i JANUARY 12. 1928 Improved Uniform Internationa! SundaySdiool * LessonT .> (?. 1927. by Western Newspaper L'r.ioo.> Lesson for January 15 JESUS AND SiNNERS I-ESSON n:\T-Mark 2:1-17 GOLDGN TEXT?! cume not to call vhe Dgliteoti.s. i>yt sinners to tejtsntance PlUMMtY TOPIC?-Jeaus Forgive* * sinner. JUNIOR T? H< Ms and ) Forgive*. 1.NTEK.MKDI ATJv AND SI'NlOJJ TOPIC?Jesus Shows His Svmjinthy and Fewer. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC?Jesus' Tower ?o Make Whole. I. Jesus Preaching the Word fvv 1- 2); 1. The surging crowd (v. 1!). Ho great was the crowd gathered fcbout the house where Jesus was stopping, that there was no room' to received them. As soon as it was noised about that Jesus was in the house, the multittides gathered. 2. What Jesus preached unto them (v. 2). lie preached unto them the Word of God. lie always preached the Word before He wrought punicies, for to make known the will of God was His supreme mission. Miracles were not an end in ihemseives, but to authenticate His work. The people came, some to be healed, and some out of curiosity. He gave them that which they needed, regardless of the motive which actuated ;h mid lie got bodily healing plus forgiveness of sin>f ill. Jesus Answering the Scribes (vv. 6-10). 1. Their objections (vv. 0, 7). They asked: (1) Why does Ho thus speak5 (2) Who ran forgive sin; They were entirely right in their reasonings that, only God can forgive dins. Their blunder was in hot per* celyir.g Film to he. God. w> 2. JeshS* answer (vv. S )ut that yc may know Unit the Sort of mat' hath power oil egrih to forgive sins He .saitli to the i-ir-k of U?* nitisy, say unto thee, Ai'.s.i. and mire up thj bed. and go tliy way info thine house.' He was willing that His power in till invisible realm should lie tested oj His power tr. the visible. IV. Jesus Healing the Paralytic (vv 11. 12). 1. His hcniing was ny the direc metliod?speaking the Word tv. 11) Christ's words are enough. With tin command was given the strength t< ) obey. That which Christ command: He gives the sirength to perform. 2. The obedience of the man (v. 12) He immediately arose, took up hi: bed and went forth before them all The poor helpless raau walked awn; with his lied upon his shoulder.' 8, The people were amazed, am glorified God (v. 12). They said. "\V l sever saw it on tills fashion." V. Jesus Eating With Publican and Sinners (vv. 13-17). 1. The call of Levi (v. lt>. Lev was a tax-gatherer under the Roma: government. As Jesus passed by. H commanded Levi to leave his busiues and follow Him. , 2. Jesus dining in Levi's house (t cj it -V-* - - -f-yv'.'i'*'' ! .SWELL ,1 S'MATTER fae ht{E 13 13APOP re C. M. Payne Through Autocaster __=^_ ^ Service ^ ^ : - -NOT1CF. In reply to Charlie Catcher's r.oj tire in last week's paper, saying "I left my home on my own free will/' ! I left it because I was afraid to stay ; there with him. For he kicked and choked me near to death on Sunday before I left. The prints of his fin: gers were on my neck until Friday. My daughter rati screaming and ! crying after Ralph, my oldest son;! told him that. Dad was choking Mamma to death. Ralph came as! soon as he could get there, came in tin* hnncit run from him and as he left the I porch, he shot Ralph in back of the j neck Then jutting another shot at j him, turned on me with pistol to i shoot me. But as it happened there | were no more cartridges in the gun. j So he ran back and got his shotgun, j carat out swearing that "He would "kill Ralph."* I got hold of him and j tried to get him back until Ralph | could get away. He also threatened that if he could not get shut of us! he would burn us out- Three years ago ho shot at Ralph and the shot hit the door Casing and he followed to kill him. I took cartridges from his hand to save Ralph's life. I have my first time to ever make any depts on his credit. I paid my own debts. 1 have been cursed because I paid ray debts. I have been making bed spreads and selling for eleven years and the conveniences of j the home were made by my hands, i MAGGIE CRJTCHER. j j (Adv.)?It. j NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE i Stale of North Carolina, County of Watauga '' y virtue of an execution directedj ti certain action entitled Watauga County Bank, successor to the V'ailr Crucis 13ank; vs. W. H. Shull and Mrs. \Y. H. Shull, I will, on Monday, February *?. 1 'J2S between the hours : of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., at the courti house door of Watauga county, sell J lb the highest bidder for cash to saigfcfy said execution all the right, title and interest which the said defendants have in the following described real estate, io-wit : : Beginning- oh a hickory on the creek bunk in D. C. Harmun's line, ! and runs north 55 degrees east 112 poles to a white oak stump and ash, iinrman's corner; thence north 25 degrees west 3 poles t<> a stake in the road; thence north SO degrees west with road 20 poles to a stake , in the road; thence north 21 degrees j west 72 poles to a stake; thence north 27 degrees west 27 poles to a ? slake in Phillips' line; thence west 20 poles to a cucumber; thence north 21 poles in a chestnut; thence ivest with Phillips* line 20 poles to a chestnut; thence south 25 degrees uw.t wiMi .1 c fI;?q ! to a stake in a branch; thence south 51 degrees east 8 poles to a stake, thence south *20 degrees east with the branch .60 poles to a stake; i thence south GO degrees cast 48 poles to a stake at the mouth of the schoolhousc branch; thnnce north 12 degrees east with Cove Creek 24 I j poles to a stake in the creek; thence i j up the creek 50 poles more or less, l i the begmhirig, containing 57 acres | more or less., except ten acres imr ! media t o'v surrounding and including ?|-the dwelling house, as homestead. t| This Jar.iiarv 10. 1928. l] L. M. P.AHTM1 NQ, Sheriff, Watauga County. \i 15). It seems that l-evi. \vh5ii be found the Savior; invited many of his kj business associates ro eat with him. 1 This gave an opportunity t?> Jesus to come Into roucli wifh Those sin; j hers, 8. The perplexed scribes and jjliarh j sees (v. 16). They asked, *7Iow 5s it v j Uiiit He eaieth and drir.keth with publicans and sirinerxV" j 4. Jesus* reply vouta ;/ THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV AN APPEAL Editor of The Democrat: i have a few words I want to say, to the good people of Three Forks! Association. I am here with an afflicted wife who has not walked m j fifteen years. 1 have spent every- j thing ! have except my little home, j My expenses for medicine and plas-J ters is three dollars every week. T| am up against it. Ii every church in) Three Forks Assoc.ation would help! me a little it would he no more thantheir duty and would sure make the burden lighter for me. I hope our good editor will be kind enough to give space in your valuable paper for these words. GEO. \V. TRIVETT. Vilas: N. C., dan. 6; 1928. CARD OF THANKS From the depths of our hearts we wish to thank each and every one? for their kindness shown us during' the sickness and death of our clear mother and our darling little daughter. Edith. May the Lord bless each and everyone, in their dark hour. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. COLE. r She was only a dairyman's daughter, but she knew her butter and egg men. "Haven't i seen you somewhere?" My pictures have heen in the papers." "What's your name?" "Lydia Pinkham." NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administrator of the e.-iute of J. L. Story, deceased, this k. to notify all per^gns havi?g claim against the estate of the said deceased to present them for i payment within twelve months of [ the date of this notice or the samej will he plead in bar of their recov-t cry Ail persons indebted to said | estate will please make immediate j payment. This December 9, 19,27. I. C STORY. ; 12 ; Administrator. j NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE By v.rtue of the power of sale contained iii ;i certain deed of trust !cutcd <1'' the 17th day ?>' " March, ! 1927, to the undersigned to seeure 1.. II. Holler, I>. K. Hani y and dames Watson against loss by reason of having endorseu a certain note for dohn Johnson to the Watauga Coun-i j t.v Bank and the said dohn Johnson j luivin.ir deiauitocl m the payjuont oi , said notes and the paid L. !l. Holler. | I). E. Hartley ami .lames Watson! having* been required to pay a I mortfraee to me? Fed or*] T-jiuVr Fi ,n\r of Columbia for $500-00. Fiom the above is excepted a $mae.NTLV, J ~r|l"T -+}ISSE.L^ V;?T+j T^A momk'EY EftfX THCKSDAV ?BQONE. N C. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE ! By virtue of an execution direct-* ed to the undersigned sheriff of Wat-J aiiga county from the clerk of the oupor. or court of Watauga county in I that certain action entitled Bank of Mountain City vs. A. W; PhiHij>- andj O. J. Phillips. 1 will on Monday, Feb-1 ruary ?>, 1928, sell to the h gfcest hid-j der for cash to satisfy said execution, j interest and cost all the tight. title! and interest which the said A. W.i PhilLps and O. J. Phillips have in the' following described tracts of land. : rirM tract: Beginning on an oaK on west side of ridge, running east 18 poles to a cucumber; thence north 85 east 17 poles to ;? double \vh*t< oak; thence south 73V? east 20 poles to a stake in a branch; orlhi with said branch S poles to stake ;j thence north 68 west 2 poles to a chestnut; thence north 11 east 16 j poles to a stake; thence north 55 j east 20 )H)les to an oak ^tun:p and' maple; thence north 28 east 25 pole--! to an oak; thence north 7 east w illtop of ridge 28 poles It. a red oak;i thence north 20 east 00 poles to al white oak; thence north oU east with top of r.dge 2 1 poles to a maple; thence west with Hag-am an & Sherrill's line 2) poles to a chestnut. Hagamau and Sh cm; rut's corner; thence west 70 poles It* a beach. Geckl Phillips* corner; thence south 48 east 0 poles to a chestnut (gone) : thence south 17 east 60 poles to a white oak; thence south 70 west 21 poles to a chestnut, George Phillips' line: thence routh 15 east 27 poles to a black gum; thence west 76 poles to a stake in the old back line: thence with the same south G2 poles to the j beginning, contain.ng 71 acres; moi'*| or less. Second Tract: Beginning on aj chestnut tree, Dr. Phillips' corner,! running south CO degrees 10 poles to I a chestnut tree; thence south 14! poles 70 degrees east to a poplar; thence north 2 degrees east 12 poles I to a stake in theaetiwhlkS* ;thejL _ j ?u tl? 'p *im - ?? Luuiuiis une i?? inap'fstump; the nee nort h (it) degrees east i H poles t?> a stake in the branch; j thence north 15 degrees west 9 pi>les at the month of said branch and D.! Woodring's road; t,hence north 28 j decrees west 51 poles to a stake, Dr.; Phillips* old E. J. Masi line; thence' south 24 degrees weirt with said line j 8 poles t:> a stake; thence south 7j degrees west 7 pules to a stake, at, Dr. Phillips' corner, the Bob Mast j and Hagamar. corner; thence south; 72 degrees west with hi? line 131 poles to a hickory; thence south with] his line to the beginning, containing* 10 acres, more or less. ^ J Third Tract: Beginning on a beach j George l'hdiips' corner near a branch! runs north 20 degrees east 22 poles] I to a stake in old line near the John j | Ward chestnut oak; thence north 17} degrees west 72 )?<>!?. < to a sugar ! tree, cornet* to George Phillips; | them e cast 85 poles to a large oak, Ilagaman and Sberrill's corner; thence: south with his line 90 poles to a chestnut to the beginning; coptabling 41 acres, more or loss. 5 Fourth Tract; Beginning on a | black gum, Oscar Phillips' corner* running north lb West 27 poles to a t chestnut; tbenoe south 70 west 5 ! poles to a stake. George Phillips' corner; i he pee north 27 poles to a ' stake; thence north 15 degrees west [ 1 1 poles tu a slake; thence north 35 west 52 poles u> a stake; thence j north 25 west (? poles to a slake; j the nee north 11 poles to a hickory, old corner; thence south with the old grant line lid poles to Oscar J. Phillips' corner; thbncc east 70 poles to to the beginning, containing 30 | acre", more or le^s. Hoiii.sir.,1. Hxceptions I From the above is excepted the '< following lands: First Tract: Beg lining on a eher.t' .cut tree, Dr. J. Phillips', deceased, corner, and ru-ir. i 11h (JO degrees , >> is poles to a chestnut tree; i thence south 7ij degrees east 14 1 poles to a poplar; thence north 17 I degrees cast with L. 14. Harmon's j tine 1 2 poles to a maple stump; ! i hence north 60 degrees east 5 pole? ! io a stake in a small branch; thence ! north 15 degrees west !l poles to a j stake in the branch at the mouth of j :aid branch'; thence north 2s degrees | west 51 poles to a stake in Dr. I'hil' ; us', tiic'i!, line; thence south 24 , degrees west with said line 8 poles | to a stake; thence south 7 degrees west 7 poles to a stake at Dr. Phillips'. dee'd, corner; thence sooth 72 degrees west with his line 13 poles to n hickory three; thence south with sa d Dr. Phillips', dee'd, line and contains 10 acres, more or less. Second tract: Beginning on a slake in front of Robert Greer's residence and runs an easterly course 350 feet to a stake in field above I barn; thence a southeasterly course 350 feet to a stake in corner garden; j thence a southwesterly course 620 , feet to a stake on cast side of public I road about 15 feet from a small i sugar tree sapling; thence a north' westerly course with public road 524 feet to the beginning, and contains I 5 acres, niore or less. ' This January 2. 1923. T? At. FARTHING, Sheriff Watauga County. By I,EE MAST, D. S. f . ^acci3>emt( not+|i I A ' ? I Too i< * ftwjgj c'a^^ul ^ 'M NOTICE 1 By virtue of the power vested in me, the undersigned, as appears in a ^ ret tain mortgage as appears of record in Book Z. page 472, in office ot the Register of Deeds of Watauga county to which reference is made for complete description, executed by D. W. Sale for the purchase money on the real estate hereinafter? described, and the same having matured and yet unpaid as appears on the notes and records. I will on Monday. February 6, 1927, sell at the courthouse door of Watauga county ih > the highest bidder for cash a1, the courthouse door of Wataruga} county, N. C., to satisfy the indebt^j . s secured l-.y a certain mortgage' executed by ,J. B. Baud and wife, j Co) a Baird, to the undersigned, said; i mortgage registered in Hook page | 10, of Mortgages, and to wh'eh rct, uc.ii i- is hereby made for complete : ; description of property to be sold, to pay balance therein provided for of $1512.88 ami for costs. Said farm therein ^escribed being known as the J on i s Greer farm on Cove Creek and bounded by the lands of W. H. Shu!l and others and contains 95 acres, more or less*. Sold subpect to a iicii of $1950 by the Fedeinl hand Bank of Columkia. s. (\ JiHTN' H, MAST, | I -JMt J Mortgagee. T' must be all of twen gave me Syrup Pepsi; For those Fevers, Colds a How time flies. My good mo faithfully relied upon her jud] to roy two children since they medicine and never fails -of its (N?roe and address will be sent upo i ~*S''? '' ~:ir And in the Evei When age comes creeping on muscles weak, digestion poor; is when constipation does its Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin well in the stomach, works : kindly with old folks as to without gripe, pain or other dist t??aied tongue, headache, f fn-'.t ir.vu.-.ry to o*d age Syrup Pe *rbirre -n-j _o!d by all druggists. F;". a frt ~ zrirl bottle send J\+-ssn S*iruy Curnyan\ft ^3 ~^ | Now U || f To 5 *fik jt\J!J'VoL''- ^ i /P -' ' \ hAw^ w< J Si \? Ls^-v^Hr[ r^frl mli S\ I! J^lfb FHE MAN BEHIND rHE GUN? IT'S THE MAN BEHIND the Kin \vho make.- it formidable; and it's -ihe men behind a Bank who make h conservative. la all our bu.ine^.- ansae'ions this- Bank seek- not popularity for itself, but safety for i?. depositors. We seek to be accommodating?we are always courteous?but the maintenance "f ! ervatisni, may v\e he favored with our business and honored by a perpitai call? Bank of Blowing Rock Blowing Rock, N. C. John E. Brown T. E. Bingham Brown & Bingham Attorneys at Law BOONE, N. C. Offices over post office. DR. J. M. GAITHER DENTIST Office ir. Critcr.er Building Over Boone Drug Co. Iff ice Hours: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1.30 p. m. to o:0C p. m. Sundays srtd Night' by Appointment Phone G5 Boone, N. C. - ( DR. J. C. FARTHING DENTIST Offices Over Moretz Furniture Store BOONE, N. C. Sundays ant! Nights b*T Appontvnent. IfBR. ftLFRErirMn L Hie Best L< ^uipment O tain able. 8 ] ? Glasses Fitted Exclusively 9 \ MABTlfe BLOCK, LENU5R KM 6 . If yon got it from 11 LA. Jt'SAM !:?{:i)L 5 I h~ W?TC*i i'Al\LD, V_m D.VJ'MS. I Perils of $ n.?i ii J i tjouuraooa <11! ty years ago that, mother first a nd Bowel Troubles of Childhood Lher has gone to her rest, but I have gment and have given Syrup Pepsin were born. It is certainly a noble purpose. I like to recorrpr.cnd it." >1 request.) ling of Life ii/^R u with bowels relaxed, J?|' md blood thinned, then ^ija : evil work in a night. raft is so palatable, sets so wuk so easily, so gently, so BlHpmEK accomplish its purpose ? ^ CJ>.OT^r) rcis. ror bihoosness, sour at a&c u | even, colds and constipation _ - , ? m. psin is recommended every- Ur.Laktmeux SYRUP name anti address Is yu 1 a I Afonticelto, IlhnoU rtralTl U*,(,?&-P j, \ 1 UCAMTJ/ /Tout ?/?/? ) (JTJiEU? j ( J "T-tjAT I ?. / *4