PACK SIX SB - r ' ' " ? -j&gsgSgi wanavcui^x AA'iifc .'i.Tc, t-tx:u?aB{W>^ mm; SYNOPSIS ;' fiinasUa-i SiH?-;::::;fT'" i'-H..t'; ;' .!.!- .-: .!V. : ...??m':-nsr {fee Calif or:*;:-. retiwoti^V inl ! hi^iinv: *? ' ( '??tX'' nrrH ->v; ;v?rfc?' car. '.v'u-:* v.-u".. : ! the coiupar,;. _ \ R. Gawltner. Gr ".-w- nii in LV KMiny a ai a-. sol,.: ijokiir.: v.,ans >uu; . Si.stciJti-. cisuuf hodse Wa-. of. rHgb:Otl !).;-{ L'iiUsv ?? hi? ultra Ei?i:?t-8>uti(f'r jh?! ? uit: . Hi- -.1!' heir and "-"I, fir 1 v\y i- ?? j y * v-- -- i x, -it. i .ii Mil i . ' **. *. v r> 11 . . v... ! I ri Oil hi '11, 111 .. !>;Hi h.'' | < < "Nit -i jrftfgte ilrOfi." in- r< 8j iiuiif; "I run' <51??we!!. eUctrihSia$l "Klc-itii.ity!" .: i . i il; mislead jjgj| .: ' ' |' ^ ^ W ' v' .' iv.' ! .. . you yC: '.! - r ,i s. .hi , J look UYbu: -m-i -.' u t[. , I < - . hit ' a; i\i -i. .up.-'-.''i i'.iu .naturally ui a i;iv.\ !>?? yj irair.r pi the haml'S; authority "-'But 'eijrow i'ivvh. '.ty-SivAv'.i . aid shut up. h -If yiit. have qu.te finished pun- n isi'hig t.'y dog, \yii5 you jtiiuliy re- t-.ii.". ray property.- '* Bulr'tan asked e eu'uHy, alter W juonient- e "Why, certainly." acquit.-cod the yviing maa- |'i)o you v:i".y ;aej <; j'siirt then ai^nccr thing. happened. J ftu.-tcn opened her mouth, intend. r tag to squelch this upstart, but as : ih r.he looked op straight into hi- laughing eyes something ingenuously ex- r pedant in ;ne ueptas 01 mem caused ' her to say . j ''No'. 1 despise it!" r "L thought you would." responds i ed the youu.: nu;r. in sympathetic -tones. "tVcU. v '*. ' i- the power o; fashion! Hi re, S'mmir.#." he ordered, i "take this nuisance aa;iy somewhat You .;. <: h T to cot a real dog.! ' Here. Ra:-seal Son; you've gSs toj noiopise . the lady. Hirst show 1 her your paws are clean." c Rapscallion e.ctfcided r: right' paw, Keeping the other still rigidly j 1 elevated. Nobody .ouiii huv. re-! . sisied him. Burton did not. "You darling!" she tried, drop-: 1 ping on her kr.ees before him. 1 At'this moment Griinsteadbeen;- j ing tones broke in. j "Young man." said he. "it's ani t imposition. 1 know; but you see howl i we are situated. Could you drive toi i Tecolotc and get us help?" i < "Surely; I'll do anything I can,"j agreed the young mar. heartily. "Myi v name is Davenport. ' S "Grimstead is mine. That's fir.e!; Get them to send a touring car to-j 1 night; and then tomorrow we can make arrangements for repairs. ? f Pfj Stewart Edvt g '( Ilivistrations by I || I . V!? *Vt. ^ TLsIc-Tise'i. Sbs^-_ $|j|| piiBMfc.'aHFXs-*;-**** iiMiiiiinn ;wr,i?iunu P" I'-'ACi:;?"-- .-r^vV !: ?fcK>tt'Utiv;V-' 8?gi isEpM''' ' , i v;S.v. i:i- I ;v":i. hzrd' J oyiihuM/j wouldn't I!.%k< Wi'.bwf iiltd y-v'-i ;t!i vovyi ,-e: Hiu-ooiferUbje.:'' Hui-. V . 'orr iif' - I -"The wind's; dp* KOWfc ami has, . .! ..iv. :;( s* c J ^ '.Vu?a! ! .?: o." -aiik-: vi ' :. . : . v : ' a >!<> ! -' :t . :- :y hiiavy ')jiij. &.iok? '*,?1 iv- itoji.'tisi air : .. ,irf ! tlaBg - ::S .tavi- ;;rs, a pb-nc." :^arr-y' t I " './ - U'' ' . ' :?S)d "iiti'.iiiv for .fight houi; :;nu ::i; mittIfy ii" fivf j'.tr-.- .-itfcer S?y- I ". 'fii not I';*'! yo?: exact... avmy u-hv# wii! falS*. hut it v.jU ( ,. very' . ;iv . ::;iin k.iis : ./nr \- tth 'l.s. up, * hard >r'i-m." !i'r=v. i; dvoijtr&K thins-.; . "Vw. tils:'.- jyt>.i|Kk-a.'thtVrini-tiS..,; .ri:-\ '.And \i .-fib?'a!I> aiv ;.s -;.r, hw, a'' . ink. svupw sft v.hat are .n Ui^rri akir-n!,'vsjv_: c;jjr.f. ruijhir/'Vr". i ll VPTKltf-. "Put Up or Shut Up!*'&c-npu; I.J hi.- vcp. th?y aV&$L>j ;ei?; ,io :ht>' t*no of >.*? sv'h^'fii ;^|nh:*ii*S ouiU a .- Th.? f )m v.-- : r- ^ .-mSSBv* s . r- 7 J-;?., -v" V ' ii>'?mir?:: i-'tf ?i:..i^i!?|?: iV^iiiittr; i.Vlv.s rauuu^T rhoii; i. hisfuas, he explained. .-an; aside ,e fiO'>-lajvai<-v<: -at -'.bid .. a""-, tv c.chair: hire... fur-.; :er. littered arid ?Xyli\'.iKU>Mi - >' iin"1 ft": >" .o-V .vd,( II . C ^ } ;-r?" 'A:i to heaigH .iiavcig e:?vS piste ftf-.oiicr\U4'*t>.ererS a'tiiui. ?gt nicfr cltonce < r r.tir as there h; or*< n?w. Yaw Joust tajfe u.- tor eastern"' re or foo'-C;-.; We ki>rt:'"difi. I don't be ieve I like yr.a anywejg.'; > ' But IT. us-, lay you a. l-u'.e bet U?". it dots aio and thai the redwood vyuadcr alls." Gat.licer's face fiuu.e-i at try off r's tone. Ho made' his dec-is on to ,h??b this upstart a f?vii. "Tli rake you/' he .-.iid so. oicnly. '. ii/idt^tcr thai ! danie i ... bet." 'Ail right" *Vei-v .vol!, tlitii". Tic rh.-u.-artd ioliarr." tMEraSgln utteied a iittic-' cry of i.-i >roadfc G'ii;a\?teae, who had ho eft amusedly. interposed. "Thatdv h&y'pi:d h joKe. beyond a '. . asor/. Ga-d;r.eiN?i i>e objected, lave some sense of "proportion?" "Thar.k you, Mr. Gnmstead. but iou'i bother." Davenporr cut in. "IT ake thar bet. I'll jvug l^et it down n writing and set you to witness it. f you will; so we'll have a little reorc of the transaction.^ "I expect to collect this bet." earned Gardiner, stuns by the sultriest ?o.u of this precaution. "If you win." amended Davenport, "and I expect to collect it. if I win." "Mr. Grim stead can vouch for my oiveney. Where are your guuran THE U.VVAV'GA UK M Of RAT?FA [PTOE P rard White iency Jay Lee Ed.wa.rvi Wajt.e tK^'U. BBaWWMWWM MM ? BBWMMPWgia?IB tdU-'r- '' , ' ' : ' .-r '!. " Qjwjtxpli- vE % : ?3&' A^iYtvEi' mbrikziv: the sravage .to . I - " Vt d. "No: 1% r.> re unf; L'av-.'iii ; :i1 p>cmir.jr. \* a - j: ank:,ta_i??h. - Bel*> it " .-aid he. "I thought "- ' ' 1 :' I hi - spokt Lip Burud*U - :r isvo? ijr. |#0| C:j Time ::r- i0- lv y^ci-'f^LV. kv r.tomi Kf>d kvr. - :.*'vV;vV. T>uivlOii i:.- is? ? . ;i' > ifctit site .. .!?. : yf in- :' ..ui: vi!? . ; .!( ; ! 'V - r.r, .t:.-: :.ot t?> tatcfc ; . ' .gi oSftiri hi'.Vt-iir-; yrurig o' : ' . ill) " : v .-hi..!'.-''- --. in i.i i hint.-fit' iiuik - - nv.j-A y. Th. .: ouii iiacn! ,SiMi t?v u; : tvatcStafj .-ynchruiiiscc.. Day i Siiilti;. cut :>.j ii!o\v p >'- which t hey j .! < ft ' ' .'i sort ot' i-'.. Oji this' r tar. ti-( j Wh.1 ' v? ? < ; ^im-l \r.; - i-.v T i?i' 1 i:ov. a' i . : :k : :: -to> n. .-i;-; :in:i I'd .. p-t Mr. Gardiner utty .iwy '.tgi. v - TiiaitU - Yyiu'ic ir. IV; '< W~?r Ali .in,- . eitlini, Daven.011 .--s? : \y::i!d tvooil in. .. : i- | " iJwt;-:. "I uMr. I-m > 0 lit :! V.Vioi '.v av.-l Wo!iSB ;-or :-?.i Oavciijiort. "s?i?j Buigfcv vm.'!! pscrioTrf irV. iiiV.l .;r,atch; a few IY j .-'hitcv driii- fa all "li.'iy.j art i 1 , v . v..,.'; -my . f us < aVft-i- artt:- : thiiur ! U - trav.'U'i laiSCi *.hrt::!pan-l\' sho! ! r.ii.lSv i a M mk? -aroiiurtl area:* nfcv .'w. ^'ifer* \veHpa> | eltivias ftfeM ?* 5S P?"| Ir. <: :v. 6|r.?te? the ,:>.?? firej was =?v.'ns1. rfWiftbetW rorin. . Iiijs: i - t.- :cir. MBuvUki, I'.rim.-.'j/.v: 'ajragjjjate[iVjjZsta:i tyy up-i itress th' wa;; S!;.' woa'.d ars'-. thii-i uVM iVr woSpp ;v:{s?d. iV: j how ,dh<:. meu c voiS -p in the face i " :hn! r-u-. - ..^ ' JBg||&3l s-.fc?> lay roc some t:r.>e. ' a; -: ? "-! fee k. hi:-- |V?e flicker of! i the h?Uij5; riv car.-. a.-.. Seven!' | t.uiv her ayv? '"Uivf-d in;-, a -nar-'nir. ! and thd . a..:.-.- :-i:rj.t faced.; and ' > with' - "nr. Ul.ted a watch jap.! srr.ccv. at niMjwlavatel). i : i-Fiv- .: taftee.- minutes re; xua nc-d b?n "h ? . oncjusic Wsmm ] V -.hero, chv^u-rt- a i i-SU let : : - .-aor.fe : ':i if; I V'.-'.h of h' n r-'-'f 'C"E'. U! ' J'-.av-:. : ditll ! :-"v. , . . j VNCicr die Mr-tnc :-ti sison i absjulutv . T-Jurtoii j|eama i acuteiy v-or.scl>?^; - ;/ : ho he.-': c? her I paip, the singing 01 feet ealS. By [ holding her^e'f; she con id even | Ig&r faintly the. roar of the sea: an J ; that was over mountain range and fmanv mile.-. She struck nr. ''-S&r match. Onet..vents-two! Some one .-'.irred in the other shelter: arose, and poked the embers of '.he fire to a flame. Burton thought it must he Ross Gardiner. She turned her head im-l patiently. How near the surf sounded! Overhead a tiny twig struck the canvas with a sharp spat. After an I r.r riorva. another: and another. V SiV. i''.'litee>'i t ' "i^i fJSK'Y THURSDAY?BOONE, >!- C. ; Su?li:rf M, now! . .vm moro f>!ain'? n> ht> hcir.i. Ai 1 warn-. drop. .'t?!3*h?Ki &er fpr<-l,oark?rh'--v hei chiex Airy wre sti'rri.rj soft 59 v. !v<-',. Tilt - in nt :ii<- ? :> ua- not Gw! diner. bu:>'?fc>>iyyiinnii. Tin yonig ps ! man ha-j en a >- liow. andBj | . I'ujifet her ny<. ! "Sin' .: / oniiBjr" .-aid in- t-hittrfu:* j ! 'y. "I.i- tc. n; to ' riv-r!" j Ami the: t.kirfo'i i: y la-iiJ c-j j "ii the '"'lit' iy; no' t It * Surf. 1 I . - - . l" r I*. . t -l' lv>. i t i *1 . r f llMKl m w Sh- i-v-f <: to the t\r<: | ;i: the n-i'^iniunt, fflgittjg . irwier the other r-hi-lter. ! On- a man'& asleep h *s hard to ' aviiKiVi ujjti' after ? '< lock." Da( venrrM-l ans.wcired her unipoKe'i wonder. "in-:* -s Vies tcev?! br&gKt up int the ohtu and ;o sensitive to out-J - But they'll awaken} : irkl ': !. ?:h in a few minute*/' <'u?:ht'. n'l you !.< r.wakt n Mr.! ? C>: witness he*> lb.-1 hi-' bel'"* asked.. He probably wouldn't acfcnowl do roBjl few rain," said! I *::v *. \ Ily. VH* a hatuWl . bu Hbor." Th< are e<; than four rmn-j ''.I'-cnj'tci at h?s ? -vn -: \v a. fill. Three-/' sai he mpos i /> . I/ .fe>r/;iner ay?d ? set our watcher! .. /. you re--.- -1L" Oln diai !'" cried V>uv:.. ')>Oirt wo- -y: :.z \viti be hi Vimler 1h(? >be.Ue>*:! . >ti.* ivd uii< iv.-'iiy. ooh- faint reb?"'-s " the i nntr-i: penetrating hi:Y yoi: v again. \\ iH'Si rajn ?*?>n?e6 l . 'i iv t \\ it a is mind !*' c-isi-.: :e-l f>avr-n}Mj? t jV ,-? tu'd \;0 oeerjiai-i a tinjrs t' ontiiiiu'i! Next Week) Aii -.-m young woman \vas| . colding the l>ti> conductor tt.r ti i aii-j im* on hor too. When the battle hail died down he asked hef for hei fare. Single"' he. inquired. "iesl" : *H m' I'm not -urnrisoii." Cni.l iinolnin 1.. . . M.imnj I Delja. While riiimfr with"o htiskv le'ln. -Bhc l>oy. you're too rougii. Quit pulling thct stuff Do 1 iook like ii biuumin' t-avej ilwella'."" j ? The. wsj?.?s of sit: ,is niovicj g contract, ggsfocsg" " "Mere, what's'! tlus",!? demanded! the edi.t?jv o!' the ccmie journal. "What':- what'.'" laitorcil the artist "This no.'- doesn't rtiehjion the f nipper!" . "Doesn't your wiie miss you ivhctn tay ?.H?t i- >*doek in the mornirijr?" "Yes, but as n rale hi; aim is!-i Sciibblitigs jwl PENCIL \>% ni^nh^m >V1THTHE " v3 1 J^oaisc"Jlice. world famr-.:?graphologist:, j ^ "?u positively read year talents, virtues I Jar j-nd fs'sJts in the drawhigs, words and (br what iicts"that you ccr;Lb:c \vhen ":o*t j inVr.OLurht**. j Jsf Send your " scribblings" or signature (ibc | tor Xin'iiysVs- Fnclme tneplourc of J he Mikado i ?=? ; lietri; cu'<_ from a bo% of M:Vado peneik, ?nd \ I ten ceutt- Audreys I^ouise Rice, cFie o: jgi ' EAGLE PENCIL CO., NEW YORK CTTY bf NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ' laving qualified as. administrator 3 of the e.-ir.te 01 J. I.. Story, -.'ecens- bf . d, till.- i.. to notify all per ton? hnv- \Uj .ig claims against the estate of the qji said deceased to present them for 3 payment within twelve months of a the date of this notice or the same jkjj will be plead in bar of their recov-; jy; ery. All persons indebted to said | =1 estate will please make immediate 131 payment. ) This December 9, 1927. J. C. STORY, jit I 2-i!pt Adinin stratoi. ? fj); Thousands of motorists are daily pro\ ing thai ^Slandard '' Motor Oil docs all any good oil 1 i T ~C * ? -? - "* j should rlo^aiul does it better -V VJfiL, _*. SE ' . rp~. ~a~r- ' " jn r-- ?- -a T ^-n ^-~-i ?^.-_ ^ S7 A H C5 A?l> ^^^<>^I,>I\AHW>?I.S Igjgfr ^ ''' Alhlily h> floe: freely, to el inn to meliil I Sltrfnees. h> resist heat. la Itahl its laxly? I these are tfiialilies reftttetl into Stanaarrl Malar Oil through jmtie.nee. lane experienei ami elaborate etjliijitneiil. "STA N D A R D" MOTOR OILl The Measure of Oil Value. ~_z^l jj STANDARD j | I - ? GET A BUMPER BEFORE YOU'RE BUMPED ' i BuiYipers av ' not; cxfu?ni-:-?'e 't?u^C:u. might he ;co$tiv if- you:" car *s without J.iiem. For repair work oi all franc??. your car t.o;ffii We.wii! do a FIRST-CLASS .job at moderate priced \Ye j?et rid of your CARBQN rROUBL'fcS in a hurryi LET US CARE FOR YOUR CAR sm w.r.winkler m ipgy & COMPANY gjg*fe| BOONE. NORTH CAROLINA Isr^prjc-jiJ^jr_^ferjbi u^ii^n!brjfej teil.-d nfeikiTtL' u;qr S u i^n^f fei;p_n] t^J lis i # . !HB ! Artistic-Beautiful | While you are building?it might as well jjp | be the beautiful arid the artistic, especially jnj= ; if it c.osts no more. This is equally true, (E^ j even though it be only repairs and improve- Hi ) ments to the home place. . SB America has passed the era of building ; "just abodes.' America has caught a bit of iHjjj the old world spirit of making-its homes an |p i! artistic place in which to live?or, a place =p = pleasing to the eye as well as comfortable. |? No matter what you want to build or re- jp I pair, nor no matter what materials you may | need, we can supply them at a price as low jp | as can be found anywhere. H Give us a trial. j Watauga Lumber Co. 1 i . ^ "Everything to Build a House? 1 Cellar to Chimney" a|