^ MARCH 25. 1926 I TARHELIUM North Carolina Natural Gas By CHIEF RENFRO RIP VAN TAR HEEL. Where do you go when you go t< sleep? A wide awake subject. Psy chologists do not know but they an scientifically sure where you go? just as the theologians are morallj certain where Hell is But to th< average sleepometer it is as simpl< as why breakfast is crowded in before dinner. When n homo goes t< sleep he goes where he comes fron when he wakes up. Rip Von Winkic after "Swigging' a keg of Dutch bootleg, went then for a siesta, and when he got back three things hod happened: his whis fcers were long and white, his jointi were stilt and he was a gcneratior behind the times. One time Old Tai Heel went to sleep. While there thousands of moss backs grew in riotous profusion, ant his backbone softened to such a degree that all North Carolina's chiro practic statesmen were unable to giv? relief. But when Doctor Canieroi Morrison was called in he brought i Tarh/eliiim pulmqtor, and then some thing happened. After a few treat merits Old Tar Heel trimmed hi' beard arid straightened up and "cam* to." lie was not twenty years be Y hind the times for the reason tha * his neighbors had been taking "en a little sleep." Old Dominion har bqc-n dozing in the afterglow of i glorious past, and Old Palmetto hac had one eve shut. Since Big Ben went off, however there has been no sleep?or ever a nap. Today Tar Teel has eaughl up, gone ahead and is sniffing Tar helium at every snort. The old flinl lock has been hung over the door and he is shooting booms in evorj direction. His sons are building play grounds in the mountains, playing the magic music of machinery every where, co-operating in the fine ari of agriculture, and from Buckwheal to Cypress Kuecs the little Rips anc ~? ?:? * - ?i?? ^ - II ntAlVVQ an; tu av;iiUUIb Kiai arc better and longer. Tarhelium i: a distinctive North Carolina product and is one of the greatest resource: of Nature that has been giver, to hei in such unlimited and unStintec measure. Tarhelium is a by-product of Hoi ium. Holiuin vras first discovered <>i the sun about sixty years ago. am thirty years later it was found t< inhabit the earth. Frozen heliuir is the frostiest thing in the world its temperature being -158 degree; below zero. Tarhelium is unlike hei maternal ancestors, being more voia , tile, more penetiating, more pervad ^ ing more envigorating and mor< contagious. It's the great wonder worker of the age, and get ting hettei every day. The- I.Bet tit* Up till last week the "Northeri logins were to t>e seen in fr'lorjoa The great railroads threading Nortl Carolina were operating special: named Orange Blossoms, Ever glades, Hnvatampas, and House-of Coral-Gables. But robins are not thi only birds that go North in th* spring. Would it not be the tiim now, a good time, to put on a fev northbound specials: How abou the Albemarle Limited, th4 Pamli co Stopper, the Bay view Beacher Sand Hill Blossom, Valdesian Vesti bule, Tarhelium Mecca, and th Western Highlands l)e Luxe. Mil lions of dollars have been saved b; saving eoal tar. Millions more an ready if North Carolinians are no afraid of using Tarhelium. Will the earth ever stop spinning' Until it does liooros will always hi in style. "Now is the time for a! good men to come to the aid of thei. country" ? and it is now on in Nortl Carolina. WRIGLEYS BMk MJW More Wff for your money % and the best Peppermint Chewing Sweet foe ^ anymoney^ SKAT?Paste Soaps, Cleansers ant *!. Polishes. Sideline salesman, dealer or agent wanted. Exclusive territory SKAT, Hartford, Conn. 18-8] . S . HOME OWNING BEST INVESTMENT Washington. March 24.?Some light is thrown on the perennial question of whether it is cheaper to buy than to rent by some building ) cost figures compiled by the Alex ander Hamilton Institute, says a e bulletin of the research bureau of _ {the National Lumber Manufacturers' | - i association According to these fig- j . ures a duplex frame house may be j ? built for as low as 27 cents a cubic j _ foot, and the highest grade detached \ , frame house cacn be built for 14 i j} cents. High class apartments cost j ! 77 cents a cubic foot; cheap ones. | ?1 4*2 cents. 5 It would appear from these fig; urcs that the investment in one's own _ house of the best quality would be - only half as much as the sum on j which he would have to pay interest r in a high-grade apartment. In other words, it appears that a detached i . frame house of the best quality may I be built for half the cost of an . apartment suite. That would leave . the home owner with the interest in . his pocket on the other half and ap, plicablc to amortization of principal.! - LAWYERS LECTURED BY JUDGE MEEKINS ij Fayetteville, March 23.?A lack of ! -! courtesy to witnesses, litigants and j t the court, "waste of time and poor II taste" shown in lachrymose pleas to 11 the jury, the emphasizing of half- j i truths and inadequate preparation of 1 j their cases were some of the failings j by which lawyers sometimes hinder ! , j the work of the courts and the ad-! i ! ministration of justice, said Judge t Tsaac M. Meekins in his charge to -! the grand juryat the opening of the j t United States district court here. J , Judge Meekins did not intimate r that all lawyers exhibit these short comings, but that they are oncounter;! ed all too often. "The basic ground of - every court is truth," he said, and t the bringing uot of only half-truths' t is a geat hindrance to the dispensing I of justice. As to the "lachrymose t pleas," he said, "every man has a * mother, arid many of them have i VinimACC I'hiWrnn whinli Jo ?" < /**. 3 for exemption from punishment when | r they have committed a crime." I 1'Night Coughing Relieved At Once j Why suffer continually from a perI srstcnt, weakening night cough when p you can get almost instant relief, and b usually break the cough completely in v 24 hours by a new method based on the fr {'ininiic rir Ifinrr'c Moiir nic? HHuBBiffiHHl ( ' / "/ ' ' . ; ' ; a* . - - THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT? NOTICE OF MORTGAGE RESALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed to the undersigned mortgagee as trustee of R. P. Robinson to secure the sum of $1500.00, and default having been made in the payment of said sum and the land described in the said mortgage deed having been sold on the 1st day of March 1926. for the sum of $925.00 co A. D. Wilson, a raised bid having been made on said property of five per cent, I will on Wednesday March 31, 1926, at the court house door of Watauga County between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to wit: The J. S. Stanbury land at or near Zionvillc, North Carolina, and for the complete calls see deed executed from T. W. Romingcr and Eliza Rominger. rceristered in Bonk ?nn?j&i' n on page 299, da ted June 18, 1908. The bidding will start at $971.25, plus the balance on the mortgage to the Smith County Trust Company of Marion, Virginia, of $1500 subject to n credit of $1000. This the llitn day of March 1926. A. A. PERRY Mortgagee Trustee for R. P. Robinson NOTICE North Carolina, Watauga County .1. G; Smith, et al vs. Gillie Me Bride, et al The defendants Lillic McBride and husband Floyd McBride, Mary McBride, Mattie C. Laine, B. J. Smith and wife Martha Smith and the heirs at law, as the lineal descendants of Eben Smith, deceased, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Watauga County, N. C., to sell a certain piece or parcel of land on Brushy Fork of Gove Creek, in Boone Township, Watauga County, N. C., being the land of Mary Smith, deceased, adjoining the lands of J. C. Smith, J. H. Brhikley, the old Wm. Horton land, G. W. Whittington and others, for partition. And thr? snid defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the court house in Boone, N. C., on the 30th day of March 1026, and answer or demur to the complaint or petition in said action or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded n said complaint or petition. This 19th day of February 1920. A. W. SMITH, Clerk Superior Court 2-25-4 p WANTED?Middle aged man. Hustlers make $50 to $100 or more weekly selling Whitmers guaranteed lino of toilet articles, soaps, spices, extracts and medicines. Watauga county is open for you. You only need team or car. Experience unnecessary. Salesmanship taught FREE. Full information on request. Write now. The H. .C Whitmer Co., Columbus, Ind., Dept 23 11-18-25-p EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of G. W. Norri.s, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them on or before the 16th day of February 1927, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebtI ed to said estate will please . come 1 forward and make settlement This the 16th day of February 1926. J. B. NORRIS McD. WAGNER Ex. of will of G. W. Norris, deceased NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE SALE FOR TAXES North Carolina Watauga County Town of Blowing Rock For the purpose of collecting the taxes for the town of Blowing Rock I will sell the following real estate at the court house door at Boone, Nox-th Carolina on Monday April 5, 192C, between the hours of 10 a. ra. and 4 p. m. S. S. Bowden, one town lot for taxes 1924, amount $8.25 Geo. F. Blair, two town lots, taxes 1924, amount $18.87. J. M. Foster, two town lots, taxes 5921, amount 14.75 J. R. Foster, two town lots, taxes 5 924, amount $16.90. C. G. Ward, one town lot, taxes lor 1924, balance, amount $5.46. Mack Hartley one town lot, taxes 1921 to 1921 amount $15.00 This March 4, 1926. D. W. WOOTEN, | Town tax collector for Blowing Rock NOTICE This is to notify all persons that I have this day sold my entire interest in the Boone Ice & Fuel Co. to W. R. and B. C. Johnson, andthis is to give notice that all accounts due said Boone Ice and Fuel Co., are due any payable to above parties, and all claims and debts against Boone Ice and Fuel Co., are to be paid by said W. R. and B. C. Johnson. This 19th day of Feb. 1926. I EDW. N. HAHN. 2-26-4C i 'ERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. 1 SATURDAY "MOURNIN"' Shucks ? I life aimt worth uvin '? I V | WISHT I WUZ DEAD EE. SCMETHIN' ?V ?l'\i Vk/ISHXT I WUZ SROWED UP SOS I WOOD! VHtfl HArTA M,WD NO PAW ER MAVk- ? \t\ Shucks,T>onY see why th' ol' sard en h ' |yj be spaded Tl>AY anyhow ' >yy Dou't see why taw cant Do His own spa V VfD> NONE O'TV'OTHER KIDS HAFTA BREAK T Backs with *nole spadin'forx?? 'J ALL THEY HAFTA Do IS T' PI. AY BALL ERSOK \ V^. AN'HAVE A SWELL Time oh SATURDA Y4 shucks?!!! ./ .vy^y yF / -yyywTy--1 ^ =4 ./?: *. Vyvv I |g I Mr. Far inn If you need anything in Vi burg Plows, repairs for abo\ Cultivators, Drag and Disc, i tors, Woven Fence Wire, Ba ljj| Pipe, Roofing, Nails, Cemei Flives, Pruning Tools, Paint; Hardware, Kitchenware, or an up-to-date Hardware Stor IAJso remember we sell th< With a Reputation." Our delight is to serve yor Yours v Farmers Hdwt | 1 .1 licuueuuiis < i In order to immediately introduce our line of Fu Sifi are going to to make the following reductions on gp in and inspect our line before buying elsewhere [2F0 For thirty days a 20 per cent reduction will be gi and Bedroom Suites, and 3 0 per cent on Linolei and Odd Dressers. We bought our stock direct f attractive prices. Ask about our easy payment MRi ALWAYS MAKE OUR STOF gfji when in town. We will be glad to sec you whet] us up. | HIGH LAND F H WI FURNISH THE HOME COMPLETE AND GI H low 1 PAGE SEVEN By A. B. CHAPIN FNT j/.-- *