PAUE TWELVE Tllis WlN'lT By ARTHUR BRISBANE 3 HER RRK VN WANTED SCIENCE NO MENACE ! 70 m - iD TOO CHEAP BvSWAUE OF EMPATHY !ov;i <*;!:* chuj?.-iiv:-i:t says . r ; i 'C*r VM T?'*> -'-Si-r;-?. Jl>.eth5v?ir ' i-.- '.o.. . .... OOui<: -&$ it i.S .'vTf'iaV*Hi'a'ii bvlitSvp^y . n\s 'tick :viei: are | . 0 -. ;. j-Tirbi or ivronir, 0:1 r.: ! :"?'ti? . b'tryan . tie??.. .surgeon tfc . . - \ kf. tin unlit alive. : "MV:.xvv>e'-rmJ- - %{ :bo^'pot. r : -r ; . : hiity - p'vi': Sci-adiUs' \ to tit.;- ;>' luttflgMi. ; : V- Wi : VIM -hi' arcl - ; :nn '?" : pre;' 1 t.i?lias?>. >. ;.e t i-ii Vol I ' . save ' ?!? '?. *? _ in-'.1 - , . for ONt J4dinar> ; rA' ; ' aV 'X&hilfi.-Tit*"-; Indiai'i.*. I ' ?> ' '( . cacr li-a' ".iic'it ?ig ; tl>? unfit ha ,-;! I" ! y pt'-.-. What 'AC <"li5 ( : - ; ;?! i; i;i r.I s ropic f;i'. tit--. pyf --p<-n>us. .Kxcr -.are -nvat for M.;. X ?C ighf-St V. >' ? hat :i si'tGU'i toe iotv. r.?.wo" tinier, a'w) ^itiv ti.. perity d : every ;." nokoir oaj_'iv earn the orice .. \}:$i i^isiSiss . "! i = botlBJ' u> i>u> Uii-I liftiiv' hi"- -OV.-.V. ,M.;?' eel ' '"4 ^'i'C. V.,--J " ,F'S .#?s . v -v. tor. sx/tiu sinc^rfty. j i! :.? s-uw-::i?\*or shVv. | '' to empathy. Vom J :v.'; . o'tf saw frier ' in u ,'civz'tiiv. i >> . ( - . : it. : r, " :r. v;.j I . \ ti.rtif - ' ;. j ' ' . -.i\v \\lw.y jv>f v j : ?'vi-hb (? of fc And y j t " - .frier hew your v \ j cap?b * v-te, when it i; T STATE SURVEY ' ? ?rtir;;- .?. _._u ?v-.rrr ? M!> -\ : i 1?. widiAV ?*f I". v Gover?H?> Robert ;; r;lei??v, , r'i- hc?* h? ": ; vVio- -.>r-Salem hi TKu2>; actual .-. pplication for OA a i'.vn: : ef the M? J y siibb ebn\itr*b25. whs ;>. t'. -i . Tito apjj A.'iviou ua.- UWu -yi'ihiii. ;.*uiioek, svr\ ?jw$ ; v rim I >ix years. North Carolina paid ho lar&est | ;.? : ear*::>: Tax to the r;u jp>vern| mblit of any state in the uatqn our- ' mji the fis . y< ar oi ' iuj* "ii, 1. h< :.1' r< port -f the fedr ' . i-r eve;; . -ay-. North < -v,Vi N ' ' ; -si'.T iO j Jiteh 2ii tfni t} -ict j?j;?idih".\ ir North t'aro ; lira - is Last yea?- -it jr.inped . j noire vlisir. x.e , ?-r voriL iririftif i^fri -f.'iv Si"- Villus oi:T..-"L' in V3-4 lo . 411 I hi i . - . *' ; nearly \ !;. : -Ja >> . pot oi ' - :tifterri siate.f. ; (i-rUl.-rt:?: vk'it::: 'nine- . in . - v.yi'-y . . shici i las - - I" : j! X"vcni \ i it artli%:foe ! ri'.stoi-v *. i.ei'i bureto; of . ,-tate jpait S total; of . cat : ' ho ; month and U 77 wcrt recov?/r> lawye?" ?xai*nne ( the "'leji'al a:;.: cppstinit ioaal as; p'ttct-v'" of proposed {egjslat.iitn look-' ;:'j; n. forhwhiin*c the tea* hi -j of the "theory of . voiuriot; in stale tdaehftibha) in.sxitutions. was named at a nu-etioy >e Charlotte Thursday of *? if. fCMulatncutalisl eonuniltiui of ? . ! J \\ . i -.i?asv 2j I -i! v <>t" N i:- e.V.mkna J i. i <-1 !! aiU-fl|t8n?i iJiv j>oSi?*\ ?;.* j! : \ i si: \ i.'j ' : h :? ;uh ?[ iaj: .fvoiutn.i. . tv. it , . il. Z J* : Mot!v. - v::jt\ ai;: h??< J l' " ' pn?hibii^ .? \ fit i-Lr-i chairman v?t" the com>vt> ?J* ! !' v, l'.l iio; (), .. \ k'J tV;t! ?J !; .iasi makes a ?/.?> loilow. u ar.i- 'o JV It laak- : .? rtU' ' itl Vv*Pt.'or Ui?-y ti ^ \Yiiil f::i'i- .... ?.h . titSr Jj VV" - - "" !''' '"< ;" ist, ?? R ?i.>? ' lii " with fii.ii. J it:,. ^ v. lr, n i' .in-.i mltP -i:k i* In 'f* fl" Ami :.r .,.,.1 ;:jl on : i'ir ' i VVirh a f?n< U Ik h'ri a? pivtty ^ lyrstle shoe. S All ?>i 'em shigjt|g "Doodle dee do<>." ^ Some of "em aren't no bigger. than i!| an old corn cob J^r Bui ali of 'em have got the -shingle |2j \i When they're out on the, .street they'll J twist around and about, j pome of 'em say they're- the ugliest ; [ things out*. But when my turn comes and I get ! up to sing ; [ I think a flapper is a pretty little V thing. Ji ?Robe it McGill. jj| > .Seven-year-old school hoy, Kuther- i| | wood. N. O. 'i Settled For Good It was lunch hour and a group of " ' workmen were discussing evolution. 1 -Where did man spring from?" demanded an aoftvtdw l^vicl-lvnT j turning' to a companion. J 'i ain't groin' to say?Bil] and me ^ jtftjceshed that out Song while aer,'' 3 bcame the reply. 3 ; ''Did you reach the same conclu- j | sion?** 3 I "No. Bill went to the police sra- 3 lion and I wound up in the ho?- J : oitni V' * | One of the longest prison sentences J i over imposed was given to a mayor I of Alba. Spain, in 2 830, when he was convicted on 217 counts of forging J j public document?. He was sentenced J | fo 3,083 years in prison. 3 HE WATAUGA ; >KMOORAT?K\ Ell VITAL QUESTIONS Gu;d oui busy hour- and days i >?v wv ?.akc time Vo sanely think . ' And meditate upon pixr ways. Hew n.\ir we w;?-k dndj?e??>*;s brink? sre,.;'";;,': "v.:,, vaA'v ' : . .- - : v I there each day ome vimc lor rest 'Mid a)? the struggles o? fh? work:. A ace where wx inky be our best, { Am! peaceful scenes are full uii-1 r fur led? riles. ilal T.lftnfrs *ure still worth " while i I No matter vrbat* vke phiee we fill ror here we walk the second mole. ' *Meet (J ;?Ts iii't- purpose with a 1 will. ! l,o t'hri k is always Mii'e and wisei To meditate on riolver ways, A'h. ;e best and highest 'A-elinys rise j A> l deepest', fullest wisdom stays, a there 1- a life >X surest mold. in S. mom. ;A--,for each soul to rest. ; it v>Ym id.-ai theuirht far more than <1 ynid rh'at brij?jrs to each the richest -i >:est. , H 'I : i vs. \vi: know r hi * cp.est life." ;.YAt?c we ni. y talk wk.k God alone' V he 1 'by . * " . ih eed troiy soivsl ; ; - -JB sg |U .. . ; Below are some -splench i i - girts that are worth wh i t . - i ' .. ; bring pleasure and hap;: ! C nrnP iri JVV?.-3 lr>nlr ... ^ ... IOIVI w *_yi.- iv_ li 1 RADIOS, V1CTROLAS, EDISONS, PORTABLE FLOOR LAMPS TABLE LAMPS, WAFFLE IROI^ TOASTFRS PERCOL/ GRILL TAB HEATING PADS, SUNBEAM HEA CLAMP-O-SEl BUS LAMP' DESK LA V.VW/lWAV/AV.V.'.V.V ROOKF FT FfTI ( JU JL4 A J VII Everything ] iVWrtVW/W/AWAW.VWA V THURSDAY?hiH>NE ?* C ? ~?r r: _ Wi?e and OtlierWis? Saving of ihe week a.- cornphoi >y '?ne London Observer: is a 2?i?)iri *:? -f the greatest enenves o* the church has to face is t he motorcy hie. ? -Frank I *wes Mi-u : i. cjigi&cer'ms: science couhl foal Sr. kadi's fa*nedral oh a raft, Lord Crav. ford. \\ *. mi:-: iret i i?i of the oh} mw ; . u- > quart TJCjr^ in round holes: it ;!?i cxcOse of a foehh man.?\<>rpai McKeJlen. To be well div.-.-ed i- JL'he only v isle form ?.r' ' prosperity. James H'ei'it ' The* mi.-rake most people make is n i Ihey eho-se for a career what icy desire instead of where thftjih jJnts --Mb:- Vila Tree. - Out nf t'lie Question i! ' '<.< 1-: " A i how Ml*. Mu]asky - fncri : Did if i'olVow my in uytio? s -i? . dieting?" cVo' fit* sli"*!! never him '* ir dei.h for the sakv jhon COL l.EGt; NS JANUARY 3, H>27 de. Write for application ntalog. SINESS COLLEGE STHKKT WINSTOK-SAI.RM. N. C. W.V.V.V.*.%V.%%%W.".W.W ^ i # | ''$$ " - 5 ?w<--v wv w. ?' 5 f W.W.W.V.V.'.V.V.V.', | ici gift suggestions, ^ ile. eifts that will ? iness to your home. *. over. We suggest: ^ 'i I PHONOGRAPHS JS, ji TTORS 1 S 1 ij LE STOVES, TERS | "S ^ >, < MPS. ETC., ETC. \ .v.v.v/.v/.v.v.v.w//, 5 lie COMPANY I Electrical 5 rAwwwAww/jwwwwi HHH SALE OF LAND FOR T< ROCK T/ The following: real estate is levrti 1?. ami will be sum at the eot?rthoi; > {January -\ 1'J27. between the hours > )' I pa si K Propei ty to be soU? ;- 1 -" "j Name -i A. S. Abesnethy. 10 acres J J. |f. Alernothy. I lot . .. W. T . Alexander, 1 lot I I>. I. Boydou, 1 lot , < J. Cam Green. 1 lot I j-1. M. Hodges. 1 lot | \Y . K. Stams. 1 1??-t . . . .1 j Thomas Bryant. one lot *i G. W; Beverly* 1 Jot ! ! ;. G. Laodis, 1 lot . ; I C M. Lamb's. 1 lot | C 1 Ha \Ivy . 1 lot II Macli Hartley, I lot {M. F.k itjei) one lot I A. .\ I | awwrMCTWMwawegiiii *G O o o O O |v o i ? "i ' ^ 0 Christma Ask Santa Claus anc to come to our hardware Christmas gifts. People appreciate i useful gifts?the kind yr hardware store. l he sooner you conn you will have to select t avoid the Christmas rnsl Your dollars will go 1 BOONE HARDWA1 Our Hardware's BEST; I MERRY CHRIS ALL OUR FRIE CUSTOMERS. SANTA CLAU j EACH OF YO I HE WILL TELL GET YOUR MATERIAL FR W a ta u ga I ji m h "EVERYTHING TO BUILD A HOW i OEpSMLBEK 19, 192G |$| OWN OF BLOWING ^XES upon for town for the year .l-'or ill Boom- N. < on Monday, i a m. and p. in. to atisfy taxes oloiv: Tax t'os: Total <1(1.52 . 5 3-00 i>5 15.85 '->2-78 85 93.G3 ,.11S 00 So 118.85 . . - . ?.<>5 S5 7.SO 10 35 85 20.20 10 SS 81.25 1-0" 85 1.85 0-00 8 5 0.85 1.25 85 2.10 ... . 1.00 85 1.85 . ... 10 15 So 17.30 5.00 85 5.85 .. . M 75 85 15.70 !. ritlTCHKK. Tax Collector. X 1SK s Gifts 1 he will advise you i store to buy your receiving sensible, 3u can buy in our ; in, the more things rom. Besides, you i. uvther in our store. HE COMPANY it stands the TEST i nil ?win?in? rs tA < ; --.e.l zW tmas to :nds and may old S VI SIT U. IF SO, YOU TO BUILDING OM er Company >?. CELLAR TO CHIMNEY" 1