i \ VOLUME XXXVI ACTIVITIES AT LOCAL CHURCHES ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH r ndav School at 10 a. m. Pr^u'hinjf service and communion at iJeren; , i A'.so services at 7^0 p. m. The ?7-M'es will be conducted f?y Rev. S. E. tvajcg. Midweek prayer meeting oj ' ednesday nigh*. A cordial invitation m*-extended to s.?ty who will attend any of these i?rr. . es. f METHODIST NOTES ?r " > were present at Sunday School >2^.; >urmay ami inc toiai onennps i?i ..il purposes amounted to forty dollars. The offerin was made wi*"lit any special effort. Three dif fevent Sunday School specials were pr? -fitted bv the superintendent and th Masses did the rest. Liberality is btu- > commended by Paul, the Aposth - -.day is the last preaching: Sund.\ before Conference The second ;> li r.uth is the day for Blowing: Rock th* the pastor leaves the following To--day for State viiie, where the an m Conference convenes. stewards are very busy men th? day.- They are standing: by the cfcioh whole heartedly. Let's make it ?*- easy for them as possible, and p.i\ the church budget without one wo? j of complaint. Many blessings h; come upon us in spite of the d' .pht ami other conditions. A class of men known as the Wesley Bible Class for men with only present, made their free will or ring to the Sunday School $10.35 la Sunday. Commendations are in oi . (' j mot ion Day was a very inter #r:*!iv.S? and instructive occasion to the ?**j t- ia*t Sunday. The pageant reprc*m. -liingr the season? of the your, w. v arricd out to perfection by the eh rfii o? the b?urft?rt'X igjwary and ?d jii? :or department*. Miss Annie Stan b'Jiv and her helpers are to bo confci :.mlated for their leadership in this of the departments, nday School Sunday 9:45 a. m. F vaching at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. ? . worth l.eapue 6:45. Wednesday prayer service and choir pi. -lite .7:1*0 p. m. welcome is extended to all. BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES ?^nday School 10 ?. m. }>. Y. P. t'. 6:30 p. m. 'V i^ver .service Wednesday 7:30 p. |. > extend a cordial welcome to all re.- -t'iits, students and visitors to attend these services. The ladies of the W. M. S. are having their week of prayer this week And a!t?o a study course in "Royal .Service." The pastor preached at the Baptist church at Trade. Tenn. last Sunday afternoon to an appreciative congregation. Prayer meetings arc being held on "Tuesday nights preparatory to a seTies exf meetings which begins Oct. 26th. ? il^et jjh 'keep in mind our meeting here which begins Oct. 12. We will have prayer service every night next Tttrfk in the homes as a preparatior So. the meeting. Let us make pre pa ration to attend regularly from th? start, and let us pray for the meet dng. Our town is growing. Are we mak mg progress spiritually? Are wo do ing all we can to have a clean town' That is what we want?a clean town Blowing Rock Sunday School 10 a. m. I "Worship 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. B. V. P. U. 6:30 p. m. Prayer service Tuesday 7:30 p. n Church conference Sunday nigl after service. fni-uni^ tA m t attr uiMnuif, iv. ? _ meeting: beginning: Oct- 26th with Bi Origgs as the preacher. Prayer se ?dces are being held preparatory f? the meeting. Baptists of Blowii Rock should wake up arid get bus They have a big job on hand. L every member rally to the work. We hope to have good congregj tions Sunday. AH arc invited to with us, The Watauga Ministerial Assoc lion will meet Monday morning (J 5 in the ladies parlor of the Met \disr church. All ministers of the c< ty are invited to attend and beer members. ?.' * - ^ y r ? SI 50 Per Year BOONE. MORRISON SAYS HE WILL SUPPORT MAX GARDNER Raleigh.?Kormer Governor Morri? -on\s visit to Raleigh recently ieft an impression on his auditors that hi o-.cellency desires rather to support .Max Gardner who was his opponent .a li>20, than to fight him personally or by proxy. There ts a growing suspicion ?nat he agitation against Gardner by a few individuals was ill-timed and was prong at the most unseasonable period of possible state polii :cs. It tame so early thai Gardner and his friends could organize against it, and then it was personally unfortunate. The Gardner men have not been fighting Morrison, the quarrel is between the ex governor's and the present gover nor s policies. Mr. Morrison is not hard on Mr. Gardner. One gets an impression from his talk that Governor Morrison great ly desires to show his friendliness to Gardner by supporting him in iO-8. It is entirely probable that such ao . iviti s as Mr. Morrison engages i?i will be confined tr? the geneiai a>>em hly which must enact the legislation for a progressive state. He would har .lly confer upon future governors le| gisiative powers by which they can ut appropriations and thereby virtually make them. It is not written that his former excellency will se? k #? seperate future governots from from these great powers which bad! ?eer. denied him. but the Morrison' campaign of the future will be directed toward making North Carolina actually and honestly progressive. But there seems a good deal K ? j opposition talk for 1928 than there has bc?n in the last fortnight. Car.: didatrs can save themselves trouble ! by getting right. B. AND L. ASSOCIATIONS IN N. C. SHOW GAIN OF $14,000,000 I The building and loan associations in North Carolina show a gain lust year of $14,000,000 in assets. They 'oaneii $25,000,000 to build 8,000 home* to hnu>.<* 40.000 itf our eiti j II.*. In the past fi Vf years these associations sho.v a gain 1st assets from ? $21>.000,000 to $70,000,000. This i.-. a splendid record and one in which we, should feel much pride. Hov. ever, when we compare North Carolina with other states in this par-i licuiar. we find she falls far short J j >f the position she should occupy. We ( find hen arc fifteen other state**' with a greater investment in building and loan stock. Twelve of these show i a greater gain in assets in I'd24 and j three states each show a greater than] ho total investment irc building andj I loan in North Carolina. Wo find also ; that twenty states have a larger ia^ vestment per capita than does N?orth Carolina, and the per capita invest* j ment of ten of these is more than i double that of North Carolina. Of the more than two and a half ! million population in this state only ! 81,47 4 of this number were patrons - -j? S. I oi tnese gieai v?i ?uih ?*??*. j home building-. Of this number prohf ably HO per cent are either borrow. jers or anticipate borrowing in the lj future for the purpose of paying for : J homes. , i It is evident therefore that the .! building and loan associations in ?j North Carolina so far have failed to . j properly inform the public at large of the splendid advantages of build_ j mg and loan stock as a medium for .I the investment of savings of the pe? > i pie. i. j No group of financial institutions ' in the state can boast of a cleaner ; record of stability than can our builti : ing and loan associations, and the average interest yield on money ir. ^ vested in these associations last yeai was .05928, or nearly 6 per cent. Ye I millions of dollars went out of th< ,r[ state in various forms of securities -o paying not any better return and n r_; doubt many of them of doubtful val or uew It is safe to assume that 90 p* iVJ cent of our people do not understan the functions of these institutions an t this can be overcome only by concei H-nt-orl <>{Fnrt and iudieious adverti ke' ing on the part of the building ar loan associations. ia- The annua) meeting of the stoc >ct. holders of the Watauga County Ba: ho- will be held in the hank building >un Monday October 5th. at 1:#0 p. >me All stockholders are requested to present or send proxy. tfa u 9 WATAUGA COWTY. NORTH CA GRUESOME DISCOVERY MADE AT MORGAN YON Morganton, September ?Wednesday morining a patient from the j .State Hospital who has the freedom of the grounds and had gone into a thicket just behind the hospital to-et a >'.tuirrel trap made a gruesome discovery. About .'100 yards from'j the Eno'a toad and on the State grounds lay a pile of clothes and born. , outlining a man's form and several yards from the body was a skeleton. Ci??? > et J. B. Riddle was notified nod summoning a jury made on in i??t in :.t :>.? Th, r?i-jr. Iia.t Sen dead for some time and the v'denc': pointed t?> suicide. Above th- -pot. whetfe the skeleton lay was stretched a wire lo which dungf!ed a fragment of cloth. The coronr's jury reached th- conclusion that he man, possibly a patient at the State Hospital hanged himself and that the body hung suspended in the secluded, place, unnoticed until i dropped from decay. About seven months ago a potiet:t by the name ol" McCrary disappear.ai mysteriously from the Hospital and until this time nothing had been heard of him or no trace found , The theoiy is that the bones and i clothing discovered represent the ntor tal remains of McCrary. Considering tin* length of time that has elapsed the clothing was in f?url\ good condition. The blue of the shirt and the heavy work shoes were evidence that it was the body of a farm patient at the Hospital. In the pockets of the troupers was change to the amount s MO. Tin- remains were placed in a rofli :i ii. I m t* I. i e i 11 fit i- in< vt iiru . i hiii *is t hi' if or-pi la! authority's can make will !>< given decent burial in the Hospital cemetery. TELLS OF WONDERFUL GROWTH OF MIAMI We are u>ins a paragraph from a , letter recently received from ~*\ H. W. Hort?*n ot' Miami, F!a; "This town has enUr?cd its i?aundnries so as to take in some territory that has hinlt up> over the edRUs of the old corporation, and has more than douhlcdf its population. We now have about people, and if they had tafcmv in Coral Gabies, Miami Beach an<f f-fiaieatr, si? of which is really a part of the city, there would have been another IIMI.lWO pop itiaiion, and they are cMnhff so fast r that the railroads cannot haul material fast enough to- builtfr homes for them. There is densoarf for ail the men that can he found, but the question is getting material fast enough ami housing tec then*. CONFEDERATE RESQUFnORS Confederate reunieu far the year 1925 Can*a ffiiiwod Triplet! Wo. I27*i We the committee on resolution* j in behalf c*f thv veterans tender our ! thanks tt> the facrasJty orod students ; of the Aj>j?uluchian State Normal at ! Boone, Sept 24-25, for their tender j care, keepnar?: and feeding veteran: ( and friend through the reunion and the cordial invitation to hold tin j next Reunion by kindness of the mid School. E. M. GREPTR GEORGE ROT EN. Com. I Our Air Defense Tl . . r j ' 1 ~ liliil < /^HwTj^ 1 s" ~i^k ^j|lll y^.'.j k- I f^jroca vr"g. k , IBW* nk ; fc an! The officer* of President Co j Wasfiington, as they took up efficient air defense for the l"c Chairman, Judge Arthur Denis Morrow of New York; jrwi 3e?*? ROLINA. THURSDAY OCTOBER i DR. VANCE'S TRIBUTE VO WALTER L ALEXANDE The following tribute to the lat Walter L Alexander of Blcwinc Hoc wa.- written by Dr. dames i. V;?mco. Before turning to my sarraon, should like to ciaim the privilege c paying a brief tribute to the nierr ovv of Walter Alexander, whose >u< den death during the pa>t week, ha saddened the hearts of ail lovers g Bloving Rock. 1 have known Mr. Alexander .one the days when he first came as young man to this sky-line count r 1 in earcb of recreation and udve? ture. From the first this matchless r< irioti cast its spell on him, and n man has done more to open the gaU of these lofty peaks and wide spac< to the world than he. i ne was a man, big-hearted,. broa , visinned, generous, magnetic T 1 -aw what c??uid be done, and he. ha | a masterly way of putting into r"al I ty hi.- di "ams and visions. 5Iuj: <?C what we have around us here i this famed resort on the roof of tk world, we owe to his creative visic and constructive g.-uius. He was incapable of doing a thsr i that was small or mean. His nntui } was big in tolerance and human kin 1 ncs>. There was something about hi | that drew people toward him and tl ! friends he made he kept. Blowing Rock and its friends mu i never cease to cherish the memo of Walter Alexander. His one wea ness i would call moiv of a disea than a transgression. We all kne the brave fight he made, and tl . kind God, who measures men, not 1 the goal they reach, but b\ the go tht-v seek, not by their freedom fro frailties but by their soul struggle knows the brave fight Walter Aie atidcr has made through the years. Today in this church where he s a feu Sundays since and worshippt with us, we would say: Peace to h ashes! Bl?swil be his memory! Ami we would like to extend 01 deepest sympathy t?Ki. to his devot< wite ami precious children, on who the crushing- s?nrou' of nis trap j death has fallen like- a bolt out t cloudless sky. I COUNCIULM ALL. The following invitation has be* vejceived. by friends <at the couple | town, this week. Mr and Mrs. David McKee Hall cv gyn>l the honout of your presence at the irrnrrt.tge of thei sister Miss Margaret Hooker Moore ? tO Mr. Janu- Hardin Cotsncill ??n Thursday the fifteenth of Oct oh at eight o'clock, its the eveni at the Methodist Church Sylva. Xortht Carolina BEAUTY . R. ?utj is oi liu- sou!. -(Vltivi f :5. Not chunk.- and stamps ami rot . :?n sticks and trash, but. grass a y: trues and shrubs arid flowrse ?H different! The Great Creator ha- given ji numerous wondctful examples beauty ami the means of produci .. * ?*Ise them. r| Don't let trash or weeds rem where something useful or beauti should be.-?Health and benuL.v mand this. heir Herculean ~l ask A olirige's air board. now in session at theii herculean task of finding an S. Left to right, they are; Vicron if Michigan; Chairman Dwight etary Wm. K Pnrrnd. wo or ' 1925 3 Cts. aCopf f ~~ * 303 MilcTan How "" jry fA^moc^CTKj^V t V k Lieut Aifnv' Williams, L S Navy flier, who it* an unofficial test ' ' at New Vorfc last week flew a 20ni' foot Curtja."* racer at a spee?.l 01 u 103.5 miieo pear ho?ur. Lbe fa?Ui?t a I ever attained by mem. s. INTERESTING FACTS FOR WA x T AUG A DAIRYMEN at Forty four milk ct\rKieuscr?cs in Wised eon sin $?:? it! an av.irrjfjv of $2 per lis hundred pounds for Auijjust milk delivered to the Cact?Hrt>cs. A cheese faeur lory in Wuluup' cownt\ paid S'J per ed hundred pounds foe August milk demi live red to the fjac&n y. ric The hutter and cheese class i milk of price* for i Ho .Vow Vert Hlirfj-j-j August wihv .iinnwfrr^i as follows this week by Hitt N'evr York "milk Conference Hoard an?t the Uairymcnls [..*agu": Milk tes timer Would not i" the farmer SI.50 per hundred pounds Figuring the sknn nriffc and butter milk at -Or pur hur.^irvd they would I receive a rota! ? f per hundred pounds North ' :i -odnn. cor,unii's 7.0T7,MtU* pounds ?* ?h,vse per year. Last year ' vi! nvi-L- S*U0?,Hf porrnds ot* choose, j 't Co?; - per -rrtt I'ssja to produce a 'er! Villon i !?u*k in NYvribt Carolina than nK '.i ;ibi in \VT _i*r.sir? or New York. { ;? th'c ch &?ctofics of North Carolina car p:i> jitst as much or a lit tie m<n<' toe 1*91!It delivered to the factories than she factories of Wis' onsin >i York. why .should tfic ?te farmt*i> wvfern North Carolina be willing1 t?* allow all this money tt 'ks cave the stare c*. luist year we paic id Wisconsin ar*f New York $1.&89;0&] ov/ for cheese. When ?ve car? make enough chees? to supply our state and have ? stir ?f't plus n< ran help to supply- ocErr. southe.- ; -rates that do not mamzfac t.ure a poctnrf of cheese. ain fol de" LBCS-McRAE INSTITUTE HOUSED IN NEW QUARTER The following is taken from th current number of "The Pinna 1 ?s : monthly organ of I,eey-MeP.ae Inst tute: On ih moiT.ing ?>f August tw-ntj I sixth, bee: -McRho inaugurated a nv I schedule for the session; new, becaus I ihe school year is to be arrasged lik | hat of other educational institution instead > opening, in April and clo j mgr in December, as? in the past twei v-one years. This is made possib! y Do erection of buildings suitab J v-i Mil. III\rilllL<21li? . i some of us pioneers in the work vt remember the days of smoky keroser lamps, small wood heaters, and vat< carried from a neighbor's well, *Te> nessee." with its electric lights, f i oace heal. and water piped from \} >asement to all parts of the bniidit seem? almost palatial. We rejo>e th the Master gave His servai:*. a visit of tht development of this work, ai that friends have made Dt.>sihi. ?> dm fort ah I** home. We have already enrolled 116 p pils :!i of whom are in the Hii School and 1*2 are in the boar.ti! department. 'A a! NUMBEif 3} NEWS FROM THE NORMAL SCHOOL j A meetim* of unusual interest to the State Normal ah<J ?h<? surrounding counties was the confererfc?> of ' the County Superintendents, Hisjh School Principals and Ffnjh Scnool ! teachers at the Xormal on Friday 1 the They hehj their conference | in one of th large recitation rooms of ch?- A dm i .ustrat i?/ti Building". The ; Count \ Supormtencieats from Ashe, Avery. Caidwdl. Mitchell and Afieghany were present. Various tonics of special interest to hhrh school organize >? and work wter discussed, Dr. .J. 11. Highssnlth presiding: an<f . impressmany vita! intercuts of the school sysrein. Th outstanding figure of all w;i - our hci? -talc Sup'rinteiub A T. Xllen, who when j the&C m * all in :? !v?dy ?i th* r >s| tram ?>f th** iargt auditorium ntroj duced th \ triou* Sn ?< rinter.dvmt.i* the student body and th-.- Super-ntendents in zutn presented at President Doughert' V rcpiest. the Principal* and Uachers <?t" their respective counties. Each >f the Superintendents m.i c;i_- a few appropriate remark-. About forty were pt\ from th*.- <* cor "tier, A.-dv and Avery having about a dozen each and smaller numbers from the other counties*. and from the interesting: disCU: . - of the various pha- e- of high .--chord work i'd by the I've* Sbrc< Director Hu*h smith. nmny helpful fact* were hr??ugh? and enlhi-iasm inspired that * ill" doubt less mean much*. to the high schools of'this ,-cc! urnr. All these -a ".* entertained at ! dViniec by the Home Economics D j partntent. The tild Confederate Veterans held tlittir annual meetSlSjer a? the Normal iui Thursday and Friday and a- us ua?' '? rre entertained1 by the- Normal at r.oN'iU Home. At chapel or Thurs day i:&ov wen* present and grave some of their old martial music for the : measure of those presanU.ProSi Greer gave rim u pleasing; way the address of welcome to those beloved old men lines are fasw: growing the fche.r\? Ikiug: only about a dozen presi eot. Profs. Dougherty, Itankin and , M, f-; \\ iHisk-y made a<iure.it*!> to them* Ld? tbetr meeting. Thy Xorroal is to bono? these noble- ttr-r whom r'fco all :?' now zliiJ. to honor. DEEP CAP NEWS, Trie consolidated school af. Q&ep j ?Jupi b? prugre.-sing n<ce!y. It is given up hv ail our people that the present Uuq. bids lair to be the best school w.c have evei had. CVur good te:a hens Lo be striving to the limit for this t-rwd. Everybody is behind thrf : xrh.joi and this combined makes . ^Ifcirvgs go. Mr. Howard Ste^dman brother in ? Law <>i Mr. A. I*. Stiller hofids a p?* >, siltou at the Dcepi Gap Cash. Store L- as clerk arid bookkeeper. Howard is 5' a good jovial fellow and has made many friends since he came here. We > understand that ho may later make . his permanent hutne here, t CJydia. daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. _ L. .A Watson visiting at the honte of her parents here. She lives in the state of Montana, and this is her first visit hack home in two years or over. Mr: Danoy. a real estate man frwm ^ N'orth Wilkeshoro has recently been over in Deep Gap looking oat some property for a list of prospective .? clients. He will bo hack in ? few l_ days on this same mission wc are told. The Deep Gap Railway Company is doing a good business hauling ex" tra freight from Bowie to this place. ** Business seems to be picking up and '* this will speed greater things to come ls Mvss Prlr.( !<: Green, the little blind girl recently gave a concert and rcu cua) at the h?nme of Mr. A. F. Nich; ols. She play- sweetly upon the gui_ I tar and sings the oid time and mod?l cm songs. ,v i She received a nice collection and >c! one Rev. K. G. Greer of Fleetwood L*r, offered to "rive as much as all those n" who were present and made good his r" word. He also made the blind prirl 1L'ja present of an Oliver typewriter so that she could write her work and at letters to people who were not blind. Rev. Greer is a very open hearted man when it comes to gift; to The 11 r blind. a- Editor Nance of the Northwestern ?h Herald, and 1. D. Stanburv, Clerk of i?g Court of Jefferson were visitors for the week end at. Miss l.ouise Hodges*

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