?age Pour _ CH* (KJdatauiu. ?s?emocrst. % Issued every Thursday by The RIVERS PRINTING COMPANY 1 R. C. RIVERS. ROB. RIVERS, Jr. ' Editors and Publishers j i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year .$1.50 < 5ix Months . 75 |i TV fee Months 40 Payable in Advance Advertising Rate* on Application Cards of Thanks, Resolutions oi ' Respect. Obituaries, etc. are charged '.ui- at the regular advertising: rates. Entered at '.he post office at Boone N. C. as second class mail matter. FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB The Friday Afternoon Club held;: ; delightful meeting March 5th with 1 Mrs. John II. Hardin. * The afternoon was pleasantly ' pent in conversation. Plans were ;or.de for a musical program in May ' and other business was discussed. Mrs. Estes from Canada v/as anil nvited guest. Many of the club mom hers arc girlhood frit nds of Mrs. Es-; ;es ami her presence added pleasure, : o the occasion. Following the social hour the h<>.-:c.s served delicious *efeslmients hi :wn rnursc.- in which the St. Patrick day idea was attractively introduced. The first corn so consisted of creamed' nicken. stuffed bilked apples. , sandwiches. crack -r - and coffee and was followed by fro/en whipped ; rciim and lady Baltimore .cake; The next meeting will be with i Mrs. Spvoles March i'^tli. i Miss Lena McMillan was a visitor j -.t chapel on Monday. Word from Baltimore as to the' condition of Charles I-..:ies is not en-! lOurair-Wir. Mr and Mr-. A. S. .Johnson of { \mantha hav. moved to Todd where I Mr. Johnson has a position with the ' hig?ay commission. IF You WISH TO BCY RESILIENCE j < OR BUSINESS i.uTS <>R SWELL- , INGS WRITE OR CALL ON M. F. HOPKINS, KI.IZAllKTHTOX. Tcnn. . KUZAIIKTIITON IS ON'K OF THF. M.UIiV.. OI- I'll K SOVTII. ' aii-Si- 1 : i Don't forget your Camel cigarette *tll only cost you two for 25c. Apple " tcbicco 2 tor 35c. Browns Mule 15c. Buy ai Henry J. Hardin's. COMMISSIONERS SALE .State of Xoth Carolina co&fe y of Watauga The Fe | sell the hereinafter described land?. \ j ] Will on Monday this 5th day of ApriE ' 1926, at 1:00 o'r.l ock p. rn. at the 3 1 court house door of Watauga county ' sell to the highcpl bidder for cash to I J satisfy mortgage executed to the. Fed- z oral Land Bank of Coiumhia by G. A. Thomas on the 10th day of October ! 1919, which mortgage >s recorded in . ! the office of the register of Deeds of} t Watauga County in Book V nt. page \ SK, all the right, title and interest which the said G. A. Thomas has in j j the said land on the date of the re- ; jj cording of said mortgage in and to i the following described real estate ij| to wit: All that certain piece parcel or! - tract of iand containing ninety one ; ' (Old acres, more or less, situate ly-- ; ; Sng and being on the Watauga Ri ver j road, about ton miles west from the ' ; . town of Boone in Laurel Creek town. ship. Watauga County, state of North i Carolina^ having such shapes, metes. course> and distances as will more ; -j fully appear bv reference to a plat j j A thereof, made by A. G. Wilson, stir- ;|j v veyor, March 15, 191 P. and being; j. ? v bounded on the north by the lands of; l V J. V. Walker and James Mast; on the I j, east by the lands of James Thomas,' j| on the south by the Watauga River;) j. ^ on the west by the lapds of Monroe ! ^4 Hix and Floyd Billings. 'This being: the . ; $ same tract of land heretofore con-:jj, % yeyed to the said G. A. Thomas in j < V two tracts. Tract one conveyed to the said G. A. Thomas by Adam Hix d' and wife Virgie Hix, by deed dated *the 15th day of March 1919. and recorded in the ortice of the Register ;'of Deeds for Wataugm County in JjBook 22 at page 445. Tract two conjveyed to the said G. A. Thomas by .Uames Wi Thomas and wife Mary S. 'Thomas, by deed dated the 21st day iof March 191JV, and recorded in the ipffice of the Register of Deeds for 1 rWatauga County in Book 22, at page I $440. 4*3 > This 25th day of February 1926. $ JOHN E. BROWN. )j Commissioner. ] i% _ WANTED?Middle aged man. Hus tiers make $50 to $100 or more week ly selling Whitmors guaranteed lin< i>? toilet articles, soaps, spices, ex :racts and medicines. Watauga count] is open for you. You only need tean or car. Experience unnecessary. Sal '. smanship taught FREE. Full infor mation on request. Write now. Th? II. Whitmer Co.. Goluiubus, Ind. Dept 23 11 -18-25-1 UK Si'UNO LINE OF SEED AN I FEEDOATS AND GRASS SEE! HAVE JUST GOME IN. I'RIOES an TERMS ARE RIGHT. W W. MAST YALLE CRUCIS, N. C. Farmers Make Monej Buying a fine 275 acre grain tobacc* mci dairy farm on pike. Market yea rcund. Schools and churches unequal ?d. Will help finance the ioal. Now' your time. Special pried with terms Write W. L. Smith Room 102. Em pne Bldg., Kaoxville. T- 2-11-1) Dr. J. C. FARTHING DENTAL SURGEON Officos Oyer the Moretz Furniture Store BOONE - N CAR. Nt-v/ and Thoroughly Modern Equipment ft DR. ALFRED W. DUtA 1 ~ F.YH SPF.CZ A I.IS! SEE BETTER see dula J " '' Year's Experience I The Br st Equipment Obtainable. I v Glasses Fitted Exclusively J MARTIN BLOCK, LENOIR. N. C.1 1 hi you cut it from 1'1 l.A. 1' '.iShL I I WATCH PA 1'fc.K KlJK l?A 1 K-S. EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified us exocutr of tin la.4 will ami testament of Al?re< Yates. deceased, all persons having luims against said estate are hereby unfiiied i?? present them on or be foi;o the Ptb day of February 1027 >r this notice will be plead in ba: ?f iheir iOeo\ e'yy. All persons indebt Jd lit said estate wiil please conn forward anci niiikv settlement . This the 9th day of February 1 9*26 THOMAS YAT!: " lixeeutin' of Alfred tales, deceased i-l I-dp r 5. Beautiful Mm/Flowasj Jw Free/ ton Muting^ Catalog Von can gut 5 packets of needs o 5 different and very beautiful flowers rrwe. Huh tines' 18241 Heed Cataloi toll# you all about it. Haettngfl' Seeds are "Tlie Standar; ?f the South." They give the heat reNuit# 1c oiit Southern gardens and 01 H?r farms. Hasting#* new ltM Cat# og ha# 112 peg** In all. full of picture* from photographs, handsom< twars in full colors, truthful, accural, inscriptions and valuable culture d\ ecclooa We want rou to hare this catalog ii rour home. It tells all about Hastings' tardea, flower and field seeds, plp.ntr icd bulbs. Write for It. today. A post :ard request brines it to you by return nail. H. Gu HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. i I Mr. I I tj. If yon need a burg plows, re Cultivators, Di ^ tors, Woven w Pipe, Roofing, Hives, Pruning es Hardware, Kit g an up to date f Also remem with a reputati Our delight i t | Farmen THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of G. W. _ Norris, deceased, all persons having . claims against said estate are hereby ! notified to present them on or be _ fore the 10th day of February 11*27. . or this notice will be plead in baj ,?] of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please conu \j forward and jnake settlement This the l<5th day of February lUiitv ) J. B. XORP.IS y McD WAGNER , 1 Ex. of will of G. \V. Norris, deceaseii j 2-18-Gp ' TTl/">rTiv? \I*VC> rvn ? *' " - uiv/L'OAiM'o ur l/A j -ull) GiXlCtt: ~ Most popular varieties. State ac T credited flocks. Custom hatching rca t> :onable. Simplex and Putman broor tiers. Water fountains. Feeders. Iar jrest hatchery in N. C. Write for cas 1 taJog. Wilkes Hatchery, X. Wilkes* | horo. 2-1S DR. GAITHER j DENTIST | OVER BOONE DRUG STORE i 1 \ \ VVV" JUT. ^ nlna>; ? They'll You Eve Trying to buy a tire for less th; of the triumph of hope over e: Sure, some tire dealers will sorts of trick discounts and lor to pad up the old price list to a r j But don't forget you're playii | the odds are nine to one that h< I My customers buy Goodyear t that Goodye&r* give them th? 1 j cost per mile these after all i to look for in any tire. Lot me show you a Goodyear nc W. Ralpli BOONE, NOR! "THE LEADING ^armer Atte anything in Vulcan, Chatta pairs for above or Oliver ag and Disc Harrows, Fe: ire fence, Barb Wire, Wag Nails, Cement, Plumbin f Tools, paints, Oils, Sewei chenware, or anvthinc gen lardware Store, call on us. ber we sell the Great Maj< on. is to serve you. Give us a tr Yours very truly, s Hdwe. & Su ; V VERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C ~ J7:S -C. \j ] l " i : i! ; ! == k&m ? :: ; ? ??$'.' -&' ? " ; ' "Ain't No Use, Bill, It's Burglar Proof" A repository ?ip which you have your money deposited, and m your valuables stored, should be strong enough to resist the attacks of the burglar. Entrust them to us. They will be absolutely safe. With an account opened with us you can pay by check, thereby as&uing accuracy and system in your methods of keeping accounts. There is no greater convenience and safeguard foi handling money than a Bank Account. Bank of Blowing Rock Blowing Rock. N C. nnnMmannHM Dishrag c? \ rI^* ry I line *ti it's worth is just one example Kperience. dicker with you-?give you all ig trades. Why not? it's a cinch llow just such deals. tg the other fellows game ana es'll dishrag you every time ires because they have learned s least trouble and the lowest is said and done are the things ,l. SL. lime. aR*. l Winkler rH CAROLINA TIRE DEALER" 1 ntion I nooga or LynchChilled repairs, rtilizer Distribu;ons, Galvanized g Fixtures, Bee i] r Pipe, Builders' erally carried in Si |i istic, "the range ial. pply Go. - ~ - !E: \ \ V MARCH II. 192C , N?T,C^. .. ? THE BEAUTY EVERY This s to notify all persons that WOMAN ENVIES I have* tm< day sold my entire* inter- _(C , est in the* Boone Ice & FueJ Co. to PHQV W. R. and B. C. Johnson, andthis KUol j is to jrive notice that all accounts due CHEEKS, /#__ W?. said Boone Ice and Fuel Co.. are ducj satiny ; >.v; ^ fga i , any payable i?? aoove parties, and alii QlflN \A ; claims and debts against Boone Ice1 ' jaiul Fuel Co.. arc to be paid by said; bright \\ . It. and B. C. Johnson. i rvrc s JH* ( Be careful about your grass seed. The U. S. Department of Agriculture says the farmers of America lost $5,000,000 last year J on imported grass seeds. The county is full of them at a cheap price. We have the genuine American grown seed with guaranteed analysis. Y ou an also get your Fertilizers, onion I sets, seed oats and a full line of flour and feeds. Buy your grass seed here. Get a good crop ?take no chances. I S. C. Eggers & Co. LIGHT?MORE LIGHT I You can now hav*. I I \ electric lights in your I i' ' ] home .anywhere if you Vf ^Oorb L.'i;ht rp. **"? close to a spring I f I branCh"S|j?J Ml M I Our little water turK * bine will do the work H I ? j and is simple to operate j n ttm' We have c^ne in our B . K nl shop now. Come and U n f l?t us show you bow it U I works. It is cheaper H than gas or any other I H M [ kind of artificial light. , | | THE PRICED BOONE^TRIC COMPANY Children Lry ior | .7 ^ ftrai for Infants in ^?x arms and .Children of all ages. It contains n* narcotic*. ^ To aooid imitations, always Ionic for th? mfnaturic of /2L^/Y^AhjL* Provt-n" directions .0:1 cocli iir.chaye. PhysiciitAs 1ti uj illlll INMMMa^ ity