statement was sent out by a rrespondent on the scene, a man ho has lived in Rockingham for pars and was as familiar with the reumstancos of the homicide as any tan could be who had no connection it.h it or with the parties thereto. Xow the question naturally arises, by has the discovery of the pistol ir. s? automobile been kept from the tiblic so long, for two weeks? The limieide was the talk of the town >r days and doubtless it is the chief AINHOUR-SYDNOR 1 SEPTE >ORTUN WEEK OF SEPTEIS d not have been chosen f< at only in the number of 1 as the opportunity to b Opportun CREPE BACK SA AT$12.95 & 'hose are wonderful Quality, Well M pansy trimming tan ar.d b NEW AUTUMN F PROUDLY iVith Warm Rich Shades ill the glorious beauty of the autur nese fabrics?all the originality of nusu&i patterns. For your new Fall and Winter Fr abrica will give you happy inspirati oat, you can make them into realiti Opportuni GS~ FELT B Felt Hats, assorted Stvi ive m id the $2.95 ss by % alues in tl is lot. up to and Just a few odds and < r en- at re<,ucea Prices. m sew NEW FAL iks as Exceptional Values ii York $4.95 to: ^ _ Silk Velvets?Velvet : , . , tions-?New Shapes ar 3raids Jn stylt.s suin,d to b 1 ^ i lro"kutirul . . r ' Arranged for your ' of sans|>eople to serve (w Practically every kii shade that is fashionab: lahty ______ The most admirable _______ Hats in the city at the Not ? OPPORTUNI HAND MADE A SAVI' ions that 25 to 33 1 .is stores We were verv ptnartty average securing a lot of f buv.;, Italian hand wo - low as usual prices?c discontinued nu center pieces an ings til a' . 11 c suitable tor wet easms* )RY GOODS COMPACT MBER I8TY WE 1BER 11th to 18th or this event ?for the items offered, but in the uy new and wanted F all ity No. 1 iTIN DRESSES $14.93 ade Dresses, some in black with , others in lown ;kl nt Tl? ABRICS STEP 2 FORTH and Unusual Designs va bt rtn leaves is in the coloring? of *,! l?r the cleverest designer?, in their w? .la da ocks, Suits, Skirts, Coats?these te on*. And for really moderate S; C. re ty No. 2 1ATS FALi ii .2:id colors (2>? Beautiful so! ?a. . , Brocade Rayi i 5 J.oU each. i d we picked up Co?Ton Suitii L HATS 30 inch Silk i a Group Priced torial (a)? f. 12.50 :. :d Silk Combina- ;iL> inch Red d Ne w Shades. oth misses and ma- '^>J Ootii 1 Wtior. with pienty you promptly. , - , Beautiful nei id o: shape and a back Serin ; 16. collection of fall price. KEFP TV \TA O l 1 I 11U. o Gone are Tht GOODS AT lookinjr M.ivk \i/- rvp cxvi-p: perha frock. Today -3 per ct. /or the , osU r , . Sr-leetincr voi rortunate in , . stocK r.ov m Madeira and I omy as well i k at less than ?nttrr the i >dd lots and !:71,an , . Temarkabie v inbers towels st_ id vanity sets, Idine^ gnfts. SEPTEMBER 10. 1925 significance? The rase is one of the most interest ing in mo<dc**n North Carolina crimini;! annals. It is more interesting because of the peculiarities involved. Keen interest has been augmented, if possible, by the silence of *ne defense The trial will be one of the mo: interesting in recent years in Nori Carolina. If one may credit the ii lunations that are frequently hear, with reference to the plans and pui pose?- ( f the defense* some real sensations are likely to be sprung during the- trial. V I a, ftj 1 ' ETftf i En j i r': | opportunities it pre- p emphatically unusual and Winter Goods so ? I I ~~ UNUSUAL 1 OPPORTUNITIES f SEPT. SILK EVENT ? resents Remarkable Value, in ?j Attractive New Weare. Which are Shown in a Vast Array of H Pattern, and , ^ Coloring* rtj Such lovely fabrics as these *p <* sufficient inspiratoin for a imber of costumes. So many >R iw and original weaves. So g any soft and new color. all /arked at modest prices. *3 THIS BLANKET SALE j| Our blanket Sale offers you fe lues on bankets tn f?> """v * - v= m1t full, three quarter. ?rI s ipse ?>7.e. Prices are notably wer on luxurious and double ^ io I-mixed or wool-filled ankets. Plain, plaided and a cquette Patterns. Choose to- !g iy ar.tl arrange delivery la- <9 r if you choose. Price* of the n ew things *t ^ painhoidr-Sydnov Drfr/ Goods smpany arc sure to be a K, veUtion to you An early fejj sit to the store is urged while lections are at tbeir best. wi ~ s9 SEEB L DRY GOODS S ectioh c-i Uavor Silks (rv? 95c Yd. | ;>n <?p ? (a $1.50 Yd. 1 \3 iff 45c Yd. Strip.c' J.nte Lingerie Ma39c Yd. St a! Gil,/ham- t,"? 'j. 19c Yd. ' ft i?' |j 9c. and 25c. SILKS | A' sha?k> quality crepe $s* u? | $3.00 Yd. 1 f? ?IMH ^Tiro ix/nru i *c . 1^1 *?u n :s FASHION p day.* when ont bought good j?'. hose to wear with everything- <3 ps with one's formal evening ell it's a case . f the rijrht tone P me?and how it T&ries! vC ir Hosie r\ from our new fall oans keeping step with econ- ft as fashion. For bosides reprefinest quality and all the 5ov- ^ shade-. there are some really P; alues ar witness special items g. S-J .85 and $1.95 The Tail-. sc! ff* ^r ir n^rtTiwlfl

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