1 f. {:< ' ^ Wg Hi 1 ' VWg. - ' '^K^rJr)c ' '"' HCKt,figWDaJSe < *W$UO&' PAGE EIGHT THIS WEEK By ARTHUR BRISBANE LESSON FOR UNCLE SAM YOUR IMPORTANT CELLS WOMEN NATURAL TEACHERS The KTesMeist vvih call a s^jfeol i gevsion of Ccr.frrvss fov October. ??;> ster j and rht.' piever.twt question. Thu I sooner prc-vtniliVn is discussed and j arranged the beftvi*. The American; Congress imso :>cop;e hav.1 a irveat! |- ;:facait^i--r ffPrsye'Ctif?j- - ah a tivo-1 bil;-. a .it *'-ir calamity and 70:0,i'0l?] people : c-ii j made homeless. Twice in >ucc< -sion American fU?r* : have ore- soil ilitJ Atlantic id one hop. \ LinuV' e.iprh to Paris, Chamber- ', lair', with Levi no. aim o si to Berlin. What will military and naval ere* -' tlepien say row abort fclicir theory that "the airplane is no real menace j to tins country?" Out of two attempts to fly across the ccean by American fliers, both ] i I i What would he the probable per centage of success if five thousand foreign avaitor.s wirh fr.il government back in j? and unlimited expenditure i of money, should fly the other way 1 on a hostile efrand".' | Americans should take to heart! the lesson that Lindbergh and. Chamberlain have taught u- and get ready to keep hostile fliers avvav from this continent. Five or ton thousand first class ptf&hes, carrying mail jlareeL and J psi&engers in peace, ready to take: on machine guns in war, would be j the he-: investment this rich nation: could make. trolf, according to accident ?n?uranee eomnanies. ?->in > third aiming j "dangerous .>! ?.,>." Victims of !">1 golf Occidents collected insurance last' year Tsveivc for cuts with sharp in-1 sii umi nL-" Tin- instruments were bottles, op the ''lilth hole *' However, *'" on.i' man injured at u<>i;\ one ht:n-' dred die for lack of exercise, so piny I PT'df A (L. nnan scienfist says-vour hcatT : is less hsutriunl thai; the billions of | ceils char make up your body. The 1 heart i- important^ of course* hut i the cci'jv, eating. dr'nking. digesting I each 'live a so pern ho I fe. are more un- i Y>?or.air. wM ^arf* eyjftn in blood | circulation! TlVi4 human bcvdy is like a natiori: j I5rni;: aiid l&?i are the government. ' The ceils are the citizens anf living celts to effect change of matter and absorb ^ip|] eject il->ids. This change of fluids | seennv t,r be the priv.cipJi: cnu&v of; .blood cirelation." Thy sbc ret of h> a kin's? life lv"prCh3:| "p0$' - ; while: is *K? alhilu/ or theliving brain . {o accent; ami;absorbr.ew ideas. That iS'-thei:principal cause c?i buman jiro- " err**?. oiii&ents lit Oxford1 worry because arc to teach there, "lsis." rend by t he .Oxford ''young gentlemen,1 says thai will eventaaiiy lead to a 1 FINAL REPORT OF T TOWN OF B( for; the past t\vb years, RECE Old balance carried forward from lib ! Deposit note Taxes collected and their items ijwf$os Piines and torfeilures, licenses, etc. , Totr.i ~ - DiSBURSl Pad out on street*' ami work or1, rrre Bonds and coupons paid of;' - ... | Paid police anil help Boone Electric Company for bulbs ... 1 Street liithis > Telegram* ...... ? Water superintendent to date Siting & Company, supplies ? Cranberry Furnace Co.. rock W. B. Hlodges. rock work on street . R. M. Greene, for signs Char. Youi.ce, for collecting taxes . Minute and record bocks Boone Electric Company ... Cranberry Furnace Co., rock Portland Cement Company K. A. Linney, attorney for town W. S. Dickey Clay, sewer pipe Fjinville River Railway Co.. freight o Expenses of election ar.d registering A. E. Sourh, one-half of line fence . D. -1. Cottrell, balance mayor's salar ,,r Board of aldermen, balance of salary rt Interest" on note Portland Cement Company Post J!CP I ' Bonded indebtedness of town is arou j _ Notes due pending collection of taxes J' ?* Balance cash in hand, $5,613-80; taxdue, $19,300.00 1 -caver, net debt due by town of sx vv;.r and i- "a social revolution of e 'h, u;r?ioa! yissr-.ficani-f." ' s \Wm& "'c natural Teachers; tea-; v ohzr-g b^en nhvir hu.rV^jesjf froiiij \ the bejr.nrun**; caching children and' tkuchhic: hu.sbnvids. ? , C flypiit:a. a be t t hiathematician 3 . nut philosopher than her', father The- j v vort, was one of the greatest teachers I thai :. v lived;, until fanatical ear!;,- 3 Chnsj&'h monks tore hay ix-zni her 1 chariot. as she was fzcin^ to he\ school j a alio murdered fiapry mare ihsu 1,5001 years ago. I , c The colli yi' hov or adult citizen jt hu-kiny* respect fcr women or eon.fi- i da. ?:- . :i! vheir poyrer, j:uhgmei!t;_/mvS jjfl itoo.) n?.-ss.: Tw'y;. a pi or, oojnpsiir.ent toj .his >\vn mother. 1 , ! i I, HAPPENINGS IN AND AROUND BLOWING ROCK' (Continued from Fage Oh'-) : . :. to establish a long distance j ^ booth in FdV Cafe for the cemv-en-t ' onto of the public as soon as the local ex? hahgre Ls in operation: Eqmp^ meat for the exchange has arrived, J and linemen Wednesday were erect |g lr.g poles >n Boone street leading to j j trie excnangc. U will b. uisjjpMed H next* week, it was said. The management of Young's Cafe | has been taken ever by Mrs. M. L. > Skipper and Mrs. J. .A. Panel!a and renamed the -Sanitary Cafe. Clyde | Da la was the farmer proprietor. K?R Uagaman has sold his interest J in the mercantile business of Lot-' trell and Hagdiwa'n at Boone and has been made assistant cashier of the Ij Bank of Blowing Rock. fj Mrs. Stewart: Cannon and son are J1 expected home this week from a J three weeks' \i-it with relatives in 1| Knoxvlie. Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. j * Norman, of Knoxviile. will a ceo in- S party Mrs. ( amen to Blowing Rock tg h.v a vacation with Mrs. Nonhttn's fj parent's.1 Mr. ami Mrs. Crisp, and oth- jil or relatives and friends. !| Mr-. \\. \V ^uincfeUow was host- || es- Monday afternoon at her Grand- jj view cottage to the Guild of the Jj .Stringle.'low Manorial Kpiscopul jj church, following a brief busiiiessj.fij meeiirir. preparing for the summer ? program of the Guild, was a social .m meeting, ami lY-.-iunejits wi-re' j-'fl served to the ladies .assembled 1:1 ^ Mi>. Sivinirfeiiow's attractive sum- ^ titer eo it age, p-My. Those present | jj wore Miss I.ena Reeves and Mrs. C. 'jj < ir,.......... .* ;>! ...:.. - ??- = i i v \ c-;?x*- uuii". mi; iuji n; iul".;. ; == Elliott Da.tnVjrt'icW of New Yoi k; 5 Mrs <\ C. Laue'hrer S:. t\ ti ^ barer, FfU : Mrsi K. s. Mj'tu-s and Mrs. SI Myers Lanfion. both < : St. Peters- ;;?l burg, Fla : X.l : s \V. A. Hewitt of J| Greensboro; Mrs. William Merchant ?fj of Atlanta^ all here for I'he summer, and M:-. 11. G. Martin of Blowing fl Rock and Lerioir. I| Among the entertainments &ive?V; 8 for Miss Gladys Brown of LMiwving jj Ubck. preceding hVr marriage En- |g day to Aubrey Lee cf Greenville, X J| one of f-ot most delightful was J that si which Mr. and Mrs. Union S Lee GoMsboio Were hosts at the ?| Ma-rip Cottage in Blowing: Rock op j| Thursday. Covers for eleven', in- j? eluding the bridal party, were ar-j 3 ! ai.gr.I at a table with a centerpiece ig iolphinium and coreopsis, and || the toasts' to the bride were given by j M REASURER OF THE I lONF N r ondinir May 5, 1927. IPTS it VI!port $ 4,GS6.7S?S 9,800.00/tfl iked 3,308.84 . f lJT..->0jJ SJ7.S9X12;| EMENT5 els $ A9C.S8 ja 6,968.47 >1 218.00 ! | 50.00 jl 4.00 IS 375.00 jl 157.0011 1 fti > lighted with ear dies wit I Inch t'hs blue and yellow flower: very blended most effectively. Guests were Mrs. J; Lewis Bautxe' f Americus, Gcu, and Mrs. K. K larvey. of Elian, sisters of the bride liss Pauline Fatten of Morgan ton ang at the wedding; Miss Rati; loLhduser, who was maid of honor Irs. K. T. Hope of Lumbertcm, Mr> gliomas H. Coffey of Blowing Rod rid M ss Hattie Lee of Aurora. X. C Another affair given in Mis It w yj"> hone? was ;= dinner- ' Vedncs lay evening at tie home >>?, Mrs uinerpn Williams in Blowing Rock ?vhu*h the guests were Miss Brown Lena Reeves. Mrs. Hew aid Hoi :. Wadt Brown and Mis. .1. I, tanner IVtotky Jjcrkins roses doml atvd the -i. a ' n.s on this odea ion. i' " ; ; -V nse phus Har.iels. fo riper sec retain i the navy, and Mrs Daniels ar? pending a short vacation at Blow g Rock and are stopping at May iesv Manor. The trip ;s purely foi > ' - mm | = 1 . Kill befc I cou 1 i j to 0 i j s I Wm mMlrnM = - > in r S pfc safe | s i 3 1 i : ! P 1 I |lj R = msmmssmsmmm EKY THPRSD AY?BOONE. N. C. >' 'treasure- and r-Maxation. Mr; \ -a a- ; :- not* connected with basis ! < >- - of any kind. A lively hmcheon party at the' p M;;iu>r Sunday was fbrnfed by Dr. and Mis. K. B. Scaled Mr. ami Mrs. ; r. Laughheiy Mr. and Mrs. P. J.! . Hal!. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Heewett, ; Mr. and Mis. U. R. McCk'lian and : Mr. and Mrs K. S. Cannon. A week-end party f.tom Greens-' sr.'bdro. stopping at Green Park, was'! composed of \V. \v. Gant. J. S. IjUn5 eai R A. Wilheim and A. Y. Cot-. - j ttell. ' j i 0. R Bailey, H. Balley, Mrs H. . Bailey, and I . P. Bailey formed a , party from New York who stopped at (ii vi it Pa rk. '*} Another party was composed of .Mi. and Mrs. K. H. PrbcVoiy Mr. and M Me .S. B Alexander of Charlotte. ! K. F. Custer of Johnstown, Pa.. \ is at May view Manor for the week. ! i*: Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Loi.t and three ?! children are stopping at the Martin -j Cor tape. -! S -levetl* of Jacksonville, Fia.. |J Svhd Snell of Philadelphia, Mr. and m ' y'mm _ irwMtefr Get the Sp Sign your Declara 3re July Fourth by < nt with us. Mobilize your $oidi ur fortress. We will guard thei m with four per cer quarterly. One dollar starts a Let's cooperate witi making the celebrati* nr Kr?Arc TAr1ir> Aiorl t< rta'VT J ?-/ r* AiV U1V Vi IV b place in which to li WATAUGA RAb BOON M >. jJ i. Si(>d Si Lists Jnnv and, F C'a.wiui M;wi- oi Li'?;\'r.rd. Aroi-njc ilw .-wiBms-r oottauos opvn- j id t>xiiiltf ihe mii'k v.evi thcsi- of; S. C. f.av.son of Salisbury, Thomas) V M Min i of S'aliitiury. Mr Knix of! S;-ii;.-.b:iry, v". \V. Hor.t of Cbailotti '. on.! \V. fj. PrUy of !;h.'u!olti" KOK S-Al-E?PUREBRED 6. i- C.j i Pips. $0.00 each. FisiJey P.; II" ipe?. B )oue. X. C., Route 2. j AXCOXAS AND WHITE ;.KGHOI;\; pullet** at :: i-;?;car:: if sold it'' Wilkes Ha vw North [ XVilkesboro, N O. 21 FOR SAi.r' --CHEV' KOI.KT TON- ? ?rik*k oiodrl, in pood con* \ H::> be-^n r':j.a U-ss than! " iOOfi mile?. For price and terms, j , i"'-! -'?3i5r-'^afiraj aaawpj :; -JCN'E :;r? OR iiif It- WEEKS OLD highly ! ;ed Whit l.ev.rorn Pullets Phone or write Mrs. W. \V. \\ . . Sug:>r C.rovc, X. C. _t ^ A\ mx--P?>M; v>r .1' clerking or housekeeping or uny other work wanted by young school teacher. Address N V/. c < Democrat. SO F.ACHES?-The following \*arietie* of .r:11hi?I Peaches will be on the market begimir/.g June 15 until August 1. in order named: Early Pose, Carman, Hi ley Belle. Gil. Belle, Elherlas and Hales The Public is invited to vi?;r the Cardor and Ellerbe section sometime during the above dates. 2 I 23 3t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administrator >f the estate of W A. Bingham, late >i flu county of Watauga, this is to loVify all persons bavin;; claims igainst the estate of deceased, to present them for payment within welve months of this date or iliis ?oticc vyill be plead in bar of their eeoverv. Ali poisons indebted to aid estat will please < < me forward it>d make settlement This June -7, 1027. R. X. BROOKS. :-'">-4t Administrator. - r-: ; S>'1 ? / wfcn I ce ic- m fjmM m I :rn I 1 lip id- | 1 i J on 8 ~M | L?r jj i I ^ SB ^ i . i s I is I 1 I f '?aJ:'" Jrfiftf&Bli- ' '[:TfeswSt!