r DECEMBER 16 H<2W-Kinloy, senator from Illinois., was the \ hero \ti a love tragedy thai' covered i _ ! a space of w year-, duving which he lived apart from the semi-invalid wife he adored. provided amply for her, sought her judgment in bestow-' ing tremendous benevolences and by whom he in turn was loved. the : Chicago Daily News related today. Mrs. McKiriIe\ formerly was Kate Frisbie. of Champaign, ili., described as. at the time of their marriage in 1881, the belle of Champaign county. She lives in Southern Fine-. N. and it was there that Senator McKinley saw her last shortly before he went to Baltimore .for a surgical op-! eration which was the preecurscr to ; n long ill noss add his death a few days ago at Martinsville, fnd. Two or three times a year for the last 80 years. Senator McKinley saw his wife, ir: recent vears at the Cairo- i lina resort. Most of her time was spent' at a villa near Florence, Italy, where the climate suited her. with i occasional returns to the United States to spend a few summer months in Maine and a winter month or N two ill Louisiana. : When they were married in 1S81. Senator McKinjey was in the private hanking business with an uncle. The Kansas land boom was on and McKinley was "up fo his neck'' in frozen securities an Kansas farm lands when the boom suddenly expired The r.H>r.c\ eptdd not be taken out to meet loan- placed in his confidence bv many 1 lliuoislans. Mrs. Mc.Kiiiley, because of her intense acUvities. suffered a nervous oreak-. down, and has been a semi-invalid since. A Practic?I Test A number of eminent physicians were being shown over the premises of a certain mental homo by one of the httendnniV*. In ti\e course of their inspection ho led them to a trough and explained that, it had been specially installed assist the authorities in their work of mercy "Rosilyremarked otic of the vis- i h ors. "Ho>v it used?" "VVftli- --? :?l *h?? ?! ? ???*'.!?. I we w&VU to know whether un ihniato ' is fit to leave we just turn on the tap and leave it running. Then we j ask him t'o hale out th? water \viih;j a pail until the trough is empty. See?" Allow does thai help you?" "Why," explained the. other,; "tho-nv that ain't idjit's iurns off the 1 tap." - London Answers. Habit Speed Cop: "How fast' were you goin#?" Motorist: "You'll have to ask my \ lawyer." //ir-V^I (Cj \ Hi *M! s 1 WATAUGA I ft; y?; !?l: Week after wee. them?it will fc home all the loca and events, and al news from the wo All generously sj cial features?sto tures and cartoo to you and each 1 family is great? very small?only f 75c for Si: $1.50 Pi NOTES FROM THE NORMAL Dr. J. D. Rankin, of the Normal p?cached at Heusoh'* chapel u? Sunday for Rev. U. A. Taylor. \vh< hot 'aSjfc* to hold Service as he fell sometime ago and injured his knee. E. C. Wiley and E. !?. Hoy ton, eJ Lynchburg, Vav engineers. xvcrc at the Normal Monday in the interest of the new central heating plant to be installed. in a hotly con tested basket ball game Monday evening in Johnson City between the girls of the Normal there and the Normal team from HoOiie, the latter were victorious, the score lieinsr 132 to 3o in favor of Boone. Several friends have visited the Normal during the past few days. Rev. F. M. Muggins, the recent pastor of the Baptist church, conducted devotional services* as he had so often done before, and made an effective talk on "What is that in thine hand?" R?*v. M. B, Wooslev. nastor of vbo Methodist church, was at the Normal off another day and made a talk in conducting" the devotional service. 11. L. Wilson, cheer specialist for i.'ho county. \vu> aiso a welcome visitor. .John K. Denton, architect, of Wilson: W. It. Rohan-or. a heating en?'<-? . jind E,- F. Guilford, a. budding superiii'.enduiu of Stater.villi*. were i?i town to look over rhe work of the p"\v jail, of which they ;.ir& architects. and incidentally came to : no Normal to took over the plan- f >r Vac propo.-ed new Central heating plant. A basket ha!i came oit Sattn dny night in the Norma i try in between the young ladies' team of the Normal and i\ learn from El?*/.;ihe;.hVo?. Tent*. . resulted ui a seoie of I'd to .2*1 in U?v..r of the visitor-. Murh interest was manifested i hroKirhout the game The yu4j$g men's leant el' fbe Normal returned from a trip op So?oi,.y during which ! r i is they played two games, on" 01. Friday night with the team at .Mais Hill Co!lego in winch, the Normal boys !osl by :i. small margin. On SaVurday in ;; irame with ullowhee Normal the Hodhe team won hy ix few points. .Monday night at 7 :ili) in the auditorium of the National the music class of Miss Untli Coffey, director ol' music a: lie Norma!, gave a piano re < u\ii wmoi. \vuheard with much mi Hy -lu-.l'-UlN .::>i?l you give her any?" "Yes i gave her that twelve yeal -<1viyry?i bath, File you nails into .'lie . h;)i>c you prefc-i seiocrhi?K the rough edges with ih emery board File them carefull with even strokes. A slightly poiri'. < the rip id your orange stick, sti wr/ipperi in ahsorhant cotton t ? pr< yvni scratching or brushing the nail ' '>'1 ' ^ ? ?-?? The G | EEEEEr: s M - ports reaching: his home town, says !t'f Lenoir News-Topic. Commise .upper Grist bares his predictions on i! the apparent. opposition in the :-outh u and -one other sections to Ai Smith r ! ami oi the ajipositMU! McAdoo will r, i timl in the noi'fch. He says Pm diing e vciii strike the happy medium and is y j probably the most practical man in I- | the ree-ibential r!;i>>. ii ' ljHein:3 My Sentiments Jwijri to prisoner: "V on ore fru it . ie.t; ti i:?I and o fa. yo.i have:. t < si gaged a lawyer to defend you. Shai: h ' appoint one or what do you want d j to do about it V" yj Prisoner: " Well your bondp, as tar e I'm coiK '.'rnei) I'm wiilinf; to drop | U;e whole case/' Is No Way Out il Sam was charged u it'll theft and ?! the judge was talking to him in y court. u! "Now, Sam. you know what Lap-: e i pens ?i you don't veil the truth, n | don't you." ?r? "Y?s, suh -rAh goes to hell ; .:??! ] burns." ; , ; .\ua II'IV. ? MM, \VM I 11<' | r} )t' 11 II I \. you IVtJ! i ho truth%'* n "A!.-* 11 done got 30 days!;" j] !VJ Old maids live longer ihan hither!1 i 'niirr;cra women or bachelors, accord s..|;hw ?o some medical Authorities. 11 , / {#tt i i rift ^ J ing transient in the beauty o atitude of the recipient. Cr rg remembrance, because th our mind when selecting Je sed in delighting those who estions?A ppro u s JS 7F LINKS BELTS AND BUCKLES CIGARETTE CASES MILITARY BRUSHES S _M jLAS ATIVPAI \ KTT\ r'Am O l -n ruXTP una Will /li>y D.-Vn A-11XO WRIST WATCHES HRAOF.I.ETS DIAMOND RINGS MESH BAGS JEER'S JEW "The Home of w/wtt? sC^t (tiwyMAr, SftSOSSf^fcISIfi ' - , ;/. ,; ywwyw / / AW-SV.V.NV.V.vav.V j GIVING SNOW? * '3 I'OK CH.RISTM/ ? |S Christmas. beaut i* jj^8 significant <>i all day.- is s ? InB Do not let the gaii ? kJ hearted -spirit v.irp y. uneiM>mjr fhe ? -Iftl Kemember there \vi'! he i '* npe after ' ^ Savings Acco !? Start a. Saving A< j roe. i PEOPLES B. TRUST CO BOONE. W.V.VAV.W.W.V.V.V.V,V.V.VA' Suill that : ' o' ^4 'rw ? A.-/-* t k . 1 - v J* VI J IV I J. VEGETABLE D1 CAN DX.ES1 BOWl ?ELBY STOl Good Gifts" BgiiKiiiim PAGE SEVEN iV.'.V.V.'.V.V.'.V.V.V.V (ALLS : as? I iful and most ^ "" ety and light- ? ?m* of values ?do not J oon worn and *; o n -i ideal Miristma-on-sense tells ; L will bciuj^ happihcsr M? best gift? to bestow. Ij ti'a'n$ Chnstniiases Jj? 11 give happiness next ? - the gift to give " uut is such a ; -count a dol- I* pliue lji> k ,,7, the ; ? ^nk and : mpany :i n c o _? '*' - ^ I I' ^ v '^ t^rj j .W.W.W.V.'.WA'AW. " . "' W=? . m --.-vhM Lasts m ...".. .. m r 2^;::'x M .- '. ift Jewel e carries mci artisTha't is ed | It ETS DR PITCHERS _ . , HP -. r, ;..q _ i$9& jta SUES | ICKS CJ. ,s CLOCKS RE 1 1 1