PAGE Six i.\ t.KESTING NEW5 FROM SLOWING ROCK :rs. i II. t offer of the H j.t;.uc? c*r ii%i? \f. this week in Char- wt icti?. atTAtile Baptist Slat v\or?>thy Haves left a few days for a two w? k- visit m Newv. s. c. G Miss Claia Coffey who i? book>i*i? in Hick" y -o ! * r. few hours - re with he* pa vent.-- Mr. ami Mrs. 'c,,ffev z ' ' > .': :fa :? Student "h Appalachian State Norma! at ^ ?ne las; week end he-re. t Mr and Mr>. Howard Hoi- ^ sh? 'isift at the \V.ttaugra Hospital <>n e:>.h. a iwn. H Tlv* friend - of Mi. and Mrs. Ralph ewe- extend their deepest sympa,'r.j tr the of their little daug;h- J1 Kdna M?e. who died last Sunda\ Rev b. M. Huggi ns conducted the : oral services at the Baptist churchi ~3 V : su' Mr. Eujcciie Hplshousr of Linvlile t a few hours here last Sunday. Mies Lillian Johnson waf the ehar-j ' K.e. i J>t. "K' :.rtv k'ltili" V .'lay evening at her attractive home J Tr living nmir. way arl :>tically df- , c**ated with flower?- in sfjason. A . . nr?vj of pi a.10 ?ofc> were rendered by Mis?. horothy Ka\ and were en. <} greatly Sy ail present. Pro-sn conversation was heartily en . "_o?i in. A delicious sidad course was - ved by the hostess assisted by her or. Mis- Cath? rir Johnson. Mis> it I Watty, hous< guest of the hos- ^ ami MHelen Cofu?y were _ .-t s of the club. A B Y. P. U. social was very . -h or oyed Thursday evening at SHHHHBBHDBDHHUnni FOR THE SECOND > SATURDAY NOVEJ I WOOLENS IN MAr ORS i? I inch heavy flannels al 54 in. B&lbriggan or Jersey per yartl 54 in. smooth finish flannel per yard 54 in. Bordered flannel. per van! . . . v.. 54 it <-h Poire! Twills. *) ? IV >ai for the lines of r.ierchaiu'niliio use. In this way w-.- a >ur orders with those of ,.?her f the 1 nv-'.-' factory prh on gOo< imf quantities at lowest prices p< ' essfuily io compete v. ith any does not necessitate cvev-huyin bt c- rt of these low prices. Out New Y??rk office send* us stylos twice a week, se we may \ as to the style irervl in the n?etr< poan tavhioff centers. Another ' by our New York oflk the i orders: In ease when wanted art tuinabie in the whole?ale houses. >tfic<- to bay at rotas. not mal tor this- service. A PHENOMENAL S 1 YARDS NEV Every yard guaranteed perfect mcnally low price. Note price* HiiNnetni OF fYftmciTt ' Heavy Crepe Do Chines, Satin Canton Ore A $25.00 D fFre?h-new materials. 36 and 4 flaming reds; prints and pattc your mood or fancy, there is i simply must have at only . . . . SPAINI T> ? HO?::'-it f ff-V. Th" <- IX 1 V&JK * ;* r.'i ' *r. i>?.'' wa> c- - : . atrcored v-aih chry sunt fee-mars-, and ethautumv. flowta?. Various :-"irae^ "iVt,- ?.l? fie plavrd. and music ^ rendered . . - ^ . wtl fhfcfvais during- tin- ^ wn?ng. ^ Mis- H -!en Wfey, ?>?. - ..: . i the Y. P U a d Kins Be CaDBou, :c jpf'.sidvnt, alsu ... ? * twenty- ^ ' e memboiv. attended the .-octal. >?*iightful rofrwhinvn' v : sem'd to At everyone reported -?e party a ige success. asi " of KANDFATHER ORPHANAGE'S t'h THANKSGIVING APPEAL nit The voice of the hrlp'.t-- orphan :;" ild strikes a tender place in every oi art. In ror.onsc to !h:- p ''ding- ^*c at these little lives maku the kind ?ti arted individuals. churrfeii'-'. f rat or- th: ! clubs. etc.. have e^Kbfished home *' harbor those who haw so unfor.:t ie/. her. f; ar.- ^ j red ones. Th? question of proper maintenico for such hotaes never ceases to a haunting problem. A beautiful aJ .store of asking every in-?a dual to fe vc ft special thank offer;i e for the |j, pport of these little ones ? Thanks i ^ virg Day has become net only a J -uittul pan, hut. one that the orjianages have grown to depend ?m (j ?r their annual support, thus ther m ive been many more p? r Helpless \ildren cared for who otherwise lik- e, y would have been cast < at as do?- ja upon the cold world Grandfather Orphans* be- >| rigs to as locally. It trie- * provide! s hojont- for fatb- rli'ss uiul rmithi'rii'ss nys and srirls of our mountain comninitios. I? turn it ssks for the co-. pt?rutinn and support of every com- R lunity in the* surrounding counties. I \\ Thank.-jrivinp Day drav - re ar may I 2 s appeal rest heavily on tne heart p f every individual. Let th? merchant J] ie doctor and all profes iorra trades ? stimat'- h; average daily income,! giE nmmummAmmhm WEEK OF OUR SIX WI ARE FEATURING tBER 21st ENDING 1 rJY COL- Import* Fine Shetland wo< ful Colors. Two si (11A ,r LAV | gg REDUCTiC 3.00 3.95 j ,0-4.95 . 1.50 #' / .'} OFFICE pdem 3 if id liirjre station in the New Yoik. We largest buying of competent list' which their (Jaj] e able to group in? and secure and lo 0? vnh" i* in which '.he al method of huv Qne lot $10.00 V m itjus us .-?? sue j each other firm and I 0ru, nPW PHtir g to enjoy the at One lot new v" bulletin- of new keep ir formed ?H. El: j < t 1 fd % Mew U 'sllinj? of special ? most sttt ? are not ob- each nbee v. r we instruct oor Bibs, Towel: Pi iwluji any charge chiefs, Buffet. S both piaid and pi PECIAL PURCHASE 200 V SIT KS - PRFCH NiP v kjiuiiu a liuuii iiJU *-a chance to purchase material for y belcw, see each value, then judge for y WEAVES AMONG WHICH ARE SILK Mescalines, Broadcloth Shirtings, Sport pes, Jersey Shirtings, Brocades of Ev >RESS POSSIBLE FOR ( !0 inches wide. Plain colors from sorn rns in gay galaxy; plain white* and tome silk dress material here that yoi IQURS^Inco IE V'ATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E VI r the v a: uiitl iav aside at* amSuu .>t r ? ?his. tr hlw mriQj; -; ijr tiu farmer ink ?' or ?Uk - produn. and tb hou^* it from her jttP.ry u {^jodly porn of cat.nod feuod? *md mark thcffi w Grandfather Orphanage." Sevil friends in a community combiu* thtir contribution- in this way n'.o make a nice load of supplier - i Grandfather Crenlfathrr Orphanage earnestly k f?>r I lie eoopera.ion and support every individual, mar?, woman and iid. rich or poor, in t very rmmu Lv of t.he mountains. "If a brother or s;st-* be naked, d destitute ?>f daily food. and one you -ay unto them, depart in peace ye wanned ar filed; nothw'.thmding ye give them not those ings v/hivh are needful to the body :at doth it profit*." WANIANS PLEASED WITH MUSIC PROGRAM North WiDsesboro. Nov. I 1.? Prof <1 Mrs. 1. G. Greer, Miss Ruth Cofy and James Moore came over from none last night arid put on one of efinest musical programs given to ite before the North Wilkesboro iwanis Club. Professor 4nd Mrs. reer gave a number of folk lore imbers and ballads that are now rooming m? popular. The folk lore itertaimnent delighted the Kiwaons to the fullest extent. Vocal solos by Mr. Moore, with Liss Coffey accompanist, were alio enthusiastically received. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will bo received by the oard of County Commissioners of i kitauga County on next Monday the .'?rd day of November fov a heating' lant t" be installed in the County [ome Bond will he required. This l'.Uh day of Nov. Iif 25. S. < EGCiERS, Chm. *rri iiiiHiiimmwif1 n"* ?? 'TTrrmrm :.EKS SALE, WE NOVEMBER 28th id Scotch Scarfs nl, the latest in scarfs. Beauti4.95 )NS in MILLINERY V / I y | V A V , v :e and hiuh class models- 12.50 S 7.50 | 5.00 10.(10 values rj gQ a $0.00 values Qfj Stamped Goods ci- and easily worked designs, a chart to work by. Ci*il> sots, illow Cases, Aprons. Handker*arf and Center all to match in lain linen. Ail reasonably priced W MERCHANDISE our new Fail Frock at a phrno ourielf :s FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS Silks, Print? of all descriptions rery Description. DNLY $5.00. ibre black to rosy peaches and sport stripes. No matter what $1.00 A YARD rporated ERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C T^EE BIG D ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOV! I WILL CONDUCT AN AUCTION SA BOONE. NORTH C Consisting of Mens and Boys Odd Coats, Work Shirts for men and boys, Dress Shi for men women and children, Sweatesr fc Mens Womens and Childrens Headwear, ferent kinds. Underwear for the famil] and a big line of Hosiery for the family I I things I cannot mention in this small spac THERE ARE TWO REASONS FOR Th Money. 2nd. I wish to make a change in TERMS OF SA All amounts under $10, cash down, all ? time with note and approved security. SECOND SALE WILL BE AT THE SI near Sands on Nov. 30, beginning at te a General Line of Merchandise. The te sale. These sales will be held Rain or Sh room indoors. Plenty of fire to keep you cial prices on goods before and after aucl A 36 piece Dinner Set will be GIVEN A^ ing the most goods at the two days sale. r* xi* r Be sure to come and bring your trien jHj sold that you will need. Yours J I). I Cott / if^rv fe '> mTll V B : M gj ' r>^P*?i Chevrolet V^t^Ja , S I ity feature *'ut nuktk CI ^<*?v to lull rf?juin(Ju no lu 'faa fefa:*'.< ?"- jgafe^ nSp9 ?uch at other ^jP JnUw UP?Rflp ^KN mahrt Chevro ii II' iflffli usuaP.T ea-.v an ^^^^HW^pyffBr^Wpg^WyaWB ^?m.vSfarf(nj ^HMdnnjgnMMK /fnif/on i:ivcj spendable el rnaractrriidc ' car?. Ch.rroUt V4 To?rirvS? *5 ? *5 Motor, farnou ?nd economy, Rnadjter - 525 j economical it; Coupe . 675 "" "-' ><* Chevrolet Sedeo . 775 ea?y to ?t.>p. Cotrmvertual A1.C. P"?~ ' **" Sritl other f, 550 *ion. inerrui AIX PRICES F. O. ft. polished no FIXNT. MiaatiAJM driven horn Come in an , feature* i the A. & B. CHEVROLET CO. ! NOVFVCR 19. 1925 ALES AYS iMBER 27th '"d 28th 1 LE AT MY STORE IN :ARO. , mens and boys Overcoats irts for men and boys, Shoes r men women and children Ladies Dress Goods of difi, Overshoes for the family :o be sold, and many other IIS SALE. 1st, I Need the my business next spring B ' I imounts over $ I 0, six mos. ORE OF W. F. PARKER I n o clock, and consisting of rms will be the same at each line, Hot or Cold. Plenty of warm. Special sale and spe- H tion. kVAY FREE to the one buy ds. There will be something B for a big Sale, . . r tr / Trmn?p0ftml%mtt uality^l atures hat make Chevrolet the worlds finest low priced car offers you the same type of quais found on cars very much higher Vlore than two million people in IhSj s' time have purchased Chevrolet* KvK f this quality construction. idititn Springs Oil and Watmr Pumps keep t of the ilie Chevrolet tnutnt rflicitndy r C'hevrolrf rid- cooled and thoroughly lubriit i? unexcelled. cated. ^RBH JF 'rxrtf Through - ? . , ,, /cecir Axta u uouwauY Krcnc VUS Mvrairf ?tmt?lc , , , M-mi-ooaimg, with heavy ariv- Vela rwMr. WT-dSKm n?B ei-4i? and a on r- piece H r/t?Mnnlc-plalf, prc*t-rd vrcel hnunn( ~ conbrication?give* imiction typioi ^ rhc worid'i "r^k Ivet tmoock k- best htsilt can. AA . , Stvu,art Vacuum Feed allow* wim-wwnihlf ,hc ch,vro^, f>?, u , c Cat> U!-" plaifd at the rear where it is Irt ttimni un- , , . *juv ana convenient. J MIC. t. Lighting und Chevrolet Closed Moduli are Chevrolet she l;i?k?r-built, of wckiJ and ? Fiaher V- V Windahiuld?uf&d operation. on allChesrolctclosed model*. Brake* make It give* the driver clear vision c to drive and and fullcvwl vencihtioti under all condition*. raturea?a modem three-speed transmisncnt panel complete with speedometer, rs-rustinfj Harrison radiator, and a motor* ?arc further proofs of Chevrolet quality - / let ua ?bow you some of these quality t \