PA?Ji BIGHT Smoky Park Will Offer l? Paradise for Explorers t, ;Nr~ . *"" - y, Many Lofty Pea** Hivr Cliffs Said ,j Never to Have Been Scuied t, By Mun jj The charm ni" the area tfezit ;s soon ^ to become 'he <ln?at Smoky National ^ Park is s? ivttie knuwn to the peoI >-' Ahtwrica, -ay- J. X. Co\ei^:<n> , Jr.. if die Asbt vi'U Times Evftit i r - nit er - >{ 'Vf-ti-ni North Carolina .! of Tennessee <?r$ hot' f] aware > ( tht mystery and the beauty with which nature has endowed the . .'.m l'.iV el,},: r mo.usr.taiii :ar,re lytny , - -. the - st,ue>. Many of . the TUtvijC'l oeaks are invi.siied aitd . V.Tn-.aim-l. Shtubs and trrj.e#? gn-w ., that they aVe only ^ "> k'K.v.-i to natitrAii-.t . !mX< 'a?; 5? is fh<t uatioe of the park j r.ieh . . 1 . - . J < fiii as North t ar -'it ; is i tknio<l, whop .'he. park ' i'i na-sed the st-iroV.: liis? Thursday. ih<- Hip is aou v?? via* Land- oi tiie ' h ju>e ; ?!?! >;, Monday its see- v :n: wMhk > an owf wro--mintr ma-' x The area v, ijieh a : ' So bv; , >p 1? on >.ovi h Co: oiina nrnpr;-< - ru;: 1 ;>0,(!;> ? iu-ivs in the ( The frtlvrai irovernmeht vf . ;i U2iti< r v'e:ichY*s JOO.OOO ; teres: ihon I he v. ark': of tievfrlpprng. , the }Mrk \*m : The Smoky Mountains, whiv.h ujv -mne 10 :>i SO miles fx. tlx- west of \ B'u< RidtYe mountains* boasts I1*';. . aks which reach up more than <>,-. ' i'oet fro in sea level. In all exist r ri-r: Amerca. there is only one peak ' this section ami Western! Notth Tarpiina \vhi? h lias at. eleva * _ ban tkU 6,00.0 :Vvi. That M? : .!* W a.-hii'aton in New IfamjKi \ J sHiVe. i i is -:i'i n - remarkable js ! ? fh? ?n re ??f tb'a Great Sinok> .\s j it ?> explored I nut. six pf thv; cr - ne - aoi.-h above are still uii < ?j. The best ku?0vo of the peaks ' at the Rowing: Mt. Cuvot, 6,636 i Corte.; Clingnsin's m. . '"i.?< > i'. Mt; C'hHihs, C',400. j J'.Mch of th'oin talis short of Mt. : VI tihell, the t< n of the territory east , th( M 0.71 i f . < r. by ptijy I ' .. -nia'i maie'i". t t"11 is - \ .\5;. I.i- Conth have i! 1 l':S ! Ii I . "Ill- In i llits till 11 Vtltt'S v -V \ >11 IM.-. V l>0 SOVli. rttiuiiai-stms h?'lwcon the Smokier; a:>i the Koykies bare often bean j i v by tyt'iMiuV who hriye climbed v.h la.-'ir'-s. The Smokie> uiffer warkv.l'.y ill that f.bvy :iiv earpe: e.i vyhh the il largest of Anieri-j c:.n virgin forest* There if. no1 Lmlow H*u, the t'ores$$ extending inmany ease? tft? v?-j\ ^k;s,' aiiif) \v :t ;?:?? -! * may He ; <-n n?|y^!.n w inter. Heave \? : . : llkeoor-s has been seen! between the two. The Smok'es asj well as the Kockies stand out abovet li:.- fvuVoisniiing territory it> many; ? as niarh as a mile. The loft-i in ess in. this light. without consklerntb,e. of ilist-inee'from son level, is I { I Free A Free S1MPL WHIT] S0UT1 INDIA 9 or ; *v WEST ; WE HANDLE A FUL Saaga%ygffl 4fiKi5 iP ^KRt^^iiY " '.- ' -." i &T- -- ?&S9s^ i'r-v rv , rciiticaity th*> mihu1. j:. Apart frcra t? <- rugged. natttni v t-auiy of the mountains. out by; c otgps an-I g?p> and a'ouml&nh wv.h lagnifico.nt viyivv;, the flora of tfie, h ^nitorv has dia $fo o-idespread at tor.- c ion from naturalises*. it It has Jkoi: that the rai'.p^si jtvc niwc v?rietic*s >>. frees .ml t ardwo^ds than there art? in all E.u t ope- The number reaching 136. Am-] t horiiios claim that Europe has ejdy > f 5 St::! more abundant arc the 1 uo? ies r?t" shrubs which roach I he re- 1 uarkabW ! stal of ' 7 ii B.r?^ and aitmiais are to be found - < starihng abundance. Beat's. at j i arbttri'g; -r,i*0 pounds in wench*, are sa:d : roam the ;oiu-n of the ranges. and I 1" Frank Hohh. who : : :a: v.: ' -%v of the Smokies {'?> - the j sc. Vtvrk Times. lime i-.n>i>or wolf i s . i::? be seen :u the u-> tvn tin-d by the .-(M'm-'t of:' '.o :r.;.>u'.vt:jnV' " s. c Th? Si> <d,).\ wiU afford J j>v.-..jUo; I ?} ,. !$)'.** and '.he tourist, t-hev: ; i:i ol'f; r him a st<>- c ?!' surprisi .v ; f iurh fi0 wi'i kovoc* have imagined. h-.>" \yh?' :!.ivi- s?"cr. i he j : \y. An air <?f mystery til! 'lines; :! " [it. crags utfiS noaks. which in [ reality arc separated from civilreb-; ; i'-r. by so \\ \\ mii.'s l y)f then-' Horace Kcpj^art. of Iby-,' r?\ >aus r n < ouurovi 11 tiij?n-i a idcx s ' : "'Then are cliffs and gulfs in i Hm&kie.s V ha* no man i- kjhowii to \nye climbed; evert to the native?, : h j Sm- Kit j are ri land of ia\s '' y" i WAR DAYS IN THE BRUSHiES (."annen nUeiiiibn t?- Brushy Mownfait -ails mv recollection tit a. .tamp through that -octier. in Sep-! ember, with a rtetachi.'tl troop .1 ^.ddiers under the command of Majo? I'tht W. (ivahan;. of the :?0*.h North Carolina regiment, relates i . Klliott in the Charlotte Observer :>;.r mi?don was pes suade Jlnv-e t people to he loyal to the < 'oufoderaex . We haii beet*, in Randolph comity on :i .similar errand: And wo -'hipped Llorn High Winr Stai-vilie. The new depot thee.- was i.-i a ehinijuapU! j thicket. lire nuts were, ripe ;in?i we' (fathered ail wo. wanted. The next mornihjr '.ye stopped in StntcsviUe to1 take a drink of hramiy in the -aloon. and then set nut on the JO-mile nihil j in W'lkeshuio. 1 re-Call the fine l - -; i: 111 > through which vvt :>a->cd Bussing ?>u the weal fide of Tav '.n fvilio, w e sodg sirbojk heavily laden : apple orchard-? that continued on to} Wilkeshoio. Biushv Mountain is br&ad and smooth, rather than ab- j nipt. The south side of the mountain j was lit? rail\ hanke-i with rhimpiapit: I bushes. p;rt biixhes, then ripe in th??h prime. )l down the north side , wr found residence in a fiat he i tween two I-ram-he.-. Here we stooped to rest ami c >ok some dinner. The landlord invited Us to help ourselves Ve. his cabbage heae- > and we filled a large wash and dropped !. .> f I)its -.>f bacon and \\ ? soon bad ?-Chr ? Ticket ,V GRAND FLOUR ? WAY FLOUR IERN BISCUIT (SELF N RIVER MEAL ^NY OTHER BRAND !> END Fl .L LINE OF SERVICE IV 3^2 IE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?J?V fcJ bcujuiiui feast. He also supplied; ? with the brandy wo wanted at low J v O3 t? -. y3?;Py. :, v'.:: 3f>7. SSw '-?? >'"i We :nivi!il in Wtlke.sboro before! 2 lifeht and e; mj>hi i:t a near the | hitrch. We had iu;r- c?n d from Chris- j, inn Uittfllj, I'O- urJis to Ashcboro.; hea'cis .'22 rodefs to Hi.cL Point, then j*, -? 10 rir?t?s arid our feet were Wis- i . ered, and we bad a few -days' rest afore cUmbiif^ the hig mountains or conscripts a ad deserters. Many rora Lee's army had lodged iri thai ;1 ;ospliable mountain section. Gen. K. F. lioke was ir. command ?f the detachments from the 21?? and; iOt.h regiments. It was court week 1 And I saw a white man branded on; h? palm of his right hand lor man laufchter. Wilkeshoro wj:s then a mail town with a log house hotel, a room and a chuicii. It was a goodly roftiitry with milk and honey. fat cat*!e 'am! buckwheat cake--. and we faired sumttioujdy. Major Graham's] headquarters v?a a? New Hope] :teadvi?y '?\e also raided ' in Watauga. Alleghany and Ashe counties. >. t;:? .-i ihe people did not want * inks any part in that %y.;u> We doifi blame them new. It was a failure. vVe were ;n ihat service five months and arrested 2,000. killing and .vtluvdiny 36 men. After a month j ijir troops went hack to Davidson and Randolph with headquarters at Ashe-; On the 20th of .January we mo; live otriet 'ompuuKs irom i.ut mountains ;>! High Point and drilled 10 days a lid joined General Picket t's I expedition against New Hern Febru- j ary i. lS(ii. And hojffey and brandy, i bright-eyed mountain grils, bec arm- a memory of the past, until the \\ . _r was ovet In Wilkesboro I saw barefoot women bring in kegs of brandy on sleds and stand up to tin bars and take their brandy straight, enjoying more libei ty than the\ now have. Toiling of those incidents to a Methodist j preacher who had been located there three years ago. he said: "Those mountain women had 'ramped up in Wilkesboro enough red. mud with their bare foe? ? > make brick for a good sized town." And who Will say we have riot evoluted some since those good old days of p< rural lib erty'. We can now do all kinds fo nieapness cxc< pi drink liquor- If you a?? afraid of a man you can shoot him down and plead self-defense. The rhfve and branding iron might help some. What a record we can -how the heather.; how to dispose j of jy^opl*- WO drift'i like. W"i can j make Mexico look like 30 cents. Dragon judges lot lawyers run the. j yohits for the money in it. A Lesson in Division Now," said the teacher in a pri- ! inary. class, ?.t one of her pupils* "if you had a pie. and I should ask you for a quarter of it. arid you should ?iye mc \vhat 1 wanted, hew much wbu*d yqu have . f t .' * * ' I wouldn't have any left!" quickly replied the little girl* who seemed to thmk that the teacher':- wants were l?y ho means small* ysler MaaMOBMMHWMHaniMnnMamaM In Every Bag j c Entitles Yon RISING) FLOUR ?M ^wzsss*? Ss^c?? MANUFACTURED BY ' EED CO ULL CO.'S PRODUCTS. SY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. Askev: "What happened to that a let of yours'.'" Y Te)5*r- "I fired him I'm* removing i spue froifl otic of niy suit*?," Asktlr: "But isn't he :>upp:?se?i lo lo Tcffir; "Yes; but this was a 10.??<?: ' NOTICE or EXECUTION SALE By virtue of an execution directed i<- the -.K.'ff of Watauga ? .' < ni i c sujierto'r court of so* \ courty or tHe J"m-. day of N ?\cn boa 1* .' :j that certain actio-' entitle: Mc/ritt Motor < > vs. L> W Phillips G. L. Phillip:, and J. S. Phillips, 1 will on Monday, March 2S, 11)27, ai the cow?:house door of Wataugi County. sell to the highesv Ivdder fo: Cash, between the hours of 10 oYloel a. m ii'td 2 o'clock ;> in . 1 ? satisfy said execution, ail that certain trac or parcel "of laud lying being " Laurel Creek Township*, Wataugj Coiir-ty. X. C . and being hounded oi the north by the lands of Amos Ad . ins: . .1 the cast by the lands of Os . : Phillips and A. \\\ Phi'din . the <outh by the lands of A. W. Phil iip-; on the west bv the lands of A W Phillips*., A. P. Ward and Ale: Maganum. This 28th dav of Fcbiunrv. 11)27 L. Al. FARTHING, 2-2 1-It* Sheriff Watauga County Tiin i nE i f ^ ^Jl I C: The "The Store T iro of Flour, M iu a SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE CREAM rHE SERVICE MILL MDANV vi H V! a COME IN AND LET ?. ." >,: - ... The Hindus think ii brings a per-' openly wi j son lit luck to be openly admired or t mother ol j praised, and a child admired too i the ill-oui Real Est A FEW OF OUR BARC CITY Nice new bungalow 6 rooms - Nice new bungalow, close in Fine home and 9 acres, close in 11 Fine home, Daniel Boone Park ?! Good vacant lots close in. A few feet AM there is left to see. If interested sc FARMS c 230 acres rich Cove Creek lands, improve 300 acres rich Cove Creek lands, inipr'j t Go acres close to boone. per acre 1 12-acre chicken farm, gnu<! buildings, bg 300 acres fine grazing; lands cheap. 13 acres unimproved, close to town. ( Some good farh& in "Beaver !>an?s. Che; t This is only a A4w$q? our bargains. Toll them. We also have houses ' > rent and r WESTERN N. C. DEVEl S. C. EGGERS, Man I __ rRE HE I he largest Variety of DRESSES, COATS and HA TS that we have ever been able to show you? in all the newest shades of Monkey Skin. Biege, Gooseberry, Mother Goose, Queen Blue, Rose Tan, etc. You will hardly believe i your eyes when you see the Quantity, Qualitv and Pi ice. . _ F ash ion S hat Sets the Price in Style and < boonf:, n. c. iduii - r i eal and Feed List< at this Wondei Q 538 ????$ '-..A '* sSjf ; 24 PER CT. DAIRY FEED ; EGG MASH ' : SCRATCH GRAIN "~ FEED (BRAN AND SHORTS COMPANY, Inc., Bristol, Va. IH {&' wk % Boone, US EXPLAIN THE CONTES' FKBRUARY 24, l"'.v7 ' ^?^= = -"t' r~" V; ' .. )j he. ha^tiiv withdrawn. the 'ten Wntmjr U io counteract cued admiration. stc ;ains ;.:::::::;::::.knoo on Main street vacant, e me quick. Went:-.. Cheap. iveme/its $20,000 . $100 he-, water, etc. K :i;>. ;?Pr us year 'vant* We have itotiey to it an .OPMENT CO. Y ager. j D r? KL 1 /fi "ill $ hop Quality!" TTT ree 3d Below t\ii Car: v s \ ; N. C. TIN DETAIL. g|

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