, . j'JNE h. 1927 scraps and facts The Confederate veterans reunion! next year will he held H Little Uo'jk. j Ark., May 8 to 11 inclusive, according to announcement made last deck by E. K- Wiles, commander of tbe trans~?dississippi department, Sous: of Confederate Veterans. Dr. Hugo Eckner, director of the' German Zeppelin Company, has announced that a blimp now being hul't will circle the globe in 1028 in 300 hours. The ship "is t ?> be modeled along tht lines of the ij. S. dirigible | Los Angeles. X r w Or leans, J a n. 1S. ?The New Orleans States today published a statement in which Secretary Hoover says that the economic loss from "ho Mississippi flood probably wit! run j from $200,000, to Sioo.O(>5),bod. 'Tit buma:\ terms this Mississippi flood of 1027 means 750,000 people fldoded, over 000,000 driven' from then homes or made dep ndem upon & the statement said. Pari- Tenn., June 17.?'-Joseph Upe hunch. negro, who shot and killed .Sheriff T. \K Caldwell this af'-j ernpdn when the la'U-r attempted to j ariesi him, was .-hot to death shortly; aft&rAvavi by <i posse, of. about 50 menj while locked >?i a cabin to which he} had been taken by a deputy sheriff ! shortly aft f his arrest. The cabin) was riddled with bullets from the [ rifles and pistol^ of 'he ihfnviat u ; posse, and ^Ipcirdrch was literally shot to pieces. ; Y'MMUThtown. Ohio. dime IK?y--. . ator Sm'Msti 1): Kess, si confidant of' 1 ?e> ie.nt C.'ool'u^c, declared < ;??}-: rittehy in speech here tjhift Oaivio 1 Co qhdjje would be a candidate for a third ivrm. '! an; in a position to siftti' iiuCfeore ly without broakiujf eoni'd-nee (hat IVcsidr r.t Coolidyv wiil boa candidate," Ft-- declared a bav.miel y;ven in his honor here to-j t'.ic' .. "The ticket wijl bo Coolidirv ! and 'bio-s." 1*\-- add d. "uuh'-sA s'oine ,'re.b tndu trial ehanpe eOnieb! vp "be meai?thtie.'r j,. H mo>aT S D, d.nno If A 2b-! \v;.- hoy*. \vii'f sdhchk : whatever) m i ne>: he miyld hove had iKv.j Jrv.:' h ; aht: and fry/idly eon!??< -' na:-> . pv?-:iched the lArsc wrmos; ofhis .day fore the I'rcdueai of i the V. l< d . nates, Hi. told his ti.pyj cry : rair< ;irr a dhiyt and simple stn* nt v. :;y i >lior.hl come t?* j ciiueXMp p|u drtix;i front I iiis V:;.::pir to roceivc fjt>m PreshleUtj Go< ; - a.- I>eatiling us ? !> : i-m ' iV( ' Charles A. j Id IK? Mel. fter be.-li.wir.ii' UponAlimj: the d;>; Mtyuiyhod i'lymp cross. .X'Ko vim. . i. pm net; or was licbf Lund, an-, 1 V-hq decided to come infcoC tTlts i. t awa\ hamlet in I'lu* west rrf,'| earn a-nVylr nmy.ey A. speak _ t he j I Wei <iod h'-i- iv ;? president. j! Johnson * >t\. T : lv- j T\\ i' '. . - . :* ? ' rev add < ( ! j j rup- , have to) Lav oil ;n Che \>?kv| j of . nt. .-Uoi: et'Apev.in H?e|| fe?kdy?. cmvt . iuVteiV.. Sim-tibr-' -Liiee-;. A. !, - -i i : . bJt m-.s- . i. d : : cli'.! : 1 : " > -.isi'itr h j j}>?- "V-..-: ..> " :wa:i! t'.U". j y" i:;:!,. s>:iimvi' Y suv-iVi. Sp.-akiriir jw-um Xi-ii;, ( ,0:0 li?,T A--'...' .S'cr.atOl U'.iKtl! toils!.? ti-i- .iUSi-k ?t feu'Rliiic: sithat t.?T one-t.nih Iff the i-i:i'upltui'. hta1 Mt-= ,\vi' vi-ytivitii's hiifi liccr : ! JvtfstM riihair. non-part tin the ~enaiv/r said; riffiisini? to lii-v.iss meii '.'iii ivtic-. "I Xvi'Pt farther over the line than ! intended to. ;:t thatl:o ilccla'vil after kcpiibliithns nni' '.hveoetel.-- .-..ihr s\iui'irnti to pliiifor'rr. tv. firasp his hard tc-!)o-.vmirj the auuress uegiimmg his speech with a dfense of individual liberty j "against the vneroachmerits of con-; stitutionai sabers-ions/' Senator ltt?<ed launched Xropi "great money poizes for ; > favorites of the government" info criticism of other conditions \vh ih h( taid constituted a 'sen cf ir.i'.:. ry. ' He Was prepared t.o breast that sou. he declared, as "onr man \yv:h only limited power and influence.'1 Special Service The bo>- came in early one moras *"?. h-t: found hi* bookkeeper kiting the1 stenographer "Is this what I pay you for? ' -N.i,'' was the unanimous reply. "\\\- do this free of charge.*" Give It Time A he!: -Dane: it! 1 left my watch or the dresser upstairs! 1 fed too tired to run up after it." Mabel: "if you wait long enough it'll run down." Well er Nice Girl "Say, Bill, vouTe not still engaged to that Thompson girl, are you?" "No, Rob; Pm not." "Lucky for you. old man. How did you get out of it?" "I married her." Famous Hints "Jn.-r because my watch visn't going is no reason for you to park hero all night." k 1 WHAT TARMERS iN THE NORTHWEST ARE DOING j?K- . 1 (L- J. Hc.nipt.cu- ir? Winston-Salem douiitaj) E. B. Ilougin, of Watauga county, is one of the Mariners up iu the mountains who nu ke clear money on Irish j potatoes- Mr. Uodgin raisod i^,;. bushels of potatoes last yeai and sold them on tlvt* current market at: a good price. Tlas' year he planted two and a hc!i* acres ard tx peels to j harvest around 200 bushob per acre.! Indications are that potatoes will! < n maud from V6 cents to -VI peri oushe: at jteng time, ro Mr Hod-j gin's probable crop of 5,00 bushels! will tief a i eai sum. On his farm he; also raises rye, buckwheat, corn.! on . cabbage and many garden | vegf table.. Buckwheat flqdr is sold! ;oiil at i$0 per hund ed pounds. Mr.! Hodgin's f m - located just off the j iioone T.-aii near Laxon posfoffice.< lie an?;l his helgii&prs are interv>Ih! in; boiler mail i'aci'iues and have pe-j titioned fhe post office department io' o.-taM:sh a rural free delivery route j out t'lom l.avon. Are Raising Sheep Many Watauga county farm v.- arc! turning their time and attention tb.'j he raising of sheep. In farmer years be sheep industry was an import a at fi/eCp?' in the mountain districts and j farmers havti now turn- d hack to :r . as a profitable ^sitaime: Wool of aver-j age quaiity brings around 37 cent's ai pound on the Ideal market aiytl lambs bring around J i to 1 brents a jpound.1 Fencing is ihe groat, st problem to ? fa >trier:- who arc iniere-ted m cattle! o< sheep raising:. The cost is almost prohibitive, c Llier in wire bit the oldfashioned chestnut va:is. and amounts almost to a sum equal to the value of the liiiid. Turkeys for the Market Thousands of dollars have been iadd to Watauga farm rs during: the] past few years for live and dressed! turkeys arid iUVkev ra -ing has aisoj proved another sdiirde of revenue foi i the till-!- of the fcolt ?? the i?fp..un 1 s. There are few farmers hi . he ; county without a flock of turkeys! and the re'plus finds it- way tc the.! market fii. i:ur the Yhaidisgiyir.g and] Christmas, season. By tar the t;;r?r -t.! pot',tion el the turkey "crop" is marketed at North. Wiikeshore which is rat of Urn large live tin .--sod pMiUvy shipping p;vn<s. Lice aiid macs thri.ve in hot weathrj <-i and if pin cor.VroHeil cut the vi-j 111 - ko'lic? -.1.1 .'1-U.I.? Cl!l I fut-sfs promptly, ssilvise good poultry- j mm omm^? | BOONE <33aLa MMmwiBWMimm MIIUIMIWWI i m II ivwM:u?gu] iff?^ A CUArl' A rv ?w?j. lvv/iv r Improves 1 Have u? install the proper sli Our shock absorbers will say roads/- your MOXKV by saving t ting\voa ride in comfort over n We offer you the best auto sible PRICES. LET US CARE F w.r.wi |pg|p & COM BOONE, NORT HF; WATAUGA DSXOCRVT?EVEi SPRAYED BEANS GOOD AS A DAILY FOOD! J Katatgh. -lone 2l?.?Que might suf-j fer from -colic or acute indigestion; . It ?!>> too IV -DY before ? < he w ould suffer fxvni the jxdsov: j * spray used to proiyct the crop ?romV< toe beetle. - j < 'There is tvy harm ivi eati?tg beans; sprayed or dusted with the usual uoiscui mixtures used to control the | Mexican bean beetle/* declares 51.j j I nsiou ehrawologUfc 1 btide < oMo.ire. "Cepeaud tests have i prewen that a pv.v,sou wouM have toi eat several peck.*? of unwashed beans j ! at ont s.tth:? before he would be ! j made sick ffoiu the spray poisoning; | ; Of course everyone washes beans fce-j fore they ;;u- cooked so the - chance j : even bring nauseated by spray j ^ : i- t.lit, of the question if the,i t l-Li;;.- are washed several times be-1_ lor< being'cooked of canned/' ! These statcRtents from M? Bran-j i ;. m j?r?mpU 1 by the unusual j r.iiirtbi-: of letters received indicating sonic fear that poisoned beans v/ero not good a> food Thee is absoioteiy no dang. r. ;-.tate? Mi*. Hninnon. li is ii.iprssi'tih to use very si'rohg !>oiaor.- on th. bean vines becair-t J they are ton f endei and are easily !::j:n d by spray? ? dus s xvhich are Itoo c:iu?iic- Then loo most <<i" the f.vojsph will fall on the !e: ves. lit ah control :u-rK'( ieos. ii is es initial i'nfii the poison cover the under surface of he Ii-ov/k!-' The eomuioij p(?is>>r.s used are nit guc.>ii?? arsenate. calfiYi'm fUiosiliente,| sodium fludsiHcatc or caiciym ar>o i r.uii.'- Cii-casm in-en. le - probably the c.b ap^t ar.d i? beiner u^ed more than any othei poi.?or. in evriftia ccNOriCE OF MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of ;hi- jowcv of sale contained In a certain nioi$3gi\gt deed cxovuivd by .lame.- l'roii'ti and wife, j Wihnn Proffiit nod Ja:a Proffitt to x ... \V. Wilbon. dated Ixth day of Auj gust. 1 to. secure the sum of $2,- , .. 0 and dyfatiit having been made in ?h? i>:yill*.* 11 ' f said del>1 therein fun.il. and the -alii I. \Y. \N"i!- ? i; ii:r i?>u con-i Anted and appointed the; a v-i attorney in lib will Mo? -July i >. 1927, bell ifsoi 10 :?><> a. ni and . p i.i . ihe < otiirin-.ii>' loor of I citl'lj v. " ifc IPO ; bidder- for va:d. th<- foibiwi'ii: de ; l ih-i Vk -r esl:.i? V t?r Osunph tv car- m-i deed made' ?n m -ifVof.CiU and Wihiia i hi v.: ? . clatf/.d A'p il 27. I arid; cd in ite 2,- at piit-o? i.'i. it; iht nt'fitv of the reprint t?il vf I '*"> \Y i auyra > ouhty. 'I a - I i> '. iv of ' ( - . i '.'27 E. H Of M AN. i ? \ V? Fa? t A - .;. \V. Wiuon; fSrown 6: Einehnm. At!v>\ i> 23 " 4l! in! W 1 ;r ' ' ' SB I' ^ :' .Si,, \ -\ T*k HN$ i :; Z?E[?5fe _.N- C, ; j| -? ?? ? : //. l!S !? ^ | iBSORBER i ihe Roads 2 * ock absorbers oh YOUR ear. " e. your TIME by "improving the 2 he car and your religion by let.- i >agh roads. 2 repair service at the lowest pos I" OR YOUR CAR I " NKLER mk !! [PANY H CAROLINA \ P.\ Till K;:i>.VV ?BOONE. N. C. iou? .*>1 the twuntaiiip. states Mv. Bramiori. This poison n ay he uh d c~ :t spray or as a du.-t. Coatpi'-U- directions for ci>utroHi?*:}f ;k* 'ilchdcan IveiaV beutle are eooUan;d ut CXVcnsiou folxier No. 22 which nay be had free of chaise <?i\ anplito " vark-uluivai editor ." halt Coil ADVERTISING PATS Aw < liJuhoma girl ad vc-rased for a nisbarid., and landed one vritfciii a vjy short time. The advejtWecierit :t?st $3. She paid the wedding exanise, Si?. i:i |es< than *: year vhcmsbaod died, say? the Alchisal Root. i-b,] it?ft his wjdow a $M.OGC nsuranee policy. Now- \\ili you admit that, it pays to :dvernp<-" The Reading JPublic? lias become more <1 t-st-i initriatiny. ::?: ! th< insistent dcm&nd foi Independence in newspapers hap brought forth many claims. But therms ONM North Caiciijir. dally now: p:.' . that is and ha? always been a- :> : <jep nt. The Greensboro Daily News? ' h-.yclaim to the larg-f ciVeii);; i . yet shoving healthy ye:5i :;- 'V. th. arfd v. iihout makii.tgr Ifuri { : see a re the hprest n i v > \ .- ib.s'f ribcrs simply to in; ;; v'ain:. has for oyer a do" . ?: year- vonlh' aed its on sent <?f outstanding indep *ndeppe and publishing, first, a real NEW S sapor. Re; .-= for its -t< adv enov. th withi'i -?t the -iis-c "f pinhitnns, prizes, pi- -sine or persuasion other - merit, are it- compktenes. . .. very section?edit rial, new.-. :n;.fkei, sports and the worn. -. features- A clean a;.d virile new .--paper, a vol dine set.satiovndisiH aiijd wd? ?< - Mrafit* the' public- to forget. $eir?rd:<. - of your station i?; Iffv i'OU will appreclato the Kind of \. i>uh!i Mm.- )!. m trih lihb'tiYtpr :< : V. i\\ con vine y )i. By daily ?v JSti'ivjuy $0..00 IK* the yean without Sunday $7.00 Six three month.- suoseriiditms it the . jv,< \ ifcfi. A<My< CIRCULATION !>KPT. Greensboro Daily News C.KEENSBORO. N. C. \ ^ V ? r\J< -A#'Si y a: EVERY BUSINESS MAN hrn?]?\ h:\vt ;v ?aee"uui\t \yith u trVni ivlie.hlt P,:?nh. If yon haw* not ? : si.a? ;vei y our juvciiia you ir- mind the fiixrt -bo T?v'?se. K-. c k h ir,l: hns, :: repaintion ii)i; v.*v-oa^n\^mnl: - 'f^Ve; {\\tiX ti *v eilri . qu?\l.; Bank, of Blowing Rock BLOWING RCCK, N: C. r-.v?V.WAVA'?YA'.V AVVySfli Mr. ] We wish to furnish you an\ resent a real sa Mowers, Rakes ; Snaths, Grain I nishes, Galvani I We carry r< ers and are in ] : MOWER you ,1 We offer al in good shape. ; Call on us ( i FARMERS 1 BC E c .WAV.V.V.V.V.V.V, AWA t Qhevrelet every ic ! a V: V craicxss^SSSsit^ Because it offers a fcu.st of c and refineriientjj, ir.d a tv{previou:.!. undreamcd-ol automobile?the Most Be; has changed overs idea of 1) can buy for little money. Regardless of the car you n ing, regardless of the price ' for your next automobile?< room and see the new Ci You will find literally si features that make Che\ unique in its price class, beauty of line and elegants comnarable to the costliest 1 BOC . OHF' i BOO? QUALITY J 1 he Bus Hcn- 'mi :'| fvoni the Boone { r; | opposite the Cr-itche I J pied bv the A. <*Sc B j | leaving Boone daily For N. Wilkesboi For N. Wilkesboi Bristol Bristol Lenoir Lenoir West J-.r' l erson 1 Lik Park 11 Lor any other in 11 R. L. VWiV.-.'.V.VAV.'.VAW.W Farmer, call your attention to th " of the following items ving to you: , Binder Twine, Grain >riils, Wagons, Cement, zed Pipe, Wire Fencing, epairs for McCormick a DOKltinn to S<=*r 11 i^naii may happen to have. t special bargain one se< :>ften for your needs in c HARDWARE & SEP )ONE, NORTH C \R0 W.W.VVW/.W.'AW.W.V. PAGE THREE has changed lea of howfi u can buy for little money V ' v :..r% - fir* ZJ: : ' o.-tk car features Ihe COACH ? of performance ET in a low-priced kJ* tutiful Chevrolet MfeS"1- s525 iow fine it c<ir you Coupe 625 Mfn . -695 ie Sport -i c nav now be driv- ' _ you expect to pay sol' rome to our salesitevrolet models. fores of quality Wt rolct absolutely Micas.-". You will find CBetkCherrcSet C . Deiivestd Writes ot appointment th, vinduct!,,. custom cars. >OLLT CO* iP/v'iXY .'ii. ii. c. V T I. O V C O S T S TFppr1 %& 3 rJI 6 5 ft J tv 5 ii ? J 4 fe* al ters has been moved j lil Cafe to the building \ ir Hotel, formerly occu>. (.hevrolet Co. Busses as follows: 'o 8:00 a. m. o I 2:30 p. m. 7:30 a. m. I :30 p. m. 7:30 a, m. ! :Uu p. in. 4:45 p. m. . . ! 2:30 p. m. formation, Phone 90 TEAGUE, Manager. i tmenmcim ii IIHmHIWWWMrillli <1 - utiiw w.v.w. w?\vawvv.\vw,.v!.,h 1 I Listen! | % e fact that we can ; '1 t iavi/w?.> I- - r- ..... . "l rrtc U1 JLOCT.*? ULXCt.U ICU" | Cradles, Scythes, ; Paints, Oils, Var- ? Roofing, Etc. Etc.. ^ nd Deal ing Mow- ; s for any kind of ?T 5 $ :ond-hand Mower jj >ur line. ^ PLY CO., INC. f LIN A S I W.V.VW.W.WiVAVAVW.V.Ift;

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