.. BLACK By Me red it! ?1 Copy rigfcffi Char**# Sc.nl- ievii S febrs" Autot SYNOPSIS Archibald Becrett. ? cal'-.i.y bache-' lor, traccfs conttsntiy in the i t-. rt<?. I af his health. Ho meets Isabel Per-j -.">'. -who rtcommcui- a. life of crime, adventure, romance and sxoiteaunnI as a. cure tor hi.- nerves. Archie coos| So Briiey Harbor to .r.vettigate aj summer house for hi. aaner. A] fceacy stotni forces him to spend the night there. During the night k> is awakened by footsteps. and in an encounter 'iih the tutrude. .10 sees Archie"- figure reflected the mirror and shoot-. Assise lire- m return, wnumhag ; i;r intruder, who indices hi. escape. Archie pi ill.- fiigrit | to evade publicity He :tr,."- cross--, country on foot in the v.lzh: j At dawn hi- is stopped or. a tosgjlyj ;?i3p vw.i by ''The Governor.", a'.3>ttr-rirni c iivriji.ii who axuaiikes- 1 him for ?t fttllovv,->:i iir.iii:.;. Archie, j L Wiug, !> airniu cue ?; Calls m with "Tuv Gaver;n:-:." is; v hbked across country in a stolen; CiiV. rtory in newspaper- of! killirijr at Bailey Harbor and, "flight -> eaed, he decides to say nothing but stick with his strange friend and await developments. At Coroford,! N. H.. Archie come.- upon Isabel Pexj ry at the hotel desk hut she refuses S to recognize imp. The Govern, r. bvj a clever pinn. switches stolon money; for good money. Archie used as I decoy?making n niece oi:1 agent sent to meet eccenxnc < t dor here next day. i '.APTKt: \'i Wii"'. they reached d rung rqom at ten the next r.ocnr ?. they found Seehreok and Walter. just finishing break tart. M i.-- .--eobroek was having coffee r h her father explained iv. respo : ?.< Arabic's peliU inquiry. -We're h >piug to get a* s y r ' rfti-meon." he cviutjnoen. "It -a ill take only few minutes to transact our buMce-. when, the :v.nr. r"rn waiting fo>- appears;' but he's; an jBic.ertatn qba'ttiiy. and there'.- i\o tcfeog u hen he'd show up But' we're hay, iny a good- tune .nil! 1 ? han't mini ar-othei 'lay or t-.v-v. if I'lmly ybP gentlemen would bee v Kg. vmuar.y''" "Ah. yfiu luv. very kind IT .- : i<i tini "hlfi Wi- .HI-' resnhle >>?-eWt the t . W ill*;!-:' or ie-s il;it04: r.y -O " i:tt.- it: ti-vciiiumit-- <|'| tfi o..y.' Si'vin-tM.k mid yi>st^R" !i. 1 : tile oiti?i a - Archie and *.r.- <1 >vet not the<r ?a Jr.'. A- 'he; tor their ear. tv be -en r-jutie! from the ?.?outre a waiiiitu drew i.o] ami aisrhai'jj-.ii a .-Kir.. wit", ejdetiy mar. in a mater coat, th-r \v;ia much too '.unre fftr him. lit ivii ue-imp.itvud t-y an enormous aiv.ouiii of ioireae-.- a: from the steps of th ittp gave orders >r n high otpirrj vpicaas to the mania.-. .if :u? disposal As various pieces were hurtled into the off.. .- he enumerated bom an audiiih tone as Unmet. inviting jgi iutrs' U'iu;. thi- h?:i i-ot. enncjud% e.i S. .brook -topped t.p aoeb^i.e-! th. m-v.ecmcr. Mr: ipoh'gtion, i am Very gtad to see you. ! i'epe ; are c.o; .vote. hiiudfeti mil.:- ooalti V. iir sir $?h'S lit > '! PHI.? a tiro grviaiy u I v'r > "' think ( aw feeiinin1': n.y aye. - Seventy i}-;Tn<iyi dor.'r f?ei ;icf itvr" fifty. .'Vcr a day. >ir, KiSs .1 ih'niX rest for a few. hours as a pr<icaution. a .*?%}? 'pricaiitsijnj? y meapS.'-'ife sure, -and he ajLtlspraty r.ie.el ;yr.-.; far our little fene's at tub-thirty K' sharp." "That will suifciihe ptrfecTiy." replied Seebrookt Archie hung abau. impatiently waiting for the Governor to make his farewells to the old lady atfjjj hoi granddaughters or. whom he had expended his sociai laieiits a; the dance. Mr. Congdon was quarreling with the clerk over the location Of the room he had reserved. Having frightened the clerk into readjusting the entire registration to accommodate liim. ho demanded to know whether his son, Mr. Putney Co.ig. ' Joa. nas flopping in the house. Assured that Mr. 'Putney Congi'. don was not in the inn and hadn't tfceeii there within the rocolieetior. of the office staff, the senior Congdoii explode ({violently upon Seebrook slid Walter-. St.'. '"Things have come to a pretty pass in rhis top.-.y curvy .. arid when a man can't find his corn sor! For three days I've been wiring Jus ciul>and all c.ther places ho could possibly be without result. And 1 have learn fee. ed that his wife has left Bailey Harbor arid the house there is closed. How dare they close that house when 1 was about to pay them a visic?" Seebrook and Walters expressed their sympathy in ir.ild tones thai - rrmrpfl flu. nM p-entleo.an f.. frreafe fury. "Can a whole family be obliterated and no trace left behind? Is it possible that they've been murdered in their beds. servants and all, and the ? police not.yet aware of it?" At the mention of murder Archie began stealthily feeling his way along the cigar counter to a water MailftfilM SHEEP i Nicholson on#. Hi'it'a.--d Through Puba.-u-r Service c.Lver. Thov seemed to be no o: caning Crow site C?ngdons and ber v.-as the father of i'atnr-y bold! pob?is}??H? to tfte whole >cate of Ni" i-'.arrpshite hi-- ?<?.:: - that his :on ha been mu razzed. The concentration M the . hob Hpjuf: 'ctj*o:\ jot trait-: er i.?f NJr. Con-, j <-itsn">- higgjng* tr his zoom Ifejft th Ib-vevnor v.r.it Archie to n.nra.ee th | removal ?>f their cwr effect.-- to th ; waiving- car -Seebvock and Watte i I ob?tfjr;.irh- assisted. '.aairikimj v \ Concnojv eccentricities. Seebrook se;z-e<i the Governor kh bag v jag the stxiy tht?u>a*? :< ha. - and carried i: out to th- ca The :i:-: i it in SiJebrook'.1 can eav-k Archie sensation? of nause that were not relieved \iy the gri hi letecteti oil the Governor's faci Within y:i hotti t\\i at most th .-aihsrimrioT. and -ohiie? v won- : > discovered anrhe t mntry vvoul ring with the demand for their vi? taction. B;;t the Governor w?i cai ry!Tuv Qi.y the departure with hi usual gaiety, .U was clear that he ha ! made -he most favorable imprcsMo upon isec-brook ana Walters; and i ; the cord;a? kamtshakmc- and ex pre: i ,>f hope ioi future: meeHujp I Arc hie joined with the bi-st spirit h i ?r-is:e:-- A cheery sjocd-l | caused him to look up. M:s- Sv | brook wj-fc rv red :use ip her has; waved t. him from het windows. : A< he lifted. h> esj - ! >i: j the -ose with a ir race ft:: -vveipp c - arrn.vy'; the A coach .;<\A | cried the Ga-.-ei;??rYr. applaadii , Archie's catch. ; He jumped "iYit f. inachiiiu: af A rvhse scrambled aftes him- Archie | |a&t ,\rrt)>ressibn. hX the ,'mri \vj&- xi bl.,:- of vvavpig' rw\ndkeychief . Mvss ^eohrodBs window. I'. h.VVe arc i- kucce.-jfefriy | ' ;. Urself ;n; a-"J Weil I ive .6oveMoVk testifier. Hie :?;ea) ! Ah; tbat i itt.b* toi%<$ of the 10.-0 w \vorth aii oui ,jjivi1h;-fnrtBtif? in 4 ' errperiere,- |l| < cc".. nretlier rfc; that' A ' - cly - .: you might ? y^;cwetv. not ah.^dy g|g| eu it *h?; r.ari vdnt???. d...vn ..to s A vroodrby- :t-W. c.hi huve brcn much it! silit'lnt. BuV the ro-?. the tv ;yreS&ffi wouldnyt; be a bad i-5 to; *trek it av an emeu>r,e sn.l mail 1$$ w">> teU'n L ihv xvi;., i you ;oi . tif ,ha::os- I tr w-i>uiiiee^Jc f-.-.'i :i iift-i-. i)iuuciii: I i :jj? li' yuu wen- to ondost* a i i i\ he's: that ii had laUenlt'.* y?.? ! hand frotYt a. eitfr?:n:idi hit'tici?." . | o'i?pf hs>" addles"-." Biiii ; | i\V. 11 Archie. He :. ? Jaiise.-, ?f. ih> . J.hiekuVtr that here ill fa vas >-i>we;I\iriir that \eou\ti roher.i p&vevnor B-u the Governor mere ; he dfew the ear roui .V^sMvP? !#' ' A? gp^vi L'e -'t yeM Belief e that I hath J'a T.ve for our -afe .flight! Vt>it .."mi; : '.earn ffj SSg your ^ e.-v 'Son'. The | jfifu ?ne of.- r.he- luotherhp.i'i oi' fj I roii.-fighi theha i;i the office v.-hi i ev'e iY. .|t stave him h\?Ua>ytioii - la ' r:-_'hv. He'- a ~re?k ihiei e' rim?: i ' nfi^vaifaw-^r,-,* : 1 r 1 A : ^ '~ ~ ' jauto.cau on ipy *>l?i friend. ; s-Riv^le'l him upstairs to Jjeep wati l i'or r.u-'''aiyd hejSgreu 'uiv.self- '.n'it ' Civv pi decidecf merit. ile'il be ham ! round i b.ir.fc.rd tndiy and i She absurd police will .tie obliged '' i make an arrest to save their reput | iiphs he wil! put himself in theiraK ; afcd encourage the idea by snhs | means that he might have beetV ti 1 malefactor who robbed Se'ebhook j tiucl; ;5Sfit ieit Leaiy's bills befcir. \ They will he unable to make a oa: ' against him but he'll probably g. thirty days for loitering. Then he walk out and draw ,i thousand dolla from one 0 buy little private ban] further along '.he road for so chivr rousiy throwing himself into tl j breach' i ear. lino you men wl I will do a year's time to save the me j higher up. This satisfies the poiij as to the zeai of its paid prelccco and make it possible for men of ger j us like you and me to walk in hij plates unmolested. A damnable :y tern. Archie, but we learned it fro the greedy trust magnates. V< take the wheel: it just occurs to n that yea said you were a fa driver." CHAPTER VII | Wjjr. all his outward candor ti I Governor had. A&chie found, r j serve.-, chac were quite unsiccobr able. Ha ice fail allusions to Y i past in the most natural i'ashio | with an incidental air that added I their plausibility, without ever tea ! ing a.-:do the veil that concealed 1 i origin or the manner oi his fail. I indeed, a man who 30 jubilant : boasted of his crimes and ,-eemed find an infinite satisfaction and d light in his turpitude, could be sa to have fallen. Having mention! , Brattleboro as the point at whi they were to forgather with R1 Leary, the Governor did not refer the matter again, but chose rout and made detours without explan tior.. 1 THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?KY ! jt If wilt 'jo- tee IPsM tofafirrsoou1 < : oitt of Cjjaferi chut the Governor t t i: :udd?tdy bade Archie whom en- { : 3 eoarsfcerf pypyl aC'rtsss. lime,: t i -paa.v? ata gate. g 'SgPj: :lflK&?gg|l! j .'4 J "VVe litis,'- hf-r.-. -or. Mitv l.sugr-j 1 -re-; ih.-i jrb'i -afce r sue from' ? ?'e." Di!: ?'aJk?r is; an hosest dairy.; ' mas: ?U intents ami purposes, but; ' tea!!;- an .>!.i envs wh| got tired of; ' dodging sheriff- ard Moodhounrts 1 &.vi boagfct -Ids farm. A sober. in-1; iu-t.-io-.' family r-.s!.. you will find: ! him. with a wife aaii ore 'uuekter. j ' This or-: of '.& ktst stations of; r f- rise underground railroad. safe as' ' o j -i mother's arrr.-. and yon wiU never)' ? Relieve you're not the fav -red guest, * i .a' a week-end party. Walker's an; dj "id ihum of i.eary's. They used to' I cut up sr. the usost -eprehensible j Cj fasfch.r wes :: >!rf tnies. Vcu've j 5-1 pro's&b;y -vopderet- what becomes i" 1 sfj . id 11 . ok.- V.'alke? is , f course an if 1 uuosua sppeormen ' re knew 1 e! when the ouUr.ir.tr was good. and ' * having salted away .. aire Utsie for- ' it turn? ar nrk r.A in - xpress K>i.i! ;ti-. r rwe: - f--e in r>e tee and pass- ' ': | a- '.he lot: at ze.s .'otitic house ev-j era So. say "y . may he dead sure! : ! na" . ;..-. th ar-t r,.r; i.uv pro- i n iv tile e free av Walker'-." j t>: A art - .i-.i',' r-.at v-rr a pro-,; f'j r.ounted stoop. ' faded blue - | overal's. was v . ' : * >r them aL ' cj 'ust run the machine right in," j f-j The car disp 3i, t::- Gover"* i i?or igbvuiuced A'oh:-r as i.r.r of his? * is } dearest friend . i Archie * d- j clapped was roughened J n,J ov toi' W V jxi : s "jlad: 1 p to-see-ye?> and" :a :: y Looked him 1 oi'tfi. There was Knife'r.tr in h> speech or J uiaiiner to suggest :r.at he nr?d ever . V ' i ; 'Vwm, 1 i : . n : -A<: - -v.- a. .. .cu < ?* ? , ^ '" j - r carrying :ra?: - tc :h<? house, ) t t s ; _ farrne - n of ti.e weath-I j . i or. vfc-j': ar : -*a:. of the v?ads. j ( '. j The house ivas t with the] han v ' Eugland <tv!e. j j ; h . _ sane cheerily? i nehi'mjr h Govern >v P&us~! j art'f -'rv.k itu Th\ _ ' w.iidow. i>3 j ) . * " stiil and j j ijitiieiit with a . heery J ' ;t-' 'Hot;.-, "r ; * Lo >k u.? - ;??< :u e V ex-> . oiaina-fl theCt&yvriuir; s??iaingr| !:: . A avir-. "I: -M I : - '?W . -he was .,"V-!^are; * > the'; ' . ^ Hen - . - - ; . . V\ alker.; v.ti snj ' -ifcinsr - vvhen she i V\/> ^v. - :h'\>: o;t por. urakmg:; Mi.-sjf a ht Ah ?ei:?i. j ' 'i : ? .? . . Vch u willj .. \V dker: n. ..: fil : :: ' ' - jvftl'.li a i<i , ;? " > --s: .* tRi?i! j '' i Archie's : i: sensations sIj . ;>| ||' _ hav-'f tivi* nfotr.'Atjft re-t; a:. ! oct ' Her bjack hair wa.-i ';!J - svvi'K r icfc srnOf.thiy TiW. hi'.; fv'.v.-/ "jhoii'i u'-.i ffiji.re w.i- ||v ist"'*' !!,s! tV? c i:-.:r. her ro'snJiM creeks. i Arit'.i'1 dimples aijtj ih<? :K". whv.s ti-.-th that mativ sraie ar l t.hir.Jj i: . " -the anii s>-.v?>"!-ab!? of > i her sm;* ,n"i "Wo--. ?>: . Suiitsbci'.v. f'v? at! tmo.k? ' ' ai'.il thy! i canh; v-;t> thy t ejryv tasto?!.T*{ !ft; "She reiVirmref.s' Amid Su lie-.'j cares, .-he tM.emlwv! My i / 1 > * ' h t'"' '> ?'jr i:- " ; "Y,#aV; thia?.- Jir. iiiiuHjtxiry wm's-; 1 j yasy at> ~df sM jsfefei iuu?he,s;c4'Bui;.j I he yak,:-- >h* ?j?l#every j ! '. > : '.IV srvs, - hs-." >lr. ; r.Mv.ty-" A M ; "Ir.iii-v : -y -t," Ari'Iite, j rallyffiiu ;-,y to the lW". rnoi's j I sap;>i)it< "Ky.'? iieesr r.i'yjtu^- aUoiit! j >v; for iayf. a my only -Ai:>/isv|, rf jis thhv ho so cHio.yiocoiy taiio.- top l[KiVo fainter Utk-o.tea:-" I "Of O-iiii'yvtt ?l"! Uetwty!" the Co-oisyvr sannlied. ;! 6-| "You'tt cliaso yourselves; ] '* ': : eov, pop'". be . r' ;> "Vi-.i at havinu' malt tor yea." J -' J Or. liii yerarid'i a ta!i e:.iorly roan ty j rose fro's*; a ha?\moek tu vthich he ] ,<J had beor readimr a newspaper and ji ;c strcTcket: Jhsnseii". H;> tavaei face'] 5 v.-a: deeply bat he gave the;i irnpt'easlisti of health and vigor. t] ' "i.euiy." tt'hisfeend the Gotcvnor J< et'in an iiale and Immediately intro-i] lured hi.r.. ] r* The road has beet: smooth and it" the sky is high." said the Governor 1- in response to a quirk anxious quesiv tionine of Loary's small restless eyes, i" "Did you find peace in rhr n churches by'tne way?" Lo&vy asked, ce "~Tri one of the temples we found i'S peace and plenty." answered the d- Governor ts though reciting from St. a ritual. f - Geary codded and ga>*e a hitch to j n> rds trousers. ?u "You found the waters of Chair.ae plain tranquil, and uo hawks follow'r ed the landward passage?" ' "The roi/ir. and the bluebird sang j over all the road." he answered; then | with a glance at Archie: "You gave at j no warning of the second pilgrim." e- j "The brother is young and inno t-1 cent, but X fir.'d hint an apt pupil." lisi the Governor explained. n, "The brother will learn first the! to wisdom of silence, remarked Leary,; ir- and then as though by an after-j dr. thought he- shook Archie warmly by if the hand. ly They went into the house where to Mrs. Walker, a stout middle-aged e- woman, greeted them effusively, id "We've got to put you both in | td one room, if you don't mind," she j ch explained, "but there' stwo beds in i ad it. I guess you can make out." to The second floor room to which os Walker led them was plainly but a- neatly furnished and the windows | looked out aon rolling pastures. The sky. thubsda y?booke. x. Jovernor ihgkdoficd his hij<h fi' a!fe and asked blur?t questions a. event vi-dtor-. apparemii' re ten 0 cviniimds \vfeo had lodged at arts They t&lfced quite op* vhiie Archie unpacked his brg. 'est Jess activity of the ?oik of mdonvorlu. their methods of e nu ideation nod points of rem racks seemed part of a vast sys ind he was ashamed 6J? his ej'mn ntetest in al"? he saw and heard. Governor's coo! fashion of talkinj he world of crime and its deni; iimost legitimatized it. made it :?ear a recognized part of the acc id scheme of things. 'A'a'ker ar fcaJ the Governor's deepest jnceresi elliug of the vi ; i Oi I \ (e Bun 1 diamond thief, who had la nadc a big haul in Chicago, and >ec:: passed; along from one poin efuge to another. Leary appeared a moment 1; ind Archie was about to leave onji). hut the Governor inri itoutiy' that he remain. ,41V. anxious fox > i; add Re< ;mov; that 1 trust both of vou fal "WbaIV thi young Wothei asked Ltary with a glar.ci Vrchie. To Ke referred to as a coiifidi nan by & gentleman of LearyTs ;es.*ionul eminence gave Archie :hji:I. The Governor answered hawing* up his sleeves and g< hrough the motions of washing lands. The brushihg of the hands ret her Archie Interpreted as a < ign signifying murder and the subsequent interchange of word; ook to be inquiry and answer a he danger of app re hen ti on. He hat Leary's attitude toward him :arae friendlier from that more I'here yas something ghastly in bought that as the slayer of a nan being he attained ;* certain lity in the eves of men i ke JLe Rut he became interested in ransaction that was blow ta ilace between the thief and the < ?jno'-. The Governor extracted s >? e-thousar-.u dollar hills from i)ag, and laid then, out on the Ke rapidiv explained just Leafyt> hidden booty had beep coveVea, and the aian^r in w the smaller denominations haui parsed' without asousinuysu-. vioio Lc&iy philosophically st<?\\e$ Ijjiy i?. his clothing. > d >ne. are you.'" Hskct *?" . ei-ner; "out of the game?" 1 >ur?? have quit the ;v>a<i," f. answered. "The girl has gr few iho'.isar.o ruckc-d away and gdjgp to pick her up and 'cay a tK>? picture join: or a candy .. . % I... i. ;... au'.ii' ?i|- .!;acv. tjzi t: -it uii- .?ii; ?one OX tH'e-e puwe that iVee? all winter, set ! can have a char, re-t The ?i.i girl Has a p.lae? mi nil." "Or; the whole it doesn't -outi citing," the iTovbntov ec.mme inspecting a clean -hiv;. "Did admirable wife get vai of those [ she pinched last winter? They hand ouif string, as ! I'ftinei tea handsome to market readily, l.e.iry has a passion for pre baubles Archie, the (iove.vnrr plained "A brilliant career in in gup such trifles; a star perfoi lied. it you don't nviiKl my braj of your wife." Lcarv seeiifed not at aii liist by this revelation of his wife's venous affection jgr pearls. Ti train i other's wife should ho a scented perfectly- natural; Irak seemed nuitc -fittinc that ti should mate with thieves. A pfe??i|i AW.V/AVAV/AVAV WW I ? I ? How aboi ? that need re] ? evenings an ? gets busy? do good wo !; and they cos |[ day and loo the tool" yr I BOO ;! Slogan, ' ji EVEF \W.WVAWJTOW/AV Wn further gathered thet Mr.-. Li-aryj 5 toj operated in Chicago.. under the guise ring Jf a confectionary shop. one >>i the Ilit stations of the underground railrosd,. ?iiIy . and assisted the brotherhood in die-! The; posing of their ill-gotten wares. A re-the cent reform wave in Chicago Had) opt- caused a shake-up in the police deile.a i partment, most disturbing to the tern' preying powers. >ou- "They're clean off me. I reckon." ^e.' said l.eary a little pathetically, (he * reference being presumably to the tens pestiferous police. "That was a aP~j good idea of yours for me to go hp c-pt- j.lto nanat]a an(i work at a real job uue- j Tor a while- Mast a worked hardj ' ?y j enough to change my finger prints, ney., Some bioke died in Kansas awhile, te'.y; j?aci; an?j j.0t all the credit for being hud the old original Red Lease." t of. TV terror of the press in record-, ] ing Leary's death tickled the Cover-' atet mightilv. and Leaiv laughed ur.-l the ' stedJ " 'Sti? if.-' , |lt. i Modernize your home and . to a- new equipment makes possibl felt; and modern plumbing installed be- ! under way and before cold wea ,ont. Our plumbing equipment i mi. somibie in mice and the work hu- which permits, us to estimate act dig-- you before the order is given, arc. PHONE US TO CALL AN SHOW YOU OUR LIST kiJig ' Open 7 a. m. to 6 p. aa. C. S. ST! his ; Telephone 87 re- ' ~ hlch! r. ? , *1 1 yiiloim Lry x< M O T IT E R F!et- /flP ufoev. ~?; ??*?? . IA ^ ji?rs. cher s Castona is a \Sy cious ' pleasant, harmless S.ih- 7? ' statute for Castor Oil, meiy Paregoric, X eething tsrinR Drop.-, ami Soothing r : ( Syrups, especially pre !ar_ pared for Infants in hat a amis and Children of all ages, thief; eti it j To avoid imitations, always look for ' vrs i P ro | on-, on each s*act:a;re. rchie tWAV,V.V,V.WAWAWyW. ;it the home tool kit? Aren't l placement, now that the long i here when the handy man Good tools are necessary if ; rk. Boone Hardware 1 ools >t no more than inferior tnakt k over our stock of tools. ^ >u have been needing. NE HARDWAI "Plant More, Grow More, IV tRTHING IN HAR * v **>*<^ '* '' '' "^fj ^\VWAWAVVVWVW>JVW.VAW l sll iplfl novsmbeh f| i?27 il| f|jl; til in- was oblige-! to wipe the tears from hi:- eyes "I'm g?ri?sr to pcU mv tYoigh: e: sapper,"' he ?u.i. "Walker's goin to take me into town ar.il fil slip out to Betroii ?where 1 be old girl's v.oitir," for roe."' Walker railed them to supper ar.(l they went dowr to o sum) that met ail the cipeetaiion- arouse-l by the Governor's boast of the Walker cuisine. (Continued Next Week) Winning a Gal I first saw her at a circus. And knew that I war tost: ! swore that t would have bur then, Regardless of the cost. I quickly riiusiticd all my strength, Twice, thrice. I threw the ball; And the third time, knocked the cat off: Xov she's mine ?that Kee p;- doll. make life for yorii wife as easy e. Now is the time to have new . while Fall house-cleaning is * ther sets in. s modern in every respect, reaof installing* is on a time basis, iurateiy just what a job will cost D MAKE ESTIMATE AND OF NEW EQUIPMENT every day except Sunday iVENSON Shop 13 Main Street tS| . It contains no narcotics. the signature, of Physicians everywhere tvcowmcuti t; ' ''ff-jf ' ." '.y-oj'.SV'-: '[ "A fit.'-. ' . :* I1 . -' S VW/A%UW.'ASWAV.V.WA there a few tools I; j indoor days and i; jS " " 1 about the house \\ you are going to * are guaranteed !; ;S. Di op in any I ? fou'll find "just !?' BET AA 1% Wmm W? J lake More/" ! j DWARE ;; WWWUSWA/UWVVVVVWWSWVU it. \

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