FEBRUARY 1G. 1928 Copeland Boosts Smith in Charlotte Speech, Says New York Governor Staaa, for] 18th Amendment and Places O^tH . v Above Religious Power (aliarlotte, Feb. XI.-?A1 Smith! steads, for the IStli amendment arid j would place his oath of office above] any religious power, asserted Senator Royal S. Copeland of New York [ in an address here tonight advocat-1 ing the New York governor for the Democratic nomination for president. "Governor Smith is as much a believer in the eighteenth amendment as .Mr. Coolidge and I can assure you he won't appoint any big brewer in bis cabinet if nominated and elected." declared the senator. "Everybody knows the eighteenth! amendment is in the constitution to stay," he continued, "and it prohibits the sale of intoxicating drinks or hevcrages.'' With the exclamation that he could remain calm in discussing any question except when Smith was ?3 .. u:e:- .. if viv'igt-'" as > iiuiiitlgr 01 ilie COUSW7 tution. Mr. Copelar.d declared that the state police officers in New York arc doing more to enforce the Vol, stead act than Federal agents, there. J A Explaining- that the New York state prohibition law was repealed by a Republican legislature, the speaker said Governor Smith had threatened to fire any state officer who neglected to enforce the Volstead act. "Smith stands for enforcement of the Volstead act as it is, 'but be says 'how much better it would be if we could hove scientists and doctors terming what is an intoxicating beverage. whether it is two, three or five per cent, and then allow the various states to determine what per j cent they shall permit the sale of as long as it conies within the law of the content fixed by congress.' = Turning to the so-called religious ~r issue. Senator Copeiana said: "If Governor Smith were speaking to! you here tonight the words of Judge' Gaston, North Carolina jurist, v. hcuj he was speaking in the state legislature against a bill debarring Catholics from office could no better _ picture his beliefs." Speaking at a luncheon given in | his honor earlier in the day, Senator! y. Copelaml said relief of western | ,j farmers is essential to the prosperity \> of North Carolina. New York ami p ail the rest of the country. Touching ^ upon the taxation problem of the nation, the speaker asserted that the! United States is suffering with an' ^ iinlinlnnror! nr/vcmn-it'. something must be done to remedy the situation. Fully 100 persons, the group ilt- f] eluding bankers, merchants, phy- j sic t uns, political leaders and others [] heard Senator Copelan-.l speak, at the. e luncheon in his honor, and the Mecklenburg county courthouse was ,] filled for the political address in (j the evening. \i Dwelling upon his theme of "un- - ., balanced prosperity," the speaker 5, said that the whole national structure was affected, declaring that while manufacturers must depend upon the farms as a market for a large hullc of their goods, farmers are not in a position to buy. The great industrial centers of n New York, Cincinnati, Cleveland, e Detroit, Pittsburgh and other sections including the textile area of g the Carolines an- vitally affected by e the condition of the western farm- ; ers, he said. Farmers of this see- \ tion who produce raw products for a the mills, tobacco and other comnio- ? dities that find a market in the west _ should fir.u ground for concern over I ~ western conditions, he added. xuiumg i" ui/.c^, 'Luc vi^tuu ww-1 mated that, fully a ninth of the in- j come of people of tiic nation wast paid out in taxes and declared it| was time something was done. Mis; known as the Diamond Queen who is accompanying Charles A. Lcvmc as a nassenKcr on a tion-s:o,r .light to Havana, Cuba?in the famous? monoplane "Columbia." LOST OR STRAYED On Friday before Christmas, a small bine speckled Beagle hound Gyp. She has deep red eai-s and large black spots on her sides. Liberal reword for h?r return or information leading to her recovery. Dana W. SALE, Boone, N. C. 2t i v . . Boys Still Send * 5 ' 'ol* With the Churches Announcements and News of Interest to Local Church Goers &s Prepared by the Various Pastors. ADVENT CHRISTIAN Sunday school at 11) o'clock, loruing service at 11 o'clock, conuctcd by Rev. S. E. Uragg. Loyal Workers' meeting at t>:30 p. in. 'rayei meeting; Tuesday night, at re church. Choir practice Tlusrsay night. Everyone cordially ir.vit.od to ati . < i? :nil any or ail oi mere .-ervices. BOONE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school 1(1 a. m., W. I\. rage, superintendent. Preaching at i a. 111. by the pastor, Rev I'. A. Licks, who will he absent at the vetting hour. At that time a musill program will be given under the irection of '.Prof. Wright. H. Y. P. !.'s, 0:15. Mid-week prayer service i'ednesdav T p. 111. You are cordilly invited to attend ail these cos. CALENDAR OF LUTHERAN SERVICES Rev. ,r. A. FOUNT. Pastor. ST. MARKS LUTHERAN Bailey's Camp loath at 11 a. m. Sunday school very Sunday at 10 a. m. GRACE LUTHERAN, BOONE ervices the 2nd and 4th Sundays w< aeh month at. 11 a. m. Sunday chool every Sunday at Grip ai m. 'espers on the 1st and 3rd Sundays t 7:30 p. rn. Services held jn the Ipiseopal church on Main street, op ??? WE FILL PR WITJH . . Filling prescription ant part of our basin ]? is just as necess i . * -? .?t* pharmacist as a skill LET US BE Y( m hoi jr&sdrug c jut !ii Business i Boone, Nc THE? W*ATAHGA DEMOCRAT?B' Valentines - positc Daniel Boone Hotel. HOLY COMMUNION CHURCH Fourteen miles west of Boone, known as Clark's Creek.. Services on the .".rci Sunday of each month at n a. rn. Sunday school every Sunday j at 0:4-> a. ni. BANNER ELK Services in (he <-hapel near town I on The 4th Suiuiav of each month t . .. | at .s t>. n\. it. all tilesc services tvt- cordially inyit": the public. BOONE METHODIST CLAUDE H. MOSE.lt, Pastor Sunday school Sunday morning ;.t ;> :-l 5. .?. D. Rankin, superintenduit; Prof. A. M. Norton, teacher Comrades' Bible Class; E. NT. Ilahn, teacher Moil's B.ble class; Mrs. J. L. Winkler, ihachfer Women's Bible lias;;; 11. Steele, church lay leader; II. C. Earthing, chnirmnrv board of stewards. 11> o'clock: Sermon by the pastor. . j Subject, "Tile Conquering Christ." This is the beginning of a series of two seriaoms on the subject of missions. o:tf? o'clock; The Senior League \v ill meet. 7: o'clock; Sermon by Rev. Seymour Taylor, presiding elder of the North Wilkesboro district. Subject, "Missions." Immediately following this sermon the second quarterly conference of the year will be held, i The entire membership of the church is urged to lie present at both these sot-vices Sunday. . Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock! Mid-week prayer service wjli he ; held At 7:10, choir practice. ! We welcome the stranger at our I door. ro/^nm'rr^Ti.Tn x?3uiur i [ CARE as is the most importess. ary to have a reliable ful physician. )IT R DSDGGISTS )GES ;m OMPANY JsP, or Your Health irth Carolina /f% VERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. By Albert T. Reui m WmjJ / pif^^!&"&.- i I / Zf **r4r ! . j j | I -. . - - __ | J : I ""'~ ~ i - ? i r| S^'" I if ' r -?>? ! | At>rogA ft^ j [ I NASH ROADSTER?A-l shape, for \ sale or will trade for fat cows. 11 Box GL-. Blowing Rock, N. C. GOOD TEAM OF HORSES AND A j pair of three-year-old mules, well j | broken. Weight 000 to 1000 each. : Would sell either team. If in teres- , ted see E. F. Greene, Sands, X- C. ! 2-10-41 $7.00 A DAY?$25.00 A WEEK? >-duy week. Run a McNoss Store I ?>n Wheels in country. Earn as ] much or better than $7.00 daily? ; year around work-no boss?no experience necessnrv. Must Itnvo ear ivid furnish references. Write fog ay. Furst & Thomas, Dept. .!. L-.2, Free port, Til. 2 Notice t Consun l SsSSsllIfri'' Ii?iSw5ssl I j In June, I 92 of Boone, passei I rents should be* preceding mont office of the cle ! each month. Si Water Superint< these collections This ordinal patrons of the v are behind with pel led to have t I1 The Water J Peoples Bank & one, from the fi water rents: or t II All who arc given until Mart will be discontir and worry. We confidei fully comply wi FIVE GIFTS FOR LADIES DURING FEBRUARY aHaBnBBHBBHnOHDMHM To every lady entering our store and trading as much as on dollar, during the month of F ebruarv. we wi I crivp akcnlnfAUr fvoo o 11 ^ , - - ? - x x v_-v^ a valuable article from our line. The gifts will not be shoddy but REAL GIFTS. Will C. Walker, Jeweler SiiSiiMiiSmWSra ^ H jComing | lini Spring is soon coming with is opn3 n?vf?n,'h^ ?? 1 L : ?3 ^ lumuii-o i vji ICIICWCU U US 11 less ac- j^Eg IE tivities and expansion. It is time to feE begin to plan for your farming, repairing and building. ^ We solicit your inquiries for what you need to repair or build. Our HE stock is clean, complete and of good quality. =LTlJ gjKl -ihi We appreciate your trade, and will gS give you good service. qP ^ W7 ll | Watauga Lumber Co. | ^ "Everything to Build a House - jfP ||j Cellar to Chimney" ij| ^ 11/^4 ll u water iers.... \1, the Board of Aldermen for the Town d an ordinance that all water and sewer :ome due the first of each month for the h, and that the same shall be paid at the rk to the board on or before the tenth of ince that time the board has appointed a sndent and charged him with the duty of nee lias not been adhered to by ail the fater works, there being quite a few who their rents. Therefore, the board is comhe ordinance enforced. g Superintendent will be at bis office in the ; Trust Company building, or have some rst to the tenth of each month to receive hey may be mailed to him by the patrons. : due water and sewer rents are hereby :h 1, 1 928, to settle; otherwise the service med, and a re-connection will cost money itly trust that all the people will cheerith this. W. R. GRAGG, Mayor.