?Ij VOLUME XXXVI. I SHOOTING AFFAIR AT DEEP GAP?OTHER NEWS (W. A. W*t?oa> On iast Wednesday the 23rd the Consolidated School of Deep Gap had < had A very nice Christmas tree and an entertainment in the way of f short speeches and a Christmas play j % dvpfcsinK the charms of the Yuletidc. Tlis pirogram was put on by thorn Injurs of the Literary Society of tt> seho?>l. The olay was grand And ? tl background dazzling, for a deco t tl Christmas tree gave it a cory t sting effect with its many a*id ^ i4d colors with burninr candles. Itb/ty softly glowed in th*?* hturs; (^thc evening. After the ' speeches j kfif play Miss Theodosia/ the queen jlcVr of the Consolidat/'d School of p Gap and principal teacher took Mb* floor and hebh the public spell wound with a /very interesting school j Band co/inmunity talk. She is nct.?d ! Ifut' licr way and manner of ey pressJ ior and appreciation. Every word she f spoke hit the right spot with the puh1 lie. After her talk she invited W. C. Greene, a former citizen of this locality to make a talk, which he did k with \ many words of praise fo** the \ coTQinunil\ progress in the land of hir> birth. Mr. Greene made a suggewfckin before he closed in the way kf fine nee for the school whit h met ^ *ith public favor, within ten minut?* tJie school having realized $S2 ef donatio' f which was taken up to pay Jxkx indebtedness of the piay ground, tfhf play ground was paid off in foil within three minutes, but the HfJtr- W. C. Greene. J. f. Church Jete*- Church and Ira W. Day. the three latter being traveling salesmen in the employ of the It. .1. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Sulpsm. N. C. who are now working PennsylVJi in territory, would not stop on -Pi.Cng off the play ground debt, but kept going on with their liberal donations together w ith the public citizt' < and patrons of the school until a rgo sum was raised to go on the jrdcbtedness the Iplant also. 1 The Deep 'vnp boys poured out the * i , OW . . I 1 1 V in ch needed. Tnese boys are an as Kit to any community and we an justly proud of them. We wish their every success and prosperity all tn< | way down the line. We also want to give worthy men tio'i and praise to Messrs (J. B. Militr ainl K. (\ Greer, noted community j violinists for the music they rendered o*> this occasion at the school which beipcd out nu?t wonderfully t?? make the public cheerful. s Some time in the night on Wednesday December the li.'lrd Mrs. Alice went home from the entertain in out :<i the Deep Gap school after the -\ercises were over to find a Ik! *u?K ?u,. ? - * >i> iu< JJI" I r>,? 11 ? Ol .? UKJI'l I.VWJ.S e lewd woman, and Wesley Randall (Ri ynoMs) at her hoiiu carrying on ? m wild tippy party f their own. When ish? arrived she drove them away. H* i husband became infuriated i'oiowed her ?is she left to go to a nearM w house, where in a scuffle with his wile was shot in the abdomen by a Revolver she held. Mr. Carroil is now in the Wilkes Hospital at North Willi;;* kesboro where he has undergone a serious if not fatal operation. , This affair, caused by immorality L.: i\ strong drink, is deplorable. T4itest report is that Mr. Carroll SB-dit (i in the hospital. ?Thr Christmas holiday passed off iP'jftry quietly in Deep Cap without save a family quarrel at (the Same withheld) where a little party *Gks being held. We mentioned many jr'iSicts in our close up in last issue Iffbich could have been upheld nearby, but there are always offenders the law and morals thct will violate all good reason and judgment at tins season of the year. It is reported by reliable authority that strong drink flowed in the community as never before. If our prohibition officer could have been down hepe the day before Christmas he wopld have bagged a dozen or more mess with wet goods galore. This does not-mean that our good citizens all wept wrong, but .a number are wet. W^jbelieve in being as nearly bone IBS: as is oossibh Jjlr. I. ChFidwiok aifd wife are visiting at the home of Mr. Gaither Watson, his wifes father during; the holidays. His home is at Beaufort and this is his first visit to Deep Gap. It is reported that Mr. Chadwick is & pood farmer and a champion potato grower of his section, having won a $5 prize for making- the most deposits at his local hank from the \ proc-eds of his marketed potatoes. ! K jg 11.50 Per Yw BOONE. BROOKS1DE DO 1 S Messrs Vance, Younjr and John How.!! as us/ual visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. W N. Howell during: the Holly Days, and v. hile the home folks and their many friends were glad to see them. Mr Cotton tail befhp to beat tinu to the music of Young's five heagde bounds which fill ed the de^p recesses of the mountains with enchantiiiK melody. Mr. Joe Blackburn of Chicago, ill. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blackburn of Brook ide, remembered his parents with a beautiful Victrola as a Christmas present. Nov.* Cam has his sptendid new- resic|ejn-e completed, and during: the cold days he sits by the happy fireside and plays. "Old Folks at Home.'' Mr. Arthur Winebarger, and Mrs. Lyda Caslle. Mr. Loyd Castle, and Miss Sarah Norris. during: the holidays made a fiving trip to John son City and Bristol. The true intent and purpose of this visit has not been made public, but it may turn out that iv.o loving: hearts hereafter will beat, as one. Mr. Konda Parker of Steubeiiville Ohio, and Lonr.it- (V.rker of the Patterson School. Legerwood. visited at home during: the holidays Misses Gladys and Geraldir.e Pry of Kounarock. Va. are visiting: with friends and relatives at Brook side The parents of the young ladies are dead, formerly living in the Flat Top section near Blowing Rock. The girls i are seeking an education in a graded : school at Konnarock. The public school at River View, taught by Mrs H. . L Lvon and Miss Mary Lillian Lyon has been a very | progressive tine and will close one week after Christmas. The Christ i mas tree at the school last Thuisday was a splendid affair, and I he children were remembered b\ friends: land relatives. The sudden cold snap lias changed the rippling and murmuring vaters I of New River into : solid sheet of ' ice. Farmers who remembered their wood sheds during the prett> warm . ?*etune? enj?w?.g t?,-. fioi? ? j their labor hy ;t warm fireside. New fashions and inventions an 1 i continually cropping ??ut. Along the extreme east on portion of llaid Ml j township a number of persons both i old and young have tii.-cu voted a new way of using snuff. They take a box | in their right hard, and with their I left they er/.o the under lip between I the fore finger and the thumb strut : ching it out to its utn.ost capacity, j after which lhc-y lift the low of snuff I which they hold in the'.r right hand j and completely fill the large roserI voir between the teeth ar,d lower lip. ho rubber lik* tip Is suddenly j re biased at; explosiot of ury snuff , is the result, filling t'ae nose, bronI ehiaJ tubes and lungs t\> the brim. The residue of snuff remaining ir. ! tact ir? tin* rescrv?or w -- ? r.vuil IlIOI.-UTi , eo by the action of the saliva gland: j till the morbid secretion finds an exit at the corners of the mouth. Wondei of pouring hot lead in the ears, and driving locust pins in the m>se would produce any perceptible change in th< : senses of feeling, hearing anu smell' If . BEAUTY 1 j Surely God is a lover of the beau | tiful, for He has cieated so mucl j that is beautiful. Consider the sun , set, the clouds, the sky. the sea. th? ! mountains, the hills, the valleys, th? | rose and all the other flowers o j wondrous beauty, and avail yoursell ; of such things as you may be abb to use around your own good home. Folks estimate us by our horm . surroundings and our town spirit bj . the appearance of our towns. l!ov : would we be estimated, you and I; j Beauty is a quality that shows in oui ) surroundings. Let's give it full sway i Tell us your purpose for another sea j son. Mr. A. <1 Miller, our merchant j became a boy again during Chr'nt | mas and sent up several red, whit< and blue balloons. He also suppliei j fire crackers gratis to his customers so wo had plenty of fire works am some noise. Miss DoJlie Greene who has heei in training as a nurse at Lincolnton ?i i? - -- ~"" .iut parents Mr. and Mrs. Let CJreene here for the Christmas holi days. 4 The wintry weather held t\s* in iti /rrasp Sunday and Monday, it beinj the coldest weather experienced this season uf the year. ^ r i \ / itattga WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH CAKOLU TwiNTER CARE oi THE MILK COW CHR (By 1. A. Arey) Office of Dairy Extension Chi The miik cow must be kept com-.ly a < fortablc during: the winter if : he progr; : to produce milk profitably. When ex- Gifts posed to cold winds and rain a por- and 1 tion of the energy contained in hei ! Christ feed is used to keep her body waim. sudde The stall in which the cow is kept quite ' should be well lighted and properly made !\entilat?d but free from air currents1 er.ed ! While good ventilation is important day ? ! it. should be provided in such a way with 1 ; as to prevent direct air currents from word I striking the cows body. Thi.- ran be fat a ! accomplished by making the oides of bring: i the dairy barn 01 cow shed tight and past. | admitting the air through properly days located windows. The stall should be our s well bedded at all times. Ample bed- Claud i ding serves the do~ab!?> purpose of pecial ; keeping the cow comfortable and in- a per I creasing the volume of manure which Boot! j is so much needed or all of our soil. . boistc i no practice ox requiting the cow the a j to wade through mud and ice souv- Hence I distance t?? a stream for her drink- !sii?u ! ir.g water is ail too conmofi and a speak j very expensive one. Such exposures haves I efciil her body and in tkis condition and t ; she will not consume Iht amount of ces, S j water needed for good ni'k nroduc- iiraye (tiou. A Jersey cow proua ing around J interc j thirty pounds of milk ivrday should It | consume from 8"> to !*0 poinds of wa- our \\ tor, however she will n<jt take this still I quantity 0:1 a -mid day unbss the sup- 'ho \ ply is convenient and oi a medium from temperature. see t' Perhaps no equipment pi :he dairy share barn yields a greater return on the pas cost price than good individual drink- l",r v ing ' :p. . The advantage offered by who this system of wptcrmg, is the poss- comd< bility tt affords for the cow to drink sort. < a small a tount at a tim%? and at fro- Mr quent interval*-. The convenience of ed fn this system is very important for tciv prove is no question hut that heavy produc~ Mr ing cows fad to drink during the win- baby ter months, as much water as they with need for best results when watered Shull once a day at an outside tank or a and iv arbv t icam. for .! a-* Hairy cow is a creature of ha: hit and there is no animal tin the I\ ' j farm that responds more regularly to week kind treatment. She becomes accus- eatio | tamed to a regular routine in feeding grow 'J and care and any change from this I system tends to disturb her and do- WO j creases tin miik flow. Singularity in " all details i: essential to a constant Tr ; milk flow. A row may be accustomed Wer? j lo nn?l any feeding method hut she occsu ; will be uneasy if the same method is mas i not followed all the iim?s It is os- by a Ipocialiy important that the milking, be done at the same hour and undo* ; Sc > the sam- conditions as far as nossi- i from ' ; hie each day. ' vein* The hgh producing dairy cow is ; Pi usually ivclincd to be nervous and ea ii< i sily excited, therefore her attendant by 3 should dfal with her gently. She Di should never be ruit with dags or a Gre* 5; horse nor handled roughly while be- R< ; ing put '?i the barn No other farm Quai : an una J works more faithful tor her T! 1 mastfi than the good milk cow. She j the ^ j i.s the most economical producer of (the j human food of all the farm animals, i club | The food she produces is necessary ! the for the proper development of the hu cent ; man race therefore she deserves the [ affili best care during the cold winter be 5 months that it is possible for her days " ! keeper to give her. For this treat- M * j ment sh" will give good returns in | the ~ the form of an ic reused, milk produc- en 5 1 tion. , of a j red f j Mi. Otady Bradley4 was in the shop an(* 1 j this afternoon and c?j iered the Dcm- T .? | ocrat seni to his ,:?d-??'-ss in Florida j artL ! for the nexy four months. Mrs. Brad- ; k | ley will accompany him to Knoxville J where she will remain with her pa I "oc< ' ! rents during his absence. Mr. Bradley i at 1 r i is a carpenter, a genuine hustler and liov > j already has employment there. They will leave Saturdav morning 1 ' pre: '* holi - i Messrs Vance Presnell. Green Mill- pres cr. Albert and James Bingham and t- Honda Fox, all of the Brushy Fork ! 0 r_ . ; section, will leave tomorrow bound j 1 ] for Florida the trip being made in 1 at - a tiu^k. Thev go in quest of employ- j Joh m*n*- ! ban < M. Jt st ems that one Wesley Reynolds unsavory reputation, was largely! 1 1 j if not all to blame for the shootingr u4.r, j Jiff air at Deep Gap fast Thursday. j ^ J Reynolds is under suspended sentence ; oc* in several eases in Superior Cou?t, njje '.and we art at a loss to know why it j ten is that he w.ts again allowed to give' mej bond in this deplorable ease when he; is already sentenced in several oth-j*n" ers. Supposedly his bond to the court; ore* s has been violated in all counts and t or < it should be seen to that he made' ^ce r to suffer the penalties prescribed.: Tolerance in his case, it seems, is no U l' longer a virtue. f, t iin* ?A. THURSDAY DECEMBER ISTMAS QUIET DAY AT VALLE CRUCIS istmas passed very quietly. onrroupii; of Christmas trees- with anis rendered by the children, and remembrances were given ecetved which manifested the mas spirit. The little snow and ii drop in temperature added a good deal to the season and us all feel young:, and it quickatir steps. Christmas is a great or us all. We greet each other the nearty hand shake and the of good cheer. The news from way friends and loved ones s back fond memories of the It also takes us back to the of childhood when we hung up tockings and looked for Santa . There is one thing that is esly worth noting, there was not son under the influence of Mr. eg, thanks to prohibition. No roils yelling or shooting as in ays when whiskey was in evri. and r?o ^vt-annj; or profane acv was heard, of which all s well of any community. We p. model community as to morals mr people attend church serviunday School and the mid week r meeting and manifest good :st. looks rather discouraging for ttle railroad project but we are loping that those who stand in \ay will look a little further home and selfish interest and ie good that, all the people will by .lust stepping aside and let is by with lumber, tan bark, parood, sand, etc. for the people r?e?*d to sell it. Neighbor, just icr a little more in ;. friendly ?f way and come across, s. l>. K. Mast has been indisposr ;t week or so but is much ipill. . and Mrs. I. T. Johnson and of Jefferson spent Christ mas home folks. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. . James Taylor and Phillip Mast Crunk Taylor are also at home fee holidays. AMICUS ? . S. We missed the Democrat last but we are glad you took a va h folks. RTH WHILE CLUB NOTES it- Christina* meeting of the h While Club was ;? very happy - on for all concerned. A Christprogram was ffiwn ami enjoyed 1!. The program was as fellows: >ng: "Star of the East' liptuiv: Story of Christ's liirth i Matthew by Mrs. l-hari'js Stfon. rayer hy Mrs. F. M. Hug^ins, Jeitation: *Chiislmus is Coming" lick (iii ii. jet: "Sileiu Night" Mr*. W C. and Mrs. Ralph Winkler, iiadinir* "Christmas night in the iters" by Mis. -1. A Williams, he annual Ohrfetmas social for honorary members of the club, husbands? was discussed. The also voted to give a social for ladies of the community who rely moved here and have not yet iated with any club, this social to riven some time during the hoiiL esdames \V. C. and Milton Greer nostesses served paiaiaoie ciiick?alad sandwiches cut in the shape star and a Christmas bell, coffee and green jello, whipped cream cake* he littk Christmas tree with its stic decoration and dainty pack* added much to the Christmas natioi so much in evidence, .lust this taie the little tree was reed of its burden and each guest ?ived } gift. Each guest gave exssionj of Christmas wishes and day greetings to each other one lent *id added much to the spirit "hrisinas already so prevalent, he itxt meeting will be Jan. 1, 7 :J0 $ >. rn. at the home of Mrs. n F. freer, at which time the husds v!' bo entertained. Mr... F. Hugjns will be associate hostess. # * ut'sov December 15. the mem * of he Worth While Club ir. a y an with arms filled with packs of ruits, clothing, coats, ssvea1 an articles too numerous to ition met at the Democrat office left t>ei" packages to be deliv 1 at \ht Grandfather Orphanage ar ne? Christmas eve. This little d, dont i th?- name of our Maswas & ?reat plea&iri to each Licipant. rnorr. 31, 1923. 5 Ct- aCopy \~1local, ! jfyUPPEIWSrG$ Mis. Ht'nry J. Hardin who hp.- been in a Statesville hospital for several weeks, returned. Her friends are delighted to know that she is recovering nicely from a rather serious operation. Dr. English, eye, ear. nose and throat specialist of Johnson City, will be at the Watauga Hospital Monday for the practice of his profession. Miss Virginia, daughter of Mr. A. J H. Dula. passed through tin* first of the week en route to Winston-Salem where she will take a three months | course in a Business College there. Mr. Hugh Watson, student at the University is spending his holiday vacation with home folks on route 1. | Tuesday of last week young Fred Teague of Blowing Rock was very j seriously hurt by the accidental disI charge of a shot gun. the entire load taking effect in one of his legs below the knee. He was brought at once ro Watauga Hospital, where it was found that the limb was so shattered that amputation was necessary and it was taken off r.ear the knee. | He is recovering as rapidly as could be expected, the s, rio >?i? of the wound ami the operation considered. ( Mr. J. Turner Hendrix of Bristol,: Tenn. an employee of the '.eynoidsl Tobacco ("> as assistant district man-I I agor, spent the holidays with homeji i folks here. He and Mrs. Hondrix will t return to Bristol tomorrow. ] \ l>r. -f. C. Farthing: is <>f the opinion J that In- was the recipient of the most! ' vale iblo Christmas present of any! man in town?a fine baby bov. ! < Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc-ji Ghee at the Watauga Hospital Tues-1 < day morning a girl, Kathrvn Cray. i t Attorney and Mrs. F. A. Linney j j ami children attended a family reunion and Christmas tree at the Ma 1 theson home in Taylorsvill" Christ- * mas eve. Mr*-. Matheson (Mrs. Linnev' mother ) has almost liwd out four score and five year and it was iaruely on her account that the reunion was. hold. Every child aiul every grand child ?>f the venerable lady "were present, and the occasion was enjoyable. The Linney family relur, ited Christmas day. * The taking over of the Cash Grocery St on make.- the firm of Cot '? troll and Hagaman one of the leading retail grocery concern.- in this ^ : M-ciion. They are well stocked in both establishments. Mr. Ootlroll is in charge of the newly purchased bus ! . itiess while Mr. Hagaman i- "holding , down the job" at the old stand in the Ik J. Cottroll building. I A fim.- rod fox was soon by Mi. | Clint Thomas Tuesday afternoon well I within the corporate limits of the town. He was backing in the <unsbinc jby ;; fodder stack oh the Bryan farm 1 wl.e.'i Tin-ina .1 hoovered 1 m. He \ left hia lair with a wonderful leap and was soon in the laurels on the hill. Married on last Saturday at the home of the groom's father, Mr. Po!\ More:, in Rome, Mr. Ualpli Morel*/. ; to Miss V< Hi.- Winebargcr of the 'Moot Camp .-eel ion. the Rev. .f elf coat performing: the ceremony. Voting Moivty is just out of school and his mairiage came as a surprise to his friends The newly weds were treated tc an ; old time serenade Monday night. The Democrat extends congratulations. Miss Lucy, daughter of Mr. and ! Mrs. J. M. Merer/., a student at MerI edith College, has been at her home1 since the beginning of the holidays. She will return early next week. , Mr. Pink Hodges of Adams who has been in declining health for some ...... t ~? o?;?? wiiiiv. . a.-. wiivi;ii iv i.nc uuiif; ouuiui! ium in Statesvilie last week by her husband. She underwent a very serious operation but all will be glad | to learn thai the splendid lady stood i h well end seems to be improving! nicely. Mr. Hodges has visited her' ! at different times and seems, to bej ! V'TV hopeful of her permanent re- j l >v. l v. Mr. Thomas Hampton for a long; I time Superintendent of the Whiting j Lumber Company at S hulls Mills, a | mos tspicr.did gentleman, esteemed | ! by all who knew him, was instantly! | killed in the wreck of a log train-, tin Cherokee County last Thursday, j No particulars. Mr. and Mrs. Bascomb Johnson,! formerly of Lenoir, but for several' i years residents of the state of Wash-' ington are visitors to their sons, the Messrs W. Roy r.nd B. C. Johnson i Boone. They arrived Christmas eve and will be here for some weeks. The boys seem elated over their coming, as they have seen neither of their parents for r years. Mr. and Mi.. W. B. McDonald of . South Dakota arc visitors at the home of their daughter Mrs. H. L. Wilson in Boone. When they leave they expect to go to Florida for a few weeks before returning; home. Miss Margaret Linney, student at the State College for Women at 'Greensboro, and brother Baxter, of' Duke L'liiversity. are spending the holiday season with their parents, Hon. and Mrs. F. A. Linney. Hurrah for Boone! Not a drunk or' any disorderly conduct within her . borders during tin holidays. This is , most commendable. I 1 < - ? NUMBER 51 IHRISTMAS IN TOWN AND COUNTY AT LARGE The Christmas holidays wore in a feat many respects, the most wooy.'rfui veer celebrated in this part if the Kill country of North Carolina. The day was cold, typical winter weaher and was as quiet, as any Sabbath observed here for many months. The community had done her best or the needy ones. A community best oi rifcht good proportions wa* ollected by Ex-Mayor liahn and J. >. Quails, two prominent citizens and lie ladies of the town provided an mpty stocking lund for the less forunate ones in the community. All v* re well taken care of and the poorest kiddies to be- found were enabled .0 enjoy the happy > u.on to the 'ullest. The spirit of giving however lid not stop here. A collection was a ken for the Grandfather Ori>ha?>-?p"' ind quite a sum was rais* ?l to say lothing of canned goods, preserves, clothing shoes and other articles delated by the ladies of the city They certainly did themselves proud. The :ontribuiioiis were sent over Cbristnas eve. and the management of the jrpfcanago was highly pleased, saying t was the best of al! the Christmas jifts received up to that time. The Democrat, as always, is proud ?f our liberal hearted citizenship. They are always on the job when real 'haritv work is needed. aOONE GRIPPED BY UNUSUAL COLD SNAP .lust how cold it was in Boone oe Monday morining is a somewhat moot srt question. The ordinary run of hcnnonieters hovered around 10 ar.<i L? below, some higher and some lowsr. A gentleman, rather inclined to particular covered up his they tiometcr, iest it freeze, and lo! (he iays) when the covering was remov d sht was registering 18 below Alother tolls of tf> indoors, while tb? >ne exposed read 12, while it seemed hat mercury had run out at the hot om of others. Likely about 10 b? o\v is "how much '. The heaviest ice or many years is still on the creeks ind ponds. 1EWS NOTES FROM THE POPLAR GROVE SECTION Miss Stella Sherrill. teacher ul Ilea on, N. (\ spent the holidays with tome folks. Mr. II. B. Maltha who for some inie has been in a hospital at -fohn or. City. spent part of the past week a ith his family. Mr and Mrs. George Greene of Kings port. Teiin., spent the past week nd with Mr. Green's parents Mr. and \ii ii r;. Miss Kuth Hlair of Houurds Crn-k has beer. visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Vannoy. Mrs. Virginia Maltha, accompanied by her son Mr. F. M. Maltha left Saturday morning to visit her son Mr il. I.. Maltha at Black Earth. W isconsin. On Wednesday night December 2:. Mr. and M r>. A. E. Vannoy dc iightJully entertained a number of the young people. Many interesting contests and games were enjoyed during the evening and delicious refreshments served. Everyone enjoyed the occasion and appreciated the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Yannov. Friday evening Dec. 25 Miss Murriel Hodges of Hodges Gap entertained a number of her friends at i Christmas party. Quit* a number of games, and contests were enjoyed and good string music was furnished during the evening by Messrs H L. and G. L. Hodges. Miss Hodges was assisted by her sister Sallie and Miss Pear! Grader in serving delicious refreshments, consisting of homo made candies, raisin and banana sandwiches with cocoa. Young and old enjoyed the occasion to the fullest and left voting Miss Hodge a charming hos tess. Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Hodges spent some of the holidays with then relatives on Laurel Fork. Misses Muriel and Sallie Hodges and Pearl Gragg also Messrs Earl Blackburn and Alfred Bennett spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Winkler. IMPORTANT MEETING Mr. I. O. Schaub, State Farm fcixtension Agent of Raleigh, N. C. will be at the court house ai 11 a. m. January 20, 1026. for the purpose of v uuray Ageni wi)"K. Ail the farmers and tax payers are urgently requested to be present. The commissioners want to do the host for you. Please be on hand, hoar the work discussed and take a hard, in the discussion y< . t>elf AH who want to speak will he heard. Wo want you to express your views < iiher <\,r or against. : Pleas; be here on this date and make your wishes known so that we may act upon your recommendation. ] By order of th? Bond of <. ounty Commissioners.

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