OCTOBER I. 1?2S . COS! CDLltciTl Wto 1IHES LESS Ift ?FVE\UUE DEPARTMENT SHOWS DECREASE OF S4fi.007.02 SINCE TRANSFER Raleigh. A net incrfasf in the expense of co) Ire-lion of the State Hi#;:, way Funds ^ u.nd State Auto Theft Funds of $4&. 6?7.<*2 was annouoL ed lor the five nriCK.lht of April 1 to Ad|U8t 33 1825. over the Fame period during 1 >J4 by the Stale Department s-f Revenue. Fi Dnriitjt the five months of tbi?- year total collections increased 11.725.67$ 35 over the sain* period last year. lei The five month* period cover? the *? tltne duriiig the present year since, the transfer of the duties o? conec-iion from the Department of State to the ^ Department of Revenue. The only increase In expense shown 0f Is In the Auto Theft Fund where id increase of $21.75*.87. Tb's increase pr Is explained by the statement that dur- nr irg the five months covered r. 1824 ttc expense of the Auto Yactt Bureau1 <3* f wm charged against the fund except T tc the salaries of inspectors. This year ar the total expense of the bureau is ar charged against the fund. of With collections for the Highway nf Fund from gas and automobile licenses of eriod in 1925. an increase p,Of 913.271.76. PU Itipenees !n the collection of the o? Highway Fund dropped from |243 to 5*1.61 In 3924 to 1173.825.72 in 1925 Hi ;4etrease of 969.765.89. Kxpenses of collection of the Theft Fund increased ri? ifrotu 9l7.Sf,5 68 in 1924 to f :*9.724 66 pc (In 1525 an increase of 921.756.97. or wi 'AdOD4 Uniform Fertilizer Tag. Pr Announcement of adoption of a nni form fertiliser source tag for North '215. Georgia 394.794 and Virginia 117 *t ?69. In 1924 the horsepower capacity ?1 of North Carolina was 431.500. South Carolina 357,510 and Virginia 189.79S ! la Of otftYrorthy significance in the , 1! tatemet by the bureau that the South b' Atlantic Slates are making more prop tl ress in power development than th? New England group of sta.'es which b< formerly led in that field of enterprise It Raleigh Leads In* Workers Placed. O' Raleigh led all the branch offices of the State and Federal Employment ' Service in North Carolina during the Cl week ending September 19 with jobs found for 273 workers, according to a ^ report made public by the State D* tl part men t of Labor and Printing. Job* p were found for 8.65 workers through h out the State. The increase in the placementi C( through the Raleigh office :s du? i ,f largely to the or> aniza ion of the a mobile army of cotton pu kers to help p, in harvesting the crop. > f, T WPORTANT NEWS THE WORLD OVER irortant happenings of this AND OTHER NATIONS FOR SEVEN DAYS GIVEN HE HEWS NFJHE SOUTH T*?t Is Tikln^j Wace In Tha land Will Be Found In Brief Paragraphs oreign? The leaders of the awrmbh of the true of nation? irclndiiiK the reprrnta fiver Cf Great Rrifnln and anoe havp reached an accord rerdinp a future disarmament conferee. preparations for which will l?e ptin (isinfdiatfly. Rut the council the league of nation? will he peritted 'o decide the moment when eparafions for an international ?co>mic conference shall he started. The question of whether the I'nited ates it to he Invited to send experts Geneva to aid in the technical prep- j ations for the league of nations disinamenr conference on the holding which the leaders of j^.e assembly | the league, including the delegate Great ftritain and France, have at st reached an accord, and whether nericans will ait on the "study comIssion" still remains unanswered. The council of the league of nation* is scored sharplv by the l>ondon m"*- nnllege of I^ondon. The document, the Us in of which is unknown, but which is written in the sixteenth century, ofeafie* to trace the genealogy of the ixon kings back to Adam and Rve His royal highness. Emir Ghrar.i. e 12-year-old crown price of Trar>. coming to the United States to en r the American university aecomnied by his nurse and his business pnager. He will arrive in this couny about October 5th. The American colony of Paris is not one In mournin* the passing of ml Rartlett. noted American sculpr who succumbed to septicaemia, reilMng from r slight injury' received i a recent fishing trip in the forest Ardennes The American aviators of the Sher | nan squadron are not worried by the. nlted States state department's ml g that they re violating the laws of r I'nited State* A now dorrff has been enacted In e state of Zaba* ail persona who smoke in public, appear in public In an Intoxicated ndition in that Mexican burg. The prince of Wales, who has been arooned for several days by a snowo-tn in Chile has gone to Argentina. is expected that he will sail for >me shortly. Washington? The retail price of every important ticle of feevd has risen perceptibly nee this time last year. A report ade by the bureau of lahor statistics ' the department of labor on the cost ' living shows these advances from lly, 1924. to July. 1925. the coiriparons given in percentages: Round eak. 5; rib roast 4: chuck roast. 7: late b?ef. 7: pork chops. 29: hacon. t: ham. 22; limb, leg of. 2: hens : sa,m??n. canned red. 1: milk fresh. milk evaporated. 2. The program for r^>hibttfon enforce ent being: developed by Assistant ecretarv Andrews of the treasury has ached the state where a pronounceicnt of a new federal policy may be ipected to be made soon. It will dentate the work which the federal avernment will attempt to do and ill emphasize that part of ctw en>rcement to be left entirely to state ad local a?flhoriUes. No stops' toward construction of a pv dirigible are contemplated by resident Cool idge pending 'he out)mi of Inquiry now In progress at akehurst into the wreck of the Shenndoah The president does not exect, however, that the Inquiry will re&al such difficulties in dirigible buildig as to convince the government It iould abandon such construction. M. L. Heide of New York, who reited in his income tax report for ?1S? that he had lost $2,770.60 playing ridge whist, lost his appeal to hav? iar sum exempted from tax. Two stitches In his heart, which had sen punciurea oy a pair or scissors j a fall. saved the life of Melvin Jones -5-year-old hoy?in Washington the ther day. Nc-gotiatioiiR for funding Prance's >ur billion dollar war debt to this wintry, the largest outstanding obliation. will begin here with the two ommisaioiis closely understanding in viewpoints of each other, and with rospects of an early settlement, peraps within a week or ten days. President Coolidge has the tmost unfidence in Chairman O'Connor ol ie shipping l>oard. it is said officially t the white house, and published reorts showing that he may seek the hairman's resignations are without wndation HE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E After hating forfeited col later bend of $35 Nathan D *bnltb of 11* ffmore. whose automobile narrow tnteaed hitting Prefect roo?ir.?re. hi be forfeiture *et wide, stood trl and wae fined $35 Smith appear* In court personally a short time aft 1 ^ rape had been called at:-i the ?-oi ordered forfeited bees up* of his ta dtnesp. Convinced that there is no like' hood of favorable congressional a tfon on the administration's reorgac ion bill. Senator Edge. Republic! New Jer.ce>'. paid, after a confecen with President Ooolfdpe. that he woa '>r a proposal to give the executi wider powers in effecting consolidate and transferp of government bureau Friction over the government's ? policies, already revealed before t president's aircraft taqnlrr board ?xipting between the army and na was shown to extend to admiuistr 'on officers of the navy property ?i 'ts air service in the testimony intr dnced. The rigid bar against alien Coram nists in the I'nited States has rals :> delicate question regarding Rtisaf soviet commercial agents. avow Communists, who are in this count ('' r:g business on a large scale \s a result of nearly being r down bv an automobile recently. Pre dent Coofidge has secured the servic of a traffic "scout" to protect him his strolls about the capital. T y out is a bicycle policeman. Downward revision of the total th* French debt to the I'nited Stat through recalculation of accrued int eFt charges now appear likely to ta place in the forthcoming Degoti&rio Tor a funding: settlement. Domestic? At Chicago. disinterment of the ek? efon In the jrmHvard of T>*?nn Wood*? presidential campaign of 19: started when trial wm begun tn fe er?1 court of the fttlt of William Coo or Proctor. Cincinnati soap manufn turer, against Col. A. A. Rpnurue. Chicago, ccmmissotn of Chicago pu lie work. for fifty thousand dollar The kind of liquor produrad by pr hfbftion is blamed for one of the mt cruel and sordid murders that N< York has known for some time, was a bottle containing this stuff tl George Semenuk beat Mrs Sophie T leak! about the head before lie push her body into the roaring furnace, which she died. John J McNamara. 40-year-t business agent of a local Iron wor ere union, again faces impMsonnu | at Indianapolis. Ind.. as a result of j iabor dispute. He is charged w ! hav ing threatened h workman of a j other craft employed on the new El building, finally driving him from t job Harrison W. Noel. Monu-l&ir. N. youth charged with kidnaping and kl 1ng 6-year-old Mary Daly and kill! Raymond Pierce, negTo chauffeur, pane enough to plead to the indlt ments. .Judge Calfrey ruled. The cause of the death of Mrs. H? bert E. Richardson, whose body * found in her apartment in Ricshmo Vh. several days ago. has not yet be ascertained, but it ia thought that s died from poisoning. Sheriff Orville Litchfield of Mt shall county and John I-?>onard, cfc of police of Toluca, 111., were shot i killed by Joseph Spenraz. a fom coa! miner, whom the officers w trying to arrest. Flames, starting in the Vernon c in Tiaiuana. Calif., awept through entire block that included some of best known resorts in the border c causing a loss of approximately a n lion dollars. United States District Alton Buckner announces that hereafter will seek the deportation of all ali found guilty of violating the prohi iion iaw, .now lorn newspapers s Maj. Lerov Hammond of Mo Pleastiu. Tenn.. is the now ooinrni der of the Tennessee department of American Legion. elected at the i nual convention held at Nashville. , Richmond. Ya.. was selected as convention city for the biennial s \ sion of the patriotic order. Sons America, which was recently in s Mon at Salisbury, N. C. Coi. William Mitchell, who has brelieved of the command of the eig; corps area. Is on his way to Wiuiht ton. where he will testify before aircraft inquiry. Business Is halted while thG H town of Toluca. ill., 800 Inhabits.; is vigorously pressing a man h for Joseph Stomas. <50-year-old cm miner, who already has lolled i peace official8. Alfred Cotton Bedford, chairman the hoard of directors of the Staod Oil company of New Jersey, djsd heart disease at his home Ir. Elaxt N wiclr. L. I Dr. W P. Hocking of Devils I a X D. was elected president of American Dental association at opening session at Louisville. K.y. The sum of more than ten n\W francs donated by John D. Rockefal Jr.. of Now York City, for the rei j ration of the palace of Vernal: ...ni i ... ?~ 1* ranee. WI!1 op uwntuu m ui? un?u tion of microscope mushroom wt is raving the wcokwork of the be ! tifull halls and state chambers. At Now Albany. Miss., it is annou od bv the newspapers that quiet i vails throughout Union county x normal conditions restored in the w of the lynching near Rockford of negro Ivy. a timber cutter. No furl I disorder is anticipated. VfcKV THURSO AY?BOONE. N. C )Q| ?1 FAMOUS VIOLIN !; FOUND IN VAULT id ^ Thurinyfa Gets "StracT* After er Long litigation. 2d r- We'ir.ar. - a famous Stradlvprlrui elolio. n?dr for vcars ir a eafe-de|*#dt 11- vault, recently passed cief?nitel> into P_ tlir? |?osv? vyjon of the Thuiinyien goviS ernmpKi whteh had been bequeathed an the lnslr?iment hat vas laier sued fi>? co St?= re'< very by heirs of the donor ild j The litigation continued many a oars, ve : Fabnloiw offers made for the St radian a ari us *-?l the heirs to start suit on is the strength of a ?-l?use 1c the *11! kir ef the donor. "oncertmaster Koernpel iti the l\>lmar Court theater, that Rg j fhej should have an option cr. the p?irrT h*s the Thurln e(j I gian Asylum for the Blind, n govern fy J m*'?* institution, but now it b?M been j intrusted to the rare oer .in(i . ??b\vel?b\ A tn>v?*ri,?*r.i ??; - t>-? i ere Mart*'*) by the lake A: " fane* rhlt? '? use !l?e ,i?ui a* >1* bead the Hy. in, WORLD SERIES! ons ? z t-wy I 1 "MhPES *AWA6E? OB # V -^J?1U WXKM* ft or m mt; elocvjcwt r ^ *?fcr sra-.TM ^iK-Ai. ??>? M-JJK) iti 9 j- ^ l:th n?- ?~ if &tt? *?*-vfT s?.$. CJ - >? DlH* WwCV- MEANS ant C*ocrr ??? a*d |Ri! tWO ? rtffK ||lIJ f$P! I frf H -^, ?o4fiD3 TW ,^-OVv1 *?*-*- AN 7 >c< :;; n?. , J*? &*? ") ,j? th? ' y :t? // lion ^ x I? >r. ST ^ lto" j~~. Pooch* r- -/8SS?^r wuow *" "^Sissfc EgBWyreW* 'y--E-rg-.r? TONAWANDA IND AN X WOMAN BRISK AT IIS X Mi fCi* Mrs. Nancy Miller Older n* Than City of Buffalo. Xl, > HUd P-ffulo. IS. i.-Strumn? a clay pipe f ar.il \\ fa inp many from her*. Oil t ti.*u\ he found V'.v *'' > 11 - wtunai! who ^-T > ?Uter than Bu:?a!o. sj.e i> Mr*. {t|K. : It was during this a^ed wjujiw'h does ?ti (kiii that the sh*d>-'-\ of the man I ^ of tVst:?.y spread oxer the Old w??rid. ! ;jKe Wl !o Mrs. Miller, * papoose. be- j ,,np it;tr toted ? n her imuherjB I _.*-lr Hiron^h I ' v. -A\t the v hiding tra!'*- of the HufTulo creek ! reservaii??n NtpolC'D \vh< a1 the height i ] of his power and jriorv ami reigned 1 lo*er ;it! Kuro|?e. She was a little g:r! j ; of vix yesir? when he me: his crushing ^ ^ i defeat nt I lit* frail.*- of Waterloo In be;i?i 1815. cam' Mrs. Mill or speaks -dy her native Men Iroquois tonjrer*xtion. White attending the 0f Fialavlh fair k few years ago she went ?julj up in an airplane and ?inee then has -p * been t:r eul V.usiustlr fivJalrix. She's ,.ss still tjdkirp Miiout her ride with the ,.|UM "great ensine bird." 1 Always Smoked. 6 And here's a ^o-?u k as far ; * -he ,.f an rem ml or And she's one b/.mdf|5ji , . Hcrr Come* the Buccal w-cj and ^iio jolly Crevr? ij ?w T 6UY "KlHi COVLCft * TOC PvCmCP *ast fo*. OQrMWAfiJN CAW-OOMER.-TO frf V A WOOD S?0?Tc?l OS [ X-* \ r~", y'^-, /" > ? IT ?6RC*J 1 |PTA MOW HC LOOK'S vAJlt-C ?4f IS rw? AA,r t>v*.?o'c6r BASES AWP cavosiTIV* 6*tEn.Au.v-^ ? A lACK SMOT* ?? "** "P*#** AOmu*?sr i PAGE SEVEN* KiXr??*r ' f.'jfs o?*t ' "Vdl'f I' n ! :? r '? V ;:3f ts> will. ..i. ; I ! '* w rcn; I '? '. -! person :n the I "tilted S*. ics ?*ui:iv. has f**i .iHtizht.-rs. th,? elder !? -"jf fi'e yfMF. ?v. *?nty trnnd wk-^s .? ?t reepi^-tlvelj Ail " c he r?-8M*r\?:ioc. '{^drnth one ?*r bn.? UvoW \(nnp'. i 11 ^ . . .? ?. - ' ?~ '- J"y il nees U monkey )tl h Z'?. Hi of her ba*Lpfs and pay htr. rf.fr h the huddled old tndr s*t In )> r ano edimr and re<*ouTif h*?r Will Drive For New Members ari- ? Arrangements are nowj K I.. - : fot state-wide Jin iJiher-'-. - apuin>; the Railroad Young; s ? "i -1;ai) Vs.- ctaiio&s of N ilina. Rocky MonnT. Sp er 1 lift w 1 conform to the i it:< r: s. October 12-17 J. Wilson Sn i? e Se? .etHiy of the Young Men stian AssiH-iatiou uf North ( a"< will have charge of the rant pa tn [atnlet and also at Spencer. The ry Mount campaign will be under direction of Mr Ltokid Delano,, utive Vice-President of the Al:*n"oast Line Railroad Company, le membership goals are as "oU R(mItjr Mount. 1S00 members; ilet. 5(Ml members; and Spent er, members. It is an interesting fact the Atlantic ("oast Line Associ* s maintain a larger membership i any other aesoi iution tu (hi i try. was agreed at the recent Ktnp'orJffi.e's" Conference of the Y M C. lecretaries of North Carolina that ihersbip ticket* would be honored, ill associations within the State! lout regard to rest. In some of the! ller communities the fee is less i in th?? larger tines and these ets run be transferred by young who go to the larger eitiee with pa>:ng an additions. fee They he honored for the time limit. immified Woman Is Puzzle to Italian* spies. A striking ei a in pie of riitiDttuifVHrion of a human body natural jiro?ws?t has been discov i at Vatolla. in the province of rtto, with the exhIIillation of he t of a local resi?lent. Kusa Scarpa. died In 11*1*.* The hotly \? :m found ?e ie h isrfw't state ?.f pieaerv* e* en her clothing were in a sort *,.et rifled -condition. but retained v original ni!??rs. hitlkini; the UMimik. fl a:i(Mt prOt> might lta^e b?x?ii due r* peculiar uicul qualities ??f the ?..n rfl* a,j itli'S t?rd? red H e i'I'civj - of a;i teeijl trj-x nut the corpse in the .... I . ..i. r.l. W.'v 1,,. ?d. Tliiv. . '' r.-. *hfe : ?? ?}? ? u! nstlivk.-^ llwi >i iu:rfcnrt hfH*r w (* ..jr.-ii. By A. B CHAP1N j cK 'O 1V'X 7>< f^'. A c< y- - \ O-:** x ?\ ^ yfef A f?# A C / 'J \ v- At ays -j r^a? c*PTA?fi NAX CAREY V // * -?* .VAlKS *?> v=^. < Yh* _A-r w:~?. . . - -rpcrrv "ufftiow itt HOMts -c p^csco :wdrtPfoor V*tx TA?viv A tVV?S TC : - - ' ra> i : e-T7 | : rEVifcV6' ~H : %: tSSssr ??" i =p\ s""~6 . im D SSl' _ :|f? 'r^j