I'AGE SIX SCRAPS AND FACTS I Ct,ona: F ;.nk L.. S>nn >1. >c.z?oi- I ofrci.' :' iilr-s.:,. Fa, Ss?>i-'i! naijivd Fy 5? i-G'V.'icrdi; Small 'tiiUuoj-V-" ! thy Siyrto.-V a i: ' !. ! ; : Tho 1 :.' F: ; ''iv>.VA'.|l'5 - .% ha*.': i Ma . ti i :i.-x- ' . . y.iai:. I'i -';,;>a;:, y?";ft in; : , - ' 7 r',''F.'' 40,'^i r' i-Fnij atarii, \r.vi- : av.ywi'tt &w|j | ' ;,< vi- . :< . V.-fitftYnft:' )..- ' of %W U:.;te\"t i, i I-"-' , ' !i ?', ' !-" /.; 3}?- i' jSlgS 8}^ - 'i ?*' 0.' ,.:;f-A^Vrc"- $?;.%-{ | ;'a-V;'y'' >$>-s - i-< - v'**j ',figsS?*s?5y&< * V'V" f:s;V :- :r;'".''v''': ',* ? T,w s v/1 s'- -" - iiv: 'v:.- r *?V \--^tV*vc'i*'s*j-: |'i ' |fi ' '' ' '-^ih<:(.;'Cr>l:: ': ' ,.-.1 Shi; .. - ;v,;.,: ^ ..V. V ? "}, i,v.-irt, I .-.. *|| > .w!-. -! "* I*.-* .-r >bit.\ u -f K-:'- ' :' ,S? n:,n v..,l p-'-.tz rtk ^etur.ov hn;7ly-T:0r'/a.to | a w;fv who will hho >VH>;h', n'lki * SSKBM * wBS?*$$&?& Healthiest j v.- r*W' / : vr i I /v., Iai-oVi Op; nn-.V.. coy, W35 . . a'.! -the nasr i in conV ;?!. l',je International . V ' a < .'-.ior at Chicago. t T inches tall ... . :s.- t -i'I pounds r.r*" . .- rs ; Miss Flo A Question Bo DIVORCE?n.f. TWO-EDGED SWORD War >T::?v a' sriirl Eggs^'re ol.cL ami marride to iffir) rim* man. IK- }js vwvythitic t?|8 ? :io ?CHi]?i a.*k' of a has \ iVr, i, !>ut I KIu'-to ? i-v .: iv I nu-f. .1 yunjrer nwi; who IVa- : ,:?1 iiic; hr loves m?and war/s >vc- to -J?'t :kil{vm;t:e i think \ 'would; < c V haVM'> vrJtfj ii'm I. " ! ' - ' fake th<- vn. 1*1. a.-. 1 * "'I- <" 1 sh .ink y? : P'Ottiil hcr.t.?to ?k ;ja i->n?r 7into t t>Yk-;U"h r a si;" x#.*A\ ' - 1 \vor-<; ? h:r, tin. /Knatjcyr n?o?| vI-IKryvii*>/:: 'an-;: iniako sure ;Vv*?J .wWoVo, not- he' nyv/a/ ?r r.'o i-U.---.-i. ii '* I :i ;-u j>aj-.. 'ik?:h. vV-.'e.t of, ysiiij . voritV'al'iv viriiys.- is::'; - .-fur. a. ?i >v>; . }M: :i_ ?'r' r;J*c -' ; , . ' ..1 y. \vi-0 !.?< % <>! ?? r,y ,' ;c V. .Ml .. i't . . . . ;.l. V M . i mm ny; >t:Tu ; ;\-k- ; . v:f?*V : ??!)? r inu-nt iui>. ''. h.' ;-.n?! v-!h-:: -'ho Ha';*.-..- - - ? h -11 if "it* \hvti 1 if vyjJk: i i ?.t h, w|-r:i lu; ru;->lv? S -w|?V th;.. ;> ? i'?m "v\v;.y r.-'ucij jjgk ' . ' ! > ?;* n-v-i- aiv :hjr:u> that nr.hi - -.:: i. ? ?i hefoj '-u-r t ivt I aui t? ' r.i: r matter si" yotsr h'tisi :-r'- ;sH voa wouM ;!.|K6 him;, st he- > irty ' justif^'d '?r v?i\i.v hf ) I,i ! I.j '?tand : nu? *. \ ";XI < ' t>yrh::i> \ ?m-: low . .sy \inKs tlshould. <\\ v1'?'.}ii> 1.. :f: yo,: find yoiir-vM' r. / They ate iq Mlt-UONS of fin,- caUVli&ye ' boiMi Vuk&i &&S5\Io?lly by Southern iyomrr.,..who sirs tr/.,ct c-hauert. in the O-ftuW" woriul. AW- wish we h A those cake-. here jU? show you. l'bere c n&to't iic any fit i ter p- .-oi ci Snow runt: '.quality m :gj&fcSjj .-*?? yy#>" fn, ..Sy -. i'M j V.ui ye can't do That > .n os ' ryidvec'v' disappears Kiightv.- last. >nf'oA. Kin?vcy4t-i.umvt stay -.round ..$} ' Inr-S-r," Tyi THE KENTON BAKING PC pSpini 4xs? te BOONE? Cottrc)I & Hagaznan SH.ULLS MILLS? G. W. RoSb?n;. ZiONVlLLE? J. C. J oner. MABEL? Burkclt A Norris Greer & Wilson s Bsc*' %M %>?, BUSINESS ii)DWINTER TERM RE are now being: i blank ar.T THE DRAUGHON B 51y W. KIF'I PHONE 32?vS THE W ATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVEK1 8 tomer i . x for the Ladies ^ - Jjf (iiyorC i * ; Iiitici'n. You ciinnot hapnv ; you j * ' 'o oujojxsily rise. it Iv-pnon-??ftov.. S how^yv*!. :b:u :i woi^j! thjjr.k* loye.j'Sj ?;ei il cload. wiion sh ;.< ! ?* . v I i both h " an 1 and J* ! v.*: liisia-v. rinjr hy.y pryfor tin ok!. ?J i u- . c ;o J ho : : ? f?iyo a woman limo j 5j * C > - t .?! -??i thinj^s b< hus J* Land 1-. >. wJifcn sh- askod hfm ? i-r ;uV.r ft-; < : dan-; y. a'u?l &Ho will ' ?I r 1 tirhh '" t" ? > s]k- >: ? ir i u'ood piovwlor foi ;m** ' Kii A.Vi'-ii;;:! .v. A!* j 1 yivc- :t ^ jv.. !". ::ih- ir. t i his \v;f< s :i: y:- pa ' jriii'4. hi:- sof foCajy vv*'t :*?? io'olt;. ,8 - risk :. ; a-- his fiitvh-1 j\? : fa) O : ft-. | < For iho It fry tin tiih.tr man, or Jp t>J:hot :si:': is <-h:t'{ > ' !?:** ?hey * '.-in : ha: "vvill *" i . 's *. -h tvhon ili.nrcO niakt'S * .. familiar. i Valued Herself ?* ntvut-'h *' Jjt ' ,i;'; 1 ho ''' i ?-ar'dh.i: \ . "v-ii r* i for a \ > m F. \':. i lifv a ( .-it Literary Criticism ?B Vsu-Tkifui ::i; hoi : "H.-iVo vr.i: vmiii -a ! : i . \ w "\\ a- i^jror- % . no.* i ! \ t ip;M. < ..'UK1 nroiuni to his ; ^ offi<;ii ! i. ". list usinj; tho "phone.** j \ 1 . i .. p'-i Of j % t ' lovor ik i\is Uif<: fioltl makes him fc 1 :. i > :ia '; -a hen ?, ' ?v\ - ohj> 7til 1 '' '. 1)1 | ?J ' ^) I IpS?'" | b the proof 1 Rut' :vtftr?? Snow ICirx i?. n?or>'. Iiian'5.0 yenrs g of ii'-ilunu history heUml /you. That - !.. ? ; 'rimi uuug." B The Snow Kim: Cook Rook 44 p.\?4
every one of 1 g tiiem. l?3d~ for a Fr?e Co/-y today. Kmk.s.- lb'cents tJ? cover cost packE :? OF. R CO.. Cincinnati, Ohio jffi !| iM ' * ***! 20 % 3 C?NT* I MAST? N. L. Mast SH F.R WOOD? W. F. Sherwood SUGAR GROVE A. C. Mast BAMBOO? T. L. Critcher & Son ghort | GINS .! ANTAKV 3y i'J27 |j made. Writ.: for application I eaiaT|jte;. if USINESS COLLEGE II STREET JWrNSTON' SALEM. N. C. | I nU"RSl>.-\ Y?KOONE. N. V,V.V?V,W.\W Start A 1 Chri 12TH SERIES OP i he best present you could HOMk, the safeguard of |S Start in January 1st to ma through our Association nice sum of money on whi home Don't fail to talk this over yea . We are glacl to expl Also remember that we pa stock and all of this is net | Your check is mailed to vc each year you have no t! mailing to our stockholders Why not get some of this n Watauga Building Watauga County Bank Bid v.".w.w.v.w.\w (. av.v.%mv.v.w. U W f TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! T We iire butting on display, a com invite you- attention. Also C< GROCERIES 1 he following are some of the attractive prices on staple groceries while they last: No. 3 cans I omatoes, doz. $1.65 No. 2 cans 1 horoughbred Sugar Corn, dozen . . . . $1.55 No. 3 can. Beans, can 15c No. 3 can Apricots, can . . . 30c : . 'J. II a-1 r\r j j egui - ure 1 lontiy. can ^ii.uv ! Pint can Wesson Oil 25c Quart can Wesson Oil, can 47c No. 3 Van Camp's Hominy . 10c Tall can Van Gamp's Milk. 11c Borden's Eagle Brand Milk . 20c Pink Salmon 14c Vegetable Soup, Monarch, large size can 8c Van Camp's Pork & Beans 8c Yacht Club Coffee, lb 42c Arbuckle's Coffee, lb 43c Fnglehard Coffee, lb 33c Best loose Ground Coffee, lb 30c Staley's Golden Table Syrup, can 40c Farm House Cocoa, 1 6 oz. . 17c Also equal bargains in Dress Goc etc., and the famous Peters line Suits; for men and boys, Overco A STORE OF HIGH Henry J. Hardin Bldg. 1 DECEMBER >:i. T92C ?SVi.V.V.V.%W.-AW.W I ,".V.VW.VA\W.V,V?% ' lome for ? istmas t I ENS JANUARY 1ST S I give yourself or family is a 3 American Liberty. ^ m ike regular systematic saving % before you realize, it will be a r.K to go to school or build a - f i with ns before tne first of the Ij ain. ^ v FULL 6 per cent on prepaid > >rofit NO TAXES TO PAY. )ur door about Christmas of ;j rouble collecting it. We are J; i?this month more than $8,000. ext year? ^ * 1 & Loan Association I g. Boone, N. C. N VmVV.V.V.V.WAV.'WV.W/.'.^VWVW" OYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! 1 plete new line of 1 oys to which we 9 indies, Fruits, Nuts, Etc. | Arm & Hammer Soda, pkg. ,4c 8 Calumet Baking Powder, !'o 27c | Rumford Baking Powder, I B lb. size 27c B Beech Nut Macaroni, 8 oz. .10c 111 New Mona Salve, 25c. size. . 15c 1 Palm Olive Soap, dozen 90c | Ivors' Soap, dozen 90c | Guest Ivory Soap, dozen . .48c g Upton's Finest Fea, pkg. . .24c | Hites Brand Staple extracts, | dozen large $1.35 ig No. ! Idead Rice, lb 8c Shoe Polish, box 12c I Oak Tanned Sole Leather, lb 45c HOSE Good line men's and boys, 25c 1 Hose, pair 10c I Good line ladies' and misses, S ' Plose, pair ...... 10c B| ? BROOMS 1 No. 1, 5-strand Broom .... 50c SCHUOL SUPPLIES All 5c pencil tablets and note books, each 3c >ds, Silks, Serges, Crepes, Ginghams, of Shoes for the whole family. Also His and Sweaters at rare bargains. C'-ASS MERCHANDISE ley Company Boone, N. C 1 ^