DECEMBER 23, l02fi Children Should Be Better Nourishee CbscBgo Judge Offer* Appalling Facts On the Rebults of Undernourishment Judge Heavy Neil. e? Ch;c;Vgo. one of the sn most uciiv. in framing unci putt' ne through the mothers pension inv of LbhaM isi doing gccd work in * he crowded parts el tha; slave. is 1 .rurhirig another eyuj?a:l ft says Labor. He is trying **o have every urulernoui!: he' 1 child >?* school age io the United Mutes fed by. the srhool authorities et public expense. In his L. t \[ <. ; w,v|- nere- - ry tc the c?>e?v?:etk'Ti of our Subiic school system. He V > eni- ; ?d the cordial 01 Secret. ?y of "Labo> l>ivis. arid chi?t'?! Vo his aid the caustic pen or L- r <} S!>: vt. It is .Li NV>! > idtcntj.'oi i<t the light i.o every }virjsla' that meets this winter Cause of School Failures In art'*< ?< eU'mg f e?*i h his v.srcvs. h< points out '.hat underi'eyr; ' ' I.m< ) is tin- cause nf e.ost school failures, and says, in unit: 'Civilisation lias jus! .--wakened to the fact Hint children cannot be well schooled unless they are well nour7 ished: tha* it is more the- dure of govern nit nt to -nourish every amlcvri.'m i-i. <wln/.'.i ii jfcnorr'iU cniUl; that it costs the community more t'c let ? child go unuer o Dished than it <l??* - to n mrish it. "K\ery umieriiMoishcd child should have the privilege of being {all nourished, whether rich or poor, at public expense, without heiira hr; ruled a pauper." Muft Be Free To All Judge Neil is strongly insistent on this last point. He points out t'hat this privilege must be free to all, or it becomes a caste mark. In the beginning, free schools were offered only to the poor, and it took a long, hard fight to make our public school system really democratic. He cifes the experience of Chicago, where milk is offered to pooi children .u cent a glass, the deficit being made up by subscription. Many families whose children bitter'y need this help will not lake it because il seems to life in to curvy the stigma! of pauperism. If offered 1>. the community to all, those who need it Would hnv? ?u> sciupli* in accepting it. Cites Startling Examples lo mow She n?vd of his plan. Judge Neil cites ;;ome startling exv no". ; . He s thai more chil"drt i of t "'cvviaiid. Ohio, o" .. *h ye.u fieai inulehuuirhl)wcr. killed, ir,..thV h>)rn?A^' t'.M. o;y.t ,)'t : bote li'c t'hal Hiocked II-' 1 - : v . : .; 1. i n I. ' ..%v>..ijSfo h-ra?i ' ViipVr-'! iti| '' ' '( !i:as : ayinir thai thai t :u I- $7.4000.000 he* year -inking backward children uv*r a tou> sc v!:o ud j Miu ami .J'uOtjo. Neil h?dd? thai mo'!>i;ck\vi-.i 0 children arc umienfpy?ris hod-' chihir^Vu Draft of Proposed Law .Lie bat' drafted the- following law. which w ill hv presented iy. every icusyJaiur^lhnf meets tfiis winter: "Tt-f hoard of dirc-ctors of atiy public/school may cause l?? i>o,; rfuf tbshed. free Ahrp;o.Yiii ? suitable7 individual .-tt rhk ?-d .ooopta^. on eh<?h. .ami -yvd^^k-hooV. day. .x- every hhilo. jphondaibie . i?c?.iriug the same. .ai:i;o: to fully nuiitiib Phiiri. " ! hje v uVf of St:nj>lyin>r such food rhai] he paid for and ir. the same , .manner and oul oi the same- land as the other items iiu r.rrod in the conduct and operation of Mid seljoph" "'Message to America" ^er clary Davis warmly indorses the proposal. Jvahrc Noil prints at ' - ' ?- - ?OT - I no ii'iyst1 01 ii'.s iir ticjc ? iu .America" from Bernard Shaw, in part as follows: "Child poverty is the only sort of poverty that, matters. The adult , ^ who has beer, poor as a child will never get the child of poverty cut of his bo ties; but he will die aria make room for a b e It er-nourished generation. "There am no doubt property owners in America who fell Judge Iiehry s&m that 31 is confiscation to tax one man's .property to pay for the education of another man's children. "We have scoundrels of that sort in England, roo. Some day they will perhaps, haw the opportunity of saying :t to a higher judge than Henry Neil. He v.ili send them to the, place He reserves for those who ' have learned to say Our Father but hav< not learned to say 'Our Children. The one without the other i- a bias pbemy. Also, it is an un business like lolly. Duly of ir.e Policeman Neglected children cost more thai, well nourished ones l*o everybody except their immediate parents. ''The proper primary business o a policeman is to seize every hungr ISSi gtfl TJ "" ' " *rTr' : -.>~j ? -rr. I j Something to V 'i SMITH irvWT JUBin L JUL: J IND J ; V v W ' ' ?' C?^ , j mJWw i - { I . ;. "v' w-.?/ < ; . ? // ' i'V i" - '-si ! ' W.'T.. ft _ ~-s? 'r>-' ' V77 ' r - j .__ : s ' A^r,TZR|ij ' y" 7;. _j:: 'IV. send not t-c seat" Vfivc of I T i.- a problem which cap sin j c" just;'how, even through the ue iw.s of the next coitji&ffiss March. H therii out than kick em out. y Seating of Vare, Smith an< To Be Opening Fire\ By ROBERT PUtlfjER lui The 70 to 7 vote in the senate i<> liive .tip.'itc* the past political activities ,n nf Seiiator-elcet Arthur R. Gould, of :n Maine, brhifts up the .juestion of ve j what action the next senate will take when William S. Vare. of Pennsyl varna; Frank Smith, of Illinois, ami '-1 James E. Watsoii, of Indiana, next 1 " ! march claims the seats thev arc- >'' ehurfted with oKfrnninj* Ivy "corrupt : methods and (tract i< as." Several senators have dee in red they ,KI will fifth t to uphold the iinc: ;:y pf the upper house by slamm.iipr Us doors Hi these men's faces. The senators do not aftree as to the, phut of campaign to be u-ed.A"' VAr t". ' ' "iiiv ?11*-?.-! varfr; isnuth and, W'ai-i.n : should Mcv i ! be rented, at all. Qti.wrs ivsi-u they should be si-uted .1 id j :v then ousted. -J): A <-i.m!',: over the sohavMs :Ye history iuftirau.- it uj|! j?o mi'.-h (N'tiitr to keep them .>?:i than it wiil-'jV?i'i \'liUl.; ihem o||| ?>?>*.:: ihj&| are.,'al-' h?v.ed th take th^ir seals. A: ?V?H:ri?n l.ori?>*< iijk*- Smith, from ' M U|rjj&'f?. ?4?;; the enlv senator. ever * i: kirhvd out of the U'ui iv? chat)! actioi). of. the *.er?ate far haying- bdujrht his seat. .Anion in LuriniorV ease- was faken ' n July, after it had beer. ,s own lu; had purchased his seat fronii ' 1 mouthers of the Illinois I crista tin v. j rf they ilnev Lo rimer out. in a M ,..U M - - * .,-i-ill ...... 4 . i . 4ii. i n?.vn?: M.-iiriL" :hn ;i dean lull of health. to I?). | *| The more reer.n* ca^. of Senator!;* l"i i.15. Newbervji is another itf- ! -? .ip point. Not' niero accu.-:?-1 M iVd'H ''C-e!i presented against Mr. 1 N<?v..5i<-rv?.:. He had been -indicted ap'd j of *" corrupt methods jind j-S practices'" in United States^ District 12 epiir.. lie had beer ?-on edited' --to ' 3 ' 'wo yea?s i" prison. Nevertheless, 9 Mr. Newberry was sealed. pi But although the senators had SL : cleared Mr. Newberry's trailing; skirl's, the. public had not. In the S elections of 1922, the same year in which Mr. Newberry was seated, nine senators who had cast their votes for ! him were snowed under. Mr. New berry resignedThen there is the case oi' ''Uncle fke" Stephenson, of Wisconsin. '"Uncle Ike" had made his millions in lumber. -Evidence presented i'o the senate showing the lumber trust i had paid for some planks in his plat form. Senator La Foliette forced a vote but enough senators stood by j Uncle Ike to keep him from being \ ousted. j It has been pointed out. too. that a majority vote win keep Warn, fcmitn ; and Watson from their seats but it j * will take two-thirds of the senatorial ' toes to kick them out* after they are* 11 sealed. j The evidence would seem to indi' cate that the task of upholding the J integrity of the seruiw will he less " c-uqirmous if action' is taken before, " .he newly elected senators accused of-' corrupt' wactices sit in the seats >t 1 y child and feed it, to collar every rajr- js ged child and clothe it, to hand every # f illiterate child over to those who will ? v teach it how to read and write." ; fit: watauga !>km?x,uat--f.v:-i: ; "i-;~" " " ^ ~;~rj Vovry About ? - !| ^T' " * penn. ill T! ill, A li1- III 4' r i m;!!!' ss iiSi ? ? lSE1 ! -:t-.? i I x- .. i - -u _ i r ? (f:7) ; k -- ~ :> -? ?.. X.- - c. $ :t~ i ' 'enn.?Snurh of III. and Watson ? many nafc< no little conwill not jo decided. until openListory show? its easier to keep fc ' ; j . 1 Watson Promises vorks of Next Congress s is l?oi?it shown they boi.ght. Senator Clarence f. Mill, of \Va>hgloii, has presented two rcsolutioib ^ fended to prevent the senate fromjy, ccivisig. the <j*odentials of either I 0. lire or Smith. While tile present >, rVate has no author?yt* to consider j ^ e qualifications of either. Senatoi 1 i! feels they should He prevented ! 6 hi exercising tin nrivilcjres usually t Corded a sonaiqr-el??et. Senator Dill said that "while there.; ive been o.thei instances of at- ,; nipied pureijn os <>l" seat's iu the j; futte, thqse. arc- the worst." i 0, A annual pay men* in North t, iv<,|:!ia of S-">! '..iMI.jO it: ConiVi- vv hi?s v'cu:-vans' pen-w>u> brcnit in i, *U#jrh l-'Viday i'v-ond. county -a I'lH-.j-.t -i-liMk..- State A (lililt:{ hoNvVW;i rh;-r tlv;| t.oia? j' n; i??: w.hfc n ; * Ni?'< :? - v. - i -iv.? \voaM n?v i1" il .i- ' ? \v;ti una?.* r:> iti /r'y. XiliX'J <S SVptcmhoi. an.I Y?.rU*r.i:is h;:.i ; ;l ii! ihe incnju:|Tli<f uuiiiiuit a iiUle iar-.r.-r than t In- u?u'/il som-ifthVci mi} ?ne : ..utho. i , ?i. ho sani. _ ' * Till*', flW, l J; I |i*t \vji? mincled lira*.- was io 178. Xana-. Were i; i-il J)f ' i rubers. ? - 1m, MERRY CHRi: ALL OUR FR! CUSTOMERS. | SANTA CL.A1 EACH OF Y( HE WILL TEL GET YOUR MATERIAL Fi ! I Watauga Liim; i "EVERYTHING TO BUILD A HO :Y THURSDAY? BOONE, N. C. ?all and Doheny Are Acquittec ?<cjrdic5j Causes Furor In V/iVMogloii Q-. .< rnnicnt Will Push Other Ir\'ifviuxents Against l>r. fondants Was! ;nsrtor.. Dec. Id.?-The sag* today loi it: the first < r'iv.i i:ii 'weeding growing ovx of tin ' invalidation wit* II :en ir.g i>ob?les of the Harding dniirtistrauon. A jury ti? the DisVriel of (."olurobu; ourt. after uineuor. houra' deHhcra icrTi. foxihd Albert i> Fail, formei *kv--;ar\- of the interior, an-.l Ed aid lJftjuepy. lessee of the Ell ,;U . < 'aliforma. naval reserve, hoi nifty of conspiracy to defra d lie v^?":>i:nent n the 1021' -easing negorations. The acquittal produced sou n.'oria verbrrations almost before the jur had reached tlleir home.-. "At: insult to justice." shouted 'enator He Clin in an afuies- d iver <" two ho?- after the verdict. "Wit'l 'all and pohenv going iv" a:.< ' ark I. Sholh renrnu t" 'dashing Ged help the na '-or." said th< eiV.itor frohi Alabama. j. Roberts, special govern i prosecutor. dismi.-sed tr:< rtlie' \vitli those wo rds: . i . - s ;:;-rci:r.i?,<! *,.o yen. an(i i'y submitted. 01 -.?.< will ;_ <? along \vith the ochej as as Kor.r ir.di<Tni-j:ds growing out. oJ fc hstc i!iv?-/sl%a ion; two a!; and Daheny toj bribery. one null and HatTv 1''. Sinclair - f?l the Teapot Dome reserve in! one aganot alone for contempt 1 the ;er;'.U' are still to be disposer f by the prose cutors. IX MEN IN DEATH ROW AWAITING ELECTRIC CHAIR Raleigh. Dec. 17?Six men in 6rl;h Carolina will greet the new eav with sentences of death hanging ece their heads. They compose the death row colony" at state's prison. II are left* overs from 11*20 bethel i-tivit-'-s who warded off execution trough appeals to the supreme court r ti e governor. Four men went to their dea'.ii in i?s elect j ie chair i Iti>- year, runnfiU! >e totai since the chair \ esfabshe?i in li?0b t?? ST. tour others foaped fhieo through executive omenev and one through a new rial. The 1 :?V. * execution sea of as c losed with tb.e niimtiul at ion of Dm Gray last *y\*eeh. The nu?nl,<of executed was small uatjaav. u;. vvi h last' year w he,f 2 men v. ent iti T.eiv deat h- '.0 no s i-'v: and :\\o vvhilvs. "deiith )i;v" colonists who id <_ i i ;.< m n yeai arc: W . I., a s. w-ho.e. i nniVsSed \\'uriw: C'OUli . TOlltWC'l'; .II'IM'; KrlVOM. '.'.o.-.rro. <! ?>i inui'(l?>r in \Vilson; I!, kt r id convict> of, mutt'v iUuiv.rn; i'hakiio John-on, nv. u ivletmi. of, munier in Mocklon; urnl i i Lumpkin :u>d; ) vt?*io?i ?a mill . r lii SvOho.Sfni. % i BTMAS TO SENDS AND MAY OLD JS V 1 SI T i, yu. if so, L YOU TO BUILDING p ROM I r 7 * a -.1^ %-X m V T jv 'USE, CELLAR TO CHIMNEY" jj Bri^v t Wa.- No Dumbbtd! i . -i; :??-. ... ,.? I'.ii. iji.):.lW. ,.,i ' * yT*u < : i.hir.k ?>f m.t-* >"-ny t" "Sao - ''" : -- Bisidy. Uid!>ixifrT ', 4x-ni;i) t!y. i'i bi t "xi;h?: ;nm . xi.c 1 ivii ..t has- twv.-r raU'ifl my niiiu at.i .* '-nil. * pM-: , v.\ ' j * S "It's uot'ry I am,'* said Vat. and he ; J " j.i'-iru'. d awav. i r " j Y.Wait a exclaimed the r Mjdil, "you've set. me. thinkingi" ;; ,1 [a Night Life "Food ?:s itettintr more expensive : 1 o-ery day." i "Yes." answered the man with the \ " I cabxiivt Pastes; "and even mote ex.-, <t pemivi afc ni^ht." ? ' t Reindeer meat from A5a kit i ^ shipped >? 'arjte ijuar.tiiics to Seattle f f. i corsumption ir; the United SPat [ hmmbtov WE HAVE THE BE 1 THIS SE? i And l-;!i: fuiii'sl; -!i short i:< i I _,j We also male- aluminum <..? : :?-cWe oJieit' yOu'i 1 .C-:. - - ('rive i reasonable prices, Linebevry Foundry & NORTH WILK.EJ I t r Sf-*-* OUR G-fEETIN i With another milepost i year beckoning to us w portunities for service, a moment to reflect up< tions of the year about t of those good frieends j doing we wish you a IV' a New Year filled with h HI-LAND PRE W. L COOK. i'rlprietar ;! : y | iii i ?wbwmamw?w?obw;fafwmwr'i?i vi vihiwiimiiiiHwi ii?m*-. i f / -J ( t w i \ r J r-f \ fj. : ! v f " \ m . - ' . ; .# -'k \< ij V .g^V*. 1 <Ni - ^ : $ \\\ Ov - M ; otH WATAUGA D Week after week them?-it will br home all the local and events, and all news from the wor !j All generously sp cial features?stor tures and cartoor to you and each n family is great t very small?only 75c for Six i $1.50 Pe j PA<;K THREE blow Doctors Treat Colds and the Hu To brv:dz tfp |Sir* -7._r **.: or ?> cut sH>s': r-.u attack ?.? r.^vj^j.;, 1 ucricy. $ck-:'? Sf^or. c >r t Sbwjjji * $hyiciai'.s at? di WW*. :*' r? *::OOT*dsr.^'?^?%^:.;r ' ..d Oi'iwJ' < *>'. ?'t.i^} Jfc ?ijf ?:d*\ ?:*' ' & : t rives tbt oft'?j? i? ?z?$0Ji<. ivfjfi :U:s ot^tiiii - v- iihoui -. ;?'. i;.\ ..' .. .fit; effect* ?- vltluv Or.o or 1 o ":.; * -'- at !m - 1 tf.itih a :<i<--?i\rvr c.i* v/aic-r.?Jp$fe at', *? - ]' . i o n . ;. . - ;.'r e dig :*rf a&Jrfr.r-yruc-. v ;-. yciv; >//$???YtuiS ! pleasure; Ne: - -.1 iaa vanished, your. Ht?tc :r. - vrrrV ^ '^ - M ivii'd r.iaV y? ' >f< ^ ire y.tcY: a hf a:* - > ?pf;? ; if ast. ?<iz what ycu < ' for. G".t a family package. ... ull dir < fcii>::sf only :*.5 c'.no. .at ar;* '{a<?v> v :ST FOUNDRY IN CTION saw niffl and general r-pairs, tut-. J.ron ending m' all kind-, brass bus'iings arid ' ncoogs. " fin i' - - ; # and Ma chine Company iSORO, N C. KWBBvaMUBBU it <?cvi rsM vav3.varK?mr3raunb??n ww?nw??m-jwaj [cuwjwuhiimw m? ii A GS TO YOU n sight and another ith its hopes and opwe want to stop for ^n the pleasant relao close, and to think all about us. "T hus lerry Christmas and appiness and success SSING SHOP BOONE, N C. | I tnsj c i.'i'.wa inaii uiiwmrmmm. ?now ? ??f i a A if iri" ?r the V ' / %> J IEMQGRAT ?fifty-two of ing into your news of people the worthwhile Id outside. iced with speies?news picis. The value rember of the iut the cost is Months r Year k.WJIWIB*

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