J m VOLUME XXXVI. This Week 1 i BUNmurmt.TMjgniiHiMnMMrHj Mm.. t>y Arthur BrisbarvEXPORTING POWER y BOOTLEG. * HV DID I EAT TOO MUCH ITARY CONFINEMENT it- Scamlan.r. avs i ur a cahk- un] ;y the water, ship arui svll po-.vt r to ' mark. acre's a hint for New England. . cially for Maine, which intelli -tlv pians to harness the -rrea* I < in the Bay of Fundy. Th( y. no export ahout which we know l - potatoes, excellent seed po* : -es This writer ha.- bought many lrload. he "power crop" of Maine shoulder to tin- .-t*ite millions ot dollars ?. . > month, without the ineonven of fighting potato bugs. othing comes suddenly. It took tip time and several revolutions the humble bourgeoisie t?> take! ! or from kings. nobles and eleri: thus increasing a thousand 1" >ld number of then' with a share a\ ', pood things. And the mert - 5 hi mom \ ;?e n, tU'd not gain ; , er e\.-fpi a< they learned, haw to J fffer it. no next step along -UK- path of I Kiracy will be another iikrtiase .hi nunihni of earth's children i :i -ban its property That step | b. taker* when the groat crowd 1 how to nde ifstn * and finds . - potent leaders that won't betray > ? our men of power have any inirenec tlie change will conic a i t iin* hence, ami as peacefully t election in a golf club. . r.e trouble is that our big men themselves tot. variously. attach i; ? I?t their bank balances more inip *:ance than to historical pieced . and th?- rights of others. ark t asaie, aged forty five, is a: -ted for chaining his children to floti' and flogging them with a h . - v rope. He heat his wife when sr.-" released . f the children. ieel down four days. Bootleg w -key. \ Ferguson, (i?'Vernoi? of Texas t . - prohibition seriously. She won c - why they arrest bootlegger- who . .. ry two ?.i three pints for sale, don't arrest boot-leggers worth rr -re than $5,000. r.ie bady-Governor has something earn about American methods. 1 this country five thousand dollars .reub.s protection, five million dol means immunity. AJrican savages capture a hippo-i , :amus. eat all their distended sto-j t *hs can hold, lit' down beside the i ti fsss. .sleep, wake, eat more, sleep! v4.. in and on. Some die of ptomaine poisoning; as tr mea gets bad. The survivors think they have had a good time and give "thr.uks to the pink-nosed idol that th* \ happen to worship. Ye improve on the 'hippopotamus eaters, and the Romans with large marble receptacles to which they returned food previously swallowed, hit they might swallow more. But our eating, like our thinking, c.rii our ideas of justice, is of an ag- I.OOl* years behind our scientific age We are nearer to cannibalism than to civilization. One-half of the adult- do not even know enough to protect their children from the effects of gorging. New Hampshire revives solitary imprisonment for criminals. For a strong brain solitude is a good thing - not overdone. Every man worth while seeks men rs. solitude, difficult to find in this But for the weak criminal brain solitude is dangerous, breeds bitter hatred, leads to insanity. As. well prescribe solitary confinement for a cancer patient as for n criminal. -iG Ppi Year BOONK. 1 L i : ci ucis COMMUNITY b i - 'o-ocressive meeting l h Cumim v Club ??f \'i* Cruci. ua> called together 011 Monday night hy the President C. I>. Taylor. Invitations \\re extended te Messrs, Watt Gragy. Supt. Smith Ha tea man and Prof. Ft. I>. Dougherty. The oh. ect of iht meeting *vas stated after the hou.-e \va> called t?? order, and the old song. "My Country Tb >f Thee" wa siin?r and a prayer offered by Rev Mr. Burke Then some . good music by the Thomas string ijand was much enjoyed. Speeches were then called for and a numbei i responded. Mi. Gragg spoke of th? Building and Loan Association and (other interests with which he i< con neeted. Mr Haganian spoke of th. public schools and education in yen I eral. Prof. DojUgh??rty told l?ow h< always appreciated an invitation i? come to \ alb Cruris. He told of the beaut i? s of the Watauga Valley ami the river and quoted the gifted I.nn ?U#I. ? nay. in* sI?oKIll a T??u< I ing mat.net- of the liiV and death of President Andrew John-on. Me ther spoke <?f the many achievements of j ' the coming of the ^jod roads, and the rniiroad :o Boone, ami the mar.v no 4s abilities that await u in ther future. He spoke of the proposed ? K from Shulis Mills to the Beech, which is offered without 'ax or bancAll that we are asked t n* i> a rigl.; of way. -iiiil it we grant th right ' ot way. it will enable us to sell our rijie timber, tan bark. paper wood.j and furnish work foi hundreds r : men and .? pay roll that w i 1! I irre.ii asset to out' county. Prof. sai ' he had rathei :i\?- anions the hi ?.f North Carolina as a peasant i ba * to be King of a foreign ? ounlry. and ! want to say thai 1 believe that Pro I Dougherty and his brother D D. ha*.-. ' done more for Boone and Watauga ' County than any twenty five men j i who have ever lived within hi i boi - der<. The State School will ever I stand as a monument to then or' ory and generations yet unhorn will ? sing their praises. ? Th eiadies were on hatiil with oof- i fee and caki s and a good time was t enjoyed by all. A vote was taken as i to who was it: favor of the K. R. am! I it was a unanimous vote for it and ? not one against it. ? The meeting closed sine die with t good fe ling.- for everybody except t those who oppose the railroad, and t we hope that they will repent of their in and eonie over on the dde of progress and prosperity. (Signed) ' M. SHCLl.. METHODIST NOTES were present at Sunday School last Sunday. -7 were present at the i Kpworth League and 1 1 were pros- 1 ent at prayer service last Wednesday evening, which was rainy and cold. Large congregations were present at both worship services of the past Sunday. Fioni reports from other Sunday Schools and worship services . were well attended. Finally: the people of this community attend church probably more regularly than people do in the average community, but , there is always room for nnprove The wo mm of the Missionary Society report a good meeting on last Monday. New ?>fticer> v elected and plans for n greater year were made. These women are loyal and are doing a great work. It is a very evident fact that the choir is doing more work for better music during the worship services. Good music is an essential pan of worship, and many churches have: sung the gospel even more effectively than it has been preached. The men ing of the Bond of Stewards was not so well attended Monday night, but the meeting was one : of the most enthusiastic ever held. We have no boom on in our town. | This growth is just natural, which growth after all. is the healthy one. A certain preacher recently preaching a Thanksgiving sermon referred to the coming convention at Memphis Tenn. for young people of the Methodist church as beginning the 39th of December. 1 am sure his word was j doubted at that particular time. The date of the convention is the 31st of! December Sunday School at Boone Sunday at 9:15. The Smpt. begins on time. Epworth Ja/ague 6:15. t Watch the League grow. Preaching at Blowing Rock Sun , day morning and evening by the pas-1 | tor. ^ ivatai;ga. county north carol EIGHT YEAR OLD BOY F FLAMES OF Bllt One i.i' the wi.it triifdir- '' oc- ? uiy < - V t'.VaUKU ? man;. y?-a?->. \\ a - I ru>i? 'if burning of a Itarn owned by Ml. soon loyd Lreenc ;rs thr iiio'.ving Koek I a >>? Section Monday .\tt.:nooi mmi of mi*h *arri?- Hodge... aged eight, io>big his1 soim fe i r the fopfhigratior. eb f Mrs. (in en wa.- in the hou>?- ':?*ar . rer?? v. wben he. little daughter and the < wen Hodge hoy '.vent out to play, going 5 01a 1> tht barn. They decided t?? start a M tire therein, and of course t h? stiuc- hom u?*t with its contents \\a> soon a heav -ee'hing ma- <-f f ames. Mrs. Green ith? rid the moihe?- of the unfortunate a!: t >o\ arrived on th- scene in thru to and cue the little giri. hut the boy. Ilk- dost ITEMS FROM THE Ml NORMAL SCHOOL happenings Dur?m; the I'as' Week <*t Mini the School Reported to the D**m ri ocrat Weekly. in School attraction . f she nu?~t pleas jint kind have been in evidence dut vein ng the past week. , jn,. w"dne>da\ morning the Appala- 0p, , loan Literary Societx gave a ?!< bate lf ir , it chapel on the subject: "Re <>i\ed mm hii! capital punVsBtmvnt shuld i>< a- v-ig >olishod.*" The argument showed care- , ?ul -?tu<iy on l oth -ule>. One of the? 'p., hree judge- was railed away before uv , hv conclusion ami '< the satisfae- .iji ion of mo>t of the audienv* the vote j)(. J Aood: Affirmative .eu\ negative one. v tbi lyridav night the high school I t o? ?a>ke? I.all team played Love ('rook j |u? t,?n the- home court. A delightful spir- fhr: t of A'holcsomc rivalry prevailed. The |ju core win in favor of the Appalachian \ iigh School. j.;i t, o Ratu i!a* night the voting men j ^ M. >f the Rankin-Wilson Literary So iety entertained the young ladies burs >f the Blan-Dolph Literary Society ;lllV :ogether with the members f the fa- t.ou, ulty. A more pleasant evening would j ,|a . ?o hard to imagine. The urtistie dee- :,)r,.u initio lis. the speeches, humorous and |{$ht ilherwise, the delightful games, and he appropriate refreshments all eon I rihuted to an evening outstanding u. he college life. _ ] NATIONAL PARK NOTES .\s!U'v::ic .\o\cniiii ' ao. - w o . ;\e-\ ?i" it- count it-.- already over tic- top no i>n it.- quota before the campaign has j.? n. wester:, North Ca'olHa was faces th task of raisrtj* the maj >1 ^ }> rtion of the hall mill ion dollars ^ i.at will make a National Park in the * , will .' at Smoky Mountains a reality ^ ^ A l.eville and Buncombe count\ have agreed t <? raise $250.000 and the or- ^ srnnization which has been set up b\ drer I (I. Stikeleather. state highway com NN *u" missioner and chairman of the orIonization committee is ready t?? be- day trir* work tomorrow. In the other ^ho i mmunities of western Nortl Par- Statu olina the local chairmen have been M appointed. and it is planned U? raise horn without dc-lay the $150,000 assign, d with to this section of the stat . outside of ('ha Buncombe county. ^ Already Swain county has rai- J e^q $000 more than K- allotted amount of $25,000 arid the worker. declare that rn r thev haven't vet started to work. The , - . " , cam most of the subscriptions in that , , , , BGm county to date haw* been targe ones ... . " will and were male at an open meeting at Bryson City last Saturday night. With State Senator Plato I). Ebbs T ?f Ash iville as district chairman. Western. North Carolina i> fully or- '><)! ganized. and dozen: of mass meet- ^ ingS have been held to stimulate in- 1TI^" terest. The women's clubs are taking *>ou up the task of raising their share of AV the fund under the direction of Mrs. ^'aCharlcs M. Piatt of Asheville. Lee In Ashevillc and Buncombe county ^ the campaign organization is headed rec< by Don Elias. local chairman, and the j clul women's division is led by Mrs. C. sen C. Hamilton, president of the Ashevilli F\ deration of Womens i 'lubs. A childrens division has been oruran- ' njn ?ed to allow th<* young: folk- to con tribute, and .lack and Billy Faulkner j Sat the ten year old twin sons of Abncrjbui \V. Faulkner, president of the Brown ' ^'e Motor Company, were the fir-r to i ! pay I come forward, each with a contrif>ii-. jrt,, tion of ten dollars to the fund- tai i A i Mm NA. TUURSDA tJECEMBEII I' 'KRISHES IN ININ(i BUILDING I mi d by his airftii --i into a stall, and of coiir^ was c?, lead. After thv- fi'c had abat II, arch was instituted f*;i i h< re- i .. and the discovery was a grtte- r . one. The clothing \va> all hum- ?j ) -?m the hody. which was beyond tuition. The charred remains interred in the* Him* grave yard i. mile we.-' of Boone yesterday, r. Green? who wa> away from when tragedy occurred, is a j* y loser. Aside from the less of building, which was a good one.. i\- feed, one horse, a cow. truck 7( all hi- farming implement- were roved. P> INISTERS HAVE GOOD MEETING! isterial Association Plans Christa*. Program. Will Receive Offer?s for Empty Stocking Fund. I' he Ministerial Associat:??r i con-' i Monday morning: at the isual in a very enthusiasts ami on | ativ. meeting, the at tendance ho- |-,< rr.:d- up by minister.-? of tlir com it*.. Plans for cooperation ?nv<?l > _< tho local c<immunity wei. d's , % i ?i and made as follows: Of, tlu- f, rs?ia\ j 'e.ht before Christmas day \ ant to have a program for the jgf . cuiiitiiui i'hiprogram will imposed of -tings by a ?<?mmu eh??'i ami peeche from on*' osetitative ??f each denomination. i?i tnjr upon the stgnifieaned of < st.mas, fojrawed l?\ the plan ?*f White Ch- -.slums, whieh that T >ring their offering:- forward 1o .j i? th?- community chest on Kmpty \i l-iuv fund. This fund will he in ( hands of a committee tor dis it ements to those in need or to < worthy community cause in the ,r, kty. Remember the date. Thurs- n, night before Christmas day The vv :rani of the service will be put- j, d in next week's pa|>er. n, F. M llU<;c;iNS. President : W OOSLKY. Seey NEWS OF BLOWING ROCK .1 ostma.-:< : RubUii): has voiv to a \ ork toi a 1? 'A oi husi i t? h \-Siloi : iK-atoi ..i S:ai.>vifle a his . visitor in tow:: Fridax M lr. .Mid M i > -I A I'ai,tofl ' '' unlas for Virginia wheiv they spend Christmas with Mrs. Pa a*s parents. Irs. Ernestine Alexander and chii1 left \Y-dnesd;i\ for Charlotte rv they will <|?ei?l the winter. [is> Rosella Coffey loft last Sun- r for a few days visit in Hickory will also vi>:t relatives neat Mor- u ton. [is* Dorothy Hayes has returned Li If Mttfl- mIwuII tU II : t*. i fri? ds ir Xewherry S < and .1 rlottc. tv [r. Cliff Tuttlc* of Hiekory was a or ii; town Thursday. [is.- Lucy Williams who ha> beer. A*a~r:njrtoii \ a. ir??in?r to school . home last week 011 acount of j c* nose and throat trouble. She leave this week for a hospital in j enshoro where sh? will underpo operation. he Katty Klub met with Miss othy Hayes hist Friday evening ler home on Main Street. The livroom was very attractive with Is of narcissus and yellow ivii te chrysanthemums. Cards were red and several piano solos were n by Miss Lillian Johnson. Annie Crisp and Dorothy Haye>. Ii? Helen Coffey was cordially ?ived a> a new member of the uetigntiui retresnment- wore | rod consisting of JcIIo with whip-j coram, fruit cake and cocoa. A *t enjoyable evening: was spent. club will meet next Friday eve- 1 x with Mis> Mary Holshouser. inhere will be a box supper next orday night December 12th *r; *ho Iding* adjoining the Carolina Store proceeds of which will go to a inir man in th< community to help his expenses for a few weeks P admen! in Johns Hopkins Hospi-i 1 1. 1925 5 Cti aCopjr VE CREEK PARENT r] TKACHER MFETiKt": |j T!:, T.m.T t '* r-Uty * f?? .virne ...Sit - depart n , M hfr pr? Mr 1. S 3*t ni? . the vice pr- - * I ..I" S. F riur . pre sided- T!i the -l ni'-etinp" we < r? l?y the S.-rt??v Mis.- Gerti B may Bii? r , J -err ut !? ri by pi act iostl.iy iaouc present Tit. following pro am for Frida> dannaiv iS2?;<U! of ' t( u H. " -,u ;""d t,;'" - in Eopic: How Ma;. \\ < Attain the . igher Ideal- oi ' itrzenshrpV ^ i State why fol'owing qua!--. .t if- are iridispi . good <_*it i- f t nship: Health, lonestj. self con-1 ol. Intelligence in.?-Ifi-hn - ap eciation of simple nleasuivs. Health, l*r. \\ >. Bingham ii. . _ % t. . " II .?! I .?1?i -1 S< if control. Mf i. B. Hortnii Intelligence, Mi \V. K. Sherwood I'nselfifehne---. M?. .1 S. MrBridc. ^ Appreciation f ii'ipl- p'-a ores.; Dod J. ffwt ', U rat 111 .t" ;j. School' hi -ulum Mn\ M i Most ffein Teachiirj- Higher Idea!.-"* by r t s. i * i " HI ^ hat I: poll Good Gi, -h n has ! L)acr Attitude ! v '-il \\i?ih ; . .?. I". Spain ? 2 \\ hat rit it - , ' hip has 11.< I'm -,t nay Tettdcn Toward I. Pro !! Di'HUi Swift OCAL STORA IN GALA ATTIRE AS HOLIDAYS DRAW NEAR I'here has nev:-? he. :i the hisn*\ of Doom* -uci ii -pi; i> ??t* ' Kris*, ma- goods as now adorn the . I : i or. - ??t .?ui pi i?tr'-e-si\< merchants. he\ have largely monopolized the line in thi- edition, and have paid th icir good money to Lei! you what ^ ie\ have for you. Mr. Prevet.te of low me Rock and the \ aCe Or.:, 'otupjiity. are also offering some ^ rent inducements for shoppers. Th* thli-hers regret their inability t.hi- ^ eek to m large the edition s?? as to ^ iclude a more liberal amount of ei i'W's matter. A THE NEWS OF SILVERSTONE The Sunday School at Pleasant l; Tov-, .* pio?^?v--iuir fine. The atton- a' an< - ?. erular with Mr Iv?c Wilson Sun. > inlemlent. Wo are. grettinjr " ae \ l\'i i singing: school through the oliday>. Oi. ?ads. arc get' ini very muddy 'N : rommuiiity. Almost impose 1- *' lo ti ravel. c' M ! ?h-. .N Boach - doing a very :t 4 mi m th?- mercantile line a : ft ' ? purrhasecf the -f. B, Miller " irm. ^ Mt Thurn Isaacs has an auction 1 iile December sth. He is moving: t4. ^ forganton. X. < We nr very sor a y to see him leave the community. a Mi-s \ era Bvers is ill this week a ith influenza. ll The -chou! at Sihorstone wiii close 1! >ecemher 18th* with a very success ul t?nr? with Mis McMillan. Mis- ;1 etiir Mast an?l Miss Retha Har- ,r lan as teachers. Beautiful and Rich maLMmSSSSSSSSSfT .1 Most o? us -would be .-atisfioii wir'r either, but little Pa?* c.a Mounlhatteii, shown here wit-. -r mother. Lady Mountbaiten. b :h. Reputed to be tj>> richest b.. y in the world, tl.e future* heiress 01 rhe $'OO.uOO/>ub estate *>t er g*> at grandfather, Sir Erne*! 4 xt NUMB1IR %? ?ONE MEMORIAL ROAD PROPOSED ovcmtnf Started to the End th*t Boone ! rail Highway May Con ttnij*- to San Fr->ncin.o. The iV wing- ?-!-]-pti.tr from a Debit. ?'M eh? papoi ha- hfseV? -one a >uh>(_ rib. r. A n;-,\ men' to Kill 7 . tr-a; on: tit.";! highway in bono? -?i I>a.nie. v*>i;he fail bjf&od by hirr. ianv. in west. i- 1 -*!??$r spoilr ! *h Trail Ihgrhwa.. ssoeiat .vhicn ha- its Itee.dquarVv 'Ton-Sa^ ni. \ ('. The a !, a - f ! - the a. .-ociatior >11 -': : North Caroliny near the ;ivi- >f ' tntretii.s. v. here ho i? f ?! ill, hi- v. ton: . . f >. and , . Sa: Frahciscc, - Flu Eiui th.> Trail." hcv-t reached hj. the om'i - X'-' pt in bis dreams. Th' jam* object. ?ft* the as.-ociaon ::i iilii51is?f5?; the hicrbv ay to a now raphasi;- on the wi|% of a- American pioneer in his trail ^ -r. rii ! ?- .I'l-H 1 <\9 ii I ' *" ;A "A ' ' -fhnoi h i -11. j-i? :;n<; te pu??li?- l?v making t.he oi.i i high.vi> ?cCie<-; the -torie> * t hi h:-1 oi'j O! t hi r\ Oiu -* ) in T.h?- uij.it ?s to memorial table' at nlao aintisr \o high* .i h went o \ idi-ntit" . il with Boont; - hlav , " i.h? iriui t" t.h- \v- A irn t I'll) i t will be p.:ie?-i at ?.h? End tin : ii! iri >ai< Fr?? :? i -i o. proh>,\ at 'hf fCM'1 "ot ?h ^Tfl? '1' . mtvs Kavlt* Fi asier. Tiu t let iH liiw Boofjt* Sltp'nji 111 a houhifr, tfUt' hand and hir^ dog; at. his d? . His ? uirnod t'? the wc.-i At the- foot . In- tablet will b- Hooiif's signau . taken t'rom th?* old ? ourt tveds a,i Salisbury, V CThe proposed tatjhway will pass trough Winston-Salem. \\ ilkeshorn M.jw. *\ (. .. r.aehing way of ?; uoe Pino, through Ti'fiHi'SM'c and unii^'rJart! MouiU Vernon, ichruond. (*e\iiigton. 1 larrodsburg. wpikfort, Louisville Ky . Vinvennes i.l Salem. 111.. St. l.o . -. Columbia itis.ts City, and on toward tho Pa1:1 ocean. .-mling in Sat.- Cram >00 TTENDF.D BIRTHDAY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Ediv. H, Hahn and unity loft Monday tor Hickory. to tt?nd tho birthday dinner ami fan*? > rounioi >:f hi> mother, Mrs. .1. Lee !ahn. \vn v\ a- SO yrtr old Tnesay. Thotv vvorv some thirty or forty iatives th;a came with loaded has ets of . . o: yt hirithat was good t" at and >J o'clock Tuesday .!! ga ho-red ar td tho boun'.ife table, mi aftel grace led by P. t flahn. v uncle who is 7-1 years old. every no partook of the elegant supply of mid eats spread before them, to the til lest extent. It was a great day for Ir- Mahr. to have all her children ml near relatives pay her this homge. sir.d after several hours of joy n<i conversation covering old times, he children and invited guests reurned x i rheir homes, feeling that he dav w a hannilv siwnt hv th?? ged mother, and wishinir that she tight have man\ more happy birth ays. COMMUNITY SERVICE There wiil be a community prayer rvicr at the Baptist church next Wednesday night December ldth afrr which there will be a choir practice preparatory to the Christmas ommunity program t?? be held at the ourt house Thursday night before hristmas Day. All are invited. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS >? War East Relief Fund which will >e published in the Democrat each reek: V H. Graggr .52.00 lev. Downum 2.00 vlrs. J. S. Stan bury 1.00 Mail your donation to Edw N. lahr.. County Chairman Near East telief. Boone, N. C. MUSIC RECITAL Th? will be a recital by the muc st>; N rV. and the A. S. N. S. cbous in tru A S. X S auditorium on Moiida > ' v* December the foureenth at s- -thirty The public is ' cordially invited. j

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