VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 32 Many Cases Disposed of In Superior Court Criminal Docket May Last Until Friday; Wagner Cave Moved To Wilkes County Watauga superior court which convened Monday with Judge P. A. McElroy presiding, is still in session. Many cases of minor importance have been disposed of, with indication r, that the criminal docket will not be cleared up before this after^ noon or perhaps tomorrow. According to a ruling made by Judge McElroy, Herbert Wagner, slayer of Ear) Moody and Dexlter Byrd. will not be tried for the second offense at tnis time. Answering petitions of the state for a trial by a Watauga jury, the jurist expressed the opinion that the defendant's '* acts had stirred up a lot of feeling in this county which would render it unwise to try the case here. HiStated that the prisoner was entitled to a fair and impartial trial and that he not only wanted him to have one but expected bim to feel that it' was fair. Therefore, he ordered that the prisoner be removed to the Wiikes county jail where be will be Held until the next criminal term of court mere, solicitor tforn It. -Jones stat'ed that the governor v. on id be asked for a special term in December to try the case, in order thai, the reulaT Wilkes docket might not be further congestedIt is impossible to handle the full proceedings of the court "his Week, however next week complete findings in all the cases will i>?- given!; PEOPLE COMING AND GOING V , IN BLOWING ROCK SECTION Mr. and Mrs. Don Reid and Mrs. Reid's sister Miss Mary Tester are home from Jacksonville, Fla. and are visiting relatives in Blowing Rock and Valie Grucis; Mr. Reid is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Reid of Blowing Rock. Mrs. Reid was formerly Miss Anna '.pester of Voile Crueis. They will be here until the latter part of September. Miss Lane Fisher of Southern Pine has been fchq guest Gf Miss Polly Hays for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Warren will leturn to ihoir home in. Mount Airy for a few weeks before locating for me wimit at mowing kook where Ml*. Warrfeii is director of the Blowi--.tr Rock band. Mrs. E. G. Davis and daughter Ruth who spent the late summer with Mrs. Davis' mother and sister. Mrs. Reeves and Miss Lena Reeves, left Tuesday for Richmond where they visited friends for a few days before motoring to their home at Hot Springs, Va. Mr. and Mrs. C S. Prevette had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spratt and Ernest, Jr., Mrs. yf Jake Moss and Jake, Jr., and Mrs. \ S. A. Hollers; ail of Charlotte Richard Deirq Turner 'and Mrs. Turner of Raleigh were the guests Sunday of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs Giilett. \/?v_. Mr. John Panella and Dr. A. P. DuLong of Charlotte were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pattella. Mr. Panella accompanied his .? x- ; t i\o.n:vlire revui mug oy way of Statesvilje where Mrs. Panel la met him Tuesday. Mrs. Dal Tester who has heen some time in the Davis hospital at Statesville, following an operation, is reported improving steadily. TAW C. EOWIE RESIGNS AS SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE Monday Governor McLean reported the resignation of judge Tam C. Eowie of Ashe county as special Superior Court' Judge. Judge Bowie's term would have expired ir. April 1929. He was appointed following the pass-age of the emergency judge's act by the last legislature. Judge Bowie was mentioned with j others last week in names presented < to the Governor when the latter was -A. considering appointment of a succesor to Judge Raymond 0. Parker of Forsyth, who died recently, as judge of the eltvtnh district Roy L. Peai of Winston-Salem was appointed to filled out Judge Parkers term Judge Bowie later in-the day said he would not" reconsider his resignation. the Governor declared in a formal statement. Judge Bowie's resignation finds no explanation in Raleigh political circlies. Mk BROWN EXONERATED W. Hardin Brown, patrolman or Highway No. 60 west, of Boone, has received a letter from Mr. Riggs, oi the state highway department, ex honerating Mr. Brown of all charge: brought against him in the recenl hearing held in the courthouse here The case was heard before Mr Rjggs and quite a bit of interesi was shown in the hearing. Mr Brown was represented by Attorney W. R. Lovill and the prosecution b; Attorney Ralph Bingham. Mr. Browi along with other patrolmen, has beei ^ granted an increase in salary. 7ATAX A Non-Partisan Ne BOOh NEWS OF WEEK BLOWING ROCK1 I j Band Renders Sacred Concert; Boone j Trail Marker To Be Erected; ' Addition to Water System;. Local i Interest in New Statesrille Concent i By RUPERT GILLETT ' The Blowing Rock hand rendered t its first public concert Sunday und; r. . the direction of Joseph Warren, m u -' sicaj director of Mount Air;,. The! concert wa- before a crowd of sever-i a! hundred on the lawn of the Wa-j a inn. j During the intermission the band: j quartet rendered wto selections, both! ' sacred and Earl Coffey sang "the i Old Rugged Cross." with a violin ac-l I con-.paiiinierif by Mr. Warren . I The program was: "First Prize: | March," "Red White and Bine" "Ms! i jr.. ?. .... i . .uu mc v.utibi uv.t, xyy an | the plumbing work and Ed Thompson I has been employed as engineer. The Blowing Rock Fire department Tuesday night elected L. A. Underdown as chief to succeed J. A. Panella. resigned. Mr. Underdown was formerly assistant chief Lloyd j Robbins was promoted from captain j to assistant chief to fill the vacancy, j and George Robbins was elected! captain in Lloyd Robbins* place. j The department voted to have a; ehciken stew at the Gem cafe one j day next week, probably Saturday j night. The department still owes' $80 on the alarm siren,, said C. S. \ Prevette, pres-dent, and it is hoped; that -this chicken stew will raise i the money for the finai payment. j BOONE ROUTE 2 NEWS Mass Estelle Xorris has returned; , to Ror.noke, Va., after a week's visit | ,j to her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Greene, and: I other relatives. j Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Greene ao: nounro the birth of a daughter. ! Good progress is being made on , fhe road and bridge work on Highway 69 from Jefferson to Boone. Mr. H. G. Hodges has just return! ed from a pleasure trip to Virginia. Mr. C. 0. Church and family of Wilkesboro were visitors in this section Sunday. Frank Greene is very siek at the home of his grandfahter. Rev. Ed. Greene. i The school at Maple Springs., i taught by Mrs. Carl JByers, is getting along nicely. JGA wspaper, Devoted to the I IE> WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH Gj Equalization Board Holds Meeting Here. Requests for Participation in $100?-{ 000 Special Fund Made by Four J Counties Friday Representatives or Iredell, Catawba, Alexander and WftSaaga counties appeared before the state euuolization board which met at the Appalachian Normal school last Friday and presented requests for participation in the $100,000 special fund, but' the- board voted to withhold the allotments until the schools in ach of these counties are actually under way and final information can he obtained. The purpose of the special fund, it was explained, is thrceroid: To provide for unexpected increases in enrollment, to meet emergencies and * misfortunes that* may arise, and to j keiD in inmrovtmr the nersonnei of! teachers, especially in those counties that are behind. These counties, it was said, shewed an e x pee bed material increase in attetiidanc end anticipated a raise in the personnel of their teaching forces through higher grade certifi-! cates than those held by teachers of the previuos year. The hoard aisc discussed in de-, tail the plans for gathering: infor-1 matron as to the segregated items of propt.yty as returned by the list- tak-j 0rs for th year 1027-28. The planbeing worked out" contemplates the J gathering of a vast fund of hitorma-! tion on every county in the state, i which, will include the amount of eve ry type of property and the valu-j ation placed on it by the local an-1 tho cities. NEGRO JAILED FOLLOWING ROBBERY OF COOK STORE j A n gL'o lufobrer oil Highway 69 I was lodged in the Watauga bastile I Tuesday and will likely be given a: Hearing wniie court is in session tor i the robbery of the Oan Cook store: on Route 2 Monday night. Thirty five j dollars were taken from the cash; drawer. E/ntrance was made by fore- j ing one of the window's. Mr Cook came to town Tuesday,; ran up with the negro who tied. 1 .Cook followed in swiff pursuit but the colored boy made his escape. A"l blood hound and its &wner, a Mr. Cole, of Sherwood, were called into 1 play. The dog readily picked up the trail and followed it to a point o i a road where the negro had caught a motor vehicle. Going on to Blow ing Rock, however, the store-breaker was arrested. The officer took fmm the negro about $24 and n flash tight* which Mr. Ceoh reaiiily recognized as his property. CLARENCE CANNON ARRESTED FOR FORGERY S; Clarence Cannon, wanted in this county for forgery, was - arrested Monday night at the home of Dewey Harmon on Beech Crack by Deputies Lowrance and Edminsten. The of-! licet".- hiid gone to the home in: search of Dewey Harmon, wanted in connection -with the Valle Crucis! bank robbery, and were not expecting to find Cannon there. However, the officers felt if they could not get the man they were after, they would bring the alleged forger t'o the bar of justice. He was brought to Boone Tuesday and released on $1,000 bond for his appearance at the spring term of Watauga super-j ior court. I BROWNLOW JACKSON CALLS FOR REPUBLICAN MEETING Brownlow Jackson, chairman of the Republican State Executive committee, has issued a formal call for a meeting of the Committee to be held in Greensboro on Thursday the 22nd in the ball room of the King. Cotton Hotel This meeting has. been called for the purpose of naming a National comn-.itteman to succeed Judge .Ionson J. Hayes, who resigned upon receiving a recess appointment as judge of the middle district of North Carolina. and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the session. WAYNE B. WHEELER DEAD Wayne F.. Wheeler, general counsel of the Anti-Saloon League of America, died at Battle Creek Michigan Monday. He was taken to the Sanitarium three days ago from his summer home at Little Point Sable Mich. Mr. Wheeler became ill last Thnrs-' day with a kidney ailment from which' he had been undergoing treatment ' 4'av? 1 ' *"* * wvurai years, rip was removed from his home to a hospital and after( examination rushed to the sanitar-ium where it was at first decided to perform an operation. SCHOOL DENTAL CLINIC Dr. Newman, state school dentist, | will be in Watauga county for yx j weeks visiting the schools for the, free tveatment cf school cliih'ren bej tween the ages of six and thirteen, i 3est interests of Northwest VROl.INA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBjJjJ vaEOTCB"/ BANK ROBB'^/ P Troy Cannon in Jail arnd rch Rein; Made for Dewey man For Holding Up Cashie* i RcKe*;ng; Him of $198. ^ v : ;>< Troy Cannon, arrested Mon- ni day nigf t in connection with gj the robbery of the Valle Crucis t S bank, was tried in superior court ! ai Wednesday morning and sealer.- tv ced to ser?e from three to five | f-i years in the state prison. His ci honor, Judge McEIroy, was dl.3- ' v. posed to let the boy off rather t: light because of the fact that v. he bore a good reputation and fl evidence tended to show that he i n was probably forced into the a crime by Dewey Harmon, who : i. has not yet been arrested for his part in the hold-up. O O Troy Cannon is in the county jail, V posre^ are searching the hills and t.i valleys of the Beech Creek section (> for Dewey Harmon for holding: tip a Cashier Martin L. Herman, Monday lh afternoon ami robbing the ;YaIle 's Crucb bank of cash to the amount h ot" $196 07 Cavnon vva^ arrested ' o Monday night at the home- of hi? (lather just across the state line i?i c Tcrue-.ee. lie is said to have con- t fessed to his part in the affair, and voluntar ly returned to this county ,j in company with his father, report- ? ing at the courthouse Tuesday morn- ^ ing. li Acceding to Cashier Hern.an, the y two men, who were unknown to him, f came to the bank under the p:t?i x. \> Qfgetting a loan. They were rmed that the bank \v$is not in po it ion n t/> make a loon at this time. They |iit the bank, shoitlv :e:'jr:riic; lind h fished for a> smaller loan fh n they v had previously asked for, Mr. Herman agi in i form d them that he f could not make the loan. He re- ;i turned to his book work. Thy. \ ;thor;. .nan, w hich later d- veloped to '] be Cannon, Mr. Herman said, pbk -i , a gun through the cashier's window, covering , ll casilier, Wfilie W.' lull-jc or of the two man, Dewey !human, t entered the vault ami took all the. cash in sight As he left, he stave l Ma. Herman .-.terrific blow on the it feft temple, knocking hini down, fie [ lay unconscious for several minutes a and recovered before anyone came in. The robbery was planned at. a p very opportune time, as ail officials were in Boone attending superior cou rt, brum the description Mr. Herman i\ was able to give of the men, it was a not long before their trail was picked up. They were traveling in a t Studebaker car, and wont down v the Watauga river to near tlve home \ of Dewey Harmon, where the car f was abandoned. The sheriff was ,, notified as soon as possible and: o took up tti- chase, which resalted in I the arrest ?? Cannon. Posses search- f ed Monday r.ight and ali day Tue? ? day for Harmon. but up until time t of going to press he had not been ap- t prehended. It is understood that he is wanted on one or two other charges beside the hank hold-up. He is described as being tall and slender, a with black hair and black eyes, and u when the robbery was committed he was dressed in overalls. 0 The robbery of Monday afternoon t is the first, successful affair of its > kind in the history of Watauga b county, although two previous ill- t tempt's have- been made to rob this h bank. , j GRANDFATHER NEWS Banner Elk, Sept. 7.?The Grandfather school is progressing nicely, o with an enrollment of 96. The Z school has enlarged its basketball court, and the students are anxious b to be champions of the rivc-r sec- it lion. So far the team hat; been very successful. Last Friday Fosco? h came over for a frame, taking- the <1 lead, but at the end of the th rd n ouarter they refused to finish the j game, so th local team is credited h with winning the game. s Miss Mary Fox ent. the week-end with Miss Mabel Hehson or. Cove f Creek. Mr. and Mrs. .T. \V Lewis and i family spent Sunday as the guests of a Mrs A. V. Moody. Mr. and Mrs George Fox have; b gone to N'ev. Jersey, where they will, f spend the winter. Mi>S Tniu .Toclrtu ? 1 .,5" -j . Jit..? AVIUIUCU l*? : i' her home here after spending' some; 1 time in Pennsyivar.iii. i b I v When Year* Would County Prof: If Shakespeare were alivej > today would he be looked upon as a' very remarkable man? ! r Stude: Decidedly, sir. He'd bcj ~} about three hundred years old. i Knew His Capacity I Mrs. Casey: "Oh, Mrs. Murphy, < your husband has been run in for, j intoxication. Rur. down and bail t bim out." , ( Mrs. Murphy: "Sure now, if my i oul man's drunk, you couldn't ! pump him out. ' ; )CR/ : North Carolina 1927 rlr. Oscar L. Hardin Passes Away Sunda; romineit Citizen of Boone Dea Following Long Illness Funeral Monday Mr. Oscar Li Hardin, scion of on f Wa aiigas oldest families, an jpular business inun of Boone any youth, succumbed at* his elint new home on North Wate treet, Sunday morning, fodowin n illness covering a period of aboi vo years, during which time he fai i to respond to treatment taken i iffereni* hospitals. Cast spring I. as taken to Mayo Brother, work jtinous surgeon - of Rochester, Mini ho gave no hope of his recover -cm the chronic affiition. Since thi j.me his condition grew worse gra< v i'nt;1 the end came. Ho W;> i years old. Mr. Hardin was a member c r.e of the most, prominent fasnitu f Watauga county. His father M HUiam Hardin; having tiled aboi ireo years ago. He was a gradua f the University of North ( :no i nd for many years was entrained i usiness at Hickory. N. C\ and Johi ?n City. Term. During later yea e was a junior partner of the fir f Henry J. Hard? & Co., of th ity and transacted bu-ine.-s peiiod ally up until the business was ?o ? the Ej^Mrs-iAshiey Co. A bright, likable fellow. Mr. Ha in readily mads new f; nds ar trenjrthened old ties of rrcndsh nd was a ! -adei in ehftrcti ai d fc df the community. Foil ears he has beer active in the a?rrs ox uie Eg)QR<> .uer.nomsr, enure eing engaged as a member of lv oard cf stewards, working out il intricate d tails cf church finan. nd lending a hand wherever possib ii other branches of religious ends or. RHineral services were conduct rum tiie iMe iiodist church Monde fterndon, the pasta?, Rev. M. Voosley p rforming" the last rite .-hrongs of friends and realtiw ume from far and near to pay the itst respects and place banks of lo ly floral offerings upon the bier ? heir departed brother. Deceased is survived by a svif -ciare her marriage, Miss Suma Li It. daughter of irhe late Dr. H. Mc kittle, and two sons. Robert Bog nd Billy Mac. ?R3. CRiTCHER'S MOTHER DIES IN WILKES COUNT Mis. Docia Russell, mother ? firs. T. L. Critchar of Banibpp, I r hi?r tnmo :i Rnnnvr Wilt ounl'y, last Snturtlr.y afternoon, he age ot' SO yc-ars. Mrs. Russc .'as the wid?e. ri John !los?e)l, i '.'ilkes county and is survived L our cHikirer., three daughters ar ne son, M fa. Oritclicr, Mrs. J.erms l Lt?:iv ir, Mrs. E!U-r o^Maryiari r?d W I ! iam Russ, !i of Boomer. Ti unerai and interment took pla< .ondav afternoon at Boomer, y .'..lad by a large number of roil ives and fiascos. ZIONVILLE NEWS Zionvii-.g, Sept. 7,?Born to M nf Winston-Seleru, as superior cot r.dye from the 11th judicial d Yicc to fill out the unexpired ter if Judye Rnymon G. Parker, w lied last Thursday morniny. Jill. Deal's tenure of of office will t c rc in November, 1928. M^::^iiiTO &J- s ||?i five: cents a copyt SAYS FLOGGING r CAUSED DEATH .d Former Wataugan, Dyingv Say> K.u K!ux Kian Adrcdnistercd BeaCiHgr ( Which Contributed Directly to i(j Hii Death?Three Recounted. ,r : Mr. WrilSett Adams, who for a lit !' t!ri more than a year had been a resiji; t[. dent of Johnson county, Tennessee, l_ did at hs home on Monday of last tit week, following a general physical breakdown, which had its beginning several months ago. Deceased was a v son of Mr. A. S. Adams, well known it Wataugan. Bi' -' ;? ' ' '''" ' '- - ' : -L? l~ I he lu.-t home owned by Mr. Adis 1 - -trams 111 Watauga county was on upper Meat Camp. It was there that ;s the dark cloud formed vv hich hangs r- over his death. It is well known that !t ju.-t before h s f body, humiliated and dis' graced, heeded the mandate.- of the g 11 ( i 't 1. !a\v-kbp r rig mob, v: it to iVnnc^ee airi bought an humble ' place of abode aid tried to over-! coRii the haunt .ng memories of his persecutors. He had always been a hard-working citizen, useful as ; fine c mechanic, but since the flogging had . for his death. He also stated that he recognized at least thr i of the hooded men. The es democrat up to the lime o? press " had been unable to secure affidavits v" setting forth all the last-minute 5* reve'itionr Deceased was 4!' year- of age e' and is survived by a wife and a tram " lu-r of children. Funeral and inter9' meat at Hopewell church Wadr.osday. BLUE RiDGE TOWNSHIP S. S. ASSOCIATION MEETS Y La ! Sunday, September 4, the II Blue Ridge Township Sunday School d convention was held with Laurel tfs Fork B iptist church, the session III lasting all day with itinn r on the dl ground anil a complete program carlied nut. Miss Minnie Day, town's' sliip president, aiid N. L. Harrison, i county .-erretary, made addresses, 'n and ken; the convention going durifi! ing the morning. In the afternoon u' Mr. Day, a Watauga county religious -e worker, mode a ringing talk on the ' Sunday- Softool and its rotation to the :l" church and community. Tin- county president, Mr. E. N. Holm, wan presj enr and spoke concerning the organi: cation of townships, Sunday schools and classes. The county vice presi*-: dent, Prof. 1. G, Greer, made an interesting talk or. how to get young 'tl niiSwo inf;opo?^y] r . JH ...... . - V v. . I. ..nuiwrtV OL!IUUI ?e work. Dr. J. M. Rodges outlined in j a very effective manner, tow to get io : the adults interested in the Sunday e- school, and how to keep them interit j esfced. i All in all it was a glorious day, jt\\ full of inspiration to those attend? ing, with everybody happy when the j srssion closed. Blue Ridge is going w strong in Sunday school work and ~r; they have a movement on foot'to or: ganize two new schools. President id S Hahn and. other county officers are in 1 anxious that every township start 1 with this work at once before wine.jter begins. Call on your Sunday s - j school, confer with officers and call ie | your township convention as early as ; po. s.Me, and the county president, h vi:e president and secretary will >f be g ad to assist you in this work.? J Reported. mi ' ROMINGER HAPPENINGS 't: Rnmino-pr RJvrrf- 7 Ti?n -j... kmvv Forks Baptist association help at Z or. Hiii last week was well attandf? ed ar.;l good Older prevailed. A singing ei.oir from near Butler, Ten?., entertained the folks at the 1