?Z^U^l PTKe Watauga Democrat1 Published Every Thursday bv The RIVERS PRINTING COMPANY R. C. RIVERS ROB. RIVERS Editors and Publishers SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $ 1 -5'' j Six Months .75; Throe Months - i*Q\ Payable ia Advance. i Advertising Rates on Appuc&tiori | Caids ?>f Thanks, Resolutions of Respect. Obituaries, -:t:.. are charged! f*ir :.' the regular advertising rates.j Entered at the PostoCfsce at Boone, I N. C. >< St? Class mail matter. THURSDAY; TUNE Jr.. f.ltsdburgb Kv-'Jj."!: i- > ' '' - '.- ly ' - . nboa Cel. i.indlmi'ir?taa truck. j>ei haps :>::t :r t'/ixUiiyiu^ editorial i" Ny\c > '. r '.'.;-auj of itav [;' May 1';,;' ': 0P . s-.vjAV th.vou:' :out |S? /'dVantafy.* ra?%?V ife&tlfesi; oi the .vio]< .: -.1.- !.'.? '.: ?> s&2r. s.v"-:(s nr. A ? -.-vie: Thy y^iges of;:utu-loT;,v &i', cvovydtxi with: i^hhuc" |?|g|s of/'ihe KerOic , vis of -wa>vim's 1 ;JEfer-----k'? c?rs aV|;c marched i? fame ?>yvr the dfr'ft'itj ' ill vtrjti .-? h : r ? 9vil. whom they had krlio?l m ihv.r vain and uieko: strife for earthly glory. W : ;. conquering Cads-oil march-: ed ''ri Ough Zhe streets of gome, drag- : ging after him in chains his conquered victims. ! riuniphani apjMiHsc from o.uhani Roman:;?sweet htiisie for the Kilier?;,ra"njEr in his eager oars. hut. the;v \vas v."c|ii;il urt'd vvailmg of' qgiiiiized widows ar.d fatherless ehilr, iiro*j in Gaul. In ovc-i y war the hunzting cnOOrsf&C j \ c or ." ,! the iiiigurshW nv.aiv i?i* the vanquished made jarring discord; in the ears of God as they nicjinti i And aH th \v iy down the bloody j road ef time to th; World War'thisl nuui medley of h;inu:i si;;fe had' pw.-- ? !> \vilh : < ; iitlOh. I lr? cisiminan'mj came ia h?;i the pleading prayers v>f Gfcrisrian pec-j pi*# at v/a:demanding in the name of Christ -hat Gad ieiul His aid tliat th." ?>:ie l>riioht RIO m a.-.;, \tlily j kit! oihci^-wciit up to the Su;?ren?e Uiiler or the universe. That war witnessed fighting in tho.l air. Heroic >:<>uls in both of the con-j tending forces fir.vv into the -kv like! bird's of prey to kill or he killed -and; the; niy l.tn:v was t . ?! i?yj the r.asroer ni then lo vlhcis ki? ce?paitr ".-as a buy?accUieaii et 'yirrr. nr. .Aiverican citizen?but \Vlu.,- like every other A?:o?i: I m :> . ', 11 >71 TP.t M>ij;.;-iv of hex v::A\':> . :i =cho:>; Atitcher':pra;.-'. r--a uu.-Uski-'s prayer for he! * deavF. y t- :i used ;>n many ways, hit { XViscpiisin they are making paper ; .from peat. Hecatisp nphertsc?]y increased pi.-di.- ts we have becon*: the wealth-? , ii'.-i nation ?n the world. We aVej , nor only *urp!u? eottonj j :\r .1 uhi.>af but surplus industrial i . predicts and. we have r? -urplus ->f1 t moitvyV>Y ai*e richer :ha:i ever was a nation before. v Wf own motor ears, t ir.iil'ohw oJf homes and \ye travel a'jid live hixmionsly. s.,\ dejn sits in banks are t\vw . as ni'.ivh as. they. v.. i t\\\ :.?y years ifpfl \ W. are >u$jiivi5?j;- 'the wdrift Willi i ? capital. \o\v bold '"?>nds 'x rho yjctent r,f six .bittioii tioViaYsj ;;v>d 'the foi. iiri imtohii.r.iuss ot the; ir-.! ^-.arv; r >;.v xce?r . !' j el tiott.'.tjr 1 V5%!K-1> ?n-s: "?e f!"'r i? W:. iFwfA,-.: h >t-.;.i " 'r' "wont- sHM rfrtfcfet?" , IjiitS Wiuii v.. , ; fiCtgglt t'vfi&s1, jjtnp'v: a.-,: t-nr h,\c t ! i"::'S ^t-ouo^V int.1 To tavt- yfVttKcjis, I fVVi,i^p?ilr2pi!Ktu,''? ]:: .A Policy .. 'i asti; .. it. -<> sii tjifh* 'guflK ^.-h^oi ? aif iij-s^J^ I ThU- ;.s;a tfo.j '^c-s;.?y to "^to "JcnkfJi of-;lt;iu? tvcher j. : ' /.oI* ':v ttfS:-that' the fle.S'ire 7 : participate ~\v. this i'*a?j ftas c.uhm~.! i i?A Y,f'tfce ltt'o counties jo; certify th;d'[ h y belong to ?>.? ;: rer copvr. | S Sortie of Pit- V? a ' > y^.-'trg i h? ?-t*:h'er? eocvntks avid, if t V.?. ;r property w;tj| ; oi-o?jf>'Hy : couM either get*: ;; > parr oi the ecofaiiidug fund or' ; "' ;S '., yjfg ; .1 - 7 hat ftifid was. established to -in-j. ,i cr'ditee the length ox the school termi i j and r.ot :.? rdduee file. sciufoZ :.'ux. Xu.i ,j uTity ;s -excusable in reducingj . taxes if any child m that comity is i j thereby denied an eight monthsJ chain ce to attend school. Piny* No Favorites ; Denominational co-operation as ex- j amplified in Excelsior Springs is re-J Ij la ted thus in The Standard: ?! Glen W. Reed, Exct5fesor Springs,! -j foremost lyric tenor, wiil sing in the! | mass at the Catholic church Sunday' -j rooming, in the Methodist church in : j the afternoon, and in the Prosby-1 -j torian church at night.?Florida! I j Tiroes-Union. IE' WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV LOCAL AFFAIRS The ne-xi tbieg nn the urogram :s bo Glorious Fourth. Bojp to Attorney and Mrs. Ralph Siughant on Monday* a .ton, Ralph; Jr. Raymond Peace nnd Jim livers of tVinsiow~Saiem wore weekMid vbite.rs here. Flavian Ree?e and Don Haganiaii isve opened a feed store h; the l.Vr. County Rank old building Mr. Zach Liune.v of Charlotte was i visitor -ast week at the home vi u.? uncle, Attorney Frank A. Liuiu-y, Hugh 'Vatsow has arrived from th? L'.-uvcrsiiy oi North Carolina and v.di! spend, the summer with his incth? : M! . \I \\V..- . -, 1, ir.ish point > crop hi \\ :; s t!ie \wiii-st * ? ' p'i iiriU am! : i?odfcof th- year. * Ai S.' ??.j Day of . Bi/one- 'had: 'hh uevnove I at rWaiiiuga Me i\dny to or; hug. and is re ' d. L.rkin Hayes of in _: : "i . vtir?g tpTaVi% .. i;: i ',:oiinly- for a vediis. Mt. . r.i-. i.. . and family hiivp . etutnea to tIii Ir, h-am- in Xorth Fork. IV. Va.. alter a tew days visit to elativ.es and :: rr.'S in Watauga. Rev. Gedrict Wise of Philadelphia', 'a., preached at. the court hone dondaV night t-> >ut appreciative aulience. The talk was a part oi a aropaign for the endow ir.ent" of the hristian Collyge at Wilson, X. C. Mvossrs Otis an.i Everett Johnson f Hickoiy, automobile dealers, were is iht* city Monday and Tuesday, fhey brought with them a new lat'-T..iiiohal iruck for demonstration iv hi or ten representatives from be Normal school are attending the san??,.:ai convcnrion of the American form Economics a.-rot-'ation. Prof, tnd Mrs. L G. Gs'eer appear on he program. Clerk ?>i the \. E. South, vhc - aiding fchis auditor sn thi' omny books, has appointed for hi.* i Mr Jeff S: arthury, who it; sow iv-imt very acceptable wut 1; in he office. Mr. utwi Mrs -r.. lor Gilloy. of E&st .a'my.-rr!. N (\, w. re over last week "or ttuiif .irughur.- who have hovn : : . > - at T;he home of Mis. Annie ' -fi. \ t'l.i- a iv w 'lay.-. The fijfifo iye itKvhrs ?voleoh>: victor* IVS 3:;e. [fe&t&t&RofiBfe.' vs?? silSfzSl M Xr.-ry ikycr. i- c.ch.-; ,r. tin\pp:..a'ehkt!V StaVe Norma; school, i;! '-peak to i he momhors of Tit i'oe Kaiiiist eliiiivh oiy Sunday noviMu^ jui.e 'gf; at 11 *velOek; Mlet uoji*:: wiii ht: "The fie-JiTions of the i. . iifc . '
' !' : v'i\{,v.^e?aiay. v "ns . ' >' ??/&t i& da*.?yf$B?Bjii fttHMBi'; ei tSc. IU-Vw. VrtHt? * J i-evn- i'mn fapfciy v? Ku; Vi>-.- X.: C-T are oci'u^; si*xv->\Arc<5 ihu [swin Safe h*iV iii- the" imvi^Vvt. ?< t"H' . ;''bf/> hr?' ; | 1 .-. ; . t ESon Ct lie ye, a:; '.:. - VA o\ #f the; Christian d :iair/rii;vie.r.. Kevv, Gt"v?W Wise, ji Philadelphia R* j Genii':;. 01 Miliiyan ?." gc a!?(r 'IV. C. Greer of Booiic-. are cffii tivrcing a series of cyaiigelU&c ?crv ic-.i at tfte courthouse. The service vr.V) continfie through ir?i= week nr. Pvobbaly loiterer. If the weather pel mils, a Tent wiii oe used later in th week. The Panama Canal was imyiossibl until mosquitoes were killed. Er.oug mosouitoes to infest n whole v.uv.tV berhood can breed in an crdinar tin can. Mosquitoes spread disease They must bo killed. Health ai thurifies advocate Fly-Tox. Fly-To is the scicr.iic insecticide devclope at Mellon Institute of Industrial R> Search by Rex Fellowship. Insist q Fly-Tox. It is safe, stainless, in grant, sure. Simpie instructions o eacth bottle (blue iabc*l> for kiiiin ALL household insects. Easy to us ERY T)IUKSOAY?BOONE. N. C. _-^r?=- =.?-?_ ^ A Chevrolet coupe, the property of v; j Rev. W. C- Greer and a Ford sedan j D \ belonging to Mr. Fred Hedges, were. b? - front the streets of Boonej H i Monday night. The Ford was found si Tuesday between Boone and Blowing, aj Rock, stripped of all accessories,! #1 - tire, battery, etc. No trace has* ti yet Been found of .he minister's car. j w Mrs: J. H. BienuaU? son Rev. Jcs. I Br mriall and wife of Morgan t'on.! ^ ; were in town ?! few hours Monday re-| i newing old fnecdships. Mis. Bren- 111 dall will be remembered us the wife : ^ of, ire popular partoi of the Meth-j ? . church here mar.v veaits ago. J L' Itei seiiv who has been in the nim- .oi to. ' r ji'veral years was only a 0 a i when the Bienualis left Boone. w j.i Mr. and Mrs. C. >. Sm?thc.rihar<, of 1 M n;nt Airy, were in town Sunday for " ' . I'.'W hours. |m on their relurs? took] v.-ith then. Miss Nannie Ur. or?, wlwfj wen; on to Bat rick county V?.. wh'cve s * ' ihv v. til :i short wbh'e visiting' v- hc: e she sjiam ' hie six yeais; 1 "v.-;. r>in a school house, j (' ' ihuich, e-.'c.. y;hiks there- Her first I / term, i Cv. - are ner mistaken. was;*1 '...ltigJiv in a Viihaceo barn. ;.ii. liili Haganiar. Bqoue ?v,?s t;i - . ' bxU I V,: in civ CeUryVl & i : -e StUeS- \- i-i i uUjvitv. is at. work in Ashe. A very i : ? and Watauga counties on the ceriifi- j M cation >{ Irish potatoes for seed. i is Frank chores was apprehended by! Sheriff Farthing Saturday night a j wee bit inebriated and lodged in thi county jail. No whiskey \v:?- found, > but the defendant had a pair of stool ai : knucks in his pocket'- A pretiininary ft hearing v. as held Monday and he was ; 1 Vb'mthd to superior court on a chargej \v : carrying cor.ceo'.ed weapons, No bond had been iunVaged at the tirnc hi | this is written. j The Womr-n-s Missionary societiesj T ! < ? the North Wilkesboro district. M. a F. church, South. compos; .I of Wat- _o; J'nuga. Wilkc.-. Ashe. Alleghany ami ! w Avery counties, will hold a d is; ri. t vi j con ft: re nee at: the First Methodist : arch, North Wilkeshoro on \Vedli:n; r > i ; art tfxpec.tfd to .'.tu-.m ' ! .'il ah .;ve: I district It v.i.l be in ?]>?!?$ 11 ' 'tw.tititr, It'-.Isv? oi the church j N j there %vi?ht with five fraibats r.*' P in cas For the benefit of our ers in this city and sec are calling special arte . the $30,000 Cash Pri Cola Contest? A : c iiupcauug IILIWCCU week in May and th< of August in Coca-Co using in The Sarurd; ing Post, Literary _ Liberty, Collier's Wet Life, and in posters, signs, in the show i x and at the stores and d ri COC C. P. LOMAX, r. 8 L? i*. hiskey. The arrest was ir.aue by j 5 epury Sheriff Poly Wykc and the - ?r >y \vgs lodged in the coui.ty bastil?. t V was lvleased Spr.day when it was ?. town that he va> under 16 years of ^ ?e. Jim Whittiugtori, colored, wasj i so arraigned but was acquitted of; 1 ie charge of having anything to i ith the liquor. , . ?? Dr. J. M. Hodges was called to A ho \ i fonday to att'end ' he victims of an j ; utomobiie wreck which occurred I < ear the home of .Mr. Tom llaninton. ( i t caust of the impassable ccnditi v.. C the roads the Boone physician < . juld not set to the scene of the ae- ; | ident. The car. driven by : Mi. leaver, was demolished and W av r i*s taker t*?. Blowing Rock for treat-, lent, going on to his home Tuesday, he automobile turned over several j i'.us .li'wi: the mountainside. Countj Superintendent Smith , [againan stated Tuesday that the) Too. tax I v y foy the county under! ;o new c ju^feat'on act will he id; gfits i maintenance and id crni's! i jrr bunding purposes and sinking; This is a reduction in the ; rhooj t;:\ levy of .*"J cenis. nr. the ".y last year was 70 ccits for main? hdnoe and '.Wo cent?, sinking fin j . rd of I-on has U'.t y I >?' nletu?l the budget, for next y-.ur | ivt : i v. t;: Wi'.i'in -.1 J.t'W lUTtUreil ; Miars of that for last. year. A lew Jays auc .lijn Blown of Val-! l rucis; who, by i.he way. is one ol le reality's active realtors. made uother throe-conn red trade, lie j ivned the John I.cwis collage in the! ttreiue eastern part' of the city. He advd il to Mill Wright of the Blow-: ig Rock section for his property! lore, which he exchanged with R. L. J faltha I'm his home arid chicken' uich near Oak Grove church. Wright; now a resident of Boone. Maltha is; i rh Wright property, and so far. r Brown's property west of town j waiting for improvements before is put' ?>!i the market. Mr. "Bud Barm vs. (ofilj] "mountain hijusophcr" i was knocked down by! parking car at Adam- last* Friday iid was most seriously hurt, but ; irf.unaively for the gentleman of 7<> | t ars, the wheels missed him- As it as he was badly bruiseii and sustain-' i some -slight en is. fie has since: n confined to Ins bed most of the: hie. but is considered our of danger, j hl:>to>. vvji-. -?t t vihuioil .-? r.- < < e driver; as Mr. Barnes madeJ ii attempt to cross the road in front; f the machine and the man at the j her! had no fioivcr Vo avert the ac-\ dent. The ftyorairo tax value of land perj ere- in Watauga county in <4)25* acH .> dnicc to ficuro : ompi v i hy s. I? ; ol>i>?, of the University ;>? toUi Carolina, was $2:2.4-1, as com-i bred ?oil -'7 in in:M, uy de-! of for the five-year; ei tod T\v : t> -iw . eountic-fe in 1 he at e -how stzs increase in values, th e itreas rai)fg?i\& from $22;J>0 "i"1 :K prizes oca-Cola ivertising custom- the rnanv thousands tion.we of places that serve Mitionto Coca-Cola, re Coca- This advertising illustrates and pre, sents "six keys to the hist thc popuiaritv of ; middle Coca-Cola." a "V Ver Find the "keys" and ?v ven- two simple questions. j gest. winners will be awar :kly,and cash prices totaling outdoor (including a first I windows $10,000) by The C< stands of Co., Atlanta, Ga. :a-cola bottling c Mgr. S. B. GREENE, Ant. Mgr. A \ A -4|SE 2::. 1927 Surke to 15 cents 'n McDowell. The iv-erago per acre Vas value of ir.nd lect eased 111 IS counties from si.v rents r acre ih ircdeJl ??. S3D.54 in Scotland. The state average decrease ii the tax value of land during the "icc-yeur ppruwl '.viw ?5.00. Regard his of I he fact that the mard of education has storage room :i Boone for the school trucks of he county, one or more of these <( t risive rigs can be seen at any lime ;i-' the crossing of King and Water streets: For -several Weeks ayo of them were there, serving: as playhouses for cfciliken, and at the sinno time damaging from their ?x: >sut\e to the changeable weather. \rot lone ago a prohiineiiv educator said: "The-u trucks arc the mo.-t expensive iu.vuries with which we have lo contend" rial stil? there is but little if any care iakea of them. To avert accident'*, give more room 021 the streets and, for the goo u< f pensive -ch??c?l property, they should be take a: care hi. This only ,- passim:; -icac.-lM-:I. \Vht i, bean.- a _ w . ::e 1 " i:. ; uuh- 4 ,lyV> noisoti aiip-ivd for control ? : bean ia:e : - will hot injuye hum.--.ri-. | NO SALE I 1 II WE remember the TIME when we were a SMALL boy. a NEIGHBOR of our? was TRYING to sell a H()RSE when we | HAPPENED alone: and THIS neighbor asked us to RIDE the horse down the ROAD a piece and back AGAIN to show the PROSPECTIVE customer that HIS wind was all right, and WHEN we got back he ' ASKED us what we THOUGHT of the _ ANIMAL and we* told t UIM that he might be a PHETT\ good hoirse if it V \SN I" fot his HEAVES and of course i ll AT spoiled the SALE right" there, and to this DAY wheat ver \ve see that j NEIGHBOR he always TELLS us about that INCIDENT which happ? ned V E * ! MORAL: The truth, ever, if it i hurt-. | BOONE DRUG CO. j yjto ?&stci?& stow J' ' \ Drink J team, Delicious and Kefreslun'l-_ A* ======~2r# To the tied 635 $30,000 Visit our plant >rize of ?nCa-\Jola to gCt started in this contest. OMPANY Boone, N. C. c?-?c? 4 - 'JM