;v ' BLACK By Meredith '. trpyrssrh;. CharUv- .Scrribner? 8 liters' Aucocj (jjgfffifai :4.f :y'. ' ' ::i,0.'" ' "11: ' . In their hwurs together .?r?hie; had never beer. able >. free his minJ j of ihe 'U-a-rv/eali!.' fa.-c "hat he hadj .s j beset now (>;. :h'.. th- :aI'.L that soer.-, h ?i ,ir fatt-r he mu:-t c. nfe-s his cul-j pahiUyt hi the Bailey Harbor fhoot-1 if:, n'.v "'-'It"tfVO wot to toll ''mgdort 1 shot! hiai and *.hat he was b ho way re-; sponsible for Hoky's death." b- an-j niiunced detetirinedlv . the Cote--1 ttor. whom h. fi;unll pnci _ the! stvcet hi t'rout of the hotel .afterj so peer. "Of course you'd tell him. but hoc* yet. Until we .ret some other thirdsj cleared up she'll let him chink he! killed Hok> keep lim huxn-j b!e. And now that he's off the in-| vafiu's 1 \veT!i let hint share a me little adventure* that :tu before us. Tonight 'vl- vf cot a matte- on hrrd thai*.- better done by our.sen. T: you think he's safe :*or a few hours vve'Ii go ahea 1/ 1 Me cropped on the way to the| wood-bordere 1 .-h"< ' i produced : from a lVnce (.- oner .p-. e!setrie "an>?> J and hvo Revolvers. "Stick one of these m your pocket. We're not going to add. to our crimes if we can help it. hut?" At a point half a mile from the village the Governor clashed h lamp air/rig a bank that hung over the beach and found a canoe arid a row boat hidden in a thicket. "We're all fixed. <5 bid Leary planted these things feu* us while Wert at -upper." ne gave :i win. tie and In m -j ment Lea'ry stood bes? them. They had carried tfefc boats to th wa^r'- edge v. her. tne Govern-', i .suddenly stood eree: The rn^no-! tonous turn umi of .? ga'si line- engine i \va.- born, to fh'em out of the dark*]1 "(hi rev has a < oat >\i some v,< ?vve\\" j the Governor ren.arfceb. **ahd as he J can ies :- lights \ve'vt got ' take the chance cf sr-akii-i.r r-?und hi in *\ getting run ?h.vv; . You ami Red' take the row, bout and trail me: 1*1:!' T scout. ahead with the car.oe." 1 1 The canoe shot forward, the Gov-: oriior driving the paddle with aj Practised hand. The : t?w boat lowed, and as t hey nue,? -tyadey )l toward tta- of the bay the- : marked mir/r'g and nib he el.oariy thei passage of the launfch as it patched' the farther ^hore. They wer? tvvotliirds of the way acres- the buy i when the Governor gave sign', to stop ami they drew royt-rher : *6r a | JoiitYrn.ee. ''They mpst be heypine water.," .-aid Archie, railing jwV.eri-.ion , ?B lights on t.h; sho-e, 'If Wk could; iand w.ilioc Mghteri-n.T the trick ioj The Governor wihstled through ids |x teeth. Somewhere to the left of j rthom as they iay fronting the Bijhp! a sharp blew was .-truck upon metal, ijIt was repealed fitfully iVr -ever;'.: minutes. "It's Carey tinkering- his1 1 engine. He's boon playing possum off there."] The launch was, so near that they heard the waives slapping it; side-; ! ciuddciiiy Tje'ary sprang up in the] los ing moat. "Look ahead!" he exclaimed, iov-j cling his arm at a shadow that darted out of the- darkness and passed between them av.d -the launch. The Governor ,:v. it and stifled a cry of dismay ' Two women jr. a canoe'. They're going to run for it!" The Governor had already turned the canoe and was furiously plying his paddle. A lantern snot ils beam from the phantom craft, but the light vanished immediately. "There goes his engine." the Gov-] emor called as he took the lead, j "He's spotted that light and will try; to run them down-"' Isabel and Ruth, attempting to elude Carey's blockade and seek help at Huddleston. were forcing a cruise that might any minute result in disaster. It was incredible that Carey would attempt to run down two women on the dark bay and it was apparently his intention to circle round them and drive them hack to the camp. Neither the canoe of , the adventurous women nor the launch was visible from the row boat, though the engine's rapid puli . rations indicated the line of Carey's : pursuit. The launch executed a wide half- 1 circle, stopped and retraced its 1 t course. The Governor called to i Archie to stop following and move r- in the direction of the town, independently of his own movements, thus ! i? broadening the surface they were 1 i covering with a view to succoring the t canoe. 1 "If that blackguard keeps this up >; we may have to swim for it! Give \ i; me- the oars; I want to warm up!" t E~"t and Leary were changing r ; when the launch, executing c of its g gantic evolutions, s 'ept by. A second later they fl irtled by a crash followed by and cries for help. Leary j v shrilly to attract the Gover-1 o tention and bent to the ( SHEEP \ Nicholson n-r. Release J Til tough Vvhister Service oar-. Carey .-hut )!"{ his s->wer tbe ravin nt he ilruek 1!'.J eai'.n. A ; hour trotii the Geverit ii anleiaae-. i that he v.us har?ytnv. Tevani Vhe ynotte of the #?;j5Biiw dependent ipon s und and the scar-light '.r. the urgent ?>uslross of riTatkir.tr the peskier of the young women. A hand grasped Archie*? trailing oar rui in -v nioraenl with Lea) yV .-j>stance he! Had gotten one of the Women ."nloj the hotat. The mer. now VedoSSr'.cdv their efforts to find the second ricXxm pf the catastrophe; ?hputi^K ' keep track of >- tiij ar. the! and t : hearten the girl v. !; " - smewhe* hat '.lit!*.: for her life A faint cry. hardly distiiiguisha.hl^ above the commotion of the wavesj caught Archie'.- par :ir lumped mto the water and swrm toward it. In making ? stroke h:V arm fell upon the side of the overturned canoe. AS pitiful little whinfper startled him: hp toyohjed a face ami bis fin'vres^ traaght in a woman's hair. The capo still retained enough buoyancy to support hinn and his lusty cries brought the Governor to his s de. ftdlcwed an instant later by Leary, laborious);. pushing the oo&b before rm. Th< y worked in dlei sav the sharp commands c,i the Gover: , i tinrr of the second ver * hi -* :? . and I. avv nran,un .: this. while Archie and the Gay-J i run.'. as lev l\vu\J i;\\ 11' a - with n ?:. Th~ bent had t In* balanced supreme < :s got th? J?vv* ab '..t -i. 'They h\mv ->*? i'i fab?njr care oi jl rm-m.-e'vt.- whrn we :/.i Iceil "hem j up." id Archie holding to the sidof i?: the- beat. Wo haver, t .? cus-. ? f jl ihvjvvr.'hg1 to de&i wirb " inaJvo for the ? amp a? :a-t as pos-ih!^.- TH tako the pars.^ saiii the G^vcri^i' "You and I.oar. fol'A iii m> tajwer When tr?o\ reached- the camp they v eio met by tli'i camp doctor and Isabel's mother who had iWurtt the! crash .??' the ro-lUion ami Mri i?jr - c-ies that h'ad, an.aoiateod the j iti&iu-. Ruth declare.; that she wa.-j iVb:i< t walk b'a* Csi&Vi became the their iiameitiov . riuddmaWnn. She ',-iy in the-boat -.Muttering incwg Mitiy. Archie raihered her u>> ut h'> arms ar.d bore her to the hospital tent where a nurse waited op thom. "We're lucky devils.'' said the Governor, a? they wrung the water from their t-lother in the bath house. *li we hadn't been jutt where we v.ere those girls would have dr..wo eti. In their skirt? tbey couldn't have made the shore!" Mrs. Perry came down presently to report t'hat Isabel ami Ruth were asleep. "I nisit." she said, "we might proclaim to the world your gallant eonduet: but tor any report of this matter to get abroad would be ?HsastiSii, a dire calamity; as vou'ear. see. it tvouid be best for you to re urn to Hutidleston and keep 'silent as to the accident." ":Vou may count c.n our discretion," said the Governor. '"Lai n.e say first that as to the danger of starvation, you need have no fear on that store. I wired yesterday for a tug I'm somewhat interested ir. to pick up sul-nies at Harbor Springs and'it v.-il! be ill here sometime during the afternoon." CHAPTER IX \fher. the Governor and Archie wen: down to breakfast at nine o'clock the hgkt morning they learned that Cong-dun had risen early and gone out. The Governor drew from his pocket a telegram which Leery had carried up to kin: while he was dressing. " A cypher from Perky at Harbor Springs. He's got the provisions ahoaid but reports that he suspects the tug is being watched. It's possible of course that he and old ETi-j piuilos were spotted at Cleveland when th; y boarded the boat and that :he government is keeping ar eye on the Arthur B. Grover." A.-.v,:- s.i ' - - - .-ijvuitc uugftetf unCJaSIiy. "We've got enough, trouble on ra.id right here without bucking thj Kkfera! 'authority. Of course you'll varn him at once not to put in leie!" "My reply was sent instantly. I rired him to hold on to Eliphalet mt to drop all the men he didn't leed to handle the tug at the first onvenient point and send them ingly into the woods beyond Callersville to await instructions." They had- reached the veranda, riiere Congdon joined them. ObvimsFy he was in a serious mood. ' Something's happened that both ,v . THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E ! ers tr.e a litCo." hi said. "A ma j motored u;? here awhile ago. looke | the place .over and asked ir.e a lo >>t questions abeur the hotel and it j guests. You understand. Comly? j He hesitated, glancing question i iv.gly from Archie : > the Governor. " You may trust Saulsbury. W have knowledge of some other thing | that make it necessaiy for us ail t j stand, together." ' "ThU fe!ine t ter i:'. a Way I didn' , like-. You remember. Cuir.ly. ' too I >ou utr try (.or.fidevce aVout a lit | t.'c difficulty, i had before I cam u at sq I "That . affair or. the .Main I G-.a-t'.' t: wa; a shootin.?. Sauls ; > ...-v." A: .hie erpiatned soberly. "Extra ii :. .? } !" exclaimed th ! Governor. and listened gravely whit > " _-.i'described the ehootirigr a Uailey Harbor. "You ha.- ;r> -; led about ilii matter ".v. unnecessarily." th. Got - eclated with a wave o hand "Ycu ?v re in your own house. a::;t had every r.gnt to b; here vor were defending yjurseii gairftr a scour. ' r c-h.i did his besi ki?i ycu." "Rut "ost fortum to- that w. three hy - met here, gentlemen an make . ou both tee'. perfectly at ease l'tl i - equally ."rank and >ay ; it for early seven years I've beer nixed up with, the '.ending crooks o'l this country. "And now t- isittess. V.'e seem to be fe'.iujfe with a pretty teste foi dver.ti::.. am; 1'ir.t- going to appeal your chivalry right r.ov: : - help lie in ,t very ieiicate matte!'?and a very dan go reus one that calls for prompt attention." He bade- Archie ell the -tovy. interrupted occasionally t-> supply some i ta. When Isabe name was merti. red as the head of the camp Ganglion jotr.ped to his feel .JVftVmUf ' Why. ' r ffunjj round upon .Vvhie, "that's th*? cri ri who gaw me :he had Auvic-j that got me into all n.y tx, uHo wli\: *vy wife! Ami she \ - i.*iistodia if m; ja )ghtoi ' With m\- ov- r child over there at the mercy y>f ihm scoirralrci I couldn't re-: a: i I assure you that ! cherish he resentment a-.v -.--_ M - Perry. 1 onlis* right hOiV." -'GoJtr the Governor crieihk- and \v : -i * bacV - business. The .tug that's hrmiring the supplier for camp a'-- <\ ng a launch for our Ni?v.. ''ongdon. it you've . taking oraers from rao. til yi i to lie off Heart O' ! DAVIDSON'S- an a mas time. For we ha I have gathered togethi ! to help you choose w ! gift for every one on ; ?a wealth of gift wi; And always, regardle ?with an air of distil tire family. We have A New THRI] A new coat is more t season, and considerii ing of women's and n style?the best values and workmanship?a j ed woman can v.rish i deep-pile or soft sued trimmed, with collars ly tailored and warm) $5. Whatever you may w We thank our friends Da i iVEK* THUKSOAY?BOONE, N. C. nj Dreams in the row boat- while the dj Mipplies nre unloaded. Our laud t| lord, a trustworthy person in every s particular, will go with you. Comiy " and 1 will meet the tug and pick up ;-j the la a neb." j While they waited for the tug's e| appearance A'-chic and the Governor >*j hung off Heart O* Dreams shore. 0 paddled close enough in talk wit h | Ruth at the wharf. e> "Everything's ail right." she rei. ported cheerfully. "The doctor is t keeping Isabel :n l ed today but k merely to test. The camp*- running - smoothly and the girls doivt know e ehat iney ate out last bread and butter for luncheon." c- Ai exclamation from Ruth caused Archie and the Governor to turn j toward the lake The Arthur 0. i e Grover was steapvhin: -lowly into the! , ' bay. A foment - !. : ry whisth .!: t to cali a^tent '-n : the v pcy launch. , which was runnthg v:\p\dly toward] ? the camp. 'j "Keep out ct sight," the G '\erno:J J f ordered Ruth, "and sen 1 your youngj 1 I tiMQ'Crek to nl.iv M th?. VV.Ui.i.; " 1 ? j ''Piease." she cried, turning to cc . J ^ L "take care ??f yourselves! We'd bet! ter .give up the tight right now ihtoi: have you hui t!" .; The Arthur B. Grov-er had rouu- ( I dcti tfcf point and was reeling ts * i way coward Heart O* Dream . Arphie recognized Perky, Ind istriouslyi taking sounding i d lazily giving) . order- to the man at the whet i. "There's our new launch trailing! -{ 'J behind like clouds of glory/* said the I _ Governor. "A vc rv v lit c- at-1 . Tali t is." I * "And a very snappy little man . hanging over the rail cf the tug! jj grppiag an umbrella. How clo you j t , ; uppost Perkv's explaining all thisI I o Kiiphal t?" : t "Trust Perky to be plausible." 1 : By the thm: the Arthur B. Graver( had warped in. Carev had brought t Iv: jaunch to within a do:-, en yards \ of the i .;g. and his . ipanion was i standing up anxiously scrutinizing. the men on board. "Prisoners!' he bawled. "Every-1 1 one of you a prisoner! I know you. 1 Perky "and you needn't try any tricks j on me or it'll he the worse for you." : 1 j "Trapped! Lost'" cried EJiplralet,' < i tragically. : "You're mighty :ight you're lost!" 1 yelled the officer, "You're ' nice * old scoundrel; to he circulat ng plug- t ged gold piece-, and a rich man at 1 that You're under arrest, do voi* understand." Perky was thorougfey prepared; i for the expeditious delivery of his' c carp .>, even to wheelbarrows in which.I three men no .'.began trundling sup-j . i plies up the wharf and along ? ii beach to the camn Vtore house. He. uthority on gifts for every ve searched far and wide t sr all the wonders of Trea: ith confidence and assurani your Christmas list. A trul} shes for Christmas?as moi r . - - - - ss or its price, it will be a g :iction that only Davidson's toys of every description t ' Coat Is the LLING of G hrilling at Christmas time 1 ig this fact, we have plann lisses' new coats. 1 hey ar > that can be offered in the ind the embodiment of all n the way of coat smartnes le, finished fabrics?some < and cuffs of wolf, fox/squi y interlined. In a variety OS trt SllO 9 fjy JL ^y ant at whatever price, you for their past patronage ai Happy Nei vidson's 1 ... ' s paid go heed vvb&tcvc r to the 'hrtvits | 1 uttered by rive officer. ami the work J t was proceeding rapidly, without] t noise or confusion, when they we:c 1 startled by a yell. i Leary and Congdon jfu the rowj boat had been stealsrig up behind! < Carey's launch. Leary sprang aboard j 1 while the two occupants wore watch-? 5 ing the landing of the store.-. Csrey,! * diving under Lt arc's arms, soiled a J 1 club unci knocked him overboard.} The detective jumped into the water! : and swam to the wharf, where h ! t was immediately" overpowered aiui' hauled aboard the tug.~' By this timei Carey was steering tor the mdid e of! the bay. where he watched the tug J * for a while ami then retired toward j t 1 - < amp. j f It was five '-'clock when the ins:!*' >f the c^rgo v.*us landed in the store! s house. The engineer sounded the! T yhisUe. _ j c kuth ran down :?> the shbre andl ~ Archie and the Governor went to: - her The Governor gave her the details[ >f the nftcrt'vM j and when he she cried: "You I-' perfectly splen-j \u\r | "By the "way." the Gov. .. . t(l ?d. "'.vhen does the camp close?" j "August twenty^ '* Mr. Carey! { es n't close it sooner." 'That date shall stand without reference to CareyV.wishes. intentioivs j ... . Pleas t write your father to! >e he-re on that last day and bring:J *as r !'i-o pa5 robes with him Havel tow anything to ad 1, Archie?," "You might -ay to Isabek" saidI \rchfe slowly, "that August twenty trikes me a.- the i.app.o-t possible late f< >r our wedding." "Vou two talk of weddings as hough! we were net in the midst of; attle. murd'T and sudden death!" {? She folded her arms and regarded hem with an odd little smile, half vistful. half questioning. playing ihput her lips. "1 was Just thinking," she .aid in. i few hioments, ' how we seem to be! iving in the good old times when. mights hastened by land or water to i he rescue.of ladies in distress But don't quite see through - the mi'" The sirtilewas gone and her yes darKened as she ended with a; ir.tlo quavering-, despairing note.) 'Something serins and dreadful' hivatens us. one and all of us may-| >e! It's only?what do you eallj uth a thing?a presentment?" "Please don't think of it!" pleaded Vrchie. "Things are hound to come ;ut ail right." "Yes; it will be only a little long -r.uttered the Governor listless-1 H "h.-ifl -?.ur- happiness- Good-by ana good uck ' " She was r.oi reassured, however, inii as sfco shook hands with them Were were tears in her eyes. (Continued Next Week) Hector Graham. negro, was the electrocuted in th* death house at he prison, Raleigh, last Friday :cr the murder f Captain Paul i&huf&n. Hoke county World war reterar. and farmer. Johnson was he ninetieth victim of the electric hai*' in this state. For colds, grip and flu take 1 @>s Relieves the congestion, prevents complications, and hastens recovery Haveltbur rr:Lwn^0k SciibhliUPS X-ouise Rice, world famous graphologis-:, can positively read your talents, virtues cjid faults in the drawings, words and what nots that you scribble when "lost in thought". Send y-.ur " scrifcblings" or signature f acaiysi*. Enclose the picture of the Mikado I>eu4; cut from a box of Mikado pencils, and ten cent*. Address Louise Rice, care of EAGLE PENCIL CO.. NEW YORK CITY \ prepared for Christ btainable?and we for your selection? >st-to-be-appreciated ibracing assemblage tious as you please. 1 ?unusual, new iop here for the enkiddies. Ata every requirement, ry Christmas and a A I C J 1