PAGE SIX OX "IPTOH ?.A r^aJjP <,i I hiK. <-vi_>?). \ S: , -The Plrtzed Trai 'N.XiAU.MKXT I "PYw men krmw u:}*?iv?. .:d White- Al? :hv romance iure of the irttxi". \vo,;.}> i iti thi- ;'*d VCTitUrV rioiy KA'C-pt VOU "??ti Tiptoe'* of t-xcvt< svu-nt ivi n\ the tijgfc ??&&?, to the last.**../ CHAPTKK i "We'ro Stuck!" Tr,i.? is y v:asfihuckli;W si'?; y of; pirate tk\ys. l\ Jias as h-aiiiae thar!s the i^uc'c'attee'r an ' his sin is-; t.-r Second' * < Voiontim-; QiV Kaiv' fci!:1 :? ?>} the Bright >h:M\uy: hriti yrear luttdligca-: eU-.s 1 y ^hosy caprice. by whose ordered Lava '.at lir.y va-rlvi carrier .?>? n:nm;k t's !niiijr-ns "i* sister i v. Kt-l.'oyv a??l ycu shall see' hr:\v.j :td .'oiitzj, ;;:y ;..nd 'iaslardy plot's and .. foot -ykaifeci and cast d-o>Vn a* his Ltfk* Affair^ wen- kvver- t.uo the mk'liiy '.iiwa-d-'.'l'.w . ; went:- of Far.'. up archer atul -.way! PpAe a'A;. eur upe-.s i; Phate, ap^vLpriai'A vumc.i (lijuisU vui. tv&s- icaidiivr hack ~n the J of. hi? tiAfla-mokinir ;tl Hv was 'arye . suuruv :::ar.. with livid. he. .-by ev;t-Prows. a; rduier. _ti,.- Si-:, an d; ' at!?na:.-i. v;a - nu?ep ypurver a*:.'. -k u>kr:-r. v, ilk y-Vt-aji siiCkea tnCt* ;ui?: an ir. -Ah ivkA 'j1U '.- ' ^5. pay'f #S aUt-ntkiViTJei/.^Viiv-' 5 ^the'r-c lwdfk-ti. pS-hi M0-' ' |]- W:.-v. ;ii'.v!:;. r . i >m: i >< ili 'thvifi .ii.!i- AtsJii-1'.- in the! of ill.' ro.u! hi- siaaiyoicili! ?i-l8?Uii'S iiuiuh-y.' "Tbe ftayijWfflV I l -r-k-:,-.-." # i' li.i . ir.v :-, ffl "lt'ii b&kled i? rank/;'; hi- .iiijc'i ; : i;m-i.i! briet'lv. \V -Tlu- ga>,-. n. i> -i.i c-i:k.'V vt illicit Ua.vdir.ei ealmly..^ -tiiii- . "How lar i - it 1.1 -Xi/rrage i- about r.vomyj .-hou'd pick ' at a sh-dici; place rc<, wad wji-lv Sunmutn. Inter changing; 'i j, t'He tire. walked the -1"1 ' got hi''.p. Now to ! .' considered : - uhv I Mm sel :n Distress. Her dis'-iess v.ahenrtfeit but not too serioucs Jt cor..1 -iteii .: the fact that' .-bo had beer carried away against in. will: .which! is. the- usual and proper roaaor fori tb? distress of f; runlet aboard pirate) raft. At this isvir.tefit -the should have) >feerj listening to tie duirei sirhihsi of a ja;:s orohestra, Or mayhap boss-j Eing about infatuated yourlv in any old haunt where- spur: t-Uubt.? are! correct Slp'i numerous. S in?te?rt of which siii- was here!! A-:op a stump! On a barren Cal'iV-r-; nia hillside of high hrntli and an ae-1 casiena! tret-! Stranded! Hot! Uncomfortable! No .vor.der the of: Iter figure wen unbending; r,o: marvel that her eyebrows were | lei-el and thai the regard beiw- them] t?t was sullen: Out upon you'. Phi.- dams?'. irj young and beauteous. Smouldering is' the .vo-si. Of i -n. thousand people the younger half would hav?? sympathized heartily with tiurton, by; gad! dragged off inro the trek-: .right in the middle o't the Del Montej Tournament; and the other haifj would haw muttered thing? about sjjoiieu nrtar ana an mauigem: tamer and would have regretted that she was too old to ho spanked. And none of this would have affected Mi?s Burtor. in the least. When her father insisted, in face of her first careless refusal, that she join him on this trip into the backwoods, she was vastly surprised, though not greatly put out. But when at the last minute she found that this Gardiner person was to he in the party, she saw?and resented ?it all. Burton had met Gardiner before. She did not like him; and she did not care whether he was the Second in Command of the piratical jpNjr ||rS Stewart Ed1 $ M Illustrations b;y ? 3 j I C. ;-. ?V- r sl.v Art m 1 row Puftl;?'iQj-3 Aw waft. art fc*e;>er of the foot:.' 0ft iPM deviser ??" stratagem cr no nVPre vowid seem to be no rea.-c why onc should not iike Gjatlig Ho :> tit). stcmior. very dark, \vi< ;'?fumv t?u. *. ie i>udark eyvlnsiie a ?k?jpy v- 11-bred supercilious e: inessoin on his thin k?n>r x'sice. A at? '!!i>vcni? v.ts are 'aniruidiy mac He if exceedingly well dies ? 15:- ability js ^ehoririgtis. li knows all about electricity, and \va t l ower. and nil wells, and Oks cine-, and railroad?, both thepret ? :.iiy and oracienllv, for these thiiH 'itie sor.n of the '< ?. the Pirate Chi* nas captured. Burtpp said stie didn like him becaUFo ho played ni> bridja ?roIf: but thai was not if. Sr had oih Or reasons-?no. Met reason inci. A: the p?? >ent roomt iit the setpti v ar.niai'.d did in?i attempt to a| pmach tra aloof youiur yod'tess. ]> .-load in- i?ave needed assist a nee t Ha- chautVaur. and when the job v; Tir:ary to boardinc ar. By the lino.- the job was Jmishe : t? nisii : ippi a roil. Abound by the bin ' ^Hdo i:n! Kho cpynv $>? th-.- iviouhia.ii kilAiTKR II Enter the Hern A. .,fui r.appt lis at --kyjr. i onmyvhu' atytd !..oki '!'!: . ai i .ia.4?'! ity.vly; fo!;l-ju ha kri\iuk- ^jt?s (* >> _ . eded lav (hit > out i11 seen Wi ae-i prope! ->y]_? . | .' imiliK, \vti. an .'liaatrii y petcut f.situval -vi( within him wijijii 1 vo cat. i him .Ihvbush life skipt i ;i?!y. like the eiddy irnal?but > . sp't done; yep know. lie love rklyiVlo an r.o tvih part, which \v; solemn, rutin*-u:i. correct, teriiCiea imppsinyr. and h? could do it i otiu'fier as to make self ool :-cious ah nut i.tio at. t cnnvoiittnr.u Who! at home kimnt'inr. became' house mah. In ltd- capacity the or faferl misfortune rff hi*. proiessioii: harper jivertaek him. lit! it on, I.o-oea herself, had w. m sjid jits answertne at the duo? SB m' oa>t o'.ovi! the h,all oakc-wttll iitir. a wonderful double shtiffi sr.?,ppins tits riu-jte . his hood throw hah!.. It's eyes ehec-d; but ail qttli ... sSBm i... - a? 4? l-iei; ne :urnf.;i.nMSonall\ "..jiiiLl he con] not sav. iha.iamc, but that lv woui ascertain O fata: l to come it owr Button, as as'. ; !. he ran against a snap. "Look here. Simmins," she sai decidedly "i wish you'fi come ol the pevrli and lie hiiluae. i tik friend,, looking people about me." " Sorry, Miss," said he non-con snitally' in his besl mariner. "I w; not aware of giviwz offence. it pav.sihlv the result ai my trainir.j m r-s." Sinintins was enjoying iiirnst thoroughly. He Knew just when t put ?he accents :utr! yet avoid in witinrace. It was his n-t shot. The next instant he exploded. Mil Burton had seen' For ; long me h:s world war, 1 chaos. He never did gusto iceov, the integrity of his attitude tawai Miss Button. It wasn't do ire, know: but he rather liked i:. After -upper, Sinim 11.1 mo*i n lactsntiy began the long journey 1 the nearest garage. Burton brought i<> the t amo f.i a small tovcre.d basket and remove the contents, a Pomeranian dog, lift size even for that breed, name Pufikety-Sniwkts. The men -nnv ed the creature in silent discus Burton adoringly fed him si ces ( chicken and then he curle/i up in - mai! fluffy ball and went to slee Burton reclined or. cushions, loo] ir.g .-t might up, still within her ij scrutable silence. Gardiner ws clever enough to realize that this \v; the time for effacement. Grimstea dozed. But now the y>eace of the nigl I was broken by the approach of sonv ! thing metallic and loose. ; Three of the watchers sat up. | "Can't hear any engine," puzzle ! Gardiner; i?d\ed by the iaaemg v Uf ' through thv freest and 1 n ; -'a::*. !?ttv a snail light car . Otinie to a * i. - . E the Bri; ht Shining * S. ! It! o ' it ** j Tiv rhinc ! '-on- was one of; . 1 *b'?-r : . mL -c?*ijpt horm -made thing? ron by which the ] i youthful attempt vain to disguise I * * fill : -tain other- r-.u'i--, - -.. 1 rand of inexpensive > i-, Tbv . ct upaqi^ of this craft were * .hree. The young man :r the wheel. youth, with short, s 'i 'it.?!; ha;! , ami what had hcen a fair * ?e comhievior. dark saddened by much :e ; oxpos-'i =. Behind him. seated atop a , :tr--red pack, was an Irish jo.* : .... for Jam II?y Hiaxrc m thi C&tal HHH I sendfi r.i! t Compai Q.-, $9 ?*> _ vi> u-r\ i\ i una rei | ordinarily good m< <1 j ef ness. Large firms d[ country dread this means to tr.any of tl must curtail their prt l"i cut down their orga I go through a p-riod j - just marking time, v 'e spring huymg to sta hibernating time of h i- Curtailing y-oducti >s shortening of forces. to build a smooth, woi > : tion and such in org I be kept busy. It has t much careful plannin organization. Itisrna people who know < 53 requirements?who k satisfaction of an orde i pi-operly shipped. T >r and doing crowd tho tl when they arc busyS u planned to keep thci this period. Months ago vec tative rear. c. a. turcrs ,f. of high grade nierchar ,,i them: "Make us p >?_ nrodnrts that will rn d; our customers, durir February, prices that 1 petition; prices that '' real savings that it their while to buy at t will give you orders i 1_ j that you can make wl 3S- need business, and w is cash. You can keep id OhtQ 5 fK\ Til I Ki> DA V?BOU N E N C. errier clop. The third occupant was ?izu tains. i4Thns gentleman picked we up, ir." :- iUl he gribly. |*and I conceived is how it Yvoukt be more expeditious dr. to conn; back with him." 'More expeditious! He's going in he other direction'." said Grimsteadi, (Continued NText Week) BEAVER DAM NEWS (Deferred from lost week> Dcavev Dam. Jar. 2.-?The new .car came in : and squally. The hevinorneter stood almost at zero all ;uy Sunday. -As n ghi came ir Vent lower aiod ALoridnv ;ri?ruihffici&tingr. Mi>. Susan Moody continues to roprove. Joe Ellc has moved to the Floyd tavraman place on Cove Creek, Mr. \ again an having moved to Boone. On jDceember 24, George Matthoon was married to Rosa Arrant. On he .30th Dennis Xorris was married c Uia Combs. Mr. J. K Perry, who has been ick for some weeks is new able to K-. out again Av a good w 11 ambassador t xtvaudinui'v. President Cool-dee will aearfy] and ^ / 'f; : Oil i n't | j ?&" f wit e these pi anvtliind / ?? bruary arc not running full >nt{i5 for bust- you would ! all over thy. outlet. Cut period, for it us the best tdm that they customers wi jduetion: must as well as ou rjisatipn; must To many t ivKcn th'ey arc thing they n -airing for the ? irt. It is the ig business. I on means the SPECT/ It takes time t-v-vts king organi-.t- FOR. anisatton must :aken years and Auto SupnlVi ig to build our Babies' Weai dc up of trained Blankets ant >ur customers' "Tei . , Building Sut LT.OW the keen Capets and r nrnmnt-lv ar?H - _ s 1? Vjluna sv.nd hey are an up Glassware it arc happiest ClothiKI?B Months ago we Youths' ai 11 busy during Men s 7 ? Coats and nt to rcprescn- , Cur'tainVanc and producers j| Draperie-. idisc and said to Drugs and rices on your .Sundries, able us to offer Dry Goods, ig January and harm Imp? will defy com- SiSSS??* will offer such Hardware! IS well worth Hats and Ca his time and we Hosiery-, "or merchandise Jewelry, acn your plants Kitchen Uts e will pay you your factories " ho wil. greet him thai. I hi Ui iteti Stares holds no i.uptMi.'iltsti nesigtis in its relationship will, tin uiitries south < ' tht iiio Grande. Didn't Like Mutton A farmer tool; h'.- wile a con vmd aft; . listeninpr with appat it! E I! 1 A T Fsl \Vi?iie in France with the Aineri \rmy I obtained a not.eri Frcnci prescription for the treatment m and Neuritis. I iuiv1 2f '. this tf them it was the one tomcr vnl .Kii eitsAt*." T-. ? ? ? jjajflUtl haver throu \LLY PRICED warm THIS SALE your crcasii Millinery. sale. Musical dollar i Instruments. vours - Notions- for t] jpiics. Paints and j Rugs. Varnishes. t" plumbing \oiii Supplies. ranks o>s* Poultry Supplies. order: id Radio and Air* Fleet no ! from Lqummcnt , Royfins- mcrcl; i Sewing Machines. 1Sl?? Shoes. The Silverware. WItnt Sporting Goods. busy Staves and Sell ... .... , snip * Sweaters and ? -? Gloves. . TfToilet Articles. Pico?? pS roys. checked Trunks and Ba^s. Qj New Underwear. rj New rnsils. Work Clothing. Name Vail Paper Sample Boo\?It (TiluamS CORK CITV .4 J! iA\TAR\ 12, iS2S r? eat joy th>i pair suddi nly became mi tcrested iii one of the i^orapi: "All f|:\vc, like sheep. haw gone astray/* First tic sharp soprano voire cx* claimed: "All v$i| >?kc sbeep"; next > <> deep voice uttered in a most earns. est tone: "Ail ve. like sheep/' Then > all the singers at once asserted: "AU we, like beep." "Vdei!. I don't''' exclaimed the e farmer- to his wife. "1 like beef and n? but I can't bear miitVoii/" For colds, grip and flu take lalotaLs TRADE MARK ASS. i < Relieves the congestion, prevents complications, and hastens recovery II i * ^fcijLisy cs which were ordinarily dull. W cut their prices, amating re- H ms, cven more than we ever ht possible. We, in turn, have g lr own usual small profits and H issing them along to our cus- a? s in tilt savings ill this special SH ry and February. Sale Catalog. SB :c this new catalog (if you Ft a copy, send for it), look SS gh it carefully. Buy now1 the i you will need for the first days of spring. Anticipate wants. This is just like inng your income, for during this .mm you can save a part of every you spend. For clothes for 'B elf and family, for new things ic home, for new things you 11 your shop, 011 your farm, for car or your garage. Join the ? of the thrifty. Send us your HR now. ajBj cady the orders are pouring in ((H customers everywhere. The latidisc is here;the organisation fig !y .'.lie plan is beginning to work. ire. is an old saving that "If you a job v;el) done, take it to a >> ? piiice. A kiz your order now, ws will S w promptly. ,4 m '2*1A lLhs Vv l].l.l-?M STORE'S,Inc. M j'! i Sto'ek ttuilciinc. New York Citv renil me. posrpaid, at tmce, copic. of Catalog brio Jarvuarv anil Februc.rv Special Salt; CyfaloR. Wall Pap?f Sample Book For 1928. is Free. TORES. 7w: u fi w I