' f--.. : \ ySfife 1 P. PAG? EIGHT ' Miss Flo's Corner t1 A Quy-stiixi &<.x foe the ladie- ! By HISS FLO j I LET Tflt HEART RULE EVF.UV TIME Dfv.r Mir-.; Fio: 1 am ' atirl cw*ntj>rw- par* cii very mwcu . >v vc'i-:h --ray. 1111 low... ; '> young nil? ?. I * rattier lightly en hL? uheuLiyrs. His; is: 'Lot's 'ha ye s gtooa c wniic v.y. Lave the vr.rrvy: wVU out of the iii'itxcc- when we ; ;:ry.' Sthat's a philosophy that appeals gxsariy to me. -aid he shake s awtuMy happyi However, i tl not know t hat he would cnake a \ good husband?for he may : quite improvi*ir-xst:: "* There'* a rather man wiw ha- a.-Red roe . > marry ii'.'i:?h,- Is olavr. more rerSpis.*. c-Arh> a considerable rah ry arc! an aii looks like the brighter matrimonial prospect My firs: v>r oftfero is v. hu h one * should marry- I my secor.J problem - whether i ! 1*1 marr; at nil. You see I i wo free that I am not sure that 1 cot!] settler anil "stay" n/arivtd.j \Vonr*' you please a.iv:-,- mo'.?"iL C?. [ lii the first place. ) 'do :*: beiieve you are really to marry one.1 Until you are sure rhat you eat; .-et t lt? dftU'Ti ^r*ii "cr.-Jiv'* r*n r-r*? : ??"> . vv-.iii i be h 'v. i iiI V i?::-.:: ?: j ii-s t i i;e io ri i -a J ry k in:. That's what j wfnckr- so many mat . .e=. A t?ir gets married ami vr&ms to s?o on; flirting .around witb, tnert ami ch'ajihg out :.*> parties instead rV.yk.y at home acid making her husrt comfort;:;-!-. But hesieve n\j. do a:-, there isn't any tragedy in set liir.ii dov. i.. When, you do it you'll fee": that it's most liie.'.-fefi. restful state: p- s-ih's. and y n veil', he ftke-'i with a Hokd.r flil peach cnatV heyotio sil: utni.-- ' stamJini.. There syifl ' - ho tn anxiety about daif-s? ;:o iyove ir.fx aVtrart a?; met;?no more U-nijiyr r > the du : 'concer.-atio- ..f a roan Who borc-s you t- deaths- in ro rus.' for n eye nine.'-? ruth . There v ,i: Is. e>:oi -is c V > ./ ito pt'!s(i; -i j ... i .io.voy.- s,'h'.-:'. > - ik? h: I- J- i.: . . ' .h.y ftijjli heav-eii I -.. - fc? !' ' ' ' - '' ' I t' has. .v.: : u e- fr.;. - taa; y - _ ... > p ... _. : i- : ..-: : i-i.-t CDIr.V a ... r - a- r. ! -i ' A';/i : m.?you wu. I'm.-; i! tt.-e tai-h! >-t" y . \ I-: :hf i.'-m: : .j . ' y ;;-u----:-d lint.. >. .: an- si-tat ?f -! "sfiio-1 in-.--." in RK-ivy u!?c s-.-i.i-. inrsoi'on! m;i don't roa hns an::, you ha.. j.n;.- y -. fed linn:1. a:..: ,i-yoirsijr and runr.insj mound. Than, uiioa ym arc i -at!;, ro marry inavry the rn'ar y.i.. love hy ail in.-any When ' he..-' u onoa a.iyiyinsr S)rl> I... us their heads ahoul rriuti-imo,-.y I w: u, shour - "Keels yoisr heasi.s our oL' it. Fs.H.sw .u .1--- -..-..s rif >011 r hear! aso! !' "ihinjr For there haw ! to.', tows : live.- lava;.*.' that ruV i>as rr,r. Sitter, t'oilowra). What -Sor.- itj profit :> v oaian to ?aie a acilc Mow,5 if th? "',1: ? ho irivc-s it Vol, her eSfto p'r- : r.er the :if1 tion that menus m.nv iter ssasi tier ex'cv.Wre ce'inlovtr. A vvf/manN ewt-.j ??on- are her very, ft- tt If Sgfe mar, j -she rawrittf caanotirajisfv t'r.<i:.e errai-jf rI-.!..- iiNiir; ivivh h'm htttor.iss the 1 || ha.-.F-' ?> or -a.-":. He -nay i; > r ' the in'r-rt stSriect'.lsttiiig m .Hoi ( ! ?jy-o sr.iiv. ;;ov aaw ore' ju theiij V-$r. % complaint :ic;p.v--s1i him., hut if. you ; :.v''Trjij ''! hirii another irao youT!. never i.e hap!>?'?olid 'IettiivI .wilt: he. " | Anu v, V.n .l-eow>-?svher. youH ''young. fnn-iox ti-.g- Mvsetr.ear*. ifeaV.y J liSa roApo'-isibilitios.. he may Drove j him^eht to bfc*ar- ythitig;. bo t art iitv'W provident fmsbs'id. fi t%; siotsi. yc-a'j ; V;5; wit%wSE3aii"TV .io.ve.v A:?i; tate it 1 IIIkIjeI Vfroai m.;,iSsii'- wi'! f.-.-.i it ee-ier to! jg ' }, iivc with : . jo-Ly. induis-v yjgafjj^ oat fcuaroasavT^tRBfliefit vf his provcr- j fhortt'oniin?:? ijfeac ypjii > wil- to lire' h:-a atari who do&aft j hnosv how to laugh/And ?a?3$y'. life... rttjraH'c-M- of hie virtues. F'f.-f fty ?* : /! a eH/vhlvip whsft j ouo ffirtSfctS fffSw Co iautrk at lite. Let the heart rsie e . trine. ! Dr. 1-rank Crane Savs: j| PI ~R3?- I? STUDY THESF -OCR MODEr r Modesty is one of the chief char-} acteritticj of true gp.vatneSS. A > great, mar. can have r.o further cem-{ iin-/ra>.tju!: or 110 greater Old tori popularity than to have it said thatj he is modest. This has been a characteristic of President Coolidge. He has avoided the spotlight and attended to the serious duties of hi.- office fifth becoming humihrv. His recent void that he did not choose to run for president again should he taken at its face value. It is the solemn dictum of a man who, having achieved the acme of his popularity, desires to step aside. Another man who is winning all kinds of plaudits and reaping all sorts of popularity from his becoming modesty is the Prince of Wales. 'Of course he deserves no credit for being'born the son of a king, but he ,v. '-*,Vj!-.'- _ c-vs'r. Hf fui- nisnar.ea to saj sriKiu thw.g at the right 'Ac* at conduct: hituseif with becoaoiug width jfc .whati".er liweiiirttt i?c'e u's.ced- Wh'ge r.e U rot'so tifuiisl vvllli the 8^pi e tbtgr'tmir. to <-> yahv, he is <-;iti"f the dts;i:tctioUe<?f eiitiqiig for tie ties ?t* this su5y.-ri.0v pt.aet- as situHe is well likeel nut t irelis'r W. the British JJoshir i>:;r trie viiived States ami .v ithtf. vhrcughvat the world. To thus- vino have met a porsviiaUy he has bee surprise '. hey expected the JJ; vir;-.;i'.-r like a bruiser, v.ctt- aVc'v s'yj to fi?td .b.'ih g< we:. iik ' ' y everybody and ec oils, fits *\v? i- siini .t::<! hi? r.e? is that of a gestftoi 1 after-He-iiity in his family refi aiii uethe- tive-t who know u.o aov envious of his fame. The fourth modes: man U>a : .-certiv ' : n-- a it: the kofjisor ' . a l.iiv.Uiurgh Afi r i>< frier: -a: that brought hint 'ie- p!a otic- deserve credit for not sloi I is the object of ti CHAiN C.ROCFRY " tr, . r.O. our object. we could r we are receiving is evident <&ie dollar of profist fror Caro?:na. and yet we sell \ flour 25* COFFEE U N 1 cocoas'"""" milk jeil-0 apple iii tie: pinto beans > v \ \ \ m? i vr z . v > 11 BRILLO ' x WAMPOLESCO Carolina Sto BOONE. X. e. . cl,_A E, iUiani %: ':k- .'^:ic.r..:a iir.ccvo-ed rar -y.iia .a swirise* ,?.ve???;??, r.boistic a its aamtag n?cV-d^ :r. less then 7 : econt ai u raile - mini ?5. :5blj?jd3?!the ?u; ;S 5?gSfc . ' . ifte j/ar jr. grips tbs passengers o~.t r ram steep grafts! Its economy at ""it t sufice-'lis ec'jiiony Ion a: miles p.. - ' J3-200R SEUA> $Q"7Z o/ ^ F.,o. b. Detroit Fall Factory Eqaipnu McCONNI B< Dddee motc Tone in on Dodge Brothers D nignt at 9. .... v' TttE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT the! of kir.vr.- ar.d nations <'verjwh?;5-?? "A So, niaSttr.iiy not po.-sosj?i/ of : de-1 SK'? Voat He vva- ;i super<:y|$h may; lUa-Afritiy restrained his efSptt*. bs|. irne>H of a ltylngr man. He had cr< f be-: cvl the icea:; alone in a fiy&jg pla ed <o i'u': did not suppose that because ? dti- had done a stunt with his road: the iir he could co every ot only . \?i of thin#. it is \ ith a feeling liohs. i prld? Hat the people of the -cour else?; read of the way he demeaned b I seH ~n France an 1 in Great Brit -Tackj ami ; connection \vi:h the offic i. a: of* this country. As far a- wo kn thjgga\ ale he . - no eneirfes. for the They j. thing that makes an enemy is c 1 title. ee.r.inc: eg< >m. urt - A menu i- justly proud of t'r man-! tour *Uw-:i ; d principally beca tie is : :ey are not proud of t aero selves iViors penalty himj So It Goes has! "Arbbiu -eer,!- to find at hard Ir.jc aj meet his expanse- in school." udscs; *u 1 - . ' * 1 nice t tl ppuvr' where\ -: \ ttirb " lis organization. "CAROLINA'S OWN serve best its tK5tcmeri. If thi.-. was sot hope to BUILD, and the patronage ce of our effort R^ri.'nber thai not n CAROLINA STORES leave North ou better merchandise far !ei> money. y. Plain or Self*Ri}i?g, ^ j[ 0^ Srand, Pure OIc . Brand. Gixd a. the Be.ftr ?t, 1 large can or "I tf|c IL f?r 4u! ) Maiden L.<_ K (^}^c X -u*f -j .ai t jar L??J Pc''- 1 ff oanfl ??/ : . Pounds * J?c f; 15 - tiling, rctfuiar pjckag? "J /4c ill r\ T iimrl riii n-c DLlVLtlUlL id res Are Your Stores BLOWING ROCK. N. C. itsesCi. Neii' Ln^oj 'Cars chc Tiluc i?f aew ; ool-v riya'-::*. by the c.v it'j'.i. poeali to the ?f:o:.7 0 t3 milss ifc-u ;vct3 ' si It:: cfibft'ess reattsry-of d-sfSslpts uiajj str^acfilac :;utwy trust co'lors, road it sharp turns?c:?i?\>a3 :h 'steads?travel# ir. "r.ipi" up urb?T7fe fbet o?pdrhtrtj-spcce oo tfce road? 25 to-iiesrwer ~al->?s lour hveverhavcTD,-;. n. :hir:-. [ sold a sedan %> Isvv . : price g ?so high in vaiuc?s oughly in tune w.'in rhe ^ tasce and spirit And our purchase p/arr teiil interest you as much tn: us the car itself. iLL MOTOR CO. 30NE, N. C. Brothers IR CARS 'spendable Hour of Music every Monda> ?Columbia Chain. -EVERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. 0. FOR SALE?O t. C. nigs awl the, crosse-. essvh. FinWy P. i Hodge?, Route 2, Boone, N. C. v s. j NOTICE?Nv fishing. ho&ing. trap,nc, pint.' or trespassing in any other \.Ml way allowed on the lands o? the ;ine| undersigned. Amos Stanbevy. her; V : el; WANTED?Good fat hogs weighing E ry, from 150 to 200 pounds, dressed im- (>:- alive. Catawi a Creamery Co., air. Hickory, N. C. ials ; ow. STRAYED?Bay mar with three o;;.. whit.- feet. Weigh- about 1000 rounds. Notify Tom Tny'cr. Valle Cruets, X. C. use FOR SAI.E?Two voting fox hounds es- ar.d one o'.d rabbit and fox dog. App'v to Tiieodoio Kerhoalis, Mt. Zior., Wiikes Co. N. C. ! FA His. FOR SALE?Or would trade 1 , for property in or near Boone. Mrs. Theodore Kerhoulas. Mt. tern Zion. N. O. 2t. FOR RENT?Rooiv.$ and apart ments. furnished or unfurnished i* See Edw. X. Kahn. St FOR SALE?House and iot near-A. S. N. S. Address Box 226. Boone, J X. C. 3-lp ; FOR RENT?Furnished or partly furr.ished 6-reoin house on Main Street of Boone-. Mrs. McP. Little. Boone. N. C. j DODGE PARTS?We are junking I Dodge touring car and if you are j ir. reed of any parts gejfc them at \\'_A f. i. . 1- ------ .. vci "joTajjv* stc uuit priceNOTK M; Has started off nicely. Others interested wi'il please see me as early as possible. Mrs. J. F; McGhee. FOR SALE OR RENT. ONE YEAR - 8 -room door. Burn, v^oodbouse. yrrajro fi>i tv.6 c,t.>. See -f. 0. Trivetfc, Oak Str< t, B N. ( 2 LOST?Small Mae'*. \yhlre ami Urr^vri Beajgv* ptip. Disappeared, ir> in Dw'.r.iel ft. > .*.< about : - - ax Fin p . R wa 4W. U. NOTICE * Any cm; knowing the whereabouts cf I wo wheel scrapes and erne read plow: n-sis-jinsj from the I count r*. roads will please ?ct in ! touch will. ! - W....? J Huac Co*-::.:::o : THE BIGGEST t - p |||?, mi,, mm ! The Entire Z i At TR Y 224 ACRES SUED! II ISilai I li I h ni*c I Mill P 10:( j EASY TERMS I ? <, -; > ;'V- -'1' /' 2 . FREE - 23 ! niMRi IVU1V1U1 The People Who Sell W. R. JOHNSON, A Trade, Tens 1 f . . I L U . I X()TI i . V' V fy.'? -,V I 1 will not be in my offic to 29th, will be attend the American Dental A to meet in Detroit, Micl Ij Dr. J. >1. | { j?- __ You ;tre judged by your APPE. I; pays Vo iook your best. > friend;- Jake pride in you, but you ; ? lit - --' ' CfUMiu- :h:- lead* i: to succes : ' rake a took a? ts?-if today. L.et Us Be YOU i&X _ _ HOD( I &gttDRU-G CO j C / In Business far i I - Boone, North ANNOUNCING VUCTION SALE OF . T. Jacks* IW TPT'\J\ JLJLJlll^ VIDEO WITH ALL IMPRC THE HIGH DOLLAR )0 A M.~ RAIN OR SHtt BRASS BAND )RTHROPHONIC VICTR AND OTHER PRIZES OW LAN I dmr?-Agents?R. R. MAD k. M< ;; ':j';.'., " " 'f OCTOBER 13, 182? ^ (m :e from October 21st ? ing the meeting of kSSociation which is a. on the above dates. Gait her g^jgggjl * COMPLEXION trance: cot only <!-> your family and ire recognisted by strarurt" as sful new channels a ;ai vppcrArt you pve-uu c-f your hpX 'R Druggists SES MPANY *53?. "o?ir Health ^ Carolina >? THE SEASON! , ..ft.ni.nn.. on Estate LESSEE r 5VEMENTS. FOR 'f $ ie DINNER 'p, mx - FREE D CO. Abingdon, Va. RON, Auctioneer, juntairi City, Tenn. iuHBIHHHBBHHi

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